Acupuncture is a Life Science

December 24, 2016 | Author: kamar | Category: N/A
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Acupuncture a new method of treatment...


A Acupunctur re is a life science. Air is s pervasive e througho out the worrld Likew wise the acu upuncture meridians s (channels s) are spre ead throug ghout our body. By giving g trea atment to the particular Acupunctture Point, all diseases can be cured.





Introduction of Indian Acupuncture ................................................................ 3


Important features of Indian Acupuncture ...................................................... 5


Infringement of nature of life & Infection of diseases ..................................... 6


Disease approached by Acupuncture ............................................................ 7


Diseases getting cured while undergoing acupuncture treatment ................. 8


Acupuncture Questionnaire ..........................................................................11


Common Fever .............................................................................................23


Diabetes .......................................................................................................25


Blood Pressure .............................................................................................29




Female Problems .........................................................................................31


Skin diseases, Asthma and Hair care ...........................................................33


Consumption of milk products ......................................................................35


Acupuncture’s essential tips for a healthy life ...............................................36


Diagnosis in Acupuncture .............................................................................38


Undeniable medical facts .............................................................................39


Word’s for your view .....................................................................................43


Health in your hands chart ............................................................................44



Introduction Indian acupuncture is a scientific and holistic method of treatment. Disease is nothing but stagnation of (morbid matter) accumulated waste in the body and obstruction of energy flow in the acupuncture (meridians) channels. The dysfunctions of five major internal organs are responsible for stagnation of waste in human body. We can regain health by identifying the organs which are weak and treating them through acupuncture points in the energy channel and by removing the waste which is responsible for the disease. In Acupuncture, it is not at all necessary to get laboratory tests done, such as blood glucose, urine, motion, sperm phlegm, xrays or other types of scan reports. Neither are any kind of medicines like tablets, capsules, injections, tonic, syrup etc., are required. Whether the disease is at its initial stage or final, Indian acupuncture rectifies the malfunctions of the body and gives complete cure to the patient. More than 5000 years ago Acupuncture originated in China and has been in practice since then. But it was from the early 20th century that Acupuncture started to spread to countries like America, Japan, Srilanka, etc. Acupuncture was welcomed all over the world. Indian Acupuncture is a constructive method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of the disease through rational use of the elements freely available in nature. It is not only a system of healing, but also a way of life, a complete revolution in the art and science of living. It is wrong to understand Indian Acupuncture as the acupuncture practiced by Indians. Rather, Indian acupuncture is the acupuncture system of, understanding the body on the basis of Indian naturopathy philosophies. Presence of life is invisible. Activity of life is invisible. We can only feel or sense its presence by the external signs but we cannot see it. The root cause of a disease is also invisible, also is the energy which cures it. As such, to have faith on invisible things that can be experience is the basis of Indian acupuncture. Giving treatment to the root cause of a disease rather than giving treatment to the symptoms of the disease is the method of treatment practiced in the Indian acupuncture. Rectifying the root cause is the only way to eradicate the disease. It is enough that we stimulate the natural life energy of the body to remove the disease. The body’s defense force – the immunity power will look after the eradication of the disease. The method of treatment, to give this stimulation, requires only a single needle or a touch.

“One minute pulse testing, only one point, one minute treatment, this is the proper and complete Indian acupuncture”.



The first basic principle of Indian acupuncture is that all forms of disease are due to the same cause, namely, the accumulation of waste materials. The second basic principle is that all acute diseases such as fevers, colds, inflammations, digestive disturbances and skin eruptions are nothing more than selfinitiated efforts on the part of the body to throw off the accumulated waste materials. That all chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, are the result of continued suppression of the acute diseases through harmful methods such as drugs, vaccines, narcotics and gland extracts. The third basic principle is that the body contains an elaborate healing mechanism which has the power to bring about a return to normal condition of health; provided right methods are employed to enable it do so. In other words, the power to cure the disease lies within the body itself, only.

“A person’s character depends on the strength and weakness of his five royal organs”.



Important features of Indian Acupuncture: Acupuncture treatment means, through inducing the outer skin surface of our body with a thin needle or finger, all those possible diseases that could occur in our body and their root cause are removed, and it’s a medical practice that makes us realize the life science of prevention of disease. Acupuncture is a scientific method of treatment. Disease is nothing but the stagnation of morbid matter (waste) in the body and obstruction of energy flow in the Acupuncture channel. Morbid elimination philosophy is a unique feature of the Indian acupuncture. (Morbid means any wastes in the form of heat, gas, liquid or solid). Of the Indian tradition, Naturopathy and Siddha are based on the morbid elimination philosophy. With the imbalance of Pancha Bhoodhas, changes takes place in the functioning of the body, so the internal organs are affected. Five element energies do not get imbalanced on their own, generation alone is their natural feature. Because of nature of violating habits by the human being morbid is stagnated in the internal organs, and thus, the internal organs get weakened. Due to this weakness of the organs, the malfunctioning of the body and imbalance of five elements happen. The heart, spleen, lung, kidney, and liver, the five royal organs and the five elements in the body that were accepted by all medicines can be examined by acupuncture pulse. The distinctive feature of this treatment is that it can level the disorders in the body. Important to note:     

It heals completely all kinds of diseases from head to toe that affects anyone from children to adult. Not only is the symptom of the disease, but also the disease is completely cured. It is used as a preventive treatment of all diseases It easily cures all that diseases which were not cured by other system of medicines and also all kinds of chronic diseases. Mental illness is the main cause of many diseases. Acupuncture mends the bad emotions (Psycho Somatic Disorder) and heals the body as a whole.



Infringement of nature of life and infection of disease: Owing to infringement of nature, internal organs become weak and the wastes get accumulated. They are:

         

Suppression of hunger and thirst : Suppressing the natural hunger can cause, instability of the body, confusions, stomachache, shrinkage of intestines, wheezing, tiredness in face, joint pains etc. Suppression of sleep: Suppression of sleep will cause heaviness in the head, eye pain, giddiness, dumbness, ulcer, speech etc. Suppression of sperm: Suppression of sperm can cause fever with joint pain, chest pain, and diabetes and gastritis problems. Suppression of urine: By suppressing urine, we will get ulcers in the urinary tract, joint pains and gastric problems. Suppression of vomiting and sneezing: By suppressing vomiting or sneezing, all the five sense organs will get affected. Drinkwater when you feel thirsty. Don’t drink water when there is no thirst. Eat when you feel hungry. Don’t eat when there is no hunger. Don’t be awake when you feel sleepy. Don’t work when the rest is needed. Don’t over-do hard physical work. Don’t behave in contrast to the normal thoughts. Don’t take in excess flavored food (tasty food). Usage of Tobacco, beedi, cigarette, and consumption of alcohol type of drinks etc. should be avoided

The wastes get deposited in the internal organs of the body because of the unnatural diet and habits. We call discretion of waste a disease. Living without violating the nature and allowing the elimination of waste after accumulation is the only way of getting relieved from the diseases.

“It is only our stomach that forms the sole cause for many diseases in our body”.



Diseas se is appro oached by Acupuncture Eve ery one of us goes in n search off mediciness only afterr getting th he disease.. We never th hink of abo out the roo ot cause of o the dise ease. So all a that which is called as disease in the bod dy like all kinds k of pa ains, tumorrs, irritation n, itching, asperity, a allergy whateve er it could be it is impo ortant that we w need to observe o the ese three th hings: Food Co onsumptio on and Drin nking wate er: Thirst and appetite (hunger) should naturallyy be there in T n human bo ody. The feeling of no thirst, loss of appetite is i the first symptoms of the dise ease. Hencce we mustt first realize whether w we e have hung ger and thirsst. Rest an nd Sleep: Iff the digesttion is norm mal after in ntake of an ny food the en there sh houldn’t be e any problem m. Sleepless sness and mental strress and getting g drea ams often, then even n this indicatess that there e is some problem in the internal organs of the t body. A normal pe erson requiress 6-8 hours sleep. Elimina ation of was ste from in nternal org gans: Like how foo od and rest is importa ant for our life, likewisse eliminatio on of the waste w is also very v important. That iss, if there iss any probllem in passsing of urin ne, stool, sw weat, or in casse of wome en irregularr menstrual cycles, it iss also an im mportant re eason indica ating the existtence of dis sease. For any typ F pe of disea ases, you have to just compreh hend on th he above three t importan nt causes and a heal it, only then you y can be free f from all a the ailme ents. Fire F Eleme ent organs (Heart and d Small Inttestine).

“Hu uman body y has naturral feelings s. So sugar, BP tests s are not ne ecessary”..



Rules to realize that the disease is getting cured while undergoing acupuncture treatment : After acupuncture treatment in our body, we can realize that the disease is getting cured as given below. According to the laws of Dr. Hearing. 

From Top to Bottom: The symptoms of the patient moving from top to bottom are a sign of progress that the wastes are being removed. For instance, one has got headache. After treatment if the pain moves down to the chest, stomach, legs, etc., it is a sign of recovery. One another example would be much simpler. For an individual affected by measles, the eruptions start in the face. After the treatment as they start disappearing, new eruptions may appear at the chest, stomach, etc. these new appearances are not considered as an upsurge. People in the villages will say it as, the disease is getting down. This is known as the symptom of healing - moving top to bottom.

From Inside to Outside: The symptoms of diseases moving from inside to outside of the body or from the centre to the edges are also a sign of recovery. One person has got pain in the centre part of the chest. If the pain moves left side or right side after treatment, it is a good sign of recovery. In the same way, if there is a problem in the inner side of the body – in the internal organs and if it moves towards outside – skin, hands, legs, etc., it is also a sign of recovery.

“Excessive physical labor and sleeplessness weaken the liver”.



From the most important organ to the less important organs: All problems caused in the five most important organs of the body, when shifted to sub-organs are the sign of the disease getting discharged.

Regaining of old symptoms: Suppose, a patient had some skin problem and they were cured by some therapy, but then he started experiencing joint pain, which too was cured and now has asthma. After the acupuncture treatment, the newly diagnosed asthma gets cured and the earlier problems joint pain and skin diseases appear. This is the sign of getting complete cure of the disease. The diseases suppressed earlier are cured in the reverse order by this rule.

Change of Location: The change of location of the symptoms from one part to another part of the body is a good sign of recovery. Change of pain from one part to another and change of cysts from one place to another are signs of elimination of wastes. Likewise, ‘change of place’ can be understood as ‘change of intensity’ as well. Change of nature of discomforts after the treatment is also considered as ‘change of intensity.’ The continuous joint pain becomes intermittent joint pain, sometimes increasing and then decreasing, having disappeared and then reappear all of a sudden, change of the nature is also referred to as ‘change of intensity’.

Reducing: After treatment, if the difficulties and the discomforts are reducing, it is not necessarily a good sign. After treatment, during the first one or two days the problems may reduce and again return back to earlier stages. It is natural to see sudden surges during the course of treatment.

“The main reason for Thyroid disease is only our weak stomach and kidney”.




It is a good sign when the problems increase while undergoing acupuncture treatment because accumulation of waste is the cause of disease. There will be increase in problems only for a few days when the wastes get discharged.

Earth Element organs (Stomach and Spleen).

“Getting ill and getting cured, depends only on the nature of life power”.



Acupuncture Questionnaire

1. What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an art of curing disease simply by touching on the surface of the skin using a fine needle or the finger tip. This system of treatment has been followed for more than 8000 years. The deficient (stagnancy) in the meridians (energy flow path) of the internal organs is disease. Acupuncture diagnosis identifies the centre of deficiency and the chosen acupuncture point by touching, relieves the disease. Acupuncture helps the body in its natural process of getting relieved from disease. 2. Acupuncture is inserting many needles and giving electric current to the body. Is it correct? Acupuncture treatment is done by, touching in one or two energy points by a fine needle or the finger tip (is acupuncture treatment). To be accurate the real acupuncture is, treating only by using the finger tip. As, metal needles were not discovered in the earliest days of acupuncture. When, acupuncture system spread to other countries from China, it transformed according to the conditions and requirement of those regions. Countries like America and Britain completely commercialized acupuncture when it reached them. Patients became as customers to make business. The result-electrical stimulators, computer meridian diagnosis, supplementary foods viz. medicines, blood circulative massages etc. came into the market. Acupuncture is nothing to do with these items. 3. Is treatment required daily? It is not necessary. A treatment given once in 7 to 15 days, gives good recovery. 4. Skipping the treatment once or twice, will it harm? The intensity of the disease is reduced in every treatment. Skipping the treatment once or twice does not reduce the improvement already received. However, continue the treatment.

“If you want to control (or) cure any disease you should first know the root cause of that disease and should cure that



5. Approximately, how long will it take to know the difference in the body? For few, from the day treatment started. Some will note the changes suddenly after 4 or 5 weeks. 6. How long will it take for improvement in condition by a treatment? According to the conditions of the disease in the body, patients get cured even in the first time. Some may get improvement in phases. Continue the treatment for further improvements. 7. What is the period for cure, for a disease, in acupuncture? There is cure, no doubt. You will feel better after few sessions itself. It is advisable to take treatment until the condition of the body improves satisfactorily. The condition of the body of all the patients is not unique. Therefore, treatment period varies according to the condition of the individual. 8. Should we bring all test reports taken by us in Allopathic system? It is good for nothing. Acupuncture treatment does not require it. In human body, energy chain takes place followed by chemical change. Your test reports only identify these chemical changes. It is useless to analyze the ever changing chemical changes, as it cannot stabilize nor detect the energy change. Spending millions of rupees in numerous tests for the whole body is wasteful exercise, for it does not help the treatment. 9. Without taking tests how do we know we have cured? It is easy. Patients experience difficulties. When problems and difficulties are reduced they say, “Its better”. No tests are required after this. The patient’s brain can be believed cent percentage. For it will communicate only the truth. Diagnosing equipment, machines and tests cannot equal a human brain. 10. It is said that the intensity of the disease increases initially and then decreases, is it true? Yes, some patients may experience it. Consider this good sign. For example, a patient’s phlegm increases in the lungs and he coughs. In this phlegm is the disease. Cough is the symptom-action of the body to eliminate phlegm. During treatment, coughing increases in some patients which helps phlegm eliminate. This is the only way to get cured. The phlegm produced in the body, transforms and eliminates. But when it cannot eliminate on itself, then coughing increases, it thus, is a positive change! “Eating food just for taste when there is no appetite will affect the functioning of the digestive organ”.



11. Presently, we are taking drugs and medicines for our treatments. Can we continue these drugs along with acupuncture treatment? Discarding drugs and medicines is the best option. Drug blocks the symptoms of the disease from reaching the brain and nervous system. It does not reduce the disease. Disease grows unchecked and uncontrolled underneath without showing any symptoms. So, stopping drugs and medicines would mean no harm. At least one will be able to know the condition of the disease. 12. We do not see any improvement in the body even after taking 6 or 8 sittings. Then, is the treatment useful or useless? Very few people experience this condition. Those with lower energy state (immune energy) take few months to show changes. Sure, acupuncture does activate them but it may take a bit more time. Eventually, they will be relieved from the disease suddenly without notice. 13. Particularly who can benefit from this treatment? Men and women in all age groups -that is from new born babies to elderly people, all will completely benefit from this treatment. 14. For women, can they take treatment during menstrual cycle? Of course, treatment during the menstrual cycles will also help in relieving all related difficulties in those periods. 15. Can we take drugs for any fever or headache during acupuncture treatment? It is not required. By know, you understand that waste (stagnate), will develop as disease, when it is not properly eliminated from the body. When the immune system (immune energy) is strengthened during acupuncture treatment, it eliminates waste that occurs as fever or headache. This signifies that treatment method is functioning well. So, when fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea occurs, medicines should not be taken until these difficulties subsidies. This uneasiness will reduce on its own. 16. What are the diseases that can be cured by acupuncture treatment? Acupuncture philosophies that all diseases are curable. There is complete scope for cure of all diseases in acupuncture treatment. Disease related to eyes, headache, cold, sinus, problems in kidneys, diseases related to heart, uterus, lungs, skin, bones, liver, gastritis, ulcer, blood, nerves, hormones, intestinal problems etc. and many other diseases whatever are, can be cured by acupuncture treatment. “If you have a refined mind, then you will never need any medicines”.



17. A patient having say 10 problems informs only 5 of them. The untold difficulties, will it get cured? This is the specialty in the acupuncture diagnosis. They said and unsaid problems of the patients are all the symptoms of one disease. All the symptoms subsidizes on its own when treatment is given after identifying the root cause and the diseased organ by acupuncture diagnosis.

Metal/Air Element organs (Lungs and Large intestine).

18. What is the specialty of this treatment? The nature of the disease somewhat can be understood by the difficulties explained verbally. Small or big, any discomfort has clear meaning in acupuncture. For example, saying, he is sluggish, he does not mean that he is willingly lazy. The less energy in him is the cause of inactiveness, even if he desires to work. Acupuncture is an energy-based method of treatment. When there are changes in the energy level, diseases develops.

“Uterus, gallbladder, appendix, Thyroid, panicles and the like organs have different senses. Don’t become a patient for the whole life by getting surgery performed and removing parts of body”.



Let us see the initial difficulties of disease in this stage: 1. Excessive sleep 2. Frequent dreams in sleep 3. Inactiveness after waking up 4. Feeling asleep but cannot sleep 5. Difficulty sleeping again after waking up in the night 6. Headache after getting up from sleep 7. Loss of appetite 8. Frequently hungry 9. Heavy feeling in stomach after taking food 10. Feeling to clear the bowels immediately after food 11. Drowsiness after food, etc. These symptoms should be treated immediately; else, in 5 to 10 years it will culminate in a particular disease. The specialty about acupuncture is that, whether disease is in the initial stages or in the advanced stages, it can still be rooted out. This is the complete system of treatment. 19. Can mental diseases (psychosomatic disorders) get cured in acupuncture? Of course, there is cure. Mental diseases not related to brain. Brain, reflects the imbalance in exertion of the internal organs. Say a person with heavy appetite hears distress news. His desire to eat diminishes immediately. Stomach loses its function when the rest of the organs like the heart, lungs and kidney is still working well. So, mental difficulties like grief, worry are related to the disorder of stomach. Similar manner, anxiety brings in chest. Sobbing brings shortness of breath. Sobbing increased by anxiety is related to the problem of lungs. Children, who are scared, discharge urine. Kidney’s under-activity is related to fear. Alcohol damages liver. Drunkard gets anger easily. Liver’s under – activity is related to anger. Analyzing the behavioral changes helps identify the disease center. By balancing the energy of the particular organ and restoring its function, the mental behaviors can be corrected. Mental diseases are not related to brain. When there is deficiency of energy in the organs, there is change in the mental behavior. This is observed in the initial stage of the diseases. If not cured at this stage it develops as disease in organs at a later stage. This is another specialty of Indian acupuncture.

“When we consume natural food our body will not have any negative effect”.



20. How do you analyze the condition of the disease by acupuncture diagnosis? There are 12 vital organs in our body. They are stomach, spleen, lungs, large intestine, kidneys, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder, heart, small intestine, pericardium and triple warmer. The energy flow required for the function of these organs is checked, if it is available? Which organ is getting insufficient energy? What is required to balance it? We can understand all these details in seconds! Acupuncture treatment balances the energy flow and depletes the condition of the disease. 21. What is disease? Kindly can you brief it? Human body has the potential to self-sustain. The body can rectify even smallest problems caused by atmospheric changes like climatic condition even before we know it. Violating natural laws is what onsets the disease. Hungry but not taking food, taking food but there is no hunger, eating more than required, working when you need rest, unhealthy food habits are against natural laws. In addition to that smoking, alcohol and other bad habits increases the chance of occurrence of disease. All these causes stagnates waste in the internal organs. This is the first stage of the diseases. By nature, the stagnated waste comes out. This process in the body condition should be helped and assisted, but instead we indulge against nature; the stagnated waste develops and spoils the function of the organ pertaining to eating. This is the second stage of the disease. It is in this stage that we got bodily symptoms. Further, due to unhealthy food habits diseases developed will damage the internal organs. Administering chemical drugs can worsen the condition of the organs. It is in this final stage, Allopathy with their laboratory scanning tests and xrays diagnose symptoms of disease and remove the affected parts. Even then, you do not get cured from the disease. Organ transplanted will also develop similar problems, as the stagnated waste affects it too. Transplanting or removing the body part is not the permanent solution. Removing fully stagnated waste from the body is rather, the permanent solution to cure the disease. 22. Is there any cure for hereditary diseases? Kidneys play an important role in development and growth of genital organs and the offspring. The activity against nature during pregnancy reduces the energy of the kidneys. Intake of chemical drugs, unnatural food etc. during pregnancy further damages the kidneys.

“Life power is the power of Mother Nature. That energy has been spread throughout the body”.



During this stage, the foetus grows with weak organs. The under-activity of these organs in later stage transforms into hereditary diseases. Acupuncture treatments for problems during pregnancy, removes hereditary diseases as well as paves the way for normal and pleasurable child birth. 23. Can acupuncture cure BP (Blood pressure)? BP can be cured easily as it is not at all a disease. Blood flow increases to restore the state of the damaged organ. It is impossible without increased heart rate and BP to get increased blood flow to the organ. High blood pressure thus indicates that there is damage in some organ. The organ can be easily identified by diagnosis. By balancing its necessary energy, high blood pressure reduces thereby restoring normal heart rate and BP. Example, legs, hands and face swells for problem in the kidneys. Then, blood pressure develops. When gas problem increases in stomach then too, BP increases. BP shoots up when liver gets damaged due to alcohol. Therefore, we can understand that BP is not a heart disease. It is necessary that heart rate and blood pressure have to increase until the difficulties in any organ inside the body subsidizes. Contradictorily modern medicines consider BP as a heart disease. They manipulate to reduce the heart rate and BP against its nature. This is the reason for getting BP higher and higher even while patients take drugs regularly. Difficulties in the concerned organs get worse due to this allopathic treatment. In a prolonged period, heart’s energy reduces due to its hyper activity. Result can be fatal. A very important ideology of modern medicine, as quoted by Hippocrates, the father of medicine is, “not to harm a patient in the first place”. However, in modern practice it is exactly the opposite. 24. Kindly let us know whether diabetes gets cured with acupuncture? First, let us know what diabetes is. Only then, we can understand how it can be treated. Modern medicine says that less insulin secreted by pancreas is the cause for diabetes. Why does insulin reduction occur all of a sudden when the rest of the secretions in the body are still functioning well? Earlier diabetes was a one in million disease. How has it become a fearful killer disease now? The only reply modern medicine has is, “still not known, it is under research”. “Frequent scans, X-ray, blood tests and other similar tests affect our body health to a larger extent”.



Acupuncture easily puts forth the reason for diabetes and the treatment for it. The end-product glucose, gained by our unhealthy food habits and underactivity of digestive organ, is poor in quality. We know that in cholesterol there is high density (good) and low density (bad), the same we have in glucose too. The secretion of insulin is determined by the quality of glucose got by digestion. The insulin secretion reduces by half when the quality of the glucose gets half by digestion. Insulin secretion goes on reducing when the quality of glucose gets poor and poor. The poor quality glucose is removed by the kidneys as urine from blood. Poorer the glucose more is the urine discharge. Thus, heavy appetite and reduction in body weight occurs. Urine discharges the poor quality glucose. Synthetic drugs and medicines stop the production of poor quality of glucose, gradually liver followed by kidney collapses. Human immune system cannot be suppressed or controlled into accepting or tolerating any foreign DNA or proteins like drug insulin for a prolonged period. The basic reason for diabetes is the increase in poor quality glucose available in the blood. Acupuncture treatment controls and balances the digestion (energy restored by the under-active digestive organs) by fully discharging poor quality glucose as urine. Body then gets good glucose. Health regains as insulin secretion increases naturally. 25. What is your opinion about surgery? Is growth in this field felicitous? Symptoms of disease occur in an organ. As there is lack of knowledge about the disease, the symptoms increase alarmingly and the organ gradually gets damaged. The testing equipment (scan, etc) and investigation reports show pictures of damaged part only in this condition. Now by surgery they simply remove the affected part from the body but not the root cause that damaged the organ. When a patient, to relieve a disease in an ailing organ approaches a doctor, he removes the organ itself! Example: When a boy is having cold and tonsillitis, he is recommended for removal of tonsils. After undergoing treatment (drugs) for several years for knee pain, the patient is finally informed that the knee joint has wear and tear, and the knee joint has to be replaced! They do not even cure gas problem in the stomach. They only cut and remove it as ulcer.

“For all the diseases that come immediately (Acute Disease) no better medicine than fasting is available in this world”. 18   


Appendicitis is a common problem. It does not occur suddenly. Several years of acute pain in the lower abdomen is experienced at regular intervals. When drugs maximize this, emergency operation is done. After prolonged treatment they promptly remove the uterus. The uterus problems of women has neither been understood nor rectified till date! After making all these crimes they still claim to have cured the disease! When the organ is wholly or partially removed, saying, “We have cured the patient” is not worthy. The severity of the disease roots in the body and starts to damage other organs too. 26. What is your opinion about organ transplantation? Damage is a symptom in an organ caused by the disease. Removing that organ is only removing the symptom! The disease is still growing inside the body. Unless the disease energy is balanced, any number of organ transplants will fail repeatedly. The best example is today’s kidney transplantation (kidney theft has alarmingly increased due to the repeated failure), any number of transplants does not equal to the original kidneys. “Donate (organs) kidneys” slogan is a crime against humans. 27. Can you explain the diagnosing methods in acupuncture? BP, diabetes, thyroid, etc. are all meaningless words in acupuncture treatment. This method of diagnosis by modern medicine holds no value in acupuncture. The problems as told by the patients are considered along with the acupuncture diagnosis, the condition of the disease is further assessed for giving treatment. Not all BP’s are the same. Each disease is to be treated in its own manner according to its diagnosis. In course of time, patients will know that the diagnosis in modern medicine is useless. Difficulties and complaints of the patients combined with acupuncture diagnosis are regarded as diagnosis in acupuncture. Gradually when complaints from patients get reduced, naturally the frequency of treatment also reduces in this treatment. Diseases like BP, sugar, thyroid etc. is relieved from the body, slowly. 28. Nowadays, knee pain is a common problem faced by many. Modern medicine says the knee joint has torn out. Can acupuncture cure in this stage? Surely, there is no wear and tear in the knee joint. The state of functional energy and under-activity of the tendons connecting the joints is the cause of pains. By giving treatment, the energy of the tendons is restored and the pain is relieved fully. “Skin and liver are the only organs that cure themselves very fast”.



29. Why do tumors form in liver, ovaries, uterus, glands, etc. Can acupuncture cure this? The waste produced in the body is stagnated in the form of harmful gas and water. It transform with respect to the organs it reach. Watery substance turns into fibroids and tumors. Heat stagnates in these tumors. This trapped heat energy alarmingly grows the cells and tissues- this is unnatural. These tumors grow and burst into cancer cysts. Administering chemical drugs, laser treatment or surgery to reduce the cancer cyst- increases only the gravity of the problem and helps spreading it faster (we do see this around us). The trapped heat energy has to circulate only then that tumors break and diminish. Acupuncture treatment clears these tumors fully. 30. How do we assess the improvement in the body after taking acupuncture treatment? Let us consider a person taking treatment for 10 complaints. He may not be relieved from new complaints in each treatment, but may get rid of some ailments after few sessions. For few the symptom reduces and again upsurges after some days. Bit this does not suggest, that disease has gained ground again; it is just a part of the healing process. The complaints diminish permanently after they get continuous treatment. Repeated occurrence and treatment as per change in diagnosis, remove the root cause of the disease in a permanent manner. 31. How does acupuncture differ from modern medicine? In modern medicine, the complaints of the patient are the symptoms of the disease. Symptom itself is considered as disease and treatment is given accordingly. Whereas, acupuncture finds the root cause of the disease and rectifies the symptom as well as the disease completely. Let us take a patient with a headache. Modern medicine first administers analgesic drugs. When there is no relief owing to these synthetic drugs, it then searches the cause of the headache by investigating or scanning inside the head, in vain. Nevertheless, what the truth is? Head is not the cause for headache. Headache may be due to problems in spleen and stomach. Liver and gall bladder difficulties may cause headache. Heart and pericardium due to their misconducting of heat may cause headache. Malfunction in kidneys and urinary bladder may cause headache. Apart from the aforementioned factors, following factors may also cause headache: sleep deprivation, constipation, not taking food while you are hungry, taking excess food than required, etc. “When you sneeze, or when you have cold or cough you have to avoid milky food”. 20   


Investigating the head will not show or cure the headache that appeared for one or other reasons mentioned above. The waste stagnated in some parts of the internal organs shows symptom on the surface on the body. Removing one or two of the symptoms does not relieve it from the disease. Modern medicine only searches the cause of disease outside the body. Whereas acupuncture searches inside and rectifies it! 32. Can we prevent the disease? We should take care of our eating habits. It is not the food that causes disease, but it is the way we eat that causes disease. We should eat food (by properly chewing), only when we have an appetite. Drink water (sipping), only for thirst. When there is an unpleasant feeling, stop eating. Stuffing the stomach should be avoided. Food at night should be simple and less (avoid late night food).

33. Why is this amazing treatment not famous with the public? It is because of the less skilled acupuncture healers. The father of acupuncture Dr. Wo.Wei.Ping said “A single needle, placed on the skin surface should free the body from ten thousand maladies”. Acupuncture has the scope to cure any disease. The subject is conceptual and thought provoking. Success of the acupuncture practitioner depends entirely upon his capacity to apply his mind to this highly perceptual and meditative subject, to the extent that he is guided into the treatment mode by intuition. Whereas, those acupuncture practitioners who do not understand, get confused, and also mix-up the mode of treatment by using more number of needles, electric current or equipment to their usage. They bring shame to this drugless treatment by giving drugs and support food in the name of therapy. If we can achieve even 1% of the scope in acupuncture, we shall be able to help the whole world. We are entirely concentrating our effort on this. Save the world from diseases and humans from drugs.

“Lying down in the bed for a long time would weaken our lungs”.



34. There is neither cure nor relief for any disease in Allopathy system, then why do the governments fold their hands? Not only the Indian government, but the World Health Organization (WHO) too declared that- treatment should not be given to any disease when root cause of the illness is not known. In this regard, the following act has been written by govt. of India and is valid till date. This is one of the hidden truths kept away from public. The Act: “Drugs and cosmetics act 1940, drugs and cosmetics rule 1945, and drug prices control order 1995, in its schedule – J wants the medical practitioners thus; there are 51 diseases and ailments (by whatever the name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure or make claims to prevent or cure”.

“A human has the capacity to cure any disease that affects him/her”.



What do you mean by fever? How can we cure ourselves by ourselves?

Fever refers to a condition of the body in which the temperature goes beyond the normal. It is also characterized by disturbance in normal functioning of the system. It is a common ailment which occurs both in children and adults. The term fever has a wider application. It is the symptom of body’s fight against infection. It is the one of the most common features of several diseases. In many cases, it is a secondary symptom of the disordered state of the body with which it is associated. The real cause of all fevers, including common fever, however, is accumulation of morbid matter in the system due to wrong feeding habits and unhygienic condition of living. Fever is thus, a natural attempt on the part of the body to rid of itself of toxic matter. It is not the result of germs or infection, as is generally believed. If the believed was true, all people exposed to an infection should be suffering from fever. Fever being a natural healing crisis, it should be helped to run its normal course. Any interference with this natural process by administration of drugs will only enable the body to retain the morbid matter which caused this condition. If dealt with in natural way, the common fever, where there are no complications, will subside in two to three days. Fever is not considered as a disease. It is only the most essential resistance power required by the body. In the event of discharge of waste products that gets accumulated in our blood by oxygen, white blood cells in our blood fights with the infection causing bacteria, that is when we get fever. Whenever we get fever, the active immunity in our body starts functioning in an exert way against the chronic problems in our body. By whatever name you call the fever, it is very necessary to wait patiently, by giving rest to the body, till the fever subsides by itself.

“Determination of mind is the one that protects a person’s life from diseases”



Things that everyone should follow for getting the fever cured without any medicines:      

Only if the fever is very high then wipe the forehead, armpit and lower abdomen with a wet cloth. Do not drink water unless you are thirsty. In case the lips feel dry or parched, dab some water on the mouth. When you have normal thirst, drink a measure of water. When hungry, take rice porridge. Also start consuming food in an orderly manner, once well. For two to three days strictly avoid food like milk, tea, coffee, Horlicks etc. If everyone from a new born baby to adult follows the above mentioned methods when they have fever, then you will have no place to speak about any disease in your lifetime.

“To set us free from the wrong lifestyle our body creates a stage called the disease”.



Diabetes- in view of Acupuncture: Sugar (Diabetes) is not at all a disease; it is rather a problem of indigestion.         

Are you taking drugs, tablets and insulin injections for a long period now? Is the sugar level not within control? Have you got high BP and cholesterol along with sugar? Has the dosage of drugs and injection increased from the initial level? While testing though the sugar level is reflecting within normal range, but are you still experiencing symptoms of diabetes? Are you exercising without interest for the sake of doctor’s compulsion? When you are bold enough to take the drugs, tablets and injections then why should you be scared of appropriate food? Food is the boon given by nature. Do you think nature can harm you in any manner? Can food be toxic? If diabetes disease affects once, does it mean that you will have to take medicines forever? Then, does it also imply that diabetes is incurable forever? Or, is it that you have not understood everything about this disease?

Thought for you: 

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The disease we call as sugar, i.e., Diabetes, is a disease that is shattering the whole world, as it is being advertised in a way that is frightening people. Hereafter you need not be worried about the false sayings, such as, if you get Diabetes then you have to be very careful, eat “controlled diet”, be under strict care, etc. It is also often heard from healthcare marketing experts, that, if you get diabetes, injuries will not get cured easily, eye sight will be affected, chances of heart attack will increase, legs might have to be removed, kidneys will get affected, and also, it may be passed down as hereditary ailment. Diabetes is not a disease that comes in a day or in a few weeks or in a few months but, appears due to the malfunctioning of our digestive system forover5 to 10 years. Diabetes is not a waterborne or airborne disease. It is not spread through viral or bacterial infections or spread through mosquitos, houseflies or animals or birds. Moreover, it is not a hereditary disease for those who lead a healthy and normal lifestyle with strong digestive system. No one can contradict the fact that the reason for most of the serious issues in the world is usually a little carelessness. Diabetes is a perfect example of this. We all know that diabetes brings along several other diseases. So, is diabetes can be treated, so can all other diseases be cured. It is commonly accepted that Diabetes is due to the non-secretion of insulin in pancreas. But, does Pancreas stop secretion of insulin all of a sudden……? “Snore sleep disorder implies the lessening power of motion of our respiratory organs”. 25 



Acupuncture views it as follows:The malfunctioning of digestive system in our body is the main reason for diabetes. Instability of the body, confusions, stomachache, shrinkage of intestines, wheezing, tiredness in face, joint pains etc. are few of its symptoms. Why it occurs?            

Uncontrolled, un-administered food habits. More importance given to taste and consuming more food with pungent, sweet and sour taste. Eating same kind of food, for a long time continuously without any control. Taking food when there is no appetite and not taking food when there is appetite. Consuming food without chewing it in our mouth or distinguishing the tastes in the tongue. Eating late night. Eating enormous amount of food without considering the digestive capacity. Controlling urine and motion for a long time. Uncontrolled lust and bad habits… Experiencing prolonged worry, fear, anger, etc. Having negative thoughts....... Doing no physical work.

Acupuncture explanations:

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The important part of digestive system is our stomach. Due to its weakness i.e. due to the malfunctioning of spleen and colon low quality glucose, the last nutrient from food is produced. Continuous production of low quality glucose causes pancreas to stop secreting insulin. The glucose in the absence of insulin is unable to enter the body cells and the level of glucose increases. The discarded bad Glucose circulates with the blood. We test this blood with bad and increased level of glucose When we take tablets and insulin to control glucose level we inject artificial insulin into the body and make the low quality glucose enter into the body cells without removing it from the body. Now, the sugar level will be within the limits 80 – 120. But, the effects of diabetes will remain. In order to make pancreas to secret insulin, we need to induce good glucose. For this, our stomach should get proper digestive capacity. Insulin is given only when the digestion is completely out of order and body does not absorb glucose. In this case when insulin is administered, the body becomes completely dependent on synthetic insulin. The effect of insulin will be with us even when we would like to leave insulin. “One minute pulse test, one acupuncture point and one minute treatment – this is the standard Complete Indian Acupuncture”



Blood and Urine Tests:-

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The insulin level of any human varies 18-20 times in a day. The test is conducted only once with a drop of blood from the blood which flows throughout the body and gets purified every time. How can we say that the treatment based on such a result is correct? Then, the treatment based on the urine test which says 2+, 3+, 4 and 4+ also is not correct. Just think of it, like this. Urine is an excretion of our blood. That is, when the kidney functions properly, it excretes the wastes. The treatment based on analyzing theses wastes is also not correct. Our body will not excrete anything without reason. Urine is a liquid waste from the body. Also, you need to understand the fact that no human or laboratory test would be able to say if the glucose which is found in the test is good or bad. Another thing to understand here is that in spite of having sugar level between 300 to 400, if he/she may not be having any difficulty as faced by diabetes patients in that case, it is good glucose. While, if one has sugar level between 80–120 but is still experiencing diabetes related symptoms, then it is the glucose of poor quality doing the rounds. Our body should excrete that bad sugar through urine. The diabetes patients should excrete more urine. This is the treatment. When we excrete more urine, we become lean and exhausted. For our safety, kidney secretes lifesaving Adrenalin hormone. Now, in order to avoid wastage our pancreas stops secreting insulin. If we become exhausted the Glycogen – concentrated sugar which is saved throughout the body and liver is let into the blood to save our life. Now, the sugar level would be 300-500. On seeing the sudden upsurge in sugar levels, people start taking insulin out of fear. That will be the starting of diabetes. Even the digestion of water into minerals would be affected by diabetes. Such a state is called diabetes. You need not bother about whether the sugar level is high or low in your blood or urine. Whatever natural form of food we consume is not harmful, i.e. the food does not give us disease. If we change our food habit, we can save ourselves from poor glucose and prevent the disease. The new diseases(the side effects) of taking insulin for diabetes are as follows: 1. Low sugar level. 2. Obesity, Blood Pressure (BP). 3. Bad Cholesterol increases.

“When you start liking sour taste more, Please realize that your liver is getting spoiled”.



4. Itching on the skin (allergy). 5. Even after taking any level of insulin we will not be able to control the antibodies. 6. Black spots on face and ankle joints. 7. Our body (kidney and liver) fights to excrete the chemical wastes from our body and this finally ends in dialysis treatment. Diabetes cannot be cured by any medicine or medical methods, because it is not a disease, but malfunctioning of our digestive system. Only changes in lifestyle and food habits can prevent our body from Diabetes. Acupuncture can induce more energy to our digestive system and help cure diabetes.

Few important guidelines to lead a life without diabetes and its effects: All tablets, medicines, insulin injections have to be stopped.               

Eat only when you feel hungry. The food should be consumed after munching it well. Water should not be taken while eating. Water could be taken after half an hour. It is better to eat food with all six flavors (tastes). Supper should be taken between 7 and 8. All sweet fruits have to be taken with little control. Stop eating if you get belching while eating. Eat food without any urgency and with lot of patience. No separate physical exercise for diabetes You should think and be clarified of the sayings ‘Eat only when you are hungry’ and ‘If you consume food after munching well you will be able to live 100 years’. Avoid drinking water or eating food between 9 and 11 a.m. Avoid eating food while conversing or watching TV or reading a book. Deep sleep is necessary between 11.00pm and 3.00am. No diet or quantified intake is required. Eat when you are hungry and eat slowly whatever you like, till hunger goes off. Don’t check the sugar level in blood or urine. Try to feel the changes and problems in the body. Don’t become depressed out of fear after seeing the test results.

“Should sip and drink tender coconut water, various kinds of fruit juices so that the lips get wet”. (Do not drink using straw)



Blood Pressure (BP):

Blood pressure is not a disease related to heart. What is the function of the blood? To give the necessary energy (food) to each cell! The necessary speed and pressure required to circulate blood all over the body is given by the heart. This is in the normal circumstance. Let us consider an organ that is affected or is under-performing. This organ needs enough pure energy (glycogen) to recover. From where does it get this energy? Only through blood! There is an emergency to supply energy (blood) to the particular organ. Now the heart gives the required pressure so that the blood reaches the organ. When does this heart rate and pressure reduce? When the requirement is met! Is blood pressure a disease or is the stagnant waste and affected organs a disease? Is heart the cause for increased blood pressure? No. But we induce drugs for reducing BP in our body to moderate the function of our heart. However, when our immunity will increase, again the blood pressure will rise, but intake of synthetic drugs will try to suppress it. That is when are situations of fluctuating blood pressure level is recorded. If we diagnose disease with the help of machines or equipment, we will never be able to find and end the disease. Equipment can detect only the chemical changes in our body. … Hunger is a basic sensation – do we have an equipment to detect it? … Pain is a symptom of disease. Can it be found out or categorized by any equipment man can make? … In the name of treatment, we inflict different methods of suffering on our body. All these are tolerated by our soul! The modern medical practice can never see or understand the soul.

“Sufferings from all diseases are only the effects of the disease and not the disease itself”.



Constipation: Constipation is a common disorder of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly or are not completely emptied when they pass. Constipation is the chief cause of many diseases. The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty of elimination due to hard faecal matter.    

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The most important factor in curing constipation is a natural and simple diet. This should consist of unprocessed food. The diet alone is not enough. Food should be properly chewed-each morsel for at least 15 minutes. Having meals in hurry or at odd times should be avoided. Having Bael fruit during constipation is the best; it cleans and tones up the intestines. Its regular use for two or three months throws out even the old accumulated faecal matter. Chronic constipation patients should consume pear fruit or its juice. The number of motions required for normal health varies from person to person. Most people have one motion a day; some have two a day, while others have one every other day. However, for comfort and health, at least one clear bowel movement a day is essential and considered normal. Having green and leafy vegetables, especially spinach, French beans, tomatoes, lettuce, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, pears, grapes, papayas, mangoes, carrot, guava and oranges can clear your constipation.



Female problems

Menstrual disorders The two major female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones give the woman strength and stamina and are largely responsible for the peculiarly feminine shape of her body. The main problems relating to menstrual flow are painful menstruation, stoppage of menstruation and excessive menstruation besides pre menstrual tension. These disorders are quite common, but they are not normal. Healthy women living according to natural laws and consuming natural foods do not suffer from the monthly ordeal. Most menstrual disorders are caused by nutritional deficiencies which lead to deficiency and improper metabolism of the female sex hormones.

Menopausal problems: The menopause or a woman’s change of life is a perfectly normal event which occurs in the mid or late forties. It signifies the end of the female reproductive period of life which commenced at adolescence in the early teens. There are several misconceptions about menopause. Many women at this time feel that they are growing old and that they are well past their full physical vigor. Other women feel that menopause brings a cessation of sexual pleasure. These apprehensions are far from true. Menopause may be considered an end to woman’s fertility but certainly not to her virility. It does not decrease a woman’s physical capacity of sexual vigor or enjoyment. During menopause, the entire chain of endocrine glands is disturbed, particularly the gonads, thyroid and pituitary. In a woman bestowed with good health, the menopausal change takes place without any unpleasant symptoms. The only thing that the ‘changes’, is the cessation of menstrual flow. There are, however, many women who do not enjoy good health due to dietetic errors and a faulty style of living. In these cases, the menopausal change often leads to all kinds of distressing physical, emotional and nervous symptoms and manifestations.

“Chemically produced foods, nutrient packed powder, vitamins, calcium, iron tablets and soft drinks etc. are against the nature of the body”.



Although me A enopause cannot c be avoided, a it can c be posttponed for as a long as 10 1 to 15 years an nd it can be b made a smooth affair a when n it comes,, with a prroper nutritional diiet, special supplemen nts and the right menta al attitude. D is of uttmost important; you must Diet m have seeds, nutts, grains, vegetabless and frruits. P Premenstru ual syndrome: The premen T nstrual synd drome (PM MS) refers to o a variety of symptoms which recur r in n the sam me phase of the menstrual m c cycle. Thesse generally make their appearance two to sevven days be efore the on nset of men nstruation and a are relie eved once mense es start. In n some wo omen, the onset o of syymptoms se eems to co oincide with h ovulation and m then pe may ersist until menstruatio on commen nces. In so ome rare ca ases, relief from th he premenstrual synd drome mayy be obtained only with w the ce essation off the m menstrual flo ow.

Fluids should be mode F erately restrricted and care c should d be taken not n to add extra e salt to the fo ood. The pa atient should not take any a oral contraceptive es as these may cause fluid retention r an nd lowering g of plasma levels.

Wa ater Element organs (Kidney an nd Urinary y Bladder).



Skin diseases, Asthma and Hair care: “Among all the creatures in the world, the only creature whose skin cannot be removed from the body is human alone.” The human skin plays very important role in maintaining our health. It gives life (prana) to the internal organs; and maintains the heat and cold. Most of the excretions of the body and the dead cells are expelled through the skin. The skin diseases like dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, erysipelas, erythema, icthyosis, impetigo, ring worm, sycosis, shingles, psoriasis, dark circles, and blemishes in the face and around the ankles are all nothing but the excretions of the wastes of our body. When cooperation is not provided for this and on the contrary we intake medicines or applying it on the skin, these diseases disappear from that spot but appear in another weak spot.

Why excretions? How can we save ourselves from diseases? All those who are afflicted with skin diseases have to be convinced that the prolonged constipation and cold are the reason for skin diseases. To treat constipation, you should take food only when you are hungry. Adequate intake of natural fruits should be administered. Medicines taken for ordinary sneezing, cold, and cough convert them into asthma; when more medicines are taken to cure asthma it finally develops into skin diseases. The itching sensation along with severe pain and irritation should be treated immediately with some medicines. Till they are treated, you should avoid milky food, deep fried oily food, and crunchy snacks. You need not use special soap or powder. When there is more itching sensation, you should not scratch but rub slightly. If needed, apply coconut oil. Germs never cause skin diseases. The germs found in the prolonged skin diseases are not the cause of it. No skin disease is contagious. In Acupuncture science, our lungs give power, safety glow and immunity to our skin. Based on pulse test, the point of acupuncture for the lungs should be selected and acupuncture treatment should be given. Prolonged constipation, prolonged asthma and all kinds of prolonged skin diseases can be cured without taking any medicine or tablet, or food supplements or blood, urine, stool and sputum examinations.

“Our skin unites us physically and mentally and makes us feel and act together”.



The role of acupuncture in hair care: Generally our lifestyle in this materialistic world is fast paced. Most of the medical practices have said that the hair starts falling because of change in the place, change in water, chemical shampoos etc. On the basis of acupuncture medicine, our kidneys, bladder, gradually set in the power of their source. Our kidneys have unlimited energy. The low share of energy flow causes hair fall, rust, dandruff problem, white hair at young age, breaking hair (Dry) and itching on the head etc. Precautions to be taken: 1. Should have 6-8 hours of sleep at night. 2. Try to avoid chemicals, shampoos. 3. Avoid using air driers (hair drier).   4. Avoid usage of hair dye to hide white hair.



Why we should not consume milk and milk products: 

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Milk is among our main foods, given without restriction to children and elderly. Is milk a food? Yes! It is food to the one it was created for. When a child is born, milk is secreted from the mother’s breast. This food is only for the child. Is there any limit for its intake? Certainly, there is. Mother’s milk is required till the milk teeth grow. Thereafter, solid foods have to be increased gradually, reducing mother’s milk. When calf is born, the cow secretes milk. This is only for the calf. We take it away from the calf and drink it, as well as feed our children. A glass of milk equals four full meals. We gulp down a full meal without hunger and take a glass of milk too. Is there a better way to hold up our digestion? Modern scientist’s exact view says that, after digestion of cow’s milk, one thing is left – caseinogens (a membrane). Human’s body does not have the energy to digest this membrane, say scientists. Who has the energy to digest casein? The calf! Drinking calf’s milk or saturated milk will harm us.

“Those who do not have proper digestion should not drink milk and those who have digestion power should drink pure cow’s milk only in the morning”.



Acupuncture’s essential tips for a healthy life:

1. Body’s need such as hunger, thirst, sleep, rest… should be fulfilled. Lifestyles associated with natural habits should be practiced. 2. Taking food at a particular time and as per taste is absolutely wrong. Should eat only when you feel hungry and drink water when you are thirsty. When you feel hungry at night after 8 pm, you can take fruits which do not have sour taste, or liquid food or water. 3. Night time is for resting. A deep Sleep from 11.00 pm to early morning 3 am is very essential. 4. It indicates a healthy body when the wastes (stool, urine) are discharged early in the morning between 5.00 am and 7.00 am. 5. Need not segregate food item as nutritious food (Calcium, Iron and Vitamin) and eat. Eat the food you like and eat patiently till your hunger subsides. 6. Do not follow all the medical advice given by others. Accept only those which will suit your body and that your mind accepts. 7. More physical work, travel, mental agony, will harm the body gradually. Things to be kept in mind while undergoing Acupuncture treatment: 

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According to Acupuncture, disease is the weakness (less energy) of organs of the body. It is clearly diagnosed through pulse testing and treatment is given accordingly. So there is no need for x-ray, scan, or other lab tests of blood, urine, stool etc. For some people, there might be an upsurge in the symptom safter acupuncture session, at that time their appetite may get affected adversely. In such a case, it is ok to skip one or two meals, as convenient. Acupuncture treatment is common for the whole body. So there is no need for any special treatment with regard to teeth, eyes, ears and skin. In Acupuncture treatment there is no need to tell about the disease in particular, or to talk in detail about it, nor do you have to undergo the trouble of sharing your personal problems. Acupuncture pulse testing is equal to the diagnosis for the entire body. (Master health checkup) You have to inform the healer in case you have undergone root canal treatment for the teeth or if steel plate is fixed in the hand, leg or spinal cord and in case of women if they have fixed ‘copper T’. You can take food when you feel hungry and can drink water if thirsty. It is good to avoid food which your body is allergic to, till your body gets completely healed.



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While undergoing Acupuncture treatment you should strictly avoid taking any medicines, tablets, injections, tonics or supplementary diet. When people come for Acupuncture treatment for the first time, if they have undergone any operation or if any organs have been removed or transplanted, those details need to be informed to the Acupuncture healer. Those who had any organ transplantation in the body are strictly not given acupuncture treatment for those organs.(Eg: Gall Bladder, Tonsils, Thyroid, Appendix and Uterus) When you are sick it is good to avoid your most favorite food which you would like to eat more till you the disease is completely cured. Our body always discharges only the waste and never expulses anything essential. For example: Sneeze, vomiting, excess sweat, diarrhea, tears from eyes, frequent urination, too much fluid getting discharged, breaking abscesses, irregular menstruation, white discharge etc., all these are discharge of the disease (waste).

Excess of sour tasting food affects our digestion and also the digestive organs adversely. So, when you undergoing treatment, you should avoid acescent batter, acescent solution, sour sambar varieties, acescent curd, butter milk, milk products, sour fruits, vinegar, pickles etc.

“The quantity and quality of saliva will differ according to the food and taste”.



Is there any explanation for diagnosis in acupuncture treatment?

In Acupuncture method, there is no relevance of saying the disease you suffer from; rather you should narrate the symptoms only. For example, I have B.P., or I have diabetes, or I have thyroid problems etc., have no meaning in this traditional practice. Acupuncture doesn’t require any lab diagnosis. Patients suffering from thyroid, diabetes, high BP etc. should express their difficulties, and based on the pulse test and the symptoms, the treatment is provided. So, medical diagnosis becomes pointless. All B.P problems are not the same. Each disease has to be approached from a different perspective and treatment has to imparted based on the pulse examination of each individual. After sometime, the patients themselves will understand that the lab tests, medical diagnosis etc. are all unnecessary jargons. When people are cured naturally from the diseases for which treatment is provided, ailments for B.P, thyroid, sugar will disappear gradually. Thus the problems and difficultiesexperienced by an individual is considered in diagnosis. Wood Element (Liver and Gall Bladder).



Undeniable Medical facts that need to be essentially known: 

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Brain tissue, as well as root like nerve spinal cord, gets separated into several branches from the bottom of the waist line to the tip of the finger. It is pervasive for all nervous system tissue. It is kidney that protects from the bottom of the brain till the tip of the spinal cord. It is kidney that keeps our bones and teeth stronger. A person’s body should accept all kind of food substances. If it doesn’t suit his body it means that his liver and spleen maybe affected. When the liver becomes weak, the bitterness, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue in limbs, loss of appetite, etc. will start to appear. When the liver is in a weak state, uterus power reduces. In this situation the toxic substances start mixing up, affecting, both mother and the child. In this situation, the child growing in the uterus gets most of the disease (Hereditary Diseases) from its mother. Hernias, Uterine discharge, Piles, all of these reflect the excess heat in the spleen. Uterine weakness in the kidneys, the impact of Sinai, Because of the weakness in the kidney the functioning of the uterus and ovaries are affected. Resulting in white discharge, over bleeding, sudden obesity of the body, especially in the hip area, stomach area, thigh area, excess fat, nervous weakness, mental depression and the like. When =proper digestion fails to take place in the mouth (tongue), teeth get damaged. Sores appear again and again in the mouth. If there is indigestion problem in the stomach, it leads to gas trouble and also formation of ulcer in stomach. The problem with the secretion of mother’s milk and all problems with regard to chest are because of the problem in small intestine. Work of the liver is to see that, all that food we eat gets digested in a good manner, and dietary toxins are removed without the fat remaining in the blood tube, spreading the good blood throughout the body. Till the liver functions well there is no place for any cholesterol problem. The main task of the heart is to administer the blood flow by increasing or decreasing the level, as it is required by each organ. For the color and strength of the teeth, strong functioning of the lungs is very essential. If a girls first teeth fall at the age of 7 years she will attain puberty at the age of 14 years, and will be getting the maturity of becoming a mother at the age of 21 years. If the teeth fall at the age of 6 years she will attain puberty at the age of 12 years and she will get the maturity of becoming a mother at the age of 18 years. “The germs are only a sign of diseases It by itself is not the cause of the disease”.



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If skin temperature control element is not working in full swing then the moisture in the skin gets lessened and becomes dry. Passing of urine without ones knowledge, urinate on at night while sleeping suggests that renal functions have to be determined immediately. If the stomach’s power has lessened then the food that we eat will not get digested and from that ‘gases’ will be released and we will be belching after that. The taste of the meal you eat will be exposed in that belch. If we don’t get fever when we get certain disease, it means that we have weakened immunity power, and that, the certain disease is not going to leave us for lifelong. The main cause for all diseases is improper digestion of food. If there is more secretion of saliva, it means the teeth have got affected. Soon it will lose its strength. If saliva flows from the mouth and wets the pillows when one sleep, it means one is losing strength in his “Stomach”. When the functioning of the heart reduces one will get frustrated and the thoughts like involving in gambling, and earning money by shortcut means, lie, jealousy, deceit, revenge would trouble him. Knowing that it is bad one still gets addicted to the drive of the mind to do the same. Energy produced in the kidney, provides power to motor the organs like lung, spleen, liver, heart and others. As long as there is immunity in the body it will indicate the symptoms of any disease we acquire. If because of the side-effects of drug, our immunity is suppressed, then it would create a dangerous situation where we shall not be able to feel the symptoms of the disease. The wisdom tooth that grows behind the molars after the age of twenty five years is related with the kidney. The dry skin formed in the feet called cracks are due to decrease in power of our kidney. When the milk teeth grow in babies, but are not in symmetry, rather in different angles, we should immediately comprehend that the kidneys are weak. If, in particular, front teeth falls before the age of 7, then it reflects weakness of the lungs and spleen. When the wisdom tooth grows, there is pain and discomfort in mouth. But if it is accompanied with pain in the ears, it indicates that kidneys are not strong. When biting or tasting sour food or mango, if the teeth and the eyes together glare (we get tears from the eyes), it indicates that the eyes and teeth are affected. “All those diseases in the world do not come to kill people Instead they come to make them healthier”.



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If a person says that his body doesn’t have the energy or if he is feeling sluggish, and always feels tired, then it indicates that the warmth in his body is affected, that is, the operating energy is less in his body. It is not good to eat food for taste when you are not hungry as it affects the digestive organs that are otherwise functioning well. Only for those whose stomach and the spleen are damaged, suffer from the disturbance caused by mucus, asthma, sinus, allergy. Without correcting the functioning of the lungs, bladder problems, or the loss in the kidney functioning cannot be cured. Through pulse testing we can find out what disease we are going to get in future. We can remove its characters immediately. Without knowing the reason and the root place of the disease, we cannot prevent or cure a disease. Damage is caused to the organs due to the effects caused by the disease. Removing that organ means removing the effect of that disease. Disease means, which is formed in one area but is affecting other parts of the body. Its reflection and reaction covers the whole body. The muscles formed on the grilled side of the chest, armpit, armpit folding, shows the weakness of the organs like intestine, heart. If the front portion of the chest is larger or it seems to be in excess or if it is small in size, its hows the reduced functioning of the stomach and intestine. If you have more flesh on the side folds at the waist, it represents the reduction in the functioning of the spleen. Worn out nails of the leg thumb, brittle nails, or developing as hard nails shows that the spleen is affected. White line on the thumb fingers, nails becoming black, nails growing hard and flat, getting wound in the inside portion of the nails, indicates the reduction in the functioning of the lungs. The taste of the food should gives peace to the heart and satisfaction for the mind. When bad food substances go into small intestine, we get stomach ache or enterorrhea. The body itself discharges such a toxic substance. When the bad food enters the blood and gets mixed up despite small intestine’s resistance, it would cause red rashes in the skin and allergy and itching too. When the skin becomes dark it means we should realize that the energy in the kidney and liver is stagnant. When the bad food substances get stagnated in the small or large intestine, we will have the feeling of going to the toilet each time we think of going out somewhere or even when we eat something.

Waste exits the body during menstrual bleeding event is exposed to black”.



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It is the kidneys strong energy that is the reason for proper functioning and growth of the uterus, ovaries. Eventually, when the liver functioning becomes dull, the brain struggles in decision making. The speed and confidence which was there earlier, starts reducing. Some start experiencing-fear, anxiety, insomnia, depression, inferiority complex etc. when faced with dilemma of liver function. When the liver loses its power and even crosses the level of being in the lurch and starts to crash, pressure in the head, dizziness, paralysis, brain damage, heart attack and like occurs. Blood red eyes, frequent eye irritation, burning in the eyes, long site, etc. reflect the excessive movement of liver. When the energy of large intestine reduces it leads to constipation, stool holding a long pass, not having the satisfaction of passing stools completely, there will be heaviness in the lower abdomen and you would always have the urge to pass stool and the pressure will continue to be there. If a person suffers tiredness after sexual intercourse, fatigue, body pain, arthritis, pain in the hip, then his kidneys and liver are not in uniform motion. When a normal female girl, after attaining puberty, becomes thinner or puts on more weight, then the uterus would fail to get stable power and it can be understood that it would flounder in its motion. If pain exists in the lower back at 5 o’clock in the morning, it is the pain in the spine of the colon due to lack of power in the large intestine. The first thing, a person experiencing problem in the large intestine faces, is that, one will not be able to get up early in the morning and would feel like sleeping for some more time. Experiencing a tremor in the body at around 8 o’clock in the morning; the body getting stunned, with eye sight getting faded are the symptoms of low energy in the stomach portion. Sometimes when the body swells up at places, but experiences no pain in those parts, then it can be safely comprehended that it is related with gas. By treating the lungs, this swelling can be reduced. Pains and swellings can happen in any part of the body. But depending on the kind of disease and knowing the functioning characteristic of the internal organs when the treatment is given, the disease can be cured. If we experience pain in the knee area, or swelling, ranging failure, or pus from the ears or pain in the ears, or deafness of ears it indicates the decline in the functioning of the kidney. Within six months of attaining puberty, monthly cycle should take place regularly and at smooth pace. If it is not stable even after six months, then you should clearly understand that the woman's renal function and uterus does not have enough power.

“To the extent possible don’t increase the flavor of the food in excess”. 42   


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When the ligaments lose their strength and become tired the internal organs like, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, colon all these organs lose control of their standard configuration. All of our organs and cells and each measure are getting destroyed, and at the same time they are being replaced by a new one also. It is the salivary gland around the tongue that has the power to operate each part of the tongue. Weak kidneys and uterus are responsible for frequent miscarriages.

Words for your understanding      

We should not use anything as a medicine which we can’t use as a food. Whatever the disease be it would not be caused by germs and for sure it will not be cured by any medicines. Germs are only the sign of disease, and strictly not a reason for the disease to occur. Eat food when you are hungry. (We should have food only when we experience hunger, and not just to satisfy the taste buds) There is a saying says that, if the food is properly chewed and swallowed, then you can live a healthy life till 100 years. The food we take does not cause any disease but the way we eat is what causes the disease.



Health in your Hands




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Acupuncture is a scientific treatment method. The excretions that are stagnant within the internal organs of the body and the break down in the power wave are considered as diseases. This could be identified by pulse test in acupuncture and the point of acupuncture in the skin is induced to expel the stagnant waste. This is the treatment procedure in acupuncture method. Those who take acupuncture treatment should pay attention and give-in to the regular body needs like hunger, thirst, rest and sleep. This kind of returning back to normal living boosts health and stabilizes our body. Treatment should be taken once in a week or once in 15 days as per the direction of the practitioner. When the physical problems get reduced, the interval period could be extended. While Acupuncture excretes and expels the bodily wastes, other medicines and chemicals decay them within the body. Hence, during the course of acupuncture treatment, the intake of medicines should be avoided. For Acupuncture diagnosis, there is no need of blood tests, scans, x-ray etc. Those who take Acupuncture treatment should avoid milk, butter and sour food. this would normalize the digestion process. You need not worry about fever, headache, diarrhea, vomiting or cold that is experienced during the course of acupuncture treatment. These excretions could be the outcome of the treatment. In such situations avoid taking food. You can eat only when there is hunger. This would help for a speedy recovery.

“Natural forces within are the true healers of the body.”

“There is a pill for every ill and every ill is followed by a pill.”

“Every day in every way I am getting in better and restored health.”







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