active living architecture.pptx

July 16, 2019 | Author: reyhan akhtar | Category: Walking, Physical Exercise, Obesity, Elevator, Disability
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WHAT WHAT IS ACTIVE LIVING LIVING DESIGN?  Active Living Design is the theory that: “ the design of the built environment has a direct impact on public health, and specifically today’s public health epidemics of obesity and related chronic diseases.” •

Active living refers to opportnities for incorporating  physica! activity into the rotines of "ai!y !ife# as $e!! as for sport an" recreation% •


walking or !ling wi"# #il$r%n "o &#ool' walking( !ling or a"#ing )*+li "ran&)or" "o work' or r%)laing &#or" ar "ri)& "o orn%r &#o)& an$ )ark& +! walking or !ling,


R%&%ar# #a& &*gg%&"%$ "#a" greater land use -i. i& orr%la"%$ wi"# low%r o+%&i"!, E/i$%n% &*gg%&"& "#a" the mre s!hls" gr!er# stres" ne$sstands" and ther use%ul dest&nat&ns in an ar%a( "#% -or% lik%l! r%&i$%n"& ar% "o walk, Fa!&l&tate %r !#!l&sts : 01aili"a"% +i!ling 2or "ran&)or"a"ion an$ r%r%a"ion +! inor)ora"ing in2ra&"r*"*r% lik% &a2% in$oor an$ o*"$oor +i!l% )arking,3 A!!ess t %resh %d : 0S"*$i%& #a/% $%-on&"ra"%$ "#a" "#% )r%&%n% o2 2*ll4&%r/i% gro%r! &"or%& in a n%ig#+o*r#oo$ i& a&&oia"%$ wi"# #%al"#i%r $i%"& an$ low%r w%ig#" a-ong r%&i$%n"&, Con/%r&%l!( #ig# on%n"ra"ion o2 2a&" 2oo$ wi"# inr%a&%$ w%ig#" an$ ri&k o2 o+%&i"! a-ong ar%a r%&i$%n"&,3 I" i& r%o--%n$%$ 2ar-%r&5 -ark%"& will o-)li-%n" gro%r! &"or%&, Pedestr&an 'ath$a#s : 0Pro/i$% &%a"ing( $rinking 2o*n"ain&( r%&"roo-& an$ o"#%r

BUILI!" #$%#&I'&() &Design 'i!"ing e(teriors an" )assing that contri'te to a pe"estrian frien"!y r'an environ)ent that inc!"e variety an" transparency# )!tip!e entries# stoops# an" canopies* BUILI!" *&'"&A++I!")  In resi"entia! environ)ents# p!ace fnctions sch as co))nity an" recreationa! spaces# )ai!roo)s# an" )anage)ent offices on an a!ternative f!oor or a p!easant $a!+ing "istance fro) in"ivi"a! resi"ences an" 'i!"ing entrances# in or"er to encorage "ai!y 'ots of $a!+ing an" stair c!i)'ing  Design spaces an" activities to encorage )ore persona! co))nication  'et$een peop!e $ithin the 'i!"ing# an" !ess se"entary# e!ectronic co))nication% ,rovi"e spaces $here peop!e can stay together an" engage in pro"ctive# p!easant an" safe socia! interaction% •

A**#ALI!" A! (U**'&%I# I!%#&!AL -ALI!" &'U%#() &Incorporate interesting vie$s a!ong paths of trave! $ithin a 'i!"ing% These vie$s )ay inc!"e:  natra! an" "esigne" !an"scapes#  near'y architectre#  interior vie$s of peop!e-oriente" activities# an"  visa!!y appea!ing interior finishes% ,rovi"e "ay !ighting a!ong paths of trave!%*

BUILI!" /A0ILI%I#( %1A% (U**'&% #$#&0I(#) ,rovi"e physica! activity spaces sch as e(ercise roo)s# active p!ay spaces# an" )!ti-prpose recreationa! spaces in p'!ic# $or+p!ace# an" resi"entia!  'i!"ings%  ,rovi"e these spaces $ith interesting vie$s% .esearch in"icates e(ercise is )ore appea!ing $ith vie$s to natre an" h)an activities%  Locate physica! activity spaces in centra!!y visi'!e !ocations in the 'i!"ing# to he!p increase a$areness an" se of these spaces% •

(%AI&( ) Increase stair se a)ong the a'!e-'o"ie" 'y provi"ing a convenient!y !ocate" stair for every"ay se# posting )otivationa! signage to encorage stair se# an" "esigning visi'!e# appea!ing an" co)forta'!e stairs% •


Active Design ca!!s on the architect# r'an p!anner# !an"scape architect# p'!ic officia!# an" 'i!"ing o$ner to he!p focs on for pri)ary $ays 'y $hich hea!thier ha'its )ay 'e intro"ce" an" fostere":

A!ternate transportation

active 'i!"ings

active recreation

access to hea!thy ntrition%


Alternate transportation e)phasi/es increase" access to safe an" sa'!e cyc!ing an" $a!+ing rotes% This invo!ves creating co)p!ete streets- streets $hich are sa'!e in a safe )anner for cyc!ists an" pe"estrians% This strategy re0ires caref!!y "esigning 'i+e !anes an" si"e$a!+s for )a(i)) safety an" effectiveness% Active buildings encorage the se of stairs over e!evators1esca!ators% They a!so featre otsi"e $a!+ing paths# 'i+e storage# an" $e!!ness e"cation% 2ina!!y# active  'i!"ings are !ocate" $ithin the r'an fa'ric a!!o$ing for access via a!ternate transportation% Active recreation can 'e rea!i/e" in )any "ifferent $ays fro) increasing access to e(isting par+s to "esigning ot"oor p!a/as an" p!aygron"s $hich are vi'rant an" engaging% Access to healthy nutrition co)es fro) intro"cing co))nity gar"ens an" far)ers )ar+ets in cities as $e!! as n)eros other strategies ai)e" at e!i)inating foo" "eserts%

B*il$ing D%&ign: Cr%a"ing O))or"*ni"i%& 2or Dail! P#!&ial A"i/i"!

'pportunities for incorporating regular physical activity into daily life can be found not only outdoors but inside buildings as 2ell. Architects can help building occupants incorporate physical activity into their daily routines through the follo2ing measures) •

Increase stair se a)ong the a'!e-'o"ie" 'y provi"ing a convenient!y !ocate" stair for every"ay se# posting )otivationa! signage to encorage stair se# an" "esigning visi'!e# appea!ing an" co)forta'!e stairs3 Locate 'i!"ing fnctions to encorage 'rief 'ots of $a!+ing to share" spaces sch as )ai! an" !nch roo)s# provi"e appea!ing# spportive $a!+ing rotes $ithin  'i!"ings3 ,rovi"e faci!ities that spport e(ercise sch as centra!!y visi'!e physica! activity spaces# sho$ers# !oc+er roo)s# secre 'icyc!e storage# an" "rin+ing fontains3 Design 'i!"ing e(teriors an" )assing that contri'te to a pe"estrian frien"!y r'an environ)ent an" that inc!"e )a(i)) variety an" transparency# )!tip!e entries# stoops# an" canopies%


Deve!op an" )aintain )i(e" !an" se in city neigh'orhoo"s3

I)prove access to transit an" transit faci!ities3

I)prove access to p!a/as# par+s# open spaces# an" recreationa! faci!ities# an" "esign these spaces to )a(i)i/e their active se $here appropriate3 I)prove access to f!!-service grocery stores an" fresh  pro"ce3 Design accessi'!e# pe"estrian-frien"!y streets $ith high connectivity# traffic ca!)ing featres# !an"scaping# !ighting#  'enches# an" $ater fontains3 2aci!itate 'icyc!ing for recreation an" transportation 'y "eve!oping continos 'icyc!e net$or+s an" incorporating infrastrctre !i+e safe in"oor an" ot"oor 'icyc!e par+ing%

&o)% 3. A *U(1 %'-A&( A "&##!#& #!I&'!+#!%) Sch pro4ects not on!y "eve!op greener srron"ings 't a!so co)p!i)ent the gro$ing rge to $or+ in sync $ith natre% 4. &#U0%I'! I! #*#!#!0# '! !'!5&#!#-ABL# ('U&0#( '/ #!#&"6) It is very i)portant in to"ay5s $or!" to "ecrease the a)ont of e!ectricity an" other ingenios!y generate" sorce of energy an" encorage eco-frien"!y an" non-"ep!eting energy sorces that can serve s 'etter an" for a !onger perio" of ti)e% 7. AI!" A#(%1#%I0( %' %1# #!I&'!+#!%) 6!en"ing art an" architectre has  'een a natra! re)e"y to overco)e )any o'strctions $hi!e "esigning a space# therefore active !iving architectre conts pon the i"ea of "eve!oping attractive an" aesthetica!!y  'ri!!iant spaces n"er it% 2or e(a)p!e neat an" !avish!y "eigne" $a!+$ays an" circ!ation areas 'eco)e )ore conventiona! for the peop!e to se% 8.

U(I!" A&01I%#0%U&# A( A %''L %' +#I0A%#) Active !iving architectre tries to )a+e f!! se of itse!f to )e"icate peop!e so that architectre is 'ehe!" fro) a tota!!y ne$  perspective3 it is therefore a step to$ar"s innovation in this reno$ne" fie!" of art%

9. I+*'&%A!0# '/ BUIL% #!I&'!+#!% I!0&#A(#() Architects no$a"ays nee" to concentrate on the 'i!t environ)ent as )ch as the space to 'e 'i!t%

Li-i"a"ion& 3. !'% (UI%ABL# %' ##&6 (*A0#: Sch strategies ten" to fai! in p!aces $here han"icappe"# e!"er!y or "ifferent!y-a'!e" peop!e !ive their "ai!y !ives  'ecase they cannot cope p $ith sch physica!!y cha!!enging aspects of architectre% 4. 1I"1 *&I0#( I! +A&#%: 7aintenance an" constrction costs of sch concepta! p!aces is 0ite high# )a+ing it naffor"a'!e for )ost of the c!asses of society% 7. &#:UI&#+#!% '/ +'&# (*A0# A! &#('U&0#(: De to nonavai!a'i!ity of space for hori/onta! gro$th# active!y "esigne" pro4ects are har" to e(ecte% 8. I(%U&B( %1# I#A '/ 0'+/'&% %' ('+# #$%#!%) There is so)e sort of "iffic!ty in convincing peop!e to !eave their co)fort /ones in to"ay5s $or!"# ths everyone rea"i!y "oes not accept sch concepts of "esign%


A0%I# #(I"!5 BUILI!" (0AL#) I!%#&I'&( Design at the in"ivi"a! 'i!"ing sca!e p!ays an i)portant ro!e in Active Design% &s and monumental stairs he!p to encorage increase" physica! activity in co))ercia! offices an" in )any other p'!ic spaces sch as theatres# )se)s# an" retai!% 7e"ica!  professiona!s an" p'!ic hea!th e(perts have $i"e!y "iscsse" an" p'!ishe" evi"ence sho$ing s)a!! incre)enta! increases in physica! activity "ai!y can i)prove overa!! $e!!ness%

+'!U+#!%AL (%AI&( 8% Co))nicate 'et$een t$o fre0ent!y occpie" f!oors 9% 6e visi'!e fro) the )ain entrance or centre of activity; % 6e !ocate" stair c!ose to 't s!ight!y )ore visi'!e than; e!evators % If fire rate" enc!osre cannot 'e avoi"e" "e to co"e;# consi"er i)p!e)enting fire rate" g!ass enc!osres to increase transparency# visi'i!ity an" aesthetics @% 6e $i"e enogh to easi!y acco))o"ate e(pecte" f!o$ % 6e !ocate" in a natra!!y "ay !it area if possi'!e

&A+*( 8% Co))nicate 'et$een t$o fre0ent!y occpie" f!oors 9% Consi"er !ocating the pri)ary !o''y on the secon" f!oor nearest to the )on)enta! stair or ra)p
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