Action Plan

March 8, 2017 | Author: Jerome Valeriano | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines


MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT Schools First Initiative (SFI) Package a. Enhancem ent of Learning


1. Project PCRI: (Perception, Comprehension, reaction, Integration of Reading in learner’s background of experiences.)



 Equip pupils and students with the necessary reading materials as a source of knowledge for writing.

 Profiling of readers.  Use of PHIL-IRI and other diagnostic tools.  Developmental reading with evaluation and assessment.  Establishing Readi ng and Writing connection.


 All grade levels, English and Filipino Teachers.


 Reading performance to have increased by at least 2%.  Developed writing ability based on reading performance.  A Mini-Library in every room.

 Putting up a MiniLibrary in every room.  Developing a training model to enhance teachers’ competence in teaching readers.

2. Operation STARS (Student-at-Risk): Catch them early toward Reading Recovery.

 Assist struggling learners in all grade levels in order to improve their reading and writing skills.

 Phonemic awareness  Phonics  Vocabulary development  Fluency  Comprehension

 Grade I – VI pupils.

 Number and percentage of nonreaders decreased by at least 75% if not totally eradicated.

3. Project ENSCIMA (English, Science and Math)

 Strengthen instruction in the 3 subjects Englis, Science and Mathematics.

 Diagnostics Tests in 3 subjects.  Utilization of test results  Demonstration Teaching.  Holding of LAC Sessions.  School /district based in service trainings.

 Grade III – VI pupils

 Improved pupils’ performance in the three learning areas by at least5.

4. Project STEP (Systematized Testing Program).

 Strengthen instruction in all learning areas and assess the

 Preparation / administration and analysis of diagnostic,

 District Train ors, Master Teachers, Key

 Increased achievement rate of learners by at least 2%.

competence of students in tests based on BEC Program.

periodical and achievement tests.


 Reliable and valid tests to measure the learner’s competency.  50% of Master Teachers and School heads shall have prepared action plans.

5. Project RIA (Research In Action)

 Enhance Teacher’s awareness of the school for urgent action.

 Training of Key Teachers and Master Teachers in the preparation of action research.

 Master Teachers

6. GAMES (Goals are Manifestations of Efforts for Satisfaction)

 Enhance the skills of potential / qualified athletes for a better performance / participation without affecting the academic standing.

 Conduct try-outs to identify one’s inclination to specific sports event including their strengths and weaknesses.

 Pupils, Students, Coaches

 50% of pupils and students in respective schools shall have undergone tryouts.

7. STEP (Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs of thePhilippines).

 Provides students with practical experience and know-how in the 4 areas of EPP / TLE while developing their leadership abilities and building

 Organization of STEP among pupils enrolled in EPP / TLE.  Holding of STEP election by school  Conduct skills contest in home Economics andEntrep.

 Pupils, students, H.E. Teachers, LAHETA Representati ve

 Learning experiences among pupils / students in Home Economics andEntrep. Become profitable.

wholesome character to strengthen national competitiveness and productivity. 8. CFSS (Child FriendlySchool Syst em).

 Institutionalize the CFSS Movement and document its best practices.

 MentoringTeacher s  Demonstration teaching  Institutionalization and documentation of the best practices of the CFSS.

 Teachers

 CFSS shall havebeeninstitutio nalized and documents of best practices shall have been prepared.

9. Early Childhood Care and Development Program

 Provide hometo-school transition and readiness experiences through the 8 week curriculum.

 Eight-week Curriculum

 Grade pupils

 Readiness skills of at least 85% of grade pupils developed and enhanced.

10. Bridge Program

Enhance the capacity of high school entrants to benefit from the first year curriculum.

 Use of different teaching modes with teacher and facilitator to address different needs of the students and teaching materials used.

 Students who fall short of the national mean of 30%in the three subject areas – English, Math

 Students should have met prerequisite knowledge necessary to go into the first year curriculum.

and Science.

B. More Resources For Learning.

11. Math Wizards Program

 Develop competent student leaders in Mathematics through discoveries and investigation.

 Double exposure to Mathematics instructions.  Mathematical investigation  Organization of Math Club  Utilization of Math Garden

 Key Teachers in Math  Math Trainor s  Math Experts  Teachers

 Well improves performance in Mathematics.  Mastery of Math skills and concepts.

12. Project ESTEEM (Enrich Skills of Teachers in Enhancing Educational Management.

 Update the teachers on the recent thrusts and trends of the BEC.

 Quarterly Conferences  Training Workshops  Monitoring and Supervisions  Observation of classes.

 Teachers

 Updated the knowledge and information on the recent thrusts and trends of the BEC.

1. VIA (Visual Instructional Aids).

 Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of instruction with the use of instructional materials.

 Production of instructional materials for all grade / year levels.

 Teachers

 Achievement levels of pupils and students shall have been increased by 5%.

2. TEXT (Technology Exposure and Training).

 Expose Teachers and Learners on computer technology.

 Training of teachers and learners on computer technology.  Utilization of

 Teachers and students/pupi ls

 Computer Technology assisted shall have been rendered to 755 of teachers and learners.

computer assisted instruction in the school.

3. SIT Speech Improvement Training.

 Improve the teacher’s pronunciation of words, enunciation, blending, intonation, etc. in English.

 Training of teachers in English, Math and Science for oral production of sounds and practice on speech improvement.

 Teachers in English, Science and Math.

 Improved speaking ability of teachers with proper pronunciation of words for effective communication.

4. Four M’s (Makabayanmatrix for MAPEH and MSEP)

Re-orient Teachers’ on how to utilize effectively the Division Makabayan matrix onMAPEHand MSE P.

 Re-orientation on the utilization of theMakabayan Ma trix.

 MSEP Teachers

 Prototype Modules for four grading periods shall have been prepared, validated and distributed to the field.

5. ANGAT (Access to New Generation and Applied Technology Techniques).

 Provides HandsOn training practicum to improve the facilitating skills using different strategies and techniques.

 Hand-on trainingworkshop.

 NFE Implem entors

 Produced modern teaching aids / materials.

6. SLCS Science Laboratory in Central School.

 Enhance the schools in the use of laboratory

 Purchases of Laboratory Equipment.

 Science Teachers

 Acquired laboratory equipment in every

apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

C. Focused Organizati on For

school.  Functional Science laboratory.

7. Brigada Eskwela

 Encourage the involvement of parents, communities, NGO’s andLGU’s to undertake the school building repairs, beautification of the school campuses, for the opening of classes.

 Enhance the schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

 Enhance the schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

 Enhance the schools in the use of laboratory apparatuses for experiment and practical work approach.

8. Project BOLD (BarangayOperation for Livelihood Development)

 Equip learners with skills that will enable them to generate income to meet their basic needs.

 Networking with TLRC.  ADSOCMOB  Trainings / Workshop  Entrepreneurship Training  Cooperative

 OSYs and Adults

 Learners were equipped with knowledge to generate income by 80%.

1. SBT / ISIP (School Based Training and Intensive Instructional Supervision and Improvement Program.

 Equip Teachers and school heads with basic training for competency and

Training, SeminarWorkshop, SLAC, DISLAC Peer Coaching, Demonstration

 Teachers

 Developed teachers’ teaching skills and instructional supervision of




school heads.

2. Project INSETTE (InserviceTraining For Teachers in English).

 Enhance Teachers competence in teaching English.

 Tapping outstanding teachers to do demo teaching.

 Teachers

 85% of the 32,676 teachers’ to have been retooled in teaching English.

3. PAR (Progress through assessment and Research).

 Utilize, analyze, and interpret test results for improvement of instruction.

 Conduct diagnostic, periodic, and achievement tests followed by analysis, interpretation and utilization of test results.

 Teachers and Pupils.

 Prepared intervention programs and effective educational plans based on the results of monitoring and evaluation.

4. BEAM (Batang EspesyalAting Mi namahal

 Establish the PsychoEducational Assessment Conference, Meeting in Special Education Individual Teaching

 Training, SeminarWorkshops in SPED

 SPED’s Teac hers

 At least 70% of SPED Teachers are trained  Fast learners’ classes are organized in all grade level.

5. FLCW (Fast Learners as Campus Writers)

 Enhance the writing skills of fast learners for effective participation in

 Conducting training, coaching in Campus Journalism

 All Fast Learners from Grades I to VI

 Skilled Campus Writers.

Campus Journalism

6. EMIS (Education Management Information System

 Prepare up-todate accurate and relevant data for policymaking decisions

 Maintenance of Basic Education Information System  Encoding and processing of basic education data

 Master Teachers

 Prepared accurate and relevant data

Prepared by:


NANCY N. AREVALO, Ed. D. District Supervisor

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