Advanced World of Dungeons

March 30, 2017 | Author: 404goon | Category: N/A
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Norbert G. Matausch

To Kerstin and Charlotte.

Thank you, John Harper and thank you to the author of the „“Streets of Marienburg“ hack.

All illustrations creative commons, by Ivan Bilibin (exception page 12, illustration taken from the truetype font jungodingbats) I used the fonts Subway, Arial, and Arial Narrow. Cover art: unknown comic book artist Proudly made with a mac, using Pixelmator and Pages.

Play more games! April 2015 Norbert G. Matausch (

OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah


FIGHTERS get athletics. Choose two special abilities: Skirmish, Tough, Slay, Hardy.


HALFLING SCOUTS get Stealth. Choose two special abilities: Lucky, Reflexes, Scout, Volley.

ATTRIBUTES: roll 2d6 for each. on a 6-, the value is 0. On a7-9,the value is +1. On a 10 or 11, the value is +2. On a 12, the value is +3.

HIGH ELF SPELLSWORDS start with the skill Awareness. Choose two special abilities: Slay, Reflexes, Sorcery.

Choose one skill in addition to any granted by your class.

MAGITEK ENGINEERS get Crafting and Mechanics. You get Engineer and choose one additional special ability: Gadgetry, Lucky.

You have 1 Hit Die (d6) + extra hit dice equal to your CON. Roll all your hit dice and keep a number equal to your level to determine your hp. when you rest and consume a ration/ waterskin/ wineskin, you may re-roll your hp. If you are attended by a healer, roll an extra hit die.

MONKS get meditation and heal. You get Heavy Hands/Feet and Mind Shield. Additionally, you get one healing Sorcery spell per level. You can use this spell only for yourself. You are not allowed to wear weapons or armor. PALADINS get decipher and leadership. You get Slay and choose one other special ability: Tough, Turn, Vision.

Character Classes ADVENTURERS get survival. You are Lucky. Choose one additional special ability: Daring, Getaway.

RANGERS get survival. choose two special abilities: Pet, Scout, Volley, Wild.

ALCHEMISTS get Crafting. You start with three magical formulas. You get Alchemy and choose one other special ability: Daring, Expert, Lucky

ROCKMEN get survival. You are slow and heavy, so you get a -1 on rolls. You get Rockskin and choose one additional special ability: Hardy, Brawny.

BARBARIANS get athletics. You get Berserk and choose one other special ability: Tough, Slay, Hardy, Brawny

SORCERERS get lore. You start with three spells. You get Sorcery and choose one other special ability: Illusions, Warded, Vehemence.

BARDS get music and singing. You get Pacify and choose one additional special ability: Turn, Tinker.

SUMMONERS get lore. You begin with two bound demons. You get Summon and choose one other special ability: Get away, Lucky, Warded.

BEASTMASTERS get athletics. You get Wild and choose one additional special ability: Familiar, Instinct.

STRANGERS get culture. You get Expert and choose one additional special ability: Expert, WTF?

CLERICS get decipher and heal. Choose two special abilities: Bless, Cure, Turn, Vision.

THIEVES get stealth. Choose two special abilities: Backstab, Lucky, Reflexes, Tinker.

DRUIDS get survival. You get Sorcery (only nature-based spells) and start with three spells. You choose one other special ability: Daring, Familiar, Wild, Shifting.

MUSCLE WIZARDS get lore. You get Wizardry and Magic-fueled hit points. Choose one additional special ability: Slay (stops working for the rest of the day if you are exposed to the Warp, see the chapter on Wizardry), Full-contact magic. All your spells have a maximum range of 3 meters.

DWARVEN PRIESTS get decipher. Choose two special abilities: Tinker, Hardy, Skirmish, Vision. DWARVEN WARRIORS get Lore. Choose two special abilities: Tough, Slay, Hardy, Tinker.


WIZARDS get lore. You get Wizardry and choose one other special ability: Warded, Vehemence.

which sheer chance is the only factor in the outcome.

WOOD ELF ARCHERS get lore and one Sorcery spell per level. Choose one additional special ability: Volley, Wild, Reflexes.

These rules are yours to bend to your will! You may find it natural to expand, redact, and modify them as you your game goes on. We advise keeping an open mind and lively discussion of possibilities at the table.

YOGIS get lore. You start with three non-violent spells. You get Sorcery and choose one other special ability: Hardy, Illusions, Warded, Prestige, Pacify. Additionally, you get Simulate Death (once per day, you can lower your heart beat and body temperature and appear not to breathe; this lasts 1d6 minutes per level). You lose half your experience points if you resort to physical, verbal or magical violence.

ABILITIES • Alchemy: You can imbue magic within a potion, salve, or item. You start with three alchemical formulas. • Affluent: When your purse is empty, you can attempt to make purchases with the promise of paying the money back at a later date. • Allure: When you seduce someone, you can make them reveal intimate secrets about themselves despite their better judgment. You can also attract someone’s attention with only a glance. • Appraise: You can tell the approximate value of artwork and trade goods once you've inspected them. • Backstab: Add +3 damage to melee attacks when the target is unaware of your presence. • Bargain: Once per day, you can halve the price of a purchase thanks to the different tradesmen you know, or the guilds you have contacts with. • Berserk: When you are outnumbered, add +1 to the damage you inflict and +1 armor, but you must make an effort to not immediately resort to violence in heated situations. • Bless: with holy water, you can anoint items so they are considered holy and magical —+3 damage vs. Evil— for a short time • Brawny: +1 melee and thrown weapons damage, can re-roll damage once per attack • Cloaked: When you are under the cover of darkness, you get +1 armor. • Connected: You can attempt to obtain favors from nobles, whether getting a loan, an invitation to a party, or introductions to other important people. • Contort: You are able to escape from bonds or squeeze into small or tight places. • Cutpurse: When you pick pockets or conceal things on your person, you can do so quickly while running. • Cure: You can neutralize poisons, remove curses and heal wounds without a touch.

Make your own class: choose a class skill and two special abilities.

ROLLING THE DICE When you attempt something risky, sum 2d6 and add one of your attribute scores, based on the action you’re taking. (The gm will tell you some of the possible consequences before you roll, so you can decide if it’s worth the risk or if you want to revise your action.) A total of 6 or less is a miss; things don’t go well and the risk turns out badly. A total of 7-9 is a partial success; you do it, but there’s some cost, compromise, retribution, harm, etc. A total of 10 or more is a full success; you do it without complications. and a total of 12 or more is a critical success; you do it perfectly to some extra benefit or advantage. SKILLS: if you have an applicable skill, you can’t miss. a roll of 6 or less counts as a partial success, but with a bigger compromise or complication than a 7-9 result.

THE DIE OF FATE Sometimes the GM will roll the die of fate to see how the situation is established. low numbers are ill-fortune, high numbers are good fortune (or at least not misery). the die of fate might be rolled to establish the weather, indicate a random npc’s general attitude, or to determine if a wandering monster appears. the gm may also roll the die of fate if the pcs take some action for


• Damnation: You can attempt to inflict curses or ailments upon others, either with eye contact or through a fetish. • Daring: Once per day, you can ignore the damage or effects of an environmental hazard. • Diplomat: You can enter negotiations, bargain, or parley, even with the most disagreeable of people, as long as they are intelligent enough to understand you. • Disguise: When you use costumes and makeup, you can attempt to convincingly imitate other people, or ensure your own identity is unrecognizable. • Divination: When you gaze into a crystal or a bowl of holy water, you can attempt to see events either far away, in the past, or in the future. • Duelist: You treat any one-handed weapon as Light. • Engineer: With the Crafting skill, you can create and repair mechanical devices and firearms. • Expert: Once per day, you can turn a Miss into a Partial Success. • Familiar: You have an animal companion, such as a crow, rat, cat, snake or spider, magically bonded to you. You can see through its eyes, and hear what it hears. • Full-contact magic: you can channel spells through your fists in melee. If you hit successfully, you can send one Wizardry spell through your fists into your opponent. You remain unharmed, even if that spell affects and area around you. • Gadgetry: You try to solve any problem with gadgets you build. Anytime you attempt something risky, you roll +INT (you‘re using a gadget designed for exactly that problem). A Miss means the gadget does not what it should (GM‘s discretion). At Level 3, you design a device that replicates a Sorcery spell three times a day. At Levels 6 and 9, you each get one additional device that replicates another Sorcery spell. • Getaway: Once per day, you can automatically flee a location – sprinting, dodging, and ducking to avoid pursuit. • Guarded: Once per day, you can redirect any attack against you to one of your Hirelings. • Hardy: Add +6 to your hit points. • Heavy Hands/Feet: you do 1d6 unarmed damage. On level 3,5,7 and 9, you get an additional +1 damage. • Hunter: Add +3 damage to ranged attacks when the target is unaware of your presence.

• Illusions: You can create illusions to make someone see something that isn’t there, or mesmerise them so they believe something that isn’t true. • Inspire: You can attempt to sway public opinion with your song, stories, or rhetoric. • Instinct: You can re-roll DEX when reacting to dangerous situations. • Linguist: You can speak and read all civilized languages. • Lookout: When you take the lead in the city or a dungeon, you always spot your targets before they spot you. • Lucky: Once per day, you can turn any Miss into a Success instead. • Magic-fueled hit points: you have additional hit points (as many as your Power score). For each Wizardry spell you use, you lose 1 or 2 of those additional hp. • Mind Shield: you are immune against fear, charm and sleep spells. • Opportunist: When you and your allies overpower your opponents, you inflict +2 damage. • Pacify: you can attempt to pacify or charm (demi)intelligent creatures with your voice. • Perform: When you entertain a crowd, you can earn d6s per Level each day. However, should any die roll a 1, the audience turns nasty and you won’t be allowed to perform for at least a week without having rotten vegetables thrown at you. • Pet: You have a loyal and effective animal companion. • Prestige: Everyone knows who you are. Halve the price of any Hirelings, as they seek your employ in order to gain later favors or advantages. • Reflexes: You always act first, and can react when suddenly surprised. • Rockskin: You have rock-hard skin (Armor 2). • Rover: When you run through the wilderness, you do so without leaving obvious tracks or a trail. • Sailor: You can crew a sailing vessel, and never feel ill due to stormy seas. • Sapper: When using blackpowder explosives or artillery, add +1 die to damage, discarding the lowest result. • Schemer: When you bribe or blackmail others, you can do so subtly or through third parties, without drawing too much unwanted attention to yourself. • Scout: When you take the lead in the wilderness, you always spot your targets before they spot you.


• Shifting: When drinking the blood of an animal you can attempt to take its form, leaving your possessions behind. However, it is a feat of willpower to revert to your original self, particularly the longer you stay a beast. • Skirmish: +1 damage and worn armor counts as one type lighter. • Slay: +2 melee damage. • Sleuth: When you search for clues, you can do so quickly and while on the move. You can always tell when someone is lying, though you may not know the cause of their deception. • Sorcery: You are able to cast spells that, while limited in scope, are much safer than the raw magical power of Wizardry. You start with three spells. • Strategy: When you are in combat, you can attempt to predict the movements, positions, and strengths of your enemies. • Summon: You can call forth demons to seek their counsel...or so you can bind them to serve you. You start with two bound demons that you can call upon. • Surgeon: With the Treatment skill, you can try to mix new medicines or bring someone back from the brink of death. Talented: Add +1 Skill. • Tinker: When you pick locks or disable traps, you can do so quickly and unnoticed while in plain sight. • Tough: Add +1 armor, from being badass.

• Tracker: When you attempt to identify and follow tracks, you can do so quickly while on the move. • Trick: You can attempt to distract or delay your opponent with your antics. • Turn: You can attempt to hold undead at bay with the power of your faith and a holy symbol • Vehemence: When you use damaging magic effects, add +1 die to Damage, discarding the lowest result. • Vision: Drink holy water to commune with your deity for divine guidance. • Volley: Add +2 damage to any ranged attack. • Warded: When you are using magic, your protective wards keep you safe, granting +1 Armor. • Wild: You can converse with and attempt to command animals. • Wizardry: You can create magical effects drawn from the raw power of Chaos. Such effects are powerful and wondrous, and not limited in scope like Sorcery. However, the risks of weaving such energies have hazards, both extreme and varied. You start with a Power score equal to your base Hit Dice +WIS. • WTF?: you get a bonus to roll against opponents that haven't fought against you. This bonus is lost after the first confrontation. As long as an opponent has not yet battled against you, you are granted this bonus.



EXAMPLES Balm of the Sea: The user can apply this balm three times, and will be able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. Dragon’s Breath: The user drinks this foul potion once, and will able to breathe fire at an enemy, doing 2d6 damage. Bracers of the Giant: Once the user drinks a vial of quicksilver, these bracers provide +1d6 damage to his melee attacks for one minute.

ALCHEMY Alchemy works similarly to spells, except that the magic is contained within a physical form, typically a potion or an object. Creating an alchemical object can be quite risky because of the various chemicals and explosive fumes involved, but using one is not inherently dangerous, and usually does not require a roll. It costs 100s in caustic chemicals, herbs, and purified minerals, and requires a day to prepare. If you have an Alchemists Kit, then it only costs 25s and takes four hours.

SORCERY Spells are the most reliable way to harness the powers of magic – specific rituals and formulas that bind and form magical energies into very specific, distinct effects. Sorcery essentially allows you to perform actions that would otherwise be mundane if you had the correct training, tools or sufficient time, but instead you do it through arcane means.

Alchemists start with three magical formulas, and may learn more through research or experimentation. These formulas are built much like spells, picking one option from each of the following. The Preparation is... (pick one)

Sorcerers start with three spells, and may learn more through their studies or adventures. Casting a spell is not always risky, but it depends on the situation and how long it takes for the effect to manifest. Each should have an appropriately arcane-sounding name, and choose one option from each of the following:

• A potion, that can be consumed only once • A salve or balm, that can be applied up to three times • An object, that grants its effects only once to each user • An object, that needs 2 hit points of human blood to be used • An object, that needs to be doused with holy water to be used • An object, that requires quicksilver to be consumed before use

Casting (pick one) • Quick: Manifests immediately after casting, and its effect is instant or momentary • Slow: Manifests the turn after casting, and it lasts as long as you concentrate • Incantation: Takes a minute to cast, and it lasts for no more than an hour • Ritual: Takes five minutes to cast, and lasts one hour per 2 hit points sacrificed

The user will... (pick one) • +1 armor for one minute • +1 to a single Attribute for one minute • Add +d6 damage to either melee or ranged attacks for one minute • Benefit from an Ability for one hour • Benefit from a Skill for one hour Inflict 2d6 magical damage against a nearby target (3d6 if vulnerable) • Instantly heal, +1 Recovery die • Know the answer to one question • Not feel pain • Perform a superhuman feat (flying, breathe underwater) for ten minutes

Target (pick one) • Everyone in the immediate area, conspicuously • Yourself, subtly • Someone you touch, intently • Someone close by, loudly See next page for effects.


Effect (pick one)


+1 armor +1 or -1 to an Attribute Benefit from a Skill Benefit from an Ability Inflict 1d6 magical damage (+2 if vulnerable) Magically perform a mundane task instantly Magically perform a mundane task at range The function of a mundane item worth no more than 10C • Increase or decrease a particular environmental effect

Calling forth and binding a demon is often a quick route to gain great power. The act of summoning can be dangerous, depending on the circumstance, and requires that you know the name of the demon you wish to conjure, and one of the following:

• • • • • • • •

• • • • •

By drinking a dose of quicksilver, the Sorcerer can extend the duration of his spells by one rank (instant duration becomes concentration, concentration becomes an hour, etc.), or quickens the time it takes to cast by one rank.

One hour of uninterrupted ritual A dose of quicksilver A magic item containing the bound demon A sacrifice worth 5 hit points A magic circle drawn with emerald powder

Once summoned, you can converse with it and ask it questions, for demons possess many secrets unknown to mortals. You can also attempt to bind it. Binding is always risky, as the demon will try to take every advantage of unwary mortals, It requires a circle to be drawn in gold powder during an hour-long ritual, as well as one of the following:

EXAMPLES Ghostly Candle: Slowly cast, the caster holds out his hand as if he had a lamp, illuminating the area. Sigmar’s Hunt: After a ritual, the caster gains the use of the Scout ability for one hour per 2 hit points he has sacrificed. Righteous Fury: With a quick touch of his hand, the caster inflicts 1d6 damage upon an enemy, as if he carried a sword. Speak the Mind: Slowly cast, the caster can speak to people from afar with only the power of his mind.

• • • •

A Warpstone A portion of the spirit or demon’s flesh Signing a contract with the demon A sacrifice worth 20 hit points

When the demon is Bound, it can be summoned once a day to perform a single deed, typically answering questions or using baleful magic (as controlled by the GM) without any risk to the Summoner. Anything beyond that will require some very tricky negotiations, as the demon will do anything to twist your requests to its own evil desires. Summoners start with two bound demons.



Each point of Power you end up spending can create one of the following effects:

Being able to directly harness the energies of magic makes a Wizard particularly powerful...but it comes with great risks. unlike Sorcery, channelling pure magic is limited only by the Wizard’s own ability to endure the power being gathered into his body. Wizards have a Power score equal to their base Hit Dice +WIS. For example, a 1st Level Wizard with +2 WIS would start with 3 Power. When you direct magical energies into a coherent effect, you will spend Power to create the effect. As a default, your magic will be slow (manifests the turn after it is cast), affects a single target within line of sight, and lasts for one minute. By adjusting these limitations, you can increase or decrease your available Power.



Affects only yourself or a touched target

Affects everyone adjacent to the target or everyone within the area

Effects are instantaneous or only last a few moments Sacrifice 5 hit points of blood or ingest two vials of quicksilver Inhale a pinch of warpstone powder Requires an hourlong ritual Requires a fetish made from the target’s hair

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Control mindless undead equal to your INT Control the actions of the target Create an environmental condition Dispel an environmental condition Grant +1 bonus to any action Grant +2 bonus to one Attribute Grant a supernatural ability Inflict -1 penalty to any action Inflict -2 penalty to one Attribute Inflict 2d6 magical damage (3d6 if vulnerable) Instantly heal, +2 Recovery dice Know the answers to three questions Raise mindless undead equal to your Hit Dice

You don’t want to spend all of your Power on effects, however, since it also determines how many dice you get to roll+INT when casting! If you are fortunate enough to roll more than 2d6, keep only the two highest results.

The success of wizardly magic is also different from normal, because of the terrible energies the caster is toying with:

Target can be anywhere, as long as you have a sample of their blood

A Miss means the magic will still work, but under the complete control of the GM, who will describe the disaster that follows. You will also have been exposed to the Warp.

Lasts for one hour

A Partial Success means the magic will work as desired, but with some unforeseen consequence or side-effect, as well as exposure to the Warp.

Lasts as long as you concentrate

If you Succeed, your magic will work as desired.

Lasts as long as you sacrifice 5 hit points of blood every hour

A Critical Success means your magic will work as desired, but because of the excess of energy, it will have unforeseen effects as determined by the GM. This could be bad or good, depending on the whims of the Die of Fate.

Manifests immediately


Exposure to the Warp

When you have been exposed to the Warp, roll +CON:

The Warp is the manifestation of pure, unbridled Chaos. The more one plays with forces beyond their imagining, the more vulnerable they become to being corrupted by the demonic energies flowing through their bodies.

A Miss means your body contorts in the energies of Chaos, and suffers a Warp Mutation (see next page) A Partial Success means you are permanently scarred with the Taint of the Warp (see next page). Hopefully none of your allies will notice...

The most common ways of being exposed to the Warp are:

If you Succeed, you are merely Touched by the Warp (see next page). The effects should abate eventually...

• Ingesting or inhaling Warpstone • Having Warpstone in your possession for at least a week • Being cut with Warpstone or Warpstone-laced weapons • Being exposed to uncontrolled or demonic magics • Continued use of Wizardry

A Critical Success means you resist the Warp, and remain free from the clenches of Chaos for the time being...

D 12

Warp Mutations (roll 2d6)

Taint of the Warp (roll 2d6)


Your body is wrecked with boils and disease, -1 CON


Your tongue becomes forked like a serpent‘s


Your bones and muscles ache with every move, -1 STR


Your eyes glow bright and red


You become bloated and heavy, tripling your weight, -1 DEX


Eyeballs sprout upon one of your limbs


Your legs become those of a beast


All of your hair falls out permanently


Massive horns sprout from your forehead


Your fingers twist and elongate, like terrible claws, 1D6 damage


Your teeth become razor sharp, and tusks burst from your jaw


All flowering plants and herbs wilt in your presence


Your arms grow long and rubbery, dotted with hideous warts


Lower animals will never approach you, willing or not


A long, reptilian tail sprouts from your hindquarters


Your body exudes the smell of rotting fish


Your voice cracks glass and spoils milk, -1 CHA


Yo u r b o d y s h r i n k s o r g r o w s significantly


Your eyes grow cloudy, and your mind enfeebled, -1 WIS


The color of your skin becomes dark, like the deep ocean


Your mind snaps, and you suffer delusions, -1 INT


Clothes you wear start to smoulder and burn after a few hours

Touched by the Warp (roll 2d6) 2

All food and drink in the area spoils


Your nose bleeds profusely, lose 1 hit point


Your breath becomes cold and foul


Your hair becomes singed and smells of smoke


Your eyes turn white, and your voice sounds like the wind


All lower animals in the area become panicked


The skin on your body exfoliates, leaving you feeling raw and sore


You cannot use magic for several minutes


You forget your name and where you are for a few moments


You involuntary urinate


Your nails and hair suddenly grow to twice their original length


Fancy Items (20s each): mirror, lantern, spyglass, sand timer, board game, elaborate clothes, holy symbols and other charms.

You start with 60 silver pieces Light Weapon (10s): d6. may be wielded as a secondary weapon, allowing you to re-roll damage once per attack. includes daggers, short swords, and hand axes. Martial Weapon (30s): d6+1. must be wielded in main hand. includes long swords, hammers, axes, spears etc. Great Weapon (40s): d6+2 damage. uses two hands. includes two-handed swords, battle-axes and pole arms.

Fire Oil (20s per flask): sets an area on fire (d6+1 damage/round for 3 rounds unless extinguished). fills a lantern 10 times. Boats: rowboat (50s) to galley (200,000s). Carts: cart (30s) to wagon (100s). Taverns: 1s to sleep, 1s to eat, 1s to get drunk. Property: house (1,000s) to manor (100,000). Horses: mule (30s), horse (100s), warhorse (1,000s).

Shortbow (10s): d6. also slings etc. Bow (30s): d6+1. also crossbows, pistols etc. Heavy Bow/Gun (50s): d6+2 damage if firing from a stationary position. includes arbalests and muskets. Light Armor (30s): armor 1. Full Armor (60s): armor 2. always has a helm. Makes it very hard to run, move quietly, swim, leap etc. Shield (10s): +1 armor. Adventuring Gear (2s each): 20ft rope, iron spike, chalk, parchment, flint/steel, torches (4), tent, dice, caltrops (slows pursuers), bandages, travel rations, waterskin, wineskin. Tools (5s each): crowbar, hatchet, animal trap, lockpicks, pen & pot of ink, fishing pole, shovel, grappling hook, pickaxe, collapsible pole. Occult Items (10s each): quicksilver (per dose), pouch of bone dust, vial of holy water (one use), vial of blood, ritual incense and oils, pouch of gold dust (400s), pouch of warpstone powder (1000s), small warpstone (2000s)


HIRELINGS Cost per day Torch Bearer (2s): 3hp, knife. Guide (5s): 6hp, knife, lantern, rope. Armsman (20s): 12hp, spear, shield, light armor. Expert (20s): 6hp, skill 4, dagger, bow. Champion (60s): 18hp, full armor, halberd, sword, shield, dagger.

TYPICAL MONSTERS Human scale: 4hp, 1d6+1 damage Elites, warriors, magical beasts: 2d6 damage Major magic: 3d6 damage Pretty much anything from Basic D&D and of course Dungeon World works.

XP AND LEVELS As you level up you get rewards according to the table below. LEVEL












3 4

+1 +1







28,000 +1


10,000 15,000

+1 (MAX +3)

9 10


+1 (MAX +3)

7 8


+1d6 +1



5 6


+1 +1 (MAX +3)

36,000 +1d6


You get 1 XP for each silver piece worth of treasure or coin that you loot from the dungeon. You also get XP for defeating enemies and completing quests (10 XP for something easy up to 200+ for a really tough one) but mainly it’s about the looting.


NAMES True names have power. If you tell someone your true name, they can attempt to have you raised from the dead if you met your end before your time. Choose a true name below. Abibah Abuakar Acenath Adar Adara Adjo Afsaneh Akhivar Alaaleh Aleand Alexios Amahté Andrel Andromède Andronikos Anhuri Anoshiravan Anu Anvean Aram Aram Arcus Ardent Árdís Ariane Arnar Arsalan Aruhai Asha Ásmundur Auðrún Awidam Awita Awrahim Azadeh Azita Azur Bahareh Balishar Bára Barði Bennu Boury Bragon Brance Brimi Brutlas Cadme Cambel Canter Caul Cerçon Christoph

Chrysothème Clance Clard Cleite Colius Couvlas Cyrene Damrina Danaë Darwishi Darya Delara Demophon Dhár Djadao Dom Ashur Dóra Ducell Éande Eilina Eilram Einhildur Elizdi Épiers Erasmé Erix Esfandiyar Êtenou Eumel Eupendre Eymundur Falur Faraz Farrokh Farzin Fereshteh Fjóla Freydís Fríða Fukayna Ghazaaleh Hamid Hamun Hanif Hano Harud Hasau Hosor Ibenré Icare Ioannes Ishaq Jaleh

Jamila Jibade Júnía Júrek Kahotep Kakra Kamraan Kañañ Kánan Kára Kassai Kathkár Keiva Kemnebi Khadon Khannah Khenti Khnan Khojasteh Kiana Kíring Kothás Kúlul Kurosh Laetitia Lárus Lástal Laudius Leili Leontios Linea Luyun Lyra Macharia Magni Maibe Makarios Markita Masika Mbizi Medée Mehrshad Meht Menry Meyem Mirza Montess Mór Mortio Morug Muntutep Mykiri Nábi


Nabirye Najja Nashiram Násu Nava Nawar Nephele Ñíhlendu Nilázem Ninsina Niphon Nirar Nkosi Nomti Noretta Octadia Omid Onuris Orêt Orset Osaze Oseye Ouranie Pála Pandarée Panya Parya Pasiphaë Perdix Pierroc Pollux Ráka Ramak Rashomta Rasui Rehema Remmao Róhildur Romrama Rúnar Rúrik Sagira Sahand Sahra Samaneh Sefu Séliyál Sesut Setareh Shaahin Shadi Shahkam Shahla

Shahruz Sharokina Shun Sinon Sinuhé Skjöldur Skúli Sokkwi Solk Somer Sóna Soraya Suriya Suten Syar Tahmatan Tajie Taraneh Thalia Theodoros Theodoulos Theoris Thersandre Thomer Ubaid Úlfdís Úlfrún Umayma Valdís Vaude Vaunt Vauphria Verbela Vercy Villem Vinid Vornan Walidah Wardius Wester Yahya Yomadan Yosol Yrsa Zahiel Zahir Zahra Zain Zaliki Zari Zhila Zuberi Þura

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