CONTENT What is an aerosol? What are the sources of aerosols? Aerosol Size distribution The Aerosol Aerosol Modes Atmospheric cycling of aerosols What role aerosols play in Earth!s atmosphere? atmosphere? Three types of aerosols aerosols "hich a#ects the Earth!s climate $o" do aerosols a#ect the climate? Atmospheric Atmospheric lifetime of di#erent di#erent size particles at di#erent le%els of the atmosphere What is &global dimming& and an d ho" are aerosols in%ol%ed? Aerosol sin's
What is an aerosol?? •
An aerosol is generally de)ned as a suspension of li*uid or solid particles in a gas+ "ith particle diameters in the range of ,-./0,-.1 m
The most e%ident e2amples of aerosols in the atmosphere are clouds+ "hich consist primarily of condensed "ater "ith particle diameters on the order of appro2imately ,- mm
What are the sources of aerosols? •
Aerosol particles are either emitted directly to the atmosphere 4primary aerosols5 or produced in the atmosphere from precursor gases 4secondary aerosols5 6rimary aerosols consist of both inorganic and organic components 7norganic primary aerosols are relati%ely large and originate from sea spray+ mineral dust+ and %olcanoes 1
Sources and appearance of atmospheric aerosols Top9 local and large scale air pollution Sources include %olcanic eruptions 4producing %olcanic ash and sulphate5+ sea spray 4sea salt and sulphate aerosols5+ desert storms 4mineral dust5+ sa%annah biomass burning 4:C and OC5+ coal po"er plants 4fossil fuel :C and OC+ sulphate+ nitrate5+ ships 4:C+ OC+ sulphates+ nitrate5+ coo'ing; 4domestic :C and OC5+ road transport 4sulphate+ :C+ 1 µm
Atmospheric cycling of aerosols
at ro es o aeroso s play in Earths atmosphere? They act as cloud condensation nuclei
They alter albedo 4both directly and indirectly %ia clouds5 and hence Earths radiation budget They ser%e as catalysts or sites for atmospheric chemistry reactions /
Three types of aerosols signicantly a!ect the "arth#s climate$
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