INTRODUCTION Several years ago it would hardly have been necessary to discuss the meaning of “adultery! "irtually every educated #erson $new that adultery is a se%ual relationshi# that somehow or another breaches a marriage relationshi# Voluntary sexual relations between an individual who is married and someone who is not the individual's spouse. &dultery is viewed by the law in many 'urisdictions as an o(ense in'urious to #ublic morals and a mistreatment mistreatment of t he marriage relationshi# Statutes attem#t to discourage adultery by ma$ing such behavior #unishable as a crime and by allowing a blamele ss #arty to obtain a Divorce against an adulterous s#ouse <hough adultery has been historically regarded regarded as a leg al wrong) it has not always been considered a crime In *u ro#e duringthe +fteenth and si%teenth centuries) adultery was #unishable solely in courts created by the church to i m#ose good morals Inthe ecclesiastical courts) adultery was any act of se%ual intercourse by a married #erson wit h someone not his or her s#ouseThe act was considered wrongful regardless of whether the other #erson was mar ried &t Common Law) adultery waswrongful intercourse between a marrie d woman and any man other than her husband The ,ree$ ,ree$ word word for adultery adultery is moicheia moicheia The classical classical ,ree$ writers assigned a very clear meaning to the term It had to do with the illicit se%ual conduct of a married #erson) or with a married #erson On the other hand)
always refers to the se%ual sin of married #eo#le with someone other than their s#ouse) and the word is used in the Old Testament both literally and +guratively The -ebrew word translated “adultery! means literally “brea$ing wedloc$! Interestingly) ,od describes the desertion of -is #eo#le to other gods as adultery The .ewish #eo#le were regarded as the s#ouse of .ehovah) so when they turned to the gods of other nations) they were com#ared to an adulterous wife The Old Testament often referred to Israel/s idolatry as a wanton woman who went “whoring after! other gods 0*%odus 1234564789eviticus 4:3:8*;e$iel 73< =."> ?urther) the entire boo$ of -osea li$ens the relationshi# between ,od and Israel to the marriage of the #ro#het -osea and his adulterous wife) ,omer Their marriage was a #icture of the sin and unfaithfulness of Israel which) time after time) left her true husband 0.ehovah> to commit s#iritual adultery with other gods
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This Study determines the factors of Adultery that will affect ro!en family in e"ery home# $% A&ree '%(isa&ree
)ndicators '# *hildren may e+,erience eha"ior ,rolems in school#
$# *hildren will choose if where they want to &o#
-# *hildren tend to hard time in dealin& of chan&ed#
.# Low le"el of ,arent%child interactions#
/# *an cause ,oor educational outcomes#
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'# *hildren may e+,erience eha"ior ,rolems in school# $# *hildren will choose if where they want to &o#
-# *hildren tend to hard time in dealin& of chan&ed# .# *hildren tend to hard time in dealin& of chan&ed#
/# Low le"el of ,arent%child
Levels A
interactions# 1# *an cause ,oor educational outcomes#
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(isa&ree )ndicators
'# *hildren may e+,erience eha"ior ,rolems in school# $# *hildren will choose if where they want to &o#
-# *hildren tend to hard time in dealin& of chan&ed# .# *hildren tend to hard time in dealin& of chan&ed /# Low le"el of ,arent%child interactions# 1# *an cause ,oor
educational outcomes#
*onclusion & family is the most im#ortant social grou# to which a #erson could belong to Our families teaches us about the im#ortance of $nowledge) education) hard wor$ and e(ort It teaches us about en'oying ourselves) having fun) $ee#ing +t and healthy It teaches us all the social and moral eti@uettes which a #erson learns and they learn them because of their family environment The conditions in a family very much a(ect the livelihood and wor$ing of an individual There for ma$ing your family very im#ortant ItAs no stretch to say that a #erson has a serious advantage in life if they come from a loving) su##ortive home Bany #eo#le still succeed though they come from less6than6ideal family situations) but having our basic needs met) $nowing that our #arents love us and learning life lessons at home ma$e all the challenges of day6to6day living that much easier to face 9i$ely) as an adult you want a ha##y home for your family So let/s learn to be contented of what we have and sto# adultery right now because it reects within our self
Recommendation Bost #eo#le thin$ of a marriage made in heaven as a rare occurrence in which both #arties are dee#ly in love and highly com#atible e li$e to thin$ that all our marriages are made in heaven hen a man and woman enters one of our holy tem#les to be married) they covenant 0or #romise> they will stay together foreverEon earth and in heaven after they die) if they are faithful to each other and their #romises to the 9ord & tem#le marriage doesn/t include #hrases li$e) FTill death do you #artF or FSo long as you both shall liveF If we $ee# these #romises) our children also become #art of this heavenly #romiseE sealed to us forever
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