\i tkiei ueh gfaijh ie `h lkuaha ai Gfjftè `h luh` sirè aistkehah phrh ue lietrf ai hlfpkf ai prfaultfs keaustrkh`is. \i aigi rih`kzhr i` aksiøf ai afs istrulturhs sf`klkthahs pfr i` l`kieti ai` prfyiltf> ueh lugkirth ie li`fsïh lfe pirdk`is heju`hris y ue oizhekei phrh h`ohlie h`ohliehokietf hokietf ai kesuofs.
Ie `h prkoirh ithph ai` inirlklkf, i` istuakheti aigirè rih`kzhr ue heè`ksks istètklf ai `h istrulturh fgtiekieaf `hs hllkfeis ketirehs ai tiesküe f lfoprisküe qui prisiethe tfafs `fs i`ioietfs ai `h hrohaurh.
KEAKLHLKFEI\ \i aigirè rih`kzhr i` hvh`þf ai lhrjhs ouirths y vkvhs qui hltuhrèe ie `h istrulturh ai hluiraf h `h efroh ai sksof riskstielkh lf`fogkheh E\W82 sijþe au tïtu`f G. \i hp`klhrèe lhrjhs h `fs euafs ai `hs hrohaurhs pfr oiakf ai hdirielkhs ai lhrjh. Hsï oksof h` oizhekei pfr hdirielkh ai lhrjhs ie `hs vkjhs. @h lhrjh ai vkietf si aigi tfohr lfof 2.9cE/o7 hp`klhafs pirpieaklu`h pirpieaklu`hroieti roieti h `h supirdklki ai `h lugkirth. I` hlirf sirè H9:7Jr.L lfe dy?
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