Adaltis Catalogue 2015 PDF

March 16, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 We ar e de dedi di ca catt ed t o cu cust st om er s at is isfa fa ct ctio io n a nd wi ll do   the utmost to respond quickly to your needs. Company Overview

 Adal tis S.r.l. is an inte rnat iona l IVD comp any head quar tered in Rome, Italy.  Adal tis deve lops , manuf actu res and marke ts in-v itro diag nost ic systems and reagents to detect viral infections, diagnose immune system diseases and measure human hormone responses.

Our systems:  A new Ecle ctic a Ti CA - comp act & versa tile benc htop anal yser for immunoassay.   Personal LAB - fully automated 2 plate microELISA analyser.    ELISA analyser. Personal LAB CLIA - fully automated 2 plate CLIA  \  GEN-4 - fully automated 4 plate microELISA analyser.  A new NEX gen 7 - ful ly auto mated 7 -pla te micro ELIS A analy ser.  A new Hemo One - fu lly a utom ated HbA1 c Ana lyse r   with extra diabetes diagnostics capabilitie s. Pchem Family - clinical chemistry systems    hour (Instruments and dedicated reagents). for 180-500 tests /    With more than 10 thousands of instruments installed world-wide,  Adal tis i s kno wn f or ex cell ence in p erfo rmanc e an d in nova tion . n

Our Reagents:  Adal tis’ deve lopm ent and prod uctio n of reage nts incl udes phot omet ric microELISA kits (EIAgen) and chemiluminescence microELISA (CLIAgen) kits for diagnosis of: Infectious diseases, hepatitis, HIV, HTLV, syphilis, serology, ToRCH, tumour markers, hormones, autoimmunity and vitamins, next to a wide range of immunoassays for Eclectica TiCA (IMMUNOgen), Pchem clinical chemistry panels (CHEMgen), as well as dedicated controls and calibrators. Our services:  Adaltis provid es dedicate d customised services and antibody p roduction.

n n n n n

   ODM  Adal tis has a stron g reco rd in OEM /  development and production of systems and kits. Well known partners have experienced and enjoy the expertise and quality products of Adaltis.


 All of our prod ucts are back ed by dedi cate d a ppli catio n su ppor t and technical service.

 Adaltis is ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified. Our products are IVD-CE marked.

Table of contents

E cl e ct i ca T i CA Sy s te m

Ca t eg o r y

M i c ro E L IS A K i ts ( E IA g e n ) Chemiluminescence MicroELISA (CLIAgen) P ag e

Pa g e

EIAgen Products

Eclectica TiCA  P ro d u c t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

Ca t e go r y

6- 8

E I A g en a s s a y ch a r ac t er i s t i cs  ToRCH

16 17

S o f t w a re c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s


 Technical spec ific atio ns

10-1 1

R etro etrovirus virus


1 2 -1 3 14-15

Hepatitis Syphilis

19 20

Gastric Function




Im mun o assa y me tho d pr prin ci ple s IMMUNOgen Immunoassay products menu

 Vit amin s


 Auto immu nity


 Viro log y


Hormones / Tumour Markers


CLIAgen Products C L I A g e n a s s ay c h a ra c t e ri s t i c s




 Tumour Mark ers


 Thyr oid




Immuno Diagnostics Analysers

Ca t eg o r y

Clinical Chemistry Analysers

Pa g e

Personal LAB

C at eg or y

Pchem Family 

P ag e


P ro d u c t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

26 - 29

P ch em 1

6 2 -6 3

 Technical spec ific atio ns

30-3 1

P ch em 2

6 4 -6 5

S o f t w a re c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

32 - 33

P ch em 3

6 6 -6 7

D e di c a t e d m i c r op l a t e a s s a y s


Personal LAB CLIA 

S of t w ar e c ha r ac t er i s t i c s  Technica l spe cifi cati ons

61 68-6 9

P ro d u c t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

34 - 39

P ch em Mi cro

7 0 -7 1

 Technical spec ific atio ns

40-4 1

Dedi De dica cate ted d Cl Clin inic ical al Ch Chem emis istr tryy Re Reag agen ents ts

72-7 72 -73 3

S o f t w a re c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

42 - 43

D e di c a t e d m i c r op l a t e a s s a y s

44 - 45


Specialty Production Services

P ro d u c t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

46 - 51

 Technical spec ific atio ns

52-5 3

C at eg or y

S o f t w a re c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

54 - 55

Custom Antibody Production

D e di c a t e d m i c r op l a t e a s s a y s


L i s t o f S erv ic e A c t iv i t i es

P ag e


Blue Star Substrate solution Diabetic Analysis Systems Ca t eg o r y

 TMB Solut ion f or E LISA assay s Pa g e

Contact Us

Hemo One Hemo One







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