Republic of the Philippines) City of Cebu…………….....) S.S.
AFFIDAVIT OF GUARDIANSHIP I, _____________________, of legal legal age, age, Filip Filipino ino,, marr married ied,, and a resid resident ent of Sambag I, Cebu City, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say: 1. Tha hatt I am the the gran andm dmot oth her of ___________________ who who was was born born on ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ and ___________________ _____________________ at Las Piñas City, Philippines; 2. That ____________________ ____________________ is a transferee student of ____________________ ____________________ as rd 3 Year High School Level; 3. That one of the require requirement ments s in support support of his transfer transfer is the submissi submission on of the Certif Certifica icate te of Live Live Birth Birth issued issued by the Nation National al Statis Statistic tics s Office Office (NSO); 4. That since since birth until present, present, the parents of of ____________________ ____________________ leave the care and custody of their son to me, the father being my son; 5. Tha hatt for for alm almost ost sixt ixteen een (16) (16) year ears, I have ave been the the guard ardian ian of ____________________; ____________________; 6. That That I am exec execut utin ing g this this Affi Affida davi vitt of Guar Guardi dian ansh ship ip in supp suppor ortt of the the applic applicati ation on of Certif Certifica icate te of Live Live Birth Birth of ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ and to declare the truth of the foregoing facts and for whatever legal 0 IN WITN WITNES ESS S WHEREOF, OF, I have here ereunto nto Philippines. _______________________ at Cebu City, Philippines.
affi affix xed my
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this this
____________________ ____________________ Affiant
Sen enio iorr
Citiz tizen
Iden Identtific ifica atio tion
Car Card
No. No.
_________ Issued on: ____________________ ____________________ Issued at: ____________________ ____________________ SUBS SUBSCR CRIB IBED ED AND AND SWOR SWORN N TO befo before re me on the the abov above e plac place e an and d date date.. Affiant exhibited to me her competent evidence of identity as shown above below her name. Doc. No. ___; Page No. ___; Book No. ___; Series of 2013.
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