ADEL Lock System Interface Function (SDK) Manual
April 25, 2017 | Author: Anonymous 3UwGpOmFAT | Category: N/A
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications
Interface Function (SDK) Description of ADEL Lock System (MAINDLL.DLL Function Description) Applicable Lock System: V6.5 or above Ⅰ. Lock Function (Lock system must be installed and set) 1. Initialization Function prototype: int Init(int software,char *server,char *username, int port, int Encoder, int TMEncoder); Parameter: software [in]: specify lock system. Refer to NOTE Ⅱ. server [in]: character pointer, specify name of SQL Server installed with database. username [in]: character pointer, user name, used for operators. Port [in]: serial port No., 1-COM1, 2-COM2, 3-COM3, 4-COM4, and so on. Encoder [in]: encoder type: 0-Manual Encoder, 1-Automatic Encoder, 2-MSR206 (Magnetic Card) TMEncoder [in]: TM encoder type, 1-DS9097E, 5-DS9097U Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
2. EndSession Function prototype: int EndSession(void); Parameter: None Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
3. NewKey Erase the current guest card information. The previous guest card cannot be used again after the new issued guest card unlocks the door. Function prototype: int NewKey(char *room,char *gate,char *stime,char *guestname,char *guestid, int overflag, long *cardno,char * track1,char * track2); Parameter: room [in]: room number, 6-byte character string, must be set by lock system. gate [in]: common gate, string parameter, “00” stands for default authorization, “99” stands for authorization for all, and others are specified gate codes, e.g., “010203” stands for authorization for gate 01, 02, and 03. Stime [in]: starting and ending time, 24-byte character string. The format is yyyymmddhhnnyyyymmddhhnn, e.g., “200012311230200101011230” stands for the time period from 12:30, Dec. 31, 2000 to 12:30, Jan. 1, 2001. Lock9200: starting time and ending time cannot be in the same day or more than 1 month. Guestname [in]: guest name, maximum: 30 bytes, can be NULL. Guestid [in]: guest ID, maximum: 30 bytes, can be NULL. Overflag [in]: integer, whether to overwrite current card information: 1-to overwrite, erased automatically if the current card is not a new card (for guest card); 0-not to overwrite, back if the card is not a new card. For magnetic card (manual encoder), ignore this parameter and overwrite directly without erasing automatically. Cardno [out]: long integer pointer, receive card number (the only card code distributed 1
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications after issuing the card), can be NULL. track1 [in]: character string pointer, track 1 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not written. track2 [in]: character string pointer, track 2 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not written. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
4. DupKey Both new guest card and old guest card can be used simultaneously, and the starting time is the same. Function prototype: int DupKey(char *room,char *gate,char *stime,char *guestname,char *guestid, int overflag, long *cardno,char * track1,char * track2); Parameter: room [in]: room number, 6-byte character string, must be set by lock system. gate [in]: common gate, string parameter, “00” stands for default authorization, “99” stands for authorization for all, and others are specified gate codes, e.g., “010203” stands for authorization for gate 01, 02, and 03. Stime [in]: starting and ending time, 24-byte character string. The format is yyyymmddhhnnyyyymmddhhnn, e.g., “200012311230200101011230” stands for the time period from 12:30, Dec. 31, 2000 to 12:30, Jan. 1, 2001. The starting time is the same with the one of current guest card in use. Guestname [in]: guest name, maximum: 30 bytes, can be NULL. Guestid [in]: guest ID, maximum: 30 bytes, can be NULL. Overfla [in]: integer, whether to overwrite current card information: 1-to overwrite, erased automatically if the current card is not a new card (for guest card); 0-not to overwrite, back if the card is not a new card. For magnetic card (manual encoder), ignore this parameter and overwrite directly without erasing automatically. Cardno [out]: long integer pointer, receive card number (the only card code distributed after issuing the card), can be NULL. track1 [in]: character string pointer, track 1 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not written. track2 [in]: character string pointer, track 2 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not written. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
5. ReadCard Function prototype: int ReadCard(char *room, char *gate,char *stime, char *guestname, char *guestid, char *track1, char *track2, long *cardno, int *st); Parameter: room [out]: character string pointer, receive returned room number, 10 bytes recommended. gate [out]: character string pointer, receive returned authorized common gates, can be NULL. Guestname [out]: character string pointer, receive returned guest name, can be NULL. Guestid [out]: character string pointer, receive returned guest ID, can be NULL. 2
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications track1 [out]: receive track 1 data of magnetic card, can be NULL. track2 [out]: receive track 2 data of magnetic card, can be NULL. Cardno [out]: long integer pointer, receive returned card number, can be NULL. St [out]: integer pointer, receive returned card status: 1-normally used, 3-normally erased, 4-lost, 5-damaged, 6-automatically erased, can be NULL. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
6. EraseCard Erase card and update database simultaneously. Function prototype: int EraseCard (long cardno,char * track1,char * track2); Parameter: cardno [in]: card number, can be 0. When the parameter is 0: IC card, RF card, TM card, and magnetic card (automatic encoder) read and erase card number automatically and update database simultaneously; magnetic card (manual encoder) erases current card information but not update database. It’s recommended to call CheckOut function to update database or call EraseCard after reading card number. track1 [in]: character string pointer, track 1 data of magnetic card, must be NULL if it’s not written. track2 [in]: character string pointer, track 2 data of magnetic card, must be NULL if it’s not written. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
7. CheckOut Update database only without erasing card. Function prototype: int CheckOut (char *room, long cardno); Parameter: room [in]: room number. Cardno [in]: card number, can be 0. When the parameter is 0, mark all guest cards as normally erased. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
8. LostCard Update database only without erasing card. Function prototype: int Lostcard (char *room, long cardno); Parameter: room [in]: room number. Cardno [in]: card number, marked as the card number of lost guest card. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
Ⅱ. Public Function (Used with Lock Interface or independently) 9. PopCard Function prototype: int PopCard(void); Parameter: None Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ. When used independently, value 20 stands for “Do not call SetPort”.
10. SetPort It’s unnecessary to call this function after calling Init function. Function prototype: 3
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications int SetPort(int software,int port, int encoder, int tmencoder); Parameter: software [in]: specify lock system. Refer to NOTE Ⅱ. Port [in]: serial port number, integer, 1-COM1, 2-COM2, 3-COM3, 4-COM4, and so on. Encoder [in]: encoder type: 0-Manual Encoder, 1-Automatic Encoder. TMEncoder [in]: TM encoder type: 1-DS9097E, 5-DS9097U。 Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
11. CheckSC (Lock3200K, Adel3200 Available) Verify password of 4442 card. Function prototype: int CheckSC(unsigned char *sc); Parameter: sc [in]: password of IC card, 3-byte unsigned character pointer. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
12. ReadIC (Lock3200K, Lock4200D, Lock7200D, Adel3200, Adel9200 Available) Read data of 4442/14512 card. Function prototype: int ReadIC(unsigned int start, unsigned int len, unsigned char *str); Parameter: start [in]: start address, specify location to write data. For Mifare card (Adel9200), the start address consists of two bytes: high byte is block number, and low byte is area code, e.g., 0x0102 stands for reading block 1, area 2. Len [in]: data length. For Mifare card (Adel9200), the length is integer multiple of 16. str [in,out]: unsigned character pointer, receive the read data and transmit password of reading sector for Mifare card (Adel9200). The password consists of 7 bytes: the first byte is authorization code; verify A password if the authorization code is 0; verify B password if the authorization code is 1. The remaining 6 bytes are password. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
13. WriteIC (Lock3200K, Lock4200D, Lock7200D, Adel3200, Adel9200 Available) Write data into 4442/14512 card (Lock3200K: storage area after 0x80 is recommended). Function prototype: int WriteIC(unsigned int start, unsigned int len, unsigned char *str); Parameter: start [in]: start address, specify location to write data; for Mifare card (Adel9200), the start address consists of two bytes: high byte is block number, and low byte is area code, e.g., 0x0102 stands for reading block 1, area 2. Len [in]: data length. For Mifare card (Adel9200), the length is integer multiple of 16. Str [in]: unsigned character pointer, write data into IC card and transmit password of reading sector for Mifare card (Adel9200). The password consists of 7 bytes: the first byte is authorization code; verify A password if the authorization code is 0; verify B password if the authorization code is 1. The remaining 6 bytes are password, and bytes from the eighth byte are written data. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
14. WriteMagCard It’s highly recommended to store data in track 1 and track 2 and use track 3 for lock system. 4
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications Function prototype: int WriteMagCard(char *track1, char * track2, char * track3); Parameter: track1 [in]: character string pointer, track 1 data of magnetic card, must be NULL if it’s not written. track2 [in]: character string pointer, track 2 data of magnetic card, must be NULL if it’s not written. track3 [in]: character string pointer, track 3 data of magnetic card, must be NULL if it’s not written. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
15. ReadMagCard Function prototype: int ReadMagCard(char * track1, char * track2, char * track3); Parameter: track1 [out]: character string pointer, receive track 1 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not read. track2 [out]: character string pointer, receive track 2 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not read. track3 [out]: character string pointer, receive track 3 data of magnetic card, can be NULL if it’s not read. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
Ⅲ. Functions of Network Energy Saver 16. GetCardInfo Function prototype: int GetCardInfo(unsigned char *buff,int len,int *cardtype,int *cardst,int *cardno,char *roomno,char *username); Parameter: buff [in]: unsigned character pointer, card data. len [in]: data length (Byte) cardtype[out]: integer pointer, receive card type: 1-System card, 2-Layer card, 3-Program card, 4-Master card, 5-Clock card, 6-Foreman card, 7-Floor card, 8-Maid card, 9-Guest card, 10- Lockout card, 11-Meeting card, 12-Emergency card, 13-Inhibit card, 14-Spare card, can be NULL。 cardst[out]: integer pointer, receive card status: 1-Normal, 3-Erased, 4-Lost, 5-Damaged, 6-Expired; can be NULL。 cardno[out]: integer pointer, receive card number, can be NULL。 roomno[out]: character pointer, receive room number of guest card or spare card, not less than 8 bytes, can be NULL. username[out]: character pointer, receive guest name, not less than 20 bytes, can be NULL. Return value: Refer to NOTE Ⅰ.
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ADEL Lock Interface Specifications
NOTE: Ⅰ. Function Return Value: 0-Operation succeeds 1-Read and write error/Data error 2-Damaged card 3-No card 4-Serial port error 5-Replaced card 6-Not a new card 7-New card 8-Invalid card 9-Not a guest card 10-Not a member card 11-Wrong password 12-No unlocking records 13-Incorrect card type 14-Parameter error 15-Canceled by pressing ESC 16-Time out 17-Card error 18-Blank card or card error 19-Reserved 20-Please call Init function first 21-The version of the lock system is unavailable 22-Failed to connect to database 23-Lock parameter not exist 24-Failed to initialize 25-No guest/Specified guest not exist 26-Guest room full 27-No records of the card 28-Please call SetPort function first 29-Invalid room number 30-Incorrect time range 31-Failed to register the existing card number (Lock9200) 32-Unavailable to call 33-Invalid authorization code Ⅱ. Lock System Constants: Lock3200-1 Lock3200K-2 Lock6200-6 Lock7200-7 A30-11
A50-14 A90-18
Lock4200-3 Lock7200D-8 Lock611-19
Lock4200D-4 Lock9200-9 Lock612D-20
Lock5200-5 Lock9200T-10 A92-22
Ⅲ. Operating Environment: 32-bit Windows operating system, and MDAC is required for lock function. Ⅳ. Call Mode: follow the Windows API call standard, i.e., stdcall. Ⅴ. Parameter Description: [in] input parameter, [out] output parameter.
Shenzhen Ideal Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
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