Advertisement on Sunflowers Perfume by Elizabeth Arden

April 24, 2018 | Author: Nur Fajarwati Zuchrifah | Category: Perception, Psychophysics, Brand, Advertising, Stimulus (Physiology)
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Descripción: This is an analysis I have made while developing an advertisement for a perfume called Sunflowers Perfume b...


Advertisement on Sunflowers Perfume by Elizabeth Arden In this final report, we have the task to make an advertisement of a specific product and analyze it to be the most effective and efficient advertisement to catch the attention of consumers. Our  selected product is Sunflowers Perfume by Elizabeth Arden. We selected it as we are now in summer season and need a perfume which can always feel us fresh and well-scented. As this   perfume can fulfill the need and wants of consumers in this summer, we choose positioning   based on a specific benefit as our positioning approach. We also show the tagline in the advertisement which again shows the relevant benefits given by this perfume. As the scent of this  perfume comes from the extract of sunflowers, we selected our advertisement on the basis of  figu figure re and grou ground nd appro approac ach. h. We show show the the beaut beautif iful ul scen scener ery y of a sunf sunflo lowe werr fiel field d as the the   backgr background ound and the perfum perfumee as the object object.. It defini definitel tely y shows shows the relevan relevance ce between between the  background and the object. We certainly focus more on the object rather that the background. We present day time because it shows the feeling of confidence and the beautiful view of  summer days. We focus on the color of orange because orange signifies the sun in summer. We can also see the wind that implies the freshness in summer breeze. Orange, in fact, means the color of the perfume and its packaging which can always remind consumers of the product. The   blue blue sky signif signifies ies the self-c self-conf onfide idence. nce. By using using the perfum perfume, e, consum consumers ers will will always always feel feel confident under the heat of summer. The blue sky also symbolizes the coolness. There are also green color shown from the leaves of the sunflower which symbolizes life, nature and youth. The scenery also presents the freedom of women. The tagline we created is “Confident in summer, spray your sunflower!” It shows the benefit of this perfume and persuades consumers to have relaxed, confident and fresh days in summer.

We try to convey consumers the benefits of this perfume and attract them with the beautiful scenery presented in the advertisement. By showing the relevant benefits, consumers will feel attached with the product and try to make a purchase. Women, as our target market, will surely  be attracted with the breathtaking panorama shown in our advertisement. The details concerning our advertisement will be discussed later in this report.


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the stimulus factors used in our advertisement. Our advertisement is about a perfume. It is very important to identify correct effectiveness of  stimul stimulus us factor factorss which which is used used in our advert advertise isemen ment. t. Percep Perceptio tion n is the proces processs by which which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Perception can also be defined as the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Perception, on the other  hand, better describes one's ultimate experience of the world and typically involves further   processing of sensory input. There are three types of stimulus factors of elements of perception which are used in an advertisement. For our lady perfume advertisement we also used this factor. Descriptions are given below:

Sensation: Sensation usually refers to the immediate, relatively unprocessed result of stimulation of sensory receptors in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or skin. In practice, sensation and perception are virtually impossible to separate, because they are part of one continuous process. An impression, or the conscio consciousn usness ess of an impres impressio sion, n, made made upon the centra centrall nervous nervous organ, organ, through through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of  consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable, produced either by an external object, or by some change in the internal state of the body. So we can say that sensation itself depends on ener energy gy chan change ge with within in the the envir environ onme ment nt wher wheree the the perc percept eptio ion n occur occurs. s. A perf perfec ectt blan bland d or  unchanging environment, regardless of the strength of the sensory input, provides little or no sensation at all. As sensory input decreases, our ability to detect changes in input or intensity incr increa ease ses, s, to the the point point that that we atta attain in maxi maximu mum m sens sensit itiv ivit ity y under under cond condit itio ion n of mini minima mall stimulation.

In this case, Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers perfume obviously ob viously attracts consumers but it lacks of the element of sensation. The reason behind this is when a person go to the shop if he or she does not


know about the Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers perfume it will be little tough to select it from the very very compet competiti itive ve market market becaus becausee consume consumers rs are not able able to get the immediat immediatee and direct direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli. It means consumers cannot directly smell the fragrance with its sensory organ (nose). However, in western countries, when consumers are buying  perfumes, they usually go to a perfume shop. They can find varieties of perfumes from different  brands. Besides that, for each perfume, the store provides a tester so that consumers can smell that fragrance fragrance of their preferred preferred perfume. perfume. Therefore, Therefore, it will be easier easier for consumers consumers to obtain a direct response. We can also state that consumers can touch and see the perfume easily. Usually, they they are able to see the packagi packaging ng of the perfum perfume. e. Regard Regarding ing our advert advertise isemen ment, t, we are demonstrating the relevant benefits given by this perfume and showing the product visibly. Thus, consumers can have a direct response from seeing this advertisement from their sensory organ (eyes).

The absolute threshold: The term term absolu absolute te thresh threshold old is often often used used in neurosc neuroscien ience ce and experi experimen mental tal resear research. ch. An absolute threshold is the smallest detectable level of a stimulus. The smallest level that a  participant is able to hear is the absolute threshold. In neuroscience and psychophysics, an absolute threshold is the smallest detectable level of a stimulus. However, at this low level, subjects will sometimes detect the stimulus and at other times not. Therefore, an alternative definition of absolute threshold is the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected 50% of the time. The absolute threshold can be influenced by several different factors which can influence the absolute threshold, such as the subject's motivations and expectations, cognitive  processes, and whether the subject is adapted to the stimulus. The lowest level of stimulation that a person can detect is absolute threshold.

Sunflowers perfume by Elizabeth Arden is surely a branded perfume. It is well-known to many  people. By showing the brand name, consumers can make a difference between the perfumes with the vast varieties of perfumes available in the market. We try to expose at constantly. However However,, there there is a constr constrain aintt since since under under conditi conditions ons of consta constant nt stimul stimulati ation, on, the absolu absolute te thresh threshold old increa increases ses.. Absolu Absolute te thresh threshold old refers refers to the lowest lowest level level in which which indivi individual dual can 3

experience a level of sensation. After showing the advertisement for several times, it is doubtful that any one of the advertisement places in a billboard will make an impression. Therefore, we, as marketers, try to execute sensory adaptation. It means we try to change our advertising campaigns regularly. In this case, we will regularly make some changes to our advertisement but still showing the key benefits of the perfume to keep consumers attracted to our product.

The differential threshold: The smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect is called the differential threshold. The level at which an increase in a detected stimulus can be perceived. The minimum difference  between two stimuli that is just detectable by a person. In psychophysics, a just noticeable difference difference,, customaril customarily y abbreviated abbreviated with lowercase lowercase letters as jnd, is the smallest smallest detectable detectable difference between a starting and secondary level of a particular sensory stimulus. It is also known kno wn as the differ differenc encee limen limen or the differ different ential ial thresh threshold old.. We experi experience ence the differ different ential ial threshold as a just noticeable difference. For example, let's say I asked someone to put your hand out and in it I placed a pile of sand. Then, I add tiny amounts of sand to his or her hand and ask  you to tell me when he notice any change in the overall weight. As soon as the person can detect any change in the weight, that difference between the weight of the sand before I added that last  bit of sand and the amount of sand after I added it, is the difference threshold. The concept of differential threshold is applied to almost all aspects of marketing strategies. For  this perfume, jnd is also being used. Even though it is not easy to determine the little difference  between this perfume with some other brands, we try to make consumers perceive the difference of this perfume from others by our advertisement. As we have stated earlier, we will make some changes in our advertisem advertisement ent to keep consumers attracted. attracted. Here, we will not make the negative changes (such as lessen the ingredients used in the perfume) visible but make the positive changes (such as improvement in producing it with highly advanced machine) apparent to consumers.


Positioning approach used in our advertisement advertisement In this part, we would like to show that our advertisement of Sunflowers Perfume by Elizabeth Arden for Women, is implementing the positioning approach based on a specific benefit. From From the name name used used by this this well-k well-know nown n cosmet cosmetics ics and toilet toiletrie riess brand, brand, Elizab Elizabeth eth Arden Arden demonstrates that this perfume contains sunflower extract which is also called as Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Extract. We have identified that this substance does not harm consumers’ health. It has been proven by some studies reviewed by Skin Deep researchers. Sunflower extract raises no health concern because it is not on any of GoodGuide’s lists of toxic chemicals which cause suspected or recognized health effects, it has not been detected in human tissue or urine and it is not a high production volume chemical that lacks safety data. Thus, this product is certainly safe for usage. As we are positioning our advertisement and tagline based on a specific  benefit, we identify that sunflower does give some beneficial result for some usages.

Sunflower is one kind of flower which always looks steady and stands for quite long time in its field. Sunflowers grow from seed to flowering stage in about three months, another six weeks until the seeds mature in the flower head. From this fact, sunflowers actually live for quite long  period of time. Sunflowers also show confidence as they stand steady in nature. If we look at a sunflower garden, we will be astonished by the great confidence of this type of flower. It is also related with being in a relaxed mood in a summer breeze. Its fresh scent is spreading our   beautiful day. You can imagine how you would feel if you stood in the middle of a sunflower  garden. Therefore, using sunflowers as the ingredient of this perfume is a brilliant idea. There is a benefit that consumers can get by using this perfume. Consumers will be in a relaxed mood, show their confidence and be filled with a zest for life. It can brighten your day as its fresh scent gives you a nice pick me up. Last but not least, sunflower scent can give you such a freedom feeling. From this benefit in which a consumer can get from using this perfume, we have created a tagline related with this benefit. “Confident in summer, spray your sunflower!”

Presenting this tagline shows consumers that this sunflower perfume is a good pick for this summer season as summer represents casual and freedom. The element of freshness is also implied for this tagline. By seeing our advertisement, consumers will surely be interested in 5

 purchasing it as it contains the benefit for a summer season. The price of this perfume is also reasonable; it ranges from $20 - $39.50, varying on the size of the perfume. It definitely attracts many customers and shows relevance to their needs and wants. This perfume does not only give the scent of sunflower but also some other interesting scents. When the initial scent fades away, it is replaced with a pleasant set of after-scents. Typically the initial scent is described as a mix of fruit and tea. The after-scent is a woodsy one. You can feel the freshness while using this  perfume. By showing the benefits that this perfume gives, we are certain that our advertisement can catch the attention of many potential customers.

Our tagline is expected to smartly and precisely depict key benefits of the brand we promote and  position it in the minds of consumers. It is not easy to have a distinctive place in the minds of  consumers but uttering these key benefits will create a noticeable advertisement towards our  consumers. Consumers will be curious for having a trial o f this product and if they find relevance  between themselves and the product, they will certainly purchase the product repeatedly. When consumers have needs and wants that can be fulfilled by our product, they will unquestionably look for the advertised product and buy it. Thus, using this positioning approach is very effective to notice the consumers regarding the presence of our product.

As we have already stated earlier, positioning based on a specific benefit is the positioning approa approach ch used used by our advert advertise isemen ment. t. Undoubt Undoubtedl edly, y, many many compet competito itors rs are using using the same same approach to attack our product and take over the market share. To confront this situation, we, as marketers, must prove that our perfume is the one which should be picked. We have to present our advertisement in many different types of mass media. As the target market is women  between 20-30 years old, we will give many of our advertisements in women magazines. By exposing our advertisement that shows the key benefits of this sunflower perfume, consumers will positively go for our product. They will position our product as a picture of their confidence and freedom in this summer breeze. Therefore, showing the specific benefits that our product carries is an effective positioning strategy.


The application of JND in our advertisement advertisement 1. Determining the figure and ground relationship is the very first thing viewers do when

they direct their gaze at an advertisement. They have to determine which elements are figure figuress (requi (requiri ring ng immedi immediate ate concern concern and attent attention ion)) and which which are ground ground (not (not so important right now, but do provide context). It also ensures that viewers are able to   prior priorit itize ize their their percep perceptio tion n so they they don don’t ’t ignore ignore someth something ing of import importanc ance. e. Viewer Viewers’ s’  perception of the figure and ground relationship allows them to organize what they see by how each object relates to others. It allows them to determine what they are supposed to look at and what they might safely ignore. In order to design a successful advertisement designers designers have to carefully carefully design the figure and the ground of an advertisement advertisement so that viewers easily understand the product being advertised.

 Note: In our advertisement as the figure has appeared nearer to the observer than the ground, it attracts people attention to the product than to the background.

2. Advertising messages intend to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to

 purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. It includes the name of a  product or service and how that that product or service could benefit the consumer. Above all it persuades a target target market market to purchase or to consume that particular particular brand. Advertiser  Advertiser  can persuade an audience to buy that particular brand only if he can correctly pair the message with the brand in the advertisement. Advertisers need a basic motivator working in advertisements for instance; fear, social acceptance, greed or economic gain, health,  beauty, freedom, and many other basic emotions. The message has to be designed in such a manner that it is easily understood by the target audience. It should be simple yet creative.


 Note: Our advertisement image will take audience to a beautiful, warm summer scene. Human beings respond to specific motivations and the strongest one is fear. We have mentioned in our slogan that it gives confident to users even in a scorching hot summer  day. In our advertisement the image (figure and ground) and the slogan has correctly   pai paire red d givi giving ng the the mess messag agee to custo custome mers rs that that it give givess conf confid ident ent to user userss even even in a scorching hot summer day.

3. It doesn't matter what size the business is, it is necessary to have an advertising slogan

 because this slogan would be imprinted on the minds of the masses and they will be able to recognize and relate the product with the company. A slogan is considered to be good only if it can draw the attention of the viewers immediately. immediately. A slogan should be simple simple yet witty line so that it can immediately hold the attention of the consumers. Basically, a slogan slogan should should make the consumers consumers feel goo good d after after readin reading g it. A slogan slogan should should be influenced by the product or services and it will also depend on the competition. Ideally, slogan needs to include the name of the product or brand. The absence of identity causes the slogan to be used and related to any product. This may cause other products or brands to be remembered. The way a slogan connects the expression with the product can be done through the rhyming method, which is the rhythmical slogan with the brand. The advertising slogan is company’s investment because it can improve sales and make a name for a company in the market.

  Note: In our advertiseme advertisement nt we have used a very catchy, catchy, short and rhythmical rhythmical slogan which connects the expression of the product such as confident in summer. Our slogan includes the product name which will help viewers to easily remember our product by its name.

4. Logos Logos are symbols symbols which which often often includ includee a name name or initi initials als to identi identify fy a company company..

Successful logos are clear, short, simple, easily memorable, recognizable and easy to spell, read and pronounce in all languages. Each and every brand has to have a logo so that the consumers will be able to associate the products or services with a particular  8

company. Successful logos are always clearly differentiated from rival brands. Logos need to be original and to have impact and style. It should reflect the company’s vision and scope of what the company does. In addition, a distinctiv distinctive, e, instantly instantly recognizable recognizable logo offers to the firm the opportunity to capitalize on familiarity when introducing new  products or services that carry the same name   Note: In our advertisement logo is given in white letters with black background in a noticeable size. As the logo is clear, short, and simple viewers not only can remember  seen the advertisement but also can remember vividly about the product and its brand.

5. Human brain receives signals faster through eyes rather than ears. Visual appearance is

supposed to be more appealing when compared to any other senses, no matter what the medium medium of presen presentat tation ion is. Theref Therefore ore,, using using col colou ours rs ar aree ve very ry im impor porta tant nt as aspe pect ct of  advertisements. The colour colourss have have a psycho psycholog logica icall and phy physi sical cal impac impactt on viewers. The colours depend entirely on the company and type of advertisement. Us e of colours in advertising is dictated by certain obvious requirements; the need to reflect a specific brand, as well as the attempt to communicate a certain moo d dic tat ed by the pro duc t its elf . When When colo colour ur is used used corre correct ctly ly,, it it adds adds impac impactt and clarity to the the message. The colours colours play a key role in the success success of  advertisements. After all, it's pretty much the first thing the consumers will notice notice and it helps viewers viewers to remembe rememberr the advertisem advertisement ent without without much help.

In different cultures, different colours carry different meanings. Some colours may be connect connected ed with with coldne coldness ss in one cultur culturee and with with warmth warmth in another another;; some some colour colourss represent life in one culture but death in another. Therefore, international companies have to make sure that their colours used will not be misunderstood or misinterpreted in different countries.


 Note: As our advertisement is about a beautiful, warm summer scene we have used yellow yellow,, orange, orange, green, green, blue blue colour colourss in the scenery scenery and the perfum perfumee bottl bottlee and the  package. We have used white and black colours for the logo and only white colour in the slogan. We have used colours appropriately to convey the desired message to the target customers.

In our advertisement yellow colour conveys sunshine, warmth, happiness brightness and cheerfulness. Yellow is the first colour the eye processes. It is also the most visible colour  to the human eye. This is why it grabs attention faster than any other colour. In our advert advertise isement ment orange conveys conveys vibran vibrantt and fun. fun. It improv improves es mental mental clarit clarity, y,  promotes warmth and happiness. Orange also increases the oxygen's flow to the brain. Contentment, fruitfulness, and wholesomeness are qualities that are also associated with orange. The colour orange can help an expensive product seem more reasonably priced. In our advertisement green symbolizes life, nature, environment, youth. It is also a colour  that welcomes people.

In our advertisement blue conveys coolness and belongingness. Blue also makes people feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, wise, w ise, loyal, and trustworthy.

In our logo and slogan we have used black and white colours:

In our logo black conveys power.


In our logo and slogan white conveys clarity and youthfulness.


Learning Theory and Practices related to our advertisement Consumer learning consists of two theories one is behavioral theory another cognitive theory. Cognitive theories view learning as a function of purely mental processes whereas Behavioral theories focus almost exclusively on observation behavior (responses) that occur as the result of  exposure to stimuli. Thus, consumer learning can be taught as the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to future related behavior.

There are four elements of learning theories which help in choosing the product that consumers want to buy. These four elements are motivation, cues, response and reinforcement. Now we will try to analyze the implementation of these elements in our advertisement.

Motivation is the feeling which drives us in buying the product and frequently using it. For 

example, our motivation of buying Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers can be to impress our beloved husband or boyfriend. Thus, we are seeking for deeper information about this perfume. Cues are the stimuli that give direction to these motives. The advertisement acts as a cue giving

us a hint by showing the sunflower which reminds you of summer. It also shows how the bottle is and what kind of fragrant it can be. By presenting the benefits of this perfume, consumers will  be pushed to make a purchase purchase because it fulfills fulfills the need of impressin impressing g the beloved beloved husband or   boyfriend. Response is how individuals react to a drive or cue. In other words, we can say how consumer 

will react towards the advertisement. This product was made as a summer product where we are sweaty and need freshness most of the time. This fragrance will make consumers feel fresh so in response to feel fresh consumers will buy this product. If consumers are very attracted with our  advertisement and learnt some information about this perfume, then they will surely give a  positive response which can drive them to make a purchase of this perfume. Reinforcement increases the likelihood that a specific response will occur in the future as the

result of particular cues or stimuli. It is applied once consumers bu y the product and feel satisfied from the product, thus these consumers will be reinforced to repeatedly buy the product. As consumers learnt about the performance of this perfume, then there will be a positive or negative 12

outcome that influences the likelihood that a specific behavior will be repeated in the future in response to a particular cue or stimulus. By showing our advertisement, we are certain that it will give a positive response to consumers and they will repeatedly purchase the perfume. This  perfume is also from a prominent brand, Elizabeth Arden, which can more reinforce consumers to buy it.

Eliz Elizabe abeth th Arde Arden n uses uses fami family ly bran brandi ding ng.. It choo choose sess othe otherr cate categor gorie iess of the the prod produc uctt by Mediterranean, beauty red door and at last sunflower. Customers can see stimulus discrimination   by the scent of the product. The bottle design labeling is different than others. Its fresh and relaxing fragrance will give a whole different and add uniqueness to the product.

Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning

There are three applications of classical conditioning; they are repetition, stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination. Here, we would like to discuss about the application of repetition. Repetition increases the strength of the association between a conditioned stimulus and an uncondi unconditio tioned ned stimul stimulus us and slows slows the proces processs of forget forgettin ting. g. We will will try try to make make severa severall exposures of our advertisement to keep consumers aware regarding the presence of our product. However, if we expose the same advertisement over and over again, consumers will become satiat satiated ed and both both attent attention ion and retent retention ion will will declin decline. e. This This effect effect is known known as advert advertisi ising ng wearout. Marketers avoid wearout by using cosmetic variations. It means marketers change the content of the advertisement. As we have stated earlier, we will definitely make some changes in our advertisement. We will still show the benefits of this perfume but slightly change the  background of the advertisement. Besides that, we can also apply stimulus discrimination which is the ability to select a specific stimulus from among similar stimuli because of perceived differences. Our advertisement creates some perceived differences of this perfume compare to other brands. It positions itself as the most needed perfume for this summer season and shows the relevan relevantt benefit benefits. s. Thus, Thus, consume consumers rs can easily easily percei perceive ve this this perfum perfumee while while seeing seeing the advertisement.

Instrumental Conditioning is a behavioral theory of learning based on a trial-and-error process,

with habits forced as the result of positive experiences (reinforcement) resulting from certain 13

responses or behaviors. Here, consumers learn by means of trial and error process in which some  purchase behaviors result in more favorable outcomes (rewards) that other purchase behaviors. When, consumers try to get a perfume which can fulfill their need for freshness in this summer, they are actually actually exposed to many different different types of perfumes and brands. brands. Generally, Generally, they buy the perfume in which they have already known previously. They try brand A, if this brand does not suit them then they go for brand B. As perfume is a product that is quite expensive, consumers seek for information thoroughly before making a purchase. Generally, they use the tester provided by the store. They can try and smell different brands. Thus, from this trial and error process, consumers can catch which perfume suits them the most and Sunflowers Perfume  by Elizabeth Arden will surely attract them because of its freshness and reasonable price.


Type of need, target market and mass media

A need is something that is necessary for organisms to live a healthy life. There are two types of  need. One is innate need and another one is acquired need. Our product is a perfume which is Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers. Thus, it cannot be an innate need of a human being but an acquired need. These may include needs for self-esteem, prestige, affection, power and learning. Because acquired needs are generally psychological they are considered secondary need. We are using a  brand perfume as our product. So people use these kinds of product for their own satisfaction,  prestige etc. Women who use this product may feel good to use a branded perfume. It is her   prestige  prestige and self satisfacti satisfaction on that’s that’s why she is not using an ordinary ordinary perfume. She may want to  be different by using this product to impress her friends and family. Needs are shaped over time   by by our our expe experi rien ences ces over over time time.. Mo Most st of this this fall fall into into thre threee gene genera rall cate categor gorie iess of needs needs:: achievement, affiliation, and power. On the basis of trio needs we can say it falls under power. Power includes the need to control other persons and various objects. Power seekers try to achieve higher goal. Here if a woman use Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers then she will feel better  and definitely her prestige and power level will be high because she is using a brand name  perfume. So because of all these reasons we can say it is a secondary need of a human being.

A target market or target audience is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. The target market and the marketing mix variables of product,  place (distribution), promotion and price are the two elements of a marketing mix strategy that determine the success of a product in the marketplace. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. A principal concept in target marketing is that those who are target targeted ed show show a strong strong affini affinity ty or brand brand loyalt loyalty y to that that partic particula ularr brand. brand. Elizabe Elizabeth th Arden Arden Sunflowers is a perfume for women only so our target market is women. Especially for those women who are very sophisticated and fond of brands. Also our target market is those women 15

who are from elite class. We have to impress our customers by many ways using high class  promotion,  promotion, distributio distribution n and also the product quality. quality. By using these ways we have to convince convince our target consumer. To target a specific group at first we have to know what they want exactly and what their expectations are from us. By following all of these elements, we have to specify our target market. Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or  listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand. Mass media can be defined as any media meant to reach a mass amount of people. Several types of mass media are television, internet, radio, news programs, and published pictures and articles. We can use magazines as a media for our product other than newspaper. Nowadays, young or middle aged women are very conscious about their beauty, fashion and contemporary life styles. There are lots of magazines for women. We can easily use well-known magazines for our product. Our advertisement is very attractive and colourful that’s why a woman can easily notice our advertisement and will be eager to use this product. Our product is Elizabeth Arden Sunflowers, so women who are  professional used to work outside and women who are very fashionable both will be attracted after seeing this advertisement. We have made our advertisement for those women are very smart, active and usually read magazines. As our product is women product that’s why we think  magazines is the best media for this advertisement rather than other media.


Consumer behaviors generated for our product. In this part, we will talk about the consumer behavior while purchasing our product, Sunflowers Perfume by Elizabeth Arden for Women. It is, in fact, related with the consumer decision making   process or consumer buying process. As stated in chapter 1 from our textbook, consumer  decision making process starts with the input stage which influences the consumer’s recognition of a product need and consists of two major sources of information: the firm’s marketing efforts and the external sociological influences on the consumer. Then, it comes the process stage which starts with need recognition, prepurchase search and evaluation of alternatives. Finally at the output stage, consumers have their postpurchase behaviors which are purchase (trial and repeat  purchase) and postpurchase evaluation. We will examine how consumers execute their buying  process while deciding to buy a perfume. In this case, we will only focus on women since our  target market is only adult women. The figure below shows you the consumer decision making  process.

Input  Need Recognition  Prepurchase Search  Evaluation of Alternatives  Purchase  Postpurchase Evaluation.

We now start with the input stage. At this stage, consumers are exposed with the product features, features, price and advertisements. advertisements. They are also getting input from their friends, friends, families families,, neighbors or any other noncommercial sources about different types of perfumes. They are getting some information about different brands and kinds of perfumes. These inputs are likely to affect what consumers purchase and how they use what they buy. Now, we are going to the  process stage. Consumers find a need for having a perfume that can give them freshness and also confidence in this summer heat. They recognize that they need a sweet-scented perfume to accompany their summer days. Then, they search for some information concerning well-scented  perfumes for summer. They find varieties of perfumes which answer their need. After looking for for some some usef useful ul info inform rmat atio ion, n, they they go for for eval evalua uati tion on of alte altern rnat ativ ives es.. As ther theree are are many many alternatives in this product category, consumers tend to compare from one brand to another and from one product to another since there are also many different varieties within the same brand. Here, we have to be distinctive compare to our competitors. As our advertisement used the 17

 positioning approach of a specific benefit, consumers will certainly notice the presence of our   product and its superiority. Our consumer behavior differ compare to our competitors as our  consumers will not take much time to select our product after seeing some alternatives available. It occurs because of the highly effective advertisement we produced to attract our potential consumers. This will be our competitive advantage because consumers can see the relevance of  their needs in our product. Next, consumers will go to the output stage where they will actually  purchase the product. Firstly, consumers go for the trial purchase because it is the exploratory  phase of purchase behavior in which consumers evaluate the product through direct use. If the consumer is satisfied, she may repeat the purchase. A repeat purchase usually signifies product adoption. In this case, consumers who feel attached with the benefits of this sunflower perfume will certainly certainly make a repeated repeated purchase. purchase. Finally, Finally, after purchasing purchasing the perfume, perfume, consumers will evaluate the performance of that perfume. As stated earlier, satisfaction will lead to a repeated  purchase and brand loyalty.

From this consumer decision decision making making process, process, we can identify that this perfume can deliver deliver the desired consumers’ needs. Thus, we can also utter that our advertisement is using the marketing concept. We can recall that marketing concept accommodates the needs and wants of consumers and delivers the consumers’ satisfaction better than the competition. From our advertisement, we surely show the benefits in which consumers can get by using the product that can fulfill their  needs and wants. It is a good combination since consumers will see how relevant the product is with themselves. Confidence and freshness are on your summer days!


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