ADVANCED 5 ANSWERS – Cambridge English
February 9, 2017 | Author: pepipe | Category: N/A
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ADVANCED 5 ANSWERS – Cambridge English Test 1 Paper 1 – Reading Part 1 Introducing “de-perimeterisation” Jangling the nerves: poner los pelos de punta. Harbingers: precursor. Digital doom: sentencia, ruina, muerte. Innocuous: inofensivo. Unhindered: sin trabas, sin obstáculos. 1D 2C 3D 4A 5B 6C What is Design? A row: pelea, bronca. Mismatch: discordancia, incompatibnilidad. Maverick: inconformista. Ostensibly: aparentemente. Interview with Dr Andrew Steele, Astrobiologist Lying through my teeth: A bloke: un tío, amigo. To figure out: resolver, dares cuenta, entender. To pigeonhole on: clasificar, encasillar. Dismissive attitude: despectivo, depreciativo. Part 2 Spadework that’s truly rewarding To squat: sentarse en cuclillas, agacharse; invadir, okupa. To scrape: raspar, rayar, arañar. A trowel: pala (de jardinería). Damp circumstance: húmedo, mojado. Amortiguar. To burrow: cavar, excavar, rebuscar. To shift: desplazar. To sift: cribar, filtrar, tamizar. To be committed to: comprometido. Slot: ranura, hueco. A pit: cantera, hoyo, hueso, semilla. On cue: a la cola, pista, pie, entrada, inducer. Drizzle: lloviznar. Elicit: obtener, sonsacar. Crouched figures: agachado. A ditch: zanja, cuneta. Minutiae: minucias, pequeñeces, pormenores. Painstakingly: meticulosamente, cuidadosamente. To pop in: dares una vuelta, dejarse caer. Meter.A Spade: To Strip away: pelar, despegar, quitar.
The jumble: mezclar, desordenar, revolver. Rubbish tip: basurero. To clamber in and out: trepar. Have all but stripped away: desposeído, despojado. All but: prácticamente. Salvo. He team’s pin-up: poner, fijar. 7E 8F 9A 10B 11D 12G Part 3 Never too old to rock A splosh: Latterly: después, recientemente, ultimamente. Double-jointedness: articulado, plegable. The ability to pat one’s head while rubbing one’s stomach: A knack: truco, tranquillo. To overstate: exagerar. To dispense with: dejar de lado. An autocue: chuleta. A whim: antojo, capricjo. To be dragged away: llevar a la fuerza, apartarlo. To suspend: suspender, aplazar, posponer. To hold back the years: contener. Bygone era: pasado, antigue, obsoleto. Drift into: inlinarse hacia. Barely: apenas. A mumble: murmuro. The jowls: carrillos. A streak: mancha, rayo. Grumbling: quejoso, malhumorado. 13b 14b 15c 16b 17d 18a 19a Part 4 – An Undying Art Slick: rebanada, rodaja, loncha. Sake: en nombre de, bien, beneficio. Whereas: mientras que. Dismaying: consternación, desaliento. Roughs: borrador, boceto. Take in: pillar, pescar, asimilar. To pounce: saltar, precipitarse. Grappling with: lidiar con. To be bound by: estar ligado. Ballpoint: bolígrafo. Charcoal: carboncillo. Paper 2 – Writing Part 1 1. Write a report for first week of college (events, suggest changes). Part 2
2. Our leisure activities and hobbies have been changed dramatically by technology. To what extent do you agree with this? 3. Letter of application: An opportunity to travel and help children (volunteers to teach read and write English – qualifications relevant, experience, and why you would like to work with children). 4. Which character from a film you would like to be? Why you would like to be this character? What your day as a character would be like. 5. Answer one of following: a. Through a glass, Darkly by Donna Leon – is a sequence of thrilling events with a surprising ending. To what extent do you agree with this? b. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck – Write an article of a memorable event that takes place in Of Mice and Men. Describe an event, explain why you think it is memorable and say why it is important to the story. Paper 3 – Use of English Early map-making Plump babies: regordete. Puffed-out cheeks: inflar. Blowing along: Engage: entablar, emplear, contratar, engage in: involucrarse. Evenly: uniformemente, horizontalmente, imparcialmente, en partes iguales. Breadth: anchura, amplitud. Enliven: avivar, alentar. Enlighten: Commissioned: encargar. At large: prófigo, suleto, en toda su extension. Edge (filo) – border (frontera) – limit – verge (orilla, margen). Renovated: reataurar. Renewed: renovar. 1C 2A 3D 4C 5D 6B 7D 8C 9B 10A 11C 12B Part 2 The game of Go Fiendishly: 13The 14Be 15As 16Them 17Of 18Since 19From 20Whose 21Up 22Although/Though/While/Whilst 23A 24Which 25On 26Where 27Even The Victoria Falls
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