Activity Section 1-4

July 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ACTIVITY SECTION CHAPTER 1 COMPREHENSION Choose a, b or c to answer the following questions. 1.

How long was the monster? a. 2,000 feet  b. 6 feet  c. 200 feet 


Who was Dr Pierre Aronnax?   a. Captain of the Abraham Lincoln  Lincoln  b. A well-known well-known scientist scientist  c. The ship's engineer  


What did Dr Aronnax do before boarding the Abraham Lincoln!   a. He wrote an article  b. He packed his bags  c. He asked to see his cabin 


Who watched the Abraham Lincoln leave? a. The mysterious creature  b. Dr. Aronnax's assistant, Conseil  c. A lot of people people 

2. - Read the sentences. Write T for True and F for False in the boxes. 1. The creature didn't travel very quickly. (T) 2. The Abraham Lincoln was a warship. (T) 3. Dr Aronnax gave Conseil an invitation to join the expedition.


4. Dr Aronnax believed that the mysterious creature was a very big sea creature. (T)  5. The Abraham Lincoln sailed towards the Pacific Ocean. (F)  Vocabulary 3. - Match the words w ords 1-6 with their meanings a-f 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

events enormous collision interior luggage

6. narwhal

a. crash  b. bags and suitcases  c. very, very large d. happenings e. inside part f. big sea creature 


  4. - Complete the following sentences using the prepositions in the box. over to of on in

1. Jenny was born in the summer on 1983. 2. People travel from all to the world to visit the Pyramids of Egypt 3. Mary is not here. She is in London for the weekend. 4. Give this over James, please. 5. John will spend the summer of an expedition to the North Pole FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES 5. - Discuss. Discuss .

1. What other sea creatures do you know of? I know of no creature in special 2. Have you ever travelled by ship? Where did you go? eh never traveled by boat 3. What kind of magazine articles do you read?  science and tegnology 4. Do you believe the people on the  Abraham Lincoln will find the monster? The truth history says it all 6. - Imagine you are the captain of the  A br braha aham m Li nc ncoln. oln. Just before you leave on your expedition, write an invitation to Dr Aronnax asking him to join you on your search for the narwhal. (60-80 words) Dr. Aronnax Dear scientist friend Today I write this invitation for the purpose of seeing you back with us to go out an expedition under the sea, looking for a sea monster. it is not known when we return, if we find other things that only few people know, but what I can assure esque be an extraordinary and wonderful adventure I hope to see you soon in the narwhal Greetings to your family see you soon



CHAPTER 2 COMPREHENSION 1. - Answer the following questions.

1. What had Captain Farragut decided to do to the sea monster? Wanted to kill monster 2. Who was Ned Land? the best harpooner on earth 3. Where did the ship sail? the ship sailed from atlantic to the pacific 4. For how long had they been sailing on 5 November? For over four months 5. Where was the  Abraham Lincoln when they first saw the sea monster? Dr aronnax is excitement at tha moment 2.-Match the two halves of the sentences below.

1. Dr Aronnax 2. Captain Farragut 3. Ned Land 4. The crew 5. The sea monster

a. wanted to go back home. b. was amazed at the size of the creature. c. appeared on 8 November. d. was the first person to see the creature e. believed Dr Aronnax s theory.

Vocabulary 3.-Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences.

 _There was a___________of six sailors on the sailboat.  a. seaman b. view c. crew

 _John's car was badly a. damaged

in the accident.   b. harpooned

c. sworn

 _We must do our best to make this project proj ect work, don't you a. agree b. believe c. head

 Don't talk to me about ghosts. I don't believe they a. cheer b. argue c. exist


4. - Complete the crossword with words from Chapter 2. DOWN 1. A very large sea animal WHALE 3. The world, the planet we live on EARTH 5. The top part or area of something e.g. water SURFACE ACROSS



2. The opposite of day NIGHT 4. A person who works on a ship SAILOR RETURN   6. Comeback RETURN  TURTLE  7 Look tor  TURTLE 8 What you shoot from a gun BULLET 

FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES 5.-Discuss. 1. If you were in Captain Farragut's place, what would you do to calm the crew?   my crew should be trained to any event that is of at sea 2. How do you think you would feel after four months of travel at sea?   stressed crazy and desperate to see land 3. How do you think the crew felt when they saw how big the creature was? the crew felt fear and panic when they saw the mosntruo 4. What do you think the creature will do? very large, could not bear to leave or panic escape the creature 6. - Imagine that you are a crew member on the  A braham L in inc c oln. Write a short letter to a friend of yours describing the events that took place on the last day of the search for the monster. (60-80 words)

Dear friend I hope you are well, a lot do not you writing uh, does maybe because I'm under the sea and no messenger for it .... I am having seen incredible things here at sea spent several problems finally found the creature the crew and I were amazed at how big it was, we scared and in panic here and for months we have not seen land and is a bit sofocane be alone under the



sea but hey I hope you are well greetings over there

CHAPTER 3 1. - Put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1 -7  in the brackets.

  ( 5 ) The lights from the monster disappeared and it shot two jets of water at the Abraham Lincoln.   ( 4 ) When Dr Aronnax moved up to the surface, all he could see were the lights of the Abraham Lincoln in the distance.   ( 3 ) Ned Land was furious because the monster kept escaping.   ( 1 ) Ned threw his harpoon at the creature and it made a loud ringing noise.   ( 6 ) He went deep into the water but he somehow managed to get back to the surface.   ( 7 ) When night came they were still hunting the creature.

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) Dr Aronnax was thrown overboard by the force of the water.

2.- Choose the correct answer.

1. Conseil jumped j umped into the sea / the rail after Dr Aronnax. 2. Ned landed la nded on the creature / the hatch when he fell into the sea. 3. Dr Aronnax was very relieved / furious when Conseil came to his rescue. 4. The creature was made of steej" / skin.  5. A man /Eight men took the three friends inside their ship.   Vocabulary 3. - Complete the following sentences using the prepositions in the box.







1. I would like it if you came out my wedding. 2. He drove at great speed through the centre of the town. 3. Tim will travel to his village  in car. 4. Jenny got up of her car and went into the bank. 5. I prefer swimming by the sea than a swimming pool. 6. She went to the stairs from the ground floor to the second floor. 4. - Find the opposites of the following words in Chapter 3:

1. soft _______________________ ____________ _______________ ____ hard  (page 10) 2. appear _______________________ ____________ _____________ __ disappear (page 10)


  3. sad ______________________ ___________ _________________ ______ 4. asked ______________________ ___________ _______________ ____ 5. dry ______________________ ___________ _________________ ______ 6. light (adj.) _______________________ ____________ ___________ 7. stop _________________________ ______________ _____________ __ 8. light (n.) ____________________ _________ _______________ ____ Follow-up activities

cheerful (page 10) answer (page 10) drippy (page 10) dark (page 10) below (page 10) darked (page 10)

5.-Discuss. 1. How do you think Dr Aronnax felt when he saw the ship sailing away from him? He wondered if it was a creature but to see his eyes sparkled as he approached 2. What do you think of Conseil's reaction? I think I act in a bold way and fast 3. What do you think it is like inside the monster? to enter into the creature realized that it was a submarine 4. What do you think will happen to the three friends? the capture to continue an investigation 6.-Captain Farragut told the newspapers all about their battle with the creature and the disappearance of the three men. Write a short newspaper article under the heading MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF FAMOUS PROFESSOR. (60-80 words)

news impossible farragut captain disappeared the journey of the farragut captain had set out in search of one, when partio giant sea creature did not know who had spent months, years looking for the creature across the Atlantic sea with his crew spend time and did not return until it was never really the giant creature and show that if there was. until now his whereabouts is not known. reporting to you J.C.



CHAPTER 4 1.-Choose a, b or c to complete the following sentences.

1. When the men were taken on to the Nautilus a. they ate first, then slept. b. they slept first, then ate. c. they changed their clothes first, then ate. 2. Captain Nemo asked them a. if they would like to go on land. b. why they wanted to be his guests. c. why they had attacked his ship. 3. When a. b. c.

they dined with Captain Nemo, they had meat. Ned disliked the food. they ate only seafood.

4. In the a. b. c.

library of the Nautilus, there were six thousand books. there were seven thousand books. there were twelve thousand books. 

2. - Match the two halves to make sentences

1. The masked men took Dr. Aronnax and his friends 2. Captain Nemo spoke politely 3. Ned really real ly enjoyed 4. Everything they were served ser ved 5. The walls of the rooms were a. the food that they were served. b. decorated painting angry. by great artists. c. to the men with but seemed d. to a large room and locked them in. e. was delicious. delici ous.


  Vocabulary 3. - Complete the sentences using the words in the box. surprise board pale pleased delicious   The food at the party was delicious delicious and  and everybody enjoyed it.  John was very pleased very pleased with his exam results.   There were 120 people on on board  board when the plane crashed.   I don't think Susan is very w well. ell. She looks very very pale  pale    It was a big surprise big surprise for Beth to see Tina again after all these years.

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4. - Complete the phrases using the verbs in the box. wake lock set sit put fall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

______________ PUT the table for dinner ______________ FALL asleep ______________FALL ______________ WAKE up early ______________WAKE ______________ SET on some clothes ______________SET ______________ SIT down ______________SIT ______________ LOCK the door ______________LOCK

Follow-up activities 5.-Discuss. 1. What kind of food do you think the men ate on the Nautilus? the crew of nauthilus ate seafood sea 2. What is an underwater ship? underwater expeditions, discoveries discoveries in addition to find sunken ships 3. Where did Captain Nemo get all his treasures from? of the deep sea in sunken ships 4. Why doesn't Captain Nemo let the men go free? Is he right to do so? I did not have any reason to keep them locked in a room against their will if the final wanted his help dr. Aronna Aronnax x 6.-Imagine that you are Conseil and that you are keeping a diary. Write a paragraph describing your first day on the Nautilus. (60-80 words) Dear Diary My first day in the nauthilus was not very nice, I am currently locked in a cabin by orders of captain nemo, eh not able to control motion sickness here under the sea to 20000 leagues. after a while the captain I invite my colleagues and me to accompany him on the table and clarify some ideas of research .... so soon was an unpleasant welcome

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