Affidavit - in A Civil Revision Petition - Seeking Stay

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BEFORE THE HIGH COURT OF........................................... Civil Miscellaneous Petition No......................of, 20............ In Civil Revision Petition No...................of....................... Petitione! "s. Res#on$ent! AFFIDAVIT

of ....................................%&o.........................., a'e$......................(eas,

no) esi$in' esi$in' in.............. in................. ... T*e $e#onent na+e$ aove *ee( sole+nl( s ole+nl( affi+s an$ states as follo)s!. T* T*e e $e $e#o #one nent nt is t*e t*e #e #eti titi tion one e in t*e t*e Ci Civi vill Mi Misce scell llan aneo eous us Pe Peti titi tion on an an$ $ t* t*e e Civi Civill Re Revi visi sion on Pe Peti titi tion on efe efe e$ e$ to a aov ove. e. T* T*e e $e $e#o #one nent nt *e *ee ein in is )e )ell ll ac/uai ac/u aint nte$ e$ )it* )it* t*e t*e fact facts s an an$ $ ci cic cu+ u+st stan ance ces s of t* t*e e ca case se an an$ $ e ein in' ' so so,, stan$s sta n$s ful full( l( co+ co+#et #etent ent to s)e s)ea a to t*i t*is s af affi$ fi$avi avit. t. T*e $e# $e#one onent nt *e *eein ein )ill )ill e efee$ to as t*e #etitione *eeinafte *eeinafte.. 2. It is es#e es#ectful ctfull( l( su+i su+itte$ tte$ t* t*at at t*e +ai +aintain ntainaili ailit( t( of t*e a##eal a##eal efe efee$ e$ to aove )as /uestione$ ( t*e #etitione vide I.. No............................efoe t*e $istict Cout on a #eli+ina( 'oun$. T*e sai$ Cout $is+isse$ t*e sai$ a##lication ( its o$e $ate$..............................a''ieve$ ( )*ic* t*e aove+entione$ Revision Petition *as een file$ ( t*e #etitione #etitione..


Fo t*e sae of evit(, t*e contents of t*e Me+oan$u+ of Civil Revision Petition +a( e ea$ as #at of t*is affi$avit.


It is fu fut*e t*e su su+it +itte$ te$ t*at t*e #etit #etition ione e bo bona na fide elieves t*at t*e Revision Petition is +ost liel( to e allo)e$ ( t*is Hon4le Cout an$ t*e o$e of t*e Cou Co utt elo elo) se sett asi si$e $e an an$ $ a $ec ecla laa ati tio on +a$ a$e e t* t*a at t* t*e e a# a##e #eal al is no nott +aintainale.


In vie) of t*e afoe+entione$ cicu+stances, it is clea t*at if )it*out *eain' t*e +aintainailit( of t*e a##eal, t*e sa+e is allo)e$ to e #ocee$e$ )it* an$ *ea$ on +eits, t*e #etitione )ill suffe ie#aale loss an$ in6u( in6u(..


It is, t*eefoe, in t*e inteest of 6ustice, e/uit( an$ conscience t*at t*is Hon4le Cou Co utt +a +a( ( sta( sta( al alll fut fut*e *e #oc #ocee ee$i $in' n's s in t* t*e e af afo oes esai ai$ $ a# a##e #eal al un unti till t* t*e e acco+#an(in' Civil Revision Petition is finall( $is#ose$ of.






"eifie$ at.....................................on t*is t*e............................................$a( of......................., 20................., t*at t*e contents of t*e aove affi$avit ae tue an$ coect to t*e est of +( no)le$'e, elief an$ info+ation an$ not*in' +ateial *as een conceale$ t*eefo+. Sd./


8ole+n 8ole +nl( l( af affi fi+ +e$ e$ an an$ $ si si'n 'ne$ e$ e efo foe e +e ( t* t*e e $e $e#o #one nent nt,, )* )*o o is #e #eso sona nall ll( ( no)n to +e, on t*is t*e......... t*e...........................$a( ..................$a( of............. of.............., ., 20.. 20.................. ................ Sd./ 

Counsel fo t*e $e#onent. Not ote: e:

 ffi$avit to e atteste$ ( t*e a##o#iate aut*oit( #escie$ un$e la) la).. Pa(e +a( e avoi$e$ fo+ affi$avits an$ onl( facts e state$ t*eein.

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