Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind

January 18, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind Wow, page two. When we began this project I thought we might have trouble filling one page, let alone two, since the subject material is exceedingly hard to find, after all. But it is out there. Every day the internet is unveiling more information and photos. Although it is spread throughout a virtual swamp of garbage and the usual system propaganda, parroted by the usual brainwashed drones. The flow of information on the internet is uncensored for most of us, for now. But it's only a matter of time until information like what is presented here is censored 'for your protection.' Page two reveals pictures and information previously unknown to even me, and I've been studying this topic for years. Seeing black Africans proudly wearing the iconic eagle and swastika on their breasts speaks a thousand words. Or various Asians, like Indonesians, Thai, Chinese, and even Koreans, all sporting the Swastika and an Axis uniform, nearly shocks the eye in bewilderment. Men and women of all races fought against one enemy. What a criminal shame that their deeds and deaths have been hidden from us today. But no more, one can hide the truth, but not forever, eventually, it will surface. Of course, the enemies of truth could say 'well, they were forced by the evil Germans to fight for them.' But that lie, like all their lies, won't hold up to scrutiny. Especially since the majority of the pictures you see here of non-whites, like their European counterparts, are volunteers. It is up to you to educate yourself further. These pages are only a glimpse of the rage, sorrow and wonder that awaits you, if you decide to look deeper. It will be a long journey, but we're all on it together. The journey of a lifetime, that's for sure.

But, as always, pictures speak louder than words!  [Most pictures - Click to enlarge]


[Above: Waffen SS Italian arm shield patch.]

[Above: Italian soldiers of the Axis.]

[Above: Waffen SS Italian volunteers, note their distinct Italian helmets with 'Sig' runes.]

[Above: Recruitment poster for the Italian 'Black Brigade'.]

[Above: Waffen SS recruiting poster]

[Above: Waffen SS recruiting poster]

[Above: Waffen SS recruiting poster]  Click here to see more Italian posters  Click here to see Italian postcards  Click here to see more Italian photographs  Click here to see Italian currency of the era

+ CROATIA +  Croatia was a member of the Axis from 1941-1945. It was led by Ante Pavelic (July 14, 1889 – December 28, 1959). His ruling political party and movement were called the 'Ustaše'. In 1941 Pavelic formed the Croatian 369th Reinforced Infantry Regiment, a regiment of 9,000 volunteers to help fight the spread of communism. This regiment fought bravely and was eventually involved in the Battle of Stalingrad.

[Above: Ante Pavelic]

[Above: Waffen-SS Croatian sleeve shield]

[Above: Croatian volunteers in the Waffen SS.]

[Above: Croatian Waffen SS volunteers in an oath taking ceremony. Note the German style helmets with Croatian decals]

[Above: More Croatian volunteers.]

[Above: Croatian pilots.]

[Above: This is the Do 17Z-2 flown by a Croatian volunteer squadron on the Eastern front.]

[Above: Two sleeve shield variations. These brighter examples of Waffen SS sleeve shields were not meant for combat, but more for RAD work service and presentation.]

[Above: Croatian postage stamp honoring its Axis partners fighting communism.]  Click here to see more pictures of Croatian soldiers and the Ustase  Click here to see more pictures of Croatian leader Ante Pavelic  Click here to see Croatian postal souvenir sheets, postcards, magazines and posters  Click here to see Croatian currency of the era

+ BRITAIN +  The British Free Corps was composed largely of ex-prisoners of war from the British commonwealth. There were volunteers from Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Scotland.

[Above: British Free Corps uniform cuff band.]

[Above: British volunteer for the 'British Free Corps' unit of the Waffen SS, which was formed in the spring of 1944. The details of this unit are scarce, but most historians put its number between 60-100 volunteers. In the closing days of WW2 these gallant men were joined with the SS Division Nordland, many of whom died in the Battle of Berlin.]

[Above: Waffen SS recruiting poster for the British Free Corps.]

[Above: Another Waffen SS recruiting poster for the British Free Corps.]

[Above: And yet another Waffen SS recruiting poster for the British Free Corps.]

[Above: British John Amery, spiritual father of the British Free Corps. He was executed for 'treason' after the war by the British. John Amery was the son of the British Secretary of State for India. He also had fought on Franco's side in the Spanish Civil War.]

[Above: John Amery after being captured in Milan, Italy at the end of the war.]

[Above: As above.]  Click here to see more pictures of John Amery  Click here to see more pictures of the British Free Corps  Click here to see read a pamphlet by British Free Corp member Francis MacLardy


[Above: Greece 1943, members of the Waffen SS Arabian Legion.]

[Above: Something must have been REAL funny!!!]

[Above: An African volunteer of the Waffen SS Arabian Legion.]

[Above: An African officer of the Waffen SS, complete with SS camouflage smock and helmet cover.]

[Above: Somewhere in Africa...]


[Above: This Indonesian volunteer was part of the Dutch Waffen SS. How and why he was placed in a Dutch unit is unknown.]


[Above: Korean Waffen SS volunteers. By their disheveled appearance it is presumed they have been taken prisoner, probably by the Americans.]


[Above: Chiang Wei-Kuo, son of Chang Kai-Shek (the President of China), in his National Socialist German Army uniform. He trained in Germany at the Munich Military Academy (Kriegshochschule), where he completed his training and later earned the coveted Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss sleeve insignia. Wei-kuo actually commanded a Panzer unit during the 1938 Austrian Anschluss! He led a tank into Austria and was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant of a Panzer unit and awaited being sent into Poland. But before he was given the mobilization order, he was recalled to China. ( To take part in the Chinese civil war, where the communists would eventually take over the country) Upon being recalled from Germany, Chiang Wei-kuo formally took part in the National Revolutionary Army. There he became a Major at 28, a Lieutenant Colonel at 29, a Colonel at 32, and later, a Major General. During the Chinese Civil War, Chiang Wei-kuo employed tactics he had learned while studying in the German Wehrmacht. Interesting eh? Those racist Nazis, training an Asian in warfare, adopting him into their armed forces, giving him rank and awards, and then letting him command a tank unit. yet another shining example of what we've been taught about WW2 has been lies.]

[Above: Chiang toasts with German comrades]  Click here to see more pictures of Chiang Wei-kuo


[Above: Waffen SS Romanian arm shield patch, for non-field use.]

[Above: Romanian soldiers on the Eastern Front. Until the fiery end days of WW2, Romania was a staunch ally of Germay and the Axis. Eventually, like all of Eastern Europe, the communist death machine would pour into the region, resulting in utter chaos and treachery. Many Romanian and German soldiers would have to fight their way out of the country as the communists gained control and ordered that Romanian guns be turned on their former Axis allies.]

[Above: Romanian postage stamp from October 11, 1941]

[Above: Romanian postage stamp sheet honoring their soldiers and German comrades on the Eastern Front, circa October 16, 1941]

[Above: A close-up of one of the stamps above]

[Above: A postage stamp of November 1, 1942 honoring fellow Axis leaders Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. The top of the stamp bears the picture of Romanian King Michael, while the bottom picture is of Prime Minister Ion Antonescu. Last but not least, two faces that need no introduction, Hitler is on the left and Mussolini's on the right.]

[Above: Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (September 13, 1899 - November 30, 1938), leader of the Romanian Iron Guard, revolutionary, author and martyr]  Click here to see more pictures of Corneliu Codreanu  Click here to see more pictures of Romanian soldiers  Click here to see Romanian currency of the era


[Above: Waffen-SS Azerbaijanis sleeve shield. 'Biz Alla Billen', akin to the German 'Gott Mit Uns', means 'God is with us'.]

[Above: Azerbaijanis Waffen SS volunteers. Over 60% of the Waffen SS, by the end of the war, were non-German and not white.]

[Above: Here are soldiers taking some time out for a game of chess.]

[Above: Here are three more Waffen SS sleeve patch variations.]

[Above: Here is another sleeve shield variation.]

[Above: Azerbaijanis soldiers in France. 'Azerbaijanis' are 'Turkic' people living mainly in N.W. Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as neighboring states like Georgia, Russia, etc...]

[Above: Here is a soldier's newspaper for Azerbaijanis Waffen SS volunteers]

 Click here to see more pictures


[Above: Waffen-SS Netherlands sleeve shield, for non-field use]

[Above: Members of the SS-Freiwilligen Legion Niederlande, circa winter 1942/43. These volunteers pictured are being awarded the Iron Cross.]

[Above: 'Mussert Wins'. Netherlands Nazi party vignette stamp for the election of 1935. The NSB, or Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging, was a Nazi Party in the Netherlands formed in 1931. Anton Mussert was their founder and original leader.]

[Above: Here is a recruiting poster for the Waffen SS in the Netherlands.]

 Click here to see more pictures of Anton Mussert and the NSB  Click here to see pictures of coins of the era from the Netherlands


[Above: Portugal had a large Fascist party, an unknown amount of volunteers joined the Waffen SS, usually attached to Spanish units.]

[Above: Portugese fascist youth show their support.]

[Above: A massive Portugese rally.]

[Above: Another Portugese rally from the 1930's.]


[Above: Serbian volunteers.]

[Above: Serbian Chetniks with their German allies in Jablanica. Circa 1942.]

[Above: Serbian Chetniks displaying their flag. The root of 'Chetnik' is 'Cetnik' which means 'trooper'.]

[Above: Serbian Waffen-SS...]

[Above: Anti-Communist postal vignette.]  Click here to see more pictures of Chetnik volunteers  Click here to see Serbian stamp sheets, circa 1941  Click here to see Serbian currency of the era


[Above: Head of Norwegian State Vidkun Quisling, center right, with Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler during a state visit to Germany.]

[Above: Two Norwegian officers of the 'Gjentehird' (A faction of a youth organization fashioned after the Hitler Youth/BDM, for ages 14 to 18 yrs). The girl on the right wears German 'Distinguished Foreigner Decoration.']

[Above: Waffen-SS Norwegian frontline nurse.]

[Above: Waffen-SS Norwegian frontline nurses at a swearing in ceremony.]

[Above: Waffen-SS Norwegian frontline nurses.]

[Above: Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 – February 19, 1952). Amazing Norwegian author who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. Over a period of seventy years he published more than 20 novels, poetry, short stories, plays, a travelogue, and essays. His classic 1890 novel 'Hunger' being one of my all-time favorites. Hamsun was a father and pioneer of many styles of writing. Ernest Hemingway even stated that 'Hamsun taught me to write'. During World War II, Hamsun strongly supported the German war-effort and even met with Adolf Hitler several times. After one occasion of meeting with Hitler he told an adjutant 'Tell Hitler we believe in him'. In 1940 he wrote that 'the Germans are fighting for us'. Hamsun also met with Joseph Goebbels, whom had a deep respect for Hamsun. Upon returning to his native Norway, Hamsun sent his Nobel prize to Goebbels! Saying that he deserved it for all his work. Hamsun also met with soldiers on various fronts, including U-boat crews.

On June 14, 1945 Knut Hamsun was arrested for 'the commission of acts of treason'. Since he was such a famous and beloved author, and due to his advanced age, he was committed to Grimstad, which was basically an insane asylum (see Ezra Pound). I guess if you're too famous to be thrown in a dungeon they like to throw you in an insane asylum, after all, you'd have to be crazy to have a different opinion than those in power, right? In 1947 he was tried and fined an absurdly huge amount of 575,000 Kroner. The powers-that-be effectively destroyed this great author's name for many decades after WW2. Only in recent years have Norwegians been given 'permission' to enjoy his timeless works again. Having an opinion in a democratic country can be very dangerous...]  Read a eulogy Knut Hamsun wrote in 1945 appearing in the newspaper 'Aftenposten'

[Above: Arhild Hamsun, the son of Knut Hamsun, in his Waffen-SS uniform. He was a volunteer to the Waffen-SS and as seen here was decorated with the Iron Cross for bravery]

[Above: One of many colorful Waffen-SS recruiting posters for Norway.]

[Above: This is a postal vignette/label depicting the 'Norske Legion'.]  Click here to see more Norwegian Waffen-SS posters  Click here to see more Vidkun Quisling and Norwegian Waffen-SS photographs  Click here to see more Norwegian Waffen-SS related postage stamps

+ IRAN +

[Above: Another little known supporter of the Axis cause was Iran. Like its neighbor Iraq, it even joined sides with the Germans, but was invaded shortly after by the British, who wished to retain its colonial enslavement of the region. Although the pictures seen here are from post-WW2, there were many National Socialists in Iran during the war (and still are to this day). One of the most notable was Dr. Davud Monshizadeh, who may have even fought in the Battle of Berlin! Monshizadeh would later help form the National Socialist Iranian Workers Party called 'SUMKA' (from the acronym of 'Hezb-e Sosialist-e Melli-ye Kargarane Iran' in Parsi language).]

[Above: Dr. Davud Monshizadeh]

[Above: A SUMKA party meeting]

+ HUNGARY + Hungary's contribution to the Axis war effort was considerable. Below are figures, researched by the historian Antonio Munoz, detailing this. 1) 150,000 men of the 'Arrow Cross' and 'Levente Youth Organization.' 2) 310,000 Honved (Hungarian Army) personnel 3) 17,000 Hungarian personnel of the police and Gendarmerie. 4) 42,000 men of the 25th SS and 26th SS Infantry Division. 5) 14,000 men of the 22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division 'Maria Theresa.' 6) 8-11,000 men of the 31st SS Volunteer Grenadier Division 'Batschka.' 7) 3,500 men of the 1st Hungarian Battalion. 8) 5,000 men of the SS Brigade 'Ney.' 9) 250,000 Hungarian ethnic Germans.

[Above: Here is a picture of a Hungarian soldier and his German ally, who is a machine gunner of the Totenkopf Division. They are standing next to a King Tiger tank in Budapest in early December, 1944.]

[Above: Here is a postcard from Axis partner Hungary, circa 1941.]

[Above: Here is a poster from the 'Arrow Cross Party', which was the Fascist party of Hungary. The captions reads 'Despite it all...!']

[Above: Hungarian officers speaking to a German comrade after the German assault on Castle Hill. Note the Arrow Cross armband. An SS paratrooper can be seen in the background.]

[Above: Funeral for fallen Hungarian and German soldiers in the courtyard of the Royal Palace on October 16, 1944. Note the mix of German, Hungarian army and Arrow Cross soldiers. German commando extraordinaire Otto Skorzeny is standing on the far right.]

[Above: Here are two Hungarian stamps from 1941 honoring the Axis soldier.]

[Above: Here are two Hungarian stamps from 1943 honoring the Axis soldier and nurse. This is a rare imperforate variety of stamp.]  Click here to see more pictures of Hungarian soldiers  Click here to see Hungarian currency of the era


[Above: Waffen-SS Georgian sleeve shield]

[Above: Waffen SS volunteers from the country of Georgia. It is interesting to note that Stalin is from Georgia...]

[Above: A Waffen SS Georgian soldier in a studio portrait. Note the SS shield patch on the sleeves of the men in both pictures.]

[Above: Georgians in front of a Volkswagon.]


[Above: Waffen-SS Bergkaukasien sleeve shield]

[Above: Soldier of Bergkaukasien. Notice on his sleeve the second design of the arm patch used for only the North Caucasian Legion, as well as other North Caucasian volunteers serving with the 162nd (Turkic) Infantry Division and 'Sonderverband Bergmann'.]


[Above: Waffen SS volunteers from an ethnicity known as 'Tatars'. One of the many peoples inhabiting Russia's vast land which joined the Axis cause against Communism. Note the Tatar flag with its distinct bow and arrow. It is blue and green or red.]

+ SLOVAKIA + [Slovakia gained its independence from Czechoslovakia with the aid of Germany in March of 1939. The Slovaks, like the ethnic Germans of Czechoslovakia, were not being represented in local or national government and being discriminated against in education, jobs, and the distribution of public funds. To illustrate Czechoslovakia's 'nationalities problem', consider this 1930 census of the country. This showed a total population of 14,730,000, made up as follows: Czechs - 7,447,000 Germans - 3,218,000 Slovaks - 2,309,000 Magyars (Hungarians) - 720,000 Ruthenes - 569,000 Poles - 100,000 Others - 266,000 This sort of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity caused chronic problems and conflict. Technically the Slovaks shared with the Czechs the status of 'people of the state', as distinct from other minorities. When the Slovak people finally got their own independent state it was short-lived, a mere six years (1939-1945). The invading communist armies merged Slovakia with Czechoslovakia once again. It wasn't until January 1, 1993 that Slovakia would be a country again.]

[Above: An award ceremony. Note the peculiar Slovakian style helmets.]

[Above: Another award ceremony.]

[Above: Two members of the 'Deutsch Jugend' of Slovakia.]

[Above: Another member of the 'Deutsch Jugend' of Slovakia.]

[Above: This stamp, circa 1942, bears the shields of the many Axis countries. Visible is Slovakia, Germany, Italy and Croatia.]

[Above: This stamp, circa 1944, bears a striking image of a mother protecting her children from the flames of Communism with the aid of a strong Slovakia.]

[Above: This souvenir sheet is from 1944.]

[Above: Here is an envelope from Slovakia circa April of 1939. Note the use of Czechoslovakian stamps which have been overprinted for Slovakia. It is sent from Bratislava, the country's capital.]  Click here to see pictures of Slovakia soldiers and its national political party  Click here to see Slovakian coins and currency of the era


[Above: Waffen-SS Ukraine sleeve shield]

[Above: Waffen-SS instructor teaching Ukrainian volunteers the ins and outs of the 50mm mortar.]

[Above: These pro-Axis barefoot soldiers were fierce anti-Soviet/partisan fighters. Circa October 1941.]

[Above: ...]

[Above: Kharkov, Ukraine 1942...]

[Above: Waffen-SS magazine for Ukrainian volunteers.]

[Above: This envelope was sent in 1944 and contains very rare regional German/Ukraine stamps, amongst the much more common overprinted German stamps bearing Hitler's image.]

[Above: These stamps were sold to benefit the Ukrainian volunteers of the Waffen-SS.]  Click here to see more pictures of Ukrainian Waffen SS volunteers  Click here to see pictures of Ukrainian currency under German administration


[Above: German American Bund parade in New York City on East 86th Street, October 30, 1939.]

[Above: German American Bund rally poster. This rally was held on February 20, 1939, in Madison Square Garden. Approximately 20,000 Americans attended this rally!]

[Above: German American Bund Youth Group on the march in New York City. Circa 1939.]

[Above: German American Bund functionary salutes his audience in 1938. George Washington, America's first president, was hailed as 'the first Fascist'. Sound strange to you? Take a look around America's court rooms and other government buildings, even the Oval Office, you'll find 'fasces' (the symbol of Fascism) aplenty, usually carved into marble nearly a century ago. There is even a fasces on an American dime.]

[Above: This is a rally at Camp Seigfried, Long Island.]

[Above: This picture is of an American organization called 'Americans for Hitler'. It predated the German American Bund.]

[Above: An extravagant German American Bund rally.]

[Above: Letters from Americans not wanting to get involved in a European war poured into the senate mail room at a rate of more than 200,000 a day! Americans were overwhelmingly pro-neutrality during the first years of WW2. In 1940 president Roosevelt won reelection on the promise: "While I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before but I shall say it again and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." But he lied. The powers-that-be wanted nothing more than to destroy Germany. Like usual, the American government and media did everything they could to get America involved in the war, eventually instigating the bombing of Pearl Harbor (which it is now admitted the president knew about before hand.)]

[Above: Here a giant postcard bears the peaceful sentiments of 700 Iowans who signed it and sent to their senator.]

[Above: Ezra Pound (October 30, 1885 – November 1, 1972). Often called the 'Father of Modern Poetry', although born in the territory of Idaho, Pound lived in England during WW1, where he was outraged and disgusted by the millions of senseless deaths of the war. He blamed the war on usury and international capitalism. He moved to Italy in 1924 and throughout the 1930s and 1940s he supported Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. He also wrote articles for the publication 'Action' which was owned by British Fascist Oswald Mosley. In Mosley's newspaper he wrote that the English were a slave race governed by the Rothschilds since Waterloo. Pound got a job as a broadcaster working for the Italian government during WW2, where he made hundreds of broadcasts. Pound wrote in 'The Japan Times' that 'Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews'.

[Above: Ezra Pound's mugshot after being arrested by the Americans.] Pound was arrested for treason by the United States after the war. He spent many months in detention in a U.S. military concentration camp in Pisa, where for twenty five days he was locked in a 6X6 foot outdoor steel cage lit up all night by floodlights. There in what was known as the 'death cells' he endured isolation in the unrelenting heat, denied exercise, his eyes inflamed by dust and dirt, no bed, no belt or shoelaces, and no communication with anyone, not even the guards. This barbarous treatment triggered a mental breakdown and he was deemed unfit to stand trial. He would spend the next twelve years locked away in St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital, released in 1958. On May 8, 1945, the day Germany surrendered, while in captivity, he told the Philadelphia Record that Hitler was 'a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint'... One cannot sum up the life and doings of Ezra Pound in a few paragraphs, volumes and volumes would be needed. But I'll end this with a quote from Ernest Hemingway about Pound: 'The best of Pound's writing... will last as long as there is any literature."]

[Above: Ezra Pound, free from the American dungeon.]


[Above: Australian-German club in Adelaide South Africa celebrate the 50th birthday of Adolf Hitler, circa 1939.]


[Above: Sir Oswald Mosley]  The British Union of Fascists, founded in the early 1930's by Sir Oswald Mosley. He left his postitions as a member of British parliment and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to form the B.U.F., which became a popular and formidable party. Quite a few notable personalities of Britain joined him, among them: Major General J.F.C. Fuller, historian; Francis Yeats-Brown, the author; Lord Rothermere, the publisher of popular newspaper the Daily Mail; Sir Willian Morris, owner of Morris Motors; Sir Henry Deterding, chairman of the Dutch Oil Company; Viscount Lymington; Admiral Sir Barry Domville; B. Philby, a famous explorer; the Earl of Glasgow and Walter Runciman, both brothers-in-law of Sir Thomas Inskip the Minster of Defense. Not to mention the great William Joyce, who became his propagandist. Mosley met with various heads of state, including Adolf Hitler. It is said that King Edward the VIII was a large financial supporter of the British Union of Fascists. 'Not on grounds of race or religion, but on the fundamental principal of Fascism, we declare that we will not tolerate an organized community within the state which owes allegiance not to Britain, but to another race in foreign countries... We shall not fight Germany again in a Jewish quarrel.' -Oswald Mosley, October 1934, at Albert Hall

[Above: Sir Oswald Mosley addresses a meeting held in Albert Hall April 22, 1934. Approximately 10,000 attended, which at the time was one of the largest indoor political meetings ever held.]

[Above: Sir Oswald Mosley in Italy meeting Benito Mussolini.]

[Above: The British Union of Fascists march in London, circa 1939.]

[Above: ...]

[Above: William Joyce, propagandist for the B.U.F., was put to death for treason after the war even though he lived in Germany and had given up his British citizenship. For what you ask? For a radio program!]

[Above: Margaret Joyce, William Joyce's wife and comrade. She did several programs for the German 'Reichsfundfunk' with her husband. Although Margaret was arrested by the British after the war she was not charged with a crime.]  Click here to see additional pictures and read more about William Joyce

[Above: Diana Mosley, Oswald Mosley's wife]

[Above: Unity Valkyrie Mitford, Diana Mosley's sister. Unity was a friend of Adolf Hitler and a staunch supporter]  Click here to see more photographs of Oswald Mosley  Click here to see more photographs of Diana Mosley  Click here to see more photographs of Unity Mitford.  Click here to see more photographs of the British Union of Fascists

+ SWEDEN +  There are several different estimates by historians regarding the numbers of Swedish volunteers to the Axis war effort. Most estimates place the number between 150 and 330. These brave men, leaving behind the safety of their neutral country, served in the 5th SSPanzer Division Wiking, the 11th SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Nordland and

the 23rd SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Nederland. Valiant Swedes were even amongst the last defenders of Berlin.

[Above: Heinrich Himmler during a visit to the Sennheim camp inspecting Swedish volunteers. Circa Autumn 1943.]

[Above: Sven-Olov Lindholm, leader of the 'Swedish National Socialistiska Arbetare Partiet', or NSAP.]

[Above: Indoor NSAP meeting]  Click here to see more pictures of the NSAP

+ SWITZERLAND +  Between 700 and 800 Swiss volunteers served in the Waffen-SS, approximately 300 of them being killed in action. Most served in the SS-Panzer Division Wiking and SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers, which was a war reporters' unit usually assigned to report on the activities of

their respective national kinsmen. Kurt Eggers was a former editor of the famous SS magazine 'Das Schwarz Korps' who was killed in action in 1943 while serving in Wiking.

[Above: Even Switzerland had its own Nazi party, the NSSAP. Here is an postcard of the NSSAP with governmental swastika ban stamps. The Swiss government banned the use of swastikas and other political group's symbols. Here stamps have been applied by the authorities to block the swastika imagery. They basically say that the 'hakenkreuz' is forbidden.]

[Above: Purchasing these 'Spende' stamps benefited the NSSAP.]

[Above: As above, but a different denomination. Purchasing these 'Spende' stamps benefited the NSSAP.]


[Above: Postage stamp from 1940.]

[Above: Polish volunteers from the General Government.]

[Above: Polish volunteers somewhere on the Eastern Front mourn the loss of a comrade, who gave his life for Europe's freedom.]

[Above: Pre-war Poland. Nationalist groups using the 'stiff-arm' or Roman salute.]

[Above: Pre-war Poland.]

[Above: Pre-war Poland.]

[Above: Polish women wearing national costumes saluting officers in a parade.]

[Above: This poster was released in 1942 for Poland - it roughly states- 'In the fight against Bolshevism the German soldier fights to save Europe.']

[Above: Postage stamp from 1940.]  Click here to see pictures of Polish currency, newspapers and ration cards from the era  Click here to see pictures of Polish postcards, stamps and envelopes of the era

+ ALBANIA +  Over six thousand Albanian volunteers made up the 21st SS Division Skanderbeg. This division was a Waffen SS division set up by Heinrich Himmler in March 1944, officially under the title of the 21st Waffen-Gebirgs Division der SS Skanderbeg (Albanische Nr. 1). It was named after Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, the national hero of Albanian who resisted Ottoman invasion for 25 years.

[Above: Waffen-SS sleeve shield for Albanian volunteers.]

[Above: Albanian recruits at an SS training center for the Skanderbeg-SS Division, circa 1944.]

[Above: Gjon Marka Gjoni (August 28, 1888 - April 28, 1966), fascist leader of Albanian Roman Catholics, whose followers were in the Skanderbeg SS division.]


[Above: Mounted officers. Bulgaria joined the Axis on March 1, 1941.]

[Above: German postcard depicting Adolf Hitler and Bulgaria's Minister-President.]

[Above: The short-lived Bulgarian SS.]

+ GEORGIA +  Note: Soviet leader Josef Stalin was born in the country of Georgia. The Waffen-SS Georgian Legion was composed of at least 12 infantry battalions. The 822nd Georgian Infantry Battalion served on the Atlantic Wall during the Allied invasion of Normandy.

[Above: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS Georgian Legion in training, circa 1943. They are armed with captured Russian Degtyarev DP light machine guns.]

[Above: Soldiers of the Waffen-SS Georgian Legion on parade.]

+ IRAQ +

[Above: Rashid Ali al-Gaylani]  Iraq was an Axis ally led by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani, who was first appointed Prime Minister in 1933, and again on March 31, 1940, and yet again in 1941, after a successful coup d'état against the British puppet government. The Iraqi people fought the British but were unsuccessful and the puppet government was returned to power. Rashid Ali al-Gaylani fled to Persia (Iran), which was also soon invaded by Britain and the Soviet Union, whom were intent on removing the pro-German government there as well. Eventually al-Gaylani fled with his family to Berlin, where he was received by Adolf Hitler and was recognized as the leader of the Iraqi government in exile.

[Above: Hitler and his foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop (left) recieve Rashid Ali alGaylani at the Fuhrer's East Prussian headquaters.]

[Above: Rashid Ali al-Gaylani and the Grand Mufti al-Husseini]

[Above: Rashid Ali al-Gaylani the Grand Mufti al-Husseini at an anniversary of the 1941 coup in Iraq. The two men were good friends.]

+ TURKEY +  Turkey was an ally to Germany in World War One, and was an important raw materials trade partner with Germany during World War Two, only stopping after being threatened repeatedly by the Allies in 1944. Turkey and Germany signed a Treaty of Friendship in June of 1941. In the picture below Germany's ambassador Franz von Papen visits Turkey.

[Above: WWI patriotic donation stamp from the 'Bund der Deutschen in Nieder Osterreich' (Organization of German Needy in Austria). It features an image of the leader of Germany, Austria, Turkey and Bulgaria, whom were allies in WWI. The bottom of the stamp pledges their enduring alliance.]

+ BRAZIL +  The Fascist movement in Brazil was founded by Plínio Salgado and had widespread support from not only Italian immigrants and the large Portuguese community, but also from lower and middle class Brazilians and the military. The movement's paramilitary arm wore green shirts and conducted highly organized marches and demonstrations. The Roman salute was accompanied by the word 'Anauê', which means 'you are my brother'. The Greek letter sigma was the movement's official symbol.

[Above: Plínio Salgado (2-22-1895 – 12-8-1975) was a Brazilian politician, journalist, writer, and theologian. He founded and led an organization called the 'Brazilian Integralist Action' a political party inspired by the Italian Fascist movement. Salgado was active in politics until a year before his death. He wrote several books, including a novel in 1926 titled 'The Stranger' and 'Literature and Politics' shortly after.]

[Above: The 'Congresso Integralista'. Circa 1935.]

+ PHILIPPINES +  It is little known that there were many Filipino people who welcomed Japan as liberators. There were popular movements for Filipino independence from American colonial rule, of which Benigno Ramos, an ex-teacher and politician, was at the forefront.

[Above: Benigno Ramos (1893–?) headed the Sakdalista movement and in May of 1935 he led over 20,000 of his followers in a revolt against the Quezon puppet government. The uprising ended in failure and Ramos went into exile in Japan. He returned to the Philippines in 1938 and became the leader of the Ganap Party. After the Japanese liberated the Philippines from American rule he formed the Makapili, a militant youth movement. One of the aims of Makapili was to provide Filipino soldiers for Japan. In late December of 1944 his followers and those of his ally Artemio Ricarte were armed by the Japanese. Unfortunately it is not known how, when or where Ramos' died. Some say he died in a plane crash with retreating Japanese soldiers.]

+ CHILE +  In 1932 Jorge González von Marées founded the 'Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile' (National Socialist Movement of Chile). On September 5, 1938 Marées organized a failed coup attempt which ended in 58 young people being shot to death by police. This was later known as the 'Seguro Obrero Massacre'. National Socialists in Chile today, and those worldwide remember these young National Socialists as martyrs. Famed Chilean author Miguel Serrano speaks reverently of these martyrs in his books. Marées was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for his role in the coup attempt, but was later pardoned by President Aguirre.

[Above: Born in Santiago, Jorge González von Marées (April 5, 1900 – March 14, 1962) was a Chilean political figure and author.]

+ CANADA +  Canada had a considerable Fascist movement during the years proceeding WW2. The most notable figure is Adrien Arcand, a journalist and leader of a series of Fascist political movements. On May 30, 1940 he was arrested in Montreal as a 'security threat' and detained for the duration of the war. Arresting and detaining anyone with an opposing viewpoint was very common amongst the Allied nations during World War Two, and in the case of the Japanese in America, an entire race was sent to concentration camps. As per usual in the democratic Allied nations, Arcand's organization, the 'National Unity Party' was banned.

[Above: Adrien Arcand (October 3, 1899 - August 1, 1967). After the war Arcand ran in several elections, garnering 39% of the vote in one. It is said that he was a mentor of the highly persecuted Canadian author Ernst Zündel. On November 14, 1965, just two years before his death, Arcand gave a speech before a crowd of 650 people from all over Canada at the Centre Paul-Sauvé in Montreal. Arcand was a fervent supporter of Adolf Hitler, never wavering in his beliefs.]

[Above: A swearing in ceremony of The National Unity Party, circa 1939. Before official party meetings, the following oath was proclaimed: 'Moved by the unshakable faith in God, a profound love for Canada, ardent sentiments of patriotism and nationalism, a complete loyalty and devotion toward our Gracious Sovereign who forms the recognized principle of active authority, a complete respect for the British North America Act, for the maintenance of order, for national prosperity, for national unity, for national honour, for the progress and the

happiness of a greater Canada, I pledge solemnly and explicitly to serve my party. I pledge myself to propagate the principles of its program. I pledge myself to follow its regulation. I pledge myself to obey my leaders. Hail the party! Hail our Leader!']  Click here to see more pictures Adrien Arcand and the National Unity Party


[Above: This photo was taken by Heinrich Hoffmann (whom would later become Hitler's official photographer) in May 1919. It is of 'Mohamed Husen' in Munich. Husen was a highly decorated officer who served in East Africa with the Germans and later with a Freikorps unit. The inscription on the photo reads in part 'To the battles: Munich. A loyal East African fighter.' It is surprising and very interesting that blacks were amongst those World War One veterans fighting for change amidst post-war Germany/Austria.]  Click here to see more pictures of the Freikorps


[Above: Last, but not least, you didn't think the old gods and goddesses just stood by while the forces of light and darkness clashed, did you? Seen here, mighty and wise Athena meets the Bolshevik armies head on!]

[Above: The flag of freedom raised over the Acropolis in Greece, circa 1941]

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