ART-A (OBJECTI!E) 1. On a swept wing aircraft if both wing tip sections lose lift simultaneously the aircraft will a) roll b) pitch nose up c) pitch nose down d) sideslip
2. MTCS ( ) a) Density altitude is pressure pressure altitude corrected corrected for temperature. temperature. b) !ressure increases with pressure altitude. c) The temperatutre temperatutre remains remains constant upto 11"### 11"### mtr. mtr. d) $nn%ironmental lapse rate refers to change change in temperature of a mass of air as it mo%es upwards. &. On a straight wing aircraft" stall commences at the a) root on a high thickness ratio wing b) tip on a high thic'ness ratio wing c) tip on a low thic'ness ratio wing d) root on a low thic'ness ratio wing
. On a high wing aircraft in a turn a) the upgoing wing loses lift causing a destabilising effect b) the upgoing wing loses lift causing a stabilising effect c) the down-going wing gains lift causing a stabilising effect d) the downgoing wing loses lift causing a destabilising effect
*. +or the same angle of attac'" the lift on a delta wing a) is greater than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing b) is lower than the lift on a high aspect ratio wing c) is the same as the lift on a high aspect ratio wing d) none
,. The -S a) is ta'en from the e/uator b) is taken from 45 degrees latitude c) assumes a standard day d) either (a) or (b)
0. t higher altitudes as altitude increases" pressure a) decreases at constant rate b) increases at constant rate c) increases eponentially d) decreases exponentially
4. 3hen the pressure is half of that at sea le%el" what is the altitude5 a) 12"### ft b) "### ft c) 1"### mtr. d) 18!!! ft
1#. 6uring a turn" the stalling angle a) increases b) decreases c) remains the same d) decreases and then remain the same
. The thrustdrag couple o%ercomes the liftweight couple. 3hat direction of force is re/uired to be produced by the tail of the aircraft to maintain straight and le%el flight a) upwards b) downwards c) sideways d) none
11. -f gauge pressure on a standard day at sea le%el is 2* !S-" the absolute pressure is a) 1#.& !S b) &. !Sc) 11.0 !Sd) "#.$# %&' 12. The C of 7 mo%es in flight. The most li'ely cause of this is a) mo%ement of passengers b) mo%ement of the centre of pressure c) consumption of fuel and oils d) improper loading of aitcraft
BASIC AERODYNAMICS SEMESTER-I 1&. -n the diagram mentioned abo%e what does the air circulation in 8one 9: stand for ( a) 6ownwash b) (p wash c) ;oth downwash and bound %orte
1. -n the diagram mentioned abo%e what does point 96: stand for a) entre of pressure b) Centre of gra%ity c) Centre of symmetry d) >>>>>>> and increases with an increase in >>>>>>>> ( ) a) ?ow pressure and O b) @igh pressure and O c) @igh pressure and camber d) +ow pressure and camber 10. !ressure decreases a) proportionally with a decrease in temperature b) in%ersely proportional to temperature c) !ressure and temperature are not related
1. 3hat is sea le%el pressure5 a) 1!1"., mb c) 1#&2.2 mb
b) 1#12.& mb d) 1#1&.2 pa
14. 3hen the weight of an aircraft increases" the minimum drag speed a) decreases b) increases c) remains the same
2#. graph showing the angle of an attac' of an aircraft Aglider %ersus its liftcoefficient represents a) &tall cur*e ) b) !olar cur%e c) erodynamic efficiency d) >>>>>> for maimum effecti%eness . a) Supersonic ( ) b) subsonic c) transonic d) hypersonic *2. The tail rotor employed in helicopter is to pro%ide a) /nti : tor;ue effect b) 7eneration of lift c) ;oth 9a: G 9b: d) > for maimum effecti%eness . a) Supersonic ( b) subsonic c) transonic d) hypersonic *2. The tail rotor employed in helicopter is to pro%ide a) /nti : tor;ue effect b) 7eneration of lift c) ;oth 9a: G 9b: d) H 0/&' /@H>DGB/'& &@ @I/ C
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