Affinity Service Manual Rev005 PDF

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Artwork and Signature File for: 9-500-0255 MANUAL, AFFINITY SERVICE

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Service Manual for Affinity Series Mammography Systems Part Pa rt Number 9-500-0255 Revision 005


Service Manual

Table of Contents List of Figures .............. ............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ......................... ......... -vii List of o f Tables .............. .............................. ................................ .............................. ............................. ................................ ............................ ........... -ix Preface ............... ............................... ............................... ............................. ............................. ................................ ................................ .................. ... P-xi 1.0 Using the Service Manual ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... ................ .... P-xi 1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ............. .. P-xii 2.0 Acronym List ......................... ..................................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ....................... .......... P-xii

Chapter 1: Genera Generall Information ............. ........................... .............................. ............................... ..............................1-1 ...............1-1 1.0 Introduction ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ............... .. 1-1 1.1 Intended Uses ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ................. ..... 1-1 1.2 Required Tools and Equipment ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ............... .... 1-2 2.0 Safety ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........... 1-2 2.1 Electrical Safety ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .............. .. 1-2 2.2 Interlocks ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ........... 1-3 2.3 Mechanical Safety ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ..................... .......... 1-3 2.4 Radiation Safety ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .............. .. 1-4 3.0 Unit Description ......................... ................................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... .......................... ................... ...... 1-5 3.1 Gantry and C-Arm ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .......... 1-5 3.2 Control Panel ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ .................. ...... 1-7 4.0 Compliance Data ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ................... ....... 1-8 4.1 Compliance Statement ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .............. .. 1-8 4.1.1 Remote Indication of the Ready State ............................... .......................................... ........................ ......................... ................. ..... 1-8 4.2 Certifiable Components ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ................. ..... 1-9 4.3 Location of Labels ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .................. ...... 1-10

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Chapter 2: System Installation .............. .............................. .............................. ............................ .............................. .................. 2 2-1 -1 1.0 Room Planning ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .......................2-1 ...........2-1 2.0 Unpacking Instructions ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .......................2-2 ...........2-2 2.1 Receiving Instructions ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .................2-2 .....2-2 2.2 Un-Crating the Unit ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................2-2 ........2-2 3.0 Unit Installation ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .......................2-4 ...........2-4 3.1 Input Power Configuration ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .......................2-4 ...........2-4 3.2 Power Cable Connection ........................ ................................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ..............2-5 .2-5 3.3 Remote X-ray ON/Power ON Light Connection C onnection ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ..............2-6 ..2-6 3.4 Control Panel Installation ........................ ................................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .........................2-6 .............2-6 3.4.1 Control Panel to Gantry Installation ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............2-6 ....2-6 3.4.2 Control Panel Remote Location Installation ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ...............2-7 ....2-7 3.5 Securing Unit in Position ...................... .................................. ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .................2-8 .....2-8 3.6 Installing the Unit Accessories ........................ ................................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ...................2-8 ......2-8 3.6.1 Exposure Footswitch ......................... ................................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .........................2-8 .............2-8 3.6.2 Dual Function Footswitch(es) ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .............2-9 .2-9 3.6.3 Connecting C onnecting Film Labeling Devices ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............2-10 ...2-10 3.7 Initial Start Up Procedures ......................... ..................................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .....................2-10 .........2-10 3.7.1 Remote X-ray ON Light Configuration ........................ ................................... ........................ ......................... .....................2-10 .........2-10 3.7.2 Initial Power Up ......................... .................................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .................2-11 ....2-11 3.7.3 Setting Operational Parameters ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...................2-11 ........2-11 3.8 Final Operational Setup ........... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ............2-11 ..2-11 3.8.1 Installing the Radiation Shield ........................ .................................... ....................... ........................ ......................... .....................2-12 .........2-12

Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Checks /Setting Defaults ............. ........................... ............................ ...................... ........ 3-1 1.0 Controls and Indicators ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ........................3-1 ...........3-1 2.0 System Power Up ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ...................3-2 ......3-2 2.1 Pre-Power Up Checks ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .................3-2 .....3-2 2.2 Power Up Sequence ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................3-2 ........3-2 2.3 Post Power-Up Checks ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ..................3-3 .....3-3 3.0 The Affinity Series Control Panel ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................3-8 ..........3-8 3.1 Control Panel Screens ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ..................3-9 .....3-9 4.0 Setting User Defaults ......................... ..................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................3-13 ..........3-13 5.0 Setting Exposure Technique Defaults ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... .........................3-13 ............3-13


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Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks .............. .............................. ............................... ................. 4-1 1.0 Introduction ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ............... .. 4-1 2.0 Calibration Procedures ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ..................... .......... 4-1 2.1 Entering Calibration Mode ......................... ...................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ....................... .................... .......... 4-2 3.0 Compression C ompression System Calibration Procedures ........... ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ............... .... 4-7 3.1 Compression Force Calibration ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ................. ..... 4-7 3.2 Compression Thickness Calibration ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................... .......... 4-8 4.0 Exposure System Calibration ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .............. .. 4-9 4.1 Tube Voltage Calibration ......................... ................................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ............. 4-9 4.2 Check mA Calibration ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ............. .. 4-11 4.3 Filament Current (mA) Calibration ........................ ..................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ..................... ......... 4-11 4.4 Backup Timer Test ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ................... ........ 4-15 5.0 Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration ....................... ................................... ........................ ....................... ................... ........ 4-16 5.1 AEC Detector Gain Calibration ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ............. .. 4-17 5.2 AEC Detect Board—R1 Adjustment ............. ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ................. ..... 4-18 5.3 Initial Calibration—Large Focal Spot (Mo) ........................ ................................... ........................ ......................... ..................... ......... 4-18 5.4 kV Tracking—Large Focal Spot S pot (Mo) ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .................. ...... 4-19 5.5 Initial Calibration—Large Focal Spot (Rh) ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........... 4-20 5.6 kV Tracking—Large Focal Spot S pot (Rh) ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ................. ..... 4-21 5.7 Starting AEC Values—Large Focal Spot ........................ .................................... ...................... ....................... ......................... ............... ... 4-21 5.8 Performance Test—Large Focal Spot (Mo) ...................... .................................. ........................ ......................... ....................... .......... 4-21 5.9 Performance Test—Large Focal Spot (Rh) ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........... 4-22 5.10 Initial Calibration—Small Focal Spot (Mo) ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... .................. ...... 4-23 5.11 kV Tracking - Small Focal Spot (Mo) ......................... ...................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ............... ... 4-24 5.12 Initial Calibration—Small Focal Spot (Rh) ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... .................. ...... 4-24 5.13 Starting AEC Values V alues - Small Focal Spo Spott ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ............ 4-25 5.14 Performance Test - Small Spot (Mo) ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ................. ..... 4-25 5.15 Performance Test - Small Spot (Rh) ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... .................. ........ 4-26 5.16 HTC Factor (Offset) Calibration ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........... 4-27 5.17 Large Bucky (24 x 30 cm) Factor Calibration ........................ ................................... ....................... ......................... ................ ... 4-27 5.18 Compression Thickness Threshold Adjustment ........................ .................................... ........................ ...................... ............ .. 4-28 5.19 C-arm Safety Function Check ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ............. .. 4-31 6.0 Performance Checks ......................... ................................... ...................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ............ 4-32 6.1 Half-Value Layer ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ........... 4-32 6.2 Reproducibility and Linearity in Manual Mode ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ............ 4-35 6.3 Reproducibility in Auto-Time Mode .......... ...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ................... ........ 4-36 6.4 Reproducibility in Auto-kV Mode ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........... 4-36 6.5 Reproducibility in Auto-Filter Mode ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .................. ...... 4-36 6.6 Bucky Device Performance Check ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ...................... ......... 4-40 6.7 AEC Limits Performance Check ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........................ ............... .. 4-40 6.8 System Level Functional Check ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ............... ... 4-41 6.9 Optical Density (Users Preference) Verification ........................ .................................... ......................... ....................... ............ .. 4-41 6.10 IRSD Leakage Check ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ............ 4-41 6.11 X-ray Tubehead Leakage Check Ch eck ......................... .................................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........... 4-42

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7.0 X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures ............ ........................ ....................... ....................... .....................4-44 .........4-44 7.1 X-ray Beam Alignment Template ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .........................4-44 ............4-44 7.2 Exposing and Viewing the X-ray Field ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................4-45 .....4-45 7.3 Aperture Adjustment Procedures ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................4-46 ............4-46 7.4 Auto Aperture Alignment ........................ ................................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .......................4-47 ...........4-47 7.4.1 Align the 24 x 30 cm Large Focal Spot ........................ .................................. ....................... ......................... .....................4-47 .........4-47 7.4.2 Align the 18 x 24 cm Large Focal Spot ........................ .................................. ....................... ......................... .....................4-48 .........4-48 7.5 Magnification Full Field (18 x 24 cm) Aperture Alignment (SM FS) ........... ....................... ......................4-50 ..........4-50 7.6 10 cm Coned-down Contact Aperture Alignment (LG FS) ........................ .................................... .......................4-50 ...........4-50 7.7 7.5 cm Spot Contact Aperture Alignment (LG FS) ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................4-51 ............4-51 7.8 7.5 cm Spot Magnification Aperture Alignment (SM FS) ......................... ..................................... ........................4-51 ............4-51 7.9 X-ray Field Alignment Verification ........................ ..................................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .....................4-51 .........4-51 7.10 Light Field Alignment Check and Adjustment ...................... .................................. ........................ ........................ .................4-51 .....4-51 7.11 Light Field Edge Contrast Check ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................4-53 ............4-53 7.12 Light Field Illuminance C Check heck ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................4-55 ............4-55 8.0 Mechanical Adjustments ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................4-56 .....4-56 8.1 Compression Chain C hain Tension Adjustment A djustment ...................... .................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............4-56 ...4-56 8.2 Compression Co mpression Display Potentiometer Adjustment ....................... ................................... ........................ ....................... .............4-57 ..4-57 8.3 Compression Co mpression Force Load Cell Setting ...................... .................................. ........................ ........................ ....................... ...................4-57 ........4-57 8.4 C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board Calibration/Vertical Drive Force Load Cell Setting ..4-58 9.0 Maintenance Procedures ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................4-59 .....4-59 9.1 kV Control Offset Calibration ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................4-59 .....4-59

Chapter 5: Maintenance—General ............. ............................ .............................. .............................. ......................... .......... 5-1 1.0 Introduction ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ...............5-1 ..5-1 2.0 Preventive Maintenance ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................5-1 ..........5-1 3.0 Troubleshooting ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... .....................5-2 ........5-2 3.1 Theory of Operation Overview ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............5-2 ....5-2 3.1.1 Operator Control Panel ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... .....................5-2 ..........5-2 3.1.2 Power Distribution ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... .................5-3 .....5-3 3.1.3 System Control ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .......................5-3 ...........5-3 3.1.4 Tubehead Functions ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ..............5-4 ....5-4 3.1.5 X-ray Tube Control ...................... ................................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ........................ ..................5-4 ......5-4 3.1.6 Functions ......................... ............. ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................5-5 ........5-5 3.1.7 Mechanical Exposure Control ........................ ............ ....................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ...................5-6 .......5-6 3.1.8 Automatic Exposure Control ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............5-7 ....5-7 3.2 Alert Codes Log ...................... .................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ...................5-8 .......5-8 3.3 System Data Retrieval ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... ...............5-10 ...5-10 3.3.1 Downloading Alert A lert Codes Log ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ..................5-11 ......5-11 3.3.2 Downloading Calibration Data ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...................5-11 ........5-11 3.3.3 Uploading Calibration Data ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... .............5-12 ..5-12


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Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures ............ .......................... ................. ... 6-1 1.0 Introduction ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ...............6-1 ..6-1 2.0 Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... .........................6-1 .............6-1 2.1 Removing Covers and Panels From the Gantry ......................... ..................................... ....................... ....................... .................6-3 .....6-3 2.1.1 Left and Right Side Panels ........................ .................................. ........................ ......................... ....................... ........................ ..................6-4 ......6-4 2.1.2 Upper Rear Gantry Panel ......................... ..................................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .................6-4 .....6-4 2.1.3 Rear Connector Panel ......................... ...................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................6-5 ........6-5 2.1.4 Lower Rear Panel/Power Distribution Assembly ........... ....................... ........................ ....................... .....................6-5 ..........6-5 2.2 Gantry Cover Components ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ........................6-6 ...........6-6 2.2.1 C-arm C -arm Angle Display Boards ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .............6-6 .6-6 2.2.2 Emergency Off Switches ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................6-7 ..........6-7 2.3 Control Panel Components ........................ .................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................... .......................6-8 ..........6-8 2.3.1 Display Microprocessor Board ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................6-9 ........6-9 2.3.2 LCD Display ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................6-9 ............6-9 2.4 Left-Side Gantry Components ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................6-10 .....6-10 2.4.1 High Voltage Generator Assembly ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... .............6-10 ..6-10 2.4.2 Power Control Board ........................ ................................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .......................6-16 ...........6-16 2.4.3 Auxiliary Power P ower Distribution Board ........... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... .........................6-16 ............6-16 Right-Side Gantry Components ............ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .........................6-17 ............6-17 Host Microprocessor Board ........................ ...................... .................................. ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ...............6-17 ...6-17 2.5.2 Firmware Replacement ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ..................6-18 .....6-18 2.5.3 Communications C ommunications Interface Board ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................6-18 .....6-18 2.5.4 Low Voltage Power Supply ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................6-19 ............6-19 2.5.5 C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .........................6-19 ............6-19 2.6 Internal Gantry Components ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ...................6-20 ........6-20 2.6.1 Main Circuit Breaker ......................... ...................................... ......................... ....................... ........................ ......................... .....................6-20 .........6-20 2.6.2 The C-arm Angle Detent Microswitch ...................... .................................. ........................ ........................ .......................6-21 ...........6-21 2.6.3 The C-arm Rotation Potentiometer ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............6-22 ...6-22 2.6.4 The C-arm Vertical Drive Actuator ........................ .................................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ................6-23 ....6-23 3.0 C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... .......................6-26 ...........6-26 3.1 C-Arm Frame Components ........................ .................................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... .....................6-29 .........6-29 3.1.1 Patient Face Shield Installation and Removal ....................... ................................... ......................... .......................6-29 ..........6-29 3.1.2 Filament C-arm Frame CoversBoard ........................ ............ ....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ........................ .......................6-30 ...........6-30 3.1.3 Protection ........................ ............ ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ...............6-32 ...6-32 3.1.4 3-Position Switch Board ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ..................6-33 ......6-33 3.1.5 7-Position Switch Board ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ..................6-33 ......6-33 3.1.6 C-arm Switch Interface Board ......................... ..................................... ....................... ........................ ......................... .....................6-34 .........6-34 3.1.7 C-arm Accessory Detect Board ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ...................6-34 ........6-34 3.2 Tubehead Components ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ................6-35 ...6-35 3.2.1 Tubehead Covers ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ...............6-35 ...6-35 3.2.2 X-ray Tube ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .........................6-36 ............6-36 3.2.3 Tubehead Control Board ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... .................6-38 .....6-38 3.2.4 C-Arm Cooling Fan ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............6-40 ...6-40 3.2.5 Beam Limiting Assembly ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ..................6-41 ......6-41 3.2.6 Aperture Detect Board ........................ .................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ...................6-41 ........6-41 3.2.7 Filter Shifter Assembly ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .....................6-42 .........6-42 3.2.8 Light Field Lamp Assembly with Fan ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ .......................6-43 ...........6-43 3.2.9 Light Field Lamp Assembly— Assembly—Lamp Replacement .......... ....................... ......................... ......................... .................6-44 ....6-44 3.2.10 Light Field Lamp Assembly— Assembly—Fan Replacement ......................... ...................................... ......................... ...............6-44 ...6-44 3.2.11 Motorized Mirror Assembly ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .......................6-45 ...........6-45 P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual

3.3 Compression Assembly ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ............... ... 6-46 3.3.1 Compression C ompression Device Covers ...................... .................................. ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .............. .. 6-46 3.3.2 Compression Motor & Brake Assembly ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ................. ..... 6-46 3.3.3 Compression Clutch & Clutch Brake Assembly ........................ .................................... ....................... ................... ........ 6-48 3.3.4 Compression / AEC Position Display Boards ......................... ..................................... ........................ ...................... .......... 6-50 3.3.5 Compression Tray Sensor Board ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ .................. ...... 6-50 3.3.6 Compression Thickness Potentiometer ......................... ..................................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ......... 6-51 3.4 IRSD Components ........................ .................................... ......................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ..................... ........ 6-54 3.4.1 Image Receptor Support Device Covers Co vers ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ .................. ...... 6-54 3.4.2 AEC A EC Detector Assembly ........... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ................. ..... 6-55 3.4.3 AEC Position Detect Board ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ............. 6-56 3.4.4 Accessory Detect Board ...................... .................................. ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ................... ........ 6-57 3.4.5 AEC Position Compression C ompression Display Microprocessor Board ................. ............................. ..................... ......... 6-57

Chapter 7: Parts List ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................. ............................... ..................... ..... 7-1 1.0 Instructions ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ................ .... 7-1 1.1 The Replacement Parts Lists ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ....................... ........... 7-1

Appendix A: Specifications ............. ............................. ............................... ............................. ............................. ......................A-1 .......A-1 1.0 System Specifications ......................... ................................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... .........................A-1 ............A-1 1.1 Electrical Input Specifications ........................ ............ ....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ..................A-1 .....A-1 1.2 Unit Measurements ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................A-1 .......A-1 1.3 Operating Environment ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ................A ...A-2 -2 1.4 Storage Environment ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ...................A-2 .......A-2 1.5 C-arm Specifications ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................A-3 .......A-3 1.6 Compression Specifications ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ...................... ...................... .......................A-3 ...........A-3 1.7 Compression Paddles ......................... ..................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ..................A-4 ......A-4 1.8 Apertures ......................... ..................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................A-5 ............A-5 1.9 Magnification ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... .................A-5 ....A-5 1.10 Image Receptor Support Device ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................A-6 ............A-6 1.11 C-arm Functions ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................A-6 ............A-6 1.12 X-ray Source, Filtration and Collimation ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................A-6 ............A-6 1.13 High Voltage Generator Specification (in compliance with IEC 601-2-7) .......................A-8 .......................A-8 1.14 Image Receptors ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ .....................A-10 ........A-10 1.15 Automatic Exposure Control Specifications ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ..................A-10 ......A-10 1.16 Modes of Operation ........................ .................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ................A ....A-11 -11 2.0 Room Requirements ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................A-12 ...........A-12

Appendix B: Technical Techn ical References ............... ............................. ............................ ............................. ..........................B-1 ...........B-1 1.0 Introduction ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ..........................B-1 ................B-1 2.0 Test Points ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ .......................... ................... ..... B-1 3.0 LED Indicators ........................ .................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ..........B-6 B-6 4.0 Image Receptor Detect Board— Board—Sensor Combinations ....................... ................................... ......................... .........................B-8 ............B-8 5.0 Fuses ........................ .................................. ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ..........................B-9 .............B-9 6.0 Jumpers ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ................... ........ B-11


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Service Manual List of Figures

List of Figu F igures res Figure 1-1 The Affinity System ........................ ................................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ...................1-1 .......1-1 Figure 1-2 Affinity Gantry and C-Arm ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................1-6 ........1-6 Figure 1-3 Affinity Series Control Panel ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................1-7 .....1-7 Figure 1-4 Compliance Label Locations.................................. Locations.............................................. ........................ ........................ ......................... .................1-10 ....1-10 Figure 2-1 Example Room Layout ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .........................2-1 .............2-1 Figure 2-2 Un-Crating the Gantry ...................... .................................. ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............2-2 ....2-2 Figure 2-3 Isolation Transformer Taps........... Taps ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... .....................2-5 ..........2-5 Figure 2-4 User Lamp (X-ray ON/Power ON) Connections ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ .............2-6 .2-6 Figure 2-5 Remote Control Panel Installation.............................. Installation.......................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............2-7 ....2-7 Figure 2-6 Rear Connector Panel (Shroud removed) and Lower Rear Panel Connections.......... Connections ...............2-8 .....2-8 Figure 2-7 Connecting a Footswitch ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................2-9 ........2-9 Figure 2-8 Installing the Radiation Shield......................... Shield...................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .......................2-12 ..........2-12 Figure 3-1 Affinity Controls and Indicators...................... Indicators................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ..............3-1 ..3-1 Figure 3-2 The C-arm Controls ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .................3-3 .....3-3 Figure 3-3 Dual Function Footswitch.............................. Footswitch.......................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ..............3-5 ..3-5 Figure 3-4 Emergency OFF ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ....................... .......................3-6 ...........3-6 Figure 3-5 The Tubehead Controls........................ Controls................................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .........................3-7 .............3-7 Figure 3-6 The Affinity Series Control Panel.......................... Panel...................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... .....................3-8 ..........3-8 Figure 3-7 The Run Mode Screen ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .........................3-9 .............3-9 Figure 3-8 The User Default Screen ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ........................3-9 ...........3-9 Figure 3-9 The Exposure Default Screen ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... .............3-10 ..3-10 Figure 3-10 The Calibration Ca libration Mode/Debug Screen ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ............3-10 ..3-10 Figure 3-11 Calibration Screen #1— #1—Calibration Mode ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .................3-11 ....3-11 Figure 3-12 Calibration Screen #2— #2—Calibration Mode ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .................3-11 ....3-11 Figure 3-13 Calibration Screen #3— #3—Calibration Mode ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .................3-12 ....3-12 Figure 3-14 Calibration Screen #4— #4—Calibration Mode ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .................3-12 ....3-12 Figure 4-1 Compression Force Calibration Setup ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ...................... ..............4-7 ....4-7 Figure 4-2 Compression Thickness T hickness Calibration Setup......................... Setup..................................... ........................ ...................... ....................4-8 ..........4-8 Figure 4-3 High Voltage Generator Calibration Setup ............. ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ .................4-10 .....4-10 Figure 4-4 Example— Example—Filament Waveforms Pattern ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ .......................4-12 ...........4-12 Figure 4-5 Example— Example—Backup Timer Time-out T ime-out Signal ........................ .................................... ......................... ....................... ..................4-16 ........4-16 Figure 4-6 Half-Value Layer Setup ........................ ................................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................4-33 ..........4-33 Figure 4-7 Reproducibility & Linearity Check Setup............................ Setup........................................ ........................ ........................ .................4-35 .....4-35 Figure 4-8 IRSD Shielding Check........... Check ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... .............4-42 ..4-42 Figure 4-9 Tubehead Shielding Check ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ .................4-43 .....4-43 Figure 4-10 X-ray Beam Alignment Template ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .................4-44 ....4-44 Figure 4-11 Aperture Alignment ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ...............4-46 ...4-46 Figure 4-12 Affinity Apertures................................. Apertures............................................. ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... .....................4-47 .........4-47 Figure 4-13 Auto Aperture Alignment— Alignment—18 x 24 cm Large Focal Spot ........................ .................................. ..................4-49 ........4-49 Figure 4-14 Light Field Size Adjustment........................ Adjustment.................................... ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ...............4-53 ...4-53 Figure 4-15 Light Field Edge Contrast Check.............. Ch eck........................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ .................4-54 .....4-54 Figure 4-16 Probe Locations— Locations—Light Field Illuminance............................... Illuminance........................................... ......................... ......................4-55 .........4-55 Figure 4-17 Adjustment— Adjustment—Light Field Illuminance ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... .............4-55 ..4-55 Figure 4-18 Adjustment - Compression Motor Chain ....................... .................................... ......................... ....................... ...................4-56 ........4-56 Figure 4-19 kV Offset Calibration— Calibration—Calibration Screen #3 ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................4-59 ............4-59 Figure 5-1 Connecting Laptop Computer to Affinity................................. Affinity.............................................. ......................... .......................5-11 ...........5-11 Figure 6-1 Gantry Components.......................... Components....................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ..............6-2 ....6-2

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual List of Figures

Figure 6-2 Gantry Components— Components—Covers and Panels ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ .................... ........ 6-3 Figure 6-3 Rear Connector and Lower Rear Panels— Panels—Removal............ Removal........................ ......................... ......................... .................. ...... 6-5 Figure 6-4 C-arm Angle Display Board— Board—Removal........ Removal..................... ......................... ....................... ........................ ......................... ................ .... 6-6 Figure 6-5 Emergency Off Switch S witch— —Removal................... Removal................................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ............ 6-7 Figure 6-6 Control Panel Components ............ ......................... ....................... ....................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................. ...... 6-8 Figure 6-7 HV Generator Assembly (old style mounting plate)— plate)—Removal ......................... ................................... .......... 6-12 Figure 6-8 HV Generator Assembly (new style mounting plate)— plate)—Removal.......... Removal....................... ........................ ........... 6-15 Figure 6-9 Microprocessor Firmware Chip— Chip—Replacement.......... Replacement...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ............ 6-18 Figure 6-10 Main Circuit Breaker— Breaker—Removal ........................ .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .................. ..... 6-20 Figure 6-11 C-arm Detent Microswitch Microswitch— —Removal Removal........... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ...................... .......... 6-21 Figure 6-12 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer Po tentiometer— —Removal ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... .................. ..... 6-22 Figure 6-13 Shipping Collar Installation of VTA Rail ........................ .................................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ......... 6-23 Figure 6-14 Components of the Vertical Drive Assembly.............. Assembly.......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........... 6-24 Figure 6-15 C-arm Frame Components..................... Components................................. ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ................... ........ 6-26 Figure 6-16 Tubehead / Beam Limiting Components ........... ....................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ..................... ............ 6-27 Figure 6-17 Compression Device Components C omponents ........................ ................................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ................ .... 6-28 Figure 6-18 IRSD Components............ Components ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ................. .... 6-29 Figure 6-19 Patient Face Shield............ Shield ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ............... .. 6-29 Figure 6-20 C-arm Frame Covers....................... Covers................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ............... .. 6-31 Figure 6-21 Filament Protection Board— Board—Removal.................. Removal.............................. ......................... ......................... ......................... ................ ... 6-32 Figure 6-22 C-arm Switch Pads— Pads—Removal Removal.......... ...................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ...................... .......... 6-33 Figure 6-23 C-Arm Accessory Detect Board— Board—Removal Removal.......... ...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ................ .... 6-34 Figure 6-24 Tubehead Covers— Covers—Removal ....................... .................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ........... 6-35 Figure 6-25 X-ray Tube— Tube—Removal ...................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ...................... .......... 6-36 Figure 6-26 Tubehead Control Board— Board —Removal Removal............ ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........... 6-38 Figure 6-27 C-Arm Cooling Fan— Fan—Removal ......................... ..................................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ................... ........ 6-40 Figure 6-28 Aperture Detect Board— Board—Removal ....................... ................................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ................ .... 6-41 Figure 6-29 Filter Shifter Assembly— Assembly —Removal.................. Removal.............................. ......................... ......................... ......................... ...................... ......... 6-42 Figure 6-30 Light Field Lamp Assembly with Fan— Fan —Removal ......................... ..................................... ......................... .................. ..... 6-43 Figure 6-31 Motorized Mirror Assembly— Assembly —Removal.......... Removal...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ...................... .......... 6-45 Figure 6-32 Compression Motor & Brake Assembly— Assembly—Removal ....................... ................................... ......................... ................ ... 6-47 Figure 6-33 Compression Clutch & Clutch Brake Assembly A ssembly— —Removal ....................... .................................... ................ ... 6-49 Figure 6-34 Compression / AEC Position Display Boards— Boards —Removal......... Removal...................... ......................... ...................... .......... 6-50 Figure 6-35 Removal of Timing Belt from Upper Block Block Assembly ......................... ..................................... ...................... .......... 6-52 Figure 6-36 Removal of Timing Belt from Bearing Bearing Block Assembly ........................ ..................................... ..................... ........ 6-53 Figure 6-37 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Potentiometer— —Removal ........................ .................................... ......................... ................ ... 6-53 Figure 6-38 IRSD Covers— Covers—Removal................... Removal............................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........... 6-54 Figure 6-39 AEC Sensor Assembly— Assembly—Removal......... Removal..................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ................... ........ 6-55 Figure 6-40 Position Detect and Accessory Detect Boards— Boards—Removal ......................... ...................................... ................ ... 6-56 Figure 6-41 AEC Position Comp. Display Microprocessor— Microprocessor—Removal Removal............ ........................ ......................... .................. ..... 6-57 Figure A-1 Unit Measurements........................... Measurements....................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ............... A-2 Figure B-1 Fuse Location— Location—Gantry ........................ ................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ....................... ...........B-9 B-9


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual List of Tables

Listt of TTables Lis ables Table P-1 List of Acronyms for Affinity ........................ .................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ................ ....P-xii P-xii Table 1-1 Required Tools and Equipment for Installation and Ma Maintenance intenance ...................... .................................1-2 ...........1-2 Table 3-1 Post Power-Up Checks ............ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................3-4 ............3-4 Table 4-1 Microprocessor S2 DIP Switches ............................... ........................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...............4-2 ....4-2 Table 4-2 The Calibration Screens ......................... ..................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ........................ .......................4-3 ..........4-3 Table 4-3 Filament Waveforms Amplitude ........................ ..................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... .....................4-14 .........4-14 Table 4-4 Reduced mA Filament Waveform Amplitude ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................4-15 ............4-15 Table 4-5 Typical kV range versus compressed compressed thickness ....................... ................................... ........................ .......................4-17 ...........4-17 Table 4-6 AEC Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Large Focal Spot, Mo Filter ....................... .................................... .................4-22 ....4-22 Table 4-7 AEC Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Large Focal Spot, Rh Filter ........................ ..................................... .................4-23 ....4-23 Table 4-8 AEC Performance Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Small Focal Spot, Mo Filter .................................. ........................................4-26 ......4-26 Table 4-9 AEC Performance Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Small Focal Spot, Rh Filter ........................ ..................................... .................4-27 ....4-27 Table 4-10 HTC Factor Worksheet ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...................4-27 ........4-27 Table 4-11 Large Bucky Factor Worksheet ........................ ..................................... ....................... ....................... ......................... .....................4-28 .........4-28 Table 4-12 Compression Thickness Threshold Semi-Log ........................ .................................... ........................ ...................... ............4-30 ..4-30 Table 4-13 Half-Value Layer Semi-Log ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ....................... .............4-34 ..4-34 Table 4-14 Reproducibility Worksheet ......................... ..................................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................4-38 ............4-38 Table 4-15 Linearity Worksheet ........... ....................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .........................4-39 .............4-39 Table 5-1 Affinity Recommended Preventive Maintenance Maintenance Procedures ............... ........................... .........................5-2 .............5-2 Table 5-2 Affinity Series Alert Messages ...................... ................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................5-8 .....5-8 Table 5-3 Null-Modem, 9-pin to 25-pin Adapter Connections ............... ........................... ........................ ........................5-10 ............5-10 Table 6-1 Tubehead Control Board Push Button Switches. Switches. ........................ ................................... ....................... .....................6-39 .........6-39 Table 7-1 Gantry Cover, Control Panel and Internal Components— Components—Parts List ....................... ..............................7-1 .......7-1 Table 7-2 Gantry Left and Right-Side Components— Components—Parts List ...................... .................................. ........................ ...................7-2 .......7-2 Table 7-3 C-Arm Frame Frame Components— Components—Parts List ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .............7-2 .7-2 Table 7-4 C-Arm Tubehead Components— Components—Parts List ........................ .................................... ........................ ........................ ...................7-2 .......7-2 Table 7-5 C-Arm Compression Compression Device Components— Components—Parts List ........................ .................................... ....................... ...............7-3 ....7-3 Table 7-6 C-Arm Image Receptor Support Device Device— —Parts List ....................... ................................... ........................ ...................7-3 .......7-3 Table 7-7 Miscellaneous— Miscellaneous—Parts List ....................... ................................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ....................... ....................7-4 ..........7-4 Table A-1 Kv versus mA table ........................ ..................................... ......................... ........................ ....................... ........................ ......................... ................ .... A-9 Table B-1 Filament Protect Protect Board ((PN PN 1-003-0289) Test Points ........................ .................................... ....................... .............. ... B-1 Table B-2 Power Control Board Board (PN 1-003-0445) Test Test Points ........................ .................................... ........................ ................. ..... B-2 Table B-3 C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) Test Points ........................ ..................................... ......................... .................. ...... B-2 Table B-4 Display Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428) 1-003-0428) Test Points ....................... ................................... ................ .... B-3 Table B-5 Tubehead Control Board (PN 1-003-0403) Test Points ............. ......................... ........................ ....................... ........... B-3 Table B-6 AEC Position Compression Display Microprocessor (PN 1-003-0471) Test Points ....... B-3 Table B-7 AEC Position Compression Compression Display ((PN PN 1-003-0472) Test Points ................... ............................... .............. B-4 Table B-8 Auxiliary Power Distribution Board (PN 1-003-0489) Test Points ......................... ............................... ...... B-4 Table B-9 Communications Interface Interface Board (PN 1-003-0434) Test Points Points ........................ ................................... ........... B-4 Table B-10 Host Microprocessor Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) ....................... .................................... ......................... ....................... ........... B-4 Table B-11 B-11 HV Control Filament Filament Board Board (PN 1-003-0485) Test Test Points ....................... ................................... ................. ..... B-5 Table B-12 Tubehead Control Board (1-003-0403) (1-003-0403) LED Indicators ...................... ................................... ....................... .......... B-6 Table B-13 Display Microprocessor Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428) LED Indicators ............................... ............................... B-6 Table B-14 C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) 1-003-0440) LED Indicator Indicatorss ......................... ..................................... ....................... ........... B-7 Table B-15 Relay Protection Protection Board (PN (PN 1-003-0490) LED Indicators ........................ .................................... .................. ...... B-7 Table B-16 Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) LED Indicators ........................ ................................... ........... B-7 Table B-17 Host Microprocessor Board— Board—C-arm Switch Multiple Function Indicators ................. B-7

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual List of Tables

Table B-18 Table B-19 Table B-20 Table B-21 Table B-22 Table B-23 Table B-24


HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) LED Indicators Indicators ......................... ....................................B-8 ...........B-8 Image Receptor Sensor Combinations ....................... ................................... ........................ ......................... ........................B-8 ...........B-8 Affinity Series Fuses ....................... .................................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ....................... ...........B-10 B-10 Microprocessor Board (PN (PN 1-003-0493) Jumper Settings Settings ....................... ................................... .................. ...... B-11 Communications Interface Interface Board (PN 1-003-0434) Jumper Settings ....................... ......................... B-11 C-Arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) Jumper Settings .............. .......................... ....................... ................... ........ B-11 HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) Jumper Settings ................ ............................ ................. ..... B-12

P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Preface Using the Service Manual

Preface 1. 1.0 0

Using sing th the e Se Serv rvic ice e Manu Manual al The manuals available available for use with the Affinity Mammography System are: • The Affinity Service Manual— Manual—PN 9-500-0255 (this manual) • The Affinity Operator’ Operator’s Manual— Manual—PN 9-500-0246 • The Affinity Schematics Package— Package—PN 9-500-0269 The first four sections of this service manual are designed to provide a service engineer with a sequence for setting up and calibrating the Affinity Series Mammography Systems (Affinity and Affinity Platinum). The remaining sections detail the maintenance procedures (i.e., performance checks, adjustments, and removal and replacement), replacement parts and specifications.  Chapter 1: General Information This chapter contains general system descriptions, x-ray x-ray,, electrical, and mechanical safety precautions, and compliance information.  Chapter 2: System Installation This chapter contains information for unpacking, positioning, and installing the unit. Attaching the interconnections, mounting the accessories, and connecting the unit to power are also covered.  Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults This chapter sequences the operator through performance and functional checks and setting system defaults and user preferences.  Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks This chapter provides system calibration, adjustment, and performance and compliance check procedures. Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General This chapter provides general information to aid the service engineer in maintaining the unit.  Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures This chapter details the remove and replace procedures for the individual components which make up the unit. Chapter 7: Parts List This chapter provides tabular listings of the replacement parts.  Appendix A: Specifications This appendix contains system specifications, including performance specifications, x-ray tube and exposure specifications, compressions specifications and beam limiting specifications.  Appendix B: Technical Technical References

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Service Manual Preface Acronym List

This appendix contains tables used for identifying test points, LED indications, fuses,  jumpers, and accessory identification sensor combinations in the Affinity Affinity Series System.


Warnings, Cautions and Notes Definitions of Warnings, Cautions and Notes used throughout this manual are as follows:

2 .0


This warning alerts you to procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid causing potentially serious or fatal injury to yourself or others.


This warning alerts you to procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid injury to yourself or others.


Cautions point out procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid damage to equipment, loss of data, or corruption of files in software applications.


Notes indicate important information that must be followed to ensure the proper operation of the system.

Acronym List Table able P-1 provides P-1 provides a list of the common Acronyms used throughout the Affinity Series Service Manual.

Table P-1: List of Acronyms A cronyms for Affinity  Acronym




FDA FDA Co Code de of Fe Fede dera rall Re Regu gula lati tion ons, s, Title itle 21


A mp s an Col Am Americ erican Colleg lege e of Rad Radiol iology ogy Mam Mammog mograp raphy hy Acc Accred redita itatio tion n Pro Program gram Am Ameri erican can Col Colleg lege e of Rad Radiol iology ogy/Ce /Cente nterr for for Dis Diseas ease e Con Contro troll Automatic Exposure Control Breast equivalent material Compression Force centimeter Digital Multimeter Electro-magnetic Interference Em Emer erge genc ncy y OFF OFF Sw Swit itch ch Electro-static Discharge Fu Full lly y Auto Automa mati tic c Se Self lf-A -Adj djus usti ting ng Tilt ilt Padd Paddle le High Voltage High Tra ran nsmi smission Cellular Grid Beam Quality Half-Value Layer


Input/Output Image Receptor

P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Preface Acronym List

Table P-1: List of Acronyms A cronyms for Affinity  Acronym

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IRSD lb LVPS mA Mag max mGy min mm Mo MQS QSA A mrad N OD PCB PMMA PN

Image Receptor Suppo pport Device Pound(s) Low Voltage Power Supply milli-Amps Magnification Mode maximum milli-Gray minimum millimeters Molybdenum Mam ammo mogr grap aphy hy Qu Qual aliity Stan anda dard rds s Act milli-R -Rad adiiation Absorb rbe ed Do Dose se Newtons Optical Density printed circuit board Polym yme ethyl Methacr cry ylate Part Number


pulse-width-modulated Rhodium Source to Image Distance Volts Volts, Alternating Current Volts, Direct Current Vertical Travel Assembly



Service Manual Preface Acronym List


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Introduction

Chapter 1: General Information 1 .0

Introduction The LORAD Affinity is a dedicated mammography system which which features automatic and manual exposure modes, a compact control panel, and optional film labeling abilities (Figure 1-1 1-1). ).


Intended Uses The unit is intended to function in screening and diagnostic mammography procedures.

Figure 1-1: The Affinity System 

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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Safety


Required TTo ools a an nd E Eq quipment Table able 1-1 identifies 1-1 identifies the required tools and equipment for use during installation and maintenance of the Affinity System. Table 1-1: Required Tools and Equ Equipment ipment for Installation and Maintenance 

• • • • • •

• • • • • •

2 .0

Standard Hand Tools (non-metric)   Digital Multimeter (DMM)   Radiation Meter with probe   (Victoreen Model 600 or equivalent) Aluminum Filter Pack— Pack—Type 1100 (99.9% pure) High-Voltage High-V oltage Adapter Cable   (LORAD PN 2-425-3015) ACR Mammography Accreditation Phantom (ACR MAP) (Nuclear Associates #156 or equivalent)   PMMA Acrylic (or BR-12) - 0.5 cm thick (1 ea)

• •

Oscilloscope—100 MHz (min) 2 channel Oscilloscope— Hex Wrench Set - standard

Light Meter— Meter—UDT Instruments - Model 351

High-Voltage Divider— Divider—Ratio of 10,000:1 or 100,000:1 with output impedance of 1 k Ω

mAs Meter— Meter—dual range

Lead Shield/Blocker— Shield/Blocker—Approximately 4.0 x 4.0 cm

Aluminum Aperture for Light meter with 1.0 mm aperture Light/X-ray Field Template (PN 3-405-8010) Light Field Alignment Bars (PN 9-060-0173) Tool, Field Service Belt Adjustment (PN 9-061-0107)

PMMA Acrylic (or BR-12) - 1.0 cm thick (1 ea)   • PMMA Acrylic (or BR-12) - 2.0 cm thick (4 ea)   •   • Densitometer Image Receptor Phantom Tool— Tool—Cassette Simu  • lator (PN 9-060-0403) Loctite, 242 Blue (PN 2-580-0506)   •

Resolution Line Pair Phantom Scale/Force Gauge— Gauge—1 - 50 lb (min)

Safety This portion of the manual details electrical, mechanical, and radiation safety, as well as precautions concerning static electricity and magnetic media storage. The equipment complies with IEC 601 (General, Collateral and applicable P Particular articular Standards), UL 2601 and CSA 22.2601.1. Hazardous Material Warning! • The x-ray tube contains a beryllium  window  window that should not be touched. • Follow all local ordinances or regulations for disposal of o f the x-ray tube. • The x-ray tube covers and the image receptor contain lead  that  that should not be touched. • Follow all local ordinances or regulations for disposal of o f these covers. Note …


The Affinity does not  contain  contain any mercury or latex in its construction.

Electrical S Sa afety The equipment is designed to comply with IEC 601-1, UL 2601, and CSA 22.2601.1. The Affinity is classified classified as CLASS I, TYPE T YPE B permanently connected equipment as per IEC 601-1. There are no special provisions to protect the system from flammable anesthetics or ingress of liquids. However, However, the footswitches are splash-proof as per p er IPX6 or better. better.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Safety

Emergency OFF switches are provided in compliance with IEC 601-2-32. Each of these switches disables power to the entire system.


LETHAL voltages are present within the interior of the unit. Use extreme caution to avoid contacting, directly or indirectly (through tools), any connector pins, terminals, or test points. Remove all jewelry before working on the unit, and avoid wearing loose fitting clothing.


Only qualified electronic technicians who are certified and experienced in the maintenance and repair of high h igh voltage x-ray equipment should attempt to service this equipment. Never perform service alone. Only service this equipment in the company of someone who is capable of rendering aid should an accident occur.


Interlocks In addition to the Emergency OFF switches, the Affinity Series contains several safety interlocks. These interlocks are as follows: •

• •

• •


C-arm Movement Interlock   - When the C-arm C -arm encounters an obstruction during travel,, this interlock engages to immediately stop vertical travel and disable all Ctravel arm vertical movements (except C-arm UP) until the obstruction is cleared. C-arm movement is also prohibited when compression force exceeds 50 N (12 lb). Automatic Compression Release Interlock   - Installing a Localization Paddle disables the compression release function, including automatic compression release (if enabled). Early Release Interlock   - When the x-ray exposure switch switch is released prior to the end of the exposure, this interlock causes immediate termination of the exposure. Cassette Sense Interlock   - When  thean system does this not interlock detect a cassette the Bucky, Bucky or if the cassette is not ejected after exposure, preventsinx-ray expo-, sure. Aperture Interlock   -- This function detects the aperture and image receptor that is installed and prevents x-ray exposure if an incompatible aperture/image receptor combination is detected. Mirror/Filter Mirror/Fil ter Interlock   - This interlock prevents x-ray exposure when the Light Field Mirror and/or the Filter is not positioned p ositioned correctly. correctly. Relay Interlock   - This interlock prevents x-ray exposure when there is a failure of the Power ON indicator or the X-ray Exposure indicator. indicator.

Mechanical Safety The equipment is designed to comply with the requirements of IEC 601-1, UL 2601, and IEC 601-2-32, in that the following conditions exist: •

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The C-arm rotation brake remains locked upon loss of electrical power (fail safe).



Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Safety

• •


Automatic compression release (decompression) is disabled when a localization paddle is installed. C-arm Force Limit is reached. The downward motorized movement of the C-arm is limited to a force of 154 N, +44 N (35 lb, +10 lb).

Radiation Safety

The unit’ unit’s radiation safety is designed to comply with all requirements of 21CFR Part 1020, IEC 601-2-7, and IEC 601-1-3. The shield is rated for a 0.5 mm Pb (lead) equivalence. To To ensure radiological protection, restrict access to the unit u nit in accordance with local regulations. The exposure duration is limited by the following normal conditions: • The manual mAs timer • The Automatic Exposure Control circuits The exposure duration is also limited by the following abnormal conditions: • • • •


Premature release of the x-ray exposure switch Exceeding the preset “back-up time” time” The independent safety hardware back-up timer Detection of a generator fault

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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Unit Description

3 .0

Unit Description The three major hardware components of the Affinity Series are: • the Gantry • the C-arm • the Control Panel The following paragraphs briefly describe each of the major hardware components.


Gantry and C-Arm Refer to Figure 1-2 throughout 1-2 throughout the following. The Gantry houses the electronics which produce high voltage at the energy levels needed for mammography. mammography. The mechanical assemblies which position the C-arm (height and rotation), the input transformer, transformer, the emergency OFF switches and most of the system electronics are also in the Gantry Gantry.. LED readouts on the left and right side of the Gantry show the C-arm angle. The Gantry also supports an externally mounted radiation shield that protects the operator op erator from exposure during the exam, and houses the input power connector panel and Footswitch receptacles. The C-arm is made up of the following major assemblies: • X-ray Tubehead • Compression Device • Image Receptor Support Device A pivot mechanism connects the C-arm to the Gantry. Pushbutton switc switches hes on each side of the C-arm, and on the tubehead, control C-arm movement, Compression Release, Compression up/down, and the light field lamp. The design of the C-arm permits examination of standing, sitting or recumbent patients.

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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Unit Description

Legend for Figure 1-2 1. Tubehead 2. 7-Butt 7-Button on Keyp Keypad ad (tot (total al of four four, two on each side) 3. 3-Butt 3-Button on Keypa Keypad d ((not not shown, shown, located on Top of Tubehead) 4. Aper Aperttur uree Slot Slot 5. Face Sh Shield 6. Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Devi Device ce 7. Compre Compress ssion ion Thick Thicknes ness/F s/Forc orcee Displays 8. Image Image Rec Recep epto torr Suppo Support rt De Devi vice ce 9. C-Arm C-Arm Angle Angle Displa Displayy ((tot total al of two, one on each side) 10. Emergenc Emergencyy OFF Switch Switch (total of three, two on front of Gantry, Ga ntry, and one on rear) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Patient atient Handle Handle Radiat Radiation ion Shield Shield Foots Footswit witch ch Contro Controll Panel Panel X-ray X-ray Footswitc Footswitch h (not shown, mounted on Gantry base plate behind Radiation Shield)

Figure 1-2: Affinity Gantry and C-Arm 


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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Unit Description


Control Panel The Control Panel (Figure (Figure 1-3 1-3)) is a compact user interface that mounts to the side of the Gantry,, or at a remote location. The control panel is an interactive device consisting of a Gantry Function Keypad and an LCD Display Window. Window. It is used to set exposure techniques and parameters, provide operator instructions, display display alert and system status messages, and initiate x-rays.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Legend for Figure 1-3 LCD LCD Dis Displ plaay Win Windo dow w Ex Expo posu sure re P Par aram amet eter erss Area Area Exposu Exposure re Factor actor Select Selection ion Area Area Exposu Exposure re Para Paramet meter er Sele Selecti ction on Area Message Ar Area Sta Status Area Fu Func ncttion Key Keypa pad d Scroll Keys

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Cha Change Keys Reset Reset Key Key Compressio Compression n Rele Release ase K Key ey Exposure Exposure Indicator Indicator Exposure Exposure Enable Enable K Key ey

1. 2. 3. 4.

Figure 1-3: Affinity Series Control Panel 

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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Compliance Data

4 .0

Compliance D Da ata The Mammography Mammography System conforms to all applicable FDA regulations. Labels addressing the certifiable components are fixed to the unit at several points (refer to Figure 1-4 1-4). ). The main identification label containing the equipment model number and serial number is near the input power receptacle on the Gantry. Gantry. The serial number is used to track units for warranty and service purposes, and will be requested should it become necessary to contact LORAD regarding the machine. Note …


The LORAD  Bucky  Bucky devices (18 x 24 cm and 24 x 30 cm) are certified components that do not have to be reported on form FDA F DA 2579 (Ref BRH: Doc MA3499).

Compliance Statement The manufacturer states that this device conforms to: • • •

Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC Annex II. ISO 9001:1994, EN 46001 1993, ISO 13485 IEC 601-1: Safety Requirements For Medical Electrical Systems

• • • • • • • • • •

IEC 601-1-2: Electromagnetic Compatibility IEC 601-1-3: General Requirements for Radiation Protection IEC 601-1-4: Safety of Programmable Electrical Medical Systems IEC 601-2-7: Safety Of High Voltage Generators IEC 601-2-28: Safety of X-ray Source Assemblies IEC 601-2-32: Safety of Associated Equipment IEC 601-2-45:2001: Safety of Mammographic Equipment FDA, 21 CFR [Parts [Parts 820, 900 and 1020] UL 2601-1: General Requirements for Safety CSA 22.2. No. 601.1: General Requirements for Safety

4.1.1 4.1 .1

Rem Remote ote Indic Indicati ation on of the Rea Ready dy State State If it is desired to indicate the “Ready State” State” at a location other than at a t the operator panel, such as at the room door, a signal is available on the Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493), connector AJ31 between pins 5 (+5 V, V, active high) and 9 (ground). This signal is a low level logic l ogic signal that drives the relay to provide remote activation of an indicator lamp (LED).


Do not use external power supply to drive the output.


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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Compliance Data


Certifiable Components These components are identified using individual serial numbers in addition to the serial number of the overall LORAD unit. Item


X-ray Tube

Varian (IM-113R)

Beam Limiting Device


High High-V -Vol olta tage ge Ge Gene nera rato torr


X-Ray Control


Image Receptor Support Device


Bucky 18 x 24 cm


Bucky 24 x 30 cm


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Service Manual Chapter 1: General Information Compliance Data


Location of Labels Compliance labels and nameplates are positioned appropriately on the Affinity Series mammographyy unit. Nameplates contain the unit mammograph u nit’’s serial number and manufacturing date. When calling in for support, please reference the system serial number noted on Label 1. 1.

Figure 1-4: Compliance Label Locations 


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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Room Planning

Chapter 2: System Installation 1 .0

Room Planning The exam room layout should be pre-planned before the arrival of the Affinity. Check the height and width of the exam room door to ensure it will accommodate the mammographyy machine mammograph (70" high, 30" wide minimum). Other factors to consider when planning the room layout are: •

• •

C-arm clearances: The C-arm requires 55" (minimum) to accommodate rotation, and 89” 89” (minimum) to accomFigure 2-1: Example Room Layout  modate raising the C-arm to its upper limit. When planning the room layout, take into consideration extra wall and ceiling clearance for movement and handling of C-arm controls. Radiation Shield clearances: The protective radiation shield extends 24” 24” from the side of the unit. The room layout must provide enough space to allow the user to maneuver around the radiation shield when it is attached. Movement clearance: AlwaysAvoid Always take into consideration for patient and technologist movement. obstructions in thespace room allocation that may hinder access to the unit controls or the patient. Storage: Provide convenient storage for patient records, film cassettes, and system accessories. If accessory storage is not possible within the exam room, make arrangements for safe storage close by. Recommended Power Source Requirements: Refer to Appendix A, Section 1.1-Electrical Input Specifications. Specifications.

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unpacking Instructions

2. 2.0 0

Un Unpa pack ckin ing g In Inst stru ruct ctio ion ns The following sections detail receiving and unpacking instructions, and inspections required prior to installing the Affinity Series Mammography Unit.


Receiving Instructions

The Affinity Series Mammography Mammography Unit is shipped in containers that hold the following: • the Gantry • the Accessories • the Radiation Shield Upon receipt, perform the following before opening the containers: • • •


Inspect each container for damage. Note any damage on the shipping manifest. Notify LORAD of any external ex ternal shipping damage that may have occurred.

Un-Crating the Unit The Affinity Gantry is crated and shipped in a prone position (see Figure 2-2). 2-2). Be sure to have h ave the necessary machinery and personnel available to move heavy medical equipment safely.

Figure 2-2: Un-Crating the Gantry  Un-crate the unit as follows: 1. Cut the reta retaining ining straps straps that that secure secure the container container top to the shock-m shock-mounte ounted d wooden palpallet. Lift the container top off the unit.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unpacking Instructions

2. Carefully Carefully remove remove all shipping shipping material materialss (foam padding, padding, tie-downs, tie-downs, straps, straps, shipping shipping wrap, wrap, etc.) from the unit and pallet. Lift any accessory boxes from the pallet. 3. Open all all crates crates and boxes boxes and check check their content contentss against against the packing packing list list and sales sales order. Note …

If there is a discrepancy between the contents and the packing list or sales order, contact LORAD  immediately.  immediately. If it is necessary to re-pack any items for future installation, use the original packaging materials.

4. Inspect Inspect each it item em for damage, damage, then then safely safely stor storee them near near the exam exam site. Caution: 

To prevent damage, do not store the radiation shield flat. Avoid Avoid damaging the Radiation Shield by impact or scratching.

Notes …

If shipping damage is of a concealed nature, contact the carrier ca rrier as soon as such damage is found, and request an inspection for shipping damage. Normally,, any claims for shipping damage must be completed Normally c ompleted within 15 days of receiving the shipment.


Never pull on the C-arm as the unit is top heavy. To prevent injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment, care must be taken when un-crating the unit.

5. While still still in the loading loading area, area, carefully carefully move move the pallet pallet into an upright upright position. position. 6. Remove Remove the top collar collar securing securing the unit unit to the pallet. pallet. Using Using the installed installed dolly dolly,, carefully carefully roll the unit off the pallet. 7. Transport ransport the unit, unit, on the installed installed dolly dolly,, from the loading loading area area to the exam area area for installation. 8. Remove Remove the 4 bolts securin securingg the unit to the dolly dolly.. Carefully Carefully maneuver maneuver the the unit off the back end of the dolly, slide the dolly out and position the unit in the area of installation. 9. Retu Return rn th thee dol dolly ly to LORAD as per the shipping instructions posted on the dolly. dolly.

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

3 .0

Unit In Installation The following sections detail setting up, positioning, and installing the Affinity A ffinity Series Mammographyy unit in the exam room. Mammograph As appropriate, install the Affinity Series Mammography Mammography unit in the exam room as per the following general sequence of steps: Note …

Thoroughly read all procedures prior to starting.

1. Po Positio sition n the Gantry Gantry in the the area of the the exam room room where where the unit unit will be be permanentl permanentlyy installed. Ensure the Gantry is positioned for easy access to the rear of the unit. 2. Per Perform form the the followin followingg installati installation on procedures procedures in tthe he order give given. n. • Input Power Configuration— Configuration—Section 3.1 • Power Cable Connection— Connection—Section 3.2 • Remote X-ray ON/Power ON Light Connection— Connection—Section 3.3 • Control Panel Installation— Installation—Section 3.4 • Securing Unit in Position— Position—Section 3.5 • Installing the Unit Accessories— Accessories—Section 3.6 • •

Initial Start Up Procedures— Procedures—Section 3.7 Final Operational Setup— Setup—Section 3.8

Note …


Do not replace any covers or panels until told to do so. s o.

Input P Po ower C Co onfiguration The isolation transformer must be configured to match the power source at the site. This portion of the manual details the steps to properly configure and connect the mammography unit to a voltage source. Before connecting the unit to a power outlet, verify the source voltage as follows: 1. Measur Measuree the the voltag voltagee at at tthe he outlet outlet rrecepta eceptacle. cle. 2. Inqui Inquire re as to any history history of voltage voltage fluctuat fluctuations ions or voltagevoltage-relat related ed problems problems that have have occurred in other equipment at the site. 3. Check the ground ground impedance impedance using using the follo following wing formula: formula:  R

V  NL –  V 




 I  MA X • L

Where : R  =  = Ground Impedance V NL = Voltage at no load V FL = Voltage at full load (32 kV, 100 mA) I MAX.L = Current at full load Ground Impedance must be no more than: 0.20 Ω at 208, 220, 230, 240 V~ TAP 0.16 Ω at 200 V~ TAP


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

After determining the input voltage range, verify the unit’ unit’s isolation transformer is correctly set (re-configure as required). The following explains how to access the input power assembly chassis and re-configure the isolation transformer taps to match the source voltage measured previously. previously. 1. Flip the circui circuitt breaker breaker on on the rear rear of of the Gantry Gantry down (OFF). (OFF). 2. Remove Remove the Gantry Gantry Upper Upper Rea Rearr panel panel as per Chapter Chapter 6, Section 2.1.2. 2.1.2. Set the cover aside. 3. Remove Remove the R Rear ear Connect Connector or panel panel and shroud shroud as per per Chapt Chapter er 6, Section 2.1.3. 2.1.3. Pull the panel slightly away from the unit, then let it hang by the attached wiring harness. 4. To gain access access to the input input power power assembly assembly chassis chassis,, remove remove the Lower Lower Rear panel panel as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.4, 2.1.4, Steps 1 through 3. The isolation transformer is mounted on the lower shelf of the input power assembly chassis. 5. Configure Configure the input input wiring wiring to tap the transfor transformer mer so that itit matches matches the previousl previouslyy measured source voltage (refer to Figure 2-3). 2-3).

Figure 2-3: Isolation Transformer Taps 


Power C Ca able Connection The power cord will need to be hardwired into the power source. This should be done by a certified electrician.

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation


Re Remo motte X X-r -ray ay ON ON/P /Pow ower er ON Li Ligh ghtt C Con onne nect ctio ion n The Affinity System provides the user with the ability to operate remote lights which indicate when the System is ON and when X-rays are being taken. These lights are normally installed above the door to the exam room. Installation should be done by a certified electrician. The relay contacts provided are rated as follows: Legend for Figure 2-4 1.

X-ra X-rayy ON ON Lamp Lamp C Conn onnec ecti tion onss


Pow ower er O ON N Lamp Lamp C Conn onnec ecti tion onss

Figure 2-4: User Lamp (X-ray ON/Power ON) Connections  • 10 Amp 250 VAC VAC (normally open) • 10 Amp 30 VDC (normally open) Connections are made on the removable power supply distribution assembly ((Figure Figure 2-4 2-4), ), located on the input power assembly chassis, as follows: 1. Locate tthe he removable removable power power distributi distribution on assembly assembly and connect connect the remote remote X-ray X-ray ON and Power ON cables to the terminal board as shown in Figure 2-4. 2-4. 2. Comple Complete te the remote remote cables cables and light instal installati lation on following following local local guidelines guidelines.. 3. Repla Replace ce the Gant Gantry ry lower rear rear,, upper rear and and rear connector connector panels. panels. Do not rep replace lace rear connector panel shroud at this time.


Control Panel Installation The Control Panel Panel is either mounted to the side of the Gantry or remotely located. Follow Follow the instructions appropriate for the site’ site’s required configuration. 3.4.1 3.4 .1

Co Contr ntrol ol Pan Panel el to Gan Gantry try Insta Installa llatio tion n For Gantry mount configurations, the Affinity is shipped with the Control Panel already attached to the right side cover.


For those   units with the Control Panel mounted to the Gantry, the radiation shield is required. The shield is installed following completion of initial startup procedures.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

3.4.2 3.4 .2

Con Contr trol ol Pan Panel el Re Remo mote te Loca Locatio tion n Insta Installa llatio tion n For units that are configured for remote operations, the Remote Control Panel Kit (3000-5042) is included (refer to Figure 2-5 2-5). ). The kit consists of the following:

• •

Housing and Housing Mount Control Panel and EMO Switch Harness (2 50 ft cables) EMO Switch - Emergency Stop Switch

Figure 2-5: Remote Control C ontrol Panel Panel Installation Install the Remote Control Panel as follows: 1. Mount Mount the the Control Control Pane Panell housing housing bra bracke ckett ((Figure Figure 2-5 2-5,, Item 1) to the wall (or other mounting apparatus) in the remote location using the supplied hardware. 2. Route the the Control Control Panel Panel and EMO EMO Switch Switch harness harness through through the strai strain n relief relief (Figure 2-5, 2-5, Item 4), then out the access hole in the housing bracket. Make all the appropriate harness connections, then tighten the strain relief. 3. Mount Mount the the Cont Control rol Panel anel housi housing ng (Figure (Figure 2-5, 2-5, Item 2) to the housing bracket using the supplied hardware. Note that an EMO switch is mounted on the housing. 4. Align the tabs tabs on on the rear of the the Control Control Panel Panel (Figure 2-5, 2-5, Item 3) with the slots on the housing. Insert the tabs into the slots and slide the Control Panel Panel down to lock in place. 5. Connect the end of the the Control Control Panel Panel inter interconnec connectt cable to to the Remote Remote Control Control receptacle (Figure (Figure 2-6, 2-6, Item 8) on the rear connector panel. 6. Connect Connect the Emergenc Emergencyy Stop Switch Switch interc interconnect onnect cable cable to the the Emergency Emergency St Stop op receptacle (Figure (Figure 2-6, 2-6, Item 9) on the rear connector panel.

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

Legend for Figure 2-6 1. Ex Expos posur uree Foo Foots tswi witc tch h Connector 2. Ra Rapi pid d II.D .D.. Re Rece cept ptacl aclee 3. Pr Prin inte ter/ r/Au Auto toFi Film lm I.D. I.D. Connector 4. Re Remo motte Cont Contro roll (remotely located Control Panel 5. Em Emeerg rgen enccy SSto top p 6. Foots ootswi witc tch h Conne Connect ctor orss 7. AutoI utoID/ D/Ra Rapi pid d ID Power Outlet

Figure 2-6: Rear Connector Panel (Shroud removed) and Lower Rear Panel Connections 


Securing Unit in Position 1. Remo Remove ve left left and right Gantry Gantry side panels panels as per per Chapt Chapter er 6, Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Caref Carefully ully move move the unit unit into its pre-desi pre-designated gnated final final position. position. Ensure Ensure the circui circuitt breaker breaker and rear panels are accessible. 3. Mount un unit it to the floor floor in accordance accordance with site site specificat specification ion drawing drawingss and/or local local building codes. Note …


Do not replace left and right side panels at this time.

Ins nsttal allling the Unit Accessories This section provides instructions for installing the following accessories: • • • 3.6. 3.6.1 1

Note …

Exposure Footswitch Footswitch Dual Function Footswitch(es) Footswitch(es) Film Labeling Devices

Ex Expo posu sure re Fo Foot otsw swit itch ch When the exposure footswitch is installed on a machine, you must push both the exposure footswitch and the x-ray button on the control panel at the same time to initiate and finish an exposure. Install the exposure footswitch as follows:

The exposure footswitch will be received already mounted on the exposure expo sure footswitch footswitc h mounting bracket.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

1. Secure Secure the exposure exposure footswitc footswitch h mounti mounting ng bracket bracket to the Gantry Gantry base base plate using using two screws (supplied) on the right side of the Gantry. Gantry. Note …

When the Gantry right side cover is installed, the exposure footswitch will be positioned below the Control Panel). 2. Connect Connect the exposure exposure footswitc footswitch h cabl cablee to the x-ra x-rayy conne connector ctor (Figure (Figure 2-6, Item 2-6, Item 5). A. Align the the key in the the footswitc footswitch h connector connector to the the keyhole keyhole in the receptac receptacle. le. A. Push the connect connector or strai straight ght in in until until it stops. 3. Locate Locate DIP switch switch (S2) (S2) at the the lower lower right side side of the the Host Micropr Microprocesso ocessorr board (Gantry right-side panel removed). Enable the X-ray Footswitc Footswitch h by setting S2 switch 3 to OFF.

3.6. 3.6.2 2

Du Dual al FFun unct ctio ion n Fo Foot otsw swit itch ch(e (es) s) A dual-function footswitch provides C-arm and Compression Up or Down movement. Normal system configuration consists of one footswitch with an optional second footswitch. Two Two jacks (on the lower rear of the Gantry) provide connections for the Footswitch(es). To connect the Footswitch(es), perform the following:

1. Connect Connect the Footswi Footswitch tch(es) (es) connector connector to the left left and/or right right Footswi Footswitch tch receptareceptacles (Figure (Figure 2-6, 2-6, Item 6) on the Gantry connection panel. 2. Align the the key in the the footswitc footswitch h connector connector to the the keyhole keyhole in the receptac receptacle le (Figure 2-7). 2-7).

Figure 2-7: Connecting a Footswitch 3. Push the connect connector or strai straight ght in until until it stops. stops. Note …

Either Footswitch Footswitch can be connected to either Footswitch receptacle. 4. Position Position the the footswitc footswitch h in the des desired ired locatio location n on the floor floor below below the C-arm. C-arm.


Position the Footswitch(es) in such a way as to prevent accidental activation by patients or operators.

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

3.6.3 3.6 .3

Con Conne necti cting ng Film Film Labeli Labeling ng Devic Devices es The Affinity will accept the following film labeling devices:

• •

AutoFilm I.D. Label Printer

The AutoFilm I.D. I.D. is used to place photographic labels directly on the film. The Label Printer is used to create self-adhesive labels that are manually placed on each film. Note …

The film labeling device (AutoFilm I.D. I.D. or Printer) must be installed so that it is situated at least 2 meters (approximately 6 feet) from the patient.

AutoFilm I.D. Refer to the AutoFilm I.D. User’ User ’s Guide (PN 9-500-0078) for installation and operating procedures. Label Printer The Label Printer is used to print out a self-adhesive label containing the exposure information. When connected and on-line, on -line, the Printer immediately prints a label after each exposure. 1. Insert Insert the one one end of the the Printer Printer cable cable into into the recepta receptacle cle on the the rear of the Printer. 2. Connect the other other end of of the printe printerr cable to to the Printer Printer recepta receptacle cle ((Figure Figure 2-6, 2-6, Item 2) on the rear of the Gantry. Gantry. 3. Plug the Printe Printerr power cord cord into the the power recept receptacle acle on the rear rear of the Printer Printer,, then plug the opposite end into the Printer Power outlet ((Figure Figure 2-6, Item 2-6, Item 4) on the rear of the Gantry.


Initial Start Up Procedures At this point in the Affinity Series Mammography System installation procedures, the unit should be permanently mounted in position with all power and applicable accessory connections made (except for radiation shield). The rear panels should all be installed with the exception of the rear connector panel shroud and the left and right cover panels. 3.7.1 3.7 .1

Rem Remote ote X-ray X-ray ON Light Light Config Configur urati ation on When installed, the remote X-ray ON light can be configured to define whether it will be ON only during the X-ray period or throughout the entire boost and X-ray periods. Configure it as follows:

1. Locate Locate the Host Microp Microproces rocessor sor board board on the Gantry Gantry right right side (cover (cover previpreviously removed). Refer to Chapter 6, Figure 6-1 for 6-1 for board location and identification. 2. Ins Insta tall ll jjump umper er on on JP7 JP7 as fol follow lows: s: • •

For light ON only during X-ray period, install jumper between positions 1 and 2. For light ON during Boost and X-ray period, install jumper between positions 2 and 3.


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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

3.7.2 .7.2

Init Initiial Pow Power Up Up Prior to initial power up of the system, verify the input panel has been tapped to match the input power source.

1. Pe Perform rform the the followin followingg pre-power pre-power up checks checks before before applyi applying ng power power to the syssystem: A. Ve Verify rify that that all three Em Emergen ergency cy OFF switc switches hes are reset reset (four switc switches hes if control panel is remotely installed) by turning them clockwise. B. Be sure sure the the room room is clear clear of of obstru obstructi ctions ons.. C. Correct Correct all discrepanc discrepancies ies before before applying applying power power.. D. Position Position the the radiation radiation shield shield (if applicable) applicable) on the unit unit (you will will not be able to secure the shield in place as a s the right side cover is removed at this point). 2. Apply Apply p pow ower er tto o the the syste system m as fol follow lows: s: A. If a film labeling labeling device device is installed installed,, apply power power to the device device (AutoFil (AutoFilm m I.D.). The AutoFilm I.D. has a “rocker rocker”” type power switch. E. Flip the the circuit circuit breaker breaker on the the rear of the Gantry Gantry up (ON (ON position). position). The The back light of the display is indication that power is applied. F.

The Contro Controll Pane Panell (r (refe eferr to Chap Chapter ter 3, 3, Figure 3-1, 3-1, Item 9) will display a message informing the user that internal checks are being performed.

G. Verify Verify that the Control Panel Panel displays displays the Run Mode Mode screen after after power up. H. If the AutoFilm AutoFilm I.D. I.D. is installed, installed, verify verify that the Patient Information Information Screen is displayed. Refer to the AutoFilm I.D. User’ User’s Guide. Note …

If the system detects a fault condition during startup, an appropriate message will appear on the screen. The power up sequence is suspended until the condition that caused the alert is remedied. Refer to the Alert A lert Codes listed in Chapter 5, Section 3.2 , Table able 5-2. 5-2. 3. Pe Perform rform the Post Post Power Power Up Checks Checks aass per Chapte Chapterr 3, Section 2.3. 2.3.

3.7. 3.7.3 3

Se Setti tting ng Oper Operat atio iona nall Param Paramet eter erss

Upon completion of initial power up procedures, the following calibration and alignment procedures must be performed to establish site preferences for system operations. • Set User Defaults— Defaults—Chapter 3, Section 4.0. 4.0. • Calibration Procedures— Procedures—Chapter 4, Section 2.0. 2.0. • Perform Performance ance Checks— Checks—Chapter 4, Section 6.0. 6.0. • X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures— Procedures—Chapter 4, Section 7.0. 7.0.


Final Operational Setup Upon completion of the calibration and alignment procedures, the following steps must be performed to ready the system for operations. 1. Re Remo move ve powe powerr to unit unit.. 2. radiat radiation shield shield (ipanels f applicable) appli the way way. 3. Place Replac Replace e all all ion covers covers and(if pan els..cable) out of the

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Service Manual Chapter 2: System Installation Unit Installation

4. Inst Install all the the radiat radiation ion shiel shield d (if applicable) applicable) as per per Section 3.8.1 3.8.1.. Upon completing the above procedures, the system will be ready for normal operations. 3. 3.8. 8.1 1

Inst Instal alli ling ng the the Rad Radia iati tion on Shi Shiel eld d

The Radiationopen. Shield mounts to the2-8 throughout side of the Gantry. Gantry Once installed, the shield is permanently Refer to Figure 2-8  throughout the.following: 1. Ins Insta tall ll the radiat radiation ion shi shield eld mounting bracket to the top of the radiation shield using the supplied supplie d hardware. To ensure radiation shield is properly aligned on the gantry, gantry, do not n ot tighten hardware at this time. 2. While While al align igning ing the pins pins o on n the the radiation shield mounting bracket with their corresponding holes on the top of the gantry, position the bottom of themounting Radiationbracket Shield in the lower on the right side of the Gantry. 3. Secure Secure the ra radia diatio tion n moun mounti ting ng bracket to the top of the gantry with the hardware provided. 4. While While gentl gentlyy pushi pushing ng ra radia diatio tion n shield flush with right side of gantry, tighten the hardware securing the radiation shield mounting bracket to the top of the radiation shield. 5. Secure Secure the ra radia diatio tion n shie shield ld to to the lower mounting bracket with the hardware provided.

Figure 2-8: Installing the Radiation Shield 


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults Controls and Indicators

Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults 1. 1.0 0

Co Cont ntrrols ols a and nd In Indi dica cato tors rs Figure 3-1 shows 3-1 shows the location of the Affinity Series Controls and Indicators used throughout this Chapter. For For detailed information on the Affinity Controls and Indicators, refer to the Affinity Series Operator’ Operator’s Manual, PN 9-500-0246. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Legend for Figure 3-1 Emerge Emergenc ncyy OFF Switc Switches hes (EMO) (EMO)— —Two on front of Gantry, one on rear. (For those systems with the Remote Control Panel Panel installed, a fourth EMO switch is located on the control panel mounting block.) Cir Circu cuit it Br Brea eakker XX-ra rayy FFoo oots tswi witc tch h Dual Dual Fu Func ncti tion on Foo Foots tswi witc tch h Ro Rota tati tion on Angl Anglee Dis Displ play ay C-Arm Controls Controls 7-Butt 7-Button on Keypad Keypad (two (two top, top, two two bottom) bottom)

7. Tubehea ubehead d Contro Controls ls 3-Butt 3-Button on Keyp Keypad ad 8. Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Devi Device ce 9. Cont Contro roll P Pan anel el

Figure 3-1: Affinity Controls and Indicators 

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up

2 .0

System Power Up 2.1

Pre-Power Up Checks Perform these pre-power up checks before applying power to the system: 1. Ve Verify rify tha thatt all three Emergenc Emergencyy OFF switches switches are reset (f (four our switches switches if control control panel is remotely installed) by turning them clockwise. 2. Check th thee overall overall integrity integrity of the the mammograph mammographyy unit for open or loose loose panels, panels, missing missing hardware, and signs of damage. 3. Inspe Inspect ct the radiatio radiation n shield for for chips, chips, cracks, cracks, break breaks, s, and secure secure attachment attachment.. 4. Be sure sure the the room room is is clear clear of obstru obstructi ctions ons.. 5. Correc Correctt all discrepanci discrepancies es before before applying applying power power..


Power Up Sequence Apply power to the system as follows: Notes …

Always perform the pre-power on checks detailed previously before applying power to the unit. Always correct discrepancies discrepancies before turning the unit on and using it clinically.

1. If a film labe labeling ling device device is installed, installed, apply apply power to the device device (AutoFilm (AutoFilm I.D. I.D.). ). The AutoAutoFilm I.D. has a “rocker rocker”” type power switch. 2. Flip the ccircui ircuitt breaker breaker on the rear of the Gantry Gantry up (ON positi position). on). The The back light light of the display is indication that power is applied. 3. Th Thee Control Panel Panel will will display display a message info informing rming the user user that internal internal checks checks are being performed. 4. Veri erify fy that that the the Contr Control ol Pane Panell ((Figure Figure 3-1, 3-1, Item 9) displays the Run Mode screen after power up. 5. If the AutoFilm I.D. is installed, installed, verify verify that the the Patient Patient Information Information Screen is displayed. displayed. Refer to the AutoFilm I.D. User’ User’s Guide. Note …

If the system detects a fault condition during startup, an appropriate message will appear on the screen. The power up sequence is suspended until the condition that caused the alert is remedied.


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up


Post Power-Up C Ch hecks After power is applied, perform the following checks to determine if the electro-mechanical subsystems are functioning. Correct all discrepancies before releasing the unit to the user. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Legend for Figure 3-2 Li Ligh ghtt Fie ield ld Lamp Lamp Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Dow Down n Sw Swit itch ch CC-Ar Arm m Dow Down n SSw wit itcch C-Arm C-Arm Rotati Rotation on Releas Releasee Swit Switch ch Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Relea Release se Swit Switch ch Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Up Up Swi Switc tch h C-Arm -Arm Up Sw Swit itcch Fi Filt lter er Type Type LED LED Indic Indicato ators rs ((Mo Mo or Rh)

Figure 3-2: The C-arm Controls 

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up

Table 3-1: Post Power-Up Checks  Functional Check C-Arm Controls— Controls— Perform this test for each of the four 7-button keypads on the Carm.


Button Lig Light Fiel Field d La Lamp mp (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item 1)

2. Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Dow Down n (Figure 3-2, 3-2, Item 2)


A. Press Press and and releas releasee the Light Light Fiel Field d Lamp button. B. Ve Verify rify light field field llamp amp illuminat illuminates es and then extinguishes after approximately 30 sec. A. Press Press and and hold hold the Comp Compres ressio sion n Do Down wn button. B. Ve Verify rify the light light field field lamp lamp illumi illuminates nates and the compression device moves down while button is held. C. Veri erify fy the the compres compressio sion n thickne thickness ss readout changes accordingly. D. Ensure Ensure compr compress ession ion devic devicee stops stops when button is released and brake is


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Rele Releas asee (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item 5)

engaged (won’ (won’t easily move manually). A. Press Press and and relea release se the the Compre Compressi ssion on Release button. B. Veri erify fy the the compres compressio sion n device device moves moves up and stops automatically.


Com Compre press ssio ion nU Up p (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item 6)


C-arm Down (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item 3)


C-arm Up (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item 7)

C. Ve Verify rify the compressio compression n brakes brakes release release (handwheel turns easily in both directions). A. Veri erify fy the compr compress ession ion devic devicee moves moves up when the Compression Up button is held and stops when the button is released. B. App Apply ly sligh slightt upward upward pres pressur suree to the the Compression Device. Verify the force readout changes. A. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm mo moves ves down down whil whilee button is held and stops when button is released. B. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm mov moves es up whil whilee button button is is held and stops when button is released.


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up

Table 3-1: Post Power-Up Checks  Functional Check C-Arm Controls— Controls— (continued)


Button Procedure C-ar C-arm mR Rot otat atio ion nR Rel elea ease se (Figure 3-2 3-2,, Item A. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm can can be rrota otated ted when when 4) button is held and that the C-arm

brake prevents rotation when button is released. B. Ve Verify rify that when the C-arm rotates, rotates, the rotation readouts on the Gantry change accordingly. Verify the angle display shows zero degrees of rotation when the C-arm is in the “CC CC””  position. A. The footswitc footswitch h con control trolss provid providee a pair of pedals that control C-arm and compression movement while freeing the operator’ operator’s hands during positioning.

Footswitch Controls

Figure 3-3: Dual Function Footswitch Footswitch

B. Th Thee movem movement entss provid provided ed by by these these pedals (C-arm Up, C-arm Down, Compression Up, and Compression Down) are identical to that of the corresponding controls on the C-arm keypads. C. Ve Verify rify footswitc footswitch h functiona functionality lity as per per the C-arm Controls Procedures, Steps 2, 4, 5, and 6.

Warning: Upon completion of footswitch functional check, ensure the footswitch is positioned in such a way as to prevent accidental activation by patients or operators. Tubehead Controls

1. C-arm Up (Figure 3-5, 3-5, Item 2) 2. C-a C-arm Down (Figure 3-5, 3-5, Item 3)

3. C-arm C-arm Ro Rota tati tion on Re Rele leas asee ((Figure Figure 3-5, 3-5, Item 4)

A. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm mov moves es up whil whilee button button is held and stops when button is released. A. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm mov moves es down down whil whilee button is held and stops when button is released. A. Veri erify fy C-arm C-arm can can be rrota otated ted when when button is held and that the C-arm brake prevents rotation when button is released. B. Ve Verify rify that when the C-arm rotates, rotates, the rotation readouts on the Gantry change accordingly. Verify the angle display shows zero degrees of rotation when the C-arm is in the “CC CC””  position.

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up

Table 3-1: Post Power-Up Checks  Functional Check Filter Changer


1. No butt button, on, sof softw tware are sel select ectabl ablee


A. Select Select the the Mo filt filter er via via the Run Run Mode Mode Screen on the Control Panel. Panel. Refer to the Affinity Series Operator’ Operator’s Manual for detailed information on selecting filters. B. Verif erifyy tha thatt tthe he Mo LE LED D (Figure (Figure 3-2, 3-2, Item 8) lights on each 7-button Switch Pad. C. Ensu Ensure re th thee Run Run Mod Modee’s Filter data line indicates Mo. D. Select Select the the Rh filte filterr via the the Run Run Mode Mode Screen on the Control Panel. E. Verif erifyy ttha hatt tthe he Rh LE LED D (Figure (Figure 3-2,  3-2,  Item 8) lights on each of the 7-button Switch Pads. F.

Ensu Ensure re th thee Run Run Mod Modee’s Filter data line indicates Rh. A. Press Press any any of the the three three EMO EMO swit switch ches es on the Gantry. Verify power is immediately removed.

Emergency OFF Switches

Figure 3-4: Emergency OFF 

B. To reset, reset, turn turn the the EMO switc switch h oneonequarter turn, then place the circuit breaker to the ON position. C. Repeat Repeat for for the the remain remaining ing Gant Gantry ry EMO EMO switches and for the switch located on the remote control panel mounting block (if installed).


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults System Power Up

Legend for Figure 3-5 1. Tubeh ubehead ead Con Contr trol olss (l (loc ocaation) 2. C-Ar C-Arm m Up Up Sw Switc tch h 3. CC-Ar Arm m Dow Down n SSwi witc tch h 4. C-Ar C-Arm mR Rot otat atio ion n Rel Relea ease se Switch





Figure 3-5: The Tubehead Controls 


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults The Affinity Series Control Panel

3.0 3.0

Th The e Affi Affini nity ty Se Seri ries es Cont Contrrol Pa Pane nell The Affinity Series Control Panel (Figure (Figure 3-6) 3-6) is the user interface which provides the operator with the ability to set exposure parameters and change system settings. The Control Panel is equipped with the following: Legend for Figure 3-6 Displ Display ay Screen Screen - Displays Displays the the current current exposure exposure techniques techniques and and system setting settings. s. Functi Function on Keypad Keypad - Contains Contains the followin followingg controls/ controls/keys: keys: Scrol Scrolll Keys - Up/Do Up/Down wn arrow arrow keys used used to move move the on-screen on-screen highli highlight ght (cursor). (cursor). Chang Changee Keys - Left/R Left/Right ight arrow arrow keys keys used to select select options options on on highlighte highlighted d field. field. Reset K Key ey - Used to to acknowledg acknowledgee and clear aan n alert messag message. e. When used used with Change Change keys, it allows user to change screens. When used with Scroll keys, it adjusts the contrast of the Control panel LCD display. display. 6. Compre Compressio ssion n Release Release Key - Used Used to release release the compre compression ssion brake brake and and raise raise the compression device approximately 10 cm. 7. Exposu Exposure re Indicator Indicator - Illumi Illuminates nates when when the system system is genera generating ting xx-ray rays. s. 8. X-r X-ray ay Exposure Exposure Key Key - Used to initia initiate te an exposure. exposure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Figure 3-6: The Affinity Series Control Panel 


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults The Affinity Series Control Panel


Control Panel Screens The Affinity Series Control Panel Panel displays three user mode screens, one debug screen and three calibration screens. Pressing the Reset + Right Arrow   or or Reset   + + Left Arrow  keys  keys will move to the next or previous screen. The screens are briefly described as follows: The Run Mode Screen (Figure (Figure 3-7) 3-7) is displayed display ed after power up. The data fields allow the operator to select exposure techniques, receive messages regarding system status, make x-ray exposures, initiate compression release and select filter. filter. The screen also offers a field to choose the compression release method.

Figure 3-7: The Run Mode Screen The User Default Screen (Figure (Figure 3-8) 3-8) allows the user to set the defaults for compression release, compression force, cassette sense, film ID, force units, date, and time. The choices made in the User Default Screen will be displayed after power up.

Figure 3-8: The User Default Screen

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults The Affinity Series Control Panel

Exposure Default Screen (Figure (Figure 3-9) 3-9) allows the user to set system defaults for exposure techniques. The choices made in the Exposure Default Screen will be reflected in the Run Mode Exposure settings displayed after power up.

Figure 3-9: The Exposure Default Screen

Press Reset   + + Right Arrow  together  together to select the User Default Screen from the Run Mode Screen. To To select the Exposure Default Screen from the Run R un Mode Screen, press Reset   + + Right Arrow  twice.  twice. To To go back to the Run Mode Screen from the Exposure Default Screen, press Reset   + + Left Arrow  twice,  twice, from the User Default Screen, press Reset   + + Left  Arrow  once.  once. Note …

Access to the Calibration Ca libration Mode (the Debug Screen and the three Calibration Screens) will require the servicing engineer to configure a DIP switch on the Microprocessor Board (see Chapter 4, Section 2.1, Entering Calibration Mode )).. The Calibration Mode/Debug Screen (Figure 3-10) 3-10) displays serial communications information throughout the unit.

Figure 3-10: The Calibration Mode/  Debug Screen


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults The Affinity Series Control Panel

Calibration Screen #1 (Figure (Figure 3-11) 3-11) allows changes to system calibration values such as Filament Current

Figure 3-11: Calibration Screen #1—  Calibration Mode  Calibration Screen #2 (Figure (Figure 3-12) 3-12) is accessed when setting up and calibrating the automatic exposure control system, including the AEC Gain, AEC Offset, and AEC Density. Density. When Cal Screen #2 is selected, the machine is fixed in Auto-Time Mode.

Figure 3-12: Calibration Screen #2—  Calibration Mode 

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults The Affinity Series Control Panel

Calibration Screen #3 (Figure (Figure 3-13) 3-13) is accessed to calibrate electromechanical systems and to perform the backup timer test. When setting CF CAL and SPECIAL commands, pressing Reset   + + Comp Rel  will  will send the selected command.

Figure 3-13: Calibration Screen #3—  #3 —  Calibration Mode 

Calibration Screen #4 (Figure (Figure 3-14) 3-14) is accessed to set the x-ray tube type, perform AEC Gain CalibraC alibration, set the wait time between exposures when in service mode, and to set the Auto Filter Threshold.

Figure 3-14: Calibration Screen #4—  #4 —  Calibration Mode 


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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults Setting User Defaults

4 .0

Setting Use Userr D De efaul aults The machine parameters listed below, below, are set up via the User Default Screen S creen (Figure (Figure 3-8) 3-8) using the Scroll and Change keys. For detailed instructions on setting these defaults, refer to the Affinity Operator’ Operator’s Manual. • • •

Note …

When a localization paddle is installed, the system automatically disables the motorized compression release function.

• • • •

Full Compression— Compression—10% to 100% selectable (25 to 40 lb compression) Pre Compression— Compression—10% to 100% selectable (15 to 30 lb compression) Compression Mode— Mode—Full Compression or Pre Compression Film ID— ID—None, Printer, Auto ID, Rapid ID

• •

Force Units— Units—Newtons or Pounds Cassette Sense— Sense—Prevents x-rays from being taken if the Bucky is not loaded, or if the cassette is not ejected from the Bucky after it is exposed. Select ON or OFF. OFF.

Note … • •

5.0 5.0

Compression Release— Release—Manual or Automatic. Manual— Manual —Requires the user to press a Compression Release button after each exposure. Automatic— Automatic —Sets the unit so the compression device will immediately lift after an exposure.

When the Cassette Sense is set to ON, the system will remain in Standby until a new cassette is installed. Date—US format or International format Date— Time— Time —12 hour format or 24 hour format

Se Sett ttin ing g Ex Expo posu sure re Tec echn hniq ique ue Def Defau ault ltss The exposure techniques listed below, below, are set up via the Exposure Default Screen (Figure (Figure 3-9) 3-9) using the Scroll and Change keys. For detailed operating instructions on setting these defaults, refer to the Affinity Operator’ Operator ’s Manual. • Mode Mode— —Allows you to set the exposure mode the unit defaults to upon up on power up. The available choices are: • Manual • Auto-Time • AUTO-kV • Auto-Filter • Mag Manual (applicable only when a magnification device is installed) • Mag Auto-Time Auto-Time (applicable only when a magnification device is installed) • Mag Auto-kV (applicable only when a magnification device is installed) • kV kV— —20 to 39 kV, kV, dependent on filter selected Note …

At kVsspot above mAs isfocal restricted 50 0 mAs for large focal and32, 150maximum mAs for small spot. to less than 500

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Service Manual Chapter 3: Functional Checks/Setting Defaults Setting Exposure Technique Defaults

• • • • •

• •

mAs—Large FS, 3 to 500 mAs; Small FS, 3 to 150 mAs; manual exposures mAs— require that the user set a fixed mAs for exposure timing. Density— Density —+5 to Normal to -5 (not available in Manual or Mag Manual modes) Screen Film— Film—Film 1, Film 2, Film 3 Focus—Large or Small Focal Spot Focus— Auto-kV Window— Window—When the exposure mode is set to Auto-kV or Auto-Filter the system determines the exposure factors necessary to make films at the optimum optical density, density, with ideal contrast. To do this, the user must set a timing “window”” that determines when to terminate the exposure. The timing window dow choices for Large FS are 125, 165, or 200 mAs and the choices for Small FS are 38, 50, or 60 mAs. The Auto timing window (based on breast thickness) should be selected by those users who are required to meet the 2 mGy (200 mrad) maximum average glandular dose requirement. Default Exposure Mode— Mode—Displays default mode that unit is set to upon power up. Default Mag Mode— Mode—Displays default mode when a magnification device is installed. Filter Filter— —Rhodium. Upon start up, Filter is always set to Molybdenum, user can change setting to


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Introduction

Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks 1 .0

Introduction This chapter contains the Affinity Series calibration, adjustment, and performance and compliance check procedures. The procedures described in the following sections are as follows: Caution: 

• • • •

Calibration Procedures (Section (Section 2.0) 2.0) Performance Perform ance Check Procedures (Section ( Section 6.0) 6.0) X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment (Section (Section 7.0 7.0)) Mechanical Adjustments (Section (Section 8.0 8.0))


2. 2.0 0

Always observe Electrostatic Always E lectrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working with electronics and electronic components.

X-Ray exposures taken in rapid periods succession may exceed theexposures, thermal such capacity of the system. During of numerous x-ray as during service calibration or physicist accreditation, please wait a minimum of 40 seconds between exposures to allow adequate cooling of the x-ray tube and high voltage electronics.

Ca Cali libr brat atio ion n Pr Pro oce ced dur ure es Use the following procedures to setup, check, and calibrate the mammography unit unit’’s exposure generating system, the automatic exposure control system, C-arm Safety microprocessor board, and the compression control system. On initial installation, always perform the procedures in this section in the order that they are presented to ensure proper setup and calibration. To download Calibration Data to a Laptop Computer, refer to Chapter 5, Section 3.3. 3.3.


Service   engineers must take appropriate radiation safety measures when testing (or maintaining) the unit.

Note …

When servicing the Affinity, if a procedure instructs you to remove the Gantry right-side cover or the tubehead covers, do not replace these covers until all required procedures (e.g., calibrations, adjustments, tests, remove and replace, etc.) are completed.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Calibration Procedures


Entering C Ca alibration M Mo ode The Affinity Series has four calibration screens which are used to setup and calibrate the xray generating system, the automatic exposure control system, and the electro-mechanical sub-systems (compression force, thickness, etc.). Perform the following to access the Calibration Mode screens: 1. Turn urn tthe he un unit it off. off. 2. To acce access ss the the Host Micr Micropr oproce ocessor ssor Boar Board d (Figure ( Figure 6-1, Item 6-1, Item 7), remove the Gantry rightside panel as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 3. Locat Locatee DIP switch switch (S2) at the the lower right right side of the the Microproces Microprocessor sor Board. Board. Set the unit unit for the Service Mode (S2 switch 1 = ON). Table 4-1 shows 4-1 shows all the switch settings and their functions. 4. Turn pow power er ON. When When the Run Run Mode appears, appears, the the unit is in in the Service Service Mode Mode.. 5. Th Thee three user user screens screens (Run (Run Mode, User User Default, Default, and and Exposure Exposure Default), Default), the the Debug Debug screen, and the three calibration screens (Cal #1, Cal #2, Cal #3, and Cal #4) are now accessible by pressing Reset   + + Left Arrow   or or Reset   + + Right Arrow . Table 4-1: Microprocessor S2 DIP Switches  Switch 1

Function (0=OFF/1=ON) ON







—User Mode/20 sec standby —Disables CF and tubehead communication when not part of system



—Service Mode/post exposure standby, 30, 45, or 60 sec selectable in Cal Screen #4

—Normal Operations —Disables X-ray Footswitch


—Enables X-ray Footswitch (Normal Operations) —Enables display of actual mAs in manual mode.


—Normal Operations



—Enables Adaptive Filament Function —Disables Adaptive Filament Function



Reserved for language (future use)


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Calibration Procedures

The data fields for each calibration screen are described in Table 4-2 4- 2. Table 4-2: The Calibration Screens  Calibration Screen

Field kV

Calibration Screen #1 (Filament Screen)



Shows selected kV or displays post-exposure kV in Auto-kV or Auto-Filter modes


Shows selected mAs or displays post-exposure mAs in Manual and Auto Modes. Maximum selectable mAs is dependent upon kV and Focal Spot.




Manual: User selects kV, mAs and Focal Spot Size. Auto-Time: User selects kV, Screen-Film, and Focal Spot Size. Auto-kV: System automatically selects kV and mAs. User selects selects Screen-Film and Focal Spot Size. Auto-Filter: Provides full automatic operation of all a ll technique factors. User selects Screen-Film.


User select selects s fil film m type type (Film 1, 2, or 3)


User User se sele lect cts s Larg Large e or Sm Smal alll Fo Focal cal Spot Si Size ze


On systems with HTC Buckys, used when performing reduced mA calibration portion of Filament Current (mA) Calibration Procedures (Section (Section 4.3 4.3). ).


When set to ON during Filament Current (mA) Calibration Procedures (Section (Section 4.3 4.3)) the system will automatically adjust the starting filament values.

Timer Test


Used in Backup Timer Test (Section 4.4) 4.4) to verify Backup Timer is working properly.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Calibration Procedures

Table 4-2: The Calibration Screens  Calibration Screen Calibration Screen #2 (AEC Screen)


Field kV



Shows selected kV or displays post-exposure kV in Auto-Tim Auto-Time e mode.


Shows selected mAs or displays post-exposure mAs in AutoTime Mode. Maximum selectable mAs is dependent upon kV and Focal Spot.


Use Used d duri during ng AE AEC C Ca Cali libr brat atio ion n (Section 5.0 5.0))


Used durin during g AEC Calib Calibratio ration n (Section 5.0 5.0))


Used during during AEC Cal Calibr ibrati ation on (Section 5.0 5.0))


User select selects s fil film m type type (Film 1, 2, or 3)


User User se sele lect cts s Large Large or Sm Smal alll Fo Focal cal Spot Si Size ze


HTC Fac Factor tor


Used during AEC Calibration (Section 5.0 5.0))

Use Used d dur during ing AEC Cal Calibr ibrati ation on (Section 5.0 5.0))


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Calibration Procedures

Table 4-2: The Calibration Screens  Calibration Screen




Shows selected kV or displays post-exposure kV in Auto-kV or Auto-Filter modes. Also used for kV Control Offset Calibration (refer to Section to Section 9.1 9.1))


Shows selected mAs or displays post-exposure mAs in Auto Modes. Maximum selectable mAs is dependent upon kV and Focal Spot.


Used when calibrating the compression force sensing circuits c ircuits for accurate force display (refer to Section to Section 3.1). 3.1). Available selections are 18 are  18 lb/80 N ,  34 lb/151 N ,  Thickness , and Verify  and  Verify .

Calibration Screen #3 (C-arm Screen)


LOAD CELL Force For ce Uni Units ts

Allows user to select type of Load Cell, REVERE or L LC C CENTRAL Allows Allows use userr to select select NEWTO NEWTONS NS or POU POUNDS NDS

PREAMP GAIN Factory set to 1, not ad adjustable. justable. Allows user to select additional service functions: NONE SELECTED: No SELECTED: No special functions selected. INIT CAL DATA: Used DATA:board  Used(refer to initialize Calibration data2.3.1,Display on the Host Microprocessor to Chapter to Chapter 6, Section Microprocessor Board, p. 6-9) 6-9) CLEAR EXP CNT: Resets CNT: Resets the Exposure Counter (refer to Chapter 6, Section,Exposure Counter Reset, p. 6-37) 6-37) DOWNLOAD CAL: Used CAL: Used to download calibration data to a laptop computer (refer to Chapter to Chapter 5, Section 3.3,System Data Retrieval, p. 5-10). 5-10). VIEW ERROR LOG: Used LOG: Used to view and/or download the Alert Codes Log to a laptop computer c omputer (refer to Chapter to Chapter 5, Section 3.3,System Data Retrieval, p. 5-10). 5-10).




  Sets Density Ste Step p value of 6, 8, 10, or 12.5%. Factory default to 10%. Used for calibration HTC Factor (Offset) (refer to Section to Section 5.16 5.16). ). Factory default to 3.5.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Calibration Procedures

Table 4-2: The Calibration Screens  Calibration Screen Calibration Screen #4   (Screen)



Shows tthe he type of X-ray Tube installed in th the e unit unit:: IM IM-113. -113. Not selectable.

AEC Gain Cal

  Not selectabl selectable, e, factory s set et to OFF OFF.. Used for Factory calibration of AEC Preamp Gain.

Svc Rdy Time

  Sets tthe he wait time betwee between n exposures, when in service mode, to 30, 45, or 60 seconds.




Sets the Auto-Filter kV setting that determines when to switch filters. This kV setting signals the unit to switch to the Rh filter when the kV is equal to or greater than the chosen setting.

Always Alwa ys return the unit to the user mode (S2 switch 1 = OFF) after performing calibrations to prevent inadvertent changes to system calibrations.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Compression System Calibration Procedures

3.0 3.0

Co Compr mpres essio sion n Syst System em Cal Calib ibra rati tion on Pr Proc ocedu edure ress 3.1

Compression FFo orce C Ca alibration This procedure calibrates the compression force sensing circuits for accurate force display display.. Be sure that the load cell selected is the type of load cell installed (refer to Table able 4-2). 4-2). Note that the load cell type is factory set and should never be changed unless the load cell is replaced. 1. Turn the unit unit OFF and remove remove the right right side Gantry Gantry cover cover to access the the Microproces Microprocessor sor Board. Set the machine for the service mode (S2 switch 1 = ON). 2. Apply power power.. When the the Run Mode appears appears,, access access Calibrati Calibration on Screen Screen #3 by pressing pressing Reset   + + Left Arrow . 3. Remove Remove any in install stalled ed accessory accessory from from the Image Image Receptor Receptor Support Support Device Device.. 4. Place a force force gauge (or scale) scale) on the IRSD IRSD.. Center the the scale lateral laterally ly and position position it 1.0 cm from chest wall edge. Install the 18 x 24 cm screening compression paddle onto the compression device. 5. Highli Highlight ght the CF CF Cal data data field field us using ing the the Scroll  keys.  keys. Press a Change  key  key until the field reads: 80 N (18 lb). 6. Pl Place ace a towe towell on the the gaug gaugee or scale to protect the compression accessory from scratches or damage. Use motorized compression to lower the compression device until the paddle just touches the force gauge. 7. Us Usee tthe he manu manual al co comp mpre resssion handwheels to apply additional compression until the gauge or scale indicates 18 lb of force. Press Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to send the 18 lb calibration data to the microprocessor. Figure 4-1: Compression Force Calibration Setup  8. Press a Change  key  key until the data field reads: 151 N (34 lb). Apply additional manual compression until the gauge or scale indicates 151 N (34 lb) of force. 9. Press Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to send the 151 N (34 lb) calibration data to the microprocessor. 10. Raise the compression device device off of the gauge or scale, then remove remove the towel and gauge. Perform the Compression Thickness Thickness calibration as per Section 3.2. 3.2.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Compression System Calibration Procedures


Comp mprression TTh hic ickn kne ess C Cal aliibrat bratio ion n This procedure calibrates the compression thickness sensing circuits for accurate tthickness hickness display. Note that this procedure requires that the compression force be calibrated first. display. Always perform the compression thickness calibration procedure with an accurately calibrated compression force display. 1. Set the uni unitt for the service service mode mode (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON). Access Calibr Calibration ation Screen Screen #3 after after power up. Remove any installed accessory from the Image Receptor Support Device. 2. Hig Highli hlight ght the the CF Cal Cal data data fi field eld usin usingg the the Scroll  keys.  keys. Press a Change  key  key until the field reads: “Thickness Thickness””. 3. Pl Plac acee 5.0 5.0 cm of acr acryl ylic ic on on the image receptor support device. Install the 18 x 24 cm compression paddle on the compression device. 4. Us Usee mot motor oriz ized ed co comp mpre resssion to lower the compression paddle until it just touches the acrylic. Use manual compression to apply 133.5 N (30 lb) of force onto the acrylic. 5. Press Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to send the compression thickness calibration data to the microprocessor.

Figure 4-2: Compression Thickness Calibration Setup  6. Hig Highli hlight ght the the CF Cal Cal data data fiel field d using using the the Scroll  keys.  keys. Press a Change  key  key until the field reads: “Verify Verify””. 7. Press Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to send the compression thickness calibration data to the microprocessor. 8. Rais Raisee the compression compression paddle, paddle, remove remove the the acrylic acrylic from the receptor receptor supp support, ort, then then return the unit to the user mode (S2 switch 1 = OFF).


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

4. 4.0 0

Ex Expo posu surre Syst System em Cal Calib ibra rati tion on This section details the procedures required to calibrate the exposure-generating system.


Tube V Vo oltage C Ca alibration This procedure sets the HV Generator Assembly so that the actual kV produced matches the kV selected/indicated. This check requires use of a high-voltage divider (10,000:1 or 1,000:1), a digital voltmeter, voltmeter, and an adapter cable to connect the voltage divider to the test receptacle on the unit’ unit’s HV Generator Assembly. Assembly. Refer to Figure 4-3 throughout 4-3 throughout the following procedures. 1. Tur urn n the the unit unit OFF OFF. 2. Remove Remove the left left and and right side Gantry Gantry doors doors (refer (refer to to Chapter Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1). 2.1.1). 3. Locate Locate the Microproc Microprocessor essor Bo Board ard on the right right side side of the Gantry Gantry and and set the unit unit for the Service Mode (S2 switch 1 = ON). 4. Locate Locate the HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly on the the left side of the the Gantry Gantry. Wait Wait approximatel approximatelyy 6 minutes before proceeding (see WARNING below).

WARNING!  To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until the LEDs D2 (Inverter Rail) and D35 (Brake Rail) on the HV Inverter Board are extinguished (this will take approximately 5 minutes). Once the LEDs are extinguished, do not proceed until an additional 1 minute has elapsed. 5. Using Using a coaxial cable cable (Item (Item 1) and a BNC BNC to banana plug plug splitter splitter (Item (Item 4), connect connect a DigDigital Multi Meter (DMM, Item 2) to the anode terminal (Item 3) of the HV divider (Item 6). Position the meter where it can be read from behind the protective radiation shield. 6. Conne Connect ct the the HV HV div divid ider er’’s ground wire (Item 8) to an unpainted metal surface on Gantry. 7. Connect one one end of the HV HV Adapter cable cable (Item (Item 10) into into the voltag voltagee divider divider receptac receptacle le (Item 11), and the opposite end into the HV test well (Item 12) on the HV Generator Assembly. 8. Tur urn n pow power er ON to unit unit.. Note …

Skip Step 9 when performing the Tube Voltage Voltage Calibration as part of the initial installation procedures.

9. Perform Perform the kV Control Control Offset Offset Calibr Calibration ation Procedures, Procedures, Section 9.1 10. From the Run Mode, set the unit for a Manual Manual mode exposure at 30 kV kV,, 150 mAs. Monitor the voltmeter from behind the radiation shield (if equipped), then conduct the exposure. 11. The voltage voltage reading on the voltmeter voltmeter for 30 kV shoul should d be 3.0 VDC (±0.06 VDC using using 10,000:1 voltage divider), or 30 VDC (±0.6 VDC using 1,000:1 voltage divider). 12. If the voltage reading is not within within the specification above, above, adjust R41 on the the HV Control Filament Board (part of HV Generator Assembly). Turn R41 clockwise to increase kV kV,, or counter-clockwise counter-cl ockwise to decrease kV (two turns equals approximately 1 kV). 13. Repeat Steps 9, 10, and 11 until the voltage reading reading at 30 kV is +2% of of the VDC specified in Step 11.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

14. Set the unit for a Manual mode exposure at 39 kV kV,, 80 mAs, Rh filter filter.. Monitor the voltmevoltmeter from behind the radiation shield, then conduct the exposure. 15. The volt voltage age reading on the voltmeter voltmeter for 39 kV should should be 3.9 VDC (±0.078 VDC using using 10,000:1 voltage divider), or 39 VDC (±0.78 VDC using 1,000:1 voltage divider). 16. If the voltage reading reading is not within the specification specification above, readjust R R41 41 on the HV Control Filament Board. Legend for Figure 4-3 1.

Coax Coaxiial Cab able le


Di Digi gita tall Mu Mult ltii Met Meter er




BN BNC C tto o Ba Bana nana na P Plu lugg Sp Spli litt tter er


Ground Ground si side de of sp split litter ter ((Sid Sidee of spl split itter ter wi with th “Tab ab”” must be connected to Common.)


Hi High gh Volta oltage ge Di Divi vide derr




Ground wi wire re (Att (Attach ach this this end of gro ground und wire to un unpain painted ted metal metal surface surface on Gantry Gantry.) .)



10. HV A Adap dapter ter Cab Cable le 11. Voltage oltage Divider Divider Re Recepta ceptacle cle 12. HV T Test est Well 13. mA Current Jack (not shown, on left side of H HV V Multipl Multiplier) ier)

Figure 4-3: High Voltage Generator Calibration Setup  17. Repeat the exposure and ccheck heck the voltage reading. Repeat Steps 14, 15, 15, and 16 until the voltage reading at 39 kV is within the ±2% specification. 18. necessary Check the continue voltage voltage atto20 kV to verify verify that at it remained remai within If make adjustments 20 kV, kVned , then at 39the kV ±2% until specification. calibration at both levels is achieved.

levels is achieved.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

19. Select intermediate kV levels and make an exposure at each setting. setting. Confirm that the the voltage readings on the meter are within 2% of the kV setting. If they are not, make small adjustments at 20 kV and 39 kV to “dial dial”” in the intermediate kV levels while maintaining the ±2% at all kV’ kV ’s. 20. For initial initial setup and calibration, skip this step. If aall ll service procedures have been comcompleted, return the unit to the user mode (S2 switch 1 = OFF), and replace all previously removed covers and panels.


Check mA Calibration Check the mA calibration as follows: 1. Turn the unit unit off. Wait Wait approximat approximately ely 6 minutes minutes before before proceeding proceeding (see WARNIN WARNING G below).

WARNING!  To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until the LEDs D2 (Inverter Rail) and D35 (Brake Rail) on the HV Inverter Board are extinguished (this will take approximately 5 minutes). Once the LEDs are extinguished, do not proceed until an additional 1 minute has elapsed. 2. On the HV Multiplie Multiplierr, connect a Digital Digital Multi Multi Meter Meter (set to current) current) to the the mA Current  Jack (Figure (Figure 4-3, 4-3, Item 13). 3. Take an exposure exposure at 30 kV, kV, manual mode, mode, 100 mAs. The The meter should should read read 100 mA. If not, adjust R2 on the HV Control/Filament Board. 4. Repeat Repeat Step Step 2 till till the the meter meter read readss 100 mA. mA.


Filam ame ent Cur urrrent (mA mA)) Calib ibrrati ation This procedure sets the filament current to produce the desired mA at each kV station for the large and small focal spots s pots in the Affinity. This This procedure also calibrates the reduced mA at each kV station for large focal spot using an HTC Bucky. Bucky. Adaptive Filament— Filament—This function allows you to make small adjustments to the filament DAC value when necessary each time an exposure is made. Turning switc switch h # 5 (S2) ON enables the function. This function is designed to keep the starting mA correct, as parameters vary over time. It is recommended that this function is enabled. Note …

This feature is automatically disabled when Filament Current Calibration (AUTO CAL) is ON.

Note …

This calibration calibration must be performed using Manual Exposure mode only.

1. Tur urn n tthe he unit unit OFF OFF. 2. Remo Remove ve th thee Gan Gantr tryy’s right side panel (to access the Host Microprocessor board) as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 3. Remove Remove the Patien Patientt Handles Handles and the C-arm top top cover to access access the Filamen Filamentt Protection Protection Board as per Chapter 6, Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 4. On the Micropr Microprocess ocessor or Board, Board, set the unit unit for the the service service mode (S2 (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON).

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

5. On th thee Fila Filame ment nt Prot Protec ecti tion on Board, connect a storage oscilloscope to TP2 (mA SENSE) and TP3 (GND). 6. Turn urn tthe he un unit it ON. ON. 7. Inst Instal alll a Buck Buckyy on tthe he IRS IRSD D. 8. After After the the Run Run Mode Mode sc scre reen en dis dis-plays, highlight the Filter  data  data field, and select the Mo filter . 9. From rom the the Run Run Mode Mode scr scree een, n, access Calibration Screen #1 by pressing Reset   + + Right Arrow  four  four times. 10. Highl Highligh ightt the Auto Cal  data field, then press a Change  key  key until the field reads: ON. 11. Highl Highlight ight and and change change the appropriate fieldsmode to set the unit for adata Manual exposure at 20 kV, 40 mAs, Large focus. 12. Make an ex exposur posure. e. The The system system will automatically adjust the starting filament values. Wait 40 seconds, take a second exposure. Wait 40 seconds, take a third exposure. After each exposure, check the waveform wavefo rm on the oscilloscope for under- or overshoot (Figure (Figure 4-4). 4-4 ). Verify that the waveform appears stable and is at the correct amplitude for the set kV as shown in Table 4-3). 4-3).

Figure 4-4: Example — —  Filament Filament Waveforms Pattern Notes …

To fully calibrate the system, 3 exposures (at 40 second intervals between shots) must be taken. Note the mA Target ( “  “T  T  ”  ”)  value and the mA Start (“ ST  ST ”  ”)  value displayed at the bottom of the screen. The difference between the start value and the

target value should be less than 10.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each each kV station using the the Large focal spot and Mo filter filter,, then perform this procedure for each kV station using the Small focal spot, Mo filter and 12 mAs. Record the values for each kV station on Table 4-3 4-3.. Note …

Three station.exposures are required to properly calibrate the mA at each kV

14. Go to the Run Mode Screen Screen and switch to the Rhodium filter then repeat steps 11 and 12 for kV stations 28 kV through 39 kV for both the Large (40 mAs) and the Small (12 mAs) focal spots. After each exposure, check the waveform on the oscilloscope for under- or overshoot (Figure (Figure 4-4). 4-4). Verify that the waveform appears stable, and is at the correct amplitude for the set kV as shown in Table 4-3. 4-3. 15. Record Record the values values for each kV station station on Table 4-3. 4-3. 16. For systems with with HTC Buckys, perform reduced mA calibration calibration below. below. Proceed to Step 17 if the system is not equipped with HTC Buckys. a. Go to to the Run Run Mode Mode Sc Scree reen n and sswit witch ch to to the Mo  filter.  filter. b. Access Access the Calibr Calibrati ation on Scre Screen en # #1, 1, Auto Cal data field should read ON. c. Highlight Highlight and and change change the appropr appropriate iate data data fields fields to to set the the unit for for a MANMANUAL mode exposure at 20 kV, kV, 12 mAs, Large focus. d. Hig ighl hlig igh ht tthe he Filament  data  data field and then press Reset + Compression Up   together.. (This will place you in reduced mA calibration mode.) together e. Ins Instal talll an HTC Bucky Bucky on the the IRSD IRSD.. f. Step behind behind the radiat radiation ion shield shield and make make an exposur exposure. e. (The (The system system will will automatically adjust the starting filament values.) Wait 40 seconds, take a second exposure. Wait 40 seconds, take a third exposure. After each exposure, check the waveform on the oscilloscope for under- or overshoot (Fig( Figure 4-4). 4-4). Verify that the waveform appears stable and is at the correct amplitude for the set kV as shown in Table 4-3 4 -3.. Record the reduced mA for each station on Table 4-4. 4-4. 17. Highli Highlight ght the the Auto Cal  data  data field and set to OFF. 18. For initial initial setup and calibration, calibration, skip this step step and proceed directly to to Section 4.4, 4.4, Step 5. Iftest all service procedures have to been the1oscilloscope from the points. Set the unit back thecompleted, u ser mode remove user (S2 switch = OFF), thenprobe replace previously removed covers and panels.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

Table 4-3: Filament Waveforms Amplitude  Large Focal Spot

Large Focal Spot







Small Focal Spot (Mo)



Smalll Focal Spot (Rh) Smal



20 kV





21 kV





22 kV





23 kV





24 kV





25 kV





26 kV





27 kV





28 kV





29 kV 30 kV

100 100

100 100

30 30

30 30

31 kV





32 kV





33 kV





34 kV





35 kV





36 kV





37 kV





38 kV





39 kV







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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Exposure System Calibration

Table 4-4: Reduced mA Filament Waveform Amplitude  Large ge Foc Focal al Sp Spot ot (Mo (Mo)) Lar kV


Reduced ma

Resul ultts

Large Lar ge Foc Focal al Sp Spot ot (Rh (Rh)) Reduced ma

20 kV



21 kV



22 kV



23 kV



24 kV



25 kV



26 kV



27 kV



28 kV



29 kV 30 kV

30 30

30 30

31 kV



32 kV



33 kV



34 kV



35 kV



36 kV



37 kV



38 kV



39 kV




Backup Timer Test

Perform this procedure at initial installation, or after replacing the Microprocessor Board to ensure that the Backup Timer is working properly. This test will attempt to generate a 7 second exposure. The Backup Timer must detect that the exposure duration has exceeded the maximum and terminate the exposure immediately. immediately. Note …

This test does not generate radiation.

1. Tur urn n tthe he unit unit OFF OFF. 2. Remo Remove ve th thee Gan Gantr tryy’s right side panel (to access the Microprocessor board) as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1.  2.1.1.  3. On the Micropr Microprocess ocessor or board, board, set the unit unit for the the service service mode (S2 (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON). 4. Turn urn the the un unit it ON. ON. 5. Access Access Calibr Calibrati ation on Screen Screen #1. 6. Highlight Highlight the Timer Timer Test data data field field using using the the Scroll  keys.  keys. Press a Change  key  key until the data field reads: ON.

data field reads: ON. 7. Tur urn n tthe he unit unit OFF OFF.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

8. On the Mic Micropro roprocessor cessor board, board, verify verify jumpers jumpers are positio positioned ned as follows follows (if not, not, install install  jumpers): •  JP5 between positions 1 and and 2 •  JP6 between positions 1 and and 2 9. Insta Install ll a DIP clip clip on U20 and and connect connect scope lead lead to Pin 2. Connect Connect the the ground lead lead to TP12 (DGND). 10. Turn tthe he Unit Unit ON. ON. 11. Set up scope as as follows follows:: • Volts/DIV : 2.00 V • Time/DIV: 2.00 sec • Mode : AUTO 12. Set the the time-out time-out to 6.3 6.3 +0.25 seconds as follows (refer to Figure 4-5): 4-5): a. Tri rigg gger er th thee IC IC by by momentarily shorting U11U11 Pin Pin 2. 1 to b. Whil Whilee vvie iewi wing ng si siggnal on scope, adjust Pot R146. Figure 4-5: Example — — Backup B   ackup Timer Time-out Signal  Note …

During the next step, the unit will not take X-rays and will attempt a 7.0 sec exposure.

13. Initiate Initiate an exposure exposure.. 14. When the exposure terminates terminates,, the message area along the lower part of the screen indicates the exposure duration (when the timer terminated the exposure), and the status of the test. 15. Ve Verify rify tthat hat the test test “PASSED PASSED””. If the indication is “FAILED FAILED””, contact LORAD Service department immediately. immediately. Do not use the system clinically. clinically. 16. The Timer Timer Test Test field will automatically reset to OFF. OFF. 17. Remove all all test equipment, equipment, do not remove jumpers jumpers JP5 and JP6. JP6. 18. Return the unit to the user mode (S2 switch switch 1 = OFF) OFF) and replace previously removed removed panels.

5. 5.0 0

Au Autom tomat atic ic E Exp xposu osure re Con Contr trol ol Sys Syste tem m Ca Cali libra brati tion on The following sub-sections are provided to calibrate the Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) System. Be sure the Exposure Generating System (kV & mA) is properly adjusted prior to calibrating AEC. Note …

AEC adjustment may be required if film or film cassettes, chemistry chemistry,, or

processor settings (i.e., temperature or replenishment rates) have been changed.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Calibration of the AEC is performed at the factory to assure that the system is capable of proper calibration and performance. At installation, the AEC must be adjusted to obtain films of the proper mean optical density (typically 1.6 OD ±0.15 OD depending on o n the radiologist’’s preference) using the site’ radiologist site’s processing equipment. The HTC Factor is set to a number. Do determined by the performing the HTC (Offset) (Offset) AEC Adjustment prioras to part leaving the factory factory. not change HTC Factor prior Factor to performing Calibration of the initial installation procedures. The AEC Pre-Amp Gain (shown on Calibration Screen #3) is factory set to 1 and is not selectable or adjustable. Note …

This procedure must be performed for each film type used with the unit. Before performing the AEC Calibration procedure, be sure to complete the Tube Voltage Calibration and the Filament Calibration.

AEC system performance is specified at the kV’ kV ’s that are normally used clinically. clinically. The following chart presents a guideline for typical clinical c linical values for breast composition and thickness. Table 4-5: Typical kV range versus compressed thickness  Thickn ckness ess Fat Fatty ty (kV (kV)) Thi

50/50 50/ 50 (kV (kV))

Dense Den se (kV (kV))

2.0 cm




4.0 cm




6.0 cm




Note that 2.0 cm thickness imaging is not appropriate above 26 kV kV,, while 6.0 cm thickness imaging is not appropriate below 26 kV kV.. Notes …

When calibrating the automatic exposure control system, alwa a lways ys use the same Bucky device and the same cassette to ensure consistent results. For optimum calibration results use the AEC Worksheets provided at the end of this procedure ( Tables Tables 4-6  through  through 4-9) . Record the AEC performance values on the worksheets when the AEC system is calibrated.


AEC Detector Gain Calibration Any time the AEC Detector Assembly or the X-ray Tube Tube is replaced, the following procedures must be performed. Required tools/test equipment: • 2.0 cm BR-12 • Digital Volt Meter (DVM) • Standard Issue Tool Set 1. Remo Remove ve th thee Gan Gantr tryy’s right side panel (to access the Host Microprocessor board) as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Install Install the 18 x 24 cm Bu Buck ckyy onto the IR IRSD SD,, insert insert a loaded casset cassette, te, and instal installl a compression paddle. 3. Set Place 2.0 on onexposure the sure Bucky Bucky covers co detectors. ors. 4. the the2.0 unit unicm t fororaBR-12 Manual Manual expo at at so 30itkV, kV , vers 50 mAs. mthe As.AEC detect

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

5. Connect an Oscillosc Oscilloscope ope 10 x 1 probe probe to TP33 (AEC) (AEC) on the Host Host Micropro Microprocessor cessor board, board, connect the probe ground to TP25 (AGND). Set the oscilloscope as follows follows:: • Sweep Time = 10 msec per division • Verti Vertical cal Sensitivity = 2 V per division • Tri Trigger gger Mode = Normal, with positive-going edge trigger 6. Init Initiate iate an exposur exposuree and record record the voltage voltage at 25 25 msec after after the trigger trigger point point on the osciloscilloscope. If the recorded voltage is between 9.2 to 9.8 VDC, V DC, the unit has passed and you can proceed with AEC Calibration. If the unit fails, adjust the AEC Detector board resistor R1 as per Section 5.2.


AEC D De etect B Bo oard—R1 A Ad djustment The value of the R1 currently installed on the AEC Detect board is used to calculate the correct value for the replacement resistor. resistor. Perform the R1 resistor value calculation as follows: 1. Note the result result of the voltag voltagee check check in Step Step 6 of Section 5.1 above. 5.1 above. 2. Remov Removee the AEC Detect Detector or Assembl Assemblyy as per Chapte Chapterr 6, Section 3.4.2. 3.4.2. 3. Set the as assemb sembly ly on itssecuring side side with the sensor windo windows wsdetector on the top to p plate facing facing forw forward. ard. Remove the 6 screws thethe AEC Cover to the assembly. 4. Remo Remove ve the cover cover and and set aside, aside, taking taking care not not to touch touch the film film covering covering the sensors. sensors. 5. Remo Remove ve the 2 screws screws securing securing the the D-sub connecto connectorr to the end of the the AEC Detector Detector Assembly. Remove connector. 6. Remov Removee the 4 scre screws ws securing securing the the AEC Detect Detect board board to the AEC Detecto Detectorr Assembly Assembly.. Remove the board. 7. Measur Measuree the resistance resistance across across R1 and calculat calculatee the replacemen replacementt value value using the followfollowing formula: 9.50 ÷ (result noted in Step 1) x value of current R1 = replacement resistor value  example:: 9.50 ÷ 11.0 VDC x 1.4 k Ω = 1.2 k Ω example Note …

The replacement resistor value typically falls within the 1.0 k  to 1.7 k  range.

8. Repla Replace ce R1 on the AE AEC C Detect board board with with a 1/4 Watt, Watt, metal metal film, film, 1% resist resistor or with tthe he value determined in Step 7 above. 9. Rever Reverse se Steps Steps 2 through through 6 to instal installl the AEC Detecto Detectorr Assembly Assembly..


Ini nittia iall C Cal alib ibra rattio ion— n—La Larg rge e FFoc ocal al Sp Spo ot (Mo (Mo)) This procedure will make Gain and Offset adjustments to the automatic exposure control system for large focal spot exposures. Exposures used to adjust the Offset must be taken between 240 mAs and 350 mAs, and exposures used to adjust the Gain must be taken between 40 and 80 mAs. Always take sample exposures, then adjust the amount of attenuation to achieve the proper mAs before making Gain or Offset aadjustments. djustments. 1. Go to St Step ep 3 for units units with no HTC HTC Bucky Bucky, units with HTC HTC Bucky Bucky, go to Step 2 2.. Note …

For large focal spot calibration with an HTC Bucky, Bucky, the unit must b bee in 100

mA mode. Ensure the HTC Threshold is low enough to remain in this mode.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

2. Set unit unit to Calibra Calibration tion Screen Screen #3, #3, set the HTC C-THK C-THK thresho threshold ld for 1.0 cm. 3. Set unit unit to Calibr Calibrat ation ion Screen Screen #2. 4. Install Install the 18 x 24 cm Bucky Bucky onto the the IRSD and and insert insert a loaded loaded cassette. cassette. Always Always use use the same cassette and Bucky for all calibration steps. 5. Set the unit for an Auto-T Auto-Time ime exposure at 25 kV, kV, Large focus, focus, Mo filter filter.. Set the Film data field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 6. Place 3.0 3.0 cm of BR-12 or PMMA acrylic acrylic on the Bucky Bucky, centered centered laterally laterally,, and extending extending approximately 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 7. Place the the AEC detector detector in the position position closest closest to the chest chest wall. wall. T Take ake an exposure, exposure, develop the film, then measure the optical density (OD). Note …

Always measure the Optical Density with the lower edge of the film flush with the front edge of the Densitometer and centered side-to-side (approximately 5.0 cm into film plane).

8. Make Gain Gain adjustment adjustmentss to calibrate calibrate the Optical Optical Density Density to the the value requeste requested d by the customer.. Increase the Gain value if the density is too high. To maintain mAs requirecustomer ments (40 - 80 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. 9. Make another another exposure, exposure, develo develop p the film, then then measure measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. 10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 as necessary necessary,, to obtain the mean mean OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). 11. Replace the 3.0 cm absorber with with the 6.0 cm absorber absorber.. Using the same techniques techniques as in Steps 8 and 9, make an exposure, develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Density. 12. Make Offset adjustments adjustments to calibrate the Optical Density Density to the value requested by the customer.. Increase the Offset value if the density is too high. To customer To maintain mAs requirements (240 - 350 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. 13. Make another exposure, develop develop the film, tthen hen measure the Optical Density. Density. 14. Repeat Steps 12 and 13 as necessary necessary,, to obtain the mean OD OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). 15. Replace the 6.0 cm absorber with the 3.0 cm absorber, absorber, make an exposure, develop develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Ensure the Optical Density reading is within ±0.15 OD of the exposure at 6.0 cm. If necessary, necessary, repeat the entire procedure to bring both the 3.0 cm and the 6.0 cm exposures within the specified requirements. 16. Change the Gain, Offset Offset and M-Density (i (iff required) values values for each of the the remaining large focal kV stations to the Gain, Offset, and M-Density values obtained in this procedure.


kV Tracking—Large Focal Spot (Mo) This procedure ensures that the automatic exposure control system will produce proper OD films at intermediate kV levels, large focus, with 5.0 cm of attenuation. 1. Place calibr calibration ation phantom phantom materi material al (typicall (typicallyy 4.0 or 5.0 cm) on the the loaded Bucky Bucky device device - centered laterally - positioned 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 2. Set the unit for an Auto-Time Auto-Time exposure, Large focal, Mo filter. filter. Note that while while in Calibration Screen #2, the exposure mode is automatically set to Auto-Time. Auto-Time. 3. Make exposures at 25 kV, kV, 27 kV kV,, 28 kV, kV, 29 kV and 30 kV. kV. Check the optical density

tracking each film.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

4. If neces necessary sary,, adjust Gain Gain and Offset Offset at each each kV station station to maintain maintain OD within within ±0.15 O.D. of the Mean Value (Initial Calibration - Large Focus). Note …

When calibrating with high-speed contrast film, each kV station will need verification and input of the Gain, Offset, and AEC Density.


Initial C Ca alibration—Large Focal Spot (Rh) This procedure will make Gain and Offset adjustments to the automatic exposure control system for large focal spot exposures. Exposures used to adjust the Offset must be taken between 240 mAs and 350 mAs, and exposures used to adjust the Gain must be taken between 40 and 80 mAs. Always take sample exposures, then adjust the amount of attenuation to achieve the proper mAs before making Gain or Offset aadjustments. djustments. 1. Go to St Step ep 3 for units units with no HTC HTC Bucky Bucky, units with HTC HTC Bucky Bucky, go to Step 2 2.. Note …

For large focal spot calibration with an HTC Bucky, Bucky, the unit must b bee in 100 mA mode. Ensure the HTC Threshold is low enough to remain in this mode.

2. Set uni unitt to Calibra Calibration tion Sc Screen reen #3, #3, set the the HTC C-THK C-THK thresho threshold ld for 1.0 cm. 3. Set unit unit to Calibr Calibrat ation ion Screen Screen #2. 4. Inst Install all the 18 18 x 24 cm Bucky Bucky onto onto the IRSD IRSD and insert insert a load loaded ed cassette. cassette. Alwa Always ys use th thee same cassette and Bucky for all calibration steps. 5. Set the uni unitt for an Auto-T Auto-Time ime exposure at 28 kV, kV, Large focal focal spot, Rh filter. filter. Set the Film data field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 6. Place 3.5 cm of BR-12 or PMMA acrylic on the Bucky, Bucky, centered laterally, laterally, and extending extending approximately 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 7. Place the AE AEC C detector detector in the position position closest closest to the chest wall. wall. Take Take an exposure, exposure, develop the film, then measure the optical density (OD). Note … Always measure the Optical Density with the lower edge of the film flush with the front edge of the Densitometer and centered side-to-side (approximately 5.0 cm into film plane). 8. Make Ga Gain in adjustment adjustmentss to calibrate calibrate the Optical Optical Density Density to the the value requeste requested d by the customer.. Decrease the Gain value if the density is too high. To maintain mAs requirecustomer ments (40 - 80 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. 9. Make ano another ther exposure exposure,, develop develop the film, then then measure measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. 10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 as necess necessary ary,, to obtain the mean mean OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). 11. Replace the 3.5 cm absorber wi with th the 7.0 cm absorber absorber.. Using the same tec techniques hniques as in Steps 8 and 9, make an exposure, develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Density. 12. Make Offset adjustments adjustments to calibrate calibrate the Optical Density Density to the va value lue requested by the customer.. Decrease the Offset value if the density is too high. To customer To maintain mAs requirements (240 - 350 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. 13. Make another exposure, develop develop the film, then measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. 14. Repeat Steps 12 and 13 as necessary, necessary, to obtain the mean mean OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). 15. Replace the 7.0 cm absorber w with ith the 3.5 cm absorber, absorber, make an exposure, dev develop elop the

film, then measure the Optical Density. Ensure the Optical Density reading is within


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

±0.15 OD of the exposure at 7.0 cm. If necessary, necessary, repeat the entire procedure to bring both the 3.5 cm and the 7.0 cm exposures within the specified requirements. 16. Change the Gain, Offset Offset and M-Density (i (iff required) values values for each of the the remaining large focus kV stations to the Gain, Offset, and M-Density values obtained in this procedure.


kV Tracking—Large Focal Spot (Rh) This procedure ensures that the automatic exposure control system will produce proper OD films at intermediate kV levels, large focal spot, with 5.0 cm of attenuation. 1. Place calibra calibration tion phan phantom tom material material (typic (typically ally 5.0 to 6.0 6.0 cm) on the loaded loaded Bucky device device - centered laterally - positioned 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 2. Set the unit for an Auto-Time Auto-Time exposure, Large focal, Rh filter. filter. Note that while while in Calibration Screen #2, the exposure mode is automatically set to Auto-Time. Auto-Time. 3. Make exposures at 29 kV, kV, 30 kV kV,, 31 kV, kV, and 32 kV. kV. Check the optical density tracking tracking each film. 4. If necessary necessary,, adjust Gain Gain and Offset Offset at each each kV station station to maintain maintain OD within within ±0.15 ±0.15 O.D. of the Mean Value (Initial Calibration - Large Focus). Note …


When calibrating with high-speed contrast film, each kV station will need verification and input of the Gain, Offset, and AEC Density.

Starting AEC Values—Large Focal Spot This procedure inputs recommended starting AEC values for 20 - 24 kV, kV, and for 31 - 39 kV for the Large focus. 1. Input the the values values for Gain, Gain, Off Offset set and AEC AEC Density Density used at 25 kV into into the correspo corresponding nding fields for 20 through 24 kV. 2. Input the the values values for Gain, Gain, Off Offset set and AEC AEC Density Density used at 30 kV into into the correspo corresponding nding fields for 31 through 35 kV. 3. Select the the Rhodium Rhodium (Rh) filter filter.. Input the the values values for Gain, Offse Offset, t, and AEC Density Density used at at 32 kV for each corresponding value at 33 through 39 kV. 4. Re-sel Re-select ect the Molybd Molybdenu enum m fi filte lterr.


Per formance Test—Large Focal Spot (Mo) This procedure ensures that the AEC system consistently produces films at the required optical density (+0.15 OD) using the Mo filter. 1. Make an exposur exposuree using the the phantom phantom thickness thicknesses es and kV combinati combinations ons shown shown in the worksheet at the end of this procedure (refer to Table 4-6: AEC Performance Performance WorkWorksheet— sheet —Large Focal Spot, Mo Filter). Filter). In the space provided, record the mAs and optical density values. 2. Ve Verify rify that that the maxim maximum um optical optical density de deviati viation on on each film film does not exceed exceed ±0.15 OD. If it does, repeat the Gain and Offset adjustments for the kV’ kV’s that are out of tolerance. Note …

Do not readjust Gain or Offset at 26 kV (initial calibration). calibration).

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Table 4-6: AEC Performance Worksheet — — Large L  arge Focal Spot, Mo Filter  Large Focal Spot 0.030 mm Molybdenum Filter



Recommended Thickness


18 x 24 cm Bucky/  Paddle/BR-12

Gain - Lower Thickness = 40 to 80 mAs

KODAK MIN-R-2000 Film/Cassette

Offs Of fset et - Hi High gher er Th Thick ickne ness ss = 240 to 350 mAs


Max/-1.0 cm




3.0 cm




5.0 cm




3.5 cm




5.5 cm




4.0 cm




6.0 cm




4.0 cm




6.5 cm




4.5 cm




7.0 cm




4.5 cm




7.5 cm




5.0 cm




8.0 cm




5.0 cm




8.5 cm




5.5 cm




9.0 cm


Note …




4.0 cm 4.5 cm 5.0 cm 5.5 cm 6.0 cm 6.5 cm 7.0 cm 7.5 cm 8.0 cm

Adjust thickness as necessary to achieve desired results.

Per formance Test—Large Focal Spot (Rh) This procedure ensures that the AEC system consistently produces films at the required optical density (within 0.15 OD) using the Rh filter. 1. Select Select the Rhodiu Rhodium m filte filterr (r (refe eferr to Table 4-7: AEC Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Large Focal Spot, Rh Filter). Filter). 2. Make Rh fil filtered tered exposure exposuress at 28 through 32 kV kV.. Check the the optical density density of ea each ch film to ensure that it is within ±0.15 OD of o f the mean optical density. density. 3. If necess necessary ary,, make Gain and Offset Offset adjustment adjustments. s. Use absorber absorber thickness thicknesses es to make Gain adjustments between 40 and 80 mAs. Use absorber thicknesses to make Offset adjustments between 200 mAs and 350 mAs. Note …

It may be necessary to use absorber thicknesses greater than 6.0 cm to achieve the desired mAs when calibrating AEC using the Rhodium filter at

higher kVs.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Table 4-7: AEC Performance Worksheet — —  Large Large Focal Spot, Rh Filter  Large Focal Spot 0.025 mm Rhodium Filter



Recommended Thickness


SRL 2000 Bucky/  Paddle/BR-12

Gain - Lower Thickness = 40 to 80 mAs

KODAK MIN-R-2000 Film/Cassette

Offs Of fset et - Hi High gher er Thi Thick ckne ness ss = 24 240 0 to 350 mAs





4.5 cm




7.0 cm




4.5 cm




7.5 cm




5.0 cm




8.0 cm




5.0 cm




8.0 cm




5.5 cm




8.5 cm


Note …


Max/-1.0 cm



6.0 cm 6.5 cm 7.0 cm 7.0 cm 7.5 cm

Adjust thickness as necessary to achieve desired results.

Initial C Ca alibration—Small Focal Spot (Mo) This procedure will make gain and offset adjustments to the automatic exposure control system for small focal spot exposures. Exposures used to adjust the offset must be taken between 65 mAs and 130 mAs, and exposures used to adjust the gain must be taken between 6 mAs and 14 mAs. Always take sample exposures, then adjust the amount of attenuation to achieve the proper mAs before making gain or offset adjustments. Note …

Before starting this procedure, select the small focal spot, then set the Gain

and Offset values to the values used at 25 kV for the Large Focal spot. 1. Remove Remove the Bucky Bucky device device and instal installl the Magnifica Magnification tion Table. Table. Alwa Always ys use the same same cassette for all AEC calibrations. 2. Set the unit for an exposure at 25 kV, kV, Small focal spot, Mo Mo filter, filter, Mag Auto-T Auto-Time. ime. 3. Place 2.0 2.0 cm of BR-12 or PMMA on the the breast pla platfor tform, m, centered centered lateral laterally ly,, and extendextending 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. Place the AEC detector in the position closest to the chest wall. 4. Place the the AEC detector detector in the position position closest closest to the chest chest wall. wall. T Take ake an exposure, exposure, develop the film, then measure the optical density (OD). Note …

Always measure the Optical Density with the lower edge of the film flush with the front edge of the Densitometer and centered side-to-side (approximately 5.0 cm into film plane).

5. Make Gain Gain adjustment adjustmentss to calibrate calibrate the Optical Optical Density Density to the the value requeste requested d by the

customer.. Increase the Gain value if the density is too high. To maintain mAs requirecustomer

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.


5. 5.11 11

ments (6 - 14 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. Make ano another ther exposure exposure,, develop develop the film, then then measure measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. Repeat SSteps teps 5 and 6 as necess necessary ary,, to obtain obtain the mean mean OD requi requiremen rementt (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). Repla Replace ce the 2.0 cm absorbe absorberr with the 5.0 5.0 cm absorber absorber.. Using Using the same techni techniques ques as in in Steps 5 and 6, make an exposure, develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Density. Make Of Offset fset adjustme adjustments nts to calibrat calibratee the Optical Optical Density Density to the value value requested requested by the the customer.. Increase the Offset value if the density is too high. To maintain mAs requirecustomer ments (65 - 130 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 B R-12 or PMMA used. Make another exposure, develop develop the film, then measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. Repeat Steps 9 and 10 as necess necessary ary,, to obtain the mean mean OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). Replace the 5.0 cm absorber w with ith the 2.0 cm absorber, absorber, make an exposure, dev develop elop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Ensure the Optical Density reading is within ±0.15 OD of the exposure at 5.0 cm. If necessary necessary,, repeat the entire procedure to bring both the 2.0 cm and the 5.0 cm exposures within the specified requirements. Change the Gain, Offset Offset and M-Density (if required) values values for each of the remaining small focal spot kV stations to the Gain, Offset, and M-Density values obtained in this procedure.

kV Tra rack ckin ing g - Sm Smal alll Fo Foca call S Spo pott (M (Mo) o) This procedure ensures that the automatic exposure control system will produce proper OD films at intermediate kV levels, small focus, with 4.0 cm of attenuation. 1. Place 4. 4.0 0 cm of BR-12 on the Magnifi Magnificatio cation n Table Table - centered centered lateral laterally ly - positioned positioned 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 2. Set the u unit nit for an an Auto-T Auto-Time exposure, exposure, Small Small focal focal spot, spot, Mo filter filter.. 3. Make ex exposure posuress at 25 through 30 kV. kV. Check the optical optical density density tracki tracking ng each film. film. 4. If neces necessary sary,, adjust Gain Gain and Offset Offset at each each kV station station to maintain maintain OD OD within within ±0.15 OD of the mean optical density value.


Initial C Ca alibration—Small Focal Spot (Rh) This procedure will make gain and offset o ffset adjustments to the automatic exposure control system for small focal spot exposures. Exposures used to adjust the offset must be taken between 65 mAs and 130 mAs, and exposures used to adjust the gain must be taken between 6 mAs and 14 mAs. Always A lways take sample exposures, then adjust the amount of attenuation to achieve the proper mAs before making gain or offset adjustments. Note …

Before starting this procedure, select the small focus, then set the Gain and Offset values to the values used at 26 kV for the Large Focal spot.

1. Set the uni unitt for an exposure exposure at 28 kV, kV, Small focal focal spot, spot, Rh filter filter, Mag Auto-T Auto-Time. ime. 2. Place 2.5 cm of BR BR-12 -12 or PMMA on the br breast east platfor platform, m, centered centered laterall laterallyy, and extendextending 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. Place the AEC detector in the position closest to the chest wall. 3. Place the AE AEC C detector detector in the position position closest closest to the chest wall. wall. Take Take an exposure, exposure,

develop the film, then measure the optical density (OD).


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Note …

Always measure the Optical Density with the lower edge of the film flush with the front edge of the Densitometer and centered side-to-side (approximately 5.0 cm into film plane).

4. Make Gain Gai. nDecrease adjustment adjustments to calibrate calibr ateifthe Opt ical Density De to the thTo e value requeste requested by the customer. customer thes Gain value theOptical density is nsity too high. maintain mAsdrequirements (6 - 14 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 or PMMA used. 5. Make another another exposure, exposure, develo develop p the film, then then measure measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. 6. Repeat Steps Steps 4 and 5 as necess necessary ary,, to obtain obtain the mean mean OD requirem requirement ent (±0 (±0.15 .15 OD). OD). 7. Replace Replace the 2.5 cm absorbe absorberr with the the 6.0 cm absorber absorber.. Using the the same techniq techniques ues as in Steps 5 and 6, make an exposure, develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Density. 8. Make Offset Offset adjustme adjustments nts to calibrat calibratee the Optical Optical Density Density to the value value requested requested by the the customer.. Decrease the Offset value if the density is too high. To customer To maintain mAs requirements (65 - 130 mAs), it may be necessary to increase or decrease the amount of BR-12 BR -12 or PMMA used. 9. Make another another exposure, exposure, develo develop p the film, then then measure measure the Optical Optical Density Density.. 10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 as necessary necessary,, to obtain the mean mean OD requirement (±0.15 (±0.15 OD). 11. Replace the 6.0 cm absorber with the 2.5 cm absorber, absorber, make an exposure, develop develop the film, then measure the Optical Density. Ensure the Optical Density reading is within ±0.15 OD of the exposure at 6.0 cm. If necessary, necessary, repeat the entire procedure to bring both the 2.5 cm and the 6.0 cm exposures within the specified requirements. 12. Change the Gain, Offset Offset and M-Density (i (iff required) values values for each of the the remaining small focal spot kV stations to the Gain, Offset, and M-Density values obtained in this procedure.

5. 5.13 13

Star Starti ting ng AE AEC CV Val alue uess - Sm Smal alll FFoc ocal al Sp Spot ot This procedure inputs recommended starting AEC values for 22 through 24 kV kV,, and for 31 through 39 kV for the Small focus. 1. Input the the values values for Gain, Gain, Offset Offset and and AEC Density Density used at at 25 kV into the the correspondin correspondingg fields for 20 through 24 kV for Mo. 2. Input the the values values for Gain, Gain, Off Offset set and AEC AEC Density Density used at 30 kV into into the correspo corresponding nding fields for 31 through 35 kV for Mo. 3. Select the the Rhodium Rhodium (Rh) filter filter.. Input the values values for for Gain, Offset, Offset, and and M-Density M-Density used at 32 kV into the corresponding fields for 33 through 39 kV for Rh. 4. Re-sel Re-select ect the Molybd Molybdenu enum m fi filte lterr.

5. 5.14 14

Pe Perfo rform rman ance ce Tes estt - Sm Smal alll Sp Spot ot (M (Mo) o) This procedure ensures that the AEC system consistently produces films at the required optical density (within 0.15 OD) using the Mo filter. 1. Make a small small foca focall spot expo exposure sure using using the phantom phantom thick thicknesses nesses aand nd kV combinatio combinations ns shown in the worksheet at the end of this procedure (refer to Table 4-8: AEC Performance Worksheet— Worksheet—Small Focal Spot, Mo Filter). Filter). In the space provided, record the mAs and optical density values.

2. Ve Verify rify that that the maxim maximum um optical optical density de deviati viation on on each film film does not exceed exceed ±0.15 OD. If it does, repeat the Gain and Offset adjustments for the kV’ kV’s that are out of tolerance.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Note …

Do not readjust Gain or Offset at 26 kV (initial calibration). calibration). Table 4-8: AEC Performance Worksheet — —  Small Small Focal Spot, Mo Filter 


Small Focal Spot

Mag Table/Paddle/BR-12 Gain - Lower Thickness = 6 to

0.030 mm Molybdenum Filter

KODAK MIN-R-2000 Film/  14 mAs Cassette Offs Of fset et - Hi High gher er Th Thic ickn kness ess = 65 to 130 mAs


Recommended Thickness






1.5 cm




4.5 cm




2.0 cm




4.5 cm




2.0 cm




5.0 cm




2.5 cm


27 28

30 30

5.5 cm 2.5 cm

O= G=



6.0 cm




3.0 cm




6.5 cm




3.0 cm




6.5 cm




3.5 cm




7.0 cm




3.5 cm




7.5 cm


Note …

Max/-1 cm



3.5 cm 3.5 cm 4.0 cm 4.5 cm 5.0 cm 5.5 cm 5.5 cm 6.0 cm 6.5 cm

Adjust thickness as necessary to achieve a chieve desired results.

5. 5.15 15

Pe Perfo rform rman ance ce Tes estt - Sm Smal alll Sp Spot ot (R (Rh) h) This procedure ensures that the AEC system consistently produces films at the required optical density (within 0.15 OD) using the Rh filter, small focus. 1. Selec Selectt the Rhodium Rhodium filter filter. Enter the values values for Gain, Gain, Offset Offset and AEC Densit Densityy obtained obtained for the Mo filter as the starting values for the Rh filter (refer to Table 4-9: AEC Performance Worksheet— Worksheet —Small Focal Spot, Rh Filter). Filter). 2. Make Rh fil filtered tered exposure exposuress at 28 through 32 kV kV.. Check the the optical density density of ea each ch film to ensure that it is within ±0.15 OD of o f the mean optical density. density. 3. If necess necessary ary,, make Gain and Offset Offset adjustment adjustments. s. Use absorber absorber thickness thicknesses es to make Gain adjustments between 7 mAs and 10 mAs. Use absorber thicknesses to make Offset adjustments between 70 mAs and 100 mAs.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Table 4-9: AEC Performance Worksheet — — Small S  mall Focal Spot, Rh Filter  Small Focal Spot 0.025 mm Rhodium Filter



Recommended Thickness


Mag Table/Paddle/BR12

Gain - Lower Thickness = 6 to 14 mAs

KODAK MIN-R-2000 Film/Cassette

Offset Off set - Hig Higher her Thi Thickn ckness ess = 65 to 130 mAs





2.5 cm




6.0 cm




3.0 cm




6.5 cm




3.0 cm




6.5 cm




3.5 cm




7.0 cm




3.5 cm




7.5 cm


Note …

5.16 .16

Max/-1 cm



5.0 cm 5.5 cm 5.5 cm 6.0 cm 6.5 cm

Adjust thickness as necessary to achieve desired results.

HT HTC C FFac acto torr ((Of Offs fset et)) C Cal alib ibra rati tion on This procedure is only applicable for those systems with an HTC Bucky Bucky.. 1. Set unit unit to Calibra Calibration tion Screen Screen #3, #3, set the HTC C-THK C-THK thresho threshold ld for 6.0. 2. Set unit unit to Calibr Calibrat ation ion Screen Screen #2. 3. Set the unit for an Auto-T Auto-Time ime exposure at 26 kV, kV, Large focus, focus, Mo filter filter.. Set the Film data field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 4. Place the the amount of BR-12 or PMMA PMMA acrylic acrylic that that was was used in the final final 26 26 kV, kV, low attenattenuation exposure from Table 4-6 on the Bucky, centered laterally, and extending approximately 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. 5. Place the the AEC detector detector in the position position closest closest to the chest chest wall. wall. T Take ake an exposure, exposure, develop the film, then measure the optical density (OD). 6. On Cali Calibra bratio tion n Scree Screen n #2, #2, selec selectt HTC FACTOR  and  and adjust as necessary to set OD to match the OD reading from the 26 kV kV,, low attenuation exposure on Table 4-6 (+0.05 4-6 (+0.05 OD). Record final results on Table 4-10 4-10. Table 4-10: HTC Factor Worksheet  HTC FACTOR kV 26

Reduced Thickness mA 30



HTC Factor

5. 5.17 17

La Larg rge e Bu Buck cky y (2 (24 4x3 30 0c cm) m) FFac acto torr Ca Cali libr brat atio ion n 1. Set unit unit to Calibr Calibrat ation ion Screen Screen #2.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

2. Set the unit for an Auto-Time Auto-Time exposure at 26 kV, kV, Large focus, focus, Mo filter filter.. Set the Film data field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 3. Place 4 4.0 .0 cm of BR-12 BR-12 or PMMA PMMA acrylic acrylic on the 18 x 24 cm Bucky Bucky,, centered centered late lateral rally ly over the AEC detectors. Lower the compression device onto the BR-12. 4. Take an expos exposure, ure, develop develop the film, film, then measure measure the optical optical densit densityy (OD). Write Write the mA and OD in the place provided on the Large Bucky Factor Work Worksheet sheet (Table (Table 4-11) 4-11) for the 18 x 24 cm Bucky. 5. Re Remo move ve the the 18 18 x 24 cm cm Buck Buckyy. 6. Place a 24 x 30 cm B Buck uckyy on the syst system em and set set the unit for for an Auto-T Auto-Time ime exposure exposure at 26 kV, kV, Large focus, Mo filter. filter. Set the Film data d ata field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 7. Place 4 4.0 .0 cm of BR-12 BR-12 or PMMA PMMA acrylic acrylic on the 24 x 30 cm Bucky Bucky,, centered centered late lateral rally ly over the AEC detectors. Lower the compression device onto the BR-12. 8. Take an expos exposure, ure, develop develop the film, film, then measure measure the optical optical densit densityy (OD). Write Write the mA and OD in the place provided on the Large Bucky Factor Work Worksheet sheet (Table (Table 4-11) 4-11) for the 24 x 30 cm Bucky. 9. Div Divide ide the 18 x 24 cm Buck Buckyy mAs by by the 24 x 30 cm Bucky Bucky mAs (as shown in in Table 411). 11). This is the Large Bucky Factor. 10. On Calib Calibrati ration on Screen Screen #2, select LgBky FACTOR  and  and adjust as necessary to match the calculated Large Bucky Factor. 11. Take an exposure with the 24 x 30 cm Bucky and develop the film. Mea Measure sure the OD. Adjust the Large Bucky Factor until the large Bucky OD is within 0.10 of the small Bucky OD. Table 4-11: Large Bucky Factor Worksheet  18 x 24 cm Bucky Thickness

mAs mA

24 x 30 cm Bucky OD

4.0 cm




4.0 cm

Final Large Bucky Factor _________

5. 5.18 18

Co Compr mpres essi sion on Thic Thickne kness ss Thr Thres esho hold ld Ad Adju just stme ment nt Note … 1.

For this adjustment the unit must be in 100 mA mode. Ensure that the Compression Thickness Threshold Threshold is 1.0 cm at the start of this procedure.

For units units with n no o HTC Buc Bucky ky,, go tto o Step 3 3,, for units with HTC Bucky, Bucky, go to Step 2.

12. Set unit to Calibra Calibration tion Screen #3, set the HTC C-THK threshold for 1.0 cm. 13. Set unit to Calibrati Calibration on Screen Screen #2. 14. Install the 18 x 24 cm Bucky onto the IRSD and insert a loaded cassette. Alw Always ays use the same cassette and Bucky for all calibration steps. 15. Set the unit for an Auto-Time Auto-Time exposure at 25 kV, Larg Largee focus, Mo filter filter.. Set the Film data field to the screen-film combination loaded in the cassette. 16. Place the amount of BR-12 or PMMA acrylic that was was used in the final 25 kV kV,, low atten-

uation exposure from Table 4 6 on the Bucky, centered laterally and extending 1.0 cm over the chest wall edge. Use motorized compression to lower the compression paddle onto the phantom material.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

17. Insert a loaded cassette into the Bucky Bucky, then make a 25 kV Auto-T Auto-Time ime exposure. Record the mAs value (as point “A”) on the semi log worksheet (Table ( Table 4-12). 4-12). 18. Release compression and place place the amount of BR-12 or P PMMA MMA acrylic that was used in the final 25 kV, high attenuation exposure from Table 4-6 on the Bucky. Reapply compression, then make a second exposure. Record this mAs value (as point “B”) on the semi log worksheet. 19. Draw Draw a line be betwee tween n points points “A” and “B” on the semi log. l og. Follow the left side of the graph and locate the 80 mAs point. Draw a straight line and intercept the line between the 2 points. 20. Draw a vertical vertical line fr from om that point to the the bottom of the graph graph and note the compression compression thickness value indicated. This is the compression thickness threshold value. 21. On Calibration Screen Screen 3, highlight HTC C-THK and and change the displayed displayed value to the value calculated on the graph.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

Table 4-12: Compression Thickness Threshold Semi-Log 

500 400



100 90 80 70 60 50 40



mAs↑ 10 Thickness → 0








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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration

5.19 .19

CC-ar arm m Sa Safe fetty Fu Func ncttio ion n Ch Chec eck k The C-arm Safety Function Check procedures should be performed on a semi-annual basis or whenever the C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board or Load Cell has been replaced. 1. Set CC-arm at at 0° 0°. Place an obstruction (padded chair, table) below C-arm. 2. Press and hold C-arm down button button until until C-arm C-arm moves moves onto onto obstructi obstruction. on. 3. Ve Verify rify C-arm C-arm stops automatical automatically ly.. If not, perform perform the C-arm Safety Safety Microprocess Microprocessor or Board Calibration procedures as per Section 8.4. 8.4. 4. Check Check that that all all C-arm C-arm down down buttons buttons are are disable disabled. d. 5. Verify “Safety Switch” Switch” alert appears on the display. display. (Alert Code 6, see Chapter 5, Section 3.2,, Table 3.2 able 5-2. 5-2.) 6. Press C-arm Up button button and verif verifyy C-arm C-arm moves moves upward. upward. 7. Press Reset  on  on Control Panel Panel to clear message. Remove obstruction from C-arm area.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

6 .0

Perfo rformance Ch Checks This section of the manual contains the performance checks which verify system performance and compliance, including verification of the x-ray generating system, and checks for x-ray and leakage. After servicing the X-ray System, the following checks must be completed. •  Half-Value Layer (Section (Section 6.1) 6.1) • Reproducibility and Linearity in Manual Mode (Section (Section 6.2 6.2)) • Reproducibility in Auto-Time Mode (Section (Section 6.3) 6.3) • Reproducibility in Auto kV Mode (Section (Section 6.4) 6.4) • Reproducibility in Auto-Filter Mode (Section (Section 6.5) 6.5) The following are standard system performance checks. • • •

Bucky Device Performance (Section (Section 6.6 6.6)) AEC Limits Performance Check (Section (Section 6.7) 6.7) System Level Functional Check (Section (Section 6.8) 6.8)

• Optical Density (User’ (User’s Preference) Verification (Section (Section 6.9) 6.9) The following checks verify that the mammography mammography unit’ unit ’s shielding meets requirements. Perform the appropriate check(s) after servicing the Tubehead Tubehead or the Image Receptor Support Device. • •


Leakage Check - IRSD (Section ( Section 6.10) 6.10) Leakage Check - Tubehead (Section (Section 6.11) 6.11)

Half-Value Layer This compliance check verifies verifies the quality of o f the x-ray beam and ensures that the half-value layer (HVL) meets the requirements set forth by the FD FDA, A, 21CFR, and the recommendations by the ACR/CDC. This check requires the use of the following equipment: • • •

Dosimeter Type 1100 aluminum filter pack (99.9% pure) Radiation Meter and Probe


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

1. Place Place a rradi adiati ation on prob probee 4.5 4.5 cm cm above the image receptor support device. Position the probe 4.0 cm from the chest wall edge, and center it laterally with respect to the left and right edges of the IRSD (Figure (Figure 4-6). 4-6). Set the meter functions switch to milliroentgens. 2. Inst Instal alll the the 18 x 24 24 cm com compr pres es-sion paddle upside-down on the compression device. Raise the compression device completely. completely. Ensure the probe’ probe’s meter is positioned so that it can be read from behind the unit’ unit’s radiation shield. 3. In the the RUN RUN MOD MODE, E, sset et the the uni unitt








for a Manual Mode exposure at 30 kV, 70 mAs, Large focal spot, Mo filter. Ins Insert ert the Auto-a Auto-aper pertur turee into into the the tubehead slot, conduct the exposure, and record the milliroentgen reading on the semilog (Table (Table 4-13). 4-13). Figure 4-6: Half-Value Layer Setup  Place Place a 0.2 0.2 mm alumin aluminum um filt filter er (99.9% pure aluminum) on the surface of the compression paddle, directly beneath the x-ray tube port (Figure (Figure 4-6). 4-6). Using the same technique factors as in Step 3, make another exposure and record the milliroentgen reading on the semi-log. Repeat Step 5 with with additional additional 0.1 0.1 mm sheets sheets of aluminum aluminum between between the the x-ray x-ray tube port port and the radiation probe. Record the milliroentgen reading on the semi-log after each exposure until the reading is less than one-half the original step #4 exposure reading (without aluminum). Draw Draw a line on the ssemiemi-log log through through the plotted plotted mR mR readings. readings. It may may be necessary necessary to draw the line to achieve a “best fit” fit” path (in cases where the plotted readings are not linear). Determine Determine the the exact half-v half-value alue of the the step #4 mR reading reading and and record this this on the semisemilog. Draw a horizontal line, starting from this plot, across the semi-log until it intersects with the line plotted in Step 7. Draw Draw a vertic vertical al line through through the intersec intersection tion to the bot bottom tom of the semi-lo semi-log. g. This This is the half-value layer. layer. Verify that the half-value layer is greater than 0.33 mm AL, and less than 0.42 mm AL (Molybdenum filter). Select the Rhodium (Rh) filter, filter, then repeat Steps 4 through through 9 to obtain the half-value half-value layer for the Rhodium filter. Verify Verify that the half-value layer is greater 0.33 mm AL, and

less than 0.49 mm AL (Rhodium filter).

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

Table 4-13: Half-Value Layer Semi-Log  mR


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks


Re Repr pro odu duci cibi bili lity ty an and d LLin inea eari ritty iin nM Man anua uall M Mod ode e The following test verifies that the x-ray system (including the controls and x-ray tube) is operating consistently. consistently. Record the readings and mathematical calculations in the Reproducibility & Linearity Worksheets. 1. Se Sett the the rrad adia iati tion on pro probe be mod mod-ule to read exposure in milliroentgens. Fixture the probe to set it 4.5 cm above the IRSD (as shown in Figure 47) 7).. Position the probe 4.0 cm from the chest wall edge, and center it laterally with respect to the left and right edges of the IRSD. I RSD. 2. Turn the system system ON and ill illuuminate the light field. Limit the beam to approximately the size of the Reposition the probe probe head. head to center its detector in the beam. Align the surface of the probe so that it stays perpendicular to the beam axis. Figure 4-7: Reproducibility & Linearity Check Setup  3. Se Sett tthe he unit unit for for a Man Manua uall Mode exposure at 25 2 5 kV kV,, 60 mAs, large l arge Focal Spot, Mo Filter. Filter. Conduct the exposure, then record the milliroentgen reading on the Reproducibility Worksheet ((Table Table 4-14). 4-14). 4. Change the the technique technique factors factors for both both kV and mAs, then then return return them them to 25 kV and and 60 mAs. Conduct a second exposure and record the milliroentgen reading on the Worksheet. 5. Continue Continue to randomly randomly change change tthe he technique technique setting settingss for kV and mAs, mAs, then then return return to 25 kV and 60 mAs and take an exposure. Record the milliroentgen reading on the worksheet until ten individual readings have been recorded. 6. Compute Compute and record record the average average milliro milliroentgen entgen reading reading.. Subtract Subtract each actual actual reading reading from the average, and square each difference. Add the squares and divide the sum by nine. Then take the square root of the result. 7. Divide Divide the number number calculated calculated in Step Step 6 by the average average milliro milliroentge entgen n reading to obtain obtain the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation must be less than 0.05. 8. Leave Leave the confi configura guration tion on the image image receptor receptor support support the same. same. Change the the technique technique settings to 25 kV and 20 mAs. Make an exposure and record the milliroentgen reading and the mAs value on the screen on the Linearity Worksheet ((Table Table 4-15). 4-15). 9. Repeat Step 8, 8, changing changing the the mAs to to 60, 100, 100, 150, 200, 200, 250, 250, 300, 400 400 and 500. 500. Record Record milliroentgens and mAs at each setting. 10. Divide each milliroentgen reading by its its corresponding mAs mAs value. 11. For each each pair of successive successive tests, calculate the difference between each each corresponding

Step 10 result. 12. For each each pair of successive successive tests, calculate the sum of each Step Step 10 result.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

13. Divide each Step 11 difference value by by each Step 12 sum value. value. If the result for any any pair exceeds 0.10, the test is considered failed. 14. Repeat Steps 8 through 13 using the Small Focal Spot. Spot. 15. tests. If theFailure unit fails any part of performance the abov abovee test,standards first recheck all calculations, repeat the to meet these indicates the need n eed tothen check the x-ray tube’’s kV, mA, and mR outputs. tube


Reprodu duc cibil iliity in Auto-Ti Tim me Mode The following test verifies that the automatic exposure control system is operating consistently in the Auto-time exposure mode. Record the readings and mathematical calculations in the Reproducibility Worksheet (Table (Table 4-14 4-14). ). 1. On the IR IRSD SD,, place 4.0 4.0 cm of acrylic acrylic attenua attenuation tion on an empty empty cassette. cassette. Positi Position on a 10square cm radiation probe on top of the acrylic. 2. Center tthe he probe position position directl directlyy above the AEC sensor sensor.. Use the light light field field lamp to visuvisualize the x-ray field and collimate appropriately so that just the probe is exposed. 3. Set the uni unitt for an Auto-time Auto-time exposure exposure at 25 kV, kV, Mo Filter Filter, Large Focal Focal Spot. Spot. Conduct ten ten exposures. Record the milliroentgen and post-exposure mAs readings for each exposure. 4. Calcul Calculate ate the avera average ge mR reading reading and subtract subtract each each actual reading reading from from the average average.. Square each difference. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9. Take the square root of the result. 5. Divi Divide de the number obtained obtained in Step 4 by the averag averagee milliroentge milliroentgen n reading. reading. The quotient quotient - or coefficient of variation - must be less than 0.05. 6. If the coe coeffici fficient ent of variati variation on greater greater than 0.05, 0.05, check check the calibrati calibration on of the Automatic Automatic Exposure Control System.


Reprodu duc cibil iliity in Auto-kV Mode The following test verifies that the automatic exposure control system is operating consistently in the Auto-kV exposure mode. Record the readings and mathematical calculations in the Reproducibility Worksheet (Table (Table 4-14 4-14). ). 1. Ti Set upReproducibility the m mammog ammograph raphy y system and and6.3). radiation radi. ation probe probe exactly exactly as in in Step 1 of the AutoAutoTime me Check (Section 6.3) 2. Set the u unit nit for an an Auto-kV Auto-kV exposure, exposure, using using the Mo Mo Filter Filter and the Large Large Focal Focal Spot. Spot. Conduct ten exposures. Record the milliroentgen and post-exposure mAs readings for each exposure. 3. Calcul Calculate ate the avera average ge mR reading reading and subtract subtract each each actual reading reading from from the average average.. Square each difference. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9. Take the square root of the result. 4. Divi Divide de the number obtained obtained in Step 3 by the averag averagee milliroentge milliroentgen n reading. reading. The quotient quotient (called the coefficient of variation) must be less than 0.05. 5. If the coef coeffici ficient ent of variation variation is greater greater than 0.05, 0.05, check check the calibr calibration ation of the Automa Automatic tic Exposure Control System.


Re Repr pro odu duci cibi bili lity ty in Au Auttoo-Fi Filt lter er Mod ode e

The following test verifies that the automatic exposure control system is reproducible in the Auto-Filter Auto-Filt er exposure mode. Failure to meet this performance test indicates the need to check the calibration of the Automatic Exposure Control Con trol System.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

1. On the IRSD, IRSD, place 6.0 6.0 cm of acrylic acrylic attenuation attenuation on an empty empty cassette. cassette. Positi Position on a radiation probe (10 square cm) on top of the phantom. 2. Align the the probe positi position on with the the AEC sensor sensor at front front center center on the IRSD IRSD.. Use the light light field and collimate the x-ray field to the approximate size of the probe. 3. Set the unit unit for an Auto-F Auto-Filte ilterr exposure exposure using using the Large Large focal spot. spot. Make Make 10 exposures exposures and record the milliroentgen readings for each exposure. 4. Calculate Calculate the average average millir milliroentge oentgen n reading. reading. Subtract Subtract each actual actual reading reading from the averaverage. Square each difference. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9. Take the square root of the result. 5. Divide Divide the number number obtained obtained in Step 3 by the avera average ge milliroen milliroentgen tgen reading. reading. The The quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05. Note …

To calculate the coefficient of variation, use the Reproducibility Worksheet ( Table 4-14 4-1 4) which sequences the steps to calculate the quotient. Table 4-14 4-1 4 also provides a formula to calculate the quotient using a statistical calculator.. Note that the kV and mAs values are not set for this check. calculator

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

Table 4-14: Reproducibility Worksheet 


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

Table 4-15: Linearity Worksheet 

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks


Bucky D De evice P Pe erfo rformance C Ch heck Perform this check before utilization of a new SRL 2000 or HTC Bucky device. This procedure requires the user to make exposures to check for grid lines (SRL 2000 Bucky) or grid patterns (HTC Bucky) on the developed film. Mount the 18 x 24 cm Bucky device on the IRSD. Be sure the electrical connection is made. This procedure requires exposing and developing films. It will be necessary to place attenuation between the tubehead and the Bucky for these tests. Note …

Use the same Bucky device, cassette, and film type for all exposures.

1. Rota Rotate te th thee C-a C-arm rm to 0°. Set the unit for an Auto-Time, 25 kV exposure, Large spot, Normal density. Select the Film Type being used. 2. Place a lloaded oaded cassett cassettee in the Bucky Bucky device, device, then then place 2. 2.0 0 cm of BR-12 BR-12 (or PMMA PMMA acrylic) on the Bucky Device. Hold the attenuation in place with the Compression Device. 3. Make aan n exposure. exposure. Verif Verifyy a low mAs reading reading is is obtained obtained (nominall (nominallyy between between 12 and 40 mAs, dependent on film speed). If the mAs reading is above or below the specified range, add attenuation to increase mAs, or remove attenuation to decrease mAs. 4. Reloa Reload d the Buck Buckyy (using the the same cassette cassette and film film type), type), and repeat the the exposure. exposure. VerVerify that the mAs falls falls within the specified specified range. If it does, remove remove the cassette and and develop the film. Verify Verify the absence of grid lines (SRL 2000 Bucky) or grid patterns (HTC Bucky) in the developed film. 5. Place 5 5.0 .0 cm of BR-12 BR-12 (or PMMA PMMA acrylic) acrylic) on the the Bucky Bucky and hold it iin n place with with the paddle. Reload the same cassette with the same film type, then load it into the same Bucky. 6. Make an ex exposur posuree using the the technique technique factors factors from Step Step 1. Verif Verifyy a high mAs reading reading is is obtained (nominally between 200 and 400 mAs, dependent on film speed). If the mAs reading is above or below the specified range, add attenuation to increase mAs, or remove attenuation to decrease mAs. 7. Reloa Reload d the Buck Buckyy (using the the same cassette cassette and film film type), type), and repeat the the exposure. exposure. VerVerify that the mAs falls falls within the specified specified range. If it does, remove remove the cassette and and develop the film. Verify Verify the absence of grid lines (SRL 2000 Bucky) or grid patterns (HTC Bucky) in the developed film. 8. Repea Repeatt Steps Steps 1 through through 7 with the C-arm C-arm rotated rotated to -90° -90° (grid travel in the direction of gravitational gravitati onal pull). Verify the absence of grid lines (SRL 2000 Bucky) or grid patterns (HTC Bucky) on the developed film for all exposures. 9. Repeat Steps 1 through through 7 with the C-arm C-arm rotated rotated to +90° +90° (grid travel against the direction of gravitational pull). Verify Verify the absence of o f grid lines (SRL 2000 Bucky) or grid patterns (HTC Bucky) on the developed film for all exposures. 10. Repeat the entire procedure for the 24 x 30 cm Bucky Device.


AEC Limits Perfo rformance Check This check verifies that the system automatically terminates exposures whenever the automatic exposure control circuitry senses that optimum film density cannot be obtained

within the 5exposures second maximum exposure time. To To comply, the system must terminate Auto-Time Auto-T ime below 5 mAs. 1. Place a llead ead blocker blocker on the IRSD IRSD so that that it blocks blocks the the AEC sensors sensors within within the IRSD IRSD..


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

2. Set the unit unit for an Auto-T Auto-Time exposure exposure at 28 kV, kV, Large focal focal spot. Set Set the Density Density compensation to +5, and select the film type being used. 3. Make an exposur exposuree and verify verify that the the post-exposu post-exposure re mAs value value is lless ess than than 5 mAs and theChapter message5,“Table ERROR 21: TIME” appears. (For complete alert code definition, d efinition, refer to 5-2.) 5-2 .) EXP TIME” 4. Ve Verify rify that that the unit dis display playss a caution tha thatt inform informss the user that that the calculate calculated d exposure exposure has exceeded the maximum. Try to make another exposure before resetting the unit and verify that x-ray generation is prevented. 5. Clear Clear the messag messagee by by pres pressi sing ng Reset . Repeat the test at 35 kV kV,, Small focal spot, and verify the same caution appears in the message area.


System LLe evel Functional C Ch heck This check verifies system functionality. 1. Apply power power to the system. system. Verif Verifyy the display display works, works, and power power is applied applied to Gantry. Gantry. Check control panel display for alert messages. 2. Set unit for a short short exposure (25 kV, kV, 3 mAs, mAs, Manual Mode, Large Focal Spot). Take Take exposure. 3. If no problems problems found found with with exposure exposure,, return return unit unit to opera operations tions..

6. 6.9 9

Op Opti tica call D Den ensi sity ty (Use (Users rs Pref Prefer eren ence ce)) V Ver erif ific icat atio ion n This procedure verifies that the system falls within the users preference for optical density. 1. Remove Remove any mete meterr, scope, or probe probe from the the machine machine that was used used in any procedures procedures prior to beginning this verification. 2. Install Install the Bucky Bucky wit with h a loaded loaded casset cassette, te, on the IRSD IRSD.. 3. Place the the ACR Phantom Phantom on the IRSD, IRSD, centered centered laterally laterally,, and positioned positioned 1.0 cm back back from the chest wall edge. 4. Move the the AEC Detecto Detectors rs so that that they they are directl directlyy under the ACR ACR Phantom. Phantom. 5. Set the unit for for an exposur exposuree using the default default exposure exposure mode. Make an an exposure. exposure. 6. Remov Removee the cass cassett ettee and deve develop lop the the film film.. 7. Che Check the film lm’’s optical density and verify that it is at the mean optical o ptical density as required by the site. 8. If the optical optical density density of the film film is not within within site require required d limits, limits, perform perform the AEC CaliCalibration procedures as per Chapter 4, Section 5.0, Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration.. Calibration


IRSD LLe eakage C Ch heck This check is performed at the factory and a nd is not required at installation. However, However, it will be necessary to perform this check after repairing or replacing the IRSD. 1. Connect a radiat radiation ion scatter scatter probe probe (100 square square cm) to the the readout/lo readout/logic gic module module of a radiradiation rate meter. Set the meter’ meter ’s operating mode to read in exposure in milliroentgens. Place the readout/logic module so that it can be viewed from behind the radiation shield.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

2. Pl Plac acee a 1/16 1/16 inc inch h thic thickk (1 (1.6 .6 mm) sheet of lead with a 5 inch (12.7 cm) diameter hole in it on the IRSD. Slide this lead sheet to position the hole at the position marked “A” (  (Figure Figure 4-8). 4-8). G       Collimate the x-ray field to the E        D       A       18 x 24 cm field size. H        3. Posit Position ion the probe probe bene beneath ath the 5 c m image receptor support relative to the center of the hole in the lead sheet. Raise or lower the support stand until the probe is SCATTER exactly 5 cm below the bottom PROBE of the IRSD. Face the probe’ probe’s detector surface toward the xray source. Figure 4-8: IRSD Shielding Check  4. Appl Applyy power power,, tthen hen set the unit unit for a Manual mode exposure at 39 kV, kV, 220 mAs, Large focal spot. Conduct the exposure and record the mR reading. If the reading is greater than 0.10 mR, contact L ORAD Technical Support. 5. Repeat Repeat this this entir entiree procedu procedure re for p posi ositio tions ns “B,” B,” “C, C,”” and “D” in Figure 4-8. 4-8. 6. Inst Install all the 24 24 x 30 cm Bucky Bucky (if used) used).. Repeat this this test test for position positionss “E”, “F”, “G” and “H”  (Figure 4-8 4-8)) for the 24 x 30 cm Bucky. 7. If there there are are any any readings readings greater greater than than 0.10 0.10 mR, contact contact LORAD Technical Support. C       



6.11 .11

XX-ra ray y TTub ubeh ehea ead d LLe eak akag age eC Ch hec eck k This check is performed at the factory and is not required at installation. However, However, it will be necessary to perform this check after repair or replacement of the tubehead housing or the lower tubehead cover. 1. Connect a rradiat adiation ion scatter scatter probe probe (100 square square cm) to the the readout/l readout/logic ogic module module of a radiradiation rate meter. 2. Set tth he met meteer’s operating mode to read in milliroentgens per hour (mR/Hour). Place the readout/logic module so that it can be viewed from behind the radiation shield


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Performance Checks

3. Us Usee fix fixtu ture ress tto o hold hold the the probe in position with relation to the tubehead as shown in Figure 4-9. 4-9. Position the probe at location “A”. Make sure the distance between the probe and the focal spot (source) is exactly 1 meter (39 3/8 inches). 4. Apply Apply p pow ower er,, then then set set the the unit for a Manual mode exposure at 39 kV, 220 mAs, Large focal spot. Conduct an exposure and record the mR reading. 5. Make Make ex expos posur ures es,, usi using ng the same technique factors, for positions “B”  through “H” (  (Figure Figure 4-9). 4-9). Figure 4-9: Tubehead Shielding Check  Record each mR reading. For position “H”, rotate the C-arm to position the probe directly behind the tubehead. Be sure the distance between the probe and the focal spot remains exactly one meter for each measurement position.     B  S     N  S/L      W   T  O   E   N

  C  M

Note …

Any reading above 100.0 mR/Hour is unacceptable, contact LORAD   Technical Support .

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

7. 7.0 0

X-r X-ray ay a and nd LLig ight ht Fiel Field d Ch Chec eck k an and d Alig Alignm nment ent Pr Proc ocedu edure ress The following checks checks and adjustments are used to ensure that the alignment of the x-ray field and light field are within the specifications set forth by the FDA, 21CFR, and the recommendations by the ACR/CDC. X-ray field alignment is the adjustment of the built-in and fixed apertures so that the x-ray field is collimated within specified limits. The The light field is adjusted to be congruent with the x-ray field within 2% of SID. X-ray field adjustments are performed in two stages: coarse adjustment (using a lightemitting x-ray screen) and fine adjustment (using x-ray films). The coarse aadjustment djustment procedures employ an X-ray Beam Alignment Template Template that is to be used with a separate 14 x 17 cm x-ray cassette screen.


X-ray B Be eam Alignment Te Template The translucent X-ray Beam Alignment Template (LORAD P/N 3-405-8010), shown in Figure 4-10 must 4-10  must be positioned on the unit’ unit ’s image receptor support on top of a 14 x 17 cm cassette screen (Lanex Med). The visible borders of the x-ray field can be compared with graduations on the template to determine coarse x-ray field alignment The template contains minimum and maximum borders for the left, right, and rear field edges of the 18 x 24 cm format and the 24 x 30 cm format. For the chest wall edge, a maximum limit (6.5 mm) is provided to adjust for chest wall edge overlap. Always position the X-ray Beam Alignment Template accurately on the image receptor support by performing the following:. 1. Pla Place ce the scr screen een (facin (facingg up) up) onto the support device and center it. 2. Mo Move ve the the scr scree een n forw forwar ard d (awayy from the C-arm) (awa approximately 1.5". Lay the template on top of the screen. 3. Bu Butt tt the the rea rearr eedg dgee of of tthe he template against the C-arm to place the image receptor tray edge line directly above the edge of the image receptor support device. 4. Cen Center ter the templat templatee lef left-t t-too- Figure 4-10: X-ray Beam Alignment Template  right until the cut in edges (at the rear of the template)

are set flush with the sides of the image receptor support.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures


Ex Expo possing and V Viiewing tth he X X--ray Field The glow emitted from the screen must be observed from behind the protective radiation shield (or its equivalent). The glow is fairly dim under normal lighting conditions, so darken the room to achieve the best possible results. Higher kV settings result in a brighter glow, glow, however, care must be taken to prevent overheating the x-ray tube during the repetitive however, exposures that are usually necessary during the alignment procedure. Caution: 

Prolonged, repeated exposures at high kV or mAs settings may cause permanent damage to the x-ray tube. Use caution not to exceed the thermal capacity of the tube during this procedure.

Since it is necessary to make repetitive exposures, the system can be set so that there is only a fifteen-second Standby interval between exposures. On the Microprocessor Board, set DIP Switch S2 switch 1 to ON. Remember to set this switch to OFF at the end of this procedure. Below is the recommended method to use when making exposures and determining d etermining required adjustments during this procedure: 1. Make one exposu exposure re per edge (e.g., (e.g., concent concentrat ratee only on evaluat evaluating ing one edge edge each each time an exposure is made). 2. Use short short exposure exposure duration durationss (one (one to two seconds). seconds). 3. Remember Remember the directi direction on of movement movement for for that edge, edge, and the the approximat approximatee distance distance required for the movement each time an exposure is made. Keep in mind, attempting to remember the directions and amounts for more than one edge at a time requires longer exposures, and usually, usually, the same number of exposures as would be necessary when doing one edge at a time.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures


Ape pert rtu ure Adjustment Procedure ress Set up the unit for performing the aperture adjustments as follows: 1. Remov Removee th thee Tubehe Tubehead ad covers covers as per per Chapter Chapter 6, Section 3.2.1, 3.2.1, if not previously removed during service procedures. 2. Inst Install all the the X-ray X-ray Field Field Alignm Alignment ent Templa Template te as per Section 7.1. 7.1. 3. If ne necessar cessaryy, power power up the the mam mammogr mography aphy unit. Note …

Not all apertures are standard equipment on the Affinity A ffinity.. Perform the sections applicable to the apertures packaged with the unit.

4. Adj Adjust ust the the Affini Affinity ty apert aperture uress (shown (shown in in Figure 4-12) 4-12) in the order shown below: • Section 7.4, Auto Aperture Alignment A lignment • Section 7.5, Magnification Full Field (18 x 24 cm) Aperture Alignment (SM FS) • Section 7.6, 10 cm Coned-down Contact Aperture Alignment (LG FS) • Section 7.7, 7.5 cm Spot Contact Aperture Alignment (LG FS) • Section 7.8, 7.5 cm Spot Magnification Aperture Alignment (SM FS) Legend for Figure 4-11 1.

Top Plate


Le Left ft/B /Bac ackk Align Alignme ment nt Bl Blad adee


Rig Right/ ht/Fr Front ont Al Align ignme ment nt Blade Blade


Base Plate

Figure 4-11: Aperture Alignment 


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

Legend for Figure 4-12 1.

Au Auto to Aper Apertur turee (L (Larg argee FFoca ocall Sp Spot) ot)


7.5 ccm m Sp Spot ot Co Conta ntact ct ((Lar Large ge FFoca ocall Sp Spot) ot)

3. 4.

10 ccm m Co Coned-do ned-down wn C Conta ontact ct (Larg (Largee Focal Focal Spot) Spot) 7.5 ccm m Sp Spot ot M Magni agnifica fication tion (Sma (Small ll Foca Focall Sp Spot) ot)


Ma Magg Full Full Fie Field ld ((Sm Small all Foca ocall Spot) Spot)



Figure 4-12: Affinity Apertures 


Auto Aperture Alignment The Auto Aperture (Figure (Figure 4-12) is 4-12) is used for 24 x 30 cm and 18 x 24 cm Large Focal Spot exposures and is aligned as follows: 7.4. 7.4.1 1

Note …

Alig Align n the the 24 x 30 cm LLar arge ge Foc Focal al Spo Spott

The Auto Aperture must be retracted for this procedure by placing a 24 x 30 cm Cassette Sensor Simulator on the breast tray. tray. (Use the Image Receptor Phantom Tool, PN 9-060-0403 or, if not available, strips of reflective tape can be used.) 

1. Remove Remove the four four outer outer screws screws securing securing the the top plate plate of the Aperture Aperture (Figure (Figure 411, 11, Item 1). 2. Remove Remove the the top top plate plate and left/back left/back alignment alignment blade (Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 2).

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

3. Slightly Slightly loosen loosen the two inner inner screws screws securing securing the lower lower right/fro right/front nt alignment alignment blade (Figure (Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 3) to the base plate (Figure ( Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 4) of the aperture. Loosen just enough so that minimal effort is required to move the blade. 4. Slide Slide the Auto Auto Apert Aperture ure into into the the tubehea tubehead d slot. slot. 5. Set the exposure exposure techniqu techniques es for Large Large focal focal spot, spot, Manual, Manual, 25 kV kV and 100 mAs. mAs. 6. Making Making exposures exposures as necessar necessaryy, adjust adjust the right right and front front edges of the blade blade to align within the markings on the alignment template (Figure (Figure 4-10). 4-10). 7. Tighten ighten the two two inner screws, screws, ssecuri ecuring ng the right right and front front edges edges to the aperture aperture base plate. 8. Remove Remove the Auto Auto Aperture Aperture from the tubehead tubehead slot. slot. 9. Replace Replace the top plate plate and left/ left/back back alignm alignment ent blade. blade. Leave Leave the screws screws loose loose enough so minimal effort is required to move the blade. 10. Slide the Auto Auto Aperture Aperture into the tubehead tubehead slot. 11. Making exposures as necessary necessary,, adjust the lleft eft and rear edges of the the blade to align within the markings on the alignment template. 12. Ti Tighten ghten the four outer screws, screws, securing both shields shields to the upper and lower lower aperture plates. 13. Verify Verify the beam position again to ensure the blades did not move when when tightening the hardware. 7.4.2 7.4 .2

Align Align the 18 x 24 24 cm cm LLarg arge e FFoc ocal al Spot Spot

1. Remove Remove the Auto Auto Aperture Aperture from the tubehead tubehead slot. slot. 2. Remove Remove the 24 24 x 30 cm Casset Cassette te Sensor Sensor Simulato Simulatorr from the the breast breast tray tray and and install blockers in the aperture sensor (Figure (Figure 4-13, Item 4-13, Item 2) for large focal spot. Note …

A blocker is anything that can be inserted into the aperture sensor (i.e. cotton swabs, wadded paper) that will make the sensor think an aperture is installed. 3. Initiate Initiate an exposure exposure and and note the locatio location n of the edges edges of the x-ray x-ray beam beam relativ relativee to the 18 x 24 cm markings on the alignment template. If the edges of the beam are not aligned properly, adjust the auto aperture as follows: A. Slight Slightly ly loos loosen en the the four four scre screws ws (Figure (Figure 4-13, 4-13, Item 1) securing the auto aperture adjustment blades just enough so that minimal effort is required to move the blades. B. Making Making exposures exposures as necessary necessary,, adjust the the rear blade so that that it is parallel parallel to the rear edge markings on the alignment template.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

Legend for Figure 4-13 1.

Auto Auto A Ape pert rture ure Ad Adju just stme ment nt Blades Screws (4)

2. 3.

Ape Apertur rturee SSeensor nsor Worm Gear—Auto Aperture Motor Axis

Figure 4-13: Auto Aperture Alignment — —  18 18 x 24 cm Large Focal Spot  Caution: 

Never backdrive any axis (manually turning worm gear ( FFigure igure 4-13   , Item 3) on the auto aperture motor) because it will destroy the gearhead. Always Alwa ys use the motor control (SW1 on Tubehead Control Board) to move around each axis. C. If the back back edge field field adjustment adjustment is off, off, reposition reposition by by relocating relocating the auto auto aperture sensor to match the new location of the rear edge of the t he aperture. Cycle the IN/OUT position of the auto aperture by using SW1 on the TubeTubehead Control Board, take exposures and verify position. D. Making Making exposures exposures as necessary necessary,, adjust the right right blade to align within within the markings on the alignment template. Tighten the two screws securing the blade. E. Making Making exposures exposures as necessar necessaryy, adjust adjust the left left blade to to align within within the the markings on the alignment template. Tighten all screws (including the sensor screw).

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

7. 7.5 5

Ma Magn gnif ific icat atio ion n FFul ulll FFie ield ld (1 (18 8 x 24 cm cm)) A Ape pert rtur ure eA Ali lignm gnmen entt (SM (SM FS FS)) Note …

The Auto Aperture must be retracted for this procedure by placing a 24 x 30 cm Cassette Sensor Simulator on the breast tray. tray. (Use the Image Receptor Phantom Tool, Tool, PN 9-060-0403 or, if not available, strips of reflective tape can be used.) 

1. Remo Remove ve the four four outer outer screws screws sec securing uring the the top plate plate of of the Aperture Aperture (Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 1). 2. Remov Removee the top plate plate and left/ left/back back alignment alignment blade (Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 2). 3. Slig Slightly htly loosen loosen the two two inner inner screws screws securing securing the lower lower right/f right/front ront blade blade (Figure (Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 3) to the base plate (Figure ( Figure 4-11, 4-11, Item 4) of the aperture, just enough so that minimal effort is required to move the blade. 4. Ins Insert ert the the apert aperture ure into into the the tubeh tubehead ead sslot lot.. 5. Set the exposure exposure techniqu techniques es for Small Small focal focal spot, spot, Manual, Manual, 25 kV and 100 mAs. 6. Maki Making ng exposures exposures as necessary necessary,, adjust the the right and and front edges edges of the blade to align align within the markings on the alignment template. 7. Tighten ighten the two inner inner screws screws,, securing securing the lower lower shield to the apertu aperture re base plate. plate. 8. Remo Remove ve the Auto Aperture Aperture from the tubehead tubehead slot. slot. 9. Repla Replace ce the top plate plate and left left alignmen alignmentt blade. blade. Leave Leave the screws screws loose loose enough so miniminimal effort is required to move the blade. 10. Slide the Auto Aperture into the tubehead slot. 11. Make exposures as necessary to adj adjust ust the left and rear edges of the blade to align within within the markings on the alignment template. 12. Ti Tighten ghten the four outer screws, screws, securing both shields shields to the upper and low lower er aperture plates. 13. Verify Verify the beam position again again to ensure that the blades did not move when tightening the hardware.

7. 7.6 6

10 cm Co Cone nedd-do down wn Co Cont ntac actt A Ape pert rtur ure eA Ali lign gnme ment nt (LG (LG FFS) S) 1. Loosen tthe he screws screws securing securing the shield shield to to the aperture. aperture. Insert Insert the the 10 cm Coned-dow Coned-down n Contact Aperture (Figure (Figure 4-12, 4-12, Item 3) into the tubehead slot. 2. Set the exposure exposure techniqu techniques es Large Large focal spot, Manual, Manual, 25 kV and and 100 mAs. mAs. 3. Make an exp exposure osure.. Adjust the the front edge of the the aperture aperture so the X-ray X-ray field field aligns aligns with the markings on the alignment template and center the image side-to-side. 4. Tighten ighten the four outer outer screws, screws, securing securing the shield shield to the upper upper and lower lower aperture aperture plates. plates. 5. Ve Verify rify the be beam am position position again again to ensure that that the blades di did d not move when when tightening tightening the hardware.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures


7.5 7.5 c cm mS Spo pott C Co ont ntac actt A Ape pert rtur ure eA Ali lign gnme ment nt (LG (LG FFS) S) 1. Loosen the the screws screws securing securing the shield shield to to the aperture. aperture. Insert Insert the the 7.5 cm Spot Spot Contact Contact Aperture (Figure (Figure 4-12, 4-12, Item 2) into the tubehead slot. 2. Set the exposure exposure techniqu techniques es Large Large focal focal spot, spot, Manual, Manual, 25 kV and and 100 mAs. mAs. 3. Make an exposure. exposure. Adjust Adjust the front front edge of the the aperture aperture so the X-ray X-ray field field aligns aligns with the markings on the alignment template and center the image side-to-side. 4. Tighten ighten the four outer outer screws, screws, securing securing the shield shield to the upper upper and lower apertu aperture re plates. plates. 5. Ve Verify rify the beam beam position position again again to ensure that that the blades did did not move when when tightening tightening the hardware.

7. 7.8 8

7.5 7.5 c cm mS Spo pott M Mag agni nifi fica cati tion on Ap Aper ertu ture re Al Alig ignm nmen entt (SM (SM FS) FS) 1. Loosen the the screws screws securing securing the shield shield to the the aperture. aperture. Insert Insert the the 7.5 cm Spot Spot Magnifica Magnifica-tion Aperture (Figure (Figure 4-12, 4-12, Item 4) into the tubehead slot. 2. Set the exposure exposure techniqu techniques es Small Small focal focal spot, Manual, Manual, 25 kV and 100 mAs. mAs. 3. Make an exposure. exposure. Adjust Adjust the front front edge of the the aperture aperture so the X-ray X-ray field field aligns aligns with the markings on the alignment template and center the image side-to-side. 4. Tighten ighten the four outer outer screws, screws, securing securing the shield shield to the upper upper and lower apertu aperture re plates. plates. 5. Ve Verify rify the beam beam position position again again to ensure that that the blades did did not move when when tightening tightening the hardware. 6. Remove Remove the alignment alignment template template when when complet completed. ed.


XX-rray Fie ield ld Ali lig gnm nme ent V Ve erification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Install Install the X-ray X-ray Beam Alignment Alignment Templ Template ate as per Section 7.1. 7.1. For ea each ch ap aper ertu ture re (s (see ee Figure 4-12), 4-12), make an exposure at: 22 kV 16 mAs ap appl plic icab able le foca focall sp spot ot Deve Develo lop p tthe he fi film lm.. For the the auto aperture, aperture, check check the fi film lm on the left, left, right, right, and rear edges edges for white white space (range: 1.0 - 3.0 mm). If the white space on the left, right, or rear edges do not meet these specifications, re-adjust the auto aperture. 8. For all other other apertu apertures, res, make sure sure the the exposure exposure is is centered. centered.

7. 7.10 10

Li Ligh ghtt Fi Fiel eld d Al Alig ignm nmen entt Ch Chec eck k an and d Ad Adju just stme ment nt Remove the tubehead enclosures to access the Light Field Lamp and Bracket (refer to Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures). Procedures). When making light field adjustments, refer to Figure 4-14 4-14.. 1. Ins Insta tall ll tthe he auto auto apertu aperture re (ref (refer er to to Figure 4-12) 4-12) into the tubehead slot. 2. Select the Large Large focal spot, spot, then then adjust adjust the lamp lamp so that the light field field is congru congruent ent with with the x-ray field (i.e., light field edges fall within 24 x 30 cm markings on template) as fol-

lows: A. Longitudin Longitudinal al Pos Positio ition: n: alignment alignment of front front and rear edges. edges. Loosen Loosen the screws (Figure 4-14, 4-14, Item 1) and rotate the lamp clockwise c lockwise to move the Light Field area forward (towards the patient); rotate it counterclockwise to move the Light Field area toward the C-arm.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures


Later Lateral al Positi Position: on: alignment alignment of left left and right right edges edges - Loosen Loosen the the screws screws (Fig(Figure 4-14, 4-14, Item 2) and move the lamp toward the left to move the light field to the right; move the lamp toward the right to move the light field to the

left. G. Overall Overall Size: Size: overall overall area of pattern pattern (combined (combined length length and width) - loosen the screws securing the bracket to the C-arm frame (Figure (Figure 4-14, 4-14, Item 3) and move the entire bracket forward (toward patient) to expand the Light Field area; move it back to contract the Light Field area. 3. Remo Remove ve the templa template te and screen, screen, then then install install a loaded loaded 24 x 30 cm cassette cassette in a Buck Buckyy device and mount it onto the image receptor support. Press the Light field button to project the lighted area onto the Bucky. Bucky. 4. Accur Accurately ately mark mark the edges edges of the light light field field on the the Bucky Bucky surfa surface ce using the the Alignment Alignment Bars (PN 9-060-0173). Mark the front edge with a paper clip c lip for orientation. 5. Set the uni unitt for a Manual Manual mode exposure exposure at 22 kV, kV, 48 mAs, Large Large focal spot. spot. Step Step behind the radiation shield, then conduct an exposure. Remove the cassette and develop the film. 6. Compar Compare e the edg esmis-alignment of the image image area with with thes of white white marks marksfield made made byrespect the pieces pieces of wire wi re or solder. The edges The total of the edges edge the light with to the exposure field, (along either the length or the width) shall not exceed 2% of SID (1.3 cm). Note …

Inability to accurately align the Light Field with the x-ray image area may indicate aperture plate mis-alignment.

7. Remov Removee the auto ape apertur rturee and the Bucky Bucky device. device. Install Install the the 18 x 24 cm Small Focal Focal Spot Spot Aperture (refer to Figure 4-12), 4-12), then position the X-ray Beam alignment template (Figure ( Figure 4-10)) on the IRSD. Select the Small focal spot, then press the light field lamp button. 4-10 Compare the edges of the light field (18 x 24 cm Small Spot) to the markings on the template. 8. Make llamp amp adjustment adjustmentss per steps 2 (A = longitu longitudinal dinal,, B = lateral lateral & C = overall) overall) to make make the light field congruent to the x-ray field. 9. Remo Remove ve the template template and and screen, then then block the the outermost outermost (left (left side) accessory accessory detector detector on the IRSD using u sing reflective material (to simulate the smaller film format). Install a loaded 24 x 30 cm cassette in a Bucky device and mount it onto the image receptor support. Press the Light field button to project the lighted area onto the Bucky. Bucky. 10. Accurately mark the the edges of the light field on the Bucky Bucky surface using the Alignment Alignment Bars (PN 9-060-0173). Mark the front edge with a paper clip for orientation. 11. Set the unit for a Manual mode exp exposure osure at 22 kV, kV, 48 mAs, Small focal spot. Step Step behind the radiation shield, then conduct an exposure. Remove the cassette and develop the film. 12. Compare the edges of the image area with with the marks made made by the Alignment Alignment Bars (PN 9060-0173). The total mis-alignment of the edges of the light field with respect to the exposure field, (along either the length or the width) shall not exceed 2% 2 % of SID (1.3 cm).

13. Make light light field size size adjustments adjustments (see Figure 4 14) 14) as necessary for both the large and small focal spots, then repeat the exposures. Continue the checks and adjustments until the light field is congruent with the x-ray field for both focal spots.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

Legend for Figure 4-14 1.

Lo Long ngit itud udin inal al Ad Adju just stme ment nt


La Late tera rall Ad Adju just stme ment nt


Over Overal alll Ad Adju just stme ment nt

Figure 4-14: Light Field Size Adjustment 

7.11 .11

Li Ligh ghtt FFie ield ld Ed Edge ge Co Cont ntra rast st Ch Chec eck k This check ensures the contrast of the lighted x-ray field complies to the performance standard set forth by FDA 21CFR. Always perform this test with the ambient light reduced (darken the room). The following equipment is required for this test: • Light Detector Model 268P • Light Meter (UDT Instruments, Model 351) • Aluminum Aperture, 1.0 mm diameter (or equivalent) 1. Place the the probe of a light light detecto detectorr on the IRSD IRSD and center center it. Place Place the alumi aluminum num aperaperture directly on the probe. Position it so that the aperture is centered on the probe’ probe’s sensor. sor. Turn Turn the room lights OFF and record the ambient light reading as IA.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

2. Place Place the the ligh lightt detec detector tor in area area “A” on the IRSD (see Figure 4-15). 4-15). Orient the center of the probe 3.0





mm from edgethe of center the defined light field the toward of the field (l1). Collimate the light probe so that only a 1 square centimeter area (near the center) is visible. Pre Press ss the the ligh lightt ffiel ield d butto button n and and record the inside lux value (I1). Move the probe 3.0 mm from the edge of the defined light field awayy from the center of the field. awa Reposition the aluminum filter, press the light field switch, then record the outside lux reading (I2). Sub Subtr tract act both both edge edge read reading ingss from from the ambient reading and record each of the differences: ( IA - I1 = D1 and IA - I2 = D2). Divid Dividee the the insi inside de diff differe erence nce by the outside difference and record the ratio: (D1 / D2 = R). Re Repe peat at the the proc proced edur uree for for the the remaining light field edges. Place the light meter probe at positions B, C, and D for these checks. A contrast ratio less than 4 at any edge is cause for rejection.

Figure 4-15: Light Field Edge Contrast Co ntrast Check 


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures

7.12 .12

Li Ligh ghtt FFie ield ld Ill llu umi mina nanc nce eC Che hec ck Intensity and consistency of the Light Field are checked by performing the following procedure. Refer to Figure 4-16. 4-16. 1. Inse Insert rt tthe he Aut Autoo-Ape Apert rtur uree into the tubehead slot. Place a light meter probe at position “A” (  (Figure Figure 416) 16) on the image receptor support with its sensor facing up. 2. Tak akee a back backgr grou ound nd lig light ht reading (Light Field lamp OFF) and record the results. Take a light reading with the Light field lamp ON and record the results. 3. Conve Convert rt bot both h read readin ings gs to to lux values (use the conversion table on the meter, me ter, or in the meter manual). Subtract the background lux value from the Light Figure 4-16: Probe Locations — —  Light Light Field Illuminance  Field lux value. Record the difference. 4. Repeat Repeat this this Illum Illumina inance nce test test fo forr positio positions ns “B,” B,” “C, C,”” and “D” in Figure 4-16. 5. If the differenc differencee in any quadr quadrant ant is less than than 160 lux, the Light Light Field Field Illuminanc Illuminancee T Test est is considered failed. 6. If nece necessa ssary ry,, remo remove ve the the lowe lowerr tubehead cover, then loosen the two screws thatlamp secure the lamp socket to the cradle (Figure 4-17). 4-17). 7. Increa Increase se the the ligh lightt ffiel ield d illum illumiinance by adjusting the lamp position within the cradle. Rotate the lamp and socket together until the lamp filament is parallel with the plane of the mirror. Tighten the screws, replace the tubehead cover, then repeat the test. 8. Ve Verif rifyy that that th thee lengt length-t h-to-w o-widt idth h

ratio of the light field is not altered. 9. If tthe he chec checkk still still fai fails, ls, replac replacee Figure 4-17: Adjustment — —  Light Light Field Illuminance  the lamp and repeat the entire check. When complete, perform the light field alignment as per Section 7.10. 7.10.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Mechanical Adjustments

8. 8.0 0

Me Mech chan anic ical al Ad Adju just stm men ents ts The following mechanical adjustments adjustments may be required after servicing the compression system.


Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Ch Chai ain n Ten ensi sion on Ad Adju just stme ment nt Perform this procedure after servicing or replacing the Compression C ompression Motor and Brake Assembly or the Compression Clutch and Brake Assembly Assembly.. 1. Rota Rotate te CC-ar arm m to to +45 +45°°. 2. Tur urn n tthe he unit unit OFF OFF. 3. Remo Remove ve th thee Gan Gantr tryy’s right side panel (to access the Host Microprocessor board) as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 4. On the Hos Hostt Microprocess Microprocessor or board, board, set the unit unit for the service service mode mode (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON). 5. Remov Removee the lower lower compressi compression on device device cover cover as per Chapter Chapter 6, Section 3.3.1. 3.3.1. 6. Remov Removee the C-ar C-arm m upper rear rear cover cover,, and the C-arm C-arm top cover cover as per Chapter Chapter 6, Section 3.1.2.. 3.1.2 7. Mo Move ve the compre compressi ssion on device device up completely. 8. Lo Loos osen en the the Dog Dog P Poi oint nt Se Sett Screw (Figure (Figure 4-18, 4-18, Item 1). The set screw is loosened from the bottom of the compression device. 9. Lo Loos osen en the the two two lock lock nuts nuts (Figure 4-18, 4-18, Item 2) of the chain tension assembly, then evenly turn the adjustment screws (Figure 4-18 4-18,, Item 3) to raise or lower the tension sprocket. 10. Tighten ighten the dog point set screw screw and check the chain tension. From behind the C-arm push on the compression chain between the upper and lower sprockets. Check for compression chain deflection (total throw) between 1/4" and 1/2". 11. Turn tthe he unit unit ON. 12. Rotate Rotate C-ar C-arm m to 0° 0°. Note …

Do not overly force the chain to

achieve the Figure 4-18: Adjustment - Compression Motor Chain desired deflection. Chain movement should be effortless.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Mechanical Adjustments

13. Press a compression down control to to move the compression compression device down approximately 5.0 cm, then manually move it down an additional 2.0 cm. Repeat the chain tension check in Step 10. 14. Continue moving the compression device downward, downward, alternating between motorized motorized and manual movement, until the entire compression range is checked. 15. If any chain tension adjustments are are required, repeat the ttension ension check from from the beginning. When complete, c omplete, replace the covers removed previously previously.. 16. Install a Bucky Bucky device, a compression paddle and 5.0 cm of of BR-12. 17. Use motorized compression compression to lower the compression paddle until itit just touches the the acrylic. Use manual compression to apply 133.5 N (30 lb) of force onto the acrylic. 18 18.. Pres Presss Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to send the compression thickness calibration calibration data to the microprocessor. 19. Raise the compression paddle, paddle, remove the acrylic acrylic from the receptor receptor support, then return the unit to the user mode (S2 switch 1 = OFF).

8. 8.2 2

Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Di Disp spla lay y Po Pote tent ntio iome mete terr Ad Adju just stme ment nt 1. Ensure Ensure the timing timing belt belt is mounted mounted on lower lower bearing bearing block block assembly assembly (refer (refer to Figure 636). 36). 2. Bring the compres compression sion device device to the bottom bottom of its its trave travel. l. 3. Rotate Rotate the potentiomet potentiometer er in a countercloc counterclockwise kwise directi direction on (when viewed viewed from from the right right side of the C-Arm assembly) until it bottoms out, then make one full turn of the pot in a clockwise direction. 4. Thread Thread the timing timing belt through through the the pulleys, pulleys, ensuring ensuring the potentiom potentiometer eter does does not move and the timing belt does not twist. 5. Insert Insert the timing timing belt throug through h the upper upper clamp clamp block block (refer (refer to Figure 6-35). 6-35). Apply Blue Loctite 242 and tighten screws. 6. Loosen screws screws securi securing ng timing timing belt in in lower clamp clamp block. block. While While holding holding on to the the bottom of the timing belt, raise the compression device to the top of its travel. 7. Affix the the Field Field Service Belt Belt Adjustment Adjustment Tool Tool (PN 9-061-010 9-061-0107) 7) to the bottom bottom of the timing timing

8. 9.

10. 11.

belt and loosen the screws securing the belt in the bottom clamp. Apply Blue Loctite 242 and tighten screws. Manually Manually lower lower the compressio compression n device until until the potentiom potentiometer eter is aligned aligned with with the access hole in the left C-arm side rail. Insert Insert a flat blade screwdr screwdrive iverr through through the access hole hole in the left C-arm C-arm side rail. rail. Rotate Rotate the potentiometer in a clockwise direction until it bottoms out, then make one half turn of the pot in a counterclockwi c ounterclockwise se direction. Tighten ighten clamp clamp screw screw (Figure (Figure 6-37, Item 6-37, Item 1) on potentiometer shaft at this time. Ensure clamp screw is aligned with timing belt. Perform the Compression Thickness Thickness Calibration Calibration Procedures as per Chapter 4, Section 3.2.. 3.2


Co Com mpre pression FFo orce LLo oad C Ce ell S Se etting ing The compression force load is mounted in the compression cto ompression device.force The type of load installed in the unit must be cell selected in calibration ensure accurate sensing. Thecell load cell type is factory set and should never be changed unless the load cell is replaced.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Mechanical Adjustments

If the load cell is replaced in the field, perform the following to select the type load cell installed: 1. Set the uni unitt for the service service mode mode (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON). Access Calibr Calibration ation Screen Screen #3 after after power up. Highlight the Load Cell data field using the Cursor  keys.  keys. 2. Press a Change  key  key until the type load cell installed is displayed in the field. Press Reset + Comp. Release  together  together to initiate the change. 3. Pe Perform rform the followi following ng procedures procedures prior prior to releas releasing ing the unit unit to the user user.. • Chapter 4, Section 3.1, Compression Force Calibration • Chapter 4, Section 3.2, Compression Thickness Thickness Calibration

8. 8.4 4

CC-arm arm Sa Safe fety ty M Mic icro ropr proc oces esso sorr Bo Boar ard d Ca Calib librat ratio ion/ n/V Verti ertica call Dr Driv ive e Fo Forc rce e Load Cell Setting The type of load cell installed in the unit must be selected in calibration to ensure accurate force sensing. The load cell type is factory set and should never be changed unless the load cell or the C-arm Vertical Vertical Drive Actuator is replaced. The following special equipment is required: • Force Gauge • StereoLoc II or equivalent weight, 35 lb 1. Turn urn p pow ower er OFF OFF. 2. Rem Remov ovee the the righ rightt Gantr Gantryy cover cover.. 3. On the C-arm Safety Safety board, board, jumper jumper TP16 TP16 (TPY) (TPY) to TP17 (TPX). (TPX). 4. Insta Install ll the 18 x 24 cm large large focus focus aperture, aperture, and and the 18 x 24 cm compre compression ssion paddle. paddle. Remove all other C-arm accessories (image receptors, magnification accessory, accessory, etc.). 5. Apply po power wer to the unit. unit. The The C-arm Sa Safety fety Micropr Microprocesso ocessorr is automatica automatically lly set to to accept calibration data. Verify that the CAL LED (D5) on the board illuminates. 6. When startup startup sequence sequence has finished, finished, press the “Cal Set” Set” button (S1) on the safety board to set the initial weight of the C-arm. 7. Inst Install all the Bucky Bucky device, device, then press press the CAL CAL SET switch. switch. Remove Remove the Bucky Bucky device. device. 8. Insta Install ll the casset cassette te holder and Magnific Magnification ation Accessory Accessory,, then press the CAL CAL SET switch. switch. Remove the cassette holder and Magnification accessory. accessory. 9. Remo Remove ve all accessor accessories ies from the the C-arm. C-arm. Shut the unit unit OFF, OFF, remove remove the jumper jumper.. 10. Turn power ON. Set the the C-arm rotation rotation to 0° 0°. 11. Place a cushioned chair u under nder the C-arm and place a scale (bathroom type) on top of the chair.. Slowly move the C-arm down onto chair o nto the scale and verify that motion stops at approximately 154 N, +44 N (35 lb, ±10 lb) (C-arm safety error alarm will sound). 12. Raise Raise the C-arm and and then reset reset the Alarm Alarm Code 6 “CARM SAFETY” SAFETY” on the control panel. 13. Repeat Steps 11 and 12 with the C-arm rotated rotated to ± 90° 90°. 14. If the force gauge readings readings are not within the range spe specified, cified, 154 N, +44 N (35 lb, +10 lb), there is a problem with either the C-arm Safety bo board ard or the force load cell. TroubleTrouble-

shoot as necessary.


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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Maintenance Procedures

9. 9.0 0

Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Proced ocedur ure es 9.1

kV Control Offs ffset Calibration This procedure adjusts the kV Control C ontrol Signal offset to -6.00 V, and should be performed whenever the Host Microprocessor Board or the HV Generator Assembly is replaced. 1. Tur urn n tthe he unit unit OFF OFF. 2. Remo Remove ve th thee Gan Gantr tryy’s left and right side panels (to access the HV Generator Assembly and the Host Microprocessor board) as per Chapter 6, Section 2.1.1.  2.1.1.  3. On the Host Host Microproce Microprocessor ssor board, board, set the unit unit for the the service service mode (S2 switc switch h 1 = ON). 4. Disconnect Disconnect the HV cable from the HV HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly.. 5. Ve Verify rify jumper jumper J7 on the the HV Control Control Filamen Filamentt PCB is install installed ed (refer (refer to Appendix Appendix B, Section 6.0, 6.0, Table B-24: HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) JJumper umper Settings) Settings).. 6. Turn urn the the un unit it ON. ON. 7. Access Access Calibr Calibrati ation on Screen Screen #3 (Figure 4-19), 4-19), highlight the kV field. 8. On the the Cont Control rol Panel, anel, press press the Reset  and  and Comp Release  buttons   buttons simultaneously. The screen will update to show the Adjust kV Offset  prompt  prompt in the message area, as shown in Figure 4-19. 4-19.

Figure 4-19: kV Offset Calibration—  Calibration— Calibration Calibration Screen #3 9. Connect a DMM DMM to HV Control Control Filament Filament board as follow follows: s: • Negative lead to TP41 (GND) • Positi Positive ve lead to TP48 (-VP Local) 10. On the HV Control Filament Filament board, adjust R71 for an output of -6.00 -6.00 V at TP48.

11. Disconnect Disconnect the DMM. DMM. 12. Remove Return ethe unit switch 1 = OFF). 13. Remov pow power er to to the unit.user mode (S2 switch 14. Reconnect the HV Cable to to the HV Generator Assembly. Assembly. Replace all covers. covers.

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Service Manual Chapter 4: Calibrations and Performance Checks Maintenance Procedures



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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance—General Introduction

Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General 1 .0

Introduction This chapter provides general information to aid the Service Engineer E ngineer in maintaining the Affinity.. The information covered in this chapter is as follows: Affinity • •

2. 2.0 0

Preventive Maintenance (Section (Section 2.0) 2.0) Troubleshooting (Section (Section 3.0) 3.0)

Prev Preven enti tive ve Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e The Affinity Mammography System recommended preventive maintenance procedures are identified in Table 5-1 5- 1. In addition, each time the Affinity Mammography Mammography System is down for service: 1. The The unit unit sshou hould ld be be inspe inspecte cted d for: for: • Cleanliness, • Loose or missing panels or covers, and • Loose or frayed wires or cables. 2. The Alert Alert Codes Codes Log should should be checked checked ffor or existing existing fault fault conditio conditions ns as per Section 3.2. 3.2. 3. Correct Correct any p proble roblems ms found found prior to returnin returningg the unit unit to operati operations. ons. Upon removing and replacing major components within the Affinity, any recommended calibration or performance check procedures must be performed (as required). The recommended frequency of performance codes used in Table 5-1 5-1 are  are defined as follows: • • • • • •

A = Annual S = Semi-Annual M = Monthly W = Weekly D = Daily AR = As Required

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Table 5-1: Affinity Recommended Preventive Maintenance Procedures  Frequency

3 .0


Refer to


Pre-Power Up Checks

Chapter 3, Section 2.1


Post Power Up Checks

Chapter 3, Section 2.3


C-arm Safety Function Check

Chapter 4,


C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board Calibration

Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 8.4


Tube Voltage Calibration

Chapter 4, Section 4.1


Filament Current Calibration

Chapter 4, Section 4.3


Automatic Exposure Control Sys- Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 5.0 tem Calibration


Compre ress ssiion System Calibration

C Cha hap pter 4, Section 3.0


X-ray System Performance Checks

Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 4.0


S ystem Level Performance Checks

Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 6.0


X-ray Field Alignment Check

Chapter 4, Section 7.0


Light Field Alignment Check

Chapter 4, Section 7.10

Troubleshooting This section provides an overview of system theory of operation and the system Alert A lert Codes. The theory of operation and Alert Codes can be used in conjunction with the Test Test Point and LED Indicators Reference Tables Tables found in Appendix B and the Schematic Package Package (PN 9500-0269) for troubleshooting the Affinity. Affinity.


Theory of Operation Overview This section provides a top level description of system and sub-system operation within the Affinity to aid the Service Se rvice Engineer in maintaining the unit. For detailed information on signals within the Affinity Series System, refer to the Schematics Package. Package. The LORAD Affinity, is a multi-processor, menu-driven mammography system which consists of the following sub-systems: • • • • • •

Operator Control Power Distribution System Control Tubehead Functions X-ray Tube Control Mechanical Functions

• •

Exposure Control Automatic Exposure Control

3.1 .1.1 .1

Oper Operat ator or Co Contr ntrol Pan Panel el The Operator Control Panel, Panel, is a microprocessor based unit that communicates bidirectionally with the Host Microprocessor Board via RS-422 differential I/O (Input/ 


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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Output) ports. The Control Panel may may be remotely located up to 50 feet from the Gantry.. The control panel contains the display screen, the display scroll and change Gantry keys, reset switch, exposure initiate switch, compression release switch, and the visual x-ray on indicator. Two screens appear during the "power on" cycle to indicate the Control Panel and Gantry configurations. The "RUN" screen appears after the power on cycle. When all interlocks are satisfied the message area displays "READY". At this point an exposure may be initiated. There are several additional screens (User Default, Exposure Default, and four Service screens) that are accessed by pressing the RESET and a Scroll arrow (->) key. These screens permit the user to set power-on default settings and permit the service engineer to access calibration settings. The microprocessor in the Operator Control Panel is a Motorola HC-16 series with support RAM, EPROM, and Video RAM chips. The display is a one-quarter VGA LCD with backlight. The audible alert for x-ray indication is resident to the Microprocessor board. A connector is supplied to permit the use of an external x-ray switch. The The board is supplied with +12 VDC and is regulated down to +5 VDC for circuit operation. 3.1 3.1.2

3.1.3 .1.3

Po Pow wer Di Dist stri ribu buti tion on Power is derived from the incoming Mains Line voltage of 220/230 VAC nominal, 50/60 Hz, single-phase power. A line filter is utilized to reduce RFI/ENC emissions and susceptibility to noise. The toroidal transformer isolates the incoming power and multiple voltages are derived from the secondary windings. These voltages are rectified and regulated, then distributed throughout the unit. There is a power on surge circuit to limit the inrush current. The x-ray tube cooling fan is supplied with its operating voltage and monitors the fan RPM feedback signal. This signal is monitored by the Host microprocessor and inhibits the initiation of an exposure if the fan is not running. There is a circuit that monitors the Emergency Off switc switches hes as well as the coil connection to the circuit breaker. This circuit is monitored by the Host microprocessor and inhibits any exposures or motions upon failure. Relay contacts are available for external X-ray ON and Power ON lights. The Mains circuit

breaker serves as the unit u nit ON/OFF switch. Syste ystem m Co Cont ntrrol System Control consists of the following printed circuit boards (PCB): • Host Microprocessor • Communication Interface • C-arm Safety • Power Control

Host Microprocessor The Host microprocessor is a Motorola HC-16 series with support RAM and EPROM chips. All system control is processed by this PCB. The RS-422 I/O port connects to

the Operator Control Panel to read the inputs and in turn supplies the appropriate output signals to the Tube Control, High Voltage Control, and motors for system operation. There are DIP switches located on this PCB for different system configurations and operations.

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Communications Interface The Communications Interface PCB distributes fused low voltage to the system, as well as being the communications interface between the Host microprocessor and all sub-systems. C-arm Safety The C-arm Safety PCB reads the output of a strain gauge mounted to the vertical travel assembly (VTA). (VTA). This output represents the external force applied to the C-arm in the downward motion, and the circuit is calibrated to inhibit the VTA down motor drive upon sensing approximately 35 pounds (154 Newtons) of applied pressure. The inhibit signal is monitored by the Host microprocessor and in turn is communicated to the Power Control PCB to inhibit the VTA down drive. Power Control The Power Power Control PCB controls the following system functions: • Collimator lamp power • Compression motor drive • Compression motor brake • Rotation Lock release • VTA actuator drive All input signals come from the Host microprocessor PCB. 3.1 .1.4 .4

Tubeh ubehea ead d FFun unct ctio ions ns The tubehead micro-controller (PIC series) communicates with the Host Microprocessor via the RS-422 I/O port. This PCB receives input to control the collimator assembly motions (Mirror, (Mirror, Auto-Aperture, Lamp, and Filter movements) and reports to the Host Microprocessor the status (position) of each movement. The removable apertures are encoded with a 4 bit word and this information is communicated to the Host Microprocessor Microprocessor.. These functions are all processed by the Host microprocessor and must match a valid condition before an exposure may be

initiated. This PCB also supplies drive to the Filter Indicators (Mo and Rh) located on the external switch panels. 3.1 .1.5 .5

X-ra X-ray y Tube ube Cont Contrrol The x-ray tube control involves the filament, stator drive (boost and brake), and highvoltage control circuitry. circuitry. This system is comprised of the Tube Control PCB, the Inverter PCB, and the high-voltage transformer and multiplier multiplier..

Filament Control Filament power is supplied by a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverter supply. The filament is operated at a stand-by current of approximately 2.5 Amps. Upon exposure initiation, the filament is boosted to its emission level determined by the

technique selected (pre-heat) and then is transferred to closed loop servo control during the exposure. The filament High power source is applied to the common of relay K1 which directs the power to the selected filament (small or large). This supply is connected to the x-ray tube low voltage connector via the Tube Tube Protect PCB. The filament current is sensed and used as an input element for the PWM P WM control.


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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Filament Bias There is a negative bias voltage applied between filament common and the x-ray tube grid. This voltage is derived from a dc-to-dc converter to two potentiometers, one for the small and one for the large filaments, which are factory adjusted to a predetermined value. This bias voltage is utilized to highly reduce the off-focus radiation and to improve the focal spot distribution characteristics. Stator Control The stator drive is derived using the high-voltage inverter. During the ROTOR BOOST period, a 180 Hz signal is applied to the HV inverter and its output is applied to the stator coil through relay K1. This stator has two windings, main and phase, with a common return. The common return is sensed for current flow during the boost period and after a specified period of time, reports a "Rotor Ready" signal to the Host microprocessor. microprocessor. There is now drive voltage to the stator coil during the exposure. A 90 VDC signal is applied at the end of an exposure to "brake" the rotor below its mechanical resonance frequency. This function resides on both the Power Control PCB and the Inverter PCB. High Voltage Control The high voltage (HV) is derived using the PWM servo control in the inverter. The output of the inverter is applied through relay K1 to the primary of the HV transformer.. The output of the transformer is rectified and multiplied in the multiplier transformer section and applied to the anode of the x-ray tube. There is a sensing coil at the output of the multiplier to detect any large current spikes due to tube arcing a rcing and is used to shut down the HV drive. There is also a HV divider within the multiplier that returns the voltage value as a feedback signal to control the HV during the exposure. An additional HV connector is available for external measurement of the actual HV. An analog signal is applied to the Power Control PCB from the Host microprocessor which represents the kV value selected by the technique. This value becomes the input to the PWM to control the actual a ctual output kV value. The feedback signal is fed to the Host microprocessor and compared with the desired value to provide servo control during the exposure of the actual kV value. 3.1. 3.1.6 6

Me Mech chan anic ical al Fun Funct ctio ions ns

Compression Mechanism The compression mechanism is comprised of a motor, motor, clutch, and brake. Electrical control resides on the Power Power Control PCB. Compression motion, up and down, is motorized or may be manually operated. The motorized motions are activated activated by either switches located on the C-arm or by foot-switches. foot-switches. The downward motorized force is limited to 200 N (45 lb) and may be set to a value less than that utilizing the User Defaults. Manual operation is designed to afford fine control of final compression. The compression brake is used to prevent back-drive of the mechanism. There is a function, if selected, which will automatically release the

mechanism, or drive it upward, at the end of an exposure. This function is inhibited upon the sensing of a localization paddle. If power is removed while a patient is under compression, you may manually back drive the mechanism to release the compression force to safely remove the patient. There is a strain gauge and a potentiometer associated with the compression mechanism to measure pressure applied to the compression paddle and to measure the distance compression paddle from the attached breast support (Bucky or

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Magnification device) to indicated compression force and compression thickness, respectively.. The display of both force and thickness is located on the compression respectively mechanism. The force and thickness is transmitted via the printer or flasher port for permanent record. Rotation Mechanism The rotation mechanism permits the C-arm to be rotated between +195° +195° and -150° -150°. A fail-safe elector-magnetic elector-magnetic lock is used to maintain mechanism lock in the event of power failure. Release of the lock is by activation of switches located on the C-arm and is electrically controlled by the Power Control PCB. There is a potentiometer associated with this motion to t o provide input for display di splay of the rotation angle, and to transmit this information to the printer and flasher port for permanent record. Vertical Travel Assembly The vertical travel travel assembly (VTA) is used to move the C-arm up and down. The motion is motor driven by an AC actuator, which is activated by switches located on the C-arm or foot-switches, and is electrically controlled by the Power Control PCB. There is a strain gauge located at the base of the actuator to sense the upward force applied externally to the C-arm C -arm assembly. assembly. This strain gauge signal is processed by the C-arm Safety PCB and inhibits downward motion upon the sensing of approximately 154 N (35 lb). 3.1 .1.7 .7

Expo posu surre Cont Contrrol The exposure function is controlled by the Host microprocessor. microprocessor. Several inputs are monitored and must be correct before an exposure may be initiated. These include a valid combination of image receptor and aperture, a rotor ready signal, and continuous activation of the X-ray switch(es). switch(es). The X-ray switch(es) must be released prior to the initiation of subsequent exposures. There are four exposure modes available:

• • • •

Manual Auto-Time Auto-kV Auto-Filter

Manual This mode provides the selection of kV, mAs, and Filter. Auto-Time When this mode is selected, the kV kV,, Filter, Filter, and density are the only factors that are selectable. The exposure is terminated at a value of mAs that is determined by the AEC algorithm to yield an optical density to which the system has been calibrated. A post-mAs readout indicates the actual mAs value at the termination of the exposure and remains displayed until the initiation of the next exposure. This mode is valid for

use with either the Molybdenum or Rhodium filter selected. The exposure mAs may be modified up to ± 80% by incrementing or decrementing the DENSITY function. If determination is made during the AEC sample period (first 50ms) that the exposure will exceed the "Back-Up-Time", "Back-Up-Time", the exposure is terminated.


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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Auto-kV— Auto-kV —SRL 2000 Bucky B ucky Operation Operation When this mode, along with the Molybdenum filter, is selected, the kV will be the default kV selected in the exposure defaults screen. The starting kV may be changed to 25 kV or 26 kV. When the Rhodium filter is selected, the kV defaults to 28 kV. Upon exposure initiation, the AEC signal is sampled and the kV may be incremented upward to a maximum value of 30 kV if the Molybdenum filter is selected, or 32 kV if the Rhodium filter is selected. The exposure is terminated at a mAs value near one of the selected mAs windows (125 mAs, 165 mAs, 200 mAs, or the AUTOmatic AUTOmatic 200 mrad window). The final kV and post-mAs is displayed upon termination of the exposure. Auto-kV— Auto-kV —HTC Bucky Operation When this mode and the Molybdenum filter are selected, the kV defaults to a value determined by the Compression Height Threshold setting. The kV defaults to 24 kV for a compression height value less than the threshold, or to 25 kV for compression height values above the threshold. When the Rhodium filter is selected, the kV defaults to 28 kV. The The exposure is terminated at a mAs value near the selected mAs windows (125 mAs, 165 mAs, or the AUTOmati c 200 mrad window), selectable by the operator. The 200 The finalmAs, kV and postAUTOmatic mAs are displayed upon termination of the exposure. Auto-Filter This mode provides full automatic operation of all technique factors. Upon exposure initiation, the AEC signal is sampled to determine if the kV needs to be incremented upward to provide an exposure within the 200 mAs window, window, or the 200 mrad window.. When determined window d etermined by the AutoFILTER AutoFILTER algorithm, the exposure is momentarily interrupted and the Rhodium filter is moved into the beam in place of the Molybdenum filter. filter. After the kkV V or kV/filter has been selected by the algorithm, the Auto-Time function completes the exposure. The final kV, post-mAs, and Filter are displayed upon termination of the exposure. 3.1. 3.1.8 8

Au Auto toma mati tic c Exp Expos osur ure eC Con ontr trol ol

A three cell solid-state detector and pre-amplifier are located in the image receptor support device. It is manually positioned to one of 7 positions by the technologist, depending on the anatomy of the breast under examination. It is ideally placed under the glandular, or most dense, area of the breast. The signal from the detector represents the average attenuation of the area under the three cells ce lls and is sent to the t he microprocessor.. It is first converted into a digital signal and used as a variable in an microprocessor algorithm that predicts the time required to obtain a standard (calibrated) optical density.. This signal is also used in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter modes to determine the density kV and filter (Mo or Rh) for completing the exposure within a predetermined time window. There are two safety back-up-timers, firmware firmware and hardware, utilized to terminate the exposure should there be failure of system components or firmware corruption.

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting


Alert Codes Log This section lists the alert codes that appear in the Run Mode Screen when a malfunction occurs, and other pertinent information that is useful to the service eengineer ngineer.. The alert codes are recorded in Table able 5-2. 5-2. To view the Alert Codes Log: •

From Calibration Screen #3, select the “Special Special”” command field, then select “View Error Log”. Log” • Press Reset   + + Comp Rel  (use  (use scroll keys to view the error log). To download the Alert Codes Log onto a Laptop Computer, refer to Section 3.3. Table 5-2: Affinity A ffinity Series Alert Messages  No.

Alert Name

Alert Messages













AE AEC C algo algori rith thm m pr pred edic icts ts expo exposu sure re will will exceed the programmed maximum exposure mAs.




Must ust rele releas ase e X-r -ray ay sw swiitch fo folllowi lowing ng exposure.




AEC circuit returned invalid signal (saturated).




Actuator error—C-arm vertical drive safety circuit has been activated. C-arm movement is impeded.




X-ray high voltage interlock (AJ13-4) was found high during start of X-ray.




AEC circuit returned invalid signal (no signal).




X-ray switch early release.




Non-volatile RA R AM c ch heck fa f ailed at a t st s tartup. Calibration values may have been cor-

Alert lert mes essa sage ge prod roduc uced ed if an any y of the control panel switches are closed during initial power up. Initialization is stopped until the switch is opened. Alert message produced if the x-ray footswitch is closed during initial power up. Initialization is stopped until the switch is opened. Note: Footswitch must be enable for this test test by setting S2 switch 3 to OFF (on Host Microprocessor Board). Exposure time required exceeded Backup timer maximum.

rupted. 15



System has generated an und undefined error code, the result of a programming error.


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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Table 5-2: Affinity Series Alert Messages  No.

Alert Name

Alert Messages





The stored calibration valu alue is out of range, indicating possible corruption of the calibration RAM.








Calculated exposure time is less than HTC minimum travel time.




HV fault.




Filament check in boost routine not within 12.5% of adaptive table of DAC values.




mA sense >80 mV during pre-exposure or mA sense is not within 12.5% of expected value during exposure.




kV sense (J207-3) not with 12.5% expected value during exposure.




Error in Bucky comm exposure attempt.




Cassette required for exposure.




Cassette not removed after exposure.




C-arm drive circuit reported an error.




C-Arm switches active during power up.




Can’t start X-ray with C-arm switch depressed.



Console Communication

Communication fails between Host and Control Panel.




Mirror detected as not moving away from X-ray field during an X-ray exposure attempt.




Incorrect filter position.




Host board is unable to communicate with Tubehead Controller during bootup.




Lamp in wrong position for exposure.




Unable to change auto aperture (3 sec. time out).




No aperture.




IIn ncorrect aperture.




Tube Fan status hardware reports an error.




Tubehead Controller returns a bad or incorrect status.




HostCompression board is unabPaddle le to coController m munica icat.e with Controller.




Host board is unable to communicate with Tubehead Controller.

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Table 5-2: Affinity A ffinity Series Alert Messages  No.

Alert Name

Alert Messages





Duri During ng boos boost, t, Ho Host st boar board d is unab unable le to communicate with Tubehead Controller.




Dur During ing Aut Auto-F o-Filt ilter er Exp Exposu osure, re, Host Host boa board rd is unable to communicate with Tubehead Controller.




Flasher does not respond.











Interlock circuit hardware repo eports an error.

System Data Retrieval The Affinity System provides the Service Engineer with the capability to download/upload calibration dataasand the Alert Log tothe a laptop computer a Terminal Emulation Program (such HyperT HyperTerm). erm).Codes This allows Service Engineerwith to print or append this data as needed. In order download this information, a Null-Modem, 9 pin to 25 pin Adapter, approximately 6 feet, is required (T (Tandy andy Radio Shack Catalog #950-0188, or equivalent).

Table 5-3: Null-Modem, 9-pin to 25-pin Adapter Connections  9-pi pin, n, Fe Fema malle, DB-9 9Signal

25--pi 25 pin, n, Mal ale, e, DBB-25 25




RX Data



TX Data

TX Data



RX Data

S-Ground CTS

5 7

7 5

S-Ground CTS





1. Connec Connectt the laptop laptop computer computer to the the Affinity Affinity System System using using the Null-Mod Null-Modem em Cable as shown in Figure 5-1. 5-1.


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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Figure 5-1: Connecting Laptop Computer to Affinity  2. Setup the laptop laptop to receiv receivee and record record a data file as as fol follows lows:: • 9600 baud • 8 data bits • 1 stop bit • no parity • no flow control. 3. To downl download oad Alert Alert Codes Codes Log, Log, go to Section 3.3.1. 3.3.1. To download/upload calibration data, go to Section 3.3.2. 3.3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1 1

Do Down wnlo load adin ing g Ale Alert rt Co Code dess Log Log

1. At the Affini Affinity ty Control Control Panel Panel,, Calibration Calibration Screen Screen #3, select select the the “Special Special”” command field, then select “View Error Log” Log”. Note …

Care must be taken to avoid selection of INIT CAL DATA option in the Special command field. When selected and initiated, this field will reset all calibration data. 2. Press Reset + Comp Rel  to  to access the Alert Codes Log. 3. The title title of of the log, # of of records, records, and CMD CMD line will will appear appear on the displa displayy screen, along with the first page of alert codes. Use scroll keys to view the log. 4. Select Select (using (using the the change change ke keys) ys) the the DOWNLO DOWNLOAD AD command command.. 5. Press Reset + Comp Rel  to   to initiate data transfer. 6. Select Select (using (using the change change ke keys) ys) the CLEAR command. command. 7. Press Reset + Comp Rel  to  to clear the log. 8. Veri erify fy there there are are now now no recor records ds in the the log. log. 9. Fr From om the computer computer,, the the log can can now be printed printed or or appended. appended.

3.3. 3.3.2 2

Do Down wnlo load adin ing g Cali Calibr brat atio ion n Data Data

1. At the Affini Affinity ty Control Control Panel, Panel, Calibration Calibration Screen Screen #3, select select the the “Special Special”” command field, then select DOWNLOAD CAL.

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Service Manual Chapter 5: Maintenance— Maintenance—General Troubleshooting

Note …

Care must be taken to avoid selection of INIT CAL DATA option in the Special command field. When selected and initiated, this field will reset all calibration data. 2. Set up Hyperterm Hyperterm to to display display downloadin downloadingg data and select select Capture Capture Text Text from the the Transfer Transfer Menu. Type in an appropriate path and set the file name to any VALID FILE NAME.TXT, NAME.TXT, include machine identification (e.g., DOWN1.TXT). 3. Press Reset + Comp Rel  to  to automatically download the calibration data to the laptop. 4. When complet complete, e, the messag messagee area on tthe he display display screen screen will show DOWNLOAD COMPLETE. On the HyperTerm, select Transfer - Capture Data Stop. Verify that the data downloaded correctly by examining ex amining the text file established in Step 2. 5. From From the computer computer,, the the log can can now be printed printed or or appended. appended.

3. 3.3. 3.3 3

Uplo Upload adin ing g Cal Calib ibra rati tion on Da Data ta

1. On th thee Hyp Hyper erT Ter erm m’s File-Properties-Settings-Ascii File-Properties-Settings-Ascii Setup menu, configure the HyperTerm for 300 ms line delay and 1 ms character delay. 2. At the Affini Affinity ty Control Control Panel, Panel, Calibration Calibration Screen Screen #3, select select the the “Special Special””  command field, then select UPLOAD CALIB. 3. Press Reset + Comp Rel  and  and verify that the Status prompt is “START UPLOAD” UPLOAD”. 4. On HyperT HyperTerm, select select Trans Transfer fer - Send Text Text File File and provide provide the path and file file name for the file previously downloaded (see Section 3.3.2 3.3.2)) and select OPEN to start the upload. 5. When “UPLOAD COMPLETE” COMPLETE” appears on the status line, reboot the Affinity A ffinity and verify that all calibration and configuration data has bee restored.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Introduction

Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures 1 .0

Introduction This chapter details the remove and replace procedures p rocedures for the Affinity. Affinity. Where necessary, references are given for performing required alignment and/or adjustment procedures. •

Section 2.0 provides 2.0 provides the remove and replace procedures for the components within the Gantry. • Section 3.0 provides 3.0 provides the remove and replace procedures for the components within the C-arm Assembly. Only LORAD-authorized, trained service engineers can service this mammography system. The unit is designed for module-level repair. repair. When a defective module (assembly) is identified, the technician replaces it with a new one.

2 .0


Service engineers must take appropriate radiation safety measures when testing (or maintaining) the unit.


Always observe Electrostatic Always E lectrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working with electronics and electronic components.

Note …

When servicing the Affinity, if a procedure instructs you to remove any covers or panels, do not replace the covers until all required procedures (e.g., calibrations, adjustments, tests, remove and replace, etc.) are completed.

G a n try C Co omponents—Remove and Replace This section provides procedures for performing the following: • Removing covers and panels from the Gantry, Gantry, Section 2.1 • Servicing the Gantry cover components, Section 2.2 • Servicing the Control Co ntrol Panel Panel components, Section 2.3 • Servicing the left-side Gantry components, Section 2.4 • Servicing right-side Gantry components, Section 2.5 • Servicing internal Gantry components, Section 2.6 Refer to Figure 6-1 for 6-1 for identification of the Affinity Series Gantry Components.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-1 1.

C-arm C-arm Angle Angle Displa Displayy B Boar oard d (2) (2)


Em Emer erge genc ncyy O Off ff Swi Switc tch h ((3) 3)


High High V Volt oltag agee Ge Gener nerat ator or As Asse sembl mblyy


Power ower Cont Contro roll B Boa oard rd


Au Auxi xilia liary ry P Powe owerr Dis Distri tribut bution ion B Boa oard rd


Ho Host st Mi Micr crop opro roce cess ssor or Boa Board rd


Commun Communica icatio tions ns Interf Interfac acee B Boar oard d


Lo Low wV Vol olta tage ge Powe Powerr Su Supp pply ly


C-ar C-arm m SSaf afeety Bo Boar ard d

10. Ma Main in Cir Circui cuitt Brea Breake kerr 11. C-arm A Angle ngle Detent Detent M Micro icroswit switch ch 12. C-arm R Rotat otation ion Poten Potentiom tiometer eter 13. C-arm Actuator Actuator Assembly Assembly 14. Operator Control Panel (Control Unit Assy Assy)) 15. Fo Forc rcee Lo Load ad C Cell ell— —Vertical Drive

1 2 6 2



7 11


10 8 4

13 9


Figure 6-1: Gantry Components 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Re Remo movi ving ng Co Cov ver erss a and nd Pan anel elss FFrrom the Ga Gant ntry ry The maintenance instructions in this chapter will require cover or panel removal to gain access to the interior of the unit. Refer to this section for all Gantry cover removal procedures. Be sure to turn the unit OFF and remove the power cord (if applicable) before removing the covers. Legend for Figure 6-2 1.

Ri Righ ghtt-si side de Cov Cover


Left eft-sid -sidee Cov Coveer


Up Uppe perr Re Rear ar Panel nel


Rear Conne Connector ctor Panel (with Shroud insta installed lled))


Lowe Lowerr Re Rear ar Panel anel/Po /Power wer Dist Distribut ribution ion Assem Assembly bly


Figure 6-2: Gantry Components — —  Covers Covers and Panels

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2. 2.1. 1.1 1

Le Left ft an and d Rig Right ht Side Side Pa Pane nels ls Removal of the Gantry’ Gantry’s left and right side panels (Figure ( Figure 6-2 6-2,, Items 1 and 2) provide access to the unit’ unit’s high voltage electronics, power distribution, and microprocessor assemblies. Both cover removal procedures are identical except when the radiation shield is installed. The radiation shield must be removed before removing the rightside gantry cover. If radiation radiation shield not installed perform steps 1 and 4 through 8. If shield is installed perform Steps 1 and 4 through 8 for left side covers. Perform all steps for right side covers.

1. Re Remo move ve powe powerr to unit unit.. 2. Remove Remove hardware hardware securin securingg the radiation radiation shield shield lower lower bracket bracket to the bottom bottom of the Gantry. 3. Remove Remove hardware hardware securi securing ng the Gantry Gantry upper upper bracket bracket to the ttop op of the radiat radiation ion shield. Remove shield and set in a secure location. 4. Remove Remove hardw hardware are securing securing top of side side cover cover. 5. Slide the the cover cover upward upward until until the tabs on on the cover cover clear clear the moun mounting ting slots slots in the Gantry frame. 6. Pull the cover cover slightly slightly awa awayy from the unit, unit, then set set it upright on on the floor. floor. Note that a wiring harness connected to the Angle Display Board and the Emergency Off Switch is still attached to the Gantry. Gantry. Proceed to Step 8 if side panel is to be replaced. 7. Do not perfor perform m steps steps 8 and 9 if the unit unit is to be be powered powered on at any any point point while while servicing the unit. The unit will not function if the cables/side panels are disconnected. 8. Turn the cover cover away away from from the unit to gain gain access to the the wiring harness. harness. Follo Follow w the harness to the connector on the Gantry frame. 9. Disconnect Disconnect the wiring wiring harness, harness, then set set the cover cover in a secure secure location. location. 2.1 .1.2 .2

Uppe Upperr R Rea earr G Gan antr try y Pan Panel el

The upper rear Breaker, panel (Figure (Figure 6-2, 6-2components , Item 3) on the Gantry provides access Power On/Off Circuit Breaker , and the on the C-arm’ C-arm ’s Vertical Travto Travel el the Assembly Assemb ly (VTA). 1. Re Remo move ve powe powerr to unit unit.. 2. Loosen the the eight fasteners fasteners that that secure secure the upper upper rear panel panel to the Gantry Gantry.. 3. Lift the the panel panel up slightly slightly,, then pull pull it away away from from the unit. unit. 4. Store the panel panel in a safe location location to to prevent prevent damage. damage.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.1. 2.1.3 3

Rear Rear Conn Connec ecto torr Pan Panel el The connector panel (Figure (Figure 6-2, 6-2, Item 4) on the lower rear side of the Gantry, houses the connectors for the Footswitches and accessories. Removal of this panel is only necessary when replacing a connector or when removing the lower rear panel (Figure 6-3, 6-3, Item

3). 1. Remove th thee upper rear panel as per Section 2.1.2. 2.1.2. 2. Remove th thee four screws that secure the Figure 6-3: Rear Connector and Lower Rear Panels — —  Removal  Removal  shroud (Figure (Figure 6-3,, Item 2) to 6-3 the standoffs on the upper rear panel. 3. Remove Remove the the four screws screws that that secure secure the the rear connector connector panel (Figure 6-3, 6-3, Item 1) to the Gantry Frame. 4. connector Pull the the panel awa awayy from the the Gantry Gantry, then flip flip it down down to gain access access to the the mounting hardware. 5. Revers Reversee these these procedu procedures res tto o replac replacee the panel panel.. 2.1.4 2.1 .4

Low Lower er Rear Rear Pane Panel/P l/Powe owerr Dis Distri tribut butio ion n Assem Assembly bly The lower rear panel (Figure ( Figure 6-3, 6-3, Item 3) which is part of the Power Distribution Assembly chassis, provides access to the isolation transformer and the C-arm actuator assembly. assembly. The panel and Power Distribution Assembly chassis slide out of the unit together. together. The Power Distribution Distribution Assembly chassis has an upper and lower shelf. The isolation transformer is mounted on the lower shelf; the input power filter, Relay Protection Board, and transformer tap panel are on the upper shelf. Before proceeding, p roceeding, ensure

power is removed from the unit. 1. Remove Remove the the upper upper rear and connect connector or panels panels as per per Section 2.1.2 and 2.1.2 and Section 2.1.3.. 2.1.3 2. Remove Remove the six six screws screws that that secure secure the panel panel to the the Gantry Gantry frame. frame. 3. Pull the the panel, panel, which which is attached attached to to the input input power power assembly assembly cha chassis, ssis, out of the Gantry approximately halfway.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

4. Disconnect Disconnect the wiring wiring harnesse harnessess from their their receptacles. receptacles. Tag Tag each connecto connectorr with its receptacle designation. 5. Pull the chassis chassis complet completely ely out out of the Gantry Gantry. 6. Revers Reversee these these procedu procedures res to to replace replace the the panel. panel.


Gantry Cover Components 2. 2.2. 2.1 1

C-ar C-arm m Angl Angle e Di Disp spla lay y Boa Board rdss The Affinity Series has two C-arm Angle Display Boards which are mounted inside the left and right side Gantry covers, near the top. t op. The removal procedure for both boards are identical.

1. Remove Remove power power to the unit. unit. Remove Remove the left left or right right side Gantr Gantryy cover cover (which(whichever is appropriate). 2. Locate Locate the connect connector or at DJ1 DJ1 on the rear rear of the the C-arm C-arm Angle Display Display Board Board and and disconnect it. 3. Remove Remo ve board the two twoff o mounting mount screws screwsNote that that that secure secur e the Dis playy Board to the the cove r. Pull the of theing spacers. the twoDispla spacers between thecover board and the mounting holes can be removed. 4. Position Position the the replacement replacement C-arm C-arm Angle Angle Display Display on top of the spacers spacers.. Secure the the board and spacers with the previously removed hardware. 5. Make the the wire harness harness connecti connection on at DJ1 DJ1 on the Board. Board. Apply Apply power power to the the system, then rotate the C-arm to the 0° 0 ° position. 6. Ve Verify rify that both C-arm Angle Display Displayss read read 0 0°°. 7. Check Check that both both C-arm C-arm Angle Angle Display Displayss show the correct correct C-arm C-arm angle angle at ±45 ±45°°, ±90°°, ±135° ±90 ±135°, and +180° +180° when moved to each detent position. 8. If the test fails, fails, check check the the C-arm Detent Detent Microsw Microswitch itch adjustm adjustment ent and the C-arm C-arm Rotation Potentiometer adjustment (later in this section). 9. When complet complete, e, turn the the unit off, off, then replac replacee the previousl previouslyy removed removed cove coverr.

Figure 6-4: C-arm Angle Display Board — —  Removal  Removal 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.2. 2.2.2 2

Em Emer erge genc ncy y Of Offf Swit Switch ches es Affinity Systems have three EMO Switches (two of which are mounted on the front of left and right side Gantry covers with the third mounted on the rear of the right side gantry). For those units with the Remote Control Panel, Panel, a fourth EMO switch is located on the remote control panel mounting block. The removal procedures for all EMO switches are identical (see Figure 6-5). 6-5).

1. Remove Remove power power to the unit. unit. Remove Remove the left left or right right side side Gantry Gantry cover cover (which(whichever is appropriate). 2. Cut the Tie Tie Wrap-wrap Wrap-wrap that that secures secures the switch switch harness harness to the rear rear of the switc switch. h. Pull the wires off of the terminals (note each terminal p position). osition). 3. Remove Remove the connector connector housin housing. g. Unscrew Unscrew the plasti plasticc lock nut nut from the the switch switch and remove it. 4. Hold the the square square metal spacer spacer on the the rear cover cover,, and slip slip the switch switch off off of the cover from the front. 5. Reverse Reverse this procedur proceduree to install install the replaceme replacement nt EMO Switch. Switch. When When complete, complete, replace all previously-removed previously-removed covers.

Figure 6-5: Emergency Off Switch—  Switch— Removal  Removal 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Control Panel Components The Control Panel houses the Display Microprocessor Board and the Control Panel LCD Display components (see Figure 6-6). 6-6 This section contains the P procedures to remove and replace the internal of).the Affinity Series Control Panel. anel. Caution: 

Always observe Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working Always with electronics and electronic components. Legend for Figure 6-6


Di Displ splay ay Micro Micropro proces cessor sor Boa Board rd


LCD Disp Displlay

Figure 6-6: Control Panel Components 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.3. 2.3.1 1

Di Disp spla lay y Micr Microp opro roce cess ssor or Boa Board rd Perform this procedure to remove and replace the Display Microprocessor Board (Figure 6-6, 6-6, Item 1). Instructions are also provided to remove the firmware chip (U2) which contains the embedded user interface software.

1. Remove Remove power power to the unit. unit. Disconne Disconnect ct the Control Control Panel Panel Assembl Assemblyy from the the mount on the side s ide of the Gantry, or from the remote location mount. 2. Turn the Control Control Panel Panel upside upside down. down. Remove Remove the 4 screws th that at secure secure the rear cover to the front cover. Lift the rear cover off of the assembly. assembly. 3. Disconnect Disconnect the input input (data and and power) power) wire wire harnesses harnesses from from their jacks jacks at at BJ1 and BJ8. Pull the rear cover off of the wire harness and store it in a safe location. 4. If replacing replacing the entire entire Microp Microproces rocessor sor Board, Board, skip skip to Step 6. If replaci replacing ng just the the firmware chip, proceed to Step 5. 5. Locate Locate the firmw firmware are cchip hip (U2) (U2) on the the Microproce Microprocessor ssor B Board. oard. U Use se a PLCC extraction tool to remove the chip. Install the replacement chip into the socket. Be sure to line up the dot on the chip with the arrow in the socket. Skip to Step 9. 6. Disconnect Disconnect the the keypad keypad ribbon ribbon cable from the the jack jack at BJ3 BJ3.. Disconnec Disconnectt the display back light cable from BJ6. 7. Remove Remove the four screws screws that secure secure the Micropr Microprocess ocessor or Board to the front front cover cover. Lift the board off the cover, cover, then disconnect the display data cable from BJ2 on the opposite side of the board. 8. Install Install the repl replaceme acement nt Display Display Micropr Microprocesso ocessorr by reversing reversing this this procedure. procedure. 9. When complete, complete, install install the the rear cover cover,, then remount remount the Control Control Panel Panel to the unit, or to the remote mounting location. 10. Power up the unit and verify that all all the screens are available. available. Also verify verify that all of the keypad functions are operational. 2.3.2

LCD Di Display

Perform this procedure to remove and replace the LCD Display (Figure ( Figure 6-6, 6-6, Item 2). This procedure requires that the Display Microprocessor be removed. 1. Re Remo move ve powe powerr to the the unit unit.. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the Control Control Panel Panel Assembly Assembly from from the mount mount on the side side of the Gantry,, or from the remote location mount. Gantry 3. Remove Remove the Display Display Microproc Microprocessor essor Board per Section 2.3.1. 2.3.1. 4. Remove Remove the 4 screws screws that that secure secure the LCD Displa Displayy to the front front cover cover.. 5. Install Install the rreplac eplacement ement LLCD CD Dis Display play by by reversin reversingg this proced procedure. ure.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Left-Side Gantry Components Refer to Figure 6-1 for 6-1 for location of left-side gantry components throughout the following subsections. 2.4.1 2.4 .1

High High Voltage oltage Gen Genera erator tor Assemb Assembly ly The High Voltage Generator Assembly consists of the following components:

• • • • •

HV Multiplier HV Diode PCB Assembly (part of HV Multiplier) HV Inverter Board Capacitor Board (located on bottom of HV Inverter Board) HV Control Filament Board

WARNING!  Alwa Always ys remove power before performing any

removal or replacement procedure. Caution: 

Always observe Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions Always when working with electronics and electronic components.

Note …

The HV Generator is assembled, calibrated, and complied at the factory as an assembly and must be replaced as an assembly. The type of mounting plate used with the HV Generator Assembly determines the remove and replace procedures used. Affinity Mammographyy Systems with a Serial Number between xxxmmyy0001 Mammograph and xxxmmyy0018 (xxx represents the system series designator; mmyy represents the month and year of manufacture) require removal of the HV Inverter Board and the HV Control Filament Board prior to removing the Mammography HV Generator Assembly Mounting plate (page (pa geof 11 11). ). For those Affinity Systems with a Serial Number xxxmmyy0019 or above, the HV Generator Assembly can be removed as a single item (pa ( page ge 14 14). ). The unit Serial Number can be found on a nameplate located on the rear of the Gantry. Refer to Chapter 1, Figure 1-4,, Label 1. 1-4


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Affinity Serial Numbers 0001 through 0018 1. Remove Remove the the HV Gener Generator ator Assemb Assembly ly as follows follows (refer (refer tto o Figure 6-7): 6-7): A. Remove Remove power power to unit and and access access the High High Voltage Voltage Generat Generator or Assembly Assembly by removing the left side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. B. On the top top of the HV Multipli Multiplier er,, disconnect disconnect the the HV cable cable from the the HV cable receptacle. C. On the HV Inverter Inverter board, board, disconnec disconnectt GJ1. Wait Wait approxima approximately tely 6 minutes minutes before proceeding (see WARNING below).

WARNING!  To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until the LEDs D2 (Inverter Rail) and D35 (Brake Rail) on the HV Inverter Board are extinguished (this will take approximately 5 minutes). Once the LEDs are extinguished, do not proceed until an additional 1 minute has elapsed. D. On the HV Inverter Inverter board, board, disconnec disconnectt GJ2, GJ3, GJ3, and GJ5. Remove Remove any installed cables ties. E. Remove Remove the Ribbon Ribbon Cable between between the HV HV Inverter Inverter board and and the HV HV Control Filament board. Set aside for re-installation later.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-7 1. 2.

HV Mult ultipli plier HV Inve Invert rter er Bo Boar ard d


HV Cont Contro roll FFil ilam amen entt B Boa oard rd


HV Cabl Cablee R Rec ecep epta tacl clee


Ribbon Cable


Moun Mounti ting ng Pla Plate te (ol (old d st styl yle) e)

Figure 6-7: HV Generator Assembly (old style mounting plate) — —  Removal  Removal  F.

On the H HV V Control Control Filament Filament board, disconnect disconnect MJ1, MJ1, MJ2, MJ2, MJ4, MJ5, MJ6, MJ6, MJ7 and MJ8.

G. Remove Remove the 6 screws screws securing securing the HV Control Control Filament Filament board board to the standstandoffs on the mounting plate. Remove board from standoffs and set aside. H. Remove Remove the 13 screws screws securing securing the HV Inverter Inverter board board to the standoffs standoffs on the mounting plate. Remove board from standoffs and set aside. I.

Locate Locate and remove remove the 5 phillips phillips screws screws securing securing the the lower lower portion portion of of the mounting plate to the Gantry frame.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


While maintaining a secure hold on the HV HV Generator Assembly mounting plate, remove the 6 bolts securing the upper portion of the mounting plate to the Gantry frame. Set the assembly aside.

K. Using Using the hardwar hardwaree removed removed in Steps Steps 1.G and and 1.H above, above, replace replace the the HV Control Filament and Inverter boards previously removed. L. Replace Replace the ribbon cable removed removed in in Step 1.E above above between between the the HV Inverter board and HV Control Filament board. M. Place the the HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly (with (with boards boards and ribbon cable cable reinstalled) aside for packaging prior to shipping to LORAD for repair. 2. Replace Replace th thee new HV Genera Generator tor As Assemb sembly ly as follows: follows: A. Unpack Unpack the new H HV V Generator Generator Assembly Assembly and and place place on level work work surface. surface. B. On the the HV Control Control Filament Filament b board, oard, disconnect disconnect MJ1 and and MJ2. MJ2. C. On the the HV HV Invert Inverter er board, board, disconnect disconnect GJ2. D. Remove Remove the Ribbon Ribbon Cable between between the the HV Inverter Inverter board and and the HV Control Filament board. Set aside for re-installation later. E. Remove Remove the 6 screws screws securing securing the the HV Control Control Filamen Filamentt board board to the standstandoffs on the mounting plate. Remove board from standoffs and set aside. F.

Remove Remove the 13 screws screws securing securing the HV Inver Inverter ter board board to the the standoff standoffss on the mounting plate. Remove board from standoffs and set aside.

G. While mainta maintaining ining a secure secure hold, positio position n the HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly mounting plate flush against the Gantry frame. Secure upper portion of the mounting plate in position using 6 bolts previously removed in Step 1.J above. H. Secure Secure lower portion portion of the the mounting mounting plate to the Gantry Gantry frame frame using using 5 phillips screws previously removed in Step 1.I above. I.

Using Using the hardw hardware are remov removed ed in Steps 2.E and and 2.F above, above, replace replace the the HV Control Filament and Inverter boards previously removed.


Replace the ribbon cable removed removed in Step 2. 2.D D above between the the HV Inverter board and HV Control Filament board.

K. On the HV Control Control Filam Filament ent board, board, connect connect MJ1, MJ MJ2, 2, MJ4, MJ5, MJ5, MJ6, MJ6, MJ7, and MJ8. L. On the HV HV Inverter Inverter b board, oard, connect connect GJ1, GJ2, GJ3, GJ3, and GJ5. GJ5. Dress Dress wires wires using cable ties as necessary. M. On top of the HV Multipl Multiplier ier,, connect the the HV cable to the recepta receptacle. cle. N. Pe Perform rform the the following following procedures procedures before before returning returning unit to service: service:

• • •

Chapter 4, Section 4.1, Tube Voltage Calibration Chapter 4, Section 4.3, Filament Current (mA) Calibration Chapter 4, Section 9.1,kV Control Offset Calibration, p. 59

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Affinity Serial Numbers 0019 and Above Remove and replace the HV Generator Assembly as follows (refer to Figure 6-8): 6-8): 1. Remo Remove ve power power to unit and and access the the HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly by by removing removing the left left side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. On top of the HV Mul Multipli tiplier er,, disconnect disconnect the high high voltage voltage cable cable from the receptacl receptacle. e. 3. On the HV Inv Inverter erter board, board, disconnec disconnectt GJ1. Wait Wait approxim approximately ately 5 minutes minutes before before proceeding (see WARNING below).


To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not attempt service until the LEDs D2 (Inverter Rail) and D35 (Brake Rail) on the HV Inverter Board are extinguished and an additional 1 minute has elapsed.

4. On the HV In Inverte verterr board, board, disconnect disconnect GJ3 GJ3 and GJ5. GJ5. Remove Remove any instal installed led cable cable ties. 5. On the HV Control Control Filame Filament nt boar board, d, disconnect disconnect MJ4, MJ5, MJ6, MJ6, MJ7 MJ7 and MJ8. MJ8. 6. Loosen tthe he uppermost uppermost mounti mounting ng screws screws securing securing the HV Genera Generator tor Assembly Assembly mounti mounting ng plate to the Gantry. 7. While ma maintai intaining ning a secure hold hold on the HV Generator Generator Ass Assembly embly,, remove remove the remai remaining ning screws securing the assembly to the Gantry frame. Slide the assembly up and out of the Gantry. 8. Rever Reverse se these these procedures procedures to to replace replace the HV HV Generator Generator Assembly Assembly.. 9. Per Perform form the the followin followingg procedures procedures before before returni returning ng unit to to service: service: • Chapter 4, Section 4.1, Tube Voltage Calibration • Chapter 4, Section 4.3, Filament Current (mA) Calibration • Chapter 4, Section 9.1,kV Control Offset Calibration, p. 59


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-8 1.

HV Multi ultip plie lier

2. 3.

HV Inve Invert rter er Boar Board d HV Cont Contro roll FFil ilam amen entt B Boa oard rd


HV Cabl Cablee Rec Receeptac ptaclle


Upperm Uppermost ost Mou Mounti nting ng Sc Screw rewss (2)


Moun Mounti ting ng P Pla late te (ne (new w st styl yle) e)

Figure 6-8: HV Generator Assembly (new style s tyle mounting plate) — — Removal  R   emoval 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.4 .4.2 .2

Power ower Cont Contrrol Boar Board d The Power Control Board is positioned on the left side Gantry frame, near the center. center.

1. Remove Remo ve power powe r to unit and access access2.1.1. the Power Power Control Control Board Board by removing removing the the left side Gantry cover as per Section 2. Remove Remove the wire wire harness harness connectors connectors from from their their jacks at at TJ2, TJ3, TJ3, TJ4, TJ5, TJ5, TJ6 and TJ7. 3. Remove Remove the the data data ribbon ribbon cable from the connect connector or at at TJ1. TJ1. 4. Li Lift ft the the boa board rd of offf of the the 7 “squeeze squeeze”” type standoffs. 5. Reverse Reverse procedure proceduress to replac replacee the Po Power wer Control Control Board. Board. 6. Perform Perform the the following following procedu procedures res before before returnin returningg unit to service service:: • 2.4.3 2.4 .3

Chapter 3, Section 2.3, Post Power-Up Checks. Checks .

Aux Auxili iliary ary Power Power Distri Distribut bution ion Board Board The Auxiliary Power Power Distribution Board is located at a t the bottom of the left side

Gantry frame. 1. Remove Remove power to to unit and access access the Power Power Distribu Distribution tion Board Board by removing removing the left side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Remove Remove the wire wire harness harness connectors connectors from from their their jacks at at BJ1, BJ2, BJ2, BJ3, BJ4, BJ4, BJ5, BJ5, BJ6, BJ8, BJ9, BJ10, BJ11, BJ12, BJ14, BJ15, BJ16, B J16, BJ17 and BJ18. 3. Remove Remove the 6 screws screws securin securingg the board to the Gantry Gantry frame. frame. 4. Reverse Reverse procedures procedures tto o replace replace the Po Power wer Distri Distributio bution n Board. Board. 5. Perform Perform the Post Post Power Power-Up -Up Checks Checks in Chapter Chapter 3, Section 2.3. 2.3.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Right-Side Gantry Components Refer to Figure 6-1: Gantry Components, Components, for location of right-side gantry components throughout the following subsections. 2.5. 2.5.1 1 Ho Host st Mi Micr crop opro roce cess ssor or Boar Board d The Host Microprocessor Board is positioned near the center of the right side Gantry frame. The Microprocessor houses the Affinity Series program firmware chip (U29). To replace the firmware chip (U29) refer to Section 2.5.2. 2.5.2. Caution: 

Always observe Electrostatic Always E lectrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working with electronics and electronic components.

1. Before Before replacing replacing the the Microproces Microprocessor sor Board, Board, or the calibr calibration ation data data storage storage batbattery,, record all of the system defaults on the Default Worksheet (see Operator’ tery Operator’s Manual for User and Exposure Default Worksheets) and download the calibration data as per Chapter 5, Section 3.3.2 3.3.2.. 2. Remove Remove power power to unit and and access access the Micropro Microprocesso cessorr Board by by removing removing the right side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. Notes …

If it is only necessary to replace the calibration storage battery battery,, skip to step 7 now. If it is only necessary to replace the firmware chip (U29), skip to step 8 now. 3. Remove Remove all of the wire wire harness harness connectors connectors from from their their jacks at AJ2, AJ2, AJ3, AJ5, AJ5, AJ6, AJ8, AJ11, AJ13, AJ14, AJ16, AJ20, AJ27, AJ28, A J28, AJ29, AJ31 and AJ32. 4. Remove Remove the data data ribbon ribbon cables from from their their connectors connectors at at AJ12, AJ22, AJ22, AJ23 AJ23 and AJ25. 5. Li Lift ft the the boa board rd of offf of of tthe he 7 “squeeze squeeze”” type standoffs. 6. Reverse Reverse Steps 2 through through 5 to to replace replace the Microproc Microprocessor essor Bo Board. ard. Skip Skip to Step 9. 9. 7. If the calibr calibratio ation n data storage storage battery battery is being being replaced, replaced, follow follow the the manufacturer’’s instructions for replacing the battery. manufacturer battery. Skip to Step 9. 8. Replac Replacee the the firmw firmware are chip chip (U29 (U29)) as per per Section 2.5.2, 2.5.2, then go to Step 9. 9. Turn power power on to unit, and and upload upload the calibra calibration tion dat dataa as per Chapter Chapter 5, 5, Section 3.3.3.. 3.3.3 10. Perform the the following setup and calibration procedures before before releasing the unit to the user: •

Chapter 3, Section 4.0, Setting User Defaults

• • • • •

Chapter 4, Section 4.1, Tube Voltage Calibration Chapter 4, Section 4.3, Filament Current (mA) Calibration  Calibration  Chapter 4, Section 5.3, Initial Calibration— Calibration—Large Focal Spot (Mo)  (Mo)  Chapter 4, Section 3.1, Compression Force Calibration  Calibration  Chapter 4, Section 3.2, Compression Thickness Thickness Calibration Chapter 4, Section 9.1, kV Control Offset Calibration

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.5 .5.2 .2

Fi Firm rmwa ware re R Rep epla lace ceme ment nt

1. Using Using a P PLCC LCC chip chip remo remover ver,, gently pryofthe chip out thefirmware socket (see Figure 6-9). 6-9). 2. Inst Instal alll the the repl replac acem emen entt firmware chip into the socket. Be sure to align the dot on the chip with the arrow in the socket.

Figure 6-9: Microprocessor Firmware Chip — —   Replacement 

2. 2.5. 5.3 3

Comm Commun unic icat atio ions ns Int Interf erfac ace e Board Board The Communications Interface Board is mounted to the right side Gantry frame, just below the Microprocessor Board.

1. Remove Remove power power to unit unit and access access the the Communica Communications tions Interf Interface ace Board Board by removing the right side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Remove Remove the wire wire harness harness connecto connectors rs from their their jacks jacks at EJ1 EJ1 through through EJ16, EJ16, and at EJ19. 3. Li Lift ft the the boa board rd of offf of the the 6 “squeeze squeeze”” type standoffs. 4. Reverse Reverse these these steps steps to instal installl the replacement replacement board. board.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.5. 2.5.4 4

Lo Low w Vol Volta tage ge Powe Powerr S Sup uppl ply y The Low Voltage Power Power Supply is mounted to the right side Gantry frame, below the

Interface/Fuse Board. 1. Remove Remove power power to unit and and access access the Low Low Voltage Voltage Power Power Supply Supply by by removing removing the right side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Remove Remove the wire wire harness harness co connecto nnectors rs from their jacks jacks at P1 and and P2. 3. Remove Remove the 4 screws screws from the the standoffs standoffs on the Gantry Gantry frame. frame. Not Notee that a ground wire is secured to the board using the lower right side screw. 4. Install Install the repl replaceme acement nt Low Voltag Voltagee Pow Power er Supply Supply by reversing reversing this this procedure. procedure. Be sure to secure the ground wire using the lower right side mounting screw. screw. 5. Using Using a DMM, DMM, veri verify fy the the +5 V as as follow follows: s: A. On the Host Host Microproce Microprocessor ssor Board, Board, connect connect the the negative negative lead lead to TP10 (AGND), (AGND ), connect the positive po sitive lead to TP18 (+5 V). B. On the DMM DMM you you should read read +5.10 +5.10 V (+.01 V), if not, adjust adjust the the +5 V 2.5.5 2.5 .5

potentiometer on the LVPS. C-a C-arm rm Safety Safety Mi Micr cropr oproc ocess essor or Board Board The C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board is mounted to the right side Gantry frame, near the bottom. 1. Remove Remove power power to unit and and access access the C-arm C-arm Safety Safety Microproce Microprocessor ssor Board Board by removing the right side Gantry cover as per Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2. Remove Remove the wire wire harness harness connector connectorss from their their jacks jacks at RJ1, RJ2, RJ2, RJ3 and and RJ5. 3. Li Lift ft the the boa board rd of offf of of tthe he 4 “squeeze squeeze”” type standoffs. 4. Reverse Reverse these steps steps to instal installl the replacemen replacementt C-arm Safety Safety Micropr Microprocess ocessor or Board. Do not replace the Gantry right side cover until after the board is calibrated. 5. Pe Perform rform the the C-arm Safety Safety Microproc Microprocessor essor Board Board Calib Calibrati ration on procedures procedures as per Chapter 4, Section 8.4, 8.4, before releasing the unit to the user.

Note …

The replacement board must be calibrated before the unit is release to the user.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Internal G Ga antry C Co omponents Refer to Figure 6-1: Gantry Components, Components, for location of internal gantry components throughout the following subsections. 2.6 .6.1 .1

Main Main Ci Cirrcu cuit it Brea Breake kerr The Power Power On/Off Circuit Breaker is accessed by removing the upper rear Gantry panel.

1. Remove Remove power power to unit and and access access the Main Main Circuit Circuit Breaker Breaker by removin removingg the upper rear Gantry panel as per Section 2.1.2. 2.1.2. 2. Remove Remove the 4 screws screws that that secure secure the Circuit Circuit Breaker Breaker to the the mounting mounting bracket bracket (see Figure 6-10). 6-10). 3. Pull the the Circuit Circuit Breaker Breaker out and and disconnect disconnect the the six wires wires from from the lugs lugs on the rear of the relay. Note each wire color/lug position. 4. Reverse Reverse this procedur proceduree to install install the replace replacement ment Cir Circuit cuit Breaker Breaker..

Figure 6-10: Main Circuit Breaker — —  Removal  Removal 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.6. 2.6.2 2

The The C-ar C-arm m Angle Angle Det Deten entt Mic Micro rosw swit itch ch The C-arm Detent Microswitch is on the rear of o f the vertical column, near the cam

disc. Access to the microswitch is through the upper rear gantry panel. 1. Apply Apply po power wer,, then then rotat rotatee the C-arm C-arm to to the 0 0°° position. Remove power to unit. un it. 2. Remove Remove the uppe upperr rea rearr gan gantry try panel panel as per Section 2.1.2. 2.1.2. Locate the detent microswitch microswitc h below the C-arm pivot tube cam disc. 3. Note the the terminal terminal locations locations of the two power power wires wires to the the switch, switch, then then remove remove them. 4. Remove Remove the 2 screws screws that that secure secure the switch switch to the the switch switch plate. plate. Note Note that the mounting holes through the switch plate are slotted to provide switch adjustment.

Figure 6-11: C-arm Detent Microswitch Microswitch—  — Removal  Removal  5. Plug the the 2 previously previously remov removed ed power power wires onto onto their their respecti respective ve lugs lugs on the replacement microswitch. microswitch. Install the new switch, but do not tighten the mounting screws. 6. Plug the the unit in and and apply power power.. With With the C-arm C-arm still at the vertic vertical al (0° (0°), verify that the trigger arm roller is in the cam detent. 7. Adjust the the switch switch height height so that the switch switch actuato actuatorr arm just closes closes the switch switch,, then tighten the mounting hardware. Verify that the C-arm Angle Displays read 0°. 8. Rotate Rotate the C-arm C-arm and verify verify that that the switc switch h opens when when the trigger trigger arm arm roller roller is out of the cam detent. 9. Rotate Rotate the C-arm C-arm to the followi following ng detent detent positions positions and verify verify correct correct angle angle

display readings: ±45° ±45°, ±90° ±90°, ±135° ±135°, +180° +180°.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2. 2.6. 6.3 3

The The C-ar C-arm m Rotat Rotatio ion n Pote Potent ntio iome mete terr The C-arm rotation assembly is made up of a 10-turn, 500 ohm potentiometer with a

14-tooth gear and a timing belt. 1. Remove Remove power power,, then remov removee the upper upper rear rear Gantry Gantry panel panel as per per Section 2.1.2. 2.1.2. 2. Remo Remove ve th thee 2 scr screw ewss ((Figure Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 1) that secure the potentiometer bracket (Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 2) to the VTA. Carefully slip the sprocket off the timing belt (Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 3). 3. Note the post post location locationss of the the 3 wires wires on the potent potentiomet iometer er (Figure (Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 7), then cut them as close to the terminals as possible. 4. Pull the potentio potentiomete meterr with attached attached bracke brackett out of the Gantry Gantry.. Loosen the the clamp screw on the potentiometer shaft, then pull the clamp (Figure ( Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 4) and sprocket (Figure (Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 5) off together. together. 5. Remo Remove ve th thee hex hex nu nutt ((Figure Figure 6-12, 6-12, Item 6) and internal tooth lock washer that secures the potentiometer to the mounting bracket. Pull the potentiometer out of the mounting bracket. 6. Secure Secure the replaceme replacement nt potentiom potentiometer eter onto onto the mounting mounting bracke brackett using the the previously removed lock washer and hex nut. 7. Install Install the cla clamp mp and sprocket sprocket previou previously sly removed removed onto onto the potentiom potentiometer eter shaft. shaft. 8. Strip and and tin the tips tips of the the three wires wires previou previously sly cut, then solder solder them them to their respective posts on the potentiometer. 9. Loosely Loosely secure the the potentiom potentiometer eter bracke brackett on the VTA VTA using the the previously previously removed hardware. Turn Turn the pot fully clockwise, then back off 1/4-turn counterclockwise. 10. Apply power, power, then rotate the C-arm C-arm completely counter counterclockwise clockwise (-150 (-150°°). Carefully slip the belt onto the sprocket. Be sure that the teeth on the belt seat firmly into the gears of the sprocket. 11. Ti Tighten ghten the belt by adjusting adjusting the position of the potentiometer bracket on the VTA, then tighten the mounting screws. The tension is adjusted properly when the belt deflection is approximately 1/4" using moderate pressure. 12. Rotate the C-arm through through the entire range of rotation and verify verify that the angle display is accurate. When complete, replace all previously-removed covers.

Figure 6-12: C-arm Rotation Potentiometer — — Removal  R   emoval 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

2.6.4 2.6 .4

The C-a C-arm rm Vertica erticall Dri Drive ve Ac Actua tuator tor The C-arm Up/Down Actuator assembly is mounted on the unit base inside the

Gantry Gantry. . Access to the entire assembly requires removal of the rear Gantry panels. Remove the C-arm Vertical Vertic al Drive Actuator as follows: 1. Remove Remove the the Upper Upper Rear Rear Gant Gantry ry Pane Panell ((Section Section 2.1.2), 2.1.2), the Rear Connector Panel (Section 2.1.3) 2.1.3) and the Lower Rear Panel (Section (Section 2.1.4). 2.1.4). 2. App Apply pow power to the system. 3. Ra Rais isee tthe he C-ar C-arm m completely. If unable to raise the C-arm using the controls (due to motor failure), raise C-arm manually. 1. Secu Secure re a sshi hipp ppin ingg collar (Figure (Figure 613, 13, Item 1), one can be obtained through LORAD  Service department, to the right VTA rail (Figure (Figure 613, 13, Item 2) (on the left as seen from the rear of the Gantry) as shown in Figure 6-13. 6-13. Figure 6-13: Shipping Collar Installation of VTA Rail  2. Lower Lower the C-arm until it sstops tops on the the collar collar.. 3. Re Remo move ve hub hub n nut ut sc scre rews ws (Figure 6-14, 6-14, Item 11) and lower hub nut (Figure ( Figure 6-14, 6-14, Item 9) by hand. 4. Tur urn n the the sy syst stem em Off. Off. 5. Unplug Unplug the 4-pin 4-pin connecto connectorr from the C-arm C-arm drive drive aactuat ctuator or motor motor.. 6. To release release the lowe lowerr portion portion of of the actuator actuator (Figure 6-14, 6-14, Item 1), pull out the

spring clip (Figure (Figure 6 14, 14, Item 2) in the end of the clevis pin (Figure (Figure 6 14, 14, Item 3), then pull the clevis pin from the isolation mount (Figure ( Figure 6-14, 6-14, Item 4). 7. Loosen Loosen the screw that fastens fastens the the jam jam nut bracket bracket (Figure (Figure 6-14, Item 6-14, Item 5) to the  jam nut (Figure (Figure 6-14, Item 6-14, Item 6), then remove the screw that fastens the bracket to the standoff (Figure (Figure 6-14 Item 7) on the lower portion of the VTA isolation mount (Figure (Figure 6-14, Item 6-14,6-14,  Item, 8). 8. Thread hread the the jam jam nut nut dow down n 3 to 4 inch inches. es. 9. Remov Removee the two two screw screwss that that secure secure the the hub nut nut (Figure (Figure 6-14, 6-14, Item 9) to the VTA isolation mount, then thread the hub nut down to the jam nut.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

10. Remove the actuator actuator assembly from the the machine by pulling pulling the motor forward forward and sliding the lead screw down, then out of the VTA isolati isolation on mount. 11. To install the replacement actuator assembly, assembly, tilt the actuator lead screw toward the unit, then slide the lead screw up and through the top isolation mount. 12. Position the actuator motor into the bottom isolation mount, then align the holes in the mount with the hole in the base of the motor assembly. 13. Insert the clevis pin through the holes, then replace the sprin springg clip to secure the the clevis pin. 14. Thread the hub nut along the lead screw until until its top surface is approximately approximately 55/8" from where the lead screw enters the motor assembly. 15. Plug the 4-pin 4-pin connector connector into the motor. motor.

Legend for Figure 6-14 1.



Spring C Cllip


Clevis Pin


Is Isol olat atiion Mount ount


Jam N Nu ut Br Bracket


Jam Nut




VTA VTA Is Isol olat atio ion nM Mou ount nt


Hub Nut

10. Vertic Vertical al T Trav ravel el Assem Assembly bly 11. Hub Nut Sc Screw rewss

Figure 6-14: Components of the Vertical Vertical Drive Assembly  16. Turn the the unit unit ON. 17. Hold the hub nut to prevent it from turning, then then press a C-arm UP button to run the hub nut up the lead screw until it contacts the top isolation mount. 18. Secure the hub nut to the top isolation mount, using the previously-removed previously-removed mounting screws.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures Gantry Components— Components—Remove and Replace

19. Turn the jam nut to move move it up the lead screw screw until it contacts tthe he bottom of the hub nut. When contact is made, lower the jam nut just until the threaded hole in its side theone direction of the standoff on the isolation mount. Finally, Finally, lower the faces jam nut complete turn. 20. Secure the jam nut bracket bracket to the st standoff andoff on the isolation mount using a buttonhead screw, then tighten the screw that secures the bracket to the jam nut. 21. Grease the lead screw, screw, then remove the shipping colla collarr installed previously previously.. 22. Reinstall all previously removed covers and and panels. 23. Perform the following following calibration procedures: •

Chapter 4, Section 8.4, C-arm Safety Microprocessor Board C Calibration/V alibration/Vertical ertical Drive Force Force Load Cell Setting

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3 .0

C-Arm Components—Remove and Replace This section provides procedures for performing the following remove and replace procedures: • C-arm Frame Components (Section (Section 3.1) 3.1) • Tubehead Components (Section 3.2) 3.2) • Compression Assembly (Section (Section 3.3) 3.3) • Image Receptor Support Device Components (Section ( Section 3.4) 3.4) Use the following legend and illustration as a guide for parts identification on the C-arm Frame (refer to Figure 6-15). 6-15).

Legend for Figure 6-15 1.

Patien ient Han Handl dlee


Fila Filame ment nt P Pro rote tect ctio ion n Bo Boar ard d

3. 4.

3-P 3-Pos osit itio ion n Swi Switc tch h Boa Board rd 7-P 7-Pos osit itio ion n Swi Switc tch h Boa Board rd


CC-ar arm m Sw Swit itch ch Int Inter erfa face ce B Boa oard rd


CC-ar arm m Ac Acce cess ssor oryy Dete Detect ct B Boa oard rd


Face Shield


Comp Compre ress ssio ion nD Dev evic icee

Figure 6-15: C-arm Frame Components 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Use the following legend and illustration as a guide for parts identification on the Tubehead and on the Beam Limiting Assembly (refer to Figure 6-16). 6-16). Legend for Figure 6-16 1.

X-ray T Tu ube


Fila Filame ment nt Pro Prote tect ct Bo Boar ard d


C-ar C-arm m Cool Coolin ingg Fan


Apertu Aperture re De Detec tectt B Boar oard d (p (part art of Beam Limiting Assembly)


Filt Filter er Shif Shifter ter Ass Assem embly bly (part (part o off Beam Limiting Assembly)


Filt Filter er Posi Positi tion on D Dete etecto ctors rs ((par partt of Beam Limiting Assembly)


Ligh Lightt Fiel Field d La Lamp mp A Ass ssem embl blyy (part of Beam Limiting Assembly)


Mo Moto tori rize zed d Mi Mirr rror or A Asse ssemb mbly ly (part of Beam Limiting Assembly)


Tubeh ubehea ead dC Con ontr trol ol Bo Boar ard d

 M o  R h

10. 10. Tube ube FFan an C    M     

Figure 6-16: Tubehead / Beam Limiting Components  C omponents 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Use the following legend and illustration as a guide for parts identification on the Compression Device (refer to Figure 6-17). 6-17). Legend for Figure 6-17


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Mo Moto torr & B Bra rake ke Assembly


Compre Compressi ssion on Clu Clutc tch h & Clu Clutc tch h Brake Assembly


Compre Compressi ssion on Forc Forcee & Th Thic ickne kness ss Display Board


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Tra Trayy B Boa oard rd


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Thi Thick ckne ness ss Potentiometer


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Tim Timin ingg B Bel eltt


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Cha Chain

Figure 6-17: Compression Device Components 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Use the following legend and Figure 6-18 as 6-18  as a guide for parts identification on(refer the Image receptor Support Device to Figure 618). 18). Legend for Figure 6-18 1.

AEC AEC Dete Detect ctor or As Asse semb mbly ly


AEC AEC P Pos osit itio ion n De Dete tect ctor or B Boa oard rd


Acce Access ssor oryy Det Detec ectt Bo Boar ard d


AE AEC C Posi Positio tion n Co Compr mpress ession ion Dis Displa playy Microprocessor Board

Figure 6-18: IRSD Components 


C-Arm Frame Components This section details the removal removal and replacement procedures for the components on the Carm Frame. The alignment, adjustment adjustment and/or calibration procedures procedures are provided as required. 3.1.1 3.1 .1

Pat Patien ientt Fac Face e Shie Shield ld In Insta stalla llatio tion n and and Remov Removal al The Face Shield (Figure 6-19) 6-19) prevents the patient’’s head and patient face from entering the x-ray field

during the examination. The Face Shield mounts to the tubehead and surrounds the x-ray tube port. To install the Face Shield follow these steps: 1. Pos osit itio ion n tthe he

Face Shield so that its open side faces the C-arm and the smaller end

Figure 6-19: Patient Face Shield 

faces the tubehead. 2. Slide the open open end of the the face shield shield into the the slots slots on the tubehea tubehead d mount. mount. 3. Push Push the Face Face shie shield ld compl complete etely ly on the the mount mount..

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

4. To remove, remove, pull the si sides des of the shield shield out (away (away from from the tubehead), tubehead), then then slide the shield off the mount. Notes …

For exposure other than magnification studies, always ensure that the Face Shield is attached. Remember to check its condition prior to use each day. day. The face shield does not offer protection from exposure through the acrylic.

3.1 .1.2 .2

CC-ar arm m Fra Fram me Cove Covers rs Remove these covers to gain access to the C-arm Switch Boards, the C-arm Switch Interface Board, the C-arm Accessory Acc essory Detect Board, and the Filament Protection Board.

Patient Handle 1. Remove Remove the deco decorati rative ve caps from from the screw screw access ho holes les on the patient patient handle. handle. 2. Remove Remove the the four screws screws that secure secure the patient patient handle handle (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 1) onto the rear of the C-arm. 3. Lift the handle handle aawa wayy from the unit unit and and set itit aside. aside. C-arm Top Cover 1. Remove Remove the decorati decorative ve caps from from the screw screw access access holes holes on the C-arm C-arm Top Top Cover (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 2). 2. Loosen Loosen the screws, screws, then then slide slide the cover cover back and off off the C-arm. C-arm. 3. Disconnect Disconnect the 3-posi 3-position tion switch switch wiring wiring harnes harnesss (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 3) from the switch pad on the cover. C-arm Bottom Cover 1. Remove Remove the decorat decorative ive caps caps from the the screw access access holes holes on the C-arm Bottom Bottom Cover (Figure (Figure 3.1.3, 3.1.3, Item 4). 2. Remove Remove the the screws, screws, then then pull pull the cover cover off the C-arm. C-arm. C-arm Side Covers 1. Remove Remove the patient patient handle handle and tthe he C-C-arm C-C-arm bottom bottom cover as as per Steps Steps above. above. 2. Use plie pliers rs to pull pull the C-arm C-arm Side Side Cover Coverss (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 5) down approximately one (1) inch - until the spring clips disengage. 3. Pull Pull the cov cover er awa awayy fro from m the unit unit fram frame. e. 4. Disconnect Disconnect the 7-position 7-position switch switch wiring wiring harnesses harnesses (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 6) from the switch pads on the cover.

C-arm Upper Rear Cover 1. Remove Remove the patien patientt handle handle and the C-arm top cover cover as per Steps Steps above. above. 2. Pull Pull tthe he C-ar C-arm m Uppe Upperr Re Rear ar Cover Cover (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 7) up approximately one inch until the spring clips disengage. 3. Pull Pull the cov cover er awa awayy fro from m the unit unit fra frame. me.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

C-arm Lower Rear Cover 1. Remove Remove the patient patient handle, handle, the the C-arm bottom bottom cove coverr, and the le left ft and ride ride side covers as per Steps above. 2. Remove Remove two two screws screws securing securing the the C-arm Lower Rear Panel Panel (Figure (Figure 6-20, 6-20, Item 7) to the C-arm frame. 3. Disconnect Disconnect the ground ground wire wire from from the the lower lower rear rear co cover ver.. 4. Pull the the lower lower rear cover cover down down approxima approximately tely one one inch until until the spring spring clips clips disengage. 5. Pull Pull cove coverr away away from from the unit unit fram frame. e.

Legend for Figure 6-20 1.

Pati atien entt Ha Hand ndlle


C-A -Arm rm Top Co Cover


3-P 3-Pos osit itio ion n Sw Swit itch ch W Wir irin ingg Harness


C-Ar C-Arm mB Bot otto tom mC Cov over er


CC-Ar Arm m Si Side de Cov Cover erss (2 (2,, Le Left ft and Right)


7-P 7-Pos osit itio ion n Sw Swit itch ch W Wir irin ingg Harness (4, 2 Left and 2 Right)


CC-Ar Arm mU Upp pper er Rear Rear Cove Coverr


CC-Ar Arm m LLow ower er Rear Rear Co Cove verr

Figure 6-20: C-arm Frame Covers 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. 3.1. 1.3 3

Fi Fila lame ment nt Prot Protec ecti tion on Bo Boar ard d The Filament Protection Protection Board is mounted on the top of the C-arm frame. Access to

this component requires removal of the C-arm Top Cover. 1. Remove Remove power power from from the unit. unit. Remove Remove the C-arm C-arm Top Top Cover Cover as per per Section 3.1.2.. 3.1.2 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the wire harness harness from from the 3-position 3-position C-arm C-arm Switch Switch Pad Pad on the Top Top Cover. 3. Locate Locate the Filament Filament Protect Protection ion Board Board on the C-arm Fram Frame. e. Disco Disconnect nnect the the wire harness connectors from their jacks. 4. Remove Remove the 4 screws screws that that secure secure the board board to the standoff standoffss on the C-arm C-arm frame, frame, then lift the board out of the unit. See Figure 6-21. 5. Install Install the repl replaceme acement nt Filament Filament Protect Protection ion Board Board by reversing reversing this this procedure. procedure.

Figure 6-21: Filament Protection Board — — Removal  R   emoval 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.1. 3.1.4 4

33-Po Posi siti tion on Swi Switc tch h Boar Board d The 3-Position 3-Position C-arm Switch Board is a triple switch membrane-type pad used to

control C-arm Up, C-arm Down, and C-arm Rotation Rotation Release. The switch switch pad has an adhesive which secures it to the C-arm Top Cover. 1. Remove Remove power power from the unit. unit. Remove Remove the the C-arm Top Cover Cover as per per Section 3.1.2.. 3.1.2 2. Disconnect Disconnect the wire wire harness from from 3-position 3-position C-arm C-arm Switch Pad Pad on Top Top Cover. Cover. 3. Pe Peel el the 3-Posit 3-Position ion switch switch pad pad off of the the Top Top Cover Cover. See Figure 6-22. 6-22. Pull the ribbon cable and connector through the slot in the top cover to remove. 4. Reverse Reverse this procedure procedure to to install install the replacemen replacementt 3-Positio 3-Position n Switch Switch P Pad. ad. 5. Apply Power Power,, then perfo perform rm the Tubehea Tubehead d Controls Controls Functional Functional Checks Checks as per Chapter 3, Table 3-1, “Post Power-Up Checks” Checks”. 3.1. 3.1.5 5

77-Po Posi siti tion on Swi Switc tch h Boar Board d The C-arm houses four 7-Position C-arm Switch Boards, two on each side of the C-

arm. The boards, which are membrane-type switch pads, mount to the C-arm Side Covers using an adhesive backing. 1. Remove Remove power power from the unit. unit. Remove Remove the C-arm Bottom Bottom Cover Cover as per Section 3.1.2.. 3.1.2 2. Remove Remove the appropr appropriate iate C-arm C-arm Side Side Cover Cover (left (left or right) right) as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the upper and lower switc switch h pad connectors. 3. Pe Peel el the 7-Positi 7-Position on switch switch pad in questio question n off of the Side Side Cover. Cover. See Figure 6-22. 6-22. Pull the ribbon cable and connector through slot in side cover to remove. 4. Reverse Reverse this procedure procedure to to install install the replacemen replacementt 7-Positio 7-Position n Switch Switch P Pad. ad. 5. Apply Power Power,, then perform perform the the C-arm Contro Controls ls Functional Functional Checks Checks as as per Chapter 3, Table 3-1, “Post Power-Up Checks” Checks”.

Figure 6-22: C-arm Switch Pads — —  Removal  Removal  P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. 3.1. 1.6 6

C-ar C-arm m Swi Switc tch h IInt nterf erfac ace e Boa Board rd The C-arm Switch Interface Board (Figure ( Figure 6-15, 6-15, Item 5) is mounted to the C-arm

frame, and is accessed by removing the Left Side C-arm Cover. Cover. This circuit board is the interface between the five C-arm Switch Boards and the A Affinity ffinity Series Microprocessor. 1. Remove Remove power power from the unit. unit. Remove Remove the the C-arm C-arm Bottom Bottom Cover Cover as per per Section 3.1.2.. 3.1.2 2. Remove Remove the left left side side C-ar C-arm m Side Side Cover Cover as per per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the upper and lower switch pad connectors. Set the cover aside. 3. Disconnect Disconnect the the wiring wiring harness harness from the the jacks jacks at NJ1, NJ2, NJ4, NJ4, NJ5, NJ5, NJ6 and NJ7. 4. Remove Remove the board board ffrom rom the plasti plasticc “snap snap”” standoffs. 5. Reverse Reverse this procedure procedure to to install install the replaceme replacement nt C-arm Switc Switch h Interface Interface Board. Board. When complete, perform the C-arm Switch Functional Check as per Chapter 3, Table 3-1, “Post Power-Up Checks” Checks”. 3. 3.1. 1.7 7

C-ar C-arm m Acc Acces esso sory ry Dete Detect ct Bo Boar ard d The C-arm Accessory Detect Board (refer to Figure 6-23) 6-23) is mounted to the C-arm frame, and is accessed by removing the Left Side C-arm C-a rm Cover. This This circuit board - which houses two optical sensors - detects when a magnification platform or a stereotactic accessory (if

available) is installed. When a magnification accessory is installed, the “MODE =” =” data field on the Run Mode Screen will read “MAG MAN” MAN”. When a stereotactic accessory is installed, the “RECEPTOR =” data field on the Run Mode Screen will read

“STEREO STEREO”” and the “MODE =” data field will read “MANUAL MANUAL””. 1. Remo Remove ve po powe werr ffro rom m Figure 6-23: C-Arm Accessory Detect Board — —  Removal  Removal  the unit. Remove the C-arm Bottom Cover as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 2. Remove Remove the left left side side C-ar C-arm m Side Side Cover Cover as per per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the upper and lower switch pad connectors. Set the cover aside.


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3. Disconnect Disconnect the the wiring wiring harness harness from from the the jack on the circui circuitt board. board. 4. Remove Remove the 2 screws screws that secure secure the the detect detect board board to the board board mount mount on the the Carm frame. Pull the board from the unit. 5. Install Install the rep replacem lacement ent C-arm C-arm Accessory Accessory Detect Detect Board Board by reversi reversing ng this procedure. 6. Apply power power.. Using Using a piece piece of paper paper or cardboa cardboard, rd, block block each each sensor sensor individually and verify the Run Mode Screen changes accordingly accordingly..


Tubehead Components This section details the removal and replacement procedures for the components inside the tubehead assembly, assembly, including the x-ray tube and the beam limiting device. Alignment, adjustment or calibration instructions are provided. 3.2.1 .2.1

Tube beh head ead C Co overs vers The x-ray tubehead enclosure is comprised of an upper cover and a lower cover

(Figure 6-24). 6-24). The lower cover must be removed first. 1. Remo Remove ve po powe werr ffro rom m the unit. Remove the aperture (if installed) from the slit in the tubehead. 2. Re Remo move ve the the sscr crew ew that that secures the front of the lower cover. This screw is accessed from the bevel in the aperture slot.

Mo Rh

3. Pu Pull ll th thee ffro ront nt of the the lower cover down slightly to free it from the upper cover, then pull it away from the C-arm. C    M     

4. Remo Remove ve th thee 2 scr screw ewss Figure 6-24: Tubehead Covers — —  Removal  Removal  that secure the front of the upper cover to the tubehead chassis. Pull

the upper cover up and off of the C arm until the alignment holes on the rear of the cover clear the locating pins on the C-arm Frame. 5. Reverse Reverse these these steps steps to install install the the upper and lower lower tubehead tubehead cove covers. rs.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace


X-ray Tube Removal of the x-ray

tube (Figure (Figure 6-25) 6-25) will require complete calibration of the x-ray system and automatic exposure control (AEC) system. Access the Xray Tube by removing the upper and lower tubehead covers. 1. Remo Remove ve th thee tu tube be-head covers as per Section 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 2. Remo Remove ve th thee Top and Upper Rear Carm covers as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 3. Remo Remove ve th thee high high voltage lead from the rear of the xray tube. The connector is a 1/4turn quick disconnect. 4. Unscrew the the filament connector from the receptacle on the rear of the x-ray tube. 5. Remove tth he 2 screws that secure the rear of the tube to the mounting cradle on the tubehead chassis. 6. Remove tth he 4

Figure 6 25: X ray Tube  Removal   Removal  mounting screws that secure the xray tube to the front of the tubehead chassis. These screws are accessed from below,, through the beam limiting assembly. below assembly. Lift the tube out of the unit. 7. Positio Position n the replaceme replacement nt tube in the the tubehead tubehead so that that the threaded threaded holes holes in the the front of the x-ray tube align with the mounting holes in the tubehead chassis. 8. Loosely Loosely install install the the front front 4 and and the rear 2 mounting mounting screws screws.. 9. Tighten ighten the 4 front mounting mounting screws screws complet completely ely,, then tighten tighten the 2 screws screws on the rear of the tube.


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10. Install the high voltage voltage lead and the filament filament connector to their their receptacles on the rear of the x-ray tube. 11. Reset the the Exposure Exposure Counter Counter.. 12. Perform the following following exposure system setup procedures: Section 4.1, Tube Voltage Calibration Section 4.3, Filament Current (mA) Calibration Section 5.3, Initial Calibration— Calibration—Large Focal Spot (Mo) When the exposure control system is calibrated, perform the following compliance checks (Chapter 4): • Section 6.1, Half-Value Half-Value Layer • Section 6.2, Reproducibility and Linearity in Manual Mode • Section 6.3, Reproducibility in Auto-T Auto-Time ime Mode • Section 6.4, Reproducibility in Auto-kV Mode • • •

3. 3.2 2.2.1 .2.1

Section 6.5, Reproducibility in Auto-Filter Mode Section 7.0, X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures Section 5.1, AEC Detector Gain Calibration

Ex Exp posu surre Cou Counter nter Rese sett The Affinity Series keeps track of the number of exposures made. Whenever the x-ray tube is replaced, it will be necessary to clear - or reset - the exposure counter to accurately tabulate the number of exposures made with the new xray tube.

Note …

This procedure is only necessary after installing a replacement x-ray tube. 1. Set the the unit unit for the service service mode (S2 (S2 switch switch 1 = ON). ON). 2. Access Access th thee Debug Debug Screen Screen (Chapt (Chapter er 3, 3, Figure 3-10) 3-10) and record the number of exposures taken since last reset (data line EXP: )).. 3. Access Access Calibra Calibratio tion n SScre creen en #3 (Table 4-2) 4-2) after power up. 4. Highli Highlight ght tthe he Specia Speciall data data field. field. Pres Presss a Change  key  key until the field reads: Clear Exp Cnt  5. Press Reset   + + Comp. Release  together  together to reset the exposure counter. 6. Return Return the the unit unit to the user mode mode (S2 (S2 switc switch h 1 = OFF).

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. 3.2. 2.3 3

Tubeh ubehea ead d Cont Contro roll Bo Boar ard d

1. Remove Remove power power from the the unit. Remov Removee the aperture aperture (if (if installe installed) d) from the the slot in the tubehead, then remove the tubehead covers as per Section 3.2.1 3.2.1.. Note …

If it is only necessary to replace the firmware chip (U9), skip to Step 6 now. now. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the wiring wiring harness harness connectors connectors on on the Tubehe Tubehead ad Control Control Board (Figure 6-26). 6-26). Note locations.

S1 S2 S3 S4

Figure 6-26: Tubehead Control Board — —  Removal  Removal  3. Remove Remove the five five screws screws that secure secure the Tubehea Tubehead d Control Control Board to the the standoffs standoffs on the tubehead chassis. 4. Pull Pull tthe he board board o out ut of the unit. unit.

5. Reverse Reverse procedur procedures es to replace replace the the board. board. Skip to Step Step 7. 6. Replac Replacee the Fi Firmw rmware are Chip Chip (U9) (U9) as per per Section 2.5.2, Firmware Replacement, Replacement, then go to Step 7. 7. Ve Verify rify the board board operation operation as follows follows (refer (refer to Table 6-1and 6-1and Figure 6-26): 6-26): A. Tur urn n powe powerr ON to to unit unit.. B. Press S1 S1 once on Tubehea Tubehead d Control Control Board, Board, verify verify the auto auto aperture aperture moves moves out of the field. C. Press S1 a second second time, time, verify verify the the auto apertu aperture re moves moves back in.


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D. Press S2, S2, verify verify the lamp and mirror mirror assembl assemblies ies move move out of field field.. E. Press S4, verify verify the lamp lamp and and mirror mirror assembl assemblies ies move move back back in. in. F.

Press S3, verify verify the filter filter select select mechanis mechanism m changes changes positi position. on.

G. Press S4, S4, verify verify the entire entire collimator collimator assembl assemblyy cycles cycles in and out of field. field. Table 6-1: Tubehead Control Board Push Button Switches. Switch



Aut uto o Aper ertu ture re Se Sele lect ct


Lig Light ht Fie Field ld Lam Lamp p Ass Assy/M y/Moto otoriz rized ed Mir Mirror ror Ass Assy y Se Selec lectt


Filter Select


Co Colllim limat ator or Assy Assy Selec electt

8. Turn power power OFF, OFF, replace replace all covers covers and and return return to service. service.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.2 .2.4 .4

CC-A Arm Cool Coolin ing g FFan an The C-arm Cooling Fan is mounted to the lower portion of the C-arm Top Plate

(Figure 6-27, 6-27, Item 4). 1. Remove Remove power power from the unit. unit. Remove Remove the C-arm C-arm Top Top and Uppe Upperr Rear Covers Covers as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the fan wiring wiring harness harness from tthe he Filament Filament Protec Protectt Board ((Figure Figure 6-27, 6-27, Item 3). Note the locations if they are not labeled. 3. Remov Removee the Fila Filamen mentt Protec Protectt Board Board as per per Section 3.1.3, Steps 3.1.3, Steps 2 through 4. 4. Remo Remove ve th thee 2 scr screw ewss ((Figure Figure 6-27, 6-27, Item 2) that secure the fan mounting bracket (Figure 6-27, 6-27, Item 1) to the C-arm Top Plate. Pull the fan out of the unit. 5. Install Install the rep replacem lacement ent cooling cooling fan by by reversing reversing this this procedure. procedure. Ensure the the air flow is as shown in Figure 6-27 6-27,, View B. 6. Before Before installing installing the the tubehead tubehead covers, covers, apply apply power power and verif verifyy that the fan fan operates. Legend for Figure 6-27 1.

Mount ountin ingg Br Braacket ket


Mo Moun unti ting ng H Har ardw dwar aree


Fila Filame ment nt Pro Prote tect ct Bo Boar ard d


C-A C-Arm Top Pla Plate

Figure 6-27: C-Arm Cooling Fan—  Fan— Removal  Removal 


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3.2 3.2.5

Beam Beam LLim imit itin ing g Asse Assemb mbly ly The Beam Limiting Assembly consists of the following components:

• • • • 3.2. 3.2.6 6

Aperture Detect Board Dual Filter Assembly (with Filter Position Position Detectors) Light Field Lamp Assembly with Fan Motorized Mirror Assembly

Ap Aper ertu ture re De Dete tect ct Boar Board d The Aperture Detect board (Figure ( Figure 6-28, 6-28, Item 1) is mounted on the beam limiting device at the rear of the aperture slot. This board contains four optical sensors that detect

• the presence of an aperture and • the type of aperture installed. 1. Remo Remove ve th thee llow ower er tubehead covers as per Section 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 2. Di Disc scon onne nect ct the the wir wirin ingg harness from the Tubehead Control Board (Figure (Figure 6-26). 6-26). Note location. 3. Remove tth he 2 mounting screws that secure the board to the tubehead chassis. Pull the board out of the unit.


4. Re Reve vers rsee thi thiss pro proce cedu dure re to install the replacement Aperture Detect Board. Do not replace the tubehead covers at this time.

Figure 6-28: Aperture Detect Board — —  Removal  Removal 

5. Ve Verify rify that that the optical optical sensors sensors on on the board board are working working properly properly as as follows: follows: A. Block Block each sensor sensor with a piece of dark dark color pap paper er.. The left left most sensor sensor is

sensor #1; the right most sensor is sensor #4. B. A correspondin correspondingg LED on the Tubehea Tubehead d Control Control Board will will light light when when each sensor is blocked, then go out when unblocked (see the matrix below). Optical Sensor   Tubehead Control Board LED


1 D3

2 D2

3 D5

4 D4

6. Re Repl plac acee the tub tubeh ehea ead d cover covers. s.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.2 .2.7 .7

Fi Filt lter er Shi Shift fter er A Ass ssem embl bly y The Filter Shifter Assembly has two optical detectors mounted on the Filter Slide

Mechanism to sense which filter is below the x-ray tube port. 1. Remov Removee the the lower lower tube tubehea head d cover cover as per per Section 3.2.1 3.2.1.. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the wiring wiring harness harness from the the Motor Motor Control Control Board at at FJ10 and FJ13. FJ13. Cut the cable ties that secure the Auto Filter harness to the tubehead. 3. Loosen and and remove remove the 4 mounting mounting screws screws (2 ffront, ront, 2 rear) rear) tha thatt secure secure the Filter Filter Shifter assembly mounting bracket to the tubehead frame. These screws are accessed from the right side of the tubehead frame. 4. Slide the the assembly assembly out from from the right right side. side. Use care care not to damage damage the the filters filters or other collimator components (lamp, mirror, mirror, etc.). 5. Reverse Reverse this procedure procedure to instal installl the replacement replacement Filte Filterr Shifter Shifter assemb assembly ly.. 6. Ve Verify rify that the Filter Filter Shifte Shifterr mot motor or functi functions. ons. A. Press S4 S4 on the motor motor control control board board and check check that that the motor motor cycles cycles the the filter in one direction. B. Press S4 S4 again and check check that that the motor motor cycles cycles the the filter filter in the opp opposite osite direction. 7. Re Repl plac acee the the tube tubehe head ad cov cover erss 8. Perform Perform the the Half-Va Half-Value lue Layer Layer P Perfor erformance mance Check Check (Chapter (Chapter 4, 4, Section 6.1). 6.1). 9. Perform Perform the X-ray X-ray Tubehe Tubehead ad Leakage Leakage Check Check (Cha (Chapter pter 4, 4, Section 6.11). 6.11). Make exposures using both filters. Check the developed films for artifacts.

Figure 6-29: Filter Shifter Assembly — — Removal  R   emoval 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.2. 3.2.8 8

Li Ligh ghtt Fiel Field d Lamp Lamp Ass Assem embl bly y with with Fan Fan To replace a blown lamp within the Light Field Lamp Assembly, refer to Section

3.2.9. To replace the fan within the Light Field Lamp Assembly, refer to Section 3.2.9. 3.2.10 1. Remove Remove the tubehe tubehead ad cove covers rs aass pe perr Section 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 2. Remov Removee the the C-arm C-arm Top Top Cov Cover er as as per Section 3.1.2, 3.1.2, Step 2. 3. On the Fi Filam lament ent Protec Protectt Board Board (Figure 6-16, 6-16, Item 2), disconnect the fan power cable. 4. Disconnect Disconnect the Light Light Field Field Lamp Assembly Assembly wiring wiring harness harness from from the Tubehe Tubehead ad Control Board (Figure (Figure 6-16, 6-16, Item 9). 5. Loosen Loosen aand nd remo remove ve the the 4 moun mounti ting ng screw screwss (Figure (Figure 6-30, 6-30, Item 3) that secure the Light Field Lamp Assembly to the tubehead frame. 6. Slide the the assembly assembly out taking taking care care not to damage damage the the lamp or other other collimat collimator or components (mirror, filter, etc.). 7. Reverse Reverse this procedu procedure re to install install the the replaceme replacement nt Light Field Field Lamp Lamp Assembly Assembly with Fan. 8. Pe Perform rform the the followin followingg procedures procedures prior prior to releasing releasing the the unit to to the user: user: A. Chapter 4, Section 7.0,X-ray and Light Field Check and Alignment Procedures, p. 44

Figure 6-30: Light Field Lamp Assembly with Fan—  Fan— Removal  Removal 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. 3.2. 2.9 9

Li Ligh ghtt FFie ield ld La Lamp mp Asse Assemb mbly ly— —Lamp Replacement

1. Remov Removee the the lower lower tube tubehea head d cover cover as per per Section 3.2.1 3.2.1.. 2. Remove Remove the two screws screws tthat hat secure secure the the lamp lamp socket socket to the the lamp lamp housing housing (Figure (Figure 6-30,, Item 1). Pull the lamp and socket out of the housing. 6-30 3. Remove Remove the lamp lamp from the socket socket.. Press down down on the bulb slightly slightly while while turning turning it 1/4-turn to remove. 4. Using Using care not to to get finger finger oil on bulb bulb (by touchi touching ng it), instal installl the replacem replacement ent lamp into the socket, then install the socket into the lamp housing. Tighten the mounting hardware. 5. Perform Perform the the following following procedu procedures res prior prior to releasing releasing tthe he unit to the the user: user: • •

Section 7.11, Light Field Edge Contrast Check Section 7.12, Light Field Illuminance Check

3.2.10 3.2 .10 Light Light Fiel Field d Lamp Lamp Assem Assembly bly— —Fan Replacement

The Light Field Lamp Assembly Cooling Fan is mounted to the rear bracket of the Light Field Lamp Assembly, directly in front of the Tubehead Control Board. 1. Remov Removee the low lower er tu tubeh behead ead cov cover er as per Section 3.2.1, 3.2.1, and the upper C-arm cover as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the fan wiring wiring harness harness from the receptacl receptaclee on the Filamen Filamentt Protect Protect Board (Figure (Figure 6-16). 6-16). Note the harness location if it is not labeled. 3. Remove Remove the 2 screws screws that that secure secure the fan to the the fan mounting mounting bracke bracket. t. Pull the the fan out of the unit. 4. Install Install the repla replacemen cementt cooling cooling fan by reversing reversing this this procedure. procedure. Before Before installing installing the tubehead covers, apply power and verify that the fan operates.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.2.11 3.2 .11 Motor Motorize ized d Mirr Mirror or Ass Assemb embly ly The Motorized Mirror Assembly (Figure (Figure 6-31) mounts 6-31) mounts to a bracket on the tubehead chassis and is removed as an assembly. 1. Remove th thee lower tubehead cover as per Section 3.2.1. 3.2.1.

2. Disc Discon onne nect ct th thee wiring harness from the Tubehead Control Board (Figure 6-16). 6-16). Note locations. 3. Remove tth he 4 socket screws head (Figure (Figure 6-31)) that secure 6-31 Figure 6-31: Motorized Mirror Assembly — —  Removal  Removal  the Motorized Mirror Assembly to the mounting bracket on the left side of the beam limiting device. Pull the entire assembly from the unit. 4. Position Position the the replacement replacement Motori Motorized zed Mirror Mirror Assembly Assembly in the mounting mounting bracket bracket and secure it with the previously removed hardware. 5. Connect Connect wiring wiring harness harness to the the Tubehea Tubehead d Control Control Board Board as noted noted in Step Step 2 above. 6. Apply Apply powe powerr tto o tthe he uni unit. t. 7. On the the Tube Tubehea head d Contr Control ol Boar Board d ((Figure Figure 6-26), 6-26), push S4 to cycle the mirror assembly forwardBoard so thatilluminates the flag blocks the front. sensor. Ver Verify ify that D8 on thecompletely Tubehead Control momentarily. momentarily 8. Push S2 to cycle cycle the the mirror mirror assembly assembly complete completely ly back back so that th thee flag blocks blocks the the rear sensor. Verify that D9 on the Tubehead Control Board illuminates (stays lit). 9. Push S4 S4 to cycle cycle m mirro irrorr assembly assembly back to origina originall position. position. 10. Set the unit for a short exposure. Verify Verify that the mirror ccycles ycles out of the x-ray field before the exposure, then cycles back over the tube port after the exposure.

11. When complete, complete, install install the tubehead tubehead covers. covers.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace


Compression Assembly This section details the removal and replacement procedures for the components that make up the Compression Assembly. Assembly. The alignment, adjustment adjustment and/or calibration procedures are provided as required. 3. 3.3. 3.1 1

Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Dev Devic ice eC Cov over erss Access to the serviceable components and assemblies of the C-arm are through these covers:

• •

Upper Compression Device Cover Lower Compression Device Cover

Note …

The top and bottom Compression Device covers are fastened to the compression bellows. Use care not to damage the bellows when removing these covers. 1. Remove Remove the mountin mountingg hardw hardware are that that fastens fastens the Compress Compression ion Device Device covers covers (top and bottom) to the Compression Device. (See Figure 6-17 6-17.) .) 2. Carefully Carefully lift lift the covers covers off off the Compressi Compression on Device Device to access the followi following ng components: • • • • • •

Compression Clutch Compression Clutch brake Compression Drive Compression Brake Compression Tray Sensor Board Compression Force and Thickness Boards

3. Disconnect Disconnect the wiring wiring betwee between n the covers covers and and the Compres Compression sion Device Device,, including 1 ground wire for each cover. cover. 4. Reverse Reverse procedure proceduress to replace replace the Compres Compression sion Device Device Covers. Covers. 3.3.2 3.3 .2

Co Compr mpres essio sion n Motor Motor & Brake Brake Ass Assem embly bly The Compression Motor assembly is mounted on a rail inside the C-arm frame (near the bottom). Access to this assembly requires removal removal of the C-arm covers.

1. Turn power power OFF. OFF. Remove Remove the C-arm C-arm top and and bottom covers covers (as per Section 3.1.2,, Steps 2 and 3) and the upper & lower Compression Device covers (as per 3.1.2 Section 3.3.1). 3.3.1). Use care not to damage the compression device bellows.

2. Raise the the compress compression ion device device com complete pletely ly using using the manual manual handwheels handwheels.. 3. Continue Continue to turn the the handwheels handwheels to rotate rotate the the compression compression motor motor sprocket sprocket until until the cam-lock set screw (on the compression motor sprocket) is accessible. Loosen the set screw 1/2-turn. Note …

The cam-lock set screw is recessed further in the compression motor sprocket than the key-way set screw, which is flush when tight. 4. Turn the handwh handwheel eel again again to continue continue rotating rotating the motor motor sprocket sprocket to acce access ss the key-way set screws. Loosen this set screw 1/2-turn.


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5. Remo Remove ve th thee 2 scr screw ewss ((Figure Figure 6-32, 6-32, Item 1) that hold the compression motor and the motor mounting plate to the C-arm rail. Remove the motor and mounting plate from the C-arm. 6. Note the the polarity polarity of the wires wires on the compressi compression on motor, motor, then disconnec disconnectt them. Pull the motor out from the mounting plate, until the motor shaft clears the plate, then pull the motor out from the C-arm. 7. Transfer ransfer the mounting mounting plate plate to the new motor motor, then reverse reverse this this procedure procedure to install the replacement motor assembly. 8. Apply power power and verify verify tthat hat the motor motor works works by cycli cycling ng the motor motor in each each direction using the compression controls.

Figure 6-32: Compression Motor & Brake Assembly — —  Removal  Removal  9. When complet complete, e, perform perform the Compres Compression sion Chain Chain Tensio Tension n Adjustment Adjustment as per per Chapter 4, Section 8.1. 8.1.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.3.3 3.3 .3

Com Compr press essio ion n Cl Clutc utch h & Clutc Clutch h Brake Brake Asse Assemb mbly ly The Compression Clutch & Clutch Brake assembly is made up of a clutch mechanism, a brake, a handwheel assembly, assembly, and a series of gears and sprockets. Access to this assembly requires removal of the top & bottom compression device covers.

1. Turn power power OFF. OFF. Remove Remove the top and bottom bottom compressi compression on device covers covers as per Section 3.3.1. 3.3.1. Use care not to damage the compression device bellows. 2. Loosen the set set screws screws that that secure secure the right side compre compression ssion knob (Figure (Figure 6-33, 6-33, Item 5) to the clutch shaft (Figure ( Figure 6-33, 6-33, Item 1). Slide the knob off the shaft. 3. Loosen the screws screws that that secure secure the locking locking bar (Figure 6-33, 6-33, Item 6) to the clutch shaft. Slide the clutch shaft out of the compression device from the left side. 4. Re Remo move ve the the ssli lip p clu clutc tch h (Figure (Figure 6-33, 6-33, Item 4) from the compression device. If it is only necessary to replace the clutch, skip steps 5 and 6. 5. Remove Remove the screws screws that that secure secure the the clutch clutch brake brake magnet magnet ass assembly embly (Figure 6-33, 6-33, Item 2) to the left side compression device frame. Remove clutch magnet assembly and the brass spacer ( Figure (Figure 6-33, Item 6-33,  Item 3)the from the brake compression device. 6. Remove Remove the cl clutc utch h brake harness harness connector connector from from the the main harnes harness. s. 7. Install Install the rep replacem lacement ent clutch clutch brake brake and tig tighten hten the the mounting mounting screws. screws. Connect Connect the clutch brake harness to the main wiring harness. 8. Slide the the clutch clutch shaft shaft into the the compressi compression on device device from the the left side side until the shaft end protrudes through through the opening in the clutch clutch brake. Slide the brass spacer (raised edge first) over the shaft and into the brake. 9. Place the the armature armature on the end end of the replacemen replacementt clutch clutch (machined (machined si side de toward toward the brake). Slide the clutch shaft through the clutch, clutch, then out the opposite side of the compression device. Install the previously removed removed knob and tighten the set screws. 10. Adjust the clutch shaft shaft by sliding itit back and forth until both knobs are equal distances from the sides of the compression device. 11. Place a .015" feeler feeler gauge (or equivalent equivalent shim stock) between the armature and the clutch brake. Spread the clutch mechanism so that th thee clutch sprocket is pressed firmly against the chain gears (at right), and that the armature is pressed against the feeler gauge. 12. Ti Tighten ghten the locking bar bar mounting hardware, hardware, then remove the feeler gauge.

Check that the gap between the armature and the brake is .010 (minimum) to .020" (maximum). Verify that there is no more than .020 .020”” left-to-right “play play”” in the clutch. 13. Verify Verify proper compression movement. movement. P Perform erform the following following before releasing releasing the unit to the user: • • •

Chapter 4, Section 8.1, Compression Chain Tension Adjustment  Adjustment  Chapter 4, Section 3.1, Compression Force Calibration  Calibration  Chapter 4, Section 3.2, Compression Thickness Thickness Calibration


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-33 1.

Clutch Sh Shaft


Clu Clutc tch hB Brak rakee M Magn agnet et Assemb Assembly ly


Brass Spacer


Slip C Cllutch


Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Kn Knob ob


Locking Bar

Figure 6-33: Compression Clutch & Clutch C lutch Brake Assembly — —  Removal  Removal 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.3.4 3.3 .4

Com Compr press ession ion / AE AEC C Posit Position ion Displ Display ay Boar Boards ds The Compression/AEC Position Position Display Boards (left and right, see Figure 6-34) 6-34) provide readouts for compression thickness, compression force, and the position of the AEC Detector. These display display boards mount to the inside of the top Compression Device cover.

1. Turn power power OFF OFF,, then remove remove the Compress Compression ion Device Device covers covers as per Section 3.3.1.. Use care not to damage the Compression 3.3.1 C ompression Device bellows. 2. Disconnect Disconnect the the cable cable connectors connectors from from the Compressi Compression on / AEC Posit Position ion Display Display Board to be removed (left or right). 3. Remove Remove the hardwa hardware re that secure securess the Compressi Compression on / AEC P Posit osition ion Display Display Board (to be removed) to the standoffs on the top cover. cover. 4. Reverse Reverse these these steps steps to install install the the replaceme replacement nt display display board. 5. Perform Perform the the followi following ng before before releasing releasing the unit unit to the user: user: •

Chapter 4, Section 3.1, Compression Force Calibration  Calibration 

Chapter 4, Section 3.2, Compression Thickness Thickness Calibration

Figure 6-34: Compression / AEC Position Displa Displayy Boards — —  Removal  Removal  3. 3.3. 3.5 5

Comp Compre ress ssio ion n Tra Tray y Se Sens nsor or B Boa oard rd The Compression Tray Sensor board (Figure (Figure 6-17, 6-17, Item 4) is mounted to the compression device deck. Access to this board requires removal of both compression device covers. Turn power OFF. Remove the compression device covers as per Section 3.3.1. 3.3.1. Use

care not to damage the compression device bellows. 1. Remove Remove the the wiring wiring harness harness connector connector from from the rear of the board. 2. Loosen and and remo remove ve the mounting mounting screws screws that that secure secure the board board to the the compression device deck. 3. Lift Lift the board board out out from from the compr compress ession ion devic device. e. 4. To install install the replacement replacement Compr Compressio ession n Tray Tray Sensor Sensor board, reverse reverse these st steps. eps. 5. Before Before releasing releasing the the unit to the user user,, verify verify that that the board board is working. working. Apply power,, then enter the Run Mode. power


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

6. Install Install a comp compressi ression on paddle paddle and check check that system system status status changes changes from from “Standby Standby”” to “Ready Ready””. Remove the paddle and verify that system system status returns to “Standby Standby””. 3.3.6 3.3 .6

Com Compr press essio ion n TThi hickn ckness ess Pot Poten entio tiomet meter er The Compression Thickness Potentiometer Potentiometer is a 5,000-ohm, 10-turn potentiometer that mounts to the left side bulkhead of the compression device frame.

1. Turn urn powe powerr OFF OFF. 2. Remove Remove any installed installed compressio compression n access accessory ory.. 3. Remove Remove the C-arm bottom bottom cover cover and the left left side side cover cover as per Section 3.1.2. 3.1.2. 4. Remove Remove the Tubehea ubehead d cover coverss as per Section 3.2.1. 3.2.1. 5. Remove Remove the the top top and bottom bottom compress compression ion device device covers covers (Section (Section 3.3.1). 3.3.1). Use care not to damage the compression device bellows. 6. Loosen the the two allen allen screws screws securing securing the the Compressi Compression on Timin Timingg Belt to the the Tubehead Support Plate (Figure (Figure 6-35, 6-35, Item 1). Remove timing belt from the upper clamp block (Figure (Figure 6-35, 6-35, item 2).

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-35 1.

Tubeh ubehea ead d Sup Suppo port rt Plat Platee


Up Uppe perr Clam Clamp p Bl Bloc ockk

Figure 6-35: Removal of Timing Timing Belt from Upper Block Assembly  7. Gently Gently thread thread timing timing belt down down and out of the the pulleys. pulleys. Check Check timing timing belt, if damaged, replace as follows: A. Remove Remove the IRSD IRSD cover coverss as per Section 3.4.1. 3.4.1. B. Through Through the rear rear of the the IRSD and under under the bellow bellowss assembly assembly,, locate locate and loosen two screws securing the belt in the lower clamp block. Remove belt and discard.

C. Insert Insert the new belt belt through through the lower lower clamp on the the Tubehea Tubehead d Support Support Plate. Plate. Tighten screws enough to secure belt in place.


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

Legend for Figure 6-35 1.

Be Bear arin ingg Bloc Blockk A Ass ssem embl blyy


Lo Lowe werr Clam Clamp pB Blo locck

Figure 6-36: Removal of Timing Belt from Bearing Block Assembly  8. Locate Locate 3 colored colored wires solder soldered ed to potentiome potentiometer ter.. Note the the colored colored wire for for each post and desolder wires. Refer to Figure 6-37. 6-37.




Pin 2

Pin 3

Pin 1

2 5

Figure 6-37: Compression Thickness Potentiometer — —  Removal  Removal  9. Remove Remove screws screws from from potentiomet potentiometer er bracket bracket and and pull from from compressi compression on device. device.

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

10. Loosen the clamp screw (1) (1) on the end of the potentiometer potentiometer (2) shaft. shaft. Remove the clamp and the sprocket (3) together. 11. Remove the hex nut (4) that secures the potentiometer to the m mounting ounting bracket (5). Slide the potentiometer off the bracket. 12. To replace the compression display display potentiometer, potentiometer, reverse Steps 8 through 11 above. Do not tighten clamp screw at this time. 13. Perform the Compression Display Display Potentiometer Potentiometer Adjustment as per Chapter 4, Section 8.2. 8.2. 14. Replace the IRSD covers, the tubehead covers, covers, the compression compression device assembly upper and lower covers, the C-arm bottom cover and left side cover cover.. 15. Replace the the compression compression accessory accessory.. Restore power to unit. unit.


IRSD Components This section details the removal and replacement procedures for the components inside the image receptor support device (IRSD). (IRSD). The alignment, alignment, adjustment and/or calibration calibration procedures are provided as required. 3.4.1 3.4 .1

Ima Image ge Recept Receptor or Sup Suppor portt D Dev evice ice Cov Covers ers To access the AEC board, the AEC detector board, image receptor detector board, and the AEC Position Compression Display Microprocessor, remove the IRSD covers as follows

(refer to Figure 6-38  throughout the 6-38  following): 1. Tur urn n powe powerr OFF OFF, then unplug the power receptacle from the wall outlet.

2. Loosen and remove the 4 screws (Item 2) that secure the black anodized top cover (Item 1) to the top aluminum plate (Item 3). Figure 6-38: IRSD Covers — —  Removal  Removal 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. Slide the the cover cover forward forward and and off the suppor supportt and set it aside. aside. Use Use care not to scratch the top cover coating. 4. Loosen and and remo remove ve the 6 screws screws (Item (Item 4) that that hold tthe he aluminum aluminum top plate plate to the receptor support frame. 5. Lift the the aluminum aluminum top top plate plate off of the the support. support. The The AEC board, board, the the AEC detector detector board, and the image receptor detector board are mounted on the bottom of the plate. 6. The AEC Positi Position on Compression Compression Displa Displayy Microprocesso Microprocessorr is mounted mounted on the IRSD bottom plate. 3.4 3.4.2

AE AEC C Det Dete ector ctor As Asse semb mbly ly The AEC Detector Assembly contains the AEC Detect board and is mounted between the slide rails on the bottom side of the IRSD top plate. If the AEC Detect board fails, replace the AEC AE C Detector Assembly. Assembly. Access to this component requires removal of the IRSD covers.

1. Turn power power OFF OFF.. Remove Remove the IRSD covers covers as per Section 3.4.1, 3.4.1, then flip the top plate over to access the detector board. 2. Remove Remove the D-sub D-sub connec connector tor from from the rear rear of the the sensor sensor assembly assembly.. 3. Loosen Loosen and remove remove the two two screws screws (one on on either either side) that that secure secure the shroud shroud (Figure 6-39, 6-39, Item 1) to the front of the slide s lide rails. Pull the shroud off the slide rails. 4. Pull Pull the the AEC AEC Sens Sensor or boar board d (Figure (Figure 6-39, 6-39, Item 2) out from between the slide rails from the front. 5. To install install the replace replacement ment AEC Sensor Sensor boa board, rd, reverse reverse these these steps. steps. 6. When complet complete, e, perform perform the procedur procedures es listed listed below below before before releasing releasing the unit unit to the user: •

Chapter 4, Section 5.1, AEC Detector Gain Calibration

• •

Chapter 4, Section 5.0, Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration Chapter 4, Section 6.10, IRSD Leakage Check

Figure 6-39: AEC Sensor Assembly — —  Removal  Removal 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3. 3.4. 4.3 3

AEC AEC Posi Positi tion on De Dete tect ct Bo Boar ard d The AEC Position Detect board (Figure ( Figure 6-40 6-40,, Item 1) is mounted to the AEC Sensor slide rail on the bottom side of the IRSD top plate. p late. Access to this component requires removal of the IRSD covers.

1. Turn power power OFF OFF. Remove Remove the the IRSD cover coverss as per Section 3.4.1, 3.4.1, then flip the aluminum top plate over to access the detector board. 2. Remove Remove the wiring wiring harness harness from the AEC Positi Position on Detect Detect board. board. 3. Loosen and and remove remove the two two screws screws that secure secure the board board to the AEC AEC sensor sl slide ide rail. Lift the board off the slide rail. 4. To install install the replacemen replacementt AEC Position Position Detect Detect board, board, reverse reverse these these steps. steps. 5. Apply power power to the the unit. unit. Slide Slide the AEC AEC sensor sensor to all all seven seven detent detent positions. positions. Verifyy that for each detent, the corresponding LED on the compression device Verif display lights. 6. To install install the replace replacement ment AEC Se Sensor nsor board, board, reverse reverse these these steps. steps. When When complete, perform the procedures listed below before releasing the unit to the user: • •

Chapter 4, Section 5.0, Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration Chapter 4, Section 6.10, IRSD Leakage Check

7. When complet complete, e, turn turn power off, then then reassemb reassemble le the IRSD IRSD and and replace replace the covers.

Figure 6-40: Position Detect and Accessory Detect Boards — —  Removal  Removal 


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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

3.4. 3.4.4 4

Ac Acce cess ssor ory y Dete Detect ct Boa Board rd The Accessory Detect board (Figure ( Figure 6-40, 6-40, Item 2) is mounted to the bottom side of the IRSD top plate. Access to this component requires removal of the IRSD covers.

1. Turn power power OFF OFF. Remove Remove the the IRSD covers covers as per per Section 3.4.1 3.4.1,, then flip the aluminum top plate over to access the detector board. 2. Remove Remove the wirin wiringg harness harness from from the connect connector or on the the detector detector board. board. 3. Loosen Loosen and remove remove the 4 screws screws that that secure secure the board board to the standoff standoffs. s. Lift the the board off the top plate. 4. To install install the replacemen replacementt Accessory Accessory Detector Detector board, board, reverse reverse these steps. steps. 5. Set the the top plate plate onto onto the IRSD IRSD frame, frame, th then en apply apply power power and enter enter the the Run Mode. Using the Image Receptor Phantom Tool Tool (PN 9-060-0403) or o r reflective tape, block the detectors according to the reference table in Appendix B (Table B-19).. Verify that the image receptor status on the LCD display changes B-19) appropriately. 6. To install install the replace replacement ment AEC Sensor Sensor boa board, rd, reverse reverse these these steps. steps. When When complete, perform the procedures listed below before releasing the unit to the user: • •

Chapter 4, Section 5.0, Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration Chapter 4, Section 6.10, IRSD Leakage Check

7. When complet complete, e, turn power power off, off, then re-assem re-assemble ble the IRSD IRSD and replace replace the the covers. 3.4.5 3.4. 5

AEC Position Position Compress Compression ion Disp Display lay Micropr Microproces ocessor sor Board Board The AEC Position Compression Display Microprocessor Board (Figure (Figure 6-41) 6-41) is mounted to the inside of the IRSD bottom plate. Access to this component requires removal of the IRSD covers.

Figure 6-41: AEC Position Position Comp. Display Microprocessor — — Removal  R   emoval 

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Service Manual Chapter 6: Maintenance— Maintenance—Remove and Replace Procedures C-Arm Components— Components—Remove and Replace

1. Turn power power OFF OFF.. Remove Remove the IRSD IRSD covers covers as per Section 3.4.1. 3.4.1. To replace the board, go to Step 3. 2. If the the softwa software re needs needs repl replace aced, d, refer refer to to Section 2.5.2, Firmware Replacement. Replacement. Replace the IRSD covers and go to Step 6. 6. 3. Disconnect Disconnect all all cables cables and ground ground wires wires to the AEC Posit Position ion Compressi Compression on Display Microprocessor Board (Figure (Figure 6-41, 6-41, Item 1). 4. Remove Remove the four four nuts nuts securing securing the the board to to the IRSD IRSD bottom bottom plate. plate. 5. To install install the replacement replacement AEC Positi Position on Compression Compression Displa Displayy Microprocess Microprocessor or Board, reverse these steps. 6. When complet complete, e, perform perform the procedu procedures res listed listed below below before before releasin releasingg the unit to the user: • •

Chapter 4, Section 5.0, Automatic Exposure Control System Calibration Chapter 4, Section 6.10, IRSD Leakage Check


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Service Manual Chapter 7: Parts List Instructions

Chapter 7: Parts List 1 .0

Instructions This Chapter of the manual provides tabular listings of the serviceable components for the Affinity.. Part numbers and descriptions are provided for component identification. Affinity


The Replacement Parts Lists The Affinity Parts Lists are: • • • •

Table 7-1: Gantry Cover, Control Panel and Internal Components— Components —Parts List Table 7-2: Gantry Left and Right-Side Components— Components—Parts List Table 7-4: C-Arm Tubehead Components— Components —Parts List Table 7-5: C-Arm Compression Device Components— Components—Parts List Lis t

• •

Table 7-6: C-Arm Image Receptor Support Device— Device—Parts List Table 7-7: Miscellaneous— Miscellaneous—Parts List (Lists List (Lists accessories, optional equipment, tools and supplies required.) The replacement parts lists are divided into four parts as follows: • • • •

Part Number: this Number: this is the order number for the part. The LORAD Service Department will require this number when placing an order. Description:   identifies the part by name. Description: Figure #/Item #: identifies the Figure within the Service Manual that shows the component location within the system. The Item number is given when applicable. Refer To: identifies o: identifies the Chapter and Section within the Service Manual to go to for installation or remove and replace procedures for that part.

Table 7-1: Gantry Cover, Control Panel and Internal Components — —  Parts Parts List  Part Number


1-003 1-0 03-0 -036 360 0

Assy Assy,, CC-Ar Arm m Angl Angle e Disp Displa lay y

1-700 1-7 00-0 -010 107 7

Assy Assy,, Em Emerg ergenc ency y OFF OFF Sw Swit itch ch

3-000 3-0 00-5 -507 071 1

Assy Assy,, Powe Powerr Dist Distri ribut butio ion n

Fig.#/Item #      

Refer To

Figure 6-1 /#1

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.2.1

Figure 6-1 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.2.2

Figure 6-3 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.1.4

3-00 3-0000-50 5058 58

Assy Assy,, Cont Contro roll Unit Unit


Figure 6-6

1-003 1-0 03-0 -042 428 8

Assy Assy,, Disp Displa lay y Mi Micro cropro proces cesso sorr PC PCB B Figure 6-6 /#1 (part of Control Panel, Figure Panel, Figure 6-1 /#13)

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.3.1

1-5 -51 10-0 -00 022

LCD LCD Displa play Figure 6-6 /#1 (part of Control Panel, Figure Panel, Figure 6-1 /#13)

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.3.2

1-07 1-0700-50 5026 26

Circ Circui uitt Br Brea eake kerr Du Dual al 20 20A A 25

Figure 6-1 /#10

Chapter 6, Section 6, Section 2.6.1

1-700 1-7 00-0 -001 018 8 1-195-3 1-195 -305 058 8

CC-Ar Arm m Angl Angle e De Dete tent nt Mi Micro croswi switc tch h   CC-Ar Arm m Rota Rotati tion on Pote Potent ntio iome mete terr (Potentiometer WW 10 T 5 K Ohm)

Figure 6-1 /#1  /#11 1 Figure 6-1 /#12

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.6.2 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.6.3

2-230 2-2 30-4 -400 002 2

Belt Belt,, Tim imin ing g 3/ 3/32 32 x 32 Pitc Pitch h

Figure 6-12

33-0 000-5 00-507 072 2

Assy Assy,, Actua ctuattor





Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 2.3


Chapter 6, Section 6, Section 2.6.3

Figure 6-1 /#13

Chapter 6, Section 6, Section 2.6.4

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Service Manual Chapter 7: Parts List Instructions

Table 7-2: Gantry Left and an d Right-Side Components — —  Parts Parts List  Part Number


3-00 3-0000-50 5074 74

As Assy sy,, High High Volta oltage ge Ge Gene nera rato torr

1-00 10033-04 0445 45

As Assy sy,, Po Powe werr Co Cont ntro roll PC PCB B

Fig.#/Item #  

Refer To

Figure 6-1/ #3

Chapter 6, Section 2.4.1

Figure 6-1/ #4

Chapter 6, Section 2.4.2

1-0031-0 03-048 0489 9

Ass Assy y, Aux Auxili iliary ary Pow Power er Dis Distri tribut bution ion PCB   Figure 6-1/ #5

Chapter 6, Section 2.4.3

1-00 1-0033-04 0493 93

As Assy sy,, Ho Host st Mi Micr crop opro roce cesso ssorr Bd

Figure 6-1/ #6

Chapter 6, Section 2.5.1

1-00 1-0033-04 0434 34

As Assy sy,, Co Comm mmun unic icat atio ions ns Inte Interf rfac ace e Bd

Figure 6-1/ #7

Chapter 6, Section 2.5.3

1-45 1-4511-50 5037 37

Powe Powerr Supp Supply ly,, Open Open Fr Fram ame e (Low Voltage Power Supply)

Figure 6-1/ #8

Chapter 6, Section 2.5.4

1-0031-0 03-044 0440 0

Ass Assy y, C-A C-Arm rm Safet Safety y Mic Micropr roproce ocessor ssor Bd   Figure 6-1/ #9

Chapter 6, Section 2.5.5


Table 7-3: C-Arm Frame Components — — Parts P   arts List  Part Number


Fig.#/Item #

3-40 3-4055-70 7071 71

Pa Pati tien entt Fa Face ce Shie Shield ld


1-00 1-0033-02 0289 89

Assy Assy,, Fila Filame ment nt Prot Protec ectt PC PCB B

3-00 3-0000-50 5029 29

Assy Assy,, Top Cover Cover 3 Posi Positi tion on Swit Switch ch

1-09 1-0922-00 0028 28

Ke Keyb yboa oard rd,, Me Memb mbra rane ne 1x 1x3 3

1-09 1-0922-00 0024 24

Keyb Keyboa oard rd,, Me Memb mbra rane ne 2x3 2x3 Up Uppe perr Left Left

1-09 1-0922-00 0026 26

Keyb Keyboa oard rd,, Me Memb mbra rane ne 2x3 2x3 Low Lower er Left Left

Refer To

Figure 6-15 /#7

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.1

Figure 6-15 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.3

Figure 6-20 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.2

Figure 6-15 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.4


Figure 6-15 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.5


Figure 6-15 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.5

1-09 1-0922-00 0025 25

Keyb Keyboa oard rd,, Me Memb mbra rane ne 2x3 2x3 Up Uppe perr Righ Rightt   Figure 6-15 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.5

1-09 1-0922-00 0027 27

Keyb Keyboa oard rd,, Me Memb mbra rane ne 2x3 2x3 Low Lower er Righ Rightt   Figure 6-15 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.5

1-00 1-0033-04 0436 36

Assy Assy,, Swit Switch ch In Inte terf rfac ace e PC PCB B

Figure 6-15 /#5

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.6

1-00 1-0033-00 0095 95

Assy Assy,, MA MAG G Tra ray y De Dete tect ct PC PCB B (Assy, C-Arm Accessory Detect PCB)

Figure 6-15 /#6

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.1.7




Table 7-4: C-Arm Tubehead Components — —  Parts Parts List 

Part Number 2-425 2-4 25-0 -004 042 2 2-425-0 2-425 -004 043 3 1-003 1-0 03-0 -040 403 3 3-000 3-0 00-5 -505 056 6 9-40 9-4000-02 0268 68 1-003 1-0 03-0 -037 378 8 3-00 3-0000-46 4600 00 3-00 3-0000-50 5082 82


Fig.#/Item #

X-Ra X-Ray y Tube Var aria ian n IM-1 IM-113 13   X-Ra X-Ray y Tube Var aria ian n IM-1 IM-113 13-B -B   Assy Assy,, Tubeh ubehea ead d Co Cont ntro roll PC PCB B   Assy Assy,, Fa Fan, n, CC-Ar Arm m Co Cool olin ing g   Ki Kit, t, Be Beam am Limi Limiti ting ng   Assy Assy,, Fixe Fixed d Aper Apertu ture re Dete Detect ct Boar Board d (part of Beam Limiting Assy) Filt Fi lter er Shif Shifte terr As Assy sy (part of Beam Limiting Assy) Li Ligh ghtt Fiel Field d Lamp Lamp Assy Assy (part of Beam Limiting Assy)

Refer To

Figure 6-16 /#1 Figure 6-16 /#1 Figure 6-16 /#9 Figure 6-16 /#3 Figure 6-16 /#s 4-8 Figure 6-16 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.2 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.2 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.3 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.4 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.5 Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.6

Figure 6-16 /#5

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.7

Figure 6-16 /#7

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.8


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Service Manual Chapter 7: Parts List Instructions

Table 7-4: C-Arm Tubehead Components — —  Parts Parts List  Part Number


Fig.#/Item #

Refer To


Lamp (Replacement lamp for Light Field Lamp Assy)


Chapter 6, Section 3.2.9

33-00 0000-3 323 230 0

Assy Assy,, Lamp Lamp Fa Fan n (part of Light Field Lamp Assy)

Figure 6-30 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.10

3-00 3-0000-50 5081 81

As Assy sy,, Moto Motori rize zed d Mirro irrorr

Figure 6-16 /#8

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.2.11


Table 7-5: C-Arm Compression Device Components — — Parts P   arts List  Part Number


Fig.#/Item #

Refer To

3-00 3-0000-50 5067 67

Assy Assy,, Comp Compres ressi sion on Mo Moto torr Brak Brake e


Figure 6-17 /#1

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.2

See See Belo Below w

Assy Assy,, Comp Compres ressi sion on Clut Clutch ch and and Clut Clutch ch Brake

Figure 6-17 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

3-460 -460-0 -005 055 5

Shaf haft, Clut lutch

Figure 6-34 /#1

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

4-00 4-0000-01 0132 32

Assy Assy,, Brak Brake e Magn Magnet et and and Su Supp pprr

Figure 6-34 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

2-48 24800-05 0525 25

Spa pace cerr Ro Roun und d 12 x .75 .75 LG

Figure 6-34 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

2-15 21555-00 0006 06

Cl Clut utch ch,, Slip Slip,, Co Comp mp De Dev v

Figure 6-34 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

3-25 32511-00 0026 26

Co Comp mpre ress ssio ion n Knob Knob (Q (Qty ty 2)

Figure 6-34 /#5

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.3

1-0031-0 03-047 0472 2

Ass Assy y, AEC Pos Pos.. Com Comp. p. Dis Displa play y Bd (ri (right ght))   Figure 6-17 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.4

1-0031-0 03-047 0473 3

Ass Assy y, AEC Pos Pos.. Com Comp. p. Dis Displa play y Bd (le (left) ft)   Figure 6-17 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.4

1-00 1-0033-01 0103 03

Assy Assy,, Comp Comp.. Tra ray y Sens Sensor or PC PCB B

Figure 6-17 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.5

1-1951-1 95-305 3058 8

Com Compre pressio ssion n Thickn Thickness ess Pot Potent entiom iomete eterr (Potentiometer WW 10 T 5 K Ohm)

Figure 6-17 /#5

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.6

3-23 32300-40 4002 02

Be Belt lt,, Timin iming, g, 24 inch inch

Figure 6-17 /#6

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.3.6




Table 7-6: C-Arm Image Receptor Support Device — —  Parts Parts List  Part Number


Fig.#/Item #

Refer To

3-00 30000-50 5069 69

As Assy sy,, AE AEC C Dete Detect ctor or


Figure 6-18 /#1

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.4.2

1-00 1-0033-03 0364 64

Assy Assy,, AEC AEC Posi Positi tion on De Dete tect ct PCB PCB

Figure 6-18 /#2

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.4.3

1-00 1-0033-03 0365 65

Assy Assy,, AEC AEC Acce Accesso ssory ry De Dete tect ct PC PCB B

Figure 6-18 /#3

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.4.4

1-0031-0 03-047 0471 1

Ass Assy y, AEC Pos Posit ition ion Micropr Microproce ocessor ssor Bd   Figure 6-18 /#4

Chapter 6, 6, Section  Section 3.4.5


P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Chapter 7: Parts List Instructions

Table 7-7: 7 -7: Miscellaneous — — Parts P   arts List  Part Number


Fig.#/Item #

Refer To


AutoFilm I.D.

99-40 4000-02 0273 73

Ex Expo posu sure re Fo Foot otsw swit itch ch

3-00 3-0000-50 5020 20

Assy Assy,, Fo Foot otsw swit itch ch,, Du Dual al Fu Func ncti tion on

99-40 4000-02 0242 42

Ki Kit, t, Oper Operat ator or Sh Shie ield ld

3-40 3-4055-80 8010 10

Templ emplat ate, e, Ligh Light/ t/XX-ra ray y Fiel Field d


Tool, Affinity Image Receptor Phantom


Chapter 4, Section 7.4


Tool, Light Field Alignment Bars


Chapter 4, Section 7.10


Tool, Field Service Belt Adj.


Chapter 4, Section 8.2

2-580-0506 33-00 000 0-508 -5083 3

Loctite, 242 Blue Ape Apertur rture, e, Auto uto

N/A Figure 4-12 /#1

Chapter 4, Section 8.2 Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.3

3-00 3-0000-50 5086 86

Aper Apertu ture re,, 7.5 7.5 cm Spot pot Cont Contac actt

Figure 4-12 /#2

Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.3

3-00 3-0000-50 5088 88

Aper Apertu ture re,, 10 cm Co Cone nedd-dow down n Co Cont ntac actt

Figure 4-12 /#3

Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.3

3-00 3-0000-50 5087 87

Aper Apertu ture re,, 7.5 7.5 cm Spot pot Ma Magn gnif ific icat ation ion

Figure 4-12 /#4

Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.3

33-00 0000-50 5085 85

Ap Aper ertu ture re,, Ma Mag g Full Full Fiel Field d

Figure 4-12 /#5

Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.3

33-00 0000-31 3121 21

Buc ucky ky,, 18 x 24 cm Front Load Cassette Holder




Bucky, 18 x 24 cm HTC Bucky




Bucky, 18 x 24 cm SRL 2000 Grid System




Bucky, 24 x 30 cm HTC Bucky




Bucky, 24 x 30 cm SRL 2000 Grid System



3-000-4571 3-000-4572

Paddle, 24 x 30 cm Standard Paddle, 18 x 24 cm Standard




Paddle, 10 cm Contact/Magnification




Paddle, 10 cm Perforated Localization




Paddle, 15 cm Perforated Localization




Paddle, 15 cm Contact/Magnification





AutoFilm I.D. User ’s Guide (PN 9-500-0078)

Figure 3-1 /#3

Chapter 2, 2, Section  Section 3.6.1

Figure 1-2 /#13

Chapter 2, 2, Section  Section 3.6.2

Figure 1-2 /#12

Chapter 2, 2, Section  Section 3.8.1

Figure 4-10




Chapter 4, 4, Section  Section 7.1


Paddle, 7.5 cm Spot Contact/Magnification




Paddle, 10 cm Localization Open




Paddle, 15 cm Localization Open




Paddle, 24 x 30 cm FAST




Paddle, 18 x 24 cm FAST




Paddle, Ultrasound



3-000-5091 3-000-4594

Table, Magnification Platform, Magnification




Kit, Cables, Printer


Chapter 2, Section

9-40 9-4000-02 0278 78

Kit, Kit, Co Cont ntro roll Pane Panel, l, Re Remo mote te


Figure 2-5


Chapter 2, Section 2, Section 3.4.2


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

Appendix A: Specifications 1.0

Sy Sysstem tem Sp Spe eci cifficati tio on s The following section details the system specifications.



Electric ical al Input Specifications Mains Voltage

200 VAC, 208 VAC, 220 VAC, 230 VAC, or 240 VAC nominal (±10% tap selectable at installation),, 50 or 60 Hz, 1 phase with sepa-  installation) rate neutral and ground, permanently con-  nected 

Mains Impedance

Maximum line impedance not to exceed 0.20 Ohms for 200 VAC input voltage, and 0.25

Max. Power Consumption

Ohms for all other specified input voltages  7.75 kVA for 5 seconds duration

Maximum Standby Power

0.5 kVA nominal  

Maximum Line Current

35 Amps ffo or 5 seconds  

Circuit Breaker Rating

20 Amps. Time delay curve allows for inrush currents (200% overload for 7 seconds).

Maximum Cycle Rate

Full load 5 seconds ON; 20 +1.5 seconds OFF  

Unit Measurements Height

178 cm ±2.0 cm (70 inches)  


67 cm ±2.0 cm (26.4 inches)  


109 cm ±2.0 cm (43 inches) including C-arm  


267.2 kg ±10 kg (588 lb)  

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

Figure A-1: Unit Measurements 


Operating E En nvironment Temperature Range

10°  C   C to 40 °°  C  C (50 °°  F  F to 104°  104°  F),  F), IEC 601-1, Par Par.. 10.2.1A

Relative Humidity Range

30% to 75% non-condensing, IEC 601-1, Par. 10.2.1B 

ESD Susceptibility

Level of 3 kV for contact discharge to conduc-   tive accessible parts that are not grounded. A level of 8 kV for air discharge to all accessible parts. IEC 601-1-2

EMI Susceptibility

System is immune from levels of 1 v/m for the frequency range of 26 MHz to 1 GHz. IEC 601-1-2

EMI Generation Limits

System complies with the requirements of IEC

601-1-2 for conducted and radiated emission.


Input Line

Surge, fast transient/burst, lightning, IEC 601-   1-2

Maximum Heat Dissipation

1700 Btu/Hour in stand-by  

Storage E En nvironment Temperature Range

-25°  C   C to +60 °°  C  C (-13°  (-13°  F  F to +140 °°   F)  F) 


0 to 95% (non-condensing); not packaged for outdoor storage 


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications


C-arm Specifications C-arm Rotation

Man°°  l; ccw (at 195°  to  to 205   ,  cw (-) 145 °°  to  to 155   ;u  adetents a+t )every 45 °°    °° 

Rotation lock

Electromagnetic, fail-safe  

Vertical Travel (m (minimum)

71 to 14 140 cm (28 to 55 iin nches) from Bucky surface to floor for C-arm at 0 °°  

Alignment —  — Focal Focal Spot, Compression Device and Image Receptor The focal spot of the x-ray tube is located such that the ray falling on the edge of the image receptor closest to the chest wall is perpendic-  ular to the image receptor. The system allows the plane formed by the focal spot and the chest wall of the device to be perpendicular to that ray, and the motion of the compression device provides essentially parallel compres-  sion of the breast with respect to the plane of the image receptor. So Sour urcce to to Im Image D Dis isttance nce (SI (SID) D)


64. 64.6 cm cm ± ±0 0.5 cm ffro rom m tthe he nom nomin inaal p pos osit itiion of the large focal spot to the image receptor (film) located in the Bucky 

Compression Specifications Manual Compression Force

Limited to a maximum 300 N, +0/-88 N (67.4 lb, +0/-20 lb) between -150 °°  through  through 0 °°   to to +150 °°  of  of C-arm rotation. It is not less than 150 N (33.7 lb) at all other angles.

Mottori Mo orized Com ompr preess ssio ion n For Force ce

Us Useer Sel Seleectabl blee ffor or eit ithe herr FFul ulll or or P Pre re Com Compr prees-  sion modes in User Defaults. 66 N to 178 N (15 lb to 40 lb), user-selected within this range. Factory default of 132 N (30 lb).


Full Compression

User adjustable with a nominal range of 111 N minimum to 178 N maximum (25 lb minimum to 40 lb maximum) 


Pre Compression

User adjustable with a nominal range of 66 N minimum to 132 N maximum (15lbs mini-  mum to 30 lbs maximum).

Motorized C Co ompression

Motorized Up/Down co controls on both si sides of the C-arm and on the dual function footswitch.

Manual Release

Manual Up/Down handwheel controls on both sides of the Compression Device.

Compression Release

Motorized release controlled by push buttons on both sides of the C-arm and on the Control Panel. Automatic release of the compression device can be enabled by the user through software, which releases the compression device at the end of the x-ray exposure. All compression release functions are disabled when a localization paddle is installed. Release is motor driven.

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

Automatic Decompression

Moves the compression device a distance of 10 cm +1.0 cm and is limited to 3.0 +1.0 sec-  onds of travel duration when the available travel trav el is less than 10 cm.

Compression Fo Force D Diisplay

LED o on n Co Compression De Device Co Cover ssh hows tth he compression force in increments of 4.5 N (1 lb), rounded to the nearest integer.

Ba Bacck Dri Drive Afte Afterr Co Comp mpre ress ssiion

Does oes not not exceed 1.5 1.5 mm iin n eeit ithe herr mot motor oriz ized ed or manual drive modes between -90 °°   ,  0, and +90 °°   ,  and no greater greater than 3.0 mm at all other positions.

C-arm Movement

C-arm movement is locked out when greater than 50 N (12 lb) of compression force is applied.

Compression Thickness Measurement and Display  Thickness is measured between 0 and 15 cm above the breast support. The system compen-  sates for the type of Image Receptor installed. The compression display is angled and visible from both sides of patient. Comp. Thickness Accuracy


±0.5 cm between 0.5 cm and 15 cm at 132 N (30 lb) compression force. The measurement is reproducible within +2.0 mm of the displayed displayed value. Compression thickness is displayed on the compression device and is angled and visi-  ble from both sides of patient.

Compression P Pa addles Compression Paddles

The compression paddles are transparent and the full field paddles are marked with the loca-  tion of the AEC sensor positions. These mark-  ings are not detectable on film when imaged with 1.0 cm of acrylic attenuator at 22 kV to an optical density of 1.2 OD. The paddle attenuation attenuatio n is less than 20% (reduction of mR/  mAs) at 28 kV. The full field paddles are adjustable to provide focal spot, compression

device and image receptor alignment require-  ments. The compression paddles including the frame and compression device maintain a parallel compression and do not deflect by more than 1.0 cm difference from any surface providing pr oviding compression under maximum motorized com-  pression force (except for F.A.S.T. paddles). Compression Paddle Sizes

Available paddles:   18 x 24 cm Full Field Contact  24 x 30 cm Full Field Contact  7.5 cm Spot Contact/Magnification


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

10 cm Contact/Magnification 10 cm Open (Rectangular) Localizati Localization on 10 cm Perforated Localization 15 cm Contact/Magnification 15 cm Open (Rectangular) Localizati Localization on 15 cm Perforated Localization 18 x 24 cm Full Field F.A.S.T. Paddles  24 x 30 cm Full Field F.A.S.T. Paddles  Ultrasound Paddle  The chest wall edge of the compression paddle does not extend beyond the chest wall edge of the image receptor by more than 1% of the SID when tested with the compression paddle placed above the breast support surface at a distance equivalent to standard breast thick-  ness. The shadow of the vertical edge of the compression paddle is not visible on the image.


Apertures There are six apertures for all combinations of paddles and receptors.  Auto Aperture  7.5 cm Spot Contact  7.5 cm Spot Magnification 10 cm Coned  Magnification Full Field  Stereo Aperture 


Magnification Magnification Factor

1.8X (2.25 cm above the surface) for platform and table devices 

Material of breast support surface  Platform: Polycarbonate  Table: Carbon Fiber  Size o off b brreast ssu upport ort ssu urfa rface

12 x 16.5 cm cm mi minimum tto o pr provide full 18 18 x 24 cm full field magnification at 1.8X.

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

1.10 .10

Ima mage ge Re Rece cept pto or S Sup uppo port rt De Dev vic ice e Im Imaage Re Rece cept ptor or Sup Suppo port rt D Dev evic icee


C-arm Functions All C-arm functions

1. 1.12 12

Cont Contai ains ns se sens nsor orss ffor or ac accces esso sory ry dete detect ctio ion n and and a 3-cell automatic exposure control detector, movable to seven positions in 1.7 cm incre-  ments. The Image Receptor Support Device limits x-ray transmission transmission to no more than 0.1 mR for the maximum exposure. Complies with 21 CFR, section 1020.31, and meets the 1 mGy per exposure as defined by IEC 601-1-3, section 29.207.2.

Vertical drive, rotation, compression function, compression release, light field, etc., are simultaneouslyy operable. Compression up and simultaneousl down are also controlled by footswitches.

XX-ra ray y Sour Source ce,, Fi Filt ltra rati tion on a and nd C Col olli lima mati tion on X-ray Tube

Varian Integral M113 series or equivalent  

Focal Spot Size

Per IEC 336-Measurement of X-ray tube focal spots  Large —  —0.3 0   .3 mm, nominal  Small —  — 0.1 0.1 mm, nominal 

Tube Voltage

20 kV to 39 kV  

Tube Current

(High speed operation)   Large focus — — 100 1   00 mA minimum between 25 kV and 32 kV  Small focus — — 30 3   0 mA minimum between 25 kV and 32 kV 

Thermal Characteristics  Anode Heat Storage Capacity — —  210 210 kJ (300 kHU)  Maximum Anode Heat Dissipation Rate — — 60  60 kHU/min Housing Heat Storage Capacity — — 370 3   70 kJ (500 kHU)  Maximum Housing Heat Dissipation Rate — —  

100 Watts (135 HU/s) free air convection Anode Rotation

High speed operation (9600 rpm minimum)  

Anode Angle

Large Focus: 16°  target   target angle  Small Focus: 10 ° target angle 

Anode Material


X-ray Window Beryllium, 0.8 mm thickness max. Maximum Temperature, Tube Housing Surface  85 °°  C  C (185 °°   F)  F)  Maximum Temperature, Tubehead Cover Surface  41°  41°  C  C (105 °°   F)  F) 


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

Over Over-T -Tem empe pera ratu ture re Prot Protec ecti tion on Sens Sensor or Internally provided in series with Stator com-  mon. NC 10 Amp @240 VAC, open @ 79.4°  79.4 °  C  C (174.9 °°  F),  F), close @ 68.3°  68.3 °  C  C (154.9 °°   F)  F)  Safety Class

IEC 601-2-28  

X-ray Tube Head Cooling

A fan is provided to maintain a tube housing temperature temperat ure of no greater than 85 °°  C  C (185 °°   F) F) with an ambient temperature of 25 °°  C  C (77 °°   F). F). A fan is provided to keep the lamp housing at a temperature no greater than 65 °°  C  C (149 °°   F). F).

Added Filtration

The system provides a 30 micron (0.03 mm) Molybdenum foil filter and a 25 micron (0.025 mm) Rhodium foil filter. The filter movement is automatic and has position sensors for use as x-ray interlock.

Beam Quality

With the Compression Paddle in the x-ray beam, the HVL for Mo/Mo operation is equal to or greater than kV/100 +0.03 mm Al but less than kV/100 +0.12 mm Al. For Mo/Rh, minimum value of > kV/100 +0.03, Max < kV/  100 +0.19 mm Al.

X-ray Collimation

The system detects the attached image recep-   tor and full field collimation is provided by an auto-aperture mechanism with additional fixed apertures for magnification and reduced field operation. An aperture detection system ensures that the correct aperture is used with the installed image receptor. Exposures are inhibited when improper combinations are detected. The collimator has a beam-limiting device that allows the entire chest wall edge of the x-ray field to extend 6.5 cm, +2.5 cm, beyond the edge of the Image Receptor and provides a means to ensure the x-ray field does not extend beyond any chest wall edge of the Image Receptor of more than 2% of the SID.

Light Field to X-ray Field Congruency  The light field that passes through the x-ray beam limitation device is aligned with the x-  ray field so that the total of any misalignment of the edges of the light field and the x-ray field along either the length or the width of the visu-  ally defined field at the plain of the breast sup-  port surface does not exceed 2% of the SID. Light Field Lamp

The lamp illuminates for 30 seconds ±5 sec-   onds upon pressing a Light Field switch on the C-arm, or by pressing a compression Down switch. The lamp extinguishes automatically when x-ray exposure is initiated. A shatter shield is provided.

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

1.13 1.1 3

Light Field Illuminance

The light localizer has a minimum illuminance of 160 lux and meets all of the requirements of 21CFR, section 1020.31. The lamp voltage is the least amount required to assure 160 lux at low line. A shatter shield surrounds the lamp. Lamp is service adjustable to provide align-  ment of the light field to the x-ray field.

Light Field Mirror

The light field mirror is motor driven out of the x-ray field within 1.0 sec of x-ray initiation sig-  nal. Position sensors provide for x-ray inter-  lock. The lamp position is adjustable between large focal spot and small focal spot to provide proper light field to x-ray field congruency required for a bi-angle target x-ray tube.

High Volt oltage age Gen Genera erator tor Spe Specif cifica icatio tion n (i (in n co compli mplianc ance e wi with th IIEC EC 6 60101-227)

Output Rating

3.2 kilowatt isowatt, minimum (100 mA @ 32 kV) at all loading times 


Typically no greater than 2% with a maximum of 4% at lower output loads (less than 2.2 kW) and at high and low line voltages.


Pulse-width-modulated High Frequency, active servo-controlled. servo-control led. Dual Use of Inverter Inverter for HV generation and for Rotor Supply 


An interval timer is used for the manual timing as well as for the back-up-timer. There is an additional hardware safety timer used to limit the maximum exposure time to 6.5 seconds.

Manual mAs Range

Small Focus: Focus: 3 through 150 mAs in 41 incre-  ments. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 mAs. Large Focus: Focus: 3 through 500 mAs in 59 incre- 

ments. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 325, 350, 375, and 400, 425, 450, 475, and 500 mAs. Reproducibility

0.05 coefficient of variation for 10 consecutive exposures, per 21CFR, 1020.31. Internal limit = 0.04.


Radiation output versus selected mAs is less than 0.10 for adjacent mAs selections as fol-  lows: (X1-X2) equal to less than 0.10 (X1 + X2) where X1 and X2 are average mR/mAs values


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

for consecutive exposures, per 21CFR, 1020.31. Internal limit = 0.09. kV Accuracy

The actual value will not differ by more than +1 kV from the indicated value.

mAs Accuracy

±5% or ±2 mAs, whichever is greater, from indicated, measured measured from the ground side of the tube circuit.

Post mAs Accuracy

±5% or ±2 mAs, whichever is greater, from actual mAs 

mA Accuracy

The actual value will not differ by more than +5% for the indicated value.


Table A-1: Kv versus mA table  Large Focus Large Focus Small Focus Reduced mA









































30 31

100 100

30 30

30 30

































P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications


Image Receptors Image Receptors

The image receptor support device is designed to accept the following receptors, which are inserted from the front of the C-arm. 18 x 24 cm front load cassette holder used with magnification platform. 18 x 24 cm SRL 2000 Bucky  24 x 30 cm SRL 2000 Bucky  18 x 24 cm HTC Bucky  24 x 30 cm HTC Bucky  Magnification Table 

1. 1.15 15

Au Auto toma mati tic c Ex Expo posur sure e Co Cont ntro roll Spe Speci cific ficat atio ions ns AEC Detector

Configured with three 1.0 cm square sensors configured in a “ D  D””     shaped  shaped pattern with the center sensor 8.0 mm forward of the outer two.

Detector Positioning

The detector is centered laterally in the IRSD and may be moved forward or rearward to one of 7 detent locations. Position #1 is 1.5 cm from the chest wall, increments at 1.7 cm intervals from position #1. Total movement of 10.2 cm.

AE AEC C Det Detec ecto torr Pos Posit itio ion n Ind Indic icat atio ion n

The de dete tent nt posi positi tion on of th thee ssen enso sorr iiss dis displ play ayed ed on the corresponding LED (7 LEDs) on the AEC Position Positi on Indicator on the upper compression device cover.

kV & Thickness Tracking

AEC compensates for kV between 20 kV and 39 kV, and for breast thickness between 2.0 cm and 6.0 cm (at appropriate clinical kV) to produce optical densities within 0.15 OD from the mean Optical Density.

Exposure Termination

The AEC system can determine if the exposure

will reach the back-up-time in which case the exposure is terminated within one of the fol-  lowing limits:  55 max milliseconds (maximum of 110 ms when in Auto-kV or Auto-Filter modes)  5.25 max mAs (maximum of 10.5 mAs when in Auto-kV or Auto-Filter modes)  an exposure the ACR MAP in phan-  tomentrance of less than 60 mRto(160 mR when Auto-  kV or Auto-Filter Auto-Filter modes)  Indication is made to the operator, and a man-  ual reset is required to continue the exam.


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications System Specifications

Density Adjustment Steps

11 density adjustment steps (-5 to +5 in adjust-  able steps of 6%, 8%, 10%, or 12.5%) provide a difference in mAs from the adjacent step. These are field selectable at installation.

AEC Mode Operating Ranges 






20 to 39 kV

5 to 500 mAs


25 to 30 kV

5 to 500 mAs


25 to 32 kV

5 to 500 mAs

Modes o off O Op peration Manual Exposure Mode

kV, filter, & mAs are user selectable.

Auto-Time Expos posure ure Mode ode

kV, filter, and dens densiity are the onl nlyy factors that are selectable. The system terminates exposure automatically at the mAs value that yields the calibrated optical density. Post mAs values dis-  play after exposure termination. This mode is valid with either the Molybdenum or Rhodium filter selected. The exposure mAs may be mod-  ified up to ± 80% by incrementing or decre-  menting the DENSITY function. If determination is made during the AEC sample period (first 50 ms) that the exposure will exceed the “ Back-Up-Time  Back-Up-Time ””   ,  the exposure exposure ter-  minates in less than one of the limits specified in the Exposure Termination section.

Auto-kV Exposure Mode, SRL 2000 Bucky Operation When this mode and the Molybdenum filter are selected, the system kV will be the default kV selected in the exposure defaults screen. The starting kV may be changed to either 25 or 26 kV by the operator. When the Rhodium fil-  ter is selected, the kV will default to 28 kV. Upon exposure initiation, the AEC signal is

sampled and the kV may be incremented upward to a maximum value of 30 kV if the Molybdenum filter is selected, or 32 kV if the Rhodium filter is selected. The exposure is ter-  minated at a mAs value near one of the selected mAs windows (125 mAs, 165 mAs, 200 mAs, or the AUTOmatic 200 mrad win-  dow). The final kV and post-mAs is displayed after exposure termination. termination. Auto-kV Exposure Mode, HTC Bucky Operation When this mode and the Molybdenum filter are selected, kV defaults to a value determined by the Compression Height Threshold setting. The kV defaults to 24 kV for a compression height value less than one-half of the compres- 

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix A: Specifications Room Requirements

sion height threshold, or to 25 kV for compres-  sion height values above one-half of the compression height threshold. When the Rhodium filter is selected, kV defaults to 28 kV. The exposure terminates at a mAs value near the selected mAs windows (125 mAs, 165 mAs, 200 mAs, or the AUTOmatic 200 mrad window for Large Focal Spot or 38 mAs, 50 mAs, 60 mAs for Small Focal Focal Spot or reduced mA operation), selectable by the operator. The final kV and post mAs is displayed after expo-  sure termination. Auto-Filter

2 .0

This mode provides full automatic operation of all technique factors. The starting kV values are as listed above in Auto-kV. Upon exposure initiation, the AEC signal is sampled to deter-  mine if the kV needs to be incremented upward to provide an exposure within the 200 mAs window, or the 200 mrad window. When determined by the Auto-Filter algorithm, the exposure is momentarily interrupted and the Rhodium filter moves into the beam in place of the Molybdenum filter. After the kV or kV/  filter has been selected by the algorithm, the Auto-Time function completes the exposure. The final kV, post-mAs, and Filter is displayed after exposure termination.

Room R Re equirements The exam room containing the Affinity mammography unit must meet all local, state, and federal requirements requirements for conducting x-ray examinations. examinations. In addition, the exam room should provide: • Ample space for patient, operator, and C-arm maneuvering • Accessory storage area • Adequate ventilation & cooling for both equipment & occupants


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Introduction

Appendix B: Technical References 1 .0


This Appendix provides tables used for identifying test points, LED indications, fuse identification and location,  jumpers, and accessory identification identification sensor com combinations binations (image receptors) receptors) in the Affinity Affinity Series System.

2 .0

Test Points


Service   engineers must take appropriate radiation safety measures when testing (or maintaining) the unit.


Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic components. Always Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when handling static sensitive components.

Use the following test point tables as an aid for troubleshooting the Affinity. Affinity. • • • • • • • •

Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

B-1 B-1 - Filament Protect Board (PN 1-003-0289). B-2 B-2 - Power Control Board (PN 1-003-0445). B-3 B-3 - C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440). B-4 B-4 - Display Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428). 1 -003-0428). B-5 B-5 - Tubehead Control Board (PN 1-003-0403). B-6 B-6 - AEC Position Position Compression Display Microprocessor (PN 1-003-0471). B-7 B-7 - AEC Position Position Compression Display Board, Right (PN 1-003-0472). B-8 B-8 - Auxiliary Power Distribution Board (PN 1-003-0489)

• • •

Table B-9 B-9 - Communications Interface Board (PN 1-003-0434) Table B-10 B-10 - Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) Table B-11 B-11 - HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485)

Table B-1: Filament Protect Board (PN 1-003-0289) Test Points 

Test Point





-5 V factory set



1 V = 100 mA






2.7 V to 5 V



2.7 V to 5 V

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Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Test Points

Table B-2: Power Control Board (PN 1-003-0445) Test Points  Test Point





Active = 10.5 V



Motor + = +11.7 V compression up; -11.7 V compression down; Reference to TP3



Motor - = -11.7 V compression up; +11.7 V compression down; Reference to TP2


V Vc cc

+5 V



Active = 200 mV






+13.6 V



+20 V

Table B-3: C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) Test Points estt Po Poin intt Tes

Volt oltag age/ e/Si Sign gnal al

Tes estt Po Poin intt

Vol olta tage ge/S /Sig igna nall








-12 V








+5 V


Not Used


-5 V












Not Used

TP9 TP10

+5 V +12 V

TP19 TP20



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Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Test Points

Table B-4: Display Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428) Test Points  Tes estt Po Poin intt

Vol olttag age/ e/Si Signa gnall






+5 V Rtn


+5 V




+12 V


Host TXD


Host RXD


X-Ray Switch 1


Host Out


Host In



Table B-5: Tubehead Control Board (PN 1-003-0403) Test Points  estt Po Poin intt Tes

Vol olta tage ge/S /Sig igna nall








Mirror Motor 1


Lamp Motor 1


Aperture Motor 1


Filter Motor 1









Table B-6: AEC Position Compression Display Microprocessor (PN 1-003-0471) Test Points  estt Po Poin intt Tes

Vol olttag age/ e/Si Sign gnal al


+5 V






+12 V -12 V



P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Test Points

Table B-7: AEC Position Compression Display (PN 1-003-0472) Test Points  Test Point




+2.5 V

+2.5 V



+0.25 V to +1.5 V



+0.05 V to +2 V




Table B-8: Auxiliary Power Distribution Board (PN 1-003-0489) Test Points Test Point




+15 V

Tubehead Motor


+24 V

Bucky Power (Regulated)


-15 V +15 V

StereoLoc II StereoLoc II


+22 V

Filament Power





-25 V

Tube Control


+25 V

Tube Control


+35 V

Bucky Power (Unregulated)

Table B-9: Communications Interface Board (PN 1-003-0434) Test Points  estt Po Poin intt Tes TP1

Vol olttag age/ e/Si Signa gnall GND

Table B-10: Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493)  Test Point TP1

Voltage/Signal kV Control

Function 0 V to +10 V

Test Point TP27

Voltage/Signal C-Arm Angle Display Slave Select

Function Clock


KV Sense

0 V to +10 V


C-Arm Angle Display Serial



mA Sense

0 V to +10 V





HV Fault

Passive = +5 V Active = 0 V


Grid in Motion



Rotor Okay

Active = +5 V Passive = 0 V



Active = +5 V


HV Enable/Backup Timer

Active = +5 V Passive = 0 V


+5 V



HV Reset

Active = +5 V Passive = 0 V



0 V to +10 V





Bucky Cassette

Active = +5 V Passive = 0 V


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Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Test Points

Test Point



Test Point







Accessory Ready1

Passive = +5 V Active = 0 V





Tubehead Ready1

+5 V











Grid in Motion

0 V to +5 V








Compression Motor Current

0 V to +10.5 V


X-ray Shield Interlock

+5 V


EL Drive

0 V to +130 V


C-Arm Angle

0 V to +5 V


+5 V



Collimator Lamp

+5 V enabled


Filament Current

0 V to +10 V





+5 V

set to +5.2 V


Compression Release

+5 V enabled





-12 V






Rotation Release

+5 V enabled


+5 V



Compression Down

+ +5 5 V enabled


Filament Sense

0 V to +10 V


Compression Up

+5 V enabled


Tubehead Slave Select



C-Arm Down

+5 V enabled


Accessory Slave Select



C-Arm Up

+5 V enabled





+12 V





Table B-11: HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) Te Test st Points Tes estt Poi oint nt

Vol olttag age/ e/S Sign gnal al

Tes estt Poi oint nt

Vol olttage ge/S /Sig igna nall

Tes estt Poi oint nt

Vol olttag age/ e/S Sig igna nall


1 V=20 mA IF-(scaled)


Grid Monitor




Tube Over Voltage


Grid Over Voltage







5.1 V


Filament Low

+VF Over Voltage ADJ TP29

Rotor OK


OC Fault






Tube Grid V






Filament COM




Filament Enable


Filament IF






+15 V




HV Shut Down


Filament FREQ






Grid V




kV Control Return










+5 V


+12.5 V


INV Drain






INV Gate

P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References LED Indicators

estt Poi oint nt Tes

Vol olttag age/ e/S Sign gnal al

Tes estt Poi oint nt

Vol olttag age e/S /Sig igna nall

Tes estt Poi oint nt

Vol olttag age/ e/Si Sign gnal al


Rotor OC ADJ


HV Enable




Filament Fault




P+ 14 V




kV Control






Brake Relay


-15 V


Over Current SET


Brake Time


Filament Return


Rotor IP






ICOM Sense


HV Fault




Filament Shut Down


Boost Time




+2.5 V


-VP Local




+22U RTN


Over Voltage Fault




Over Voltage



3 .0

LED Indicators

Use the following LED Indicator tables as an aid for ttroubleshooting roubleshooting the Affinity. Affinity. • • • • • • •

Table B-12 B-12 - Tubehead Control Board (PN 1-003-0403). Table B-13 B-13 - Display Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428). Table B-14 B-14 - C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440). Table B-15 B-15 - Relay Protection Board (PN 1-003-0490) Table able B-16 B-16 - Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) LED Indicators Table able B-17 B-17 - Host Microprocessor Board— Board—C-arm Switch Multiple Function Indications Table B-18 B-18 - HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) LED Indicators Table B-12: Tubehead Control Board (1-003-0403) LED Indicators  LED

LED “ON” Indication


LED “ON” Indication


Green = Run


Mirror Out


Aperture 2 ID


Lamp Large


Aperture 1 ID


Lamp Out


Aperture 4 ID


Aperture IN


Aperture 3 ID


Aperture OUT


Green = Motor Fault


Filter Rhodium


Red = Motor Over Current


Filter Molybdenum


Mirror Large

Table B-13: Display Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0428) LED Indicators  LED LED

LED “ON” Indi dic cation


Software Activity


Software Activity


Software Activity


P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References LED Indicators

Table B-14: C-arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) LED Indicators  LED

LED “  “ON ON” ”   Indication


LED “  “ON ON” ”  Indication


+5 V




Actuator Fault




Load Cell Fault (load cell at limit)




Clo loc ck sig signal (flickers to indicate boa board is working) D9



CAL Mode Initiated

-5 V


Table B-15: Relay Protection Board (PN 1-003-0490) LED Indicators  LED D1

LED “  “ON ON” ”  Indication No power to Board

Table B-16: Host Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) LED Indicators  LED

LED “  “ON ON” ”  Indication


+5 V


+12 V


-12 V


LED LED Seri Serial al CL CLK K (F (Fli licke ckers rs wh when en opera operati ting ng))


C Angl Angle e (F (Fli lick cker ers s wh when en op oper erat atin ing) g)


MO MOSI SI (F (Fli lick cker ers s when when oper operat atin ing) g)


CO COMP MP MI MISO SO (F (Fli lick cker ers s when when oper operat atin ing) g)


CO COMP MP SS (F (Fli lick cker ers s wh when en oper operat atin ing) g)

D9 D15 D15

TU TUBE BE SS (F (Fli lick cker ers s when when oper operat atin ing) g) Un Unit it set set to La Larg rge e Fo Foca call Spot pot


Unit in Boost mode


Unit in BRAKE mode


Unit in RUN mode


Filament Enab nabled


Rot Rotatio tion Brake rake Rele Releas ased ed


Actuator Down


Actuator Up

Table B-17: Host Microprocessor Board — — C-arm C   -arm Switch Multiple Function Indicators  C-Arm Switch Function





Compression Release Active when:





Compression Down Active when:





Compression Up Active when





Compression Brake Engaged when





P/N 9-500-0255



Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Image Receptor Detect Board— Board—Sensor Combinations

Table B-18: HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) LED Indicators  LED


LED “  “ON ON” ”   Indication



LED “  “ON ON” ”  Indication






R+ 14 V



HV Interlock



HV Enable



INV Interlock



Rotor Over Current






Tube Over Current



INV Over Current



Filament Enable



Tube Over Voltage



SM Focal Spot



-15 V



LG Focal Spot



+5 V



Over Current



+15 V



Over Voltage

4. 4.0 0

Image mage Rece Recept pto or D Det etec ectt B Boa oarrd—Sensor Combinations

A strip of tape, on the bottom of each image receptor, receptor, blocks the 4 optical sensors on the Accessory Detect Board (refer to Figure 6-18 for 6-18 for component location and identification). The strip is patterned using reflective and nonreflective material. Blocking Blocking an optical sensor with the reflective material causes that sensor to generate a logic high signal; blocking it with the non-reflective non-reflective material causes the sensor to remain at a low logic. The combination of these highs and lows generate the signals which are used to determine the installed image receptor holder. Use Table able B-1 B-19 9 to verify the optical sensor combinations for each image receptor. receptor. Note that “H” signifies a logic high (reflective: 3.5 - 5.0 VDC), while “L” signifies a logic low (non-reflective: (non-reflective: 0.5 - 1.5 VDC). Note that the fifth column in Table B-19 provides a graphic representation of the HEX code strip found on each image receptor. The The light boxes represent a logic high (reflective) while the dark boxes represent a logic low (non-reflective). The The number code given is the code which appears on the Debug Screen for the individual image receptors (when installed).

Table B-19: Image Receptor Sensor Combinations  Image Receptor





Hex Code

Mag Table





18 x 24 cm Cassette Holder





18 x 24 cm HTC Bucky





24 x 30 cm HTC Bucky





18 x 24 cm SRL 2000 Bucky





24 x 30 cm SRL 2000 Bucky






8= 4= 6= E= D= 3=

P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Fuses

5 .0


Figure B-1 shows B-1 shows the location of the fuses that are on o n the Affinity Series Gantry circuit boards. One additional fuse is located on the Relay Protection Board (part of the Input Power Assembly Chassis). Refer to Table B-20 B -20 for  for rating and part number information on the fuses.

Figure B-1: Fuse Location—  Location— Gantry  Gantry 

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Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Fuses

Table B-20: Affinity Series Fuses  Fuse Location Location— —Board Part Number

Ref. Des.


Part Number

Relay Protection Board— Board—1-003-0490


15 A 600 V FB


Auxiliary Power Distribution Board— Board—1-0030489

F11, F20






F18, F19

SLO BLOW, 2 A, 250 V



2 AG SLO-BLOW, 0.50 A


F1 - F4



F5, F6, F10, F12, F13



F8 F9

8 A Ceramic Body 3 AG SLO-BLOW, 7 A 250 V

1-070-1126 1-070-1273




F2 - F15






Communications Interface Board— Board— 1-003-0434 HV Generator Assembly— Assembly—3-000-5074


Power Control Board— Board—1-003-0445










F1, F5




SLO-BLOW, 10 A 32 V



P/N 9-500-0255


Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Jumpers

6 .0


The following tables show the Jumpers on the Affinity boards with the default (factory setting) configuration. The  jumpers should not be changed changed from the configuration configuration shown unless directed to do so so during a test, or calibration procedure. Any time the jumper setting is changed, it must be returned to the default position unless the change was made to establish new operating parameters. • • • •

Table able B-21 B-21 - Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) Jumper Settings Table able B-22 B-22 - Communications Interface Board (PN ( PN 1-003-0434) Jumper Settings Table able B-23 B-23 - C-Arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) Jumper Settings Table able B-24 B-24 - HV Control Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) Jumper Settings Table B-21: Microprocessor Board (PN 1-003-0493) Jumper Settings  Jumper

Default Setting



1 23

Backup Timer Test (See Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 4.4, Backup Timer Test Test.) .)


1 23

Backup Timer Test (See Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 4.4, Backup Timer Test Test.) .)


1 23

Select X-Ray ON/Boost ON for X-ray ON Lamp Installation (See Chapt Chapter er 2, 2, Section  Section 3.3, Rem Remote ote X-ra X-ray y ON/P ON/Power ower ON Light Connection, Connection, for operational settings.)

Table B-22: Communications C ommunications Interface Board (PN 1-003-0434) Jumper Settings  Jump er Jumper JP1


Defa De faul ultt Se Sett ttin ing g





Table B-23: C-Arm Safety Board (PN 1-003-0440) Jumper Settings  Jumper

Default Setting



TP17 to TP16




Function Normal Operation

Default setting is for normal operations. Short TPs together to for C-Arm Safety Board Calibration (See Chapter 4, Section 4, Section 8.4 8.4))

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Service Manual Appendix B: Technical References Jumpers

Table B-24: HV Control C ontrol Filament Board (PN 1-003-0485) Jumper Settings  Jumper

Default Setting


Pos 5 4 3 2 1

Function BRAKE TIME To set the Brake Time, configure J6 as follows:

POSITION 5 4 3 2 1 No Jumper Pos 1 to 2 Pos 2 to 3 Pos 3 to 4 Pos 4 to 5

BRAKE TIME 1.5 sec 2.0 sec 2.5 sec 3.0 sec 3.5 sec 4.0 sec 4.0 sec 4.0 sec 4.0 sec 4.0 sec

Factory Default setting to Position 2 (as shown) J7






kV OFFSET (Jumper is installed for normal operations, refer to Chapter 4, Section 9.1,kV Control Offset Calibration, p. 59) 59) GRID V (Not Used, leave open)

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