ADC exam -mcq
January 13, 2017 | Author: Hatem Abouelnasr | Category: N/A
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Hi there! I took Part II of the ADC exam and was able to pass it after my second try. I was able to pass the MCQ part in...
Hi there! I took Part II of the ADC exam and was able to pass it after my second try. I was able to pass the MCQ part in both exams but flunked the SAQ on my first. You should read all books they prescribed written by cawson (surgery & patho, and pharma), as well as the Cariology book. Find a book on dent mat that isn't so hard to read as Phillips so you could build up well on your clinical subjects like prostho and resto. I read the one written by craig. You may use the Boucher reviewer (thick blue book) for the MCQ part since they get some questions from there (especially on endo and prostho). Carranza is good for perio. I found the SAQ part more difficult than the MCQ. An hour is so short to write a comprehensive essay about 3 broad topics. I find that they like your essay to be in outline form...expounding on each enumerated item. Essay topics from the last exam are the following: (1) management of a pregnant patient, (2) management of a discolored anterior tooth, (3) management of an apprehensive adult patient needing a surgical procedure - odontectomy, (4) what to say to the mom of a pedo patient who inquires about the need for supplemental fluoride when their water supply is already fluoridated, (5) primary and secondary denture bearing areas...can't remember the last one. Hope this helps... Good luck guys... =) The hard thing about the SAQs is time management. They give you an hour to expound on three essay questions, most of which are about patient management. The questions are usually about such broad topics as managing a discolored central incisor or the things you would be discussing with a diabetic patient requesting for an implant. The trick would be to format your essay in a way that would enable you to write as much as you could about the given subject. That's at 20 minutes per question! So just familiarize yourself with possible questions (they love giving questions about managing medically compromised patients [read on cawson's surg book], esthetic restorations, smoking and its effects, fluoride supplementation) and practice answering essay questions on a time limit. I would suggest that you present your essays in an outline form...expounding a ...bit on each topic you write... good luck guys
hello r the questions i had in the SAQ the way , it was the exact march 2005 test...there are five is compulsory and then u shoose 2 from the other 4 questions. 1 (compulsory): your assistent told u that she has accidentally injured do u manage ? 2: management of an 8 yr child needing nitrous oxide. 3:complications of surgical extraction of upper 6 4:saliva and its role in dental caries and erosion 5:a patient comes to your clinic with an acute gingival condition, lymphadenopathy and fever...descuss your clinincal examination,differential diagnosis and quick account on treatment of the diseases u have mentioned in the differential diagnosis. THERE IS A BOOK CALLED CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING IN DENTISTRY ,BY ODELL..THIS BOOK IS GREST..I REPEAT ,ITS GREAAAAAAT...IF U READ IT ALL I ASSURE U , U WILL BE ABLE TO ANSWER ALL..I REPEAT ALL THE SAQ.. GOOD LUCK
Diagnostic Picture Tests in Oral Medicine - Tyldesley, WR ( Wolfe) Diag Pic Tests in Paediatric Dent. - Rock, WP et al(Wolfe) Picture Tests in Human Anat. - McMinn, RMH(Wolfe) MCQ in Dent - Cawson, RA ( Churchill, Livingstone) The Restoration of Teeth, Pitt Ford,TR ( blackwell) The art & Science of Operative Dent - Sturdevant
Principles and Practice of Endo - Walton RE, & Torabinejad (Saunders) Essentials of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth (Munksgaard) Andreasen,JO & AndreasenFM Sicher's Oral Anatomy , Du Brul (MOsby) Fundamentals in FPD - Shillingburg Johnsons Modern Practice in Fixed Prosthodontics (Saunders)Dykene RW, GoodacreCJ, PhilipsRW Skinner's Science of dental Matl - Philips RA Dental Materials and their clinical applications, British dental asso; Wilson Mclean & Brown D Removable Denture Prostho- Grant aa & johnson 1992 (Churchill livingstone) A Colour atlas of Removable Partial Dentures, Davenport JC, Basker RM, Heath JR. & Ralph JP (wolfe) Prostho Tx of edentulous patients Bouchers ( A Colour atlas of complete denture - Grant A Local Anesthesia in Dentistry - Roberts, DH ( Wright & sons) A Textbook of Oral Patho ( Shafer) Clinmical Oral Medicine ( Lewis , MAD & Lawrey PJ (Wright) Essentials of Dental Surgery & pathology ( Cawson , RA (livingstone) Oral Pathology - SoamesJV, Southam JC (Oxford univ. Press) Minor Oral Surgery -Howe, Extraction of Teeth , Howe GL Oral Radiology _ Goaz An atlas of Dental Radiographic anat - Kasle, ML ( saunders) Clinical Pharmacology in dent. - Cawson RA, 7 Spector ( livingstone) Pharmacology ( Ramg HP & Ritter (Livingstone) Principles & Practice of medicine- Davidson s (livingstone) Medical Problems in Dentistry - wright, Cawson Paediatric dentistry - Total Patient Care - Wei, SHY ( Lea & Febiger) Handbook of Paediatric dentistry ( Cameron A & Widmer ( Mosby) A Textbook of Ortho _ Foster TD 9 Oxford , Blackwell) Contemporary Ortho _ Proffit WR Textbook of Clinical Periodontology , Lindhe, J (Munksgaard) Fundamentals in Perio - wilsonTG, & Kornman KS ( Quintessance ) Clinical Perio - Carranza Cariology - Newburn (Williams & wilkins) Textbook of clinical cariology - Thylstrip A , (Munksgaard) books... that way i could compare and could easily remember the differences in :management procedures. the books that i really found useful were (dental decks (only the clinical reviewers for part 2 boucher's reviewer craig, wattaha dental materials book cawson's oral patho, oral surg, pharma books \davenports rpd design book cameron's pedo book cariology by newburn dell's clinical management of cases -0 schaffer's oral patho book clinical perio by carranza and/or lindhe sturdevant's operative dent shillingburg's FPD book minor oral surg by howe it's a short list but browsing through the list again, i realized that, without meaning to... i was able to open up a page or two on almost all books in the list in the course of my study...bear in mind that the more books you read, the more concepts and points of view you get exposed to... being in a country who's books
are more american-based, i had a problem embracing british concepts in the beginning... but the more that i read their books and journals, the more that i have begun to understand their principles...cross referencing is the key... ...especially in subjects that are a bit confusing to you
ADC clinical exam doubts 1 What base to be placed under amalgam restoration? Is it neccesary to apply varnish under base? 2 Do they provide assistant for exam?( if yes-male or female) 3 what is to be used while doing crown cutting?and cavity preparation? Micromotor hand piece? Airotor 4 Lateral condesation of obturation-spreaders only or pluggers alsoat the end what they actuallly prefer? 5what burs to be used while doing crown cuttings and cavity preparation? carbide or diamond points? ( micromotor burs or airotor burs) 6 books -ideal and imp for case history and clinical exam viva? 7is it neccesary to practice composite with proper instruments?( PKT)How difficult is composite exercise? 8In Perio what do they ask for charting pockets or Indices(if yes which oneGreene & vermillion OHI) 9Case history formats of all subjects-do they provide or we have to mug up?from where to be read? 10Do they ask Pin restoration or cuso build up restoration for amalgam? 11 what does Orientataion program includes? When ADC sends letter to be shown to visa officer--1 month before exam or earlier? 12 Do we need to carry certain instruments from india for exam-or they provide the instrument with which we r comfortable? 13What exactly they ask in vivas? 14 what type of rubber dam kit shd i practice-with winged clamps or wingless clamps? 15 what is the exact suburb in sydney where they conduct exam and which airport is near to that? 16 Do I practice crown cutting on Ivory or plastic teeth? 17 Do they ask any exercise related to GIC?
1 What base to be placed under amalgam restoration? Is it neccesary to apply varnish under base? 2 Do they provide assistant for exam?( if yes-male or female) 3 what is to be used while doing crown cutting?and cavity preparation? Micromotor hand piece? Airotor 4 Lateral condesation of obturation-spreaders only or pluggers alsoat the end what they actuallly prefer? 5what burs to be used while doing crown cuttings and cavity preparation? carbide or diamond points? ( micromotor burs or airotor burs) 6 books -ideal and imp for case history and clinical exam viva? 7is it neccesary to practice composite with proper instruments?( PKT)How difficult is composite exercise? 8In Perio what do they ask for charting pockets or Indices(if yes which oneGreene & vermillion OHI) 9Case history formats of all subjects-do they provide or we have to mug up?from where to be read? 10Do they ask Pin restoration or cuso build up restoration for amalgam? 11 what does Orientataion program includes? When ADC sends letter to be shown to visa officer--1 month before exam or earlier? 12 Do we need to carry certain instruments from india for exam-or they provide the instrument with which we r comfortable? 13What exactly they ask in vivas? 14 what type of rubber dam kit shd i practice-with winged clamps or wingless clamps? 15 what is the exact suburb in sydney where they conduct exam and which airport is near to that? 16 Do I practice crown cutting on Ivory or plastic teeth? 17 Do they ask any exercise related to GIC?
.these are the SAQs asked in March 2006 at Delhi --- SAQ in March 2006 Pt. gave h/o Warfarin treatment in the assessment. What will be the changes in(1 ( the management of such patient ( compulsory .Pt. has missing upper lateral incisor. How u will manage this patient(2 Pt. has mobile upper anterior teeth. Pt. is in her 50s. what will be the(3
.differential dignosis and its management Pt. has abcess in 46. Already 4.4 ml. of 1: 80000 lignocaine with adrenaline is(4 .injected. Discuss the possible management options I do not remember the SAQs word to word but what I cld remember I wrote .down. Sorry if I am wrong somewhere. ( 5th) SAQ question I do not remember .If someone remember that , pls fwd it to all the aspirants of prelim. exam Amol Hello everyone. Sorry i cld not reply early as there was a problem in my comp. There are no questions based on Pictures. so relax. the exam is not very tough actually. They ask you very basic questions in Clinical dentistry. the only thing is the options are bit close and out of 4 options 2 options are right or very close the skill is to choose the perfect one or rather expected one by the examiner !! cowson and Boucher ( according to me ) are not the perfect books for ADC exam. Atleast i can not remember anything out of them for me they are beyond my capacity to retain topics imp are ---1) Endo. --- diagnosis and treatment planning,pulpectomy, success and prognosis 2) oral surgery 3) oral patho. -- dental anamolies, viral infections ( clinical features), malignencies,etc. 4) restorative dentistry -- esthetic feelings, 5)dental material --( resins, unfilled resin feeling materials,amalgam,gold, gypsum, physicakl properties of material---stress, strain,modulous of elasticity,etc) 6) anaesthesia -- nitrous oxide, L.A. 7) prostho. --- removable cast PD( parts of PD), FPD 8) pedo --- endo( v. imp.), restorative, anamolies, flourides ( v.imp.) Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry ( pink one )is a good book to start with. national boards can be of good help Odell is THE BOOK for SAQs thanks to all the seniors of this forum who suggested me all this I haven't got my result yet still waiting for it :scared: lets see what is there in dentiny s a q example: march 2006–09–13 amol Patient on Warfarin,dental considerations (compulsory) 2)Pt. has abcess in 46. Already 4.4 ml. of 1: 80000 lignocaine with adrenaline is injected. Discuss the possible management options 3)2 yr old child.First dental do u manage? 4)upper anterior teeth mobile,and diastema seen.what is the diagnosis,treatment. 5)upper lateral incisor missing.Management
SAQ in September 2006 (same as in March!) 1) Patient gives history of Warfarin treatment in the assessment. What will be the considerations in the dental management of such patient? ( compulsory ) 2) Patient has missing upper lateral incisor. What are the different treatment options? 3) 55 years-old Patient has mobile upper anterior teeth and a diastema is starting to develop. What will be the differential diagnosis and its management? 4) Patient has apical abscess in 46 and needs extraction. Already 4.4 ml. of 2% lignocaine with adrenaline 1: 80.000 is injected, but when you try to extract tooth it is still painful. Discuss the possible management options. 5) How do you manage a 2 ½ year old child patient who is visiting a dental clinic for the first time, and what will you discuss with the parents? Answers can be found in Odell: “Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry”. Also most answers to the other questions (see thread by midha) are in there. I have copied the MCQs from my memory and will send them to those interested. Most MCQs were repeats and only a few new.
MCQs Sept 2006
Hi , These were a few MCQs I could remember of.Could not remember all the choices. vtheep 1.Unstimulated salivary flow A.0.02ml B.0.2ml 2.Brancheal cleft cyst located at A.Anterior border of sternomastoid B.Visible moving when swallowing C .In front of the neck 3.Compared to natural teeth the displacement occurring in the denture supporting mucosa under functional load A.Ten times more greater B.Ten times less greater C..One half 4.In a flouridated toothpaste with 0.304% monoflourophospate the ampont of flouride ions A.400ppm B.1000ppm c.1500ppm D.4000ppm 5.The type of dentin not formed due to pulp pathology A.Reparative dentin B.Secondary dentin
C.Primary dentin 6..In children a disease with enzyme deficiency A.hypohpospatesia B.Cyclic neutropenia C.Juvienile periodontits 7.Patient with sickle cell anaemia which is not true A. Abnormal cell type(not sure) B. Be more prone to infarct C.Have wide bone marrow spaces with narrow trabeculae in the alveolar bone in oral caivity D.Resistant to malaria parasites 8.Regeneration of odontoblast after a pulp pathology is from A.Regenerate from the left odontoblast B.Regenerate from undifferentiated mesenchymel cells C.Regenerate from ectodermal cells D.Regenerate from the undelying nectrotic tissue 9.Which type of dentin is not formed immediately due to a pulpal trauma A.primary B.Secondary C.Reparative D.Tertiary 10.Normal prothrombin time & increased partial thromboblastin time seen in A.Haemophilia A B.Thrombocytic pupura C.Leukemia D.Won willibrand disease 11.In reversible pulpitis A.There will be linging of pain after the stimulus is removed B.Not localised C. Will have peri apical involvement in x’ray 12.In irreversible pulpitis A. Sudden throbbing pain B. Pain cant be localised when it reaches the peri apical area 13.Brushing is encouraged in public to A.. Reduce dental caries B. Reduce gingivitis C .Gingival massage 14.After oral prophylaxis A. Acellular pellicle is formed immediately after B. Cellular pellicle is formed immediately after C. Acellelar pellicle formed after 48 hours D. Cellular pellicle formed after 48 hours. 15.Number of teeth present on a 9 year old child A.16 12 11 21 22 26 46 42 41 31 32 36 B.12 11 21 22 42 41 31 32
!6.Titanium used in A. Cast restorations B. Implants C. Orthodontics D. All 17.Sharpness of a radiograph depends on A .Small focal spot B. Large focal spot C. Close patient source distance 18.Flexibily of clasp depends on A Taper B. Material used C. Length D. All
:In testing for mobility, which of the following statement is true A.Heavy pressure must sometimes be used to test mobility B.Only lateral mobility is significant in diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease C.Hyper mobility indicates that the tooth supporting structure have been weakened D.During the periodontal examination each tooth should be tested individually for hyper mobility E.Reliance on radiograph is essential what is the best answer? D should be the right answer.let me know if this is the best one to choose ,The junction between primary and secondary dentine is .14 A. A reversal line B. Sharp curvature C. A resting line D. A reduction in the number of tubulesi have read this from orbans histology and .it says it is a sharp curvature, but the answer says resting line ?What is the common appearance of vertical tooth fracture .19 A. Perio abscess like appearance B. Displacement of fragments .i think it shud be A...not sure Your employer in an attempt to update office sterilization procedures; what .26 would you recommend as the BEST method to verify that sterilization has :occurred A. Use spore test daily B. Use indicator strips in each load and colour change tape on each package C. Use indicator strips daily and spore test weekly
D. Use colour change tape daily and spore test monthly E. Use colour change tape in each load and spore tests weekly i think it is E Which of the following adverse reaction of oral contraceptives is the most .48 common and the most serious A. Hypotension B. Hepatotoxicity C. Uterine neoplasia D. Thromboembolism disorder E. Decreased resistance to infection i think E A curette may be inserted to the level of the attached gingiva with minimal .76 :trauma to the tissues because of * A. Has a round base B. Is easy to sharpen C. Has rounded cutting edges D. Provides good tactile sensitivity E. Has two cutting edges think it is A 48. Which of the following adverse reaction of oral contraceptives is the most common and the most serious A. Hypotension B. Hepatotoxicity C. Uterine neoplasia D. Thromboembolism disorder E. Decreased resistance to infection i agree with answer D.refer medically compromised patients in dentistry 19. What is the common appearance of vertical tooth fracture? A. Perio abscess like appearance B. Displacement of fragments A is the correct answer And for Q 26,I agree with the option u choose.That's the correct sterilization procedure
Q26 i get confused, found the Australian Code of dental practise re disinfection and sterilization please read the following
Validation of sterilization 6.4 An on-site chemical and biological test to establish that the loaded autoclave will consistently achieve sterilisation. (AS/NZS 4815:2001 Appendix H (.is an acceptable validation procedure An autoclave should be recalibrated following service, and the sterilisation process also revalidated following service and any modification of technique, packaging, load size or content, also any technical changes to the autoclave. If there is no deviation from the verified sterilising process, sterility of processed .instruments can be assumed As confirmation that instruments have been exposed to the verified sterilisation process, chemical indicators should be included in every load/package. Any change in colour (eg lightening) may indicate that the autoclave has become inefficient and cannot be relied upon to produce acceptable .sterility Monthly biological testing of the autoclave is suggested to confirm ongoing .validation of the sterilisation process Clear and adequate records should be kept of routine testing of the .autoclave .Any failure of a biological test indicates a need for revalidation or service the right answer here is Chemical/color indicator ea load biological monthly but its not a choice in our paper Q15 did someone find confirmation in textbook? or is it answer C please help thanks everyone and all the best
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