Adverbial Clause - Concession

August 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ADVERBIAL CLAUSE CLAUSE OF CONCESSION (Mê nh đ trang ngư chi s nhơng bô        nh    / / tng phn) They enjy !r"#ng #n the g$r%en although / even though #t #s &ey h$r% !r"'

  chi s tng phn* &+ th,ng đ# c-ng c.c t n0# chi s tng phn nh1  / despite 2 hoeve!  2  2 "et 2 hile / but 2 although / even though / though 2 in spite of  / he!eas 2 neve!theless* etc' but 3he h$% $ c4%* but she !ent t !r"'  although / even though / though # $lause 2 Even though 5anh hn 4+ although' Th6gh th,ng đơc s7 %8ng thông %8ng &+ c9 th đ:ng c60# c;6' t  !r"' Although / Even though / %hough she h$% $ c4%* she !ent t 3he !ent t !r" although / even though / though she h$% $ c4%' 3he h$% $ c4%' 3he !ent t !r"* though'  in spite of  / / despite # noun & 'ing fo!( esp#te the b$% !e$ther* they s$t #n the g$r%en' (?@T1 >esp#te = the b$% ''') They s$t #n the g$r%en in spite of  / / despite the !e$ther be#ng b$%'  in spite of  / / despite the fa$t that # $lause In spite of  /  / Despite the fa$t )that) the !e$ther !$s b$%* they s$t #n the g$r%en'  hoeve!   // neve!less (46ôn s7 %8ng %A6 phBy s$6 hoeve!  / / neve!less ) Ce !$s !e442D6$4#=#e% =r the jb' *oeve!  / / Neve!theless * he %#%n Et get #t'

hile & he!eas

F6r =4$t #s b#g* hile / he!eas 5#ne #s s5$44'  yet (=r5$4) T5 r$n !e44* "et he 4st'


G' He!r#te the sentences 6s#ng the !r%(s) #n br$c"ets' G' F6r c$r #s ne! $n% =$st' My c$r #s 4% $n% s4!' (hile) F6r c$r #s ne! $n% =$st* !h#4e 5y c$r #s 4% $n% s4!' I' Ce !ent t be% e$r4y' Ce !$s t#re% the neJt %$y' ( "et) He went to bed early, yet he was tired the next day. K' The 35#ths g n h4#%$y t 3p$#n' The M#44ers g t 3!#tLer4$n%' (he!eas) ' Ce h$% p$sse% h#s eJ$5s' Ce c64%nNt =#n% $ g% jb' ( although) O' They $te $44 the =%'
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