Advanced Petroleum Economics Staber

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600.019 Advanced Petroleum Economics Lecture Notes

Originaly prepared by Stephan Staber, 2007, Leoben Revised by Stephan Staber, October 2008, Vienna Revised by Stephan Staber, September 2009, Vienna Revised by Stephan Staber, October 2010, Vienna Revised by Stephan Staber, September 2011, Vienna © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

Page 1

Preface ■ These lecture notes can be seen as a reasonable supplement for the lecture “Advanced Petroleum Economics”. ■ Because of didactic reasons placeholder can be found instead of most figures in these lecture notes. The figures are presented and discussed in the lessons. Subsequently this is not a complete manuscript and consequently not sufficient for the final examination. ■ For further reading and examination prparation the following books are recommended: ▪ Allen, F.H.; Seba, R. (1993): Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production, Tulsa: OGCI Publications. ▪ Campbell Jr., J.M.; Campbell Sr., J.M.; Campbell, R.A. (2007): Analysing and Managing Risky Investments, Norman: John M. Campbell. ▪ Newendorp, P.; Schuyler, J. (2000): Decision Analysis for Petroleum Exploration. Vol. 2nd Edition, Aurora: Planning Press.

■ The interested student finds the full list used literature at the end of this document. © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

Page 2

Why Advanced Petroleum Economics? ■ The content of teaching is based on your knowledge gained in the lecture „Petroleum Economics“! ■ Required knowledge: ▪ Time Value of Money Concept consult „Allg. Wirtschafts- und Betriebswissenschaften 1“ and „Petroleum Economics“ ▪ Measures of Profitability consult „Allg. Wirtschafts- und Betriebswissenschaften 1“ and „Petroleum Economics“ ▪ Financial Reporting and Accounting Systems consult „Allg. Wirtschafts- und Betriebswissenschaften 2“ and „Petroleum Economics“ ▪ Basic Probability Theory and Statistics consult „Statistik“ and „Petroleum Economics“ ▪ Reserves Estimation consult „Reservoir Engineering“ and „Petroleum Economics“

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

Page 3

Lecture Outline ■ Cash Flow and Costs ■ Profitability and Performance Measures ■ Expected Value Concept ■ Decision Tree Analysis ■ Probability Theory ■ Risk Analysis ■ Sensitivity Analysis

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

Page 4

Setting the scene… ■ What are the core processes of an E&P company?

Fig. 0: Core processes in an E&P company

■ What are potential decision criteria/ decision influencing factors regarding e.g. a field development approval decision? © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

Page 5

Cash Flow and Costs

Cash Flow and Costs ■ Net Cash Flow= Net Annual Revenue – Net Annual Expenditure (both cash) ■ Costs: ▪

Capital expenditure (CAPEX)

Operating expenditure (OPEX)

Abandonment Costs

Sunk Costs

Opportunity Costs

Fig. 1: Cash Flow Projection

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Allen and Seba (1993), p. Mian (2002a), p. 86ff.

Page 7

Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) ■ ■ ■

…one-time costs …occurring at the beginning of projects Classification by purpose: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Classification by purchased items: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Exploration costs (capitalized portion) Appraisal costs Development costs Running Business costs Abandonment costs Acquisition costs Facility costs Wells/ Drilling costs Pipeline costs G&G costs (mainly seismic) Signature bonus

Classification and wording differ from company to company

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 8

Operational Expenditure (OPEX) ■ ■ ■

…occur periodically …are necessary for day-to-day operations …consist typically of: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Utilities Maintenance of facilities Overheads Production costs, e.g.: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

▪ ▪

Treatment Costs Interventions Secondary recovery costs Water treatment and disposal costs

(Hydrocarbon-)Evacuation costs Insurance costs

Classification and wording differ, but often: ▪ ▪

Production cost per unit = OPEX/production volume [USD/bbl] Lifting cost per unit = (OPEX + royalties + expl. expenses + depreciation)/sales volume [USD/bbl]

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002a), p. 126ff.

Page 9

Types of Cost Estimates ■

Linked to the stage of development

Based on the available information

Order of Magnitude Estimate ▪

Optimization Study Estimate ▪

Data: Location, weather conditions, water depth (offshore), terrain conditions (onshore), distances, recoverable reserves estimate, number and type of wells required, reservoir mechanism, hydrocarbon properties Also based on scaling rules but with more information and for individual parts

Budget Estimate ▪

Engineers create a basis of design (BOD)

Contractors are invited for bidding

Result is a budget estimate

Control Estimate ▪

Actual expenditure is monitored versus the budget estimate

If new information is available, then the development plan is updated

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002a), p. 139ff.

Page 10

Accuracy and Cost Overrun ■

Main reasons for Cost Overrun ▪

Contractor delay

Unforeseen difficulties

New information may change the project

Accuracy improves over time ▪

Major improvement occurs when the BOD is frozen

Fig. 2: Accuraccy of cost estimates

Fig. 3: Probability of cost overrun

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben From Mian (2002a), p. 139ff.

Page 11

Contingency and Allowance ■

Contingency ▪

Budget for the unknown unknowns

Allowances ▪

Budget for the known unknowns

…are probable extra costs

E.g. for material, identified risks, foreseeable market or weather conditions, new technology, growth…

The value is often taken from the 10% probability budget estimate

Fig. 4: One possible statistical view on contingency and allowance

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002a), p. 139ff.

Page 12

Measures of Profitability and Performance

Popular Criteria ■ Three which ignore time-value of money: ▪ Net Profit ▪ Payout (PO) ▪ Return on Investment (undiscounted profit-to-investment ratio)

■ Others which recognize time-value of money: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Net present value profit Internal rate of return (IRR) Discounted Return on Investment (DROI) Appreciation of equity rate of return

■ Some criteria might have alternate names, but these are the common ones in petroleum economics

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 14

Prospect Cashflow Example ■ This example helps to understand the measures of profitability (Taxation is excluded from this analysis for simplicity) Investment:

$268,600 for completed well; $200,000 for dry hole

Estimated recoverable reserves:

234,000 Bbls; 234 MMcf gas

Estimated average producing rate during first two years:

150 BOPD

Future Expenditures:

Pumping Unit in year 3, $10,000; Workover in year 5, $20,000

Working interest in proposed well:


Average investment opportunity rate:


Type of discounting:



Estimated oil Production, Bbls

Annual Net Revenue*

Future Expenditures

Net Cash Flow









































97,600 69,200





*Annual Net Revenue = Annual Gross Revenue – Royalties – Taxes – Operating expenses

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben From Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 14f.

Page 15

Net Profit ■ Net Profit=Revenues – Costs = Cash Receipts – Cash Disbursements ■ Prospect Cashflow Example: ▪ $547,500 – $298,600 = $248,900

■ Strengths: ▪ Simple ▪ Project profits can be weighted, e.g., (n x average = total)

■ Weaknesses: ▪ Does not recognize the size of investment ▪ Does not recognize the timing of cash flows © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000),p. 9ff.

Page 16

Payout (PO) 1/2 ■ The length of time which elapses until the account balance is exactly zero is called payout time. ■ If one tracks the cumulative project account balance as a function of time he gets the so-called cash position curve. ■ All other factors equal a decision maker would invest in projects having the shortest possible payout time. Fig. 5: Cash position curve

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 17

Prospect Cashflow Example ■ Unrecovered portion of the initial investment: ▪ $268,600 – $132,900 = $135,700

■ Unrecovered portion of the investment at the end of year 2: ▪ $135,700 – $132,900 = $2,800

■ Assuming constant cashflow rates the portion of year 3 required to recover this remaining balance: ▪ $2,800 / $97,600 = 0.029

■ Payout time: ▪ 2.029

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 18

Payout (PO) 2/2 ■

Strengths: ▪ ▪

Fig. 6: Weakness 1

Simple Measures an impact on liquidity

Weaknesses: 1. 2. 3.

Payout considers cashflows only up to the point of payback. Especially troublesome with large abandonment costs Project profits cannot be weighted: (n x average ≠ total)

Fig. 7: Weakness 2

Fig. 8: Weakness 3

Fig. 9: Variation 1

Fig. 10: Variation 2

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Fig. 11: Variation 3

Page 19

Return on Investment (ROI) ■ Reflects total profitability! ■ Sometimes called: ▪


∑ NCF Investment

(undiscounted) profit-to-investment ratio

■ Strengths: ▪

Recognizes a profit in relation to the size of investment


■ Weaknesses: ▪

Accounting inconsistencies

Continuing investment is not represented properly

Project ROI cannot be weighted: (n x average ROI ≠ total ROI)

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 20

Return on Investment (ROI) - Variations 1. Using “maximum out-of-pocket cash” instead of investment

2. Return on Assets (ROA): ROA =

Fig. 12: Maximum out-of-pocket cash

AverageNetIncome AverageBookInvestment

■ Prospect Cash Flow Example: ▪

($517,500 – $268,600) / $268,600 = 0.927

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Fig. 13: ROA

Page 21

Net Present Value ■ Money received sooner is more worth than money received later! ■ The money can be reinvest in the meantime! (Opportunity cost of capital) ■ The present value can be found by: ▪ PV = FV (1+i)-t ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

PV… Present Value of future cashflows FV… Future Value i… Interest or discount rate t… Time in years (1+i)-t… Discount factor

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 22

Discount rate ■

Two philosophies what this rate should be:

1. Opportunity cost of capital (OCC) ▪

The average yield we can expect from funding other projects. This is the rate at which one can reinvest future cash.

2. Weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) ▪

The marginal cost of funding the next project. This is calculated as an weighted-average cost of a mixture of equity and debt.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 23

Net Present Value ■ Prospect Cash Flow Example: Year

Net cashflow

Discount factor 10%

10% discounted cashflow













































Fig. 14: e.g. profitable, but neg. NPV

$148,400 = NPV @ 10%

Fig. 15: Major weakness of NPV

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 24

(Internal) Rate of Return (IRR) ■ Sometimes:


Net cashflow

Discount factor 40%

40% discounted cashflow









▪ Internal yield





▪ Sometimes: Profitability index (PI)

































▪ Discounted rate of return

■ IRR is the discount rate such that the NPV is zero ■ Prospect Cash Flow Example: (trail-and-error procedure)

$0 IRR = 40%

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 25

Discounted Return on Investment (DROI) ■ Sometimes: ▪ Discounted profit to investment ratio (DPR, DPI, or DPIR) ▪ Present value index (PVI)


NPV PV _ of _ Investment

▪ Sometimes: Profatibility Index (PI)

■ DROI is the ratio obtained by dividing the NPV by the present value of the investment ■ Prospect Cash Flow Example: ▪ DROI = $148,400 / 268,600 = 0.553

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 26

Discounted Return on Investment (DROI) ■ Strengths: ▪ All advantages of NPV (such as realistic reinvestment rate, not trail and error procedure) ▪ Providing a measure of profitability per dollar invested ▪ Suitable for ranking investment opportunities ▪ Only meaningful if both signs of the ratio are positive

■ Ranking investments with DROI gives a simple and often good enough portfolio ■ But there are a couple of considerations around that might optimize one’s portfolio: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Synergies Fractional participation Strategic and option values Game-theoretical thoughts

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 27

Appreciation of Equity Rate of Return ■ Also: Growth rate of return ■ Idea: ▪ ▪ ▪

Reflecting the overall net earning power of an investment Assumes the reinvestment at a lower rate (e.g. 10%) than the true rate of return (e.g. 40%) As a consequence the overall rate of return is less!

■ Baldwin Method: 1. Calculate a compound interest factor for each year: (1+i)n , where i is the discount rate for the opportunity cost of capital and n is always the number of years reinvested (midyear) 2. Calculate the appreciated value of the net cash flows. The sum is the total value of the cash flows at the end of the last project year. 3. Solve this equation for iae: Investment*(1+iae)N=Σ Αppr. value of NCFs © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 28

Appreciation of Equity Rate of Return ■ Prospect Cash Flow Example using the Baldwin Method: Year

Net cashflow

Number of years reinvested

Compound interest factor, 10%

Appreciated value of net cashfliws as of end of project


















































+$2000 $1,081,900

■ $268,600 (1+iae)10=$1,081,900 ■ Appreciation of equity rate of return = iae = 0.1495 © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 29

Net Present Value Profile Curve

Fig. 16: Net Present Value Profile Curve

■ NPV and rate of return not necessarily prefer the same ranking! © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 30

Net Present Value Portfolios ■ Due to limited statements of single measures portfolios are established ■ Common are “x” vs. NPV portfolios

Fig. 17: IRR vs. NPV Portfolio

Fig. 18: DROI vs. NPV Portfolio

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Fig. 19: Cash Out vs. NPV Portfolio

Page 31

Rate Acceleration Investments ■ Typical for the petroleum industry! ■ Investments which accelerate the cashflow schedule ■ Examples: ▪ ▪

Infill drilling Installing large volume lift equipment

■ Simple calculation example: Year

Present cashflow

Accelerate d cashflow

Incrementa l cashflow

Discount factor, 10%

Discounted incremental cashflows, 10%




































-$65.10 +$19.70

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 9ff.

Page 32

Multiple choice review questions Past costs which have already been incurred and cannot be recovered are called… O CAPEX. O OPEX. O Abandonment costs. O Sunk costs.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 33

Multiple choice review questions The expected return forgone by bypassing of other potential investment projects for a given capital is called… O weighted average cost of capital (WACC). O opportunity cost of capital. O profit. O half-life.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 34

Multiple choice review questions The length of time which elapses until the account is balanced of e.g. a development project is called… O maximum-out-of-pocket-cash. O net present value. O return on investment. O payout.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 35

Expected Value Concept

Expected Value Concept (EVC) ■ Previously discussed measures were all “no risk” parameters ■ But petroleum exploration involves a high degree of risk! ■ Two way out: ▪

Doing intuitive risk analysis or

trying to consider risk and uncertainty in a logical, quantitative manner.

■ Expected value concept combines profitability estimates and risk estimates © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff.

Page 37

Risk and Uncertainty ■ Risk: ▪ ▪

Addresses discrete events (e.g. discovery or dry hole) Can be both: A threat or an opportunity

■ Uncertainty: ▪ ▪

Result depends on unknown circumstances (e.g. oil price) Occurrence probability of an event is not quantifiable

■ Deterministic: ▪

Calculations using exact values for their parameters are called deterministic

■ Stochastic: ▪

Calculations which use probabilities within their model are called stochastic

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff and Laux (2003), p. 105.

Page 38

Definitions and EVC ■ Expected Value (EV): ▪

The EV is the probability-weighted value of all possible outcomes.

■ Expected Monetary Value (EMV): ▪ ▪

The EMV is the expected value of the present values of the net cashflows EMV = EV (NPV)

■ “Conditional” ▪ ▪

In this context “conditional” means that a value will be received only if a particular outcome occurs. Often it is omitted!

■ Simple Example: ▪

EV Cost of Stuck Pipe = P(Stuck Pipe) * (Cost to remedy Stuck Pipe)

■ More generally:


∑ P(outcome _ i) × NPV

Outcome _ i

all _ i

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff.

Page 39

EMV Example ■

Situation in a drilling prospect evaluation: ▪

Probability of a successful well 0.6

Two decision alternatives: ▪

Farm out: A producer is worth $50,000, a dry hole causes no profit or loss

Drilling the well: A dry hole casts $200,000, a hit brings (after all costs) $600,000 Decision Alternatives Drill


Probability outcome will occur

Conditiona l monetary value

Farm Out

Expected monetary value

Condition al monetary value

Expected monetary value

Dry hole












EMV Decision Rule: ▪



=EMV (drill)

=EMV (farm out)

Fig. 20: Cumulative result for drill decisions

When choosing among several mutually exclusive decision alternatives, select the alternative having the greatest EMV.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 79ff.

Page 40

Characteristics of the EVC ■ Mutually exclusive outcomes ■ Collectively exhaustive outcomes ■ The sum of probabilities for one event must be one ■ Any number of alternatives can be considered ■ Normally values are expressed in monetary profit, therefore “expected monetary value” ■ The EMV does not necessarily have to be a possible outcome

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff.

Page 41

Risked DROI EMV Risked _ DROI = EV ( PV _ of _ Investment )



NPV PV _ of _ Investment

■ Reasonable under limited capital constraints

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff.

Page 42

Concerns about the EV Concept ■ ■ ■ ■

Is there a need to quantify risk at all? No benefit seen in using the EV! We don’t have probabilities anyway… Every drilling prospect is unique, therefore we have no repeated trail! ■ Isn’t EV only suitable for large companies? ■ For sure other concerns override EV! ■ “…EMV is not perfect. It is not an oilfinding tool, and it is not (…) the ‘ultimate’ decision parameter.” © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 119. Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 71ff.

Page 43

Decision Tree Analysis

Simple Decision Tree Example ■ Decision trees are necessary if sequent decision must be made ■ Decision tree analysis is an extension of the EMV concept Decision Alternatives Drill Possible Outcome

Probability outcome will occur


Don‘t Drill

Expected monetary value


Expected monetary value

Dry hole






2 Bcf






5 Bcf







EMV = +$10,000

EMV = $0

Fig. 21: Simple decision tree (partially completed)

■ There is no scale to decision trees © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 45

Decision Tree Symbols ■ There exist two different nodes (forks) ▪

Decision node (or activity node) - squares

Chance node (or event node) - circles ▪

Terminal nodes (last chance node of a branch)

Fig. 22: Simple decision tree (partially completed with correct symbols)

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 46

Decision Tree Completion ■ Associate probabilities to all chance nodes ■ Place the outcome value to all branch ends

Fig. 23: Simple decision tree (completed)

■ Three important rules: ▪ ▪ ▪

Normalization requirement: The sum of all probabilities around a chance node must be 1.0 There are no probabilities around decision nodes The end nodes are mutually exclusive

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 47

Decision Tree Solution ■ Start at the back of the tree and calculate the EMV for the last chance node. ■ The expected value is written above the node ■ The decision rule for a decision node is to choose the branch with the higher EMV

Fig. 24: Simple decision tree (solved)

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 48

Case Study: Decision Tree Analysis

Fig. 25: Case Study: Decision Tree

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 49

Advantages of Decision Tree Analysis ■ The complexity of a decision is reduced ■ Provides a consistent action plan ■ Decision problems of any size can be analysed ■ Forces us to think ahead ■ If conditions change the situation can be re-analysed ■ Logical, straight-forward an easy to use

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 127ff.

Page 50

Probability Theory

Concept of Probability ▪

Probability Theory enables a person to make an educated guess

■ Objective Probability 1. Classical approach: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Derives Probability measures from undisputed laws of nature Requires the identification of the total number of possible outcomes (n) Requires the number of possible outcomes of a wanted event (m) Probability of occurrence of an event: P(A)=m/n Three basic condition must be fulfilled: equally likely, collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive

2. Empirical approach: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Derives Probability measures from the events long-run frequency of occurrence The observation is random A large number of observations is necessary The following mathematical relationship is valid: P(A)=limnÆ∞ (m/n)

■ Subjective Probability ▪

Based on impressions of individuals

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff.

Page 52

Probability Rules ■

Complementation Rule: ▪


Addition Rule:

Fig. 39: Vann diagram showing two mutually exclusive events

▪ For simultaneous trails 1. Events are mutually exclusive: ▪ ▪

P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B) P(A∩B)=0

2. Events are partly overlapping: ▪ ▪

P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A∩B) P(A∩B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A∪B) (=P(AB))

Fig. 40: Vann diagram showing of partly overlapping events

Multiplication Rule: ▪ ▪

For consecutive trails Independent events: ▪

P(AB)=P(A) x P(B)

Dependent events: ▪

P(AB)=P(A) x P(B|A)

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff. and

Fig. 41: Vann diagram showing union two events

Page 53

Example “Addition Rules” ■

Assume 50 wells have been drilled in an area with blanket sands. The drilling resulted in (a) 8 productive wells in Zone A, (b) 11 productive wells in Zone B, and (c) 4 productive wells in both Zones. With the help of Venn diagrams and probability rules, calculate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Number of wells productive in Zone A only, Number of wells productive in Zone B only, Number of wells discovered, and Number of dry holes.

Solution: ▪ 1. 2. 3. 4.

n(S)=50; n(A)=8; n(B)=11; n(A∩B)=4 n(A∩B)=n(A) - n(A∩B)=8 - 4=4 n(Ā∩B)=n(B) - n(A∩B)=11 - 4=7 n(A∪B)= n(A) + n(B) - n(A∩B)=8+11 - 4=15 n(S) - n(A∪B)=50 - 15=35

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff.

Fig. 42: Vann diagram for example “Addition Rules”

Page 54

Example “Multiplication Rules” ■ 10 prospective leases have been acquired. Seismic surveys conducted on the leases show that three of the leases are expected to result in commercial discoveries. The leases have equal chances of success. If drilling of one well is planned for each lease, calculate the probability of drilling the first two wells as successful discoveries. ■ Solution: ▪

W1 is the first, W2 the second well.



P(W1W2)= 3/10 x 2/9=6,67%

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff.

Page 55

Bayes’ Rule ■ Beyesian analysis addresses the probability of an earlier event conditioned on the occurrence of a later event P( Ai B ) =

■ Where: ▪ ▪

P (B Ai )⋅ P( Ai )

∑ P(B A )⋅ P( A ) k

i =1



P(Ai|B)=posterior probabilities and P(Ai)=prior event probabilities

■ Bayes’ theorem is used if additional information results in revised probabilities. © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff.

Page 56

Theoretical Example “Bayes’ Rule” ■

One box contains 3 green and 2 red pencils. A second box contains 1 green and 3 red pencils. A single fair die is rolled and if 1 or 2 comes up, a pencil is drawn from the first box; if 3, 4, 5 or 6 comes up, then a pencil is drawn from the second. If the pencil drawn is green, then what is the probability it has been from the first box? Solution: ▪ ▪ ▪

P(B1)=1/3 and P(B2)=2/3 In box 1: P(G)=3/5 and P(R)=2/5 In box 2: P(G)=1/4 and P(R)=3/4

⎛3⎞ ⎛1⎞ ⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ P(G Bi )⋅ P(Bi ) 6 ⎝5⎠ ⎝3⎠ P (Bi G ) = k = = 54,55% = ⎛ 3 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ 11 ( ) ( ) P G B P B ⋅ ⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟⋅⎜ ⎟ ∑ i i ⎝5⎠ ⎝3⎠ ⎝ 4⎠ ⎝ 3⎠ i =1

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 84ff.

Fig. 43: Probability tree for the theoretical example “Bayes’ Rule”

Page 57

Page 57

Offshore Concession Example “Bayes’ Rule” ■ We have made a geological and engineering analysis of a new offshore concession containing 12 seismic anomalies all about equal size. We are uncertain about how many of the anomalies will contain oil and hypothesize several possible states of nature as follows: ▪ ▪

E1: 7 anomalies contain no oil and 5 anomalies contain oil E2: 9 anomalies contain no oil and 3 anomalies contain oil

■ Based on the very little information we have, we judge that E2 is twice as probable as E1. ■ Then we drill a wildcat and it turns out to be a dry hole. The question is: “How can this new information be used to revise our initial judgement of the likelihood of the hypothesized state of nature?” © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 318ff.

Page 58

Offshore Concession Example “Bayes’ Rule”

Fig. 44: Solution of the offshore concession example

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 59

Probability Distributions ■

Stochastic or random variable: ▪

The pattern of variation is described by a probability distribution

Probability distributions: ▪

Discrete (Stochastic variable can take only a finite number of values) Widely used in petroleum economics: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

▪ ▪

Binomial Multinomial Hypergeometric Poisson

Continuous (Stochastic variable can take infinite values) Widely used in petroleum economics: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Normal Lognormal Uniform Triangular

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 60

Binomial Distributions ■ ■

Applicable if an event has two possible outcomes n! Equations: C xn = P( x ) = C xn ⋅ p x ⋅ q n − x ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

x!⋅(n − x )! Where, P(x)=probability of obtaining exactly x successes in n trails, p=probability of success, q=probability of failure, n=number of trails considered and x=number of successes

Example: ▪

A company is planning six exploratory wells with an estimated chance of success of 15%.What is the probability that (a) the drilling will result in exactly two discoveries and (b) there will be more than three successful wells.

Fig. 45: Solution of the “six exploratory wells” example

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 61

Multinomial Distributions ■

Applicable if an event has more than two possible outcomes


P (S ) =

N! P1k1 P2k2 ...Pmkm k1!k 2 !...k m !


P(S)=probability of the particular sample,

p=probabilities of drawing types 1, 2, …m from population,

N=k1+k2+…+km=size of sample,

k1, k2, …,km=total number of outcomes of type 1, 2, …,m

m=number of different types

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 62

Multinomial Distributions - Example 1/2 ■

In a certain prospect, the company has grouped the possible outcomes of an exploratory well into three general classes as (a) dry hole (zero reserve), (b) discovery with 12 MMBbls reserves, and (c) discovery with 18 MMBbls reserves. Each of these categories probabilities of 0.5, 0.35, and 0.15 were assigned, respectively. If the company plans to drill three additional wells, what will be the probabilities of discovering various total reserves with these three additional wells? Solution: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

P(S ) = ▪ ▪

m=3; N=3; P1=0.5; P2=0.35; P3=0.15 k1=number of wells giving reserves of zero k2=number of wells giving reserves of 12 MMBbls k3=number of wells giving reserves of 18 MMBbls

N! 3! 3 ⋅ 2 ⋅1 P1k1 P2k2 P3k3 = 0.52 0.351 0.150 = ⋅ 0.25 ⋅ 0.35 ⋅1 = 0.263 k1!k 2 !k3! 2!1!0! 2 ⋅1 ⋅1 ⋅1 Corresponding reserves=2x0+1x12+0x18=12MMbbls Expected reserves=0.263x12MMBbls=3.15MMBbls

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 63

Multinomial Distributions - Example 2/2 k2






Exp. Reserves



Of Reserves ≥









































































© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.


Page 64

Hypergeometric Distributions ■

Application in statistical sampling, if trails are dependent and selected, is from a finite population without replacement

Equation: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

⎛ C ⎞⎛ N − C ⎞ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ x ⎠⎝ n − x ⎟⎠ ⎝ P(x ) = ⎛N⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎝n⎠

Where, N=number of items in the population C=number of total successes in the population n=number of trails (size of the sample) x=number of successes observed in the sample

Example: ▪

A company has 10 exploration prospects, 4 of which are expected to be productive. What is the probability 1 well will be productive if 3 wells are drilled. Fig. 46: Solution of the “Hypergeometric distribution” example

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 65

Poisson Distributions ■

Good for representing a particular event over time or space


▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

P(x ) =


e −λ

x! Where, λ=average number of occurrence per interval of time or space x=number of occurrences per basic unit of measure P(x)=probability of exactly x occurrences


▪ Assume Poisson distribution! 1. If a pipeline averages 3leaks per year, what is the probability of having exactly 4 leaks next year? 2. If a pipeline averages 5 leaks per 1000 miles, what is the probability of having no leaks in the first 100 miles?

Fig. 47: Solutions of the “Poisson distribution” examples

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 66

Normal Distributions ■ ■

Linear systems, like NCF, approximate a normal distribution, regardless of the shape of subordinate variables like OPEX, CAPEX, taxes, etc… Probability density function: ▪ ▪ ▪

1 e σ 2π


Example: ▪

Where, μ=mean σ=standard deviation

f (x ) =

1 ⎛ x−μ ⎞ − ⎜ ⎟ 2⎝ σ ⎠

Porosities calculated from porosity logs of a certain formation show a mean porosity of 12% with standard deviation of 2.5%. What is the probability that the formation’s porosity will be (a) between 12% and 15% and (b) greater than 16%.

Solution: ▪

By means of the standard normal derivate (Z) and probability tables


X −μ


© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Campbell et al. (2007) p. 218ff and Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Fig. 48: Solutions of the “Normal distribution” example

Page 67

Lognormal Distributions ■ ■

The occurrence of oil and gas reserves is approximately lognormal distributed (the same as return on investments, insurance claims, core permeability and formation thickness) Y=ln(X) …is normal distributed

Fig. 49: Lognormal distribution

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Campbell et al. (2007) p. 218ff and Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 68

Uniform Distributions ■

Equal probability between a minimum and a maximum

f (x ) =

1 xmax − xmin

Fig. 50: Probability density function and cumulative distribution function of a uniform distribution

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Campbell et al. (2007) p. 218ff and Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Page 69

Triangular Distributions ■ ■

Used if an upper limit, a lower limit, and a most likely value can be specified Equation: 2

⎧ ⎛ X−X ⎞ ⎛ X mod − X min ⎞ min ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟, X min ≥ X ≥ X mod ⎪ ⎜⎜ X X X X − − ⎪ min ⎠ min ⎠ ⎝ max F ( x ) = ⎨ ⎝ mod 2 ⎪ ⎛⎜ X max − X ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ X max − X mod ⎞⎟ ⎪1 − ⎜ X − X ⎟ ⋅ ⎜ X − X ⎟, X mod ≥ X ≥ X max Example: ⎩ ⎝ max mod ⎠ ⎝ max min ⎠

A bit record in a certain area shows the minimum and maximum footage, drilled by the bit to be 100 and 200 feet, respectively. The drilling engineer has estimated, that the most probable value of the footage drilled by a bit will be 130 feet, and the footage which is drilled follows triangular distribution. What is the probability that the bit fails within 110 feet?

Solution: ƒ

Xmin=100; Xmod=130; Xmax=200; X=110

⎛ X − X min ⎞ ⎟⎟ F ( x ) = ⎜⎜ ⎝ X mod − X min ⎠



⎛ X − X min ⎞ ⎛ 110 − 100 ⎞ ⎛ 130 − 100 ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ⎜ ⋅ ⎜⎜ mod ⎟ ⋅⎜ ⎟ = 0.033 = 3.33% ⎝ X max − X min ⎠ ⎝ 130 − 100 ⎠ ⎝ 200 − 100 ⎠

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Campbell et al. (2007) p. 218ff and Mian (2002b), p. 99ff.

Fig. 51: Probability density function and cumulative distribution function of a triangular distribution

Page 70

Tests of Goodness of Fit ■ With these tests one can analyse whether a sample emanates from a certain population or not. ■ Chi-squared-Test ƒ ƒ

For continuous and discrete data Need to define bins

■ Kolmogoroff-Smirnow-Test ƒ ƒ

For continuous No need to define bins

■ Anderson-Darling-Test ƒ ƒ

For continuous No need to define bins

■ Root-Mean-Square-Error ƒ ƒ

For continuous and discrete data No need to define bins

■ The probability of a sample data drawn from a certain distribution is measured by P-values (called observed significance level)

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Mian (2002b), p. 99ff and PalisadeCorporation (2002), p. 148ff.

Page 71

Risk Analysis

Risk Management in E&P Projects ■ Example for key points of a risk management policy: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Risk management is an integrated part of project management Every project faces risks from the very beginning The ability to influence and manage risk is higher the earlier identified Risk management supports the achievement of the project’s objectives The project manager – and development manager in case of composite projects – is accountable for managing project’s risks Risk management is a continuous process The selective application of risk management tools supports risk management Proper risk management involves multi-discipline teams Taking calculated risk consciously generates value Risk can be quantified by multiplying the probability that the unfavourable event happens with the severity (financial exposure) of possible consequences Risk auditing is subject to project peer reviewing

■ In risk analysis one can distinguish between: ƒ ƒ

Qualitative risk analysis Quantitative risk analysis

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 73

Qualitative Risk Analysis ■ Risk management is understood as ƒ ƒ ƒ

Identifying potential project threats, Reducing the probability that negative events occur (prevention), and Minimizing the impact of the occurrence of negative events (mitigation).

■ The process: Id ic tif en n io at

M on ito

rin g


© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben


se ss m

en t


Re Pla spon nn se ing

Page 74

Bow-Tie Diagram

Fig. 51a: Bow-Tie Diagram

Bow-tie diagrams are used for in depth analysis of major risk issues. Especially when the cause-effect-chain of a risk issue is too complicated to be overlooked due to multiple threats, consequences, and barrier opportunities, bow-ties reduce the complexity and help to understand the coherence of the risk issue. © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 75

Risk Matrix (for projects) Probability


Never heard of in Heard of in E&P E&P industry industry




>= EUR 10 mn

> 6 months delay

Total change in project scope or leading to desastrous quality



>= EUR 2 mn up to < 10 mn

2 - 6 months delay

Major change in project scope or leading to bad project quality



>= EUR 100.000 up to < 2 mn

2 week - 2 month delay

Moderate change in project scope or leading to inferior quality



>= EUR 10.000 up to < 100.000

2 days - 2 weeks delay

Minor change in project scope or leading to inferior quality



< EUR 10.000

< 2 days delay

Marginal change in project scope and quality



No consequence

No consequence

No consequence

Has occured in company

Has occured several times in company

Occurs frequently in company














Fig. 51b: Bow-Tie Diagram

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 76

Basic Problems of Risk Analysis ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Incomplete understanding Not independent trails Little data or experience Price instability Geology as an art

■ These factors make the judgement of probabilities in petroleum exploration difficult.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 327ff.

Page 77

Judging Probability of Recovery ■ What is the wildcat success ratio? ■ Derive from past success rates ■ Calculate the geologic risk factor Considered factors: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Source Migration Timing Thermal Maturity Reservoir (porosity and permeability) Trap Seal

■ P(wildcat discovery)=P(trap) x P(source) x P(porosity and permeability) x etc.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 327ff.

Page 78

Three Level Estimation of Risk

■ Is used instead of two discrete levels: ƒ Dry hole ƒ Average discovery

■ The three levels are: ƒ Low ƒ Medium ƒ High

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 327ff.

Page 79

Monte Carlo Simulation ■ Numerical procedure ■ Random numbers provide computer-aided an artificial sample ■ Pioneers: ƒ ƒ

Earl George Buffon John von Neumann

■ Software packages in use: ƒ ƒ

@Risk Cristal Ball

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 80

Monte Carlo Process ■ Workflow: ƒ

Define variables


Develop the deterministic projection model


Sort the input variables in two groups


Define distributions for random numbers


Perform the simulation trails


Calculate EMV and preparing graphical displays

Input Data

Sampling of Input Data via Probability Distributions

Computing Outputs (e.g.: NPV)



yes Evaluation of Output Probability Distribution

In Monte Carlo simulations risky events and values are modelled by means of probability distributions and repeating relevant calculations a sufficiently number of times using random numbers in order to end up with calculated probability distributions for output variables. © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Zettl (2000), p. 43 and Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 397ff.

Result Interpretation and Decision

Page 81

Random Numbers ■ Sources of random numbers: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Mechanical experiment Noise in nature (really random) Table of random number (boring book!) (Pseudo) Random number generator (pseudo random)

■ Uniformly distributed numbers between 0 and 1 ■ If computers offer to set the “seed” value, the random numbers are reproducible

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 397ff.

Page 82

Sampling ■ Monte Carlo Sampling

Fig. 52: Monte Carlo Sampling

■ Latin Hypercube Sampling

Fig. 53: Latin Hypercube Sampling

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Newendorp, Schuyler (2000), p. 397ff.

Page 83

Result Interpretation ■ The result is a probability distribution of the output value ■ Received statistical measures: ƒ ƒ ƒ

Measures of location: mean, median, mode… Measures of dispersion: range, interquantile range, standard deviation, variance… Measures of shape: modality, skewness, kurtosis…

Fig. 57: Hidden relationship between input and output shape of distribution

Fig. 58: Possible output probability distribution of a Monte-Carlo-Simulation

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 84

Main Fields of Application ■ Risked Costs ■ Risked Economics ■ Risked Schedule

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 85

Selected Measures of Risk ■ Risk Adjusted Capital (RAC) ƒ

Maximum amount of money that can be lost (with a certain confidence)

■ Value-at-Risk (VaR) ƒ

Difference between the mean and the maximum amount of money that can be lost (with a certain confidence)

■ Return on Risk Adjusted Capital (RORAC) ƒ

Relation between expected profit (e.g. mean) and the maximum amount of money that can be lost (with a certain confidence)

Fig. 59: Selected Measures of Risk

■ Different definition in literature! © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Gleißner (2004) and Homberg, Stephan (2004)

Page 86

Risked Schedules ■ Stochastic Inputs: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Durations of project tasks Start dates of project tasks Predecessor links Calendar Global variables

■ Outcome: ƒ ƒ

Fig. 59a: Risked Gantt Chart

Ranges, P10, P50, P90, and expected end dates Probability of meeting a deterministic schedule

Fig. 59b: Important issue in risking schedules

Within probabilistic schedule analyses, a closer look on the project schedule is taken by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. © Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 87

Sensitivity Analyses

Sensitivity Analysis ■ A way to handle uncertainty ■ Demonstrates the significance of uncertain elements in economic evaluations ■ Typical items for sensitivity analysis: ƒ



Operating costs


Reserve size


Production rates





© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Allen, Seba (1993), p. 213.

Page 89

Deterministic Sensitivity Analysis ■

Where the range of outcome is known but not the probability

Input parameters in an economic model are changed over a certain range

Y-axis represents an economic yardstick

X-axis represents the fractional change of the input parameters

Does not depict interrelations between input parameters Fig. 60: Spider Diagram

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben Cf. Allen, Seba (1993), p. 213ff.

Page 90

Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis ■

The input parameters of an economic valuation model have probability distribution

Correlation- or Regression-Coefficients of every input parameter and the output are calculated

Visualisation is normally done in a tornado diagram

Does depict interrelations between input parameters

Fig. 61: Correlation diagram

Fig. 62: Tornado Diagram

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben

Page 91

Literature ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Allen, F.H.; Seba, R. (1993): Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production, Tulsa: OGCI Publications. Campbell Jr., J.M.; Campbell Sr., J.M.; Campbell, R.A. (2007): Analysing and Managing Risky Investments, Norman: John M. Campbell. Clo, A. (2000): Oil Economics and Policy, Boston/Dordrecht/London: Kluwer Academic Publisher. Dahl, C.A. (2004): International Energy Market - Understanding Pricing, Politics and Profits, Tulsa: Penn Well. Deffeyes, K.S. (2005): Beyond Oil - The view from Hubbert's Peak, New York: Hill and Wang. Dias, M.A.G. (1997): The Timing of Investment in E&P: Uncertainty, Irreversibility, Learning, and Strategic Considerations. In: 1997 SPE Hydrocarbon Economics and Evaluation Symposium. Dallas, TX: SPE. Dixit, A.K.; Nalebuff, B.J. (1997): Spieltheorie für Einsteiger - Strategisches Know-how für Gewinner, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag. Gleißner, W. (2004): Die Aggregation von Risiken im Kontext der Unternehmensplanung. In: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management. Vol. 48, Nr. 5: S. 350-359. Homburg, C.; Stephan, J. (2004): Kennzahlenbasiertes Risikocontrolling in Industrie und Handelsunternehmen. In: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management. Vol. 48, Nr. 5: S. 313-325. Johnston, D. (2003): International Exploration Economics, Risk, and Contract Analysis, Tulsa: Pann Well. Laux, H. (2003): Entscheidungstheorie. 5. Auflage, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. Mian, A.M. (2002a): Project Economics and Decision Analysis - Volume I: Deterministic Models, Tulsa: PennWell. Mian, A.M. (2002b): Project Economics and Decision Analysis - Volume II: Probabilistic Models, Tulsa: PennWell. Newendorp, P.; Schuyler, J. (2000): Decision Analysis for Petroleum Exploration. Vol. 2nd Edition, Aurora: Planning Press. PalisadeCorporation (2002): @Risk - Advanced Risk Analysis for Spreadsheets. Vol. Version 4.5, Newfield: Palisade Corporation. Zettl, M. (2000): Application of Option Pricing Theory for the Valuation of Exploration and Production Projects in the Petroleum Industry. Leoben: Montanuniversität Leoben, Dissertation.

© Economics and Business Management, University of Leoben, Stephan Staber

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