
July 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. “John is leaving on an early fight fight tomorrow, and he’s not ready.” (pack / change cket / stay up)

John should pack his clothes ght now. Jhon should change cket or another day. Jhon should stay up to make the most o me. 2. “My train leaves at 3:00. Ann said she’d give me a ride, but it’s 2:00, and she’s not here.” (call Ann / take a taxi / change plans)

You could call Ann. You could take a taxi to the train staon. You could change plans. 3. “Tom wants to go rom Barcelona to Madrid, Madrid, but he doesn’t have a car.” (take a train / rental car / nd out about a bus )

Tom should take a train to Madrid. Tom should rent a car to drive rom Barcelona to Madrid. Tom should nd out about a bus.

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