Affidavit of Two Disinterested Person

August 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Rep epub ubllic of th the eP Phi hili lipp ppin ines es City of Puerto Princesa

) )S.S.


  WE, JUDITH C. ALISUAG and ALEEN JAY B. ARQUERO,   both of  WE, legal age, both single, and residents of Puerto Princesa City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say: a.

hat we personally !nown “EM “EMILI ILIA A CO CONCE NCEPCI PCION ON D. SEV SEVERI ERINO” NO” because we are fa"ily friends and we have !nown her for several years#


also personally !now that $ EM EMIL ILIA IA CO CONC NCEP EPCI CION ON D. SEVERINO% has been using that na"e since she was a child#


hat we persona personally lly !now that fro" availa available ble records records,, his authent authenticat icated ed &irth Certificate indicates that her na"e is $ EMILIA CONCEPCION D. SEVERINO%;


h hat at we at atte test st th that at $ EMI EMILIA LIA CO CONCE NCEPCI PCION ON D. SEV SEVERI ERINO NO% and $E. CONCEPCION C. SEVERINO% is one and the sa"e person#


hat hat w we e are are e'e e'ecu cuti ting ng th thiis af afffida davi vitt in ord order er to at atttes estt to th the e tru trutth of the facts afore"entioned, and for any legal purpose this "ay serve.



  ( W(ESS W*ERE+ W*ERE+,, We have hereunto set "y hand this - th day of  ove"ber /01, at the City of Puerto Princesa, Province of Palawan.

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  S4&SCR S4&S CR(& (&E5 E5 25 SW+ SW+R R to be befo fore re "e this this ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ; at  ;;;;;;;;;;;;, affiants e'hibiting to "e their co"petent evidence of identity written below their na"es.

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otary Public

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