Affidavit of Quitclaim With Indemnity Undertaking,1

January 7, 2019 | Author: Hope Cuttie | Category: Intestacy, Civil Law (Legal System), Property, Property Law, Civil Law (Common Law)
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We, Prudencia Salaguste Bacalso, Bacalso , wife, of legal age, Filipino, Marlyn Salagoste Bacalso , Bacalso , daughter, single  of legal age, Filipino; Aniceta Bacalso Balistoy, Balistoy , daughter, married of legal age , Filipino, and Elisa Bacalso Cartalla , daughter, married of legal age , all residents of Upper Lucimba Poblacion Pardo Cebu City, Philippines, Philippines, subscribing under oath,depose and state:

1. That I Prudencia Salaguste Bacalso, am the legally married spouse of Jaime Cabalona Bacalso , who died intestate on June 11, 2015, 2015 , at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center , per Certificate of eath !o. "#1$1%&', a copy of which is hereto attached as integral part hereof; ". That we: Anice niceta ta Baca Bacals lso o Bali Balist stoy oy , Marl Marlyn yn Sala Salago gost ste e Baca Bacals lso, o, Elis Elisa a Bacalso Cartalla  are the legitimate children of Prudencia Salaguste Bacalso  and the deceased. Jaime Cabalona Bacalso;

$. That at the time of his death, Jaime Cabalona Bacalso left certain personal  properties consisting of ban( deposits at ME!" BA#$ Borromeo Branch Located at Borromeo St. Cebu City Philippines under )a*ings +ccount !o. %1&'%1&11%()%; &.That as a matter of law, the said ban( deposit is +bsolute Community roperty of which one-half 1/"0 thereof belongs to me Prudencia Salaguste Bacalso and the other one-half 0  belongs to my husband Wilfredo Wilfredo 2orba3o )aberon. 4.That being the sur*i*ing heirs of Wilfredo 2orba3o )aberon, W5 are the only persons legally entitled to inherit the one-half 1/"0 share of Wilfredo 2orba3o )aberon in )a*ings +ccount !o. 1##4%#1167"4 at 8nion 2an( Cebu-9andaue 2ranch. 7. That to the best of our (nowledge, (n owledge, no other person is rightfully entitled to the money under the said sa*ings account of Wilfredo 2orba3o )aberonecept 8), being the sur*i*ing spouse and legitimate children of thedecedent. %.That upon receipt of the proceeds of said sa*ings account, WE underta(e to render the 2an( free and harmless against any and all claims by third parties whatsoe*er. 6.Wherefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, and upon OUR actual receipt of the proceeds of )a*ings +ccount !umber1##4%#1167"4, W5 hereby freely and *oluntarily 5!8ITC?+I9, >8ITC?+I9, and F
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