Actividad 1
July 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Support material / Material de apoyo Learning activity 1 / Activida Actividad d de apre aprendizaje ndizaje 1 You wi You will ll pr prac acti tice ce more more WH ques questi tion ons, s, pron pronou ouns ns,, poss posses essi sive ve adje adject ctiv ives es,, count countrie ries, s, natio nationa nalit lities ies,, artic articles les,, profe professi ssion ons s and and family family membe members rs.. / Usted practicará más sobre preguntas WH, pronomb pronombres, res, adjetivos posesivos, países, nacionalidades, artículos, profesiones y miembros de la familia. This is a summary of the vocabulary you can use to do the exercises. / Este es un resum resumen en sobr sobre e el vocab vocabula ulari rio o que que us uste ted d pued puede e us usar ar para para real realiz izar ar los los ejercicios.
Presentation / Presentación WH Questions What / Qué:
It is used to ask for information about something. / Se usa para solicitar información sobre algo.
Where / Dónde:
It is used to ask for information about places. / Se usa para solicitar información sobre lugares.
Who / Quién:
It is used to ask for information about people. / Se usa para solicitar información sobre las personas.
Which / Cúal:
usa para para It is used to ask about a choice. / Se usa preguntar sobre una elección.
Why / Por qué:
It is used used to ask ask for for a reas reason on.. / Se usa para pregunta por razones.
Subject pro ron nouns
Possess essive ad adjecti tiv ves
I You He
my your his
Object pronouns me you him
She It We
her its our
Definite definido Article / Artículo
her it us
Indefiniteindefinidos Articles / Artículos
Definite Definit e articles articles the article article the is used for all genders in singular and artículo o the se usa in plur plural al.. / El artícul para todos los géneros en singular y plural.
The indefinite article a is use used befo before re nouns tha that begi egin with consonant sounds. / El artículo a se usa antes de Defin De finite ite articl articles es refer refer to specif specific ic sustantivos que nouns: nou ns: example, example, the pencil. pencil. / Los inician con un artíc art ícul ulos os defi defini nidos dos se re refi fier eren en a sonido de sustantivos sustan tivos específicos: específicos: ejemplo, ejemplo, consonante. el lápiz.
The indefinite article an is used used befo before re nouns ouns that begin gin with vowel sounds. / El artículo an se usa antes de sustantivos que inician con un sonido de vocal.
Practice / Práctica A. Complete the following text with the correct nationality. / Complete el siguiente texto con la nacionalidad correcta.
Example / Ejemplo: Diana is from Colombia. She is Colombian. 1. Hi! Hi! I’ I’m m Sand Sandra ra and and I stud study y in an inte intern rnat atio iona nall scho school ol.. Many Many of my classmates come from different countries help me to complete the chart using the correct nationality. Rafiki is from South Africa. He’s a) _south African___. Abdul is is from Saudi Saudi Arabia. Arabia. He is b) _Saudi Arabian__. Martha and Andrea are from Panama. They’re c) _Panamanian___ _Panam anian_________. ______. Ella is from Germany. She’s d) ___German____. Raj is from India. He’s e) ___Indian___.
Abasi and and Dalila are from Egypt. They’re They’re f) ____Egyptian____. Filipa is from Poland. She’s g) ___Polish___. 2. My name name is Andr Andreas eas.. I’m from German Germany y and and I work work in a multin multinati ation onal al company. My partners come from several countries help me to complete the format according their nationalities. New employees in Marketing Department
David and Margaret are from United States. They’re a) _North American. American. Steve is from Australia, He’s b) _Austra _Australian__. lian__. Jeff is from France. He is c) __French __French__. __. Mary is from Morocco, She’s d) ____Moro ____Moroccan ccan __. Anthony is from Denmark. Denmark. He’s He’s e) _Danish_ _Danish__. _. Laura is from Spain. She’s f) ____Spa ____Spanish nish __.
B. Unscram Unscramble theformar lettersnombres to makede theprofesiones. names of different professions. professions. / Organice las letrasble para
Example: ETCAEHR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
teacher__ teacher__
___________ ___________ _Psychologist _Psych ologist ____Plumber ____Plu mber NURSE ___ _LIBRARIAN___ _LIBRA RIAN__________ _______ _FISHERMAN__ _FISHE RMAN__ __ENGINNER_ __ENG INNER_ ______FIREMAN ______F IREMAN _ __BABYSITTER__ __BABYSITTER_ _
C. Write the correct indefinite article (a or an ) according to the beginning sound of the word. / Escriba el artículo indefinido correcto (a o an) de acuerdo al sonido inicial de la palabra.
Example: a baker 1. 2. 3. 4.
___a___ ___a___ designe designer. r. ___a___ ___a___ journ journalis alist. t. __an___ __an____ _ account accountant ant.. ___a___ ___a___ hairdr hairdress esser. er.
5. 6. 7. 8.
____a__ ____a__ painter. painter. ___a___ ___a___ techn technicia ician. n. ____an_ ____an__ _ architect architect.. _a_____ _a_____ gardene gardener. r.
D. Fill in the gaps with the correct article a, an or the. / Complete los espacios con el artículo correcto a, an o the.
Example: I have a friend. She is an actress. 1. 2. 3. 4.
My favorite favorite animal animal is ___the___ ___the___ cat. The Adams Adams are __a____ big family. family. I am ___a__ ___a___ _ student student.. ____the__ ____the__ earth rotates rotates around around __the____ __the____ sun.
Production / Producción A. Circle the correct option to complete the sentence. / Encierre la opción correcta para completar la oración.
Example: My/I name is Carlos. I have a big family. 1) My/your father is 40 years old and he 2) is a/an lawyer. 3) His/her hobby is cooking. My mother is 39 and 4) she/her is a teacher. 5) Her/its favorite favorite color is green. I have six brothers. 6) Their/them names are: Juan, Martin, Andres, Felipe, Ivan and Oscar. 7) They/we are students and I love 8) them/their . Oscar is 20 years old and 9) he/him is married. 10) His/her wife is Ana. She is 11) a/the nurse. I live with 12) them/we. B. Wr Writ ite e sente entenc nces es about bout yours oursel elff and your your fami family ly.. Incl Includ ude e your your name name,, relation rela tionship ship with the people people you talk about, about, ages ages and profession professions. s. / Escriba oraciones sobre usted y su familia incluyendo ; nombre, parentesco con las personas mencionadas, edad y profesión.
My name is Angie Katherine silva gomez, I am 24 years old,I am a dentist My mother´s name is Dary, she is a seller, she is 52 years old, My father is 50 years old,his name is carlos and he is a seller. I’m single, I have a Sister her name is valentina and a brother his name is Dario,My boyfriend is a teacher and her name is pedro, .
Note: To check check the answer answers s go to Pr Progr ogram am mater material ials: s: Supp Support ort materi materials als / Suggest Sug gest answer answer sheet. sheet. / Nota: para consultar las respuestas diríjase al botón Program materials: Support materials / Suggest answer sheet.
Document control / Control del documento Name
Dirección de formación profesional Dirección General
August 2014
Dirección de Johana Méndez Asesora pedagógica pedagógica formación Sarmiento English Dot Works profesional Dirección General
August 2014
Ricardo Aristizabal Asesor pedagógi pedagógico co Salinas English Dot Works Author
Paola Andrea Bobadilla Gutiérrez
Copy editor – Línea de producción
Centro Agroindustrial Agroindu strial Regional Quindío
August 2014
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