Action Research on Students' Absenteeism and Tardiness
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Submitted by: Shabbir Ahmed Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar 21-Oct-2013
Action Research Report
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 2 Reconnaissance ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Significance of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 4 RESEARCH QUESTION ........................................................................................................................ 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 DATA COLLECTION TOOLS ............................................................................................................... 4 POPULATION ......................................................................................................................................... 5 SAMPLING ............................................................................................................................................. 5 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF FIRST CYCLE ................................................................................. 5 Unawareness of Parents............................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction of Snack Time in School ...................................................................................................... 5 Visit with Religious Scholar ..................................................................................................................... 6 Activation of SMC ................................................................................................................................... 6 Findings of First Cycle ............................................................................................................................. 7 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF SECOND CYCLE ............................................................................ 7 Use of Pulpit ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Assigned Home Visit Duty of a Teacher .................................................................................................. 7 Formation of Mothers' Committee ........................................................................................................... 8 Displaying Latecomers' Name on the Notice Board................................................................................. 8 Task Delegation to Latecomers ................................................................................................................ 8 FINDINGS OF CYCLE-2 ........................................................................................................................ 9 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................ 9 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Time Table for Cycle – 1 ....................................................................................................................... 10 Time Table for Cycle – 2 ....................................................................................................................... 11 Interview Protocol for Students (Appendix A) ....................................................................................... 12 Interview Protocol for Parents (Appendix B) ......................................................................................... 13 Interview Protocol for Teachers (Appendix C) ...................................................................................... 14 Meeting Minutes/Agenda for Meeting with Staff (Appendix D) ........................................................... 14 (Annex E, Teachers' Interview, 9th July, 2013) ..................................................................................... 15 Annex F, Teachers' Interview, 9th July, 2013 ........................................................................................ 15 (Annex G, Monitoring the First Action Step, dated 1 st July, 2013) ........................................................ 17 Annex H, students' interview dated 24-06-13 ........................................................................................ 18 Annex I, parent's interview, dated 01-07-13........................................................................................... 19 Annex J, Monitoring the First Action Step, dated 11-07-13 .................................................................. 20 Annex K, Meeting Minutes, Dated 11-07-2013 ..................................................................................... 21 Annex K-1, Students Attendance Register (Before Action) June 2013 .................................................. 22 Annex K-2, Students Attendance Register (After Action) Sep, 2013 ................................................... 23 Annex L, Office Order, Dated 16-08-2013 ............................................................................................ 24 Annex M, MSG Formation Resolution, Dated 10-7-2013 ..................................................................... 25 Annex N, Latecomers List, 17-6-2013(Before Action) .......................................................................... 26 Annex O, Latecomers List, 12-9-2013 (After Action) ........................................................................... 27
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Regularity and timely arrival plays a pivotal role in building school culture and discipline. If the students and teachers of an institution are not punctual, the school discipline is affected and also disturbs the schedule and work-plan of the school mainly teaching and learning process, behavior of teacher towards student and cause gaps among the stakeholders. The area where I was intended to initiate an action research is a far furlong, backward, underprivileged and illiterate environment where many school problems including a burning issue of absenteeism and tardiness of students exist. It had been observed that about 40% of students could not reach the school before morning assembly, till at the end of the assembly, there were about 10% of the students still missing. To discourage the late arrival practice, we, the teachers were used to punish them corporally. When they were punished they tried to come in time for a few days but most of them without having breakfast, untidy hair, and uniforms were not ironed. The observation proved that it was not the solution and if the students are treated in such a way for a long time it would bring gap between students and teachers which caused poor performance, dropouts and harmful elements for the society. Secondly the students' daily attendance ratio in my school was not more than 93% and during an academic session and some students' attendance did not cross 75% of total possible attendance. In both the issues the major factor was their parents because they did not timely prepare their children for school. Due to this, some students were late for school, consequently the absenteeism problem increased in the school. Both the issues were problematic in school discipline as well as in learning process, teachers' behavior, students' self-respect and confidence, relationship between teachers and students, between students and parents, and teachers and parents. This affected the learning of all the students and they could not pay full attention on their studies and they could not enjoy their learning. When they were mentally disturbed either of their own absent or late arrival or due to any other student who was punished before them, they become anxiety. Besides these, the attitude of teachers was also affected; they usually get aggressive and could not treat with the learners joyfully. Consequently, it brought gaps among the stakeholders.
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Reconnaissance It is a good saying by someone, "Every hour misspent is lost forever, and future years cannot compensate for lost days at this period of your life". Absenteeism and tardiness were very common in my school. When we discussed about tardiness and absenteeism in the staff, there rose some questions for instance why the vary student arrives late, what his parents do, If the student is disturbed by someone in or out the school, whether the parents pay due attention on the needs of their children or not and do the parents care for the students' schooling or not? These questions leaded to the causes for which students get school late or observe absent. There were several responses for these questions, and it was general observation that parents do not care for their children's schooling, they do not care for their children. When there were some extra household job than usual, the parents made their children to stay at home to do that particular job and if the mother had to go somewhere, she asks the elder child to accompany her thus students get absent and such jobs are too common in most of the rural areas. The situation was much challenging for me to intervene, to improve students' annual attendance rate, as well as to get them school in time. I have to change the priority of the parents. I had to change their understanding about education and to give top priority for the schooling of their children and to develop this understanding was the most challenging task for me. Constrain that opposed the action research was the aged people as they prefer high pasturing pet caring over education. Among these constrains nothing was absolute if I do not ask them not to keep cattle and I did not ask them not to keep cattle. The social culture was sometimes challenging in such a way that the people are illiterate and unaware. They did not understand the importance of education. Most of the parents were educating their children as it has become a part of their routine. The economic issue was also a problem. I was intended to do an action research in my school to increase attendance ratio and to discourage tardiness of students. Through this action research I tried to regularize the students in their classes. This research involved the parents, notables, SMC and teachers. In my action research I focus parents particularly mothers by arranging sessions to motivate them to send their children to school in time and also told them to ensure maximum attendance for their children in school. Through Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
sessions I made them realize the importance of being a student regular in school and benefits of timely arrival which affect their personality. Significance of the Study The intended action research was a significant and beneficial study for certain stakeholders. As an action researcher the changes and the processes done to undertake the change improved my research practices and pedagogical practices. Changes in my school on the basis of action research enabled me to understand my practices. While doing action research I had to reflect and analyze my practices, causes for which the practice was done and the effects of the intervention introduced, helped me during the research as well as in my future practices to reflect my practices. The activities improved teachers' attitude toward students while teaching and in social activities. Teachers were motivated to change their attitude and to make the classroom activities interesting and encouraging for the students. When the teachers' attitude was changed positively, the classroom activities became interesting and the students were encouraged and the learning process improved. The students started to come to school to enjoy the learning. The students were given due respect, the behavior of teacher towards students was friendly and caring. Thus the students became confident enough to share their ideas. RESEARCH QUESTION For the purpose of my research, I developed a research question, which is "How can I reduce absenteeism and lateness practices in my school?" There rose some more questions as under from research question
What are the causes due to which students get late?
What strategies should I use to address these issues?
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Action Research Approach was use to mainly as research methodology. DATA COLLECTION TOOLS Observation, meeting minutes, interview protocol, documents analysis and reflective journals were used as source of collecting data in my action research work. These sources provided me sound knowledge about the causes of happenings this situation and also its effects in effective learning and teaching process as well school discipline. Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
POPULATION Students, their parents and teachers at Government Primary school Shigar SAMPLING 9 students and 9 parents ( their parents) who were found observing absenteeism and tardiness more frequently during the year and 3 teachers who were found addressing this issue were selected for interview. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF FIRST CYCLE Unawareness of Parents My data explored that the main reason of students' unpunctuality and absenteeism found as unawareness of parents and due to which they do not prepare their children for school timely as well as they do not give priority to school's discipline and they don't give importance to education. It was also verified by another teacher during her interview. (Annex E & F, Teachers' Interview, 9th July, 2013) Moreover, my reflection and observation proved these statements. (Annex G, Monitoring the First Action Step, dated 1st July, 2013). To address the issue I conducted sessions with parents to enhance their awareness about education and importance of being regular at school. In this session 19 parents, all teaching staff and students were present. Head teacher and chairman SMC addressed the audience putting stress on regularity and punctuality of students in school activities. Introduction of Snack Time in School It was came to know that some students come without breakfast in the school who are curios to study while some students get late having their breakfast at home due to their mother's illness or
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
domestic engagement. (Annex H, students' interview dated 24-06-13, & Annex I, parent's interview, dated 01-07-13) To ensure their attendance in time at school, I introduced snack time at school with the collaboration of staff. For this purpose, I reviewed time table and spared 30 minutes as snack time period. This was a productive activity to overcome the lateness habit. Visit with Religious Scholar Imam e Masjid of the village is the most prominent figure in the area so I visited him to seek his cooperation in the best interest of the community in enhancement punctuality.
of In
education this
requested him to use pulpits for the holy purpose of spreading education with its requisite standard and to motivate public in this regard. I shared the problem which school was facing in term of late arrival and absenteeism of the students. Consequently the students were facing difficulty and also caused of failure and dropout from the school. On my request he addressed the public at different Islamic historical events and also informal discussion and tried to motivate the parents deliberating Islamic point of view. This activity proved a strong cooperation to resolve the hurdle which my school was facing. Activation of SMC There is fundamental role of SMC in my school as the members are the founders of the school they are providing remunerations for teachers and bearing all the expenses so they have
generation and infra-structure due to which their attention was not over this issue. Therefore, I conducted a meeting with the SMC to get their attention on the lateness and absenteeism issue which I was intended to overcome. (Annex J, Monitoring the First Action Step, Dated 11-07-2013 & Annex K, Meeting Minutes, Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Dated 11-07-2013) On my request the SMC members communicated with the parents of late comers and absentees to reduce these practices. This activity was ascertained much profitable in term of reducing absenteeism especially tardiness. (Annex K-1 & K-2, Students' Attendance Register, June VS Sep, 2013) Findings of First Cycle At the end of cycle-1 of my action research work and detailed analysis, I came to find the following major points: Parents are not much awaked regarding rapidly changing world and need of education. Parents' attention is diverted towards business and mining and they do not give priority to education Health conditions of the villagers is found as barrier in absenteeism as whole Sparing snack time proved somehow a solution in this regard Religious scholars are beneficial in motivating parents SMS can be utilized in solving issues relating to parents and community ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS OF SECOND CYCLE Keeping in view the analysis and findings of the cycle I arranged cycle 2 of action research as some of my interventions were not as successful as it was expected and some of them were very fruitful. The purposeful activities were carried on and some other types of interventions made to overcome the issue. Use of Pulpit As discussed I cycle-1 that the religious scholar is most prominent figure in the village and his sayings are considered very valuable. Therefore, I found it very reasonable to active the Molana in motivating the parent to give full attention of their kids' education and to act upon school's rules and regulations. Assigned Home Visit Duty of a Teacher A teacher was deputed to visit parent and report the changes in their attitude on regular base and to realize them the barriers and hurdles rising due to late coming in the school. The teacher frequently visited home of those students who were Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
habitually late comers and told the parents regarding school's intention regarding the improvement of their children. This act was found as a major source to improve students' attendance. (Annex L, Office Order, Dated 16-08-2013) Formation of Mothers' Committee It was explored during teachers' interview and also verified by personal observation that mothers can play vital role in kids' education. A major caused was explored through students' interview that the kids do not get breakfast in time that is why they get late for school. To ensure students' preparation in time and also to play supportive role in school activities, Mothers' Committee consists of 05 members was formed in leadership of vice principal. (Annex M, MSG Formation Resolution, Dated 10-7-2013)The committee visited many parents informally and made aware the parents to ensure students' attendance as well as timely arrival at school. Due to the intervention of the committee, the attendance ration was rapidly enhanced. Displaying Latecomers' Name on the Notice Board Another major step was taken in this regard was displaying the name of latecomers at notice board. This activity was proved as a strong source to assure the arrival of students in time because when students saw their name as latecomer, they felt their insult and tried their best to avoid this. (Annex N, Latecomers List, 17-62013 & Annex O, Latecomers List, 12-9-2013) Task Delegation to Latecomers The
delegating them specific tasks prove helpful source in reducing late coming habit. The latecomers was deputed to arrange assemble and morning praying activities for next day. To perform their assigned duties, latecomers were arrived in time. In this way, it was found a strong strategy for timely arrival as well as enhancing leadership skills.
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
FINDINGS OF CYCLE-2 At the end of the cycle-2, the following points were found as major findings during my intervention to overcome lateness and absenteeism habit of the students: Deputing a specific person to contact with parents was an effective way Notables of the society can be utilized in school's activities Mothers are the effective supporters in teaching and learning process Students' habit can be changed without punishing them Alternate ways can be used in discouraging students' ill-habits Encouragement of students can change their life style CONCLUSION The institutions are run mainly with sound discipline and successful institution has the rules and regulations are the super at all stages. Late arrival in the school and remaining absent can damage the school's reputation and productivity badly. Both the issues are problematic in school discipline as well as in learning process, teachers' behavior, students' self-esteem and confidence, relationship between teachers and students, between students and parents, and teachers and parents. Consequently, it brings gaps among the stakeholders. The traditional way to discourage this habit had been corporal punishment in the school but I was seeking alternative regarding this habit and the course ADE: ELM enabled me to address this issue by doing an action research through which I succeeded to enhance attendance ratio. I have tried my best to overcome this issue through direct intervention by involving students, parents particularly mothers, teachers, notables of the society and religious scholars to put their share in this regard by developing a vision for the new generation who are responsible citizens for upcoming competitive future.
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
APPENDICES Time Table for Cycle – 1 S.
No. 1
Beginning and closing time
Meeting with
17 June,13
staff 2
Address with
on Observation +
01 day
meeting minutes 18 June,13
Observation +
the morning
20 June,13
01 day
01 day
Document Analysis 4
Observation +
03 days
protocol 5
1,3,6 July,13
interview and
session for
03 days
Parents 6
Developing Interview
8 July,13
Protocol for
teachers 7
Interview and
session with
9, 10 July ,
protocol, minutes
Meeting with
11 July,13
02 days 01 day
Minutes of Meeting
Session with
12 July,13
Agenda of
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
1 day
Action Research Report
Time Table for Cycle – 2 S.
No. 1
Beginning and
closing time Classroom
16, 14, 19, 20 & st
n Observation +
05 day
21 August, 13
Address of
22, 24, 26
03 day
Molana with the
30 Aug,13
01 day
2,3,4 Sep,13
Observation +
03 days
morning assembly 3
Molana's speech to public on weekly dua
Awareness Session for
women in three groups 5
SMC's home
9,11,12 Sep,13
visit regarding
Observation +
03 days
the issue
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Interview Protocol for Students (Appendix A) 1) It is observed many students including you come to school late. In your opinion why the students get late for school, be sure the discussion of this interview will be confidential? 2) When do you wake up in the morning? When do you go to bed? 3) What time do you have your breakfast? 4) Do your parents help you in getting prepare for school, if yes, who? 5) What sorts of work you have to do before coming to school? 6) Whenever you get late for school, what do you feel? 7) When you late for school, do your father, mother or someone else goes to school with you? 8) What type of excuses do you offer when a teacher inquires about lateness? 9) Do you know if a teacher tried to meet your parents? If yes what happened then? 10) It also observed that some students including you get absent from school, why does this happen? 11) In your opinion is the school starting time suitable for you according to the context? If not what will you suggest? 12) Is the school and classroom environment joyful for you? Or do you enjoy the schooling? If not, what is lacking in your opinion? 13) Which factor in the school culture attracts you towards school and which detracks you away from school? 14) Will you suggest any change in school culture that will help to make the school environment favorable for the students and help to reduce absenteeism and lateness?
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Interview Protocol for Parents (Appendix B) The lateness and absenteeism is a usual practice in our school which is affecting our school's quality and productivity. It is also disturbing the school general discipline and teaching learning process. In our school there is no issue of teachers' shortage or teachers' ability but the learning process is not being effective though teachers usually do not miss any period and all the teachers are working hard. In my personal opinion this situation is because of lateness and absenteeism of students. Although there are many students committing lateness and absenteeism but it was difficult and useless to invite all the parents for discussion so I selected only those students and their parents who have committed lateness or absenteeism more frequently for interview and discussion. Regarding your observations and suggestions will be valuable for me to do my research effective and to improve the school's efficiency and effectiveness. The discussion with you will be considered as confidential. 1) In your opinion why your child/ children get late for school or absent? 2) Do you help your child/ children in getting prepare for school? 3) If no, what are the barriers? 4) If yes, what is lacking or need to improve? 5) Did you ever think about the losses of lateness and absenteeism of your child? 6) May I ask you about your behavior towards your children and other family members? 7) Generally students blame their parents, involving them in domestic jobs, for lateness and absenteeism, what do you say? 8) You know, getting late in the school is little bit a harmful indicator for future life, it become part of life and part of one's personality. What do you understand about this? If committed, what steps will you take in future? 9) What is your perception about teachers' arrival in the school? 10) How often you engage your kids in household jobs and school tasks? 11) Do you share about your perception with your kids that why he/she is going to school? Why education? If yes, please share, if not please help to develop a vision for your kids. 12) You know that today's student is tomorrow's leader. In which way we have to prepare them together?
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
13) The absenteeism proves a lot of losses for students. How will you overcome these losses after several days' absenteeism? Interview Protocol for Teachers (Appendix C) 1. As you know that I am doing an action research to discourage absenteeism and late arrival of students in our school for which interviews from selected students and parents have been taken. The third interview is to be taken from the teachers. There for you are requested to respond these questions carefully so that we may do some actions to discourage the said practices. 2. As you know that lateness and absenteeism are the burning issues in our school and is affecting the learning of students as well as the school discipline. What do you think about this issue? 3. Do you get school on time/ in time or late? 4. In your opinion why students get school late or absenteeism occurs? 5. Some students say that they cannot understand some of the lectures. Why this happen and do you think that it affects the regularity of students? 6. From the interviews of students and parents I came to know that due to the illness of their mothers some students get late for school. Do you agree? If yes, how? 7. The second thing I noticed from the interview is that join family system also affects the regularity of students. What do you say? 8. What will you suggest to discourage the absenteeism and late arrival practices in our school? 9. Do you feel any improvement in term of attendance and regularity of students before and this day of action research? If yes, how will you describe this and if not what is lacking? Meeting Minutes/Agenda for Meeting with Staff (Appendix D)
Need of PTI Teacher
To Discuss on the issues related to teachers and students
To discuss about the construction of new classrooms
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex E, Teachers' Interview, 9th July, 2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex F, Teachers' Interview, 9th July, 2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
(Annex G, Monitoring the First Action Step, dated 1st July, 2013)
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex H, students' interview dated 24-06-13
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex I, parent's interview, dated 01-07-13
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex J, Monitoring the First Action Step, dated 11-07-13
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex K, Meeting Minutes, Dated 11-07-2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex K-1, Students Attendance Register (Before Action) June 2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex K-2, Students Attendance Register (After Action) Sep, 2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex L, Office Order, Dated 16-08-2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex M, MSG Formation Resolution, Dated 10-7-2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
Action Research Report
Annex N, Latecomers List, 17-6-2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
(Before Action)
Action Research Report
Annex O, Latecomers List, 12-9-2013
Government Primary & Al-Abbas Middle School Biangsa Shigar |
(After Action)
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