ADNOC-COPV1!13!2005 (Ver-1) - Best Practice Note on Preparation of Project HSE Plans

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Version 1 November, 2005 Page 2 of 39





Copyright The copyright and all other rights of a like nature in this document are vested in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This document is issued as part of the Manual of HSE Codes of Practice (the “Manual”) and as guidance to ADNOC, ADNOC Group Companies and independent operators engaged in the Abu Dhabi oil & gas industries. Any of these parties may give copies of the entire Manual or selected parts thereof to their contractors implementing HSE standards in order to qualify for award of contracts or for the execution of awarded contracts. Such copies should carry a statement that they are reproduced by permission of ADNOC, and an explanatory note on the manner in which the Manual is to be used. Disclaimer No liability whatsoever in contract, tort or otherwise is accepted by ADNOC or any of its Group Companies, their respective shareholders, directors, officers and employees whether or not involved in the preparation of the Manual for any consequences whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from reliance on or from the use of the Manual or for any error or omission therein even if such error or omission is caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care.

All administrative queries should be directed to the Manual of HSE Codes of Practice Administrator in:

Environment Health & Safety Division, Supreme Petroleum Council, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, P. O. Box : 898, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Telephone : (9712) 6023782 Fax: (9712) 6668089 Internet site: E-mail: [email protected]

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Version 1 November, 2005 Page 3



PURPOSE................................................................................................................ 4


DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................... 4


EXISTING LAWS ..................................................................................................... 4

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 4

APPENDIX 1 ADCO DOCUMENT: ’Guidelines For Preparation Of Project Health, Safety And Environmental (HSE) Plans’ .............................................5

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Version 1 November, 2005 Page 4

PURPOSE The main purpose of this Best Practice Note is to provide Group Companies with an example of how to prepare and update a Project HSE Plan. This document essentially comprises of Appendix 1, which is a verbatim copy of the guideline document developed by Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO). This provides guidance to ADCO project team(s) and design engineers for preparation and updating of Project HSE Plans. To date, the ADCO guideline represents the best guidance for this purpose that can currently be found in the ADNOC Group of Companies. The methodology described is well aligned with the standards and processes described in other documents of the ADNOC Manual of Codes of Practice, in particular the ‘Code of Practice on HSEIA Requirements’ [Ref. 1].


DEFINITIONS All definitions used in this document can be found the ADNOC Codes of Practice document ‘Guideline on HSE Definitions & Abbreviations’, [Ref. 2].


EXISTING LAWS Existing UAE legislation relevant to the subject of this document includes: •

Federal Law No 24 of 1999 for the Protection and Development of the Environment and subsequently issued executive regulations.

Federal Law No 8 of 1980 re. Regulations of Labour Relations.


ADNOC Manual of Codes of Practice: ‘Code of Practice on HSEIA Requirement’, ADNOC-COPV1-02.


ADNOC Manual of Codes of Practice: ‘Guideline on HSE Definitions & Abbreviations’, ADNOC-COPV1-05.

[1] ADNOC Manual of Codes of Practice: ‘Code of Practice on HSEIA Requirements’, ADNOC-COPV1-02. [2] ADNOC Manual of Codes of Practice: ‘Guideline on HSE Definitions & Abbreviations’, ADNOC-COPV1-05.

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Version 1 November, 2005 Page 5

APPENDIX 1 ADCO DOCUMENT: ’Guidelines For Preparation Of Project Health, Safety And Environmental (HSE) Plans’

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(‫ﺷـﺮآﺔ أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ ﻟﻠﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎت اﻟﺒﺘﺮوﻟﻴﺔ اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺔ )أدآﻮ‬

Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)







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REV B DATE: 29tth June, 2005




Lead Safety & Loss Prevention Engineer (Technical)

Reviewed by:



Head Technical Safety

Head of Environmental Protection

Health, Safety & Environment Manager

Engineering & Major Projects Manager

Assistant General Manager (Technical) Approved by:



General Manager




Rev B

Date: 29th June, 2005


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Comments incorporated / Issued






Draft Rev Reissued for comments






Comments incorporated / Issued

Issued for comments




Rev B

Date: 29th June, 2005


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ADNOC - Regulatory HSE Authority



ADNOC Codes of Practice


4.1 4.2

9 9


HSEIA Requirements Project Categorization - Deminimis or Non-Deminimis



5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Project Overview Scope Objectives Organization and Responsibilities Protocol of HSE Activities and timing within each stage

10 10 10 11 12

Screening Stage:


5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6

12 12 12 13 13 13

HSE Plan Preliminary Risk Register Environmental Aspect and Impact Register Review of Applicable ADNOC Codes of Practice Review of BAT, BP and PPC HSEIA Screening review

Conceptual Stage:


5.5.7 5.5.8 5.5.9 5.5.10 5.5.11 5.5.12 5.5.13 5.5.14 5.5.15 5.5.16

14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17

HAZID Study Hazards & Effects Register Environmental Baseline & Impact Assessment Study HSEIA 'Deminimis' Project Categorization HSEIA 'Non Deminimis’ Project Categorization COMAH Report HSE Philosophies Document HSE Deliverables Update of HSE Plan PHSER Stage I- (Conceptual Stage)

Front End Engineering Design (FEED) or Basic Engineering Stage:


5.5.17 5.5.18 5.5.19 5.5.20 5.5.21

17 17 18 18 18 18

Update of HSE Plan Update of HSE Philosophies Document HAZOP Study Fire Safety Assessment / Gas Dispersion Study Health Risk Assessment HACCP - Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point

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5.5.22 5.5.23 5.5.24 5.5.25 5.5.26 5.5.27 5.5.28 5.5.29 5.5.30 5.5.31 5.5.32 5.5.33 5.5.34



HAZID Study Update of Hazards & Effects Register Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) HSEIA Preparation and COMAH Report HSEIA Verification HSE Deliverables Simultaneous Operations Review Constructability Review 3D Model review (HSE) Ergonomic Study SIL - Safety Integrity Level Study PHSER Stage II - FEED or Basic Engineering HSEIA Stage 1 Submittal HSEIA Studies conducted by Design Consultant HSEIA Studies conducted by 3rd Party Consultant

19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22

Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Stage:


5.5.35 5.5.36 5.5.37 5.5.38 5.5.39 5.5.40 5.5.41 5.5.42 5.5.43 5.5.44 5.5.45 5.5.46

22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25

Update of HSE Plan / HSE Philosophies Document Detailed HAZOP Study Fire Safety Assessment / Gas Dispersion Study Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) Simultaneous Operations Review Constructability Review 3D Model Review (HSE) HSE in Procurement Construction HSE Plan Contractor Camp HSE Plan PHSER Stage III – Detail Engineering Stage HSEIA Stage 2 Submission

Construction Phase of EPC:


5.5.47 5.5.48 5.5.49 5.5.50 5.5.51 5.5.52 5.5.53 5.5.54 5.5.55

25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27

Post Mobilization Audit Contractor HSE Inspections Job / Task Hazard Analysis PHSER Stage IV - Construction Contractor HSE Training Update Emergency Procedures PHSER Stage V - Pre Commissioning Formal HSE Close Out HSEIA Stage 3 Submission

Operational Phase:


PHSER stage VI - (1 Year) Post Operations HSEIA Stage 3 - (Every 5 years) 6.1

27 27

Abandonment Phase


Abandonment HSE Plan 7.1 HSEIA Stage 4 - Abandonment - Submission 7.2 PHSER Stage VII - Abandonment

28 29 29

Appendix I - Project HSE Plan - Guideline Schedule of Activities Appendix II - Guideline Checklist of HSE Deliverables Appendix III - ADCO Abbreviations

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1.0 INTRODUCTION The Project Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Plan (hereinafter referred to as the HSE Plan), is the document developed and owned by the Project Team, which specifies all HSE studies and requirements throughout all stages of a project. An HSE Plan is specific to each project and details the timing of all HSE studies, audits, reviews, ADNOC HSEIA preparation, verification and submissions for approval at certain phases of the project. The HSE Plan is developed at pre-project / conceptual stage within ADCO either by PDD or EMPD, then updated and formally issued prior to the commencement of each succeeding phase of design development, when a closer definition of HSE requirements has been established. The HSE plan shall be updated during Conceptual phase - when surface facilities are being identified, Basic Engineering (FEED stage) - to incorporate more specific design requirements, and Detailed Engineering stage - to incorporate construction and commissioning requirements during EPC stage. The purpose of the HSE Plan is to ensure that all projects capture ADNOC's new Codes of Practices and adhere to ADNOC's HSEIA lifecycle phases. It also ensures a project specific HSE Philosophy is developed based upon ADCO's corporate health, fire prevention, safety and environmental philosophies, also the specific codes and standards adopted on the project. This document provides guidance to the project team and design engineers for preparation and updating of Project HSE Plans. It does not outline Fields, Terminal or Drilling Divisions HSEIA Phase 3 requirements during operations. The HSE Plan should be prepared and developed in conjunction with the projects HSE Philosophy document, which when combined contain all HSE requirements on any new project from conceptual to commissioning phases. The document also provides guidance on the decommissioning / abandonment phase at the end of a facilities lifecycle. 2.0 BACKGROUND The 'Guidelines for Preparation of Project HSE Plans' and 'Guidelines for Preparation of a Project HSE Philosophy' documents have been the basis of managing HSE on all ADCO's major projects since their introduction in 1994. Following introduction of the ADNOC 'HSE Risk Management Guidelines' in 2000, all projects have incorporated where applicable, EIA's, gas dispersion modeling, fire safety assessment and QRA to demonstrate risks are in compliance with the ADNOC ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical) criteria. This revision of the ‘Guidelines for Preparation of Project HSE Plans’ captures the recently released ADNOC 'HSE Management Codes of Practice' issued in 2004, which are mandatory for all projects. (NB: See also the revised 'Guidelines for Preparation of a Project HSE Philosophy' ADCO Doc Ref: Rev B.), which also detail mandatory requirements for all projects.

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3.0 ADNOC - REGULATORY HSE AUTHORITY The Environment Health & Safety Division of the Exploration & Production Directorate within ADNOC, is the 'Self Regulatory Approval Authority' on all HSE matters relating to ADNOC Group of companies during design, construction, operation & abandonment. ADNOC in consultation with all Group OPCO's have developed a comprehensive range of Codes of Practice for the macro management of HSE. The Codes are prescriptive and mandatory for all projects, the Framework COP's outline procedural requirements, whilst others provide subject guidelines on specific studies, reviews and design considerations. 4.0 ADNOC CODES OF PRACTICE In 2004, ADNOC formally issued the first of (45) prescriptive draft HSE Management Codes of Practice, which will be issued over the next two years. The ADNOC Codes of Practice (COP) issued to date as (Version -1) are as follows:ADNOC-COP V1-02 ADNOC-COP V2-01 ADNOC-COP V5-01 ADNOC-COP V5-02 ADNOC-COP V1-04 ADNOC-COP V2-05 ADNOC-COP V2-08 ADNOC-COP V6-01 ADNOC-COP V1-07 ADNOC-COP V3-13 ADNOC-COP V3-01

HSEIA Requirements - April 2004 Environmental Impact Assessment - April 2004 COMAH - Control of Major Accident Hazards - April 2004 Crisis and Emergency Management - April 2004 Guideline on Management of Contractor HSE - June 2004 Waste Management - June 2004 Use of Oil Spill Dispersant - July 2004 Identification and Integrity Assurance of HSE Critical Equipment and Systems - Sept 2004. Directions for Preparing the Annual HSE Letter Guideline on Working with Asbestos - February 2005. Framework of Occupational Health Risk Management - June 04

The current list of draft COP’s awaiting CEO approval is as follows: ADNOC-COPV1-01 ADNOC-COPV1-08 ADNOC-COPV2-02 ADNOC-COPV2-06 ADNOC-COPV2-07 ADNOC-COPV4-01 ADNOC-COPV2-04 ADNOC-COPV5-03 ADNOC-COPV3-06 ADNOC-COPV3-07

HSE Administration Systems Reporting of Serious HSE Incidents (to ADNOC, Pollution Prevention and Control (Part-1) & (Part-2) Environmental Performance Reporting Environmental Risk Assessment Framework of Occupational Safety Risk Management, (Guideline) Environmental Management System Risk Assessment & Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Occupational Health Risk Management, Ergonomic Factors Occupational Health Risk Management-Food Safety & Welfare

The complete list and current status of draft revisions, and the ‘ADNOC signed and approved' status of the COP's are regularly updated and published on the ADCO HSED website under Technical Safety - ADNOC Codes of Practice. The Project Team shall review the status at each project stage and adopt as mandatory requirements the latest revisions of the ADNOC signed and approved COP’s. The draft versions shall be viewed as an indication of future requirements until they have been signed and approved.

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HSEIA Requirements The HSEIA is the main HSE administrative basis being a living document that considers the full lifecycle of a project, through all design and construction stages, operation and then eventual abandonment. Refer to COP V1-02. The following phases when HSEIA’s are to be submitted by ADCO for review and approval are: Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: Phase 4:

Conceptual design / FEED (Front End Engineering Design). Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC). Operation. (Initial, then every 5 years). Decommissioning / abandonment and disposal.

The main components of the HSEIA during the design and construction phases are principally the following: (a) an Environmental Impact Statement, which is the product of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study supported by baseline data. (b) a COMAH Report, which addresses all 'High Risks' identified in the Hazards & Effects Register, and (c) the Emergency Response Plan, which details the control measures in place to manage the identified risks. The outline purpose of project HSEIA are principally to ensure that HSE integrity is maintained at the various phases, therefore:Phase 1 - describes 'how to design', Phase 2 - describes 'how to build', Phase 3 - describes 'how to operate and maintain' and Phase 4 - describes 'how to abandon during and after shutdown'. All new projects are to adopt the ADNOC Codes of Practices from Conceptual stage. All present ongoing Projects at or beyond FEED stage are to realign HSE studies already conducted as far as reasonably practical, present the information in the prescribed HSEIA format and submit their HSEIA to ADNOC at the next applicable stage. The submittal to ADNOC is presented by ADCO's General Manager. N.B. allocate budget funding and sufficient time within project schedules for HSEIA 3rd Party verification - if applicable, also, the stated lead-time for ADNOC review and approval is 90 days from date of ADCO submission. 4.2

Project Categorization - Deminimis or Non-Deminimis On all projects irrespective of their cost or value, at Conceptual stage it shall be determined whether a project falls under ADNOC's definition of being either Deminimis or Non-Deminimis. ( See 5.5.6 HSEIA Screening Review). 'Deminimis' projects by ADNOC HSEIA definition means ‘projects having no, or minimal impacts’. ‘Non-Deminimis’ projects are those which will have an impact, therefore an HSEIA is to be submitted to ADNOC for their review and approval.

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In simplistic terms, Deminimis means there will be no or minimal change to present HSE risk levels, releases or emissions, whereas 'Non-Deminimis' means the project will have an HSE impact with potential risks of releases to the air, sea or land, which are likely to cause harm to workers, the public or the environment. Refer to COP V2-01 EIA - which clearly defines Deminimis criteria and lists the types of projects requiring EIA studies. The decision on whether or not a project is considered deminimis, is made following a thorough review of all the relevant information relating to the project and the sensitivity of the surrounding environment. The decision will be made by the ADCO HSE Manager. All projects are required to demonstrate compliance with the applicable ADNOC Codes, Standards, Practices and Guidelines. Even for projects categorized as being Deminimis, a simplified HSEIA submission to ADNOC is required demonstrating why an HSEIA Report is not considered necessary. 5.0 CONTENTS OF A PROJECT HSE PLAN 5.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW A brief introductory description of the project shall be detailed within this section. This should outline a description of the project objectives, the field(s) or facility involved, production aims, the duration and lifespan, involved parties and a description of the main process plant and equipment. 5.2 SCOPE The full scope of the project HSE Plan shall be outlined within this section. This shall include a brief description of the applicable ADNOC HSEIA phases, engineering studies, specialist HSE studies and all ADCO and Contractor HSE activities involved throughout the design and construction phases of the project. 5.3 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the project HSE Plan shall be briefly stated within this section. The main purpose of the project HSE Plan is to define and schedule all HSE related activities required throughout the project lifecycle, in order to comply with all relevant HSE legislation, standards and procedures. The objectives should therefore include a definition of: • • • •

all Authority submittals for approval, and their timing. all relevant HSE studies, reviews and activities to be undertaken. all specific HSE roles and responsibilities with named focal points. all applicable codes, standards, procedures and philosophies.

The objectives within the HSE Plan should also ensure: • • •

that all design team discipline engineers work in unison with one another, thereby achieving a 'risk based' design, compliant with requirements. that the design is risk assessed and meets the ADNOC 'ALARP' criteria. that the Field or facility HSEIA, Hazard & Effects Register and Emergency Response Plans are updated prior to operational handover, or abandonment.

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5.4 ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES An overview of the HSE organization, roles and responsibilities for the project design and construction phases shall be defined in this section. Based upon the requirements of the project and interface with ADNOC and other OPCO's, the organization, hierarchy and responsibilities will be defined. The focal points and alternate contact persons representing each of the involved parties will be identified and indicated with names and contact details. The Project Manager/Team Leader has the ultimate responsibility for preparing and updating the HSE Plan, also for monitoring its implementation and effectiveness. It is also the responsibility of senior line management to ensure that Project Manager / Team Leaders requests for identified additional HSE personnel, are fully supported, approved and appointed so that their specialist or additional line functional support services are available at the appropriate time. This could for example involve appointment of specialist Health, Environmental, Fire Protection or Risk Consultants, or the relevant HSE discipline engineers being appointed into a Project Management Consultants (PMC) team. It could also involve the appointment of additional Construction site Safety Officers. When preparing the HSE Plan, Management need to be advised well in advance of any foreseen additional manpower requirements due to the several months it usually takes to recruit personnel, i.e., advertising, interviewing, hiring, security passes etc. Where appropriate, the assigned Project staff will be responsible for arranging specialist advice and assistance to conduct certain activities. Specialist advice may be provided by other ADCO departments, or by external 3rd party consultants or contractors. The Project Manager/Team Leader shall consider at conceptual stage the requirement for full-time or part-time HSE specialists within the Project organization during the design, construction and commissioning phases. ADCO HSED provide independent assistance by monitoring and reviewing projects compliance with corporate requirements etc, but cannot become directly involved in design engineering functions.

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5.5 PROTOCOL OF HSE ACTIVITIES AND TIMING WITHIN EACH STAGE Within this section, all the applicable HSE studies, HSEIA submittals, verification reviews and PHSER's which are to be conducted during the design and construction phases are fully detailed and listed in chronological order. Each Project Team, Design and Construction Contractor shall ensure that the HSE Plan incorporates all HSE related contractual requirements within design phases, procurement, commissioning and handover, it shall also detail the procedures in place to manage change. The following schedule is for illustrative purposes only, because each project will differ in scope, so therefore will the content and timing. SCREENING STAGE: 5.5.1

HSE Plan The initial HSE Plan commences either during the early screening stage, or at the conceptual stage of a project. Depending upon the nature of the project, the initial HSE Plan will either be produced by PDD, Drilling or EMPD. All risks and concerns related to each new proposed scheme will have been detailed within the Preliminary Risk Register, which is produced by PDD. An HSE Plan should therefore be drafted to guide the project team as to what prescriptive requirements are necessary – which may or may not have a significant HSE and/or cost impact on the development of the conceptual idea/study under consideration. (See Appendix I - Project HSE Plan Guideline Schedule of Activities).


Preliminary Risk Register An initial list of all potential geological, production and HSE hazards, both onshore, offshore, above and below ground are collated in this one register. The preliminary risk register briefly details all concerns during the initial screening 'pre-project phase', which provides an overview of all concerns, hazards and risks associated with HSE, business and reputation requiring due consideration during the projects conception. This document is therefore the basis of the project specific HSE Plan and formalized during the HAZID.


Environmental Aspect and Impact Register During the screening evaluation, the fundamental environmental significant aspects and all potential impacts against them shall be identified. This exercise enables formulation of a design criteria which addresses all significant and minor impacts, ensuring that they are either mitigated or minimized within the design. Reference can be made to ADCO Doc Ref: Rev B 'Guidelines for Preparation of a Project HSE Philosophy’, which provides further guidance on Environmental Aspect Register requirements and timing.

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Review of Applicable ADNOC Codes of Practice During the early conceptual stages of project development, it is imperative to review and identify all the applicable Codes of Practice, which are mandatory and prescriptive for all projects.


Review of BAT, BP and PPC Particular consideration at this early stage shall be given to reviewing the ADNOC COP's regarding Best Available Technology (BAT), Best Practices (BP) and Pollution Prevention and Controls (PPC). All project discipline engineers (ADCO and Design Consultants) will review and identify the Best Available Technologies from all known sources, to determine which shall be employed within the project. This is not merely an Environmental issue driving ‘Zero Flaring’ for example, it also concerns minimizing power consumption and use of natural resources including water, fuel and raw materials. With fire engineering as another example, this will involve a review of the best currently available proven technologies in detection, e.g., Video Smoke Detection through CCTV cameras. Refer to the ADCO Process, Instrumentation, Mechanical and Environmental Forum's, to review and implement their latest philosophies. In parallel, all discipline engineers shall review all International, Industry, Shareholder and stakeholder 'Best Practices' for inclusion within the project.


HSEIA Screening Review This review of project activities and impacts is conducted within ADCO. The decision on whether the category of a project is 'Deminimis' or 'Nondeminimis', as defined by ADNOC with relevance as to whether an HSEIA submission is necessary or not, follows a detailed review of all relevant information relating to the project and the sensitivity of the surrounding environment. A preliminary Scoping Study will need to be conducted during the initial stages of the project. An Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Template can be found in Appendix 4 of ADNOC COP V2-01. Assuming all the above conditions are fulfilled, the project could be considered as deminimis. Group Companies must submit a statement to ADNOC, as part of the HSEIA Report - 1, setting out the main features of the project and the reasons for determination of deminimis status. This deminimis statement must be signed by the Group Company General Manager following the procedures outlined in ADNOC COP-V2. The projects 'Hazards & Effects Register' is reviewed along with the EIA, and further guidance notes are available in ADNOC's Ref: COP V2-01 Environmental Impact Assessment - April 2004, also in COP V1-02 HSEIA Requirements - April 2004.

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HAZID Study This initial Hazard Identification study is performed (Ref: Shell EP 95-0312 Guidelines, and/or qualitatively utilizing ADNOC Risk Management acceptance criteria) to identify all Health, Safety and Environmental hazards encountered throughout the duration of the projects design, construction and operational phases. The purpose of the initial conceptual HAZID is to establish a project specific Hazards and Effects Register. Reference shall be made to the 'Preliminary Risk Register', the Fields or Terminal Hazards and Effects Registers, they are also available for Drilling and some specialist activities. It is important to have representation in the HAZID team from all relevant ADCO Fields/Terminal and HSE personnel.


Hazards and Effects Register The output from the HAZID study is the 'Hazards & Effects Register' which will be project specific. The HAZID will have either formally quantified the risks, or equally acceptable at this early stage is to qualitatively rank all risks in accordance with the ADNOC HSE Risk Management Matrix. The 'Hazard & Effects Register' is a live document which can be amended and updated during the design and construction phases. It is important to note that the Fields/Terminal Hazard & Effects Registers require be updated at the time of project handover to Operations, so that at all times the Fields/Terminal have a ‘live’ and current Register. If the projects 'Hazards & Effects Register' has identified any 'High' risks, then a COMAH Report will be necessary and the project will most likely have to follow the HSEIA Reporting procedures to ADNOC.


Environmental Baseline & Impact Assessment Study In the absence of adequate baseline data being available, the project may have to conduct a survey of the site, including pipeline routes and collect essential baseline information for the EIA process. This may include, for example, information on local ecological and natural resources, or air pollution and noise levels. Baseline data must be documented electronically and compiled in the Geographical Information System (GIS) format. ADNOC-COP V2-01 provides guidance on the scope and EIA process. The EIA is compared against the applicable Field / Terminal Environmental Baseline Studies, (when available in late 2005). In the absence of site specific baseline studies, data may be available from ADNOC, GASCO or other ADNOC Group OPCO's. Alternatively, if baseline data is not readily available, the scope of the EIA may have to establish missing data, for example ground water reserves, air quality etc.

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The Environmental Impact Assessment study shall be conducted in the format of ISO 14001, to define significant aspects to the air, land, sea & water, flora & fauna, archeological or Socio-economic. The EIA is a valuable decision making tool when different site locations are under consideration. 5.5.10 HSEIA 'Deminimis' Project Categorization The project can proceed without having to formally produce an HSEIA, a submittal to ADNOC is still necessary requiring their approval however, briefly demonstrating how the project has been determined to be 'Deminimis'. This shortened HSEIA shall include confirmation on the following: -

a HAZID study has been conducted the Hazards & Effects Register has no HSE risks ranked as 'high' all medium & low risks will have adequate safety barriers adequate Environmental baseline data has been reviewed or acquired an EIA has, or has not been conducted - with an explanation the EIA has determined that there will be no significant impacts a Conceptual PHSER Stage - 1 has been conducted the project will achieve an acceptable ALARP risk ranking the conclusion of the HSEIA Screening Review.

It should be noted however, that a Hazards & Effects Register remains applicable on all projects, despite the environmental deminimis impact. 5.5.11 HSEIA 'Non Deminimis' Project Categorization The projects schedule may need to be adjusted and a budget revision to cover the additional costs of producing the HSEIA report. If the HSEIA is to be included within the scope of the FEED or Basic Engineering and prepared by the design contractor, then provision should be made for the draft HSEIA to be verified by an independent third party specialist environmental and risk assessment Consultants before formal submittal to ADNOC for their review and approval. Particular reference should be made to the following ADNOC Codes of Practice:COP V1-02 COP V5-01 COP V2-01 COP V5-02

HSEIA Requirements. COMAH - Control of Major Accident Hazards. Environmental Impact Assessment. Crisis and Emergency Management.

As previously stated, verify and ensure the latest version is specified.

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5.5.12 COMAH Report If an HSEIA Report is being prepared, it will be necessary to commence preparation of a COMAH Report detailing all ‘High’ risks. Refer to COP V5-01. It should be noted, the COMAH Report is a key element of the HSEIA which will also require to be updated at each subsequent stage of the projects design development and construction phases. 5.5.13 HSE Philosophies Document Refer to ADCO Document Ref No: Rev B entitled 'Guideline for Preparation of Project HSE Philosophies Document'. This document details all Codes, Standards & Practices which shall be applicable on the project. It also defines ADNOC’s COP’s and ADCO's corporate HSE philosophies, which if applicable shall be adopted into the design. The document also lists all HSE deliverables. The document developed, which combines all adopted philosophies may then be referred to as the “Project HSE Philosophy”. It is important that this document is as accurate as possible prior to commencement of the FEED, so it provides specific guidance on HSE requirements. 5.5.14 HSE Deliverables It is important to list all the HSE studies, reports, specifications and drawings required during the FEED stage, also those required during the EPC stage. Ensure that all the component requirements for COMAH Reports, HSEIA Reports, certain layout drawings and data which will be required for eventual incorporation into the ADCO Field(s) / Terminal Emergency Response Plans are also listed. Refer to Appendix II for an HSE Deliverables guideline checklist. Certain studies and drawings appear in the guideline which will be duplications of deliverables required by other discipline engineers, some examples are the plot plan, area classification drawing, flare studies, flare sterile area layout drawings, ESD etc., whilst others maybe HSE specific. In such cases, care shall be taken to ensure that the deliverables listed within the HSE Plan are all included within the contract at each stage. Reference can be made to the available ADCO Engineering specifications, in particular ADCO Doc Ref: entitled 'Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment Approved Brands and Specifications' and ADCO Doc Ref: entitled Safety Colour Coding. In the absence of any ADCO HSE specifications, the project design team shall prepare applicable specifications (and drawings), for example; Passive Fire Protection requirements, Escape Routes, mast installed UV/IR detectors, Safety Signs and any special mountings or civil foundation requirements, AOC pits and related process area slope and drainage channels etc.

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5.5.15 Update of HSE Plan Following the HSEIA Screening Review and communication with ADNOC, the project should have been categorized as either Deminimis or Non Deminimis. The HSE Plan therefore requires to be updated to reflect either the full HSEIA requirements, or which specific HSE studies and reviews are necessary during the FEED and EPC stages of the project. If this is not updated prior to issue of the FEED tender, then it shall be incorporated into the scope of the EPC stage. (See 5.5.13 & 5.5.14 which may also require updating). 5.5.16 PHSER Stage I - (Conceptual Stage) This review is conducted by ADCO, scheduled when all the above HSE studies have been completed and Conceptual Engineering is near completion, but prior to FEED tender stage. The participation of the design Consultant is necessary to clarify points, but not as team members. It is important to ensure that the agreed PHSER 'Findings & Recommendations' are incorporated into the scope of work and FEED tender. Refer to ADCO Document No: entitled Project Health, Safety and Environmental Review Procedures, which are mandatory requirements.

FRONT END ENGINEERING DESIGN (FEED) or BASIC ENGINEERING STAGE: 5.5.17 Update of HSE Plan If the HSE Plan has not been updated before the end of the Conceptual design, it should now be revised to incorporate a closer definition of HSE requirements. 5.5.18 Update of HSE Philosophies Document The Project HSE Philosophy document should now define all applicable HSE related philosophies, thereby enabling the different discipline engineers to comprehend their part and interface in the overall design. Reference documents are available, 'but shall not be limited to' any of the following; ADNOC Codes of Practices, ADCO Doc Ref No: Rev B, entitled 'Guideline for Preparation of Project HSE Philosophy', ADCO Procedures Manual Volume 10 - Safety, Shell DEP's and ADCO Variations to Shell DEP's. (See Appendix I, Project HSE Plan - Guideline Schedule of Activities).

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5.5.19 HAZOP Study This is a Process discipline engineering exercise. Reference should be made to the new draft ADNOC COP V5-03. It is important that the HAZOP recommendations are reviewed, approved and followed up to close out during the design development stages of the project. Tracking the close-out of approved HAZOP Report recommendations shall be scheduled within the HSE Plan. 5.5.20 Fire Safety Assessment / Gas Dispersion Study Reference shall be made to the applicable Shell DEP's and ADCO Doc Ref: 'Guidelines for Preparation of Project HSE Philosophies', which provides detailed guidance on requirements, including which approved computer modeling programs can be utilized. The requirements in the Fire Safety Assessment study shall be clearly defined, to ensure inclusion of 'as a minimum' the fire zoning arrangements, escalation to adjacent zones, per zone and total fire water requirements, jetfires, pool fires, the extent of heat radiation, bleve, explosion over pressures, both toxic and flammable gas dispersion. Contour maps illustrating gas dispersion, over pressure and heat radiation levels shall be overlaid onto Plot Plans, or satellite images (if available). 5.5.21 Health Risk Assessment During the HAZID, if any significant health risks or hazards were identified to be ‘High’, then a Health Risk Assessment shall be conducted. Refer to ADCO Doc Ref: Rev B 'Guidelines for Preparation of Project HSE Philosophies', which provides detailed guidance on requirements. HACCP - Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point When developing the design of any new ADCO catering facilities, or during preparation of the Contractor Camp HSE Plan (See 5.5.44), a review/study shall be conducted to ensure that all Health and Hygiene risks are identified and addressed with appropriate procedural control and safety barriers in place. This review/study shall be scheduled within the HSE Plan on all projects, as it effectively considers all catering aspects of food delivery, storage, preparation, cooking, serving, refrigeration and waste disposal.

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5.5.22 HAZID Study Following completion of the Fire Safety Assessment, Gas Dispersion modeling, Health Risk Assessment (if necessary), a review of the initial HAZID shall be conducted in a formal HAZID Study, which shall be complete with bow tie diagrams, illustrating that all risks have the requisite safety barriers in place to eliminate or control them. 5.5.23 Update Hazards & Effects Register The output from the HAZID is usually a HAZID Report, or this can be a direct update of the Hazard & Effects Register. Whichever is required shall be scheduled within the HSE Plan and listed as an HSE Deliverable. 5.5.24 Quantitative Risk Assessment - QRA. At an appropriate time, after the Plot Plan has been frozen, the FSA studies have been conducted on the plant layout and all safety barriers are in place, a fully detailed Quantified Risk Assessment study should be scheduled. The purpose of this QRA is to confirm that the plant design and all construction activities have adequate safety barriers in place to ensure that the probability of all HSE risks and scenarios identified in the Hazards & Effects Register are within the ALARP region, as defined within the ADNOC HSE Risk Management matrix. The scope of the study shall establish acceptable risk levels to (a) People, (b) the Environment, (c) the asset(s) and (d) Reputation. The People risks shall include both 'Individual Risk' to employees & contractors personnel, and 'Societal Risk' to members of the public outside the plant. Refer for further QRA guidance to Guidelines for Preparation of a Project Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Philosophy document, ADCO Doc Ref No: Rev B. A QRA study is necessary at this time, irrespective of whether the project is compiling an HSEIA Report or not. Determining 'who' shall conduct this study requires pre-planning and scheduling – (See to and 5.5.25 HSEIA Preparation and COMAH Report If the project has been determined to be Non Deminimis, then preparation of the projects HSEIA studies, incorporating all documentation requirements outlined above shall be scheduled within the HSE Plan at the appropriate time. This should be scheduled as early as necessary, given the advised 90 day time constraint for ADNOC’s review & approval. Key recommendations arising from the EIA process shall be carried forward to subsequent phases of the project life cycle. It is important to ensure that adequate provision is made within project management procedures to include all relevant follow up requirements, e.g., monitoring.

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The EIS must be approved as part of the HSEIA Report at each phase 1, 2, 3 or 4, before the project is permitted to proceed to the next phase. Individual phases may be combined into a single EIA if appropriate, providing sufficient data is available to allow for an adequate level of environmental analysis, e.g. seismic surveys and well testing. In such cases a submission timetable for the combined EIA should be agreed in advance with ADNOC. Similarly, the COMAH Report requires carefully scheduling to allow preparation of all its component parts, then inclusion within the HSEIA 1, 2, 3 or 4 Reports. The COMAH Report is also not a one time submission, it is a full project life cycle live document. 5.5.26 HSEIA Verification As previously stated, if the Design Consultant has prepared the HSEIA documentation and conducted the main component parts being the QRA and EIA “in house”, then the HSEIA Report will require competent 3rd Party Verification. If the Design Consultant has made prior arrangements to sub-contract this scope of work to ADCO approved 3rd Party specialist risk and environmental consultants, then additional verification may not be not necessary. Take into account the potential time delay this will invoke on the project schedule. Allow adequate time for ADCO to tender the inquiry, technically evaluate, clarify queries, award then the Consultant has to conduct the exercise and formally report and present their findings. This could potentially involve a reworking of earlier studies, or conducting other studies which may have been overlooked. 5.5.27 HSE Deliverables Refer to the listed HSE deliverables within the HSE Plan developed at Conceptual stage. This should have identified all HSE studies, specifications, reports and drawings required during both the FEED stage and Detail design stage, including all component requirements for COMAH and HSEIA Reports, also updating requirements within ADCO Field(s) / Terminal Emergency Response Plans. In the absence of any ADCO HSE specifications, the project design team shall prepare within the FEED stage all applicable specifications (and drawings), for example; Passive Fire Protection requirements, Escape Routes, Safety Signs, AOC pits and related process area slope and drainage channels etc. 5.5.28 Simultaneous Operations Review If any simultaneous operations are to be conducted either during construction or the operational phase of the new facility, these should already have been identified in the HAZID and Hazards and Effects Register.

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If there are none, this review / study is not necessary. If any have been identified, the appropriate scheduling shall be made within the HSE Plan. 5.5.29 Constructability Review This FEED stage review is to be scheduled within the HSE Plan - to identify any special requirements which may need further studying within the detail design stage of EPC. Refer for guidance on the detailed requirements of this review to ADCO HSE Philosophies, Doc No: 5.5.30 3D Model Review (HSE) This review is to be scheduled in the HSE Plan, after the 3D model has been updated with dimensions. It is important an HSE representative attends the design teams presentation of the 3D Model review, or arranges a separate session so that HSE concerns can be addressed in detail, i.e., containment and separation, access, egress and emergency vehicle maneuverability. 5.5.31 Ergonomic Study Refer to ADNOC-COP V3-06 Occupational Health Risk Management – Ergonomic Factors. Consideration shall particularly be given to the environment in Control Rooms i.e., lighting levels, background noise, vibrations etc, eliminate factors which with long term exposure could be harmful to health. 5.5.32 SIL – Safety Integrity Level Study The basis for this study to be conducted during the FEED stage is the Hazard & Effects Register, the HAZOP report and the Event Trees from the QRA study. Refer also to ADNOC-COP V6-01 Identification and Integrity Assurance of HSE Critical Equipment and Systems. 5.5.33 PHSER Stage II - FEED or Basic Engineering As the project FEED stage nears completion, a PHSER-II shall be scheduled which will be conducted by ADCO, with the assistance and participation of the design Consultant / Contractors to clarify any design issues. It is important that an appropriate amount of time is allocated for this stage PHSER because the review is long and detailed. It is also important that the design team have Engineering hours left to amend or correct any issues prior to FEED close out. The timing of this review is therefore critical and should be scheduled carefully in the HSE Plan.

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5.5.34 HSEIA Stage 1 Submittal If the project has been determined during the Conceptual phase to be ‘Non Deminimis’, then preparation of the projects HSEIA should be carefully scheduled to allow time for 3rd Party Verification (if necessary) then submittal to ADNOC for their review and approval. Refer to ADNOC COP V1-02 (Ver-1) HSEIA Requirements - April 2004 for detailed guidance on preparation of the HSEIA Report and all its components. HSEIA Studies conducted by Design Consultant If the design Contractor is to / or has conducted the EIA and QRA studies 'in house', then a specialist 3rd Party Environmental and Risk Assessment Consultant is necessary to independently conduct an 'HSEIA Verification Report'. Appropriate budget funding and 'lead time' allowance should be planned into the project schedule. Note: ADNOC do not accept HSEIA Reports from design Contractors, as similar with self conducted HAZID or HAZOP studies, (without ADCO team representation) the review may merely endorsed their own design. HSEIA Studies conducted by 3rd Party Consultant If the design Contractor is /or has sub contracted the EIA and QRA to independent specialist Consultant(s), following completion of their FSA and all other HSE studies, then independent 3rd Party HSEIA verification is not necessary. ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION (EPC) STAGE: 5.5.35 Update of HSE Plan / HSE Philosophies Document If the HSE Plan and Philosophies document have not been updated before the end of the FEED design phase, it should now be revised to incorporate a closer definition of HSEIA and HSE requirements within the detail design phase. 5.5.36 Detailed HAZOP Study The HAZOP is a Process Engineering exercise. Reference should be made to the new draft ADNOC COP V5-03. It is important to track the close-out of all approved FEED and EPC HAZOP Report recommendations, which require scheduling within the HSE Plan.

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5.5.37 Fire Safety Assessment / Gas Dispersion Study At an appropriate time, following near completion of the plant Plot Plan, a detailed Fire Safety Assessment study shall be conducted utilizing only ADCO approved computer models. Reference shall be made to the applicable Shell DEP's and ADCO Doc Ref: 'Guidelines for Preparation of Project HSE Philosophies', which provides detailed guidance on requirements. The minimum requirements for example are fire zoning, escalation, fire water requirements, jet-fires, pool fires, the extent of heat radiation, bleve, explosion over pressures, toxic and flammable gas dispersion. Contour illustrations shall be overlaid onto plot plans of gas dispersion, over pressure and heat radiation levels. 5.5.38 Quantitative Risk Assessment – (QRA). After the FSA studies have been conducted on the proposed plant layout, a fully detailed Quantified Risk Assessment study should be conducted. The purpose of this QRA is to confirm that the design has adequate safety barriers in place to ensure that the probability of all HSE risks and scenarios identified in the Hazards & Effects Register are within the ALARP region, as defined within the ADNOC HSE Risk Management matrix. The scope of the study shall establish acceptable risk levels to (a) People, (b) the Environment, (c) the asset(s) and (d) Reputation. The People risks shall include both 'Individual Risk' to employees & contractors personnel, and 'Societal Risk' to members of the public outside the plant. Refer for further QRA guidance to ADCO HSE Philosophies, Doc No: A QRA study is necessary at this time, irrespective of whether the project is compiling an HSEIA Report or not. Determining 'who' shall conduct this study requires pre-planning and scheduling for reasons explained within the FEED QRA – (See and 5.5.39 Simultaneous Operations Review If any simultaneous operations are to be conducted either during construction or the operational phase of the new facility, these should already have been identified in the FEED phase HAZID and Hazards and Effects Register. If there are none, this review / study is not necessary. If any have been identified, the appropriate scheduling shall be made within the HSE Plan. The HSE Plan should also differentiate between design team / construction requirements and Operational requirements, scheduling the preparation of new procedures by each of the concerned parties.

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5.5.40 Constructability Review This EPC stage review is to be scheduled to identify the need for any additional requirements which may have arisen during the FEED or detail engineering phase. Refer for guidance to ADCO HSE Philosophies, Doc No: 5.5.41 3D Model Review (HSE) It is important an HSE representative attends the design teams presentation of the 3D Model to ensure that for example, any changes in plant layout configuration have not compromised the HSE integrity of the design. 5.5.42 HSE in Procurement A review of all items to be procured shall identify if there are any special HSE concerns regarding fabrication, certification, transportation, handling and storage of any plant, vessels, equipment or materials from the factory gate to site. Particular attention shall be given to HSE critical systems and equipment, toxic and flammable chemicals MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) and sources of radiation. Refer to Ref: COP V6-01 (Ver-1) Identification and Integrity Assurance of HSE Critical Equipment and Systems - Sept 2004. Cross reference can also be made to ADCO Doc Ref: entitled 'Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment Approved Brands and Specifications' and ADCO Doc Ref: entitled Safety Colour Coding. (See 5.5.14 - HSE Deliverables). The Project team/ EPC contractor shall ensure that all fabrication contractors and road haulers have a demonstrable HSEMS. This shall include full Job/Task Hazard Analysis for the critical products they are manufacturing and delivering. 5.5.43 Construction HSE Plan Preparation of the Construction HSE Plan shall be scheduled in the Project HSE Plan, for submission to ADCO for review and approval towards the end of the detailed engineering phase. The plan shall include all site requirements, Sub-Contractor selection, Job / Task Hazard Analysis, policies and procedures. Note that early preparation and planning is necessary to avoid delays. Before Construction personnel are permitted on site, all those driving shall undergo (a) ADSD (ADCO Document for Safe Driving) training, (b) only have vehicles equipped with VMS - Vehicle Monitoring System devices, undergo (c) H2S training and (d) site Emergency Response Plans shall have been approved.

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5.5.44 Contractor Camp HSE Plan Preparation of the Contractor Camp HSE Plan shall be scheduled in the HSE Plan. This will be required for submission to ADCO for formal review and approval towards the end of the detailed engineering phase, prior to camp erection. Refer to ADCO HSE Philosophies, Doc Ref No: for detailed HSE requirements on Contractor camps, the applicable COP’s and fire codes. 5.5.45 PHSER Stage III – Detail Engineering Stage As the project Detail Engineering Stage nears completion, a PHSER-III shall be scheduled which will be conducted by ADCO, with the assistance and participation of the design Consultant / Contractors to clarify any design issues. It is important that the design team have Engineering hours left to amend or correct any final issues prior to dismemberment of the design team. The timing of this review is therefore critical and should be carefully scheduled in the HSE Plan. 5.5.46 HSEIA Stage 2 Submission Refer to ADNOC COP V1-02 - HSEIA Requirements for detailed guidance on preparation and submission of the Stage 2 HSEIA Report and all its components. Refer to earlier sections and describing whether a Verification Report is necessary prior to HSEIA submission to ADNOC. CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF EPC: 5.5.47 Post Mobilization Audit The Post Mobilization Audit is conducted by EMPD, typically within the first month of the Contractors mobilization.


During the audit, the construction site, all site offices, fabrication workshops and accommodation camps shall be inspected. Particular attention is concentrated on Driving, Sanitation, PTW, PPE and HSE training. 5.5.48 Contractor HSE Inspections This section shall describe in detail and schedule all inspections the Contractor plans to conduct on themselves. The scope shall cover routine and Management (high visibility tours), the frequency, the different themes,

25 LSLPE(T) / HSED / Rev B / 29.06.05

locations i.e., construction site, workshops or accommodation camp, and include audits of their sub contractors. The line organization and specific responsibilities shall be detailed with names, giving an indication of the financial budget authorization levels of those responsible to follow up and close out corrective action plans. 5.5.49 Job/Task Hazard Analysis In addition to the formal requirement for Method Statements, a Job or Task Hazard Analysis shall be conducted on each activity, which shall include participation by the work team. For more detailed guidance of requirements, refer to either Shell EP95-0311, or HSE Philosophies document, ADCO Doc Ref No: 5.5.50 PHSER Stage IV - Construction The PHSER IV is conducted by ADCO focusing attention on the Construction Contractors and the construction site(s). The timing of this review is usually several months into construction, approximately at between 25-50% completion. 5.5.51 Contractor HSE Training This section shall describe in detail all training programs, in house and external courses, the recipients, objectives and schedule. All training programs should commence with ADSD desert driving and H2S awareness - if applicable. All Job Performers are required to have training in ADCO's Permit To Work system. 5.5.52 Update Emergency Procedures As the project nears completion and necessary documents become available, the Emergency Procedures Manuals for the respective Field or Terminal shall be updated. To ensure this activity is completed within time and prior to handover, it shall be scheduled within the HSE Plan. 5.5.53 PHSER Stage V – Pre-Commissioning The PHSER V is conducted by ADCO, reviewing the facilities nearing substantial completion, Contractors commissioning procedures and ADCO’s readiness to receive the new facilities. The timing of the PHSER-V should be approx. 1 month prior to the introduction of HC into the new facility.

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5.5.54 Formal HSE Close Out Formal close out of all HSE related issues is the responsibility of the ADCO PMC / ADCO Project Team, although contractor and ADCO Field/Terminal Operations will also have their input. Refer to HSE Philosophies document, ADCO Doc Ref No: for more detailed requirements. This procedure reviews all findings and recommendations from audits, HAZID and HAZOP studies, the Hazard & Effects Register, HSE Studies & PHSER’s to ensure closure of all issues before introducing HC into the new facilities. 5.5.55 HSEIA Stage 3 Submission The HSEIA Stage 3 submission shall be scheduled carefully, allowing adequate time for the ADNOC review and approval prior to project commissioning and final handover. Refer to COPV1-02 for detailed requirements.



PHSER Stage VI - (1 Year) Post Operations The PHSER 6 is conducted by ADCO, reviewing the new facilities following approximately one year of operation, essentially to note any lessons learned. For a full definition of the review, refer to PHSER Procedures ADCO Doc Ref No: issued July 2005. The relevance of scheduling this review in the project HSE Plan is to target the date 12 months from commissioning. This review will then be included within the HSEIA Stage III, which are conducted every 5 years during the facilities life cycle. 6.1

HSEIA Stage 3 - Submission (Every 5 years) The second reoccurring HSEIA Stage 3 submission shall be scheduled in the project HSE Plan, primarily to target dates from commissioning. Preparation of the HSEIA Stage 3 submittal to ADNOC is the responsibility of ADCO Field and Terminal Operations. Refer to COPV1-02 for detailed requirements.

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Abandonment HSE Plan The requirement for a separate Abandonment HSE Plan only becomes necessary if an EPC contract does not include 'demolition' of the facilities being replaced or abandoned. Care shall be taken to distinguish between plant de-commissioning and moth-balling which are considered as temporary phases, as opposed to removal and disposal to which this section refers. The scale and nature of the equipment being disposed of will also determine whether an Abandonment HSE Plan is necessary or not. As a general guideline, it is not necessary on temporary buildings, plant not formerly containing hydrocarbons or chemicals, or single non flammable items being transferred into storage or scrap yards. If in doubt, contact HSED for clarification. With the abandonment of any hydrocarbon, chemical or sewage service facilities, pipelines or older buildings or plant which could contain asbestos lining or insulation, an Abandonment HSE Plan shall be prepared listing all the applicable regulatory authority approvals, studies, codes and practices to be followed. Preparation of an Abandonment HSE Plan is the responsibility of Field or Terminal Operations, which may require the assistance of Area Engineering. The Abandonment HSE Plan shall sequence the studies and procedures in chronological order, which should include as an example the following: -

HAZID Study Hazard & Effects Register Review of applicable Codes, Standards and Practices Demolition & Abandonment Philosophies Preparation of HSEIA Stage IV, Submission and Approval Disposal Options – transfer to specialists, burial or destruction Recovery and/or containment of harmful gases and substances Transportation of Hazardous materials Site clearance, remediation and restoration.

Key risks to be addressed within any projects Abandonment HSE plan are:electrocution, stored pressure, (FeS) pyrophoric reaction, H2S residual deposits, toxic scale, asbestos, glass fiber and radiations. The related activities of PTW, isolation, handling, lifting, demolition methods, cutting, grinding and health risks, especially those associated with asbestos shall also be addressed in accordance with the ADNOC HSEIA Stage 4 facility abandonment requirements. Whenever 'demolition' is included within the scope of an EPC contract, or becomes the main scope of a contract, reference shall be made to ADNOC COP's V3-13 Working with Asbestos and V1-02 HSEIA Stage 4 Abandonment. Further reference to 'demolition' is available in the Guidelines for Preparation of a Project Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Philosophy document, ADCO Doc Ref No: Rev B.

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HSEIA Stage 4 - Abandonment - Submission Refer to the ADNOC COPV1-02 for detailed requirements.


PHSER Stage VII - Abandonment This PHSER stage VII has recently been introduced and shall be conducted by ADCO to ensure that all the relevant HSE concerns have been correctly identified and addressed. Refer to ADCO PHSER Procedures Doc Ref No: Rev A. The timing of this PHSER and main purpose is to ensure compliance with the ADNOC HSEIA Stage 4 requirements. Depending upon the scale, nature and duration of the facilities or utilities being abandoned, consider conducting additional project HSE reviews during the dismantling stage, to review contractors activities (similar to a PHSER IV). Prior to completion, a review (similar to a PHSER V) could also be conducted to ensure implementation and close out of all HSEIA requirements, land remediation and correct disposal or destruction of materials. END

29 LSLPE(T) / HSED / Rev B / 29.06.05

Appendix I







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Pre-Project HSE Plan Preliminary Risk Register Env Aspect & Impact Register ADNOC COP’s BAT, BP & PPC HSEIA Screening Review HAZID Study - all HSE Risks Hazards & Effects Register Preliminary Baseline & EIA HSEIA including COMAH Develop Project Specific HSE Philosophies Document: Refer also to ADCO HSEIA Guideline Doc Ref No:

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

List all HSE Deliverables PHSER-I Update-HSE Plan Update HSE Philosophy Doc HAZOP FSA / Gas Dispersion Health Risk Assessment HAZID Study Update Hazards & Effects Reg QRA (Quantitative) HSEIA Preparation- COMAH + Environ. Impact Assessment List all HSE Deliverables Studies & Drawings: Register-Safety Related Devices Specifications: Fire Fighting & Safety Equip Safety Colour Coding Simultaneous Ops Review Constructability Review 3D Model Review (HSE) Ergonomic Study Safety Integrity Level Study HSEIA 1 Verification PHSER-II HSEIA 1 Submission Update of HSE Plan Detailed Design HAZOP FSA - Final Design QRA (Quantitative) Simultaneous Ops Review Constructability Review 3D Model (HSE) Review HSE in Procurement Construction Safety Plan Contractor Camp HSE Plan HSEIA 2 Verification PHSER-III Detail Eng HSEIA 2 Submission Post Mobilization Audit HACCP Plan Contractor HSE Inspections Job / Task Hazard Analysis PHSER-IV Construction Contractor HSE Training Update Emerg. Procedures HSEIA 3 Verification PHSER-V Pre-Commission Formal HSE Close Out HSEIA 3 Submission PHSER-VI (1 year) after Ops HSEIA 3 (Every 5 years) HSE Abandonment Plan PHSER-VII - Abandonment HSEIA 4 Verification HSEIA 4 Submission

Min Guideline Doc Ref No:


HSEIA 1 Gates 1-5 Screening Pre Project

Gates 6-7

Gates 8 - 9









Gate 12

Gate 13

Gate 14




Gate 10-11 Detail Design N/a COP V2-04 ADCO Website COP V1-02 COP V1-02 EP 95 - 0312 COP V5-01 COP V2-01 COP V5-01 - Rev B - ADNOC COP’s - ADCO Safety Procedures Manual Vol 10 - Shell DEP's - ADCO Variations to Shell DEP’s. EP 95 - 0313 EP 95 - 0312 COP V5-01 COP V5-03 COP V1-02 - - - - COP V3-06 IEC 61508/11 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 EP 95 - 0313 COP V5-03 COP V1-04 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 COP V1-04 COP V3-07 COP V1-04 EP95-0311 N/a COP V5-02 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 COP V1-02 & V3-13

LSLPE(T) / HSED / Rev B. Date 29.06.05 Note: This schedule, sequence of activities and the guideline references are intended for illustration purposes only. Contractor shall develop a project specific HSE Plan scheduling activities, the sequence and reference sources as per project requirements.



HSE DELIVERABLES Plans, Studies, Reviews & Assessments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Project HSE Plan Preliminary Risk Register ADNOC COP Review Best Available Technology Review Best Practices Review Pollution Prevention Control Review HAZID - Qualitative HAZID - Quantified Hazard & Effects Register / Update Environmental Baseline Study Environmental Impact Assessment Health Risk Assessment OH-Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points HSEIA Screening Review HSE Philosophies Document / Update Emergency Response Plan / Update HSEIA Stage 1 ( FEED ) HSEIA Stage 2 ( EPC ) HSEIA Stage 3 ( Operation ) HSEIA Stage 4 (Abandonment ) COMAH Report Environmental Impact Statement PHSER-I Conceptual PHSER-II FEED PHSER-III Detail Engineering - EPC PHSER-IV Construction PHSER-V Pre-Commissioning PHSER-VI Post Operations PHSER-VII Abandonment Fire Safety Assessment Study Gas Dispersion Modeling Study Fire Water System Hydraulic Calculations SIL (Safety Integrity level) Study Review Integrity of HSE Critical Equip/Systems QRA - Qualitative Risk Assessment QRA - Quantitative Risk Assessment Simultaneous Operations Review Constructability Review Design Safety Plan 3D Model Review Waste Management Plan Noise & Vibration Studies Ergonomic Studies Construction Site Safety Plan Contractor Camp Design / HSE Plan Post Mobilization Audit Formal HSE Close-Out Report

CONCEPT Yes No √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


EPC Yes No

√ √

√ √ √ √ √

√ √

√ √ √ √ √

√ √ √

√ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √

Note: This schedule and sequence of activities are minimum requirements for guidance only. Contractor shall develop a project specific HSE Plan scheduling all HSE activities, sequence, as per the project requirements. LSLPE(T)/HSED – Rev B Date 29.06.05.


No 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

HSE DELIVERABLES Drawings, Register & Manuals Overall Plot Plan Hazardous Area Classification Escape Route, Muster Station & Safety Signs Emergency Lighting Safety Equipment Blast Overpressure / Explosion Contours Heat Radiation Contours Gas Dispersion Contours Fire Hazardous / Fire Proofing Zones Passive Fire Protection Details Flare Sterile Area Layout Smoke & Fire Damper Layout AOC - HC + Fire Water drainage layout Fire Detection & Alarm system Layout Gas Detection & Alarm system Layout Fire Hydrant Ringmain & Hose Reels Fire Monitor & Deluge area coverage Inert Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems Fire Extinguisher, Fighting Equip Layout Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) High Noise Hazard Area Layout Contractor camp (CC) Plot Plan (CC) Fire/Gas Detection + Alarm system (CC) Fire Ringmain, Hydrant/Hose Reels (CC) Fire / Safety Equipment Layout (CC) Escape Routes, Muster Station & Signs Register of Safety Related Devices. Register of Safety Related Critical Equip Environmental Aspect & Impact Register



EPC Yes No

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NB: Individual drawings are not necessary, related subjects may be combined onto one drawing.

Note: This schedule and sequence of activities are minimum requirements for guidance only. Contractor shall develop a project specific HSE Plan scheduling all HSE activities, sequence, as per the project requirements. LSLPE(T)/HSED – Rev B Date 29.06.05.

Appendix II - GUIDELINE CHECKLIST OF HSE DELIVERABLES No 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

HSE DELIVERABLES - Copies of Contractors & Sub Contractors Self conducted HSE Activities: Discipline Eng. Design Audits HSE Training Program HSEMS & HSE Policy Manual All Staff Medical Health Certificates Site Medical Officers Certificate OH-Hazard Analysis, Critical Control Points Caterers Medical Health Certificates List of Trained First Aid Personnel Job / Task Hazard Analysis Reports Construction Site/Workshop Inspections Accommodation Camp Inspection Reports Fire Equipment Maintenance Contracts Fire Drill & Follow up Action Reports Potable water test results Refrigeration Temp Monitoring Reports List of all ADSD Licensed Drivers List of all HGV Drivers Licenses Contractors Vehicles, License details Monthly IVMD Drivers - Action reports Vehicle Maintenance/Inspection reports Mobile Crane Test/Inspection Certificates. List of Certified Lifting Gear & Slings Snr Management High Profile Audit Minutes of HSE Meetings, with Actions Weekly - Construction LTI Statistics HSE Monthly Campaign Themes Near Miss and Follow up Reports Accident / HiPo Near Miss Reports List of PPE Stock & Maintenance Report COSHH Reports Waste disposal Contracts / Agreements









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Note: This schedule and sequence of activities are minimum requirements for guidance only. Contractor shall develop a project specific HSE Plan scheduling all HSE activities, sequence, as per the project requirements. LSLPE(T)/HSED – Rev B Date 29.06.05.




Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ADCO Document for Safe Driving As Low As Reasonably Practicable Best Available Control Technology Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive cost Central Degassing Station Carbon Fluoro-carbons Control of Major Accident Hazards (Study) Code Of Practice Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Design Engineering Practice Environmental Impact Assessment (Study) Engineering Practice Electro Magnetic Interference Electro Magnetic Field Engineering, Procurement and Construction Emergency Position Indicating Remote Beacon Emergency Shut Down Emergency Shutdown Valve Front End Engineering Design Fire Officers Committee (UK) Floating Roof Tank Flow Suction (Surge) Tank Group Management Guidelines Health, Safety & Environment Health, Safety & Environment Impact Assessment (Study) Hazard Identification (Study) Hazard and Operability (Study) Hydrocarbon Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Normally Open / Normally Closed (Valve positions) Project Health, Safety & Environmental Review Personal Protective Equipment Pressure Safety Valve Remote Degassing Station Sub-Surface Safety Valve Sewage Treatment plant Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus Vehicle Monitoring Device Vehicle monitoring System Video Smoke Detection UK – Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme Un-interrupted Power Supply


Hydrogen Sulphide Sulfur dioxide Immediate Danger to Life and Health Permissible Exposure Level Short term Exposure Level Threshold Limit Value Time Weighted Average


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