Advanced Sex Techniques by Ian Kessler

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Advanced Sex Techniques by Ian Kessler

Copyright © 2009


Contents Contents............................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2 Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It ............................................................................ 3 Don’t Pump Your Woman .................................................................................. 9 The Power of the Squeeze ................................................................................ 12 Introduction to Energy Breathing ..................................................................... 15 Basic Energy Breathing Exercise ....................................................................... 18 Circular Breathing............................................................................................. 20 Grounding Your Arousal ................................................................................... 23 The Cocoon ...................................................................................................... 25 The Oneness..................................................................................................... 28 Some Final Words ............................................................................................ 34

Advanced Sex Techniques


Introduction I have compiled this report due to numerous requests from the readers of my “Male Multiple Orgasm” ebook for something more advanced. I’m not saying that male multiple orgasms is not an advanced topic – it’s way beyond the sexual capabilities of most men and, unfortunately, will probably remain so until it becomes widely known and appreciated. However, I do believe that achieving control over your arousal, ejaculation, orgasms and erection (which “Male Multiple Orgasm” is mostly about) is just the beginning of the journey. There is so much more to sex that one could write about. That is basically what I am doing: I’m currently wrtiting another book, this time covering topics beyond “simple” multiple orgasms and even going into things like spirituality of sex. This book is meant to be a sequel, if you will, to “Male Multiple Orgasm”.

However, for now I have decided to release this report to help you further develop your sexual abilities and perhaps to give you a taste for what’s to come. The information in this report will make much more sense if you have already achieved and become comfortable with your multiorgasmic abilities and this is

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

what I will be assuming. However, it certainly won’t hurt you to read this report even if you are still working on your skills.

The thing about becoming a great lover is that you will probably have to give up on some of your old sexual habits and that is not easy for all men. I suggest you keep an open mind about sex and sexuality as you evolve and become more advanced. This way you may find yourself making some realisations that previously would have been strange or even unacceptable to you. After making such realisations you may find that you don’t really want to look back.

Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It One of the strongest interpersonal connections between a man and a woman occurs during the foreplay – the playful kissing, touching, loving talking before the actual intercourse. You will probably be well aware that women absolutely love foreplay, whereas men often tend to find it superfluous – they just think about sex and are ready to jump in bed. I know I’m generalising here and certainly, not

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

all women absolutely love foreplay and by far not all men try to avoid it, but there is certainly some truth about the above statement.

It seems to me that one of the reasons that men can often be quick to skip over the foreplay and go straight to sex is because of their own insecurities in regards to their sexual abilities. Foreplay makes them more aroused than is necessary to get an erection and therefore increases the likelihood of not being able to hold out without ejaculating for long enough not to end up feeling embarrassed. Arousal can grow with genital stimulation or without it – simply kissing and caressing your partner gradually increases your arousal – and men know this. And the more aroused they are, the less time they have before having an orgasm. That’s why I think men try to leave as much of the arousal growth for the actual intercourse rather than the rituals before that.

That’s just one reason for being avoidant of foreplay. There may well be others. A man perhaps simply doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand his woman’s needs for him to show his love to her by means other than his penis. Another man might simply want to get his “release” as soon as possible. And yet another man simply might not understand or feel the pleasures of foreplay.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

In any case, if you are going to evolve into a sexually advanced man, into an excellent lover, you will have to embrace foreplay. Being multiorgasmic significantly aids you in this: ejaculating too early is no longer a problem! Suddenly it’s absolutely okay to start having sex and have your orgasm within the first minute – as long as it’s a non-ejaculatory one. You get some release and keep going without embarrassing yourself in front of your woman.

If you are avoiding extended foreplay, but premature ejaculation is not your primary concern, then there are a few things you have to understand.

First of all, when you are having sex with your woman, then you are not the only one having sex. Sounds obvious, but men sometimes tend to forget about it. All a man really needs from a woman to get his most basic sexual satisfaction is her vagina. And that she certainly gives to you. However, a man’s penis is rarely enough for a woman to be satisfied with sex. Remember, she is not getting a “release” by having sex the same way you do. You ejaculate and are done with it. A woman may ejaculate (female ejaculation is a exciting topic, but is unfortunately beyond the scope of this report since I’m writing about men’s sexuality), but it does not have the same type of “cool, I’m done” quality that

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

male ejcaculation does. A woman’s satisfaction with sex comes gradually and slowly through her feeling your love and your presence.

Fortunately or unfortunately, plain vaginal intercourse does not necessarily display your love and presence to her in all their fullness. Perhaps it has something to do with the realisation that you could be doing simple vaginal intercourse with any woman and it would not be much different. But would you kiss and caress any woman the way you do it with your woman? Would you say the same things you say to your woman to any woman? Probably not.

That’s perhaps one of the reasons that women naturally find foreplay so gratifying – it’s a much more complete display of your love than simple intercourse. If you understand your woman’s needs, you will probably understand her desire for an extended foreplay. And if you want to be a great lover to her, you will want to fulfill her desires as much as she fulfills yours.

But now, let’s talk about the benefits of foreplay. Benefits to you, as a man. Foreplay is not only a way of giving your woman a greater satisfaction with sex, but it’s really something to learn to love even though you have a penis.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

Foreplay lets you achieve a poweful loving emotional and physical connection with your woman without being distracted by the prevailing sensations of genital stimulation. That is, you can feel her as a person, as your soulmate (if you consider her one), as your lover and enjoy it not simply because your penis feels good. If you have always enjoyed foreplay for this reason, that’s great, you can never enjoy something enough... If you have been skipping foreplay despite this reason, try the following. Next time you and your woman start getting it on, deliberately delay the actual intercourse. Look at her, appreciate her for being here with you. Kiss her and let her kiss you. Feel her kisses and her touch physically, but also try to perceive the “meaning”, the love behind them. Don’t think of foreplay as a simple introduction to sex, think of it as a loving act in itself.

Another powerful aspect of long foreplay is that it can significantly enhance the sex you have afterward. As I previously stated, your arousal will be much higher when you start sexual intercourse if you had a good long foreplay before that. If for a man who is not multiorgasmic this can be a great problem, but for you (assuming you are multiorgasmic) this can be a great benefit. The sex will be more pleasurable, there will more passion between the two of you, you will have more

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Avoid Foreplay, Enjoy It

orgasms. What’s interesting is that many men (myself included) find it much easier to control their orgasms and ejaculation when they are highly aroused before starting sex. It’s difficult to explain, somehow the sensations are much clearer and it’s more obvious what’s going on down there – you know better when to squeeze and when to relax your PC muscle and how to adjust the stimulation. If you are multiorgasmic, I would highly suggest you to try out having sex both ways – while being highly aroused by the foreplay and while being aroused only enough to have an erection. You may find the difference quite obvious.

Perhaps the stuff in this section about the importance of foreplay has been completely obvious to you. If that’s the case, that’s great because you understand the importance of having a sexual connection without sex per se. In any case, if you learn to love and embrace really long foreplays, you may notice your sexual life becoming even better.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Don’t Pump Your Woman

Don’t Pump Your Woman I guess the most frequent complaint I get from women about their sex life is that their lovers simply “pump” them until ejaculation. In other words, they don’t “make love”, they simply “fuck”.

What I often hear from women who have this problem is that the reason for this behaviour is that men are selfish – they care only about their own pleasure which is achieved through orgasmic ejaculation. I can’t justify men being crappy lovers, but I do find that the main reasons for that have nothing to do with selfishness. In fact, it may quite the contrary.

First of all, the first sexual experience for most men in their life is masturbation. In fact, masturbation remains the only type of sexual experience until the first sexual encounter with another person. During this period men acquire a very mechanical, if you will, perception of sex – something I’ve discussed in “Male Multiple Orgasm”. Pump, pump, pump until you ejaculate. When a man starts having sex with women, this habit often gets carried over and essentially what happens is that a woman becomes a complex masturbation tool. The man still keeps masturbating, but now he masturbates “into” a woman. This is not because

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Don’t Pump Your Woman

the man is evil or selfish, he is simply applying what he had taught himself in his teenage years about sex with his hand to sex with women. I believe this has more to do with the lack of proper sexual education and general taboo of sexual topics in our society, than with the nature of men.

Another reason for men’s tendency to simply “fuck” their woman is probably the desire to “perform”. Performance for men is about how long they can last in bed – how long they can keep an erection to stimulate the woman’s vagina. They get very focused on the fact that they need to perform and therefore forget about all the other aspects of making love. In addition, men probably realise that any other display of love for their woman in bed will just make them more and more aroused and therefore bring the ejaculation closer. Therefore they resort to a simple pumping motion that lets them “drift away” while having sex. This is actually quite contrary to the theory that men are useless in bed because they are selfish – they are actually trying to satisfy their woman by “performing”.

The big misunderstanding that takes place, however, is about the whole concept of “performance”. Men don’t realise that women don’t care half as much as men about what is going on in the “penis+vagina” region. Sure, genital stimulation is

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Don’t Pump Your Woman

very important for women, but it’s only a part of the “performance” that they’d like to see from their man. As I have already stated above in regards to foreplay, women want to really feel the love and the presence of their man when they are having sex.

As with foreplay, male multiple orgasms remove the need to perform and therefore also the need to keep arousal minimal for as long as possible. When you have acquired multiorgasmic abilities, you can dedicate yourself much more to your woman in bed (just as during foreplay). One of the main reasons to strive for multiorgasmic abilities is so that you don’t have to worry about your performance in bed. When you are multiorgasmic, you know you can give your woman all the stimulation she wants and therefore don’t have to think about keeping your arousal down. Get aroused as much as you want, have your orgasms, and give your woman hers. Don’t use her as an advanced masturbation toy (if you feel you have been doing that) and show her your love physically through your carresses, kisses and words.

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Power of the Squeeze

The Power of the Squeeze If you followed the advice in my “Male Multiple Orgasm” book, you would be mainly using your PC muscle to squeeze when you wanted to hold off an actual ejaculation and have a non-ejaculatory orgasm. There is another use for the “squeeze” and that is to reduce arousal in between orgasms so as to last a bit longer before you have the next orgasm.

This may not work so well before your first orgasm of the particular lovemaking session, however I have personally found that the effect gets stronger and stronger with every subsequent orgasm. This has also been confirmed to me by several men that have been trying out this little trick. So, perhaps you want to wait until you have one or two non-ejaculatory orgasm during a particular “sex session” before trying this, because doing it earlier may simply tire out your PC muscle without giving the needed result.

The trick itself is very simple. You feel your arousal growing steadily towards an orgasm. It’s not too high, that is, you’re not about to have an orgasm, but you can certainly feel it getting closer. You decide that you don’t want to have another orgasm just yet. Perhaps you feel it’s too much effort or you really like the way

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Power of the Squeeze

the current “plateau” is going for you and your partner. Whatever the reason, you decide to delay the next orgasm by a bit. So what you do is concentrate on your arousal and give your PC muscle one short but really hard squeeze while imagining your arousal go down drastically. The whole procedure should last only a few seconds and you don’t even have to stop the stimulating motion. After the squeeze, you relax your PC muscle entirely and take a deep relaxed breath.

This may work or it may not, but it’s definitely worth a try. The result that you want achieve is a solid erection with a lower level of arousal. Perhaps it will take you a few tries before you succeed or perhaps it will work for you only under certain conditions, such as the number of orgasm you’ve already had, how aroused you are etc etc. These little details of multiorgasmic abilites is where it gets very person-dependent and therefore it’s difficult to give general recommendations that will work for everyone. You will have to experiment on your own to find out what works for you and what doesn’t.

If the short hard squeezes don’t work, what you can try is approximately the same thing you would do to have a non-ejaculatory orgasm: go for a fairly long squeeze, but probably not as hard. Keep in mind however, that this will likely tire your PC

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The Power of the Squeeze

muscle quicker than a short hard squeeze and so you may find it more difficult to hold off orgasms after that.

The time by which you can expect the next orgasm to be delayed can be anywhere between zero and several tens of minutes. It may completely fail to reduce your arousal for whatever reason and you will continue steadily towards the upcoming orgasm. Or it may, and this is something that happens to me on occasion, reduce the arousal by a good chunk and prevent it from growing for quite a period of time. This is where you may go into this 20-something minute stretch of time where you have a rock-hard erection and can make love to your partner without feeling any orgasms coming up. It may feel strange, to be having sex without any need to ejaculate. However, it’s also a great time to connect with your partner in a loving way, because you don’t have the “need to perform” in the way and it’s also an excellent opportunity to give your woman g-spot orgasms using your penis (and not fingers). If it does get “boring” (although how can sex get boring anyway?), you can use the method described in “Male Multiple Orgasm” to accelerate the ejaculation.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Introduction to Energy Breathing

Introduction to Energy Breathing The topic of energy breathing as pertaining to sexuality is absoutely massive. I have very briefly touched upon it in “Male Multiple Orgasm” under the topic of accelerating an ejaculation. Energy breathing well deserves a volume or two of its own. In this report I will give you only a few general guidelines that you can use if you would like to start experimenting in this area.

Energy breathing practices can take your sexual life to a whole new level because they open the way to incredible amounts of sensations and feelings you might have never had in your life. The origins of these practices date back thousands of years to ancient Indian and Chinese philosophies. Many other cultures had their own versions and interpretations of these concepts. Originally they were based on the beliefs that there is a certain type of energy, an energy of life if you will, flowing through every person’s body. This energy has been called many different names: chi, ki, prana, mana etc. It could even be related to the Christian concepts of spirit or soul. With practice, this energy can be manipulated and directed to the good or the bad of one’s own body or perhaps even somebody else’s body.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Introduction to Energy Breathing

What I have personally found both through my practice and through conversations with other people, is that you don’t necessarily need to believe in the existence of such life force energies in order to reap their benefits. If you are a very scientifically minded person and are not comfortable of thinking in terms of an energy that you can’t really prove to exist, you may want to think of these energies simply as metaphors or convenient tools for opening up capabilities of your body previously unavailable to you. These energies don’t manifest in the form of fireballs or lightning or whatever, but simply as sensations in your body. These sensations may feel like an electric charge, as tingling, as warmth or chill, or maybe as a feeling of being “energised”. As you can see, there is no need to think of it as a “real” objective energy, though you certainly can if you wish so. I am personally comfortable with both approaches and will simply be using the term “energy” to refer to these sensations. I really suggest that you don’t let any discomfort with the term to discourage you from trying out these techniques, because they can be both very pleasant and useful in enhancing your sexual life.

When I’m talking about moving around energy or breathing it in or breathing it out, what I mean is that you are simply trying to transfer the sensation (however

Advanced Sex Techniques


Introduction to Energy Breathing

you perceive it) from one part of the body to another. If you are not really feeling anything – no tingling, electricity, warmth or anything like that – you can simply imagine the energy moving around. You may want to imagine it as some electric charge or as light or perhaps as a warm charged fluid moving through you body according to your will. From my experience, imagining is pretty much as good as actually feeling the sensation for real. In fact, if you just practice imagining the energy, after a while you will probably start getting the sensation too.

If you start doing energy work during sex you may notice a qualitative change starting to occur in your orgasms. Energy work is one of the simplest ways to start experiencing what is known as full-body orgasms. For men, most orgasms are usually confined to the sensations in and around their penis, with only some effects felt in the rest of the body. What energy work does, is it creates a stronger connection between different parts of your body. Gradually, with sufficient practice, this lets you feel orgasmic sensations all over your body and not just in your penis. This is a very powerful way to enhance your sex, which is another reason I would encourage you to try out some of the exercises presented here.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Basic Energy Breathing Exercise

Basic Energy Breathing Exercise Let’s start with something fairly simple. You can do this during sex or independently – it’s up to you.

Breathe in deeply. As you are breathing in, feel a pure clean energy enter your nose, move down your throat and fill up your lungs. Feel your lungs become clean and purified with this energy. Hold your breath for a few seconds and relish the feeling. Now slowly breathe out. Feel the energy move back from your lungs, through your throat and out of your nose. With it, feel any and all negative emotion or negative energy leave the body and float upwards away from you. Hold it for a few seconds. Now breathe in again, the pure white positive energy and feel it fill up your lungs.

Simply repeat this cycle for as long as you want. If you have never done energy breathing or energy meditation before, you may find that the process is actually quite pleasant in itself. If you do it on your own at first, I highly recommend you to also try it during sex. You may actually notice the exercise having an impact on your performance and sexual pleasure.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Basic Energy Breathing Exercise

Once you are used to the exercise, you can start adding stuff to it, making it a bit more elaborate. For example, as you breathe in the energy, feel it enter through your nose and fill up your whole head, almost making it shine with bright light, before moving on into your lungs. If you do this with enough feeling, you may actually get a kind of an “energy high” and feel like you could take on the whole world if you wanted to. It’s a really grreat feeling. Remember one thing though, the breathing in this exercise is deep and slow, not deep and fast, and that’s why you breathe slowly and pause for a few seconds before every time you breathe in or out. If you breathe deep and fast, what you’ll get is not an “energy high”, but a plain old oxygen high and that will simply make you feel dizzy.

As you become more and more comfortable with the exercise, you can start filling up more and more parts of your body with energy. Add your arms, for insance. As the energy fills up your head and moves down, feel it fill both your lungs and your arms and perhaps even burst out of your fingers in the form of “beams”. Remember, I’m not talking about shooting fireballs from the palms of your hands or laser beams from you fingers, but simply getting the sensation “as though” there were beams of energy coming out of your fingers as you breathe in. Pause

Advanced Sex Techniques


Circular Breathing

for a few seconds and breathe out. Let the energy move back up your arms and lungs, your throat and out of your head, taking any negative emotion with it. You can then add your belly and your legs to the process and soon you will be breathing energy with your whole body.

Circular Breathing Now, since we are mostly on the topic of sex here, there’s one part of your body we’d definitely like to involve in the process. Yes, your penis. In “Male Multiple Orgasm”, I already showed you an exercise meant to increase your arousal and that involved some basic energy breathing out of your penis. Now let’s take this concept further by combining it with the previous exercise and adding some more stuff.

As you are having sex with your woman, start doing the energy breathing exercise as discussed above. Breathe in through your nose, inhaling pure white energy into your head and filling up your lungs. Now hold your breath for two or three seconds, feeling the energy that has accumulated in your body. Let that energy

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Circular Breathing

get charged with you arousal and with your love for your woman. Let the energy change colour or become warmer or more “electrified” – whatever you feel like. Now start breathing out, but this time don’t breathe the energy out through your nose. Instead, “push” it from your lungs down your spine into your pelvic floor (where your PC muscle is) and then through and out of your penis. As it comes out of your penis, feel the energy flow into your woman’s vagina and then fill up her entire body. Feel your woman’s body get saturated with your love energy.

Wait two or three seconds. Now look into your woman’s eyes (it’s best to first try this exercise in a position where the two of you can clearly see each others eyes and perhaps where your faces are close together). As you start breathing in, feel your woman providing you with the pure white energy to breathe in. Feel her love and her arousal enter your head as you breathe in. Let that energy fill up your lungs and repeat the cycle.

This way you keep circulating your energies, constantly amplifying them while saturating them with love and arousal. You can certainly do this exercise alone, i.e. not even tell you woman about it, but it’s so much more effective and pleasurable if you are both doing this exercise in sync. Let yourselves be guided by

Advanced Sex Techniques


Circular Breathing

each other’s breathing. Whenever you are breathing out the energy through your penis, she will be breathing it in through her vagina and letting it fill up her body. And when she’s breathing the energy out of her eyes, you will be breathing it into your head, thus keeping the cycle going.

Even without trying it out first, it’s easy to see that this exercise will get you aroused very fast. All the eye contact, all the synchronised breathing, all the arousal energy being pushed through your penis – will probably bring you close to an orgasm in no time. But then again, why not? If you are multiorgasmic (and that’s my assumption for this exercise), you simply hold off your ejaculation and keep going. Even if you decide not to hold off the ejaculation for whatever reason, a few minutes of absolutely amazing sex that this exercise can give you is certainly much better than a few more minutes of sloppy sex, so I’m sure both of you will be satisfied.

The interesting thing about energy breathing exercises such as this is that, despite getting you aroused fast, they can actually help you with control over your orgasms, ejaculation and erection. So, if you are still just working on your multiorgasmic abilities but are not quite there yet, give this exercise a try. You

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Grounding Your Arousal

may find it actually easier to hold off the ejaculation after this kind of sex than with “ordinary” sex. The only way I can explain this is that perhaps energy breathing somehow makes you more aware of your arousal state and also “empowers” your PC muscle. I may be completely wrong about this, but what I can definitely tell you is that many men find it easier to have non-ejaculatory orgasms after a session of energy breathing. Even if that’s not the case for you, you’ll probably still have an amazing time doing this exercise with your woman.

Grounding Your Arousal The previous exercise can give you a sense of how brilliant energy work is for creating a connection between two people during sex and also for getting yourself extremely aroused. However, energy work can also be used for a different purpose – to decrease arousal and to increase the time before your next orgasm. I’ll show a quick method for doing this, which will be a piece of cake if you have successfully tried out the previous exercises.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Grounding Your Arousal

So, you’re having sex and you are starting to feel your arousal growing, but you don’t feel like having an orgasm yet. Breathe in slowly – just air, don’t breathe in energy on purpose. As you are breathing in, concentrate on the arousal. Most of it will be in your penis, but you may find other places in your body where you can feel the arousal. In fact, if you’re having sex, your whole body will be aroused to an extent, so just try to feel that and concentrate on it as you are breathing in. Hold your breath for a few seconds, still concentrating on your arousal and almost mentally “collecting” it into one bunch. You can actually try moving it to a particular part of your body, such as your pelvic region or your belly. And now, breathe out. Breathe out fairly fast, not explosively, but significantly faster and stronger than you breathed in. Now here’s the most important bit: as you breathe out, all that arousal that you have noticed or collected around your body (including your penis) – push it all down through your body, down your legs, through your feet and into the ground. Send it deep into the ground, even all the way down to the centre of the Earth if you want to. This is what I call “arousal grounding”. This energy movement should be fast and feel strong and decisive, just as the way you breathe out.

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Cocoon

In case you feet are not touching the groung or the bed or whatever, you may want to pick another part of your body to send the energy out of. Probably the best choice is the part that is the “bottom-most” given your current position or the part that you are supporting most of your weight on. This maybe your knees, elbows, hands, your butt or whatever. If it “feels right”, then it probably is. Just make sure you don’t breathe through your woman – breathe straight into the ground. Repeat the procedure several times if needed and you should be able to feel your arousal drop quite a bit while still maintaining a strong erection.

The Cocoon Here’s another exercise to try during sex. The goal is to increase the connection between the two of you and your concentration on each other. It will also likely increase the pleasure you get from sex and may aid with your multiorgasmic practices, just like the Circular Breathing exercise above.

Start breathing energy into your whole body the way I described it in the Basic Energy Breathing Exercise. With every breath feel the energy really fill up your

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Cocoon

body and energise you. As you keep breathing, start “pushing” the energy from the inside of your body towards the surface of your body, towards your skin. Basically, you breathe energy through your nose into your whole body, fill up entirely with white pure energy and then, as you breathe out, instead of breathing out through your nose, you breathe out through the entire surface of your skin. Don’t let the energy dissipate, but keep it on you skin. Keep energising your skin this way until you feel a powerful layer of energy covering your whole body, almost like a second layer of skin, made of energy.

Once you have reached that state, start gradually expanding this sheet of energy. With every breath, push the energy that you breathe out slightly further away from your skin. With every breath, the shell of energy surrounding you will get bigger and bigger. It will slowly lose its shape of a human body and become smoother and smoother. Little by little, this shell will engulf your woman. Once both you and your woman are entirely surrounded by this energy forcefield, it will become a sphere, a kind of a cocoon containing the two of you, protecting and separating you from the outside world. This cocoon is a small world of its own where only you and your woman exist in sexual ecstasy.

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Cocoon

Keep this cocoon alive and surrounding you while you make love to your woman, feel its power and protection. As with the Circular Breathing exercise, it’s great if you can do this exercise together with your woman. Either of you can start creating your own cocoon and as they get larger and larger and engulf both of you, they meld into one single energy cocoon, made of both your male sexual energy and her female sexual energy.

As a variation of this exercise, you can try breathing energy in through your penis rather than your nose. Your woman would then breathe her energy in through her vagina. This would make your energies and thus your cocoons much more sexually charged. It’s also likely you will both find this process to be very arousing. When you are finished having sex, let that cocoon still float around you. You don’t have to purposefully keep it alive, but you will probably notice that even once you stop supplying it with energy, the sensation will still stay around you for a while.

I have to tell you straight away – this is not an easy exercise and I have added it in case you want some extra challenge. I’m sure that if you haven’t done energy breathing or meditation previously in your life, this exercise will give you something to work on. But then again, it’s definitely worth the effort – the

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The Oneness

feelings and the connection that this exercise can give are extremely powerful, especially if both of you participate in the process.

The Oneness I would also like to introduce you to one little exercise which is not really about energy work like the previous ones, but has a lot to do with the treatment of sex as a spiritual practice. Consider it a simple yet rewarding exercise in awareness, spiritual openness and universal love.

As you are having sex with your woman, start noticing the little sensations in your body which are not as obvious at first. During sex, the male mind tends to be focused on the sensations in the penis, also somewhat on hands and lips. But what about say, your shoulders? What do you feel in your shoulders? Perhaps they are tired, perhaps you are tense in your shoulders. Or perhaps they are completely relaxed and feel good. Any sensations in you shoulders will probably be nowhere near as intensive as what you feel in your penis, but try to become aware of them anyway. Don’t act upon what you feel. If your shoulders are tense, you don’t have to try to relax them, just acknowledge the fact that they are tense. You certainly can relax them if you want, but this is an exercise in awareness

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Oneness

rather than relaxation. Don’t forget about the sensations in your penis or hands or lips as you become aware of your shoulders. Try to become aware of all of them at once.

I have used shoulders just as an example. What about your head? What about your buttocks? What about your belly or calves or ears? How is the air in your lungs? Little by little, become aware of the feelings and sensations in all parts of your body and try to keep them all in your awareness simultaneously. Again, you don’t have to act upon these sensations in any way, simply acknowledge them and realise that all these sensations are part of you. You are one with your body, and you are one with all the sensations in your body.

When you feel like you have managed to more or less engulf all of your body in your awareness, start paying the same kind of attention to your woman. What does she look like? What do you see? What sounds is she making? How is she moving? How does she smell? You don’t have to word any of these answers for yourself, you have to simply become aware of as many aspects of your woman a you can. You also don’t have to do anything about any these things, just know they’re there and let them be. You also should try to avoid applying any sort of

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The Oneness

judgement to what you sense. If she smells of sweat, then that’s that. It doesn’t matter if you like that or not, whether it turns you on or off or whatever. Simply become aware of how she smells.

Once you think you are pretty much perceiving your woman through all your senses simultaneously and are also staying aware of your own bodily sensation, consider what she might be feeling right now. You know what you are feeling, both emotionally and physically, but what is she feeling? What are the sensations in her vagina? How does your touch feel? How does your kiss feel? If you are saying something or making any sounds, what do you think it sounds like to her? What emotions does it create in her? What emotions is she having about the sex and about you? Again, it’s important to remember, and I apologise for repeating myself, you don’t have to act upon your ideas and sensations. If you think she would find it more pleasurable if you switched positions, then you can certainly do that, but it’s not part of the exercise. Or if you think she’s feeling angry at you for some reason, just note that for now, or at least for the purpose of this exercise. You can try to solve it now or later or not at all, but this exercise is purely about your awareness of these things and not about solving or handling

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Oneness

anything. Feel yourself as being one with your body, your own feelings, your woman and her feelings – try to really feel the oneness of the two of you.

Now that you are simultaneosuly aware of your own body and of your woman to as great an extent as you can, start noticing your immediate environment. How is the air around you? How is the temperature? How is the bed or the car seat or whatever you are on? What objects are there around you? I don’t suggest you start looking around at stuff that’s around you, but rather simply become mentally aware of things and of the space surrounding the two of you – this is not about specifically acknowledging every single object in the room. It’s about become consciously aware that there is an environment around you and that there’s stuff in this environment. As you become aware of your surroundings, feel oneness with them – realise that you are one with your woman and the immediate environment you are in.

Now you’ll need a good leap of imagination and awareness to proceed. You are aware of your body with all its sensations, of your woman both as you perceive her and as you think she feels on the inside and also of the room you are in. Now become aware of the planet. Of course, it’s not like I’m asking you to know of or

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Oneness

imagine every single thing on the planet. Simply become aware that there is a huge round planet beneath you and on its surface there is a gazillion different things existing at this same moment as you are having sex with your woman here. Become aware of the fact that there are billions of people walking the surface of the planet right now, each of them with their own joys and worries, each of them busy doing their own thing, living their own life. Become aware of the billions and billions of other living creatures. Become aware of the immense oceans and huge masses of land. Become aware of the atmosphere and how it gradually turns into the emptiness of space as one moves further away from the ground. Realise that you are one with the whole planet and everything and everyone on it, including your own body, your woman and the room you are in.

Now think beyond the planet. Think how tiny our planet is in the unimaginable expanses of space. Become aware of the solar system, of the galaxy and of the the whole observable universe. Even if you are not too familiar with astronomical concepts, it’s fine, just become aware of the great big universe everywhere around you. Realise how infinitely small our planet and you and your woman are in the context of the universe. Become aware of what may lie beyond the

Advanced Sex Techniques


The Oneness

observable universe, become aware of existence in the broadest sense you can imagine. Yet realise at this point that you are one with all of the universe and with all of existence. Become aware of the oneness between the sensations of your sex and universal existence. Try to stay aware of all of these things for the duration of your love making. Feel the oneness of it all. Love yourself, love your woman and love the universe through your sex. And that’s that.

This exercise is definitely not an easy one and you will probably quickly realise that it’s quite difficult to even keep yourself simultaneously aware of both yourself and your woman. Staying aware of all of existence is obviously going to be a challenge. Also, you may find yourself not quite sure of what I mean by “awareness” or by “oneness”. But let me tell you, there is no specific right way of doing this exercise, because it is an exercise for your mind and is entirely dependent on your own subjective perception. If you are going to do this exercise, follow your own gut feeling to determine your progress.

Advanced Sex Techniques


Some Final Words

Some Final Words I have shown only a tiny fraction of what could be considered advanced sexual practices. Hopefully I have managed to create a spark of interest in you, but it’s only the beginning. There’s a lifetime of learning to be done in the area of sex and even the most skilled masters of sex never stop discovering.

I have introduced you to a few basic energy work techniques that can be practiced during lovemaking. If I have managed to inspire you and you decide to take your energy work skills further, there’s one thing you should keep in mind. There may be gurus out there who will tell you otherwise because of their firm convictions, but I strongly believe there is no right or wrong way of doing energy work or any other spiritual practices. It’s all very subjective and depends entirely on your internal perception. You will need to experiment, in fact you should never stop experimenting, to find out what works for you and what doesn’t.

Even with the simple exercises presented, there is no guarantee that they will instantly work for you as they are. Perhaps you will need some practice to even start getting the feeling of “energy” moving around your body. You will probably need even more practice to feel the energy that is meant to be outside of your

Advanced Sex Techniques


Some Final Words

body, such as in the case of The Cocoon exercise. Finally, you will likely almost immediately see ways to modify any of these exercises to your liking – follow your feelings.

Have fun!

Advanced Sex Techniques


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