
December 9, 2016 | Author: Abhilekh Singh | Category: N/A
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Examination systems

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Subjectives Service Specific Technical Subject Objectives

(Written Examination scheme)

No. of questions × marks

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4 Long questions × 5 = 20

Full marks

Pass marks




80 Multiple choice × 1 = 80

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Aeronautical engineer Syllabus A. General Knowledge of Aircraft general engineering & maintenance practices 1. A/C maintenance practices: Jacking, leveling & mooring of aircraft. Safety and fire precautions to be observed during maintenance, refueling & defueling, color coding symbol, or other markings to identify pipe lines rubber parts etc. Aircraft manuals, AT systems, inspection schedules time limits. 2. Workshop Practices: Knowledge of hand tools, simple machine tools & precision measuring instruments. Aircraft bolts, nuts, rivets, screws different types of threads and locking devices of British and American systems Engineering Drawing. Various types of gears and bearings, their use and common defects. Various types of A/C cables & swaging procedure. Drills & reamers. 3. Aircraft Metallurgy : Commonly used ferrous, non-ferrous and composite materials, Corrosion, its cause and protection. Detailed knowledge of Non Destructive Testing. Arc & gas welding, brazing & soldering. 4. Aircraft and Engine: Types of a/c construction of fuselage and wing. Functions of the major aircraft components and types of propulsion systems used in aircraft industry. Lift, drag, angle of attack, stall. Principle of four stroke cycle and Brayton's cycle as applied to piston engines and jet engines. Lighter than air aircraft & heavier than air aircraft. Gliders and aero planes; biplane and monoplane; single – multi engine aircraft. Air craft shapes for particular purposes. General principle of rotorcraft. B. Avionics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Aircraft Circuits Aircraft Batteries Power Supply System Power Consuming System Electrical Instrument Airframe Instruments and Instrument System Compasses : Direct reading compass Radio Stations

C. Airframe 1. Aerodynamics Characteristics of the subsonic, transonic and super sonic airflow and the various terms used therein. The characteristics of the aerofoil used for sub sonic and transonic flights. The forces acting on the Aircraft during all phases of flight. Detailed knowledge of Aircraft Stability and Control. The effect of altitude/weight, changes of engine power on performance of the Aircraft. Various types of high lift and drag devices, their operation, vortex generators, boundary layer fences etc. Sweepback wing; high incidence tail plane; aerodynamic loading; load factors; fly by wire concept. 2. Aircraft Materials Effect of various alloying elements in the structure of steel/aluminum, their properties and use. Heat treatment of steel and Aluminium. Surface hardening processes used on Aircraft metals. Identification and physical characteristics of commonly used composite materials, plastics sealants and rubbers and their inspection and repair. Metallic materials used in aircraft structure the types of defects associated with them inspection for deterioration, and method of rectification and reprotection; procedures for testing the soundness of these materials. The various types of corrosion on aircraft metals their removal and methods employed to prevent corrosion. 3. Aircraft Structures The various types of structures used in aircraft construction, station nos. Knowledge of fail safe and safe life concept. damage tolerance, ageing of aircraft, SSID. 4. Aircraft Systems General knowledge of the function, maintenance, and inspection of the following. A) Structure and structural components constructed from metal, glassfibre, forces plastic, vinyl Perspex. B) Furnishing materials, paintings, surface finishes and associated materials. C) Elementary flight controls including power operated / assisted flight controls; Hydraulics; pneumatics; landing gear; brakes; nose wheel steering; wheels; tyres; antiskid; ice and rain protection; fire detection and protection, warning and extinguishing; oxygen; air-conditioning and pressurization-system; life saving equipment including inflatable sildes, dinghies and rafts. D) Windows, doors and emergency exits. 5. Aircraft instruments and Equipments Elementary Knowledge of the operational principle of all instruments. Construction of various types of R compass, various terms used in electricity/ Magnetism. 6. Inspection of Aircraft Knowledge of minor defects and various methods of rectification and repair of minor defects, rigging of aircraft, periodical inspection necessary to check the serviceability of the Aircraft, inspection of the aircraft after heavy landing, lightening strike and abnormal flight loads, preparation of brief report with the help of sketches if necessary in case of damage to the aircraft. Symmetry check, balancing of control surfaces. Terms used in Aircraft weighing, preparation/ precaution and weighing the A/C. Calculation of C.G. Duplicate inspection of control systems. Familiarity of structural manuals.

D. Aircraft Engine A. Piston Engine General Knowledge of piston engine theory and construction Engine fuel and oil system. Ignition and starting system. Engine instruments, Supercharged system. General knowledge of piston engine maintenance. B. Turbine Engine 1) Gas turbine engine theory and construction A general knowledge of the thermodynamics laws related to gas turbine engines. General knowledge of the Otto cycle and Brayton's cycle and the relationship between volume, temperature and pressure. A general knowledge of the terms used in the theory of gas turbine engines and calculations of parameters from the given data. Advantage and disadvantage of various types of gas turbine engines. Knowledge of the function, construction, classification and material of the various parts and accessories of the engine including the induction, exhaust, cooling systems, thrust augmentation and engine mounting, anti-icing of engine. Knowledge of the various factors affecting the engine performance. Knowledge of condition monitoring and performance monitoring of gas turbine engines. Detailed knowledge of the engine fire detection and protection systems. Engine and Fuel and Oil System Knowledge of the principle of operation and constructional features of fuel control units. Knowledge of constructional features, function of the components of engine fuel control system / metering system. Knowledge of types, characteristics of lubricants used in gas turbine engine lubrication system. Identification of contaminants with inference drawn. Detailed knowledge of function of various components of lubrication system. Ignition and starting System Knowledge of principle of operation, constructional features and function of ignition system components. Types of ignition, flame propagation. Knowledge of constructional features and function of various types of engine starters. Engine Instruments

Knowledge of the principle of operation of the engine instruments, and detailed knowledge of replacement and in-situ operational tests thereof Power Augmentation System Knowledge of principle of operation and function of various types of power augmentation devices. Propeller A general understanding of the propeller terms. A general knowledge of the purpose and function of all parts of constant speed, variable pitch and feathering propeller and their associated control system components. Thrust Reversers Knowledge of constructional features and function of various types of thrust reversers and their related components. Auxiliary power unit General knowledge of the purpose, constructional features of compressors, combustion chambers and turbine arrangement; speed and load control; limiting factors; fire protection and indication detailed knowledge of its operational features. Bleed control system Terms related to bleeding of air from the engine; compressors surge; compressor line; compressor stall; bleed loads and condition under which bleed is tapped. Air Oil System Knowledge of the air oil system on a typical gas turbine engine. Engine Maintenance Knowledge of trouble shooting of minor defects and methods of their rectification; rigging of engine controls and field adjustments of fuel control unit; periodical inspections necessary to check to serviceability of the engine; special inspection schedules; duplicate inspection of engine controls Detailed knowledge of engine starting; ground run – up; trimming; and checking of the performance of the engine and its components including systems. Knowledge of engine preservation and depreservation procedures.

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