AEF1 File2 TestB Custom

October 30, 2018 | Author: Roxana Carolina Perca Chagua | Category: Linguistics
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Name Name _______ ___________ ________ _______ _______ _______ ______  ___  Class Class ____ ______ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____  ___ 

2 Grammar, Vocabulary ocabular y, and Pronunciation Pronunci ation B GRAMMAR 1 Underlin Underlinee the corre correct ct word word or or phras phrase. e. Example: Example: It’s It’s a day nice / nice day. 1 2 3 4  #

They have cheap / cheaps laptops. This is is ou our new car / car new. Jean Jean Reno eno is a France / French actor. Susan has eyes green / green eyes . !re they very good teachers / teachers very good " These hese $%$s $%$s are are expensives / expensive .


2 Check () the correct sentence. Example: Example: ! It’s It’s a En&lish En&lish 'oo(.  ) It’s an En&lish 'oo(.  1 ! John Johnny ny $ep $epp is is an an act actor or..  ) Johnny Johnny $epp $epp is a actor actor..  2 ! They They’r ’ree *ict *ictio iona nary rys. s.  ) They’r They’ree *ictio *ictionar naries ies..  3 ! Is th that your your hea* hea*ph pho ones" nes"  ) !re those your hea*phones"  4 ! +yn an* an* ,aul ,aul are are teac teache hers rs..  ) +yn an* an* ,aul ,aul is teach teachers ers..   ! It’s an an house.  ) It’ It’s a hou house se..  # ! Thes Thesee is is our our clas classr sro oom.  ) This This is is our our classro classroom. om.  - ! / /ha hatt are are thes these" e"00 The They’ y’re re &las &lasse ses.0 s.0  ) /hat are these"0 these"0 They’re They’re a &lasses.0 &lasses.0   ! To 'oxe 'oxess o o pen penci cils ls ple pleas ase. e.  ) To 'oxs 'oxs o penc pencils ils plea please. se. 


3 Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with the corr correct ect word word or phrase. phrase. Example: Listen Example: Listen to me. +isten you +isten

5ou are listen

1 666666 666666666 6666 6 care careul ul chil chil*re *ren7 n7 !re 5ou )e 2 6666 666666 6666 6666 66 my co coee ee77 $on’t *rin( 8o *rin( $rin( not 3 6666 666666 6666 6666 66 tur turn n the the T% on. on. +et +et’s +et’s +et us to 4 ,lease ,lease 666666 666666666 6666 6 your your car here. here. not to par( no par( *on’t par(   I’m hun& hun&ry ry.. 666666 666666666 6666 6 &o to the the ca9. ca9. $on’t +et’s /e

Name ____________________________  Class ____________________________ 

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B # 6666666666 let here. Turn to Turn e Turn

6 Grammar total

2 0

VOCABULARY  !rite the opposites. *iicult clean 'eautiul expensive near sae short


Example: expensive cheap 1 2 3 4  # -

stron& easy *irty lon& *an&erous u&ly ar

6666666666   6666666666   6666666666   6666666666   6666666666  6666666666   6666666666  


" Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). Example: is ;o' is *iicult an* he’s very stressed . ron& happy stresse* 1
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