Activate Alpha

August 30, 2017 | Author: Khánh Nam | Category: Neural Oscillation, Thought, Mind, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Psychological Concepts
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“How To Awaken Your Inner Alpha Male” How To Seduce Women Covertly – By Awakening Your Inner Alpha Male State Using Activator Technologies

By Aaron Allman Copyright © Activator Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Notice: The InnerGameActivator is a sampler program which is developed using the AlphaMaleActivator™ technology. For more information, go to this link below –

What Every Man Needs To Know About Becoming An Alpha Male


ello and thank you for signing up for the Inner Game Activator program and email course.

Now are you ready to unleash the Alpha Male inside of you?

According to Desiderius Erasmus... "It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is."

And, as you start reading the beginning of this chapter you find yourself realizing that your Alpha Male status - your masculinity has been stifled for a long, long time.

Little by little you begin to understand that your lack of confidence, your lack of social skills, and more importantly, your lack of personal magnetism have been holding you back from getting the things you want out of life.

You're still with me?

The simple fact of the matter is that, in order to attract beautiful women and keep them coming back for more, your best bet is to strengthen your Alpha Male status.

But before I jump into the details, let me ask you a few questions:

Do you see yourself as a person who is looked down upon and only tolerated out of pity?

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Do you find yourself shrinking into the shadows in social situations?

How easy is it for you to go with the flow and do what everybody else is doing instead of making your own mark?

Is your mind flooded with negative self-talk that leads your down a path of loneliness and despair?

Do these questions accurately describe you?

If so, then becoming an Alpha Male is your SUREFIRE ticket to success.

What I mean by this is that, it’s your chance to become the LEADER in the group.

... in order

It’s your ONE opportunity to confidently approach and date any woman you choose.

Can you imagine how good it would feel to be in charge of your life?

Harnessing the power of your Alpha Male within begins with your state of mind.

Truth be told, the way to get from here to

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to attract beautiful women and keep them coming back for more, your best bet is to strengthen your Alpha Male status. .”

there is by looking inside yourself, eliminating negative behaviors, and reprogramming your mind to be who you want to be.

The power IS yours and it rests in YOUR subconscious mind...all you have to do is TAP into it.

With a little dedication, your subconscious mind can be easily trained to boost your confidence, enhance your self-esteem, and make you NATURALLY the most dominant and magnetic man in any social situation.

Surprisingly enough, when you conquer this, women will be attracted to you like moths to a flame.

With this type of "reprogramming", qualities such as charisma, control, and leadership will become natural parts of your character.

As you think about the amazing life you've been missing out on by not claiming your dominant ALPHA MALE status, you begin to crave making a serious change in your life.

You'll get the inside scoop on how to become the man you want to be in the next chapter… continue reading.

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How MUCH Of A Man Are You? Take This Quiz And See!


s you study every word in this email, you'll be stunned at what you'll learn about your Alpha Male status.

Everything that you will ever learn about seduction can be simplified into this one rule, and here it is...

Imagine what it would be like if you had the confidence to approach ANY woman and tap into the ASTONISHING power of personality.

Is it possible? You bet!

But, before you can begin commanding the attention you deserve, you'll have to quickly vamp up your personal magnetism by changing the way you see yourself.

Look, the only thing that is getting in the way of you having the life you want is YOU.

So, what's the solution? Let's start with a deep look at what's on the inside.

You'll go ahead and take this short quiz won't you?

1. When you walk into the room, do you assume a lower status by looking around for a leader to follow? 5|P a g e

The truth is, Alpha Males command attention the very moment they walk into a room. In fact, they EXPECT others to follow their lead.

2. Are you afraid to say or do what you REALLY want to do and try to stay under the radar in social situations?

This is the most common way to get ignored by women. Using safe humor and failing to say what you mean is sure to give you the title of "friend" or "nice guy." Make no mistake about it; Alpha Males are playfully cocky in their humor.

3. Do you feel a certain level of intimidation around beautiful, strong women?


vamp up your personal magnetism by changing the way you see yourself.”

Intimidation is simply a form of fear. And Alpha Males recognize that no matter how masculine a woman may behave, she can NEVER be more of a man than he is.

4. Any time the going gets rough, do you find yourself crying or looking for pity from others?

You may not know this but; Alpha Males can feel and experience the emotions of life while remaining in control of themselves.

5. Are you uncomfortable in your own skin?

The Alpha Male knows what he wants, is confidant in who he is, and takes calculated risks to get to where he wants to be. 6|P a g e

So, what does all this mean?

Recognizing WHO you are is the first step in turning the tables on your low self-esteem. With that in mind, there are powerful, natural laws you can put into action that will change your way of thinking.


Through the POWER of Activator technology, that’s how!

This scientifically proven technology will literally change the way you processes information and give you the chance to retrain your mind to achieve what you want.

You are ready to take your place, as the dominant Alpha Male you were meant to be aren't you?

Remember, when you change the way you think, you change your life...the next chapter will unlock the door... continue reading.

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How To Use Activator Technology To Awaken Your Inner Alpha State


y the time you finish reading this page, you'll feel a great sense of relief.

You see improving your self-image is the best way to generate the highest level of confidence, and assertiveness necessary for you to become an Alpha Male.

In the wink of an eye, the negative programming in your mind can be completely erased, and a NEW positive self-image can emerge.

Right off the bat, the Activator technology is just what you need to take your lion's share of confidence.

Quite simply, it is designed to help you DESTROY bad habits and BREAKTHROUGH negative emotions that keep you from becoming an Alpha Male.

Think about this: With this revolutionary technology, you can PROGRAM your mind to achieve whatever you desire.

And by feeding your subconscious mind with positive subliminal messages daily, you’ll find that you can command your mind to ACCOMPLISH everything that you desire.

Want to see how this works?

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For starters, Activator technology has been around for more than 70 years - used by our ancestors in the form of drum circles, chanting, and staring at fire in order to manifest the things they wanted.

Activator technology contains specifically designed audio tones that are mixed into the soundscape.

As luck would have it, binaural beat technology causes your brainwaves to NATURALLY-AUTOMATICALLY tune to these embedded carrier frequencies.

Something else I want to say... the Activator is a scientifically proven LAW of nature.

Consider this fact. Activator audio files are your ace in the hole since they force your brain to act like a resonance chamber.


programmin g in your mind can be completely erased, and a NEW positive self-image can emerge.”

It synchronizes its brainwaves to match the audio stimuli of embedded carrier frequencies that are flowing in the background of the soundscape.

All you have to do is find a quiet spot, turn on your audio file, and listen as your brainwaves are tuned to specifically selected frequencies.

Let's take a closer look at the big picture.

With Activator technology, your mind will be receptive to learning and your behavior will be completely modified as you take on a new way of thinking. 9|P a g e

The power IS yours as you choose what frequency you want your brainwaves to be.

Bottom line is if you want to boost your self-image, and send your Alpha Male status to new heights, Activator technology is the MOST effective way to start the ball rolling.

In the next chapter, we'll show you how the Activator can free up the Alpha Male in you.

Remember...the price of greatness IS responsibility.

Turn the page…

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The Ultimate Secret To Controlling Your Mind


have no idea that as soon as you begin to listen to your Activator audio, you'll enjoy the benefits of INSTANT positive results.

Let me ask you, if you were use the crafted subliminal messages embedded in the audios on a regular basis, how much BETTER would your life be?

Seriously, I’m not kidding around. By taking control of your thoughts you will in effect seize control of your life.

Your confidence level will go through the roof as you confidently approach women as well enjoy the power of being an Alpha Male who knows what he wants and GETS IT!

Yes, this cutting edge technology that tunes your brainwaves to specific frequencies, is EXACTLY what you need to turbo-charge your progress.

And, let me be the first to tell you that creating the type of positive self-image that turns you into a dominant Alpha Male is no small task.

You’ve spent a lifetime going against the grain and it will take some dedication on your part to retrain your mind to go for the best out of life.

But with Activator technology you can EASILY and EFFORTLESLY take control of your thoughts and guide them to where you want them to be. 11 | P a g e

And, to really get to the heart of the matter, you'll have to dig in your heels at the subconscious level.

You do understand what this means don't you?

It means you’ll have to get used to the idea of letting positive affirmations rule your subconscious.

Look, affirmations are nothing to sneeze at.

And, in case you are wondering - an affirmation is simply a thought you BELIEVE to be true. It can be good or bad, positive or negative.

So, in other words, if you are constantly saying to yourself that you are unworthy of love, a failure, a loser, or whatever, you are making an affirmation.

As you can now see, to achieve a high level of Alpha Male status, you'll have to change the way you talk to yourself.

And guess what? Using Activator technology is the SMARTEST way to make this happen.

By the same token, the right dose of audio can shock your brain into action - busting through all types of mental barriers that have kept you from being the Alpha Male you are destined to be.

Put your best foot forward because you'll NEVER-EVER go back to way things were.

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Mark my words!

Just imagine, in the next chapter you'll learn how to harness every benefit Activator technology has to offer, and in the process change your life FOREVER.

Exciting, isn’t it?

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The Ultimate, No B.S. Resource Guaranteed To Change Your Life


ow imagine you have the ability to overcome shyness, and get rid of fears, depression, anger, and anxiety and GET THE GIRL.

And imagine that you can begin TODAY manifesting the life you want without the use of mind-altering drugs.

No doubt about it re-programming the way you think can EASILY reverse the bad behavior that has been haunting you for years.

It's true, by the time you have read every line in this chapter, you'll be able to access the most intriguing method of our lifetime, AND free yourself from the stronghold of negative thinking.

Here's something else you need to know:

To experience long-term success, you'll have to bridge the gap between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.

Legend has it that you get what you think about - whether it's good or bad.

So, in essence, the power to change your life is hidden in the hallow halls of your subconscious mind.

Clearly, the human brain is an amazingly powerful tool.

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Let me share a secret with you...Alpha Males understand the STRENGTH of outsmarting negative self-talk.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could learn to stay in control no matter what problem comes your way?

As you think more and more about the power the Activator will give YOU, it's easy to begin to feel excited and even overjoyed at the promise of becoming a dominant Alpha Male.

By laying your cards on the table, you are able to see that creating a better reality than the one you are currently living begins with using POSITIVE affirmations.


experience long-term success, you'll have to bridge the gap between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.”

You have to go the extra mile and drive the affirmations directly into your subconscious mind.

And the way to do that?

By using Activator technology - a revolutionary, incredible, NEW piece of audio technology that is simple but DIABOLICAL.

As if that's not enough you'll have more than 70 years of science to backing you up all the way!

I know you're probably sceptical. But the truth of the matter is that once your subconscious mind accepts an idea as fact, your conscious mind quickly accepts it.

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The Activator is just the tool to put your brain on notice...create a receptive-learning state of mind that is sure to lead you to unimaginable self-confidence and unstoppable strength.

Picture yourself having all the POWER as an unstoppable, dominant Alpha Male. You are ready to get your copy of this life-changing audio program, aren't you?

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