Download Affidavit M.V.O.P. of 2014-Adhi Lakhsmi...
Before the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal IN THE COURT OF THE DITRICT !UD"E# ON"O$E M%&%O%' M%& %O%'%% No% No % ()*+, ()* +, Between:Gangireddy Pedda Anji Reddy and others
T.Raja Ramesh Babu and 2 others
AFFIDAVIT FILED UNDER SECTION !" C.P.C. I, Gangireddy Pedda Anji Reddy S/o.Chinna onda Guru!a Reddy, aged "# years, $indu, resident o% Chandragiri &i''age, (und'amuru (anda', Pra)asam *istri+t, do hereby so'emn'y a%%irm and sin+ere'y state as %o''os- I am the deonent herein and 0 st etitioner etitioner in th thee abo!e 1. 1.P P. The 2nd etitioner is my daughter and the "rd eti etitione tionerr is my son. a%%ida a%% ida!it !it on be beha' ha'%% o% othe otherr eti etitio tioner nerss a'so a'so..
I am gi!i gi!ing ng this
Th Thee abo! abo!ee 1.P iiss %i'e %i'ed d %or
+omensation %or the death o% my i%e, ho died in a (otor a++ident. I submit that I did not %i'e any simi'ar a'i+ation in any +ourt o% 'a %or the se'% same re'ie% nor I did not entrust the same to anybody e3+et the Ad!o+ates, Sri.Abburi &en)atesar'u, &.&en)ata Pa!an umar, ho are %i'ing the abo!e 1.P.
*4P1545T So'emn'y a%%irmed and Signed be%ore me on this the day o% August August,, 2607. A*&1CAT4, A*&1CAT 4, 15G184
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