Acupuncture and Herbs -2

December 24, 2016 | Author: Indra Syafri | Category: N/A
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Heartburn (GERD)

Chief Complaint: heartburn Western Diagnosis: esophageal reflux Medical History: stress related, burning like a hole in his stomach, ravenous hunger; defensiveness, vulnerability Questioning exam: heartburn ad epigastric pain, militant atheist. Pulse exam: PC deep and weak, kidney full, overall smooth Tongue exam: pale with white grease OM Diagnosis: Stomach fire IV-V imbalance (5 Element) Treatment Principle: clear heat and rebellion, harmonize the Pericardium Point Prescription: K22 PC1 CV 12, 14 S21 S44 AE shu pts B38 PC6 Moxa Herbal Formula: N/A Lifestyle Prescription: Return monthly for follow up Massage, yoga/taichi Results: Able to stop all his western drugs

Readmore »» Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.11 0 komentar

Acupuncture Treatment of Allergic Hives

Chief Complaint: Hives with itchiness Western Diagnosis: Allergy Medical History: 37 female, full-time mother of two children. Developed the Hive condition all over the body in Oct 2004. Approx 30 lbs overweight. Went to a dermatologist to check for allergies but found none. Indicated that she can only wear gold/silver jewelries. She likes to eat Cheese but does not drink Milk, nor smokes. Has a mild scoliosis. Taking over-the-counter allergy pills but needed to take more recently (every 12 hours or more). She feels stressed taking care of kids and not getting enough sleep. She also reported a nagging lower back ache. She never had a acupuncture before. Questioning exam: Unless she takes the allergy pill every 12 hours, her body gets covered with Hives, especially the upper body. The size of hives varied but 1/2 – 1 inches long and 1/4 inch width, reddish but not raised. She also feels hot when Hives occur. Also while being treated the first time, her Hives came up since her allergy medication time-table ran out. (It was interesting to actually see how the Hive progressed, i.e. bottom to top, reaching her face!) Pulse exam: Pulses were very slow and weak generally, especially the Kidney (Yang/Yin) pulses. The Spleen pulse was slippery. The Liver pulse was

NOT tight (contrary to what Tongue shows) Tongue exam: Relatively prominent white coating with reddish color on the tip & side. OM Diagnosis: Used Kiiko’s abdominal assessment (Japanese style): - Oketsu (abdominal blood stagnation) reactive - Adrenal reactive - Spleen/Sugar reactive - Left inguinal & top of ASIS reactive Treatment Principle: In Kiiko’s term, release reactive areas using distal points Point Prescription: – left LV 4 (for Oketsu) - KI 7, KI27, LU5 (for Adrenal) - SP 5, SP9, BL20 (for Spleen/Sugar) - ST Qi, ST13 (for Left inguinal) - KI9, LI15 (for “detoxing”) - Ear points: Allergy, Shenmen, O (to calm the shen & adress “allergy”) Herbal Formula: None Lifestyle Prescription: Suggested to: - stay away from Cheese while being treated - Watch what she eats to find out whether other food may contribute to the s/s. Results: On 2nd visit, she indicated that she forgot to take the medicine and still felt fine! She is slowly not eating the Cheese! (Tx was basically repeated) On 3rd visit, she is definitely weaning out of the medication. Added right LV1 for “LV14 PP(dull-pain)” finding. On 4th visit (she skipped 1 week in between), she reported that she is no longer taking the medication!!! but got the stomach flu previous day. Upon abdominal palpation, only mild ‘adrenal & LV14 reactive. Decided to use TCM tx protocol for this visit. (CV12, ST21, SP6, BL20, BL21, Yin-tang, ST36) Also she was reporting that she thinks she is allergic to chocolate (actually she observed experiencing a bit of Hive condition after consuming a bit of chocolate lately). Synopsis: It was necessary to ‘show’ the needles and what reactions one may experience at the moment of needling and after-effects prior to the first

treatment. Once she realized that the needles are not what she was expecting (like the western Drs needles), it was easy after that! Also it was good to see her doing the detective work of what she eats that may contribute to her allergic reaction. Readmore »» Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.10 0 komentar

Acupuncture Treatment of IBS Indigestion

Chief Complaint: Indigestion Western Diagnosis: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Medical History: Patient came with the complaint of dull and heavy sensation in the abdomen , also weakness and lethargy. He was having irregular bowels timings ,and usually more than thrice daily. Questioning exam: He told me that always feel an urge for stool , whenever there is anxiety or tension and also whenever he want to go outside to do his field work.also he felt weakness after passing stool.he was looking a bit confused,in a hurry and tense.The stool he pass was usually loose. Pulse exam: The pulse was thready and slippery. Also the pulse rate was fast. Tongue exam: Tongue body was light red, with a coating of sticky white colour.

OM Diagnosis: According to my assessment he was having a spleen disorder attacked by damp and a bit cold also. Treatment Principle: I simply made my mind to resolve damp ,and give energy to stomach and make his mind to calm. Point Prescription: As his case was a chronic one , and he had tried a lot with many therapies with no result . So i first tried to make him calm with baihui-du-20, and shenmen-h-7.also qihai for some energy.I needled these pts. with even stimulation (manual). On third day I gave him 5 pricks on zusanli-st-36 , and sanyinjiao-sp-6 ,bilterly and baihui on the scalp without electrical stimulation. Herbal Formula: NOT AT ALL. Lifestyle Prescription: I just told him to have fibre rich diet.and avoid heavy and junk food. Results: The result was excellent. As i was thinking of giving him points of complex patterns, but i was astonished to see miracle with these simple points,and treatment. After just 7 sittings , nearly all his complications were gone.and till now after 2years there is no recurrence of any symptom. Synopsis: Till now I had treated more than 30 cases ,having these symptoms , and I’ve got excellent results. I’ll request to all my acupuncturist friends to use these simple points to treat these kind of symptoms ,and have good results. May god bless all. Readmore »» Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.08 0 komentar

Chinese Medicine Treatment of Bloating

Chief Complaint: gas,severe bloating, diminished ability to flatulate Western Diagnosis: stress Medical History: Walks daily, married 57yr old but doesn’t live with wife (both are happy in this arrangement) has suffered from clinical depression for years and sees a psychiatrist, average diet not in excess, slim except for protruding stomach, accountant for school which is very stressful, hypochondriac pains Questioning exam: likes cold fluids, thirsty a lot, healthy appetite but bloats excessively after meals, hard to fall asleep, has anxiety at night, constipatedevery 3rd day, poor energy, mind is cloudy most of the time, cold feet all the time, poor memory, lumbago at night, sharp twinges in the heel, leg cramps at night, neck and shoulders get stiff when stressed. Pulse exam: left-rapid, HT weak and thready, LV wiry, yin wiry and thin right-rapid, LU thready, SP wiry, yang wiry Tongue exam: red, peeled, swollen, deep centre crack, deep transverse cracks at middle warmer OM Diagnosis: excess heat in the middle warmer wood overacting on earth qi stagnation -everything is “stuck” which is why he bloats so excessively, nothing is moving!

Treatment Principle: drain heat, move LV Qi, tonify Sp Point Prescription: Ki1(first), Ki3,6, LV3+LI4, GB 34, ST36,37 Ren 12, ST25, LV 13,14 PC6, YinTang DU20 (last) (and why did you use kidney 1?) My theory is to needle Ki1 first so that I attract the Qi downwards first, then Du 20 last to balance. I use these 2 points a lot in a needle prescription for hypertension. It works great (as long as the patient is comfortable being poked in his sole) ha ha. Herbal Formula: I knew herbal formulas were the most important element in this case. Points would help to move the Qi, but I knew herbs would have a more aggressive effect on draining heat so I used granules (KPC)100g Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-1 tsp w/hot water in the morning Yue Jue Wan-1 tsp at night I instructed the patient that the he was to be in charge of the herbs. As soon as his bloating diminshed, he was to cut down (every other day) on Long Dan. But he was to continue with Yue Jue Wan at night until finished. Lifestyle Prescription: To continue walking as movement is good for this fellow. see me once a week. Results: 7 treatments so far, patient reported improvement(bloating minimized) after 1st treatment. After 2nd, he noticed he started to feel less stressed(no matter how busy work was)felt generally happier, he even told his psychiatrist that my treatment was helping him more than the expensive shrink!, 3rd treatment his bowel movements improved almost once a day now. 4th treatment reported a steady improvement in his digestion, way less bloated, can pass gas now. Patient noted that after the first night of taking Yue Jue Wan he could feel things “moving”. 7th treatment now is just a maintenance treatment extended to once a month Synopsis: Knowing that the Heat diagnosis was a 2 fold issue, excess on the surface but from a yin deficiency underlying. My goal was to treat the branch first(of course)and nourish the yin later.Points would help with that. Readmore »»

Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.07 0 komentar

Acupuncture for Sinusitis

Chief Complaint: Sinus problems Medical History: Onset 5 years ago. Drinks 2 cups coffee daily. Questioning exam: Sinus congestion and headaches worse with dairy and wheat. However no symptoms are used to make a Five Element Diagnosis. Pulse exam: Pulses indicated exit-entry blocks between LV and Lu and LI and St. Tongue exam: n/a OM Diagnosis: Wood Causative Factor – inappropriate anger, rancid odor, shouting voice and green color lateral to the eyes. Treatment Principle: Clear blocks (AE, entry/exit, etc) and support Causative Factor at spirit level Point Prescription: First Treatment: Cleared AE with Back shu points – sedation technique, needles just under the skin. Lv14,LU-1 Kd-24, Head above tears, GV-12 Source points of wood. All points treated with moxa and tonifying needling technique Herbal Formula: n/a Lifestyle Prescription: Increase water intake to half her body weight in fluid oz per day minimum. No coffee consumption.

Results: Significant improvement with sinuses, relief of pressure and absence of infections. Synopsis: Cleared blocks and supported Wood meridians. Readmore »» Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.06 0 komentar

Heroin Withdrawal Treated with Acupuncture and Herbs

Chief Complaint: Heroin Addiction Medical History: The patient presents as a 27 year-old male from New Orleans, LA. He began using heroin intravenously one year ago and had previously suffered an attack of acute pericarditis, which was successfully treated in the emergency room. The patient was eager to quit heroin and no longer associate with his user friends. He had not used heroin in 3 days, but admitted to chain-smoking cigarettes to ease the cravings. Questioning exam: Chief complaints: Irritability, insomnia, anxiety, heroin cravings, thirst, depression, constipation, poor appetite. Pulse exam: Pulse examination revealed thready (fine)and rapid heart and lung positions, with wiry liver position. Tongue exam: Tongue examination revealed red petichae along front and side edges, with mirror-like red tongue surface and small yellow coating in the rear. OM Diagnosis: TCM pattern: Yin deficiency affecting heart and lung due to drug intoxication.

Treatment Principle: Treatment method: Nourish Yin, sedate cravings Point Prescription: Auriculotherapy along with acupuncture was used in a series of 12 treatments (four per week for 3 weeks) with 3 subsequent follow up treatments. Ear: Shenmen, Balance, Sympathetic, Heart, Lung. Acupuncture: Liv 3, Li 4, Lu 7, K 6, Yintang, Du 20, Sp 6 Herbal Formula: Herbal: Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan (15/tid) was given for sedation, which the patient responded to quite well. Lifestyle Prescription: The patient surrounded himself with family and friends for support and, due to a near-fatal encounter previously, he was ready to change his life and give up his heroin addiction permanently. Results: The patient successfully withdrew from heroin and cigarettes, and felt acupuncture and herbal medicine greatly reduced his cravings. Coupled with a healthy diet and walks on the beach, the patient’s bowel movements returned to normal. He resisted the tempation of relapse and has kept in touch over the last 5 years. The last I heard, he had just opened his own retail store in Manhattan. Readmore »» Diposkan oleh sofia di 01.05 0 komentar

Acupuncture and Herbs for Bladder Infections

Chief Complaint: burning urination with possible blood Western Diagnosis: urinary tract infection Medical History: 54 y.o. female with hx of multiple sclerosis for 26 years,

uses wheelchair and cane for ambulation. Weakness in left leg needing assistance to move. Chronic history of urinary tract infections, several a month. Uses a catheter bid for voiding. Questioning exam: urination: burning when beginning stream, frequency and desire to void is nearly constant. Describes a foul odor, dark yellow color, scanty amount. Reports feeling uncomfortable and “anxious.” no change in bowel movement or appetite. Sleep is restless due to freq urinating and restless leg syndrome. body feels tired and heavy. No h/a, slight pain along right temporal area of head and into jaw. Very thirsty but does not want to drink b/c believes she will have to urinate more. Pulse exam: t: thin, red dry in middle jiao with dry thin white coat in middle jiao. slv: dark and distended. tender sides with scallops and slight quivering. p: thready and slightly rapid. Tongue exam: as above OM Diagnosis: Blood Lin: acute Damp heat toxin in lower jiao with underlying kidney and liver yin vacuity with poss. yin xu heat. Treatment Principle: clear heat, transform damp, resolve toxicity, stop bleeding, nourish liver and kidney yin and clear vacuity heat. Point Prescription: She has been treated for this before throughout her TCM hx. I recommended she call her urologist and pcp for an appointment for urinalysis: and to seek primary care if fever begins. Herbal Formula: mayway granular made: liu wei di huang wan 40g zhi mu 8g huang bai 10g pu gong ying 10g zi hua di ding 10g zhi zi 10g e jiao 8g huang lian 10g huang qin 10g wu wei zi 10g Lifestyle Prescription: maintain water intake, no spicy greasy foods, no

breads or white flour clear bland diet of broths and rice and bitter greens. Results: within two doses she actually slept through the night which she hasn’t been able to accomplish in months. She did not see any blood in the catheter the next morning. reported a decrease in the urgency and denies pain. still watching it. course of herbs is 10 full days.

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