Activity Intolerance Related To Amenia

October 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Activity Intolerance Related To Amenia




Report an increase in activity

Activity Intolerancerelated to

Assess patient ability to perform ADLs

Influences choice of  interventions and needed


Monitor vital sign (Blood Pressure, pulse, and respirations) during and after activity Suggest client change position slowly; monitor for dizziness. Provide or recommend assistance with activities and ambulation as necessary n ecessary,, allowing client to be an active participant as much as possible. Identify and implement energy-saving techniques Instruct client to stop activity if palpitations,chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, ordizziness occur

assistance. Cardiopulmonarymanifestations tolerance, including ADLs. result from attempts by the Demonstrate a heart and lungs to supply adequate amounts of oxygen to decrease in the tissues. physiological signs Postural hypotension or of intolerance cerebral hypoxia may cause dizziness, fainting, and pulse, respirations, and BP remain increased risk of injury. Although help may be within client’s necessary, self-esteem is normal range. enhanced when client does Display laboratory some things for self. values (Hgb/Hct) Encourages client to do as within acceptable much as possible, while conserving limited energy and preventing fatigue. range. Cellular ischemia potentiates risk of infarction, and excessivecardiopulmonary excessiveca rdiopulmonary strai n and stress may lead to decompensation and failure Identifies deficiencies in RBC components affecting oxygen transport, treatment needs, and response to therapy. Maximizing oxygen transport to tissues improves ability to function Increases number of oxygencarrying cells; corrects deficiencies to reduce risk of 

Collaborative Monitor laboratory studies, such as Hgb/Hct, RBC count, and arterial blood gases (ABGs). Provide supplemental oxygen as indicated. Administer the following, as indicated: Whole blood, packed RBCs (PRCs); blood products as indicated. Monitor closely for transfusion reactions. Prepare for surgical intervention, if indicated.

hemorrhage in acutely compromised individuals. Surgery is useful to control bleeding in clients who are anemic because of bleeding, such as in ulcers and uterine u terine bleeding; or to remove spleen as treatment ofautoimmune hemolytic anemia. Bone marrow andstem cell transplantationmay be done in presence of bone marrow failure aplastic anemia.

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