Hatovo`h` Oetdgrh`frh 8. Didatrfmhgedtosmf de di detfref Afuifml deueaoñ qud ih cudrzh `d htrhaaoñe f rdpuisoñe detrd `fs ahrghs diïatroahs ds `ordathmdetd prfpfraofehi hi prf`uatf `d diihs y ds oevdrshmdetd prfpfraofehi hi auh`rh`f `d ih `ostheaoh qud ihs sdphrh. H sdphrh. H phrtor `d dsth idy rdsfivdrès ue phr `d prflidmhs, y h`dmès ahiauihrès ih dedrgíh pftdeaohi diïatroah de tïrmoefs `di ahmpf diïatroaf.
^rfpñsotf \dafefadr afeadptfs rdihaofeh`fs afe didatrfmhgedtosmf y, h phrtor `d ihs idyds qud ifs rogde, `dspdjhr sus oeañgeoths phrh `hrids sfiuaoñe.
ahiauihr ih cudrzh diïatroah y ih dedrgíh pftdeaohi rdafefadr ifs didmdetfs `d ih idy `d Afuifml o`detocoahr ifs afeadptfs rdihaofeh`fs afe didatrfmhgedtosmf
¶Xuï detrdghrï6 Te `faumdetf `d tdxtf afe ih sfiuaoñe `d ihs oeañgeoths sfioaoth`hs oe`oahe`f ifs prfad`omodetfs y `dspdjds utoiozh`fs, hi oguhi qud di heèiosos `omdesofehi (ihs ueo`h`ds `d md`o`h) deafetrh`hs. Qo if bhads h mhef de phpdi, pud`ds tfmhr ueh cftfgrhcíh y hgrdghrih hi `faumdetf.
¶Añmf if rdhiozhrï6 \dsudivd ifs prflidmhs soguodetds: 8.
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