ADS Configuration Guide
Short Description
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ADS Configuration in NW 7.0 (without SSL)
Create User ADSUSER in NW AS ABAP as System User (SU01)
Create Role ADSCALLERS without any authorizations (PFCG)
The The ADSC ADSCA ALLER LLERS S role role in SAP SAP NW AS ABAP ABAP appe appear ars s auto automa mati tica call lly y as the the ADSCALLERS ADSCALLERS group in the J2EE Engine
Assign the role ADSCALLERS to ADSUSER along with the following roles, SAP_BC_FP_ICF SAP_BC_FPADS_ICF SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION
Create Service User ADS_AGENT in ABAP (SU01)
Assign the following Roles,
Assign Security role in JAVA
Go to Visual Admin
On the Cluster tab, choose Server → Services → Security Provider .
Management tab, choose the Tree tab in the left panel. On the User Management tab,
In the User Tree, User Tree, ensure that the user you created in ABAP appears under the ADSCALLERS group. ADSCALLERS group.
On the Policy the Policy Configurations tab, in the Components area, select com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices*AdobeDocumentServicesAssembly.jar.
On the Security Roles tab, select ADSCALLER select ADSCALLER from the Security Roles list.
In the Mappings area, choose Add choose Add , which is assigned to Users. Users. A dialog Choose Users or Groups is displayed.
Choose the Tree tab.
Tree, under the ADSCALLERS In the User Tree, the ADSCALLERS group, group, select the ADSUSER the ADSUSER you just created and choose OK . This assigns the new user to the ADSCALLERS the ADSCALLERS security security role.
Create ABAP RFC Connection (SM59)
RFC Destination - ADS Connection Type - G
In Logon security Tab, enter ADS_AGENT and its password as,
Test the Connection
Activate ICF Services
Log on to your SAP Web AS ABAP system
Choose transaction SICF. SICF.
default_host → sap → bc → fp in the tree. Choose default_host →
Choose Service/Virt.Host → Service/Virt.Host → Activate
If AS ABAP and AS Java (with ADS) are installed in different systems, and you want to bundle your forms to improve performance, you also have to activate the fpads ICF service.
Create following Destination Service (Visual Admin) FP_ICF_DATA_
In URL field enter http://: message Error during ping operation: If you choose Save and Test , you can ignore the message Error Received HTTP response 404.
Set up Basic Bas ic Authentication in JAV JAVA Environment
Log on to to the the Visual ual Admi dminis nistrator. or.
On the Cluster tab, choose Server → Services → Web Services Serv ices Security. Security.
S ervice Clients → > tc~wd~pdfobject → tc~wd~pdfobject → Choose Web Service*ConfigPort_Document .
From the Authentication list, select BASIC select BASIC .
In the User and User and Password Password boxes, boxes, enter as Username ADSUser and a Password.
Save. Choose Save.
The authentication data must be activated. For doing this navigate toServices to Services → Deploy. Deploy.
Choose the button Application button Application..
Choose Choose in in the tree.
Choose Start Application. Application.
To activate the Application,
Configuration Check
I ➢
Go to SA38
Test program FP_TEST_00
If the FP_TEST_00 form is displayed in the print preview, the ADS configuration is correct.
If the system displays an error message instead of a form, the configuration of ADS is incorrect .
The carry out ad additional nal tests. Go for STEP II
II ➢ ➢
Now check RFC connection to ADS by Program FP_ADS_TEST_00 in SA38 If the system system display displayss the version version number number of ADS, ADS, the configura configuratio tion n of the RFC connection is correct. Then Proceed with III
Otherwise You receive one of the following error messages: 1. If the system displays dialog fields for user and password instead of the version
number, the entries for user and password in the RFC connection do not match the entries in user management. -> Check the user and the password. Continue with point 2. The system displays a "SYSTEM ERROR" with the following text:
ERROR MESSAGE : SOAP Runtime Exception: CSoapExceptionTransport : HTTP send returned with status code" -> Check or correct the details d etails for target device, service number and path prefix in the RFC connection (transaction SM59). 3. If the system displays an error message stating that there is no va lid HTTP
connection, then there is no RFC connection to ADS. -> Correct or create the RFC connection conn ection (transaction SM59). III
Check the Setting for Destination Service
a) First of all, execute the program without selecting the option "With Destination
Service". b) Now select the option "With Destination Service" and exe cute the program again. The
system processes the test form, using the destination service.
If the system displays the same message (file size of generated PDF) as it does in a), the configuration of the destination service is correct.
If the System issues error message carry out following steps :
Ente Enterr the the fol followi lowing ng URL URL in you yourr Web Web brow browse ser: r: http://:/sap/bc/fp/form/layout/fp_test_00.xdp
In the the dia dialo log g box box for for the the use userr, ente enterr ADS_ ADS_AG AGEN ENT T and and the the rel releva evant nt pas passw swor ord. d.
If the browser displays an error message instead of the XML file,
Call Visual Visual Administrator and navigate to Services -> Destinations
Extend the setting in field URLunder Connection Settings to: http://:/sap/bc/fp/form/layout/fp_test_00.xdp
Choose 'Save and Test'
If the settings are correct, the system issues the message: "HTTP GET response code 200 Content Type/xml.". Do not forget to change the URL back to http://:.
If you get the error FPRUNX004 while executing an y of the above tests do the following, 1.
Go to SE37
exec execut utee the the func functi tion on modu module le FP_G FP_GET ET_L _LAS AST_ T_AD ADS_ S_ER ERRS RSTR TR
After you have called the FP_GET_LAST_ADS_ERRSTR function module, the system will delete the text internally. internally. A second call will, therefore, not return an y results.
Document Prepared by RENJITH R RAJESH LS
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