Adoption and Maintenance Cases
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hindu law...
Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainte Maintenanc nancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18, S.18, Civil Civil Proced Procedure ure Code, Code, 1908, 1908, S.15 S.15 Maintenance Maintenance - Interi Interi aintenance aintenance can !e "ranted "ranted !# $ail# Court u%s 151 C.P. C.P.C. to &i'e and c(ildren in a suit 'or aintenance 'iled under Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act a"ainst (us!and. )P.Srinivasa *ao +s St.P.Indira AI* 00 A.P. 10 Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, S.151 - Interi aintenance - Court can "rant interi aintenance in a petition 'or aintenance 'iled u%s 18 o' Hindu Hindu Adopti doption onss and and Main Mainte tenan nance ce Act, ct, 1956. 1956. )Mo( )Mo(in inii /(ar /(arat at alia aliass Seea Seea Anr. nr. +s +../(arat 002) Civil Court Cases 236 )PH Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainten Maintenanc ancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18, S.18, Hindu Hindu Marria Marria"e "e Act, Act, 1955, 1955, S.1)1 S.1)1 4A"reeent to live separatel# - oes not operate as decree o' divorce dissolvin" arria"e 7i'e livin" separatel# under suc( a"reeent is entitled to clai aintenance 'ro (us!and 'ro date o' institution o' suit 'or aintenance. )/ouraa +s Siddappa eevappa Patarad 00) Civil Court Cases 91 )arnataa Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainte Maintenanc nancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18 S.18 - Interi Interi ainte aintenanc nancee - Mainte Maintenanc nancee a&arded a&arded u%s 15 Cr.P Cr.P..C. - Interi Interi aintenance aintenance "ranted tain" :udicial :udicial notice notice o' a&ard u%s 15 Cr.P. Cr.P.C. C. - ;ot lia!le to !e inter'ered &it(. )+. )+.Sant(ana +s S.Sat(#a AI* 00 00 Madras 92
Hindu Adoption Adoptionss and Maintenance Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Maintenance Maintenance -
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