Adventist Singing

December 9, 2016 | Author: Kembol Kep | Category: N/A
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Policy guiding singing in the Adventist Church, NCD - CPC...



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14 November2013


Papua New Guinea Union Mission P . O .B o x 8 6 L a e , M P 4 11 PNG Telephone: (6751472 1488 F a x : ( 6 7 5 )4 7 2 1 8 7 3

This is a directivefrom the CommunicationDepartmentof PNGUMthat all singinggroups in localchurches,districts,schoolsetc.,must take heedthat Adventistsingingmust bear the qualityof worship,lifestyle, doctrinalprinciplesof the churchand focuseson God. It has cometo our attention that many people,who sing,play instruments,direct choirs, peoplewho make music tracks etc.,have questionablestandingwith the church, We havealso noticedthat some of the beats,temposand the rhythms of the music producedin Adventist singinglately have changedits form, sacrednessand focusto God. We alsorealizethat music must be relevantand contemporaryas much as possible, However,while trying to contemporizeAdventistmusicwe would like to encouragethat musicmust maintainits sacredness & focuson God. We would like to encourageall Adventistsinginggroupsand individualsto be endorsedby the localchurch boards if any group will representthe Seventh-dayAdventist Church whethersingingin the church,schools,throughDVDsor publicplaces. Any group or individual that doesnot havea proper standingor belongto any local church cannotsing purporting to be a member or church goer. Pleasemake an effort through the district directorsand pastorsto get a list of all the endorsedsinginggroups and individualsthrough to the CommunicationDepartmentof the LocalMissions& CPC.We will notify the nationalchurchso that when makingtours or servicecallswe would like to make sure singinggroups& individual singersare endorsed by the churchto representthe Seventh-dayAdventistchurch of PNG. Thankyou for consideringthis notice.

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