Affidavit of Loss Release of Chattel Mortgage.10.26.16

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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AFFIDAVIT OF LOS LOSS S I, _______________________, _______________________,   of legal age, Filipino citizen, with oce and busi business ness add addres ress s at the ___ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _____, _,  aft after er hav having ing been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state: 1. That That I am the SVP for Finance and Accounting  Accounting  of   __________________  ________ _______________  _____ , a domestic corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws with principal oce address at the _____________________, and in my capacity as such, I am its duly authorized representative; 2. That That _____ ________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___ ,  is the lawful and regis egiste tere red d owne ownerr of a cert certai ain n moto motorr vehi vehicl cle e whic which h is mor more particular parti cularly ly described described as follows: follows: ________ ____________ ________ ________ _______, ___, 2010 Model,, Model Engine No.:  _________________  ________ _______________, ______,  __________________  ________ _______________  _____ Color: XTREME BLACK   & with  __________________  ________ _______________  _____ ;

  3. That as the lawful and registered owner of the said motor vehicle, __________________ _______________________  _____ , was issued the necessary Release of Chattel Mortgage for Mortgage for the said motor vehicle; 4. That the the original copy of the Rel Releas ease e of Chatt Chattel el Mortgage of Mortgage  of said motor vehicle was placed and kept by me at the glove compartment of said motor vehicle; 5. That, unfortunatel unfortunately, y, when I checked checked the said Release of Chattel Mortgage  Mortgage  from where I placed and kept them, I could no longer found them and despite diligent eorts exerted to nd the same were all to no avail; hence, I considered them now to have been lost forever for all legal intense and purposes; 6. That I am executing this adavit to attest to the truth of th the e fo fore rego goin ing g statem statemen ents ts and/ and/or or nar narrati ration on part partic icul ular arly ly regar egardi ding ng the the fact fact of lo loss ss of the the sai said Re Relea lease se of Chatt Chattel el Mortgage  issued to __________________ Mortgage _______________________  _____ .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of _____________ 2016 in the City of Makati.

 _______________  ________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _________  __  Aant

SUBSCRI SUBSC RIBED BED AN AND D SW SWOR ORN N TO BEF BEFOR ORE E ME ME   this this ____ ____ day of   ___________  ________ ___ 2016  at Makati City, aant exhibiting to me his duly issued Gove Go verrnm nmen entt ID: ID: Dr Driv iver er’s ’s Lice Licens nse e No No..  ________  _________________ _______________  ______ valid valid un until til 11.29.2017 as valid proof of his legal identity.

Doc. No. _____  Page No. _____ Book No. _____  Series of 2016

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