Ae3 Itc 2ano Gabarito

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AE3/2011 – INGLÊS







Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

1st QUESTION (24 scores) GRAMMAR 01. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs from the box. Some of them may be used more than once. (07 scores)

UD: 3 - ID: M - Tempo: 7' buy – look – work – fix – install – clean up – stop a) Instead of buying a new bicycle, why don’t you have your old one ___________?

fixed b) My mom always makes me ___________ my room on Saturday mornings.

clean up c) We had our landlord ____________ the broken window.

fix d) We got the computer guy ___________ the new software for us.

to install

e) My boss made me ____________ overtime every day last week.


f) We should get Ben ____________ ________ ____ us some concert tickets when he goes to get his.

to buy g) We’ve got to get our neighbors ____________ having loud parties every weekend.

to stop

02. Check (√) only the sentences that have the meaning in the  future in the past . If they are in any other verb tense, leave a dash (-). (07 scores)

UD: 4 - ID: D - Tempo: 8' a) b) c) d) e)

( -) (√ ) ( -) (√ ) (√ )

f) ((√- )) g)

He was was alw alway ayss goi going ng to the the bea beach ch when when he was was a ki kid. d. They They kn knew ew he was was go goin ing g tto o go go to to the the clu club. b. She She wou would ld tr trav avel el if sh she e had had en enou ough gh mone money. y. Sa Sam m tho thoug ught ht he he wou would ld win win tthe he co cont ntes est. t. Donna Donna ment mention ioned ed that that she was was goin going g to go go to Hawa Hawaii ii on vacati vacation. on. Donna Donna me oned d that tha she was was gways oing gs to gving o to Hroduct awaii ii ion on vaca vproble acatio tion. n. When Whe n I menti worked worntione ked there, the re, twe were wer e alway algoin havin hago g prod pHawa uction pro blems. ms.

03. Rewrite these sentences in the future in the past  using the words in brackets.

(04 scores)

UD: 4 - ID: M - Tempo: 5' a) I imagine that I will meet a lot of interesting people at the party. (would)  ________________________________________________________________________________ 

I imagined that I would meet a lot of interesting people at the party, but I didn’t.√ b) I think I am going to go for a walk this afternoon. (was/were going to)  ________________________________________________________________________________ 

I thought I was going to go for a walk that afternoon, but it started raining. √ c) They didn’t visit Italy. They didn’t have time. (was/were going to)  ________________________________________________________________________________ 

They were going to visit Italy, but they didn’t have time. √

d) He didn’t attend the conference that morning. It was snowing heavily. (was/were going to)



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS





Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini


He was going to attend the conference that morning, but it was snowing heavily. √

04. Read the article and match each sentence beginning to the correct ending. You will not use all of the sentence endings. (06 scores)

UD: 3 - ID: M - Tempo: 8'

Text 1 Book of the Month Home and Family maga magazine zine talked to Pamela Darby, Darby, author of the new book Time Management . Here’s some of the advice that she gives:

Making time for special treatments and things you enjoy is important. You make time for a lot of things that you don’t   enjoy, enjoy, like work and housecleaning. Choose something that you really like to have done, make an appointment and go. You could get your nails done or have someone massage your back. The important thing is to choose something that you enjoy having done. Accept offers of help. People are so used to doing things on their own, that they don’t think about letting people help them. If someone asks, “How can I help?” tell them what you need done! For example, if you’re planning a class party for one of your children, get some of the other parents to bring food. When someone offers to watch the kids, let them do it! But, you don’t have to wait for people to offer to help. Assign responsibilities to other family members. Have your spouse drop off the dry cleaning on the way to work. Get your kids to help around the house. Even young children can be responsible for certain tasks, such as putting away their toys or setting the table. If you like these ideas, ideas, then read Pamela Darby Darby’s ’s new book, book, Time Manageme Management, nt, and learn how to use your time better. a) Have something ( 9 ) b) Have other people ( 1 ) c) Make time ( 7 ) d) Tell people ( 6 ) e) Get your family to ( 4 ) f) Get this book ( 3 )

( 1 ) help with things you need to do ( 2 ) planned, like a big party ( 3 ) to help you manage your time ( 4 ) do tasks around the house ( 5 ) how to do things your way ( 6 ) when you need help ( 7 ) for things that you enjoy ( 8 ) do all of your work, including housecleaning ( 9 ) done, like a massage treatment

2nd QUESTION (09 scores) VOCABULARY  05. Writ Write e another way to say these sentences sentences in English English without changing their meanings. Do not repeat your ideas! Answers may vary  (05 scores)

UD: 4 - ID: F - Tempo: 6' a. I have a good memory. __________________________________ 

I remember things well. √ b. You can count on me. ________________________________ 

I am very reliable. √ c. I have a lot of skills. _________________________________ 

I have learned a lot of abilities. √ d. I have experience with the topic. ________________________________  __________________________ ______ 

I have worked with the topic before.√ e. He never lies. ___________________________________ 

He always tells the truth.√



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS







Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

06. Write a definition for the qualifications below and give one example for each of them. (04 scores) Answers may

vary UD: 4 - ID: M - Tempo: 8'

a. Talents  ________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________________ 

abilities in art, music, mathematics, etc. that you are born with.√ Example: Kate was born with talents in both mathematics and art.√ b. Skills  ________________________________________________________________________________   ________________________________________________________________________________ 

abilities that you learn, such as cooking, speaking a foreign language, or driving.√ Example: Jim has several publishing skills: writing, editing, and illustrating√. 3rd QUESTION (24 scores)

READING AND WRITING 07. Read the conversations. Write a sentence about the strenghs and/or weakness of each person. Use the vocabulary about skills and abilities you learned in Unit 4. Answers may vary. (08 scores)

UD: 4 - ID: D - Tempo: 8' Conversation 1 Ray:  Thanks again for helping me out with those calculations calculations today. Diana: No problem. Glad to help. you. Ray:  You know, I wish I were good at numbers like you. Diana: Do you? Actually, I’m envious of your talent for learning languages. Ray:  Really? But languages are easy to learn! Diana: Not for me. I took four years of French and can’t even make a sentence!   (Ray)


Ray doesn’t have a mathematical ability. √

  (Diana) _______________________________________________________________________ 

Diana is really talented with numbers. √ Conversation 2 Aidan: Hey, Dave. Nice job on the presentation you gave this afternoon. You got your ideas across really  


Dave: Thanks. I appreciate appreciate that. Aidan: I could never stand up in front of a big group and give a speech. Dave: It’s not hard, once you get used to it. It just takes practice. Aidan: You’re probably right, right, but I think I’ll just stick stick to fixing computers. computers. Dave: Well, you’re really good at that. (Aidan) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Aidan doesn’t feel comfortable speaking in public. √ (Dave) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Dave has leadership skills. √

Conversation 3 Darla: Your scarf is beautiful. Emily: Thanks. I made it myself. kidding! Darla: You’re No. I love doing arts-and-crafts projects. Emily: Darla: Wow, you’re so talented. I love the intricate weave. Emily: Thanks. I can’t believe believe you noticed that. Most Most people wouldn’t pay pay attention to such a minor part of the design.



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS







Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

(Darla) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Darla is a very good observer. √

(Emily) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Emily has artistic ability. √

Vocabulary: intricate – complexo weave – tecer; ziguezague Conversation 4 Andy: Ugh! This stupid watch stopped running again! Ethan: I can take a look at it if you want. I’m pretty good at fixing things like that. Anyway, I’m sick and tired of studying. I’m never going to remember all these dates for my exam. Andy: Why don’t you make up a song to help you remember them? Put the words to a tune. That’s how I usually remember things. area of expertise, not mine. I tell you what: I’ll take a look at your watch, watch, Ethan: That sounds like your area and you can help me come up with a song. (Andy) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Andy is music talented. √

(Ethan) ________________________________________________________________________ 

Ethan has manual dexterity. √ - Read the article and answer the item 08.  Text 2

Get in the Zone When athletes are so focused on a task that they are unaware of any physical or mental distractions, they are said to be “in the zone”. Athletes know that preparing their bodies for competition is only part of a winning formula; mental preparation is just as important. Getting in the zone means getting into your most productive state. Corporate competition is similar in many ways to athletic competition. Performing well when the pressure’s on is as important for business professionals as it it for athletes. In both fields, success depends on performing better than the competition. Focus and mental preparation are the keys to achievement.

MASTERING THESE EIGHT CONCENTRATION SKILLS WILL ENABLE YOU TO GET IN THE ZONE. ● Planning: Altho Although ugh it’s important important to define define long-term long-term goals, there are a lot of steps you need to take in order order to make these happen. The planning skill involves need to take goals in order to accomplish your bigger dreams.identifying and updating as necessary the smaller steps you

● Visua Visualizati lization: on: Never underestimate the power of the mind. If you can imagine yourself completing a task, then you’ll be successful when you’re actually doing it, even if the task may be very difficult or new to you. Envision yourself working toward a goal and overcoming obstacles to achieve it.

● Mental preparation: Whether it’s a big sales pitch or an important presentation, you need to get your mind ready for the task ahead. Some people find it useful to review their notes right before, while others think about something completely unrelated. Find what works best for you and stick with it.

● Focusing: For you to produce your best work, every bit of your energy needs to be channeled into the task at hand. You must train yourself to ignore any thoughts or outside stimuli that may distract you.

● Staying calm: Anxiety and nervousness can take your concentration away from the task at hand. Techniques such as deep breathing or taking a shor break can help you deal with those unpleasant feelings and get back to doing your best.








Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

● Posit Positive ive thinking: Any time you’re working on a task, give yourself positive support and feedback. Take time to note what you’re doing well and enjoy the feelings of pride that follow. Use positive thinking to instill confidence in yourself and you can be your own biggest supporter.

● Boosting your energy:  There are times when you’ll feel mentally and physically tired as a result of your work. Successful people learn tricks to give themselves that quick pick-me-up needed to get the job done. Next time your eyes start drooping, try eating a high-energy snack such as crackers with peanut butter or taking a brisk walk around the office.

● Refocusing: Disappointment and frustration are a part of life and work, so it’s inevitable that sometimes you’ll experience these emotions. The trick is to recover from these setbacks quickly and redirect your full attention back to what needs to be done. 08. Now read about the people. people. For each person, person, choose one of the eight concentratio concentration n skills skills in the article that you think would be most helpful to that person. Explain your answer. (Answers may vary)   (08 scores)

UD: 4 - ID: M - Tempo: 8' a) “I wish I could learn to be a better public speaker. My new job requires me to give a lot of presentations in front of large groups of people. But I’m really shy and when I get up to make my presentation, I panic. Even if I’ve spent hours rehearsing my speech, I get nervous and forget everything I wanted to say.” – Dave Boyle, London, England  _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________  The skill of staying calm√ would help Dave relax when he needs to make a presentation. √ b) “I work really well in the mornings, and I usually get a lot done before lunchtime. But every afternoon at about 3:00, I feel like I’m going to fall asleep at my desk! I’m obviously not too productive when I feel like that.” –  Jennifer Bowers, Wellington, New Zealand  _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________ 

 Jennifer should try to booster her energy √ by taking a brisk walk around her office so she will give herself a quick pick-up needed to get the job done.√ c) “I was recently given a task at work that I just can’t see myself doing. I mean, me, overseeing an entire project?  There are so many steps, and it’s so involved. I can’t imagine how I’m going to get it done!” –  Ana Correa da Costa, Brasilia, Brazil  _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________ 

The skill of visualization √ is perfect for Ana because it will help her envision herself working toward a goal and overcoming obstacles to achieve it and then, things may get simpler. √ d) “I work really hard at my job, and to tell the truth, I’m pretty pretty good at it. But I get down on myself somet sometimes. imes. If things get difficult or stressful, I tend to focus on what I’ve done wrong or could have done better – and that just kills my self-confidence.” Pietro di Alberto, Milan, Italy   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________ 

Pietro should use the skill of positive thinking√ to put some more confidence inside him to become totally proud of his work and enjoy that feeling 100%.√



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS






Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

- Read the texts below and answer items 09 and 10. (UFGO-2004)

Text 3

How soon is too soon to start kids on a computer? If your baby is less than a year old, the answer is simple. He’s too young. (…) But after the first birthday, experts start to disagree. (…) Whenever your child starts to point and manager click, make sureBond. you’re “We call it shoulder-to-shoulder computing”, says Intel consumer-education Ralph Wesitting call itright goodthere. parenting. CROAL, N. Your baby got mac? Adpated the Harvard Health Letter –, .edu, New York v.CXLII, n.10, p.57 Sept.2003

Text 4 Kids with classic autism are typically diagnosed at the age of 3 or 4, but experts say earlier intervention can give them a better shot at a normal n ormal life. Parents should contact a developmental pediatrician if their child: - Does not babble at 1 year - Begins developing language, then stops abruptly - Doesn’t respond to his name, but the normal hearing - Doesn’t point to things to direct his mother’s attention - Avoids eye contact and cuddling COWLEY, G. Girls, boys and autism. Newsweek, New York, v. CXLII, n.10.p.43, 8 Sept. 2003

09. Qual dos assuntos é comum aos dois textos?

(01 score)

UD: 4 - ID: F - Tempo: 1' ( A ) a impor importânc tância ia da aten atenção ção do doss pais em relaçã relação o às cr crianças ianças.. ( B ) a necessida necessidade de de diagnós diagnóstico tico precoc precoce e sobre doenças doenças na infância. infância. ( C ) a exigência exigência da presenç presença a da tecnolo tecnologia gia na educação educação infanti infantil. l. ( D ) o problema problema do do desacord desacordo o entre especi especialist alistas as em in infância fância.. ( E ) a observaç observação ão do desenvolv desenvolviment imento o da linguag linguagem em nos bebês. bebês.

10. Conforme o texto 4, uma criança pode ter autismo clássico se ela apresentar uma das seguintes características (01 score)

UD: 4 - ID: F - Tempo: 1' ( A ) é incap incapaz az de de anda andarr ccom om um ano. ano. ( B ) quebra quebra o rrac acioc iocíni ínio o ao fal falar. ar. ( C ) enxerg enxerga a e ouve ouve com dif dificu iculda ldade. de. ( D ) dir direci eciona ona a atenç atenção ão da mãe mãe para para objeto objetos. s.

( E ) esqui esquiva-se va-se de co contato ntatoss vis visual ual e físic físico. o. - Read the text below and answer items 11 and 12. (UP-PE – 2004)

Text 5 Careers: to or not to be?



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS





Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

Annie: What’s the matter? You look worried! Why have you been so quiet lately? Brian: It’s my future. I don’t know what to do. Annie: You don’t know what to do about what? Brian: About my life, my studies, my career… Annie: What do you mean? Brian: I feel very confused. I do not know exactly what profession I want to follow, what I want to study…but that has nothing to do with my family’s ideas about it.

Annie: Bri Brian: an:  How Well,come? my parents want me to be either a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer. They say these are respectful professions…titles. But I don’t like the idea of hospitals, courts or engineering offices. I’m not fit for that. I am feeling very pressed…and depressed about that. out. Let’s think together…Imagine together…Imagine yourself working in v various arious professions. Which Which of them Annie: There must be a way out. would make you feel happy? How fulfilled would you be? Would you contribute as a human being if you chose any of them? There are so many career alternativ alternatives! es! Arts, languages, languages, music, music, psycholog psychology, y, computing computing communication communication,, propaganda, tourism… Brian: Well, I’m not really so sure, but I think I would like to go in for arts or propaganda. I know it is difficult to be an artist. I know the money wouldn’t come easily, but this is what I think I would be happy doing. This is how I feel. Annie: Then, fight for it! It’s your your life. Don’t give up! (FERRARI, Martins & RUBIN, Sarah G. Inglês. São Paulo: Scipione, 2001, p.271.) 11. Why is Brian worried?

(01 score)

UD: 4 - ID: F - Tempo: 1' ( A ) becaus because e he is very very quiet quiet late lately. ly. ( B ) because because he wants wants to to become become a docto doctor, r, na enginee engineerr or a lawye lawyer. r. ( C ) because because he has decided decided about about the profess profession ion he wants wants to follow follow.. ( D ) because because his friend friend,, Annie, Annie, can’t can’t help him him to decide decide about about his future. future.

( E ) becau because se he is n not ot sur sure e about the car career eer he wan wants ts to fo follow. llow.

12. What’s Annie advice?

(01 score)

UD: 4 - ID: F - Tempo: 1' ( A ) Brian Brian shoul should d listen listen to to his pare parents nts’’ advice advice.. ( B ) medicine, medicine, enginee engineering ring and and law are respec respectful tful profess professions. ions.

( C ) Brian sh should ould fig fight ht for wh what at he want wantss to do. He sho shouldn’ uldn’tt give up. ( D ) Brian thinks thinks he he would like to go in for for arts or or propagan propaganda. da. ( E ) she said said,, there there was was not a way out out for for Brian. Brian. 13. Imagine that you are planning a party with some friends or family. Who is the party for and why? Who will get to help you plan the event? What things will you have them do? Write a paragraph about it. Write at least four or five sentences about it. (Answers may vary)  (04 scores)

UD: 3 - ID: MD - Tempo: 8'

 _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________ 



AE3/2011 – INGLÊS





Visto:  ___________  Profª Carla Corsini

I’m planning a party for my mom’s birthday√. I’m going to have a caterer make the food so we don’t have to cook√. I’ll have my sister be in charge of the decorations because she’s very creative√. I’m going to have the invitations printed at a copying place. I will get one of my friends to do the music. √ Have a nice test.

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