Affidavit of Undertaking Setback

September 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines ) Province of Boho Boholl ) s.s. City of Tagbilaran


I, DAVID S. MAULAS, of legal age, resident of Bool District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, aer being sweon to in accordance with law do hereby depose d epose and state: 1. Tha Thatt I am app applyi lying ng for fen fencin cing g per permit mit for the con constr struc ucon on of my res reside idena nall fence at Barangay Dampas, Tagbilaran City, Bohol; 2. That I here hereby by submit de detaile tailed d esma esmates/ tes/cost costss of my fenc fencing ing plan design designed ed in accordance with laws, ordinances, rules and regulaons, and local execuve issuances and duly signed by licensed Architect; 3.

Tha Thatt pay all the requ require ired d fees and not co comme mmence nce my co const nstruc rucon on unl my permit Applicaon be approved by the LGU Building Ocials (LGU-BO);

4. Tha That I wil will l observ observe e and foll follow ow law lawss man manda dang ng setba setback ck requi requirem rement ent of ro road ad rightt of way;

5. That in cas case e of viola violaon on in my cons construco trucon, n, lik like e devia deviaon on from the subm submied ied plan without prior approval from LGU-BO, such would constute sucient ground for the Local Government to immediately demolish the violaon or impose penalty at the discreon of the LGU, waiving my right to pursue legal acon against the LGU pertaining such violaon;

In witness whereof, I have hereunto axed my signature this _____ day of   _____________ at at T Tagbilaran agbilaran City City,, Bohol.


SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN TO before me this ______ day of __________ aant exhibing to me his BIR Tax Idencaon Card with No. 283-156-522 as competent evidence of identy.

Doc No. _______ Page Book No._______ No._______ Series of _______

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