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Table of Contents

Unit 1: Relationships ___________________________________________ 1 Unit 2: Overcoming Difficulties ___________________________________ 3 Unit 3: Business As Usual ________________________________________ 6 Unit 4: The Great Outdoors ______________________________________ 9 Unit 5: Exceptional Women _____________________________________ 11 Unit 6: Truth And Lies _________________________________________ 13 Unit 7: Believe It Or Not________________________________________ 16 Unit 8: Strong Feelings _________________________________________ 19

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Unit 1: Relationships

Wedding Plans – page 7 a.

1. True 2. True 3. False


The emotion Elly expresses is frustration.


1. She hasn’t been in contact. 2. Not really. We see from the video that he is doing a lot to help. 3. To get back in contact with her friend and share her frustration about the wedding plans.


1. So, are you ready to review our list? 2. It's been dealt with. 3. Luckily I had some time this morning to stop by the bakery and pay for the cake. 4. Good job, Luke! 5. It’s extremely important that he gets it this week. 6. He’s so forgetful


1. b 2. a

4. True 5. False 6. False

3. c 4. b

Just Clowning Around – page 10 a.

have fun play practical jokes joke around laugh your head off pull people’s legs tricked you make everyone laugh


1. After …that he be at her birthday celebration. 2. After… I hope you don’t mind that I tricked you.

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GLOBAL READING: page 11 1. The “it” in the title refers to the balance between life and work. 2. The subheadings are all written in the imperative - we can infer that the article will contain advice on how to balance personal and work life. 3. The writer’s main message is that it is important to get your priorities right and make time for your personal life.

CLOSE READING: page 11 1. a. the relationship b. scheduling time together c. make every second count 2. line 25, line 34, line 55 3. It is a verb. We know this because it is followed by the marker “when”. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 13 1. In spite of modern timesaving devices we actually have less free time than before. 2. a. 8 d. 5 b. 6 e. 3 c. 2 3. Accept all logical answers.

Close Relationship – page 14 a.

Surprise: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 Lack of Surprise: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Subjunctive Mood: Review – page 15 a.

1. …decided that the wedding be postponed. 2. …recommended that the wedding day be put back…


1. I suggested that they reflect upon their decision. 2. They insisted that they wanted to get married, ASAP. 3. Is it absolutely essential that we attend? 4. It is vital that they be warned…


Accept all logical answers.

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Unit 2: Overcoming Difficulties

IFL Broadcast – page 17 a.

1. Mike received his award at the Golden Bowl in Las Vegas. 2. He was injured in a car accident. 3. His wife helped him get through the ordeal. 4. He will be competing in the US Open. 5. He intends to donate his prize money to the Foundation for Disabled Sports.


1. You’ve got to hand it to Wilson for overcoming his disability. 2. Wilson’s coach tried to talk him out of returning to the game. 3. Who would have imagined Wilson making it back to the top? 4. He really went through an incredible ordeal. 5. To find the strength to put up a fight like that is pretty exceptional in the annals of sport. 6. He certainly stands out as a model for anyone in his predicament. 7. Wilson spoke so movingly that the host was afraid to cut him off.

Mitch’s Helping Hands – page 19 a.

The text is written in the style of a short story. It uses narrative tenses and focuses on describing the characters and their feelings. A newspaper article would use present or recent past tenses and much shorter, less descriptive sentences. An academic essay would not include so much personal information and would be written more objectively.


1. d 2. f 3. e 4. b


1. helping hand 2. hearing-impaired 3. sign language

4. bright future 5. workplace discrimination 6. personal difficulties


1. after 2. However 3. then 4. so

5. before 6. At first 7. but

5. a 6. g 7. h 8. c

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A Bit Deaf – page 20 a.

1. c 2. e 3. d


Formal: 1, 4 Informal: 2, 3 Rude: 5

4. b 5. a

GLOBAL READING: page 22 1. The title suggests that the text is about someone’s daily schedule. The usual expression is “A Day in the Life of” - the title is therefore a play on words or pun suggesting that in learning about a person’s daily schedule you gain insight into their life and personality in general. 2. Mainly informal. 3. 24 hours 4. Mainly chronologically. Paragraphs 3 and 5 deal with flashbacks to past events. CLOSE READING: page 22 1. The dash is used to link two phrases, when the second phrase explains or expands upon the first. Two more examples occur in paragraphs 2 and 3. 2. Paragraph 3 (after), Paragraph 5 (a year ago) 3. knuckle down, gear up, a tidal moment, a bummer, I went COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 24 1. She is 15. 2. She lost a leg when she was three. 3. Anna feels relaxed and able in the water, but she used to be embarrassed to be seen in a swimming costume. 4. She has a very busy schedule. 5. Her ability category has been raised from 5 to 7 so she will have to practice much harder as she will be competing against swimmers who are more able. 6. She is optimistic and does not let her disability stop her being ambitious. More Common Errors: Prepositions After Verbs and Adjectives – page 25 a.

of, for, in, from, with, on, at, to


afraid of, aware of, bad at/for/to, certain of, clever at, different from, jealous of, kind to, nice to/of, pleased with, proud of, rude to, talented at

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1. to 2. to 3. to 4. at 5. of

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6. with 7. for 8. to 9. of

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Unit 3: Business As Usual

Business – page 27 a.

1. d 2. c 3. e

4. a 5. b


He uses a mixture of formal and informal to try and influence his colleague informal to sound friendly and win Gerald over, formal to try to impress upon him the importance of the project.


1. There is a hint that their relations with their clients are not too good. 2. He agrees with it and thinks that it will help generate goodwill between the company and its clients. 3. Brendon appears to be very approving of his boss. 4. “claims”. The real reason no one has volunteered is because they can’t be bothered and do not like the sound of the project. 5. They appear to be coworkers. 6. He flatters him by saying that Gerald is a ‘key figure’ in public relations. He also implies that the request that Gerald undertake the job comes from Mr. Davidson, his boss, implying also that his boss respects his work and abilities. He also appeals to his sense of company loyalty in a difficult time. 7. Accept any logical answers.


1. a 2. a 3. a

4. a 5. a 6. b

Request – page 30 a.

1. …you have been selected as one of 10,000 homeowners… 2. … and have our questionnaire back in the mail within ten days. 3. My intuition tells me that you’re the kind of person who sees things through and doesn’t procrastinate. 4. Ultimately, no one benefits more from this information than you, the customer. 5. … you will take this opportunity to assert yourself and voice your opinion… 6. … along with a small gift to show our appreciation for your assistance.


They claim that the questionnaire will be analyzed by an independent consulting firm.

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Accept all logical answers.


Accept all logical answers.

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Maybe I Can – page 31 a.

1. Employee and boss. 2. He wants him to work on the weekend. 3. He’s going away for the weekend. 4. He suggests asking Hans to work instead of him. 5. He realizes he will be fired if he doesn’t accept.


Request: Would you mind working this weekend. Refusal: I ‘m sorry but there’s no way I can make it. Agreement: Maybe I can manage after all.

GLOBAL READING: page 32 1. Some kind of bad problems at work. 2. Bullying in the workplace. 3. To offer advice on what to do if you are bullied by a colleague or superior at work. CLOSE READING: page 33 1. Those that bully do so because of personal problems of their own that they have yet to resolve. 2. hence 3. advice COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 34 1. The author’s three humorous suggestions are: Push the bully out of an 11th-floor window; hide in the restroom; join the witness protection agency and hide in some remote part of the world. 2. Big, gorilla type; big slug; on the prowl (like a predator). 3. Accept all logical answers.

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More Common Errors: So vs. Such – page 35 a.

1. h 2. d 3. a 4. g

5. b 6. c 7. e 8. f




1. It’s so interesting / amazing /simple 2. such a good book/makes such good sense 3. such a success

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Unit 4: The Great Outdoors

Canada – page 37 b.

2. Landscape, people, cities 3. The last sentence includes the phrase “we Canadians”. 4. Protecting Canada’s environment

A Nature Lover’s Vacation – page 38 a.

1. fresh air 2. luxury hotel 3. national park 4. guided nature walks 5. winding trail

6. scenic path 7. chilly night 8. unwelcome visit 9. cold stream 10. tropical drinks

I Miss California – page 39 a.

1. She is a teacher. 2. The children in the school are affected because they are always home sick. 3. A colleague 4. The climate 5. The previous year the heating wasn’t working properly

More Common Errors: Parallel Structures – page 41 a.

1. a 2. a 3. a

4. b 5. b

GLOBAL READING: page 42 1. Eco-tourism involves responsible travel to natural areas with the aim of conserving the environment, improving the welfare of local people, and generating greater awareness of local concerns. 2. It suggests that he does not approve of eco-tourism.

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CLOSE READING: page 42 1. Contrast: However Rephrasing: In other words Effect: Consequently Adding information: In addition Drawing a conclusion: In sum 2.

lines: 3-5, 12-13, 21-22, 27-28. The writer uses parallel structures to make his writing more emphatic.


untouched, off the beaten track, exotic, virgin. The author places words in quotation marks to indicate that he is suspicious of them.

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 44 1. Eco-tourism involves responsible travel to natural areas with the aim of conserving the environment, improving the welfare of the local people, and generating greater awareness of local concerns. 2. No, the author does not consider eco-tourism to be environmentally friendly. 3. Eco-tourism often damages the environment instead of protecting it, it damages local economies, and it demeans local culture.

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Unit 5: Exceptional Women Career Plans – page 45 a.

Emily: determined, idealistic, proud, selfless Father: egoistic, pragmatic, stubborn, concerned


1. He thinks she’s making a mistake. 2. She thinks that Emily should do what she believes is right. 3. He should be proud that he has raised a daughter who wants to help society. 4. His attitude is accepting.

Mystery Girl – page 48 a.

Skin: Eyes: Nose: Hair: Lips:

clear, dark, light, pale clear, dark, deep-set, piercing, protruding protruding, straight, pert blond, curly, dark, dyed, glossy, light, messy, straight, wavy full, glossy, sensuous

GLOBAL READING: page 48 1. Accept all logical answers. 2. The writer is probably a woman because she says “we wonder where we fell short” (line 6). 3. The writer has in mind women who feel frustrated because they cannot live up to the superwoman myth. CLOSE READING: page 49 1. “It” refers to the exact moment when women failed the test of being a “Superwoman”. 2. “This” refers to the author’s reference to women “feeling guilty” for not achieving what is expected of them. 3. The writer repeatedly asks when the Superwoman myth began. The repetition underlines the author’s sarcastic attempt to show how impossible the very notion of “Superwoman” is for any hard-working person to achieve. 4. “It’s time to…” 5. 1. d 4. b 2. e 5. a 3. f 6. c

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COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 51 1. The Superwoman myth is the idea that women can be loving wives, wonderful mothers and career women all at the same time and manage such conflicting roles with no effort whatsoever. 2. It is a myth because it has no basis in reality and is impossible to achieve. 3. People buy into the myth because it is promoted by the mass media. 4. To be aware that the myth is impossible to achieve and even people who appear to achieve it are as fallible and human as we ourselves.

You're So Aggressive! – page 51 a.

1. Accept all logical answers. 2. It makes people respect you. 3. Accept all logical answers. 4. Accept all logical answers. 5. Accept all logical answers.


Complaint: Sometimes you're so aggressive. Disagreement: I'm not aggressive. You're just passive. Agreement: That's true.


Accept all logical answers.

Negation: Review – page 53 a.

1. b 2. b 3. b

4. a 5. b


1. at all 2. neither 3. nor 4. ever 5. never 6. anyone

7. neither 8. nor 9. someone 10. never 11. no one 12. anyone

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Unit 6: Truth And Lies

News – page 55 a.

1. Opinion 2. Fact 3. Fact 4. Fact

5. Opinion 6. Opinion 7. Fact


1. Stirling mentions “the events of the past century”. 2. Yes. He says that “we must recall the mistakes we have made so that we don’t repeat them.” 3. Not to lose sight of basic values; to recall our mistakes and not repeat them; and to pass on all that we have learned to our children.

Violations May Damage Treaty – page 56 a.



Accept all logical answers.


1. d 2. e 3. b


1. step down 2. pending 3. comply with

4. c 5. a

4. deficit 5. fabricated

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My Friend – page 58 a.

1. It takes place in at school. 2. She is complaining about the amount of homework she has been given. 3. No, he isn’t. 4. Accept all logical answers.


1. U 2. C 3. U 4. C 5. S

6. U 7. S 8. C 9. U

Subjunctive Mood: After Adjectives – page 59 a.

1. The government is determined that the Coltech scandal be covered up. 2. Isn’t it amazing that so many people turn a blind eye. 3. It’s vital that people realize that the government is behind… 4. What’s so amazing is that so many fall for their nonsense. 5. Is it any wonder that they get away with… 6. I was surprised to find that they’re owned…


1. annoying, irritating, infuriating 2. pleased, overjoyed, ecstatic 3. uncomfortable, embarrassed, mortified 4. important, pressing, crucial 5. uneasy, disturbed, distressed

GLOBAL READING: page 60 1. To be economical with the truth is a euphemism for lying. 2. The article is about lying, why we do it and how to tell when someone is lying to you. 3. The writer treats the subject fairly, but not overly, seriously.

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CLOSE READING: page 60 1. It adds emphasis. 2. It adds emphasis. 3. adding emphasis – line 22; insert examples – line 35; define meaning – lines 5-6, line 18 4. white lies, fibs, prevarication, economical with the truth, whopper, untruth, deception, misled, fabrication, attempt to deceive 5. line 1, line 8, line 21 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 62 1. A therapist 2. It can be justified when children lie in order to test the power of language or when they want to see what can be manipulated in their environment. 3. Yes, they lie eventually to get out of trouble or get something they want. 4. body language: variation in voice pitch or rate of speech; making contradictory statements; overly strong insistence that they are telling the truth 5. Accept all logical answers.

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Unit 7: Believe It Or Not

Call-In – page 63 a.

1. Intuition 2. A program in which listeners can call in and relate their experiences. 3. She is used to taking time over making decisions and planning her life carefully. 4. The message of the woman’s story is that sometimes it is wise to follow your intuition. 5. Accept all logical answers.


1. change 2. reflect 3. acting on 4. anticipate 5. analyze

6. listen 7. share 8. fulfill 9. making 10. implement

GLOBAL READING: page 64 1. It suggests that women’s intuition is something that society attributes to women as compensation for their second-class status. 2. To persuade people that that "women’s intuition” is a sexist term that originates from patriarchal, chauvinistic attitudes toward women and is no longer acceptable. 3. To offer an example. 4. No, it is not the conclusion. CLOSE READING: page 64 1. The practice of telling women that they are more intuitive than men. 2. To add emphasis 3. The Zuni men’s ability to make rain. 4. 1- e 5- b 2- d 6- a 3- g 7- c 4- f

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COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 66 1. b. This paragraph closes the argument by returning to the warning the author gives at the end of paragraph one. 2. The Greeks and, specifically, Aristotle. 3. Plato 4. The concept of women’s intuition suggests that intuition is an exclusively female characteristic and implies that women are unable to think rationally or logically. The concept helps perpetuate the unequal status of women in society and prevents them from making a significant contribution to the development of the human race. The author believes we are living in such dangerous times that we cannot afford to waste the potential of half of the human race in this way.

Personal – page 67 a.

1. Valerie 2. Vanessa 3. Sandy 4. Rick

5. Rick 6. Moira 7. Moira


1. They don’t believe in the supernatural. 2. They insisted because they thought it would provide useful insights into the paranormal. 3. She recognized it from her dreams. 4. To illustrate the difference between the paranormal and the supernatural. 5. She was convinced she had seen her walking about the house on several occasions. 6. Accept all logical answers.

So Gullible – page 69 a.

1. friends 2. Frankie is a boy Dana just met. 3. She means that jokes often reflect what we really think about something.


I was offended…,Why on earth…, Now I’m really insulted…, I can’t believe…, You’ve got a nerve.

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More Common Errors: Like vs. Mind – page 70 a.

1. Invitation or offer 2. Request for permission 3. Polite request

4. Invitation or offer 5. Request for permission 6. Polite request


1. You just did! 2. Not at all! 3. I’d love to!

4. Please do! 5. Don’t mention it!


1. would you like? 2. you like?

3. you don’t mind? 4. you like to come?

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Unit 8: Strong Feelings

Soap Opera – page 71 a.

1. Detective Lasko 2. Margot 3. Nick Spinelli

4. A detective 5. Nick Spinelli 6. Detective Lawrence


1. b 2. a 3. d


1. jealous ex-husband 2. blonde woman 3. curly beard


1. a = Article A, b = Article B 2. a = Article A, b = Article B 3. 1. ex - former husband 6. cops - police 2. busted - convicted 7. overseas - abroad 3. tied the knot - married 8. in the clink- behind bars 4. badly shaken - distressed 9. knocked the wind out of - shaken 5. the box - television 10. name - moniker


1. two weeks 2. It was rich and luxurious. 3. The words “in business” are in quotation marks, hinting that the paper does not really believe that he was on legitimate business. 4. A bouncer - security guard outside a dance hall or nightclub. 5. The eye-witness account. 6. Text B is a broadsheet newspaper like “The New York Times” which claims to report more objectively in neutral language. Text A is very sensational and informal in tone and therefore gives the impression that it is less reliable. 7. Accept all logical answers.

4. c 5. e

4. calm appearance 5. desperate measures

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Ghost Castle – page 74 a.


1. Caspar is described as having a “funny [strange] feeling”, irrational, frantic, stubborn. 2. The characters argue with each other; building suspense to see if Caspar’s intuition is correct and Gloria is proven wrong (we always suspect she is). 3. The setting is a “cold night”. A “long journey” suggests exhaustion. The wind whistles through the walls and the climax takes place in the dark, heightening the sense of horror and mystery. 4. The castle is described as full of “creepy shadows” cast by the candle flames. The paragraph comes between the first and second sentences in paragraph two.

GLOBAL READING: page 75 1. Accept all logical answers. Explain that “to see red” is an idiom meaning to get angry. 2. The article is about anger management. 3. The purpose of the article is to help people manage their anger. 4. The tone is somewhere in between formal and informal. CLOSE READING: page 75 1. Beginning with a question engages the reader and focuses him/her on the main idea of the paragraph. 2. Lines 16, 21, 27 3. Lines 4, 7, 27 and 28 all contain sentences that begin with “if” - the function of the structure is to give advice. 4. How you can prevent yourself from getting angry? COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: page 77 1. To help people understand and control their angry feelings. 2. The writer believes that it is something you can learn to control. 3. They have a low tolerance for frustration and expect the world to conform to their point of view. 4. physiological; socio-cultural; family history 5. Relaxation; cognitive restructuring; good communication; thinking before you act; humor. 6. Accept all logical answers.

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Good-Bye! – page 77 a.

1. They once dated. 2. She wants to tell Brian that she is getting married. 3. He thought she was going to break up with Fred. 4. She thinks he’s a very good friend.


You’re what? Are you serious?


Accept all logical answers.

More Infinitives: As Connectors, After Passive – page 78 a.

Accept all logical answers.


Accept all logical answers.

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