ADS Confguration in Netweaver 7.3 Let's Begin- There are 2 types o ADS Confguration!" Basi# Authenti#ation 2" SSL Authenti#ation. $ere% & a (is#ussing ADS Confguration using Basi# Authenti#ation or intera#tive A(o)e *ors. Prerequisites -
!" SA+ Netweaver 7.3 As ,ava Syste ADS shou( )e instae(". 2" SA+ Business Suite 7 Syste Profle Parameters -
!" +rofe +araeter SA+*/DN shou( )e set in )oth As ,a va an( As ABA+ syste. Process -
AS Java (Netweaver 7.3)
!" & 01 is on As ,ava a" Create ADS0S as a Te#hni#a 0ser in &(entity anageent i it (oes not e4ist. )" Create ADSCALLS group in &(entity 1anageent. #" Assign 01 oe SA+5ADSCALL 6ou 6ou nee( to assign this roe ony to users who nee( to a##ess ADS". &n y #ase% & assigne( this roe to the ADSCALLS group in i(entity anageent. (" Assign ADSCALLS group to ADS0S in i(entitiy anageent. 2" & 01 o As ,ava is running on As ABA+ syste a" Create ADS0S in As ABA+. )" Create ADSCALLS roe in +*C an( (on't assign any authori8ation to it. #" Assign ADSCALLS roe to ADS0S. (" o to &(entity 1anageent o As ,ava% there sear#h or roe S A+5ADSCALL an( a(( user ADS0S to it. o to assigne( A#tion Ta) Ta) an( sear#h or a(o)e in avaia)e a#tions an( a(( a#tionAdobeDocumentServicesADSCaller to roe an( save it. 3" o to SA+ netweaver a(inistrator http9:: http9::;server%ode S?B9 and %reate ADS R3C as Type =. a- In Tar1et System settin1s& enter tar1et host name and Ser!i%e no. of yo'r As a!a systems. b- In )ath )refi$& enter> *AdobeDo%'mentSer!i%es*Confi1FstyleGrp% %- In Lo1on Se%'rity tab& sele%t ,asi% A'thenti%ation. Then& enter 'ser ads'ser and its password.
Sa!e the R3C. B- =o to SIC3 and a%ti!ate below ser!i%es *defa'lt2host*sap*b%*fp *defa'lt2host*sap*b%*fpads ,y this way %onfi1'ration of ADS is %ompleted. If yo' fa%e any problem d'rin1 ADS %onfi1'ration or d'rin1 testin1& )lease %he%/ below SA) notes: 9;;@> Tro'bleshootin1 if problems o%%'r in forms pro%essin1 9@B799> %om.adobe.)ro%essin1Error 3ile not fo'nd on URL Lo%ation
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