Activity 2

June 16, 2019 | Author: pam mapili | Category: Business, Marketing, Business Economics, Economies, Market (Economics)
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Mapili, Pamela April M. BSAccountancy Business Policy ACTIVITY no. 2

JOH !O"O!#$I an% &IV$'SA( 'OBIA CO'PO'ATIO

1. Trace URC’s success success story. story. What are the factors factors that contributed contributed to it’s success?  T)e in*estment o+ !oon-e/s !oon-e/s on )is pro%uct in in or%er +or +or )im to succee% succee% is t)at )e )as )eart in e*eryt)in- )e %o. He stri*e +or consistence in %e*elopin- )is pro%uct. pro%uct. t)is result t)e customer pa troni0e t)e pro%ucts an% ser*ices )e o1ers. !oon-ei use% t)e p/s. Pro%uct it) reasona3le price an% 4uality, noin- t)e place )ere to intro%uce t)e pro%uct an% promotion. $*en t)ere are many 3oun%aries to concur it), )e still pus) )ims el+ to pro%uce )is pro%ucts.

2. Analyze the growing growing ar!et ar!et base in Asia. Asia. "ow did #o!ongw #o!ongwei ei ta!e ad$antage of it? !oon-ei o1er 4uality pro%ucts in a c)eaper price to )is tar-et customers 3eca use )e nos t)at customers ill -i*e t)em 3ene5ts in a*ailin- t)e pro%ucts an% ser*ices. He consi%er inno*ation to t)e pro%uct +or )im to -ain more an% loyal customers.

%. &ased on 'ohn #o!ongwei’s #o!ongwei’s words of wisdo( how how can the )hili**ines co*ete globally? 67on/t 3e a+rai% to tae on t)e 3i- 3oys6. t)is is one o+ !oon-ei or%s o+ is %om t)at aaes me. as a part o+ t)e 5lipino race. our passion on )at e %o is our e%-e +rom t)e ot)er nations. passion t)at pus) us not to 3e contente% on )at e )a*e.  To  To 5n% rooms rooms +or impro*ement impro*ement +or our sills an% tale tale nts. e must must aare oursel*es oursel*es o+ t)e eaness o+ ot)ers. As !oon-ei sai%, 6$*ery eaness is our opportunity6.

+. Are there hindrances for for the )hili**ines’ )hili**ines’ inability inability to ha$e ha$e its own global brand. ,-*lain. es, 3ecause %ominant o+ our population %oes not trust t)e 4uality o+ our on lo cal pro%ucts. T)ey o+ten pre+er to 3uy importe% pro%ucts. i+ only 5lipino reali0e o+ t)e 3ene5ts t)ey can -i*e to our country in patroni0in- t)e local 3ran%s, it oul% 3e non to ot)er. $specially +rom ot)er countries. By t) is, e can no compete it) importe% pro%ucts.

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. /dentify #o!ongwei’s #o!ongwei’s entre*reneu entre*reneurial rial traits which ade ade hi successful. !oon-ei/s entrepreneurial traits )ic) ma%e )im success+ul are )is %eterminati on an% passion. He mana-e% to o*ercome all t)e )in%rances )e encounter %urint)e time )e start )is 3usiness i n t)e maret.

0. a!e a research on the acuisition of of 3un Cellular by )45T )45T.. a!e your coents un Cellular )as 3ecome a lar-e player in terms o+ postpai% su3scri3ers su3scri3ers an% as t)e 5rst to propose t)e unlimite% te8ts an% calls. #it) re-ar% to t)ese, t)e P(7T )ic) is t)e lar-est company in t)e country ac4uire% s)ares it) Sun cellular a% at t)e same time, 3ut at t)e same time, it )as its oners)ip in SMA'T an% TnT. I t)in, P(7T ac4uire% Sun Cellular in or%er to Smart ill 3e remain in t)e trac  to 3eat !lo3e Telecom, no ot)er )in%rances to t)in. Since, P(7T is t)e ma9ority )ol%er, t)ey no )a*e t)e 5nan cial control an% in:uence o*er t)e Sun Cellular.

6. /s #o!ongwei’s #o!ongwei’s o$e a strategic strategic one( one( with 3un being nuber nuber % in the telecounications telecounications industry?  Yes,  Yes, 3ecause it)out it)out )is i%ea i%ea o+ o1erin- unlimite% unlimite% te8t ; call 3y Sun Sun Cellular, It may not 3e on t)e top < in t)e Telecommunication in%ustry. T)ey -ain more customers an% patroni0e its pro%uct

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