KNOW ALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS: ThatI ,ROBERTO J.SI NGGO ofl eg alage,mar r i edt oMERCEDI TAC. SI NGGO andare si dentofBr gy .Cayos,Muni ci pal i t yofDumangas,Pr ovi nceof I l oi l o,Phi l i ppi ne s,dohe r e bys t at eands ay : ThatIam t her egi s t e r edandl awf ulownerofac er t ai npar ce lofl and knownasl otno.7319;Cad181,AsperDocNo.153,PageNo.32,BookNo. CLVI I ,Ser i esof2015,DumangasCadast r ec ov er edbyORI GI NALCERTI FI CATE OFTI TLE No.09034524si t uat edi nt heBarangayofPat l ad,Muni ci pal i t yof Dumangas,Pr ovi nceofI l oi l o; ThatIhav ecauset heabov ement i onedl ott obesubdi vi dedi nt o3 subl ot s,t hesubdi vi si onpl anofwhi chwasdul ypr epare dbyG Ge eodet i cEngi neer ANTHONYA.JABASA; ThatIe xec ut et hi sf or egoi ngaffidavi tf ort hepur pos eoff ac i l i t at i ngt he s ubdi v i s i o no fl o t7319t ol o tno . s7319A7319Cr e s pe c t i v e l y . I N WI TNESSW WH HEREOF,Ihav eher eunt os e tmyhandst hi s25th dayof Novem mb ber ,2015atDumangas,I l oi l o,Phi l i ppi nes.
SUBSCRI BED AND SW WO ORN t obe f or emet hi s25th dayofNov em mb ber ,2015at Dumangas,I l oi l o,Phi l i ppi nes,affi ffia antexecut i nghi sGover nmentI ssuedI D wi t h number ___ ____ ____i ssuedby___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___.
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