Affidavit of Desistance Sample
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Republic of the Philippines) City of Cagayan de Oro….) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF DESIST DESI STANCE ANCE WITH WAIVER AND QUITCLAIM
We,Spouses TOMASITO O. LABITAD and METRELITA S. LABITAD, of legal ages, Filipinos and both with the address at ola!bugan, "anao del #orte, after ha$ing been duly sworn to in accordance with law do hereby depose and say% &. 'hat 'hat our son ,Christia ,Christian n S. "abitag, "abitag, ( years years of age,got age,got in$ol$ed in$ol$ed in a $ehicu $ehicular lar accid accident ent last last *anuar *anuary y +, +, (& (&,, at -arang -arangay ay Si!b Si!buc uco o #ational ighway while dri$ing a !otorcycle onda CF' &(/ 0RC1 bearing plate plate nu!ber nu!ber 2 &3/. &3/. e accidentally accidentally bu!ped bu!ped and hit the the rar rare e porti portion on of a 'ractor ractor ead ead 'ruc4 ruc4 beari bearing ng plate plate nu!b nu!ber er 5RP+ 5RP+6 6 dri$ dri$en en by 7ene 7eneph pher er C. 0icu 0icutu tuan an,w ,whi hich ch was was par4 par4ed ed alongside the highway and caused his death on the spot 8 (. 'hat 'hat we unde unders rsta tand nd that that the the abo$e bo$e!e !ent ntio ione ned d inci incide dent nt whic which h caused the death of our son Christian S. "abitad based on the Police Report dated *anuary +, (&/ by the ola!bugan 0unicipal Police Station in ola!bugan, "anao del #orte, was purely an accident and no negligent act was co!!itted and attributable to the dri$er by 7enepher C. 0icutuan8 +. 'hat 'hat due to serious serious !isappreh !isapprehensi ension on of facts, We We are not willing willing to pursue and 9le 9le a cri!inal or ci$il ci$il co!plaint co!plaint agaisnt the di$er di$er of the said 'ractor ead truc48 :. 'hat 'hat in $iew of the foregoin foregoing, g, We hereby hereby desist desist fro! pursuin pursuing g any cri!i cri!ina nall or ci$il ci$il case case again against st 7enep 7enephe herr C. 0icutu 0icutuan an and we are are longer willing to stand as co!plainant or witness against hi! for any ci$il or cri!inal case in relation to the incidents in$ol$ed in the afore afore!en !entio tioned ned accid acciden entt and and ; wai$ wai$e e and and ant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before !e this + rd day of February
(& at Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, by _________________________ and ________________________, with ;? #os. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ issued on @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ at @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, si!ultaneously, 4nown to !e to be the sa!e persons who e=ecuted the foregoing 2>da$it and who ; personally e=a!ined, and a! satis9ed that they ha$e read and understood this a>da$it and ha$e personal 4nowledge of the allegations contained therein.
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