Maria Cecilia R. Pacao BSOA 1B Actviy 2 Myself Through he Years Paste a picture of you when you were in elementary, e lementary, in high school and now that you are in college. Below the picture, list down your salient characteriscs that you remember.
Aer having examined your ‘self’ in its dierent stages, ll out the table below.
Similarites in all sages of my ‘self’
Dierences in my ‘self’ across he hree sages of
Possible reasons for he dierences in me
my life Aer examining my salient characteriscs from 1st stage to 3rd stage I cannot deny the fact that there are common characteriscs that I possessed si sinc nce e el elem emen enta tary ry un unl l this this college me. Through the stages in my life the common characteriscs that I have are being God-oriented, fa fami milly-or y-oriiente ented, d, frie friend ndlly, talka talkave, ve, stu studio dious us and being being acve.
The dierences in my “self” across the three stages of my life are the following: 1st Stage I am aer happiness in my life wherein ein I want to get everything I like. Being immature, easy go lucky, depe depend nden entt wi with th many many thin things gs and childish. In this stage I am more thinking of myself. But I am proud that I learned to be Go God d an and d fami family ly orie orient nted ed an and d that is because of my parents inuence. 2nd Stage In this stage I can feel that some traits in mysel elff are starn sta rng g to change change and thi thiss is called the maturity. I am being conscious with myself. I am not childi chi ldish sh anymor anymore. e. I started started to thi think nk not just mys myself elf but also also others. I’ve learned to listen and understand under stand situ situaons aons wherein wherein st during the 1 stage of my life I neve neverr give give a aen eno on n on it it.. In this stage I am starng to balance things and being sensive with others feeling 3rd Stage Aiming for something like having a good life in future and be a successful person someday.
The possible reasons for the dierenc ences in me are th the e following: I am grow growin ing g no nott ju just st physically but emoon emo onall ally, y, mental mentally ly and spiritually.
Intenonal Reasons I choose to change becaus bec ause e of rea realiz lizao aon n and being matured.
Inuence by the en envi viro ronm nmen entt li like ke for for exampl exa mple e the situa situaon on and the people surrounding me.
In this stage I am determined to pursu ursue e my dream reamss. I am giving giving ae aeno non n in my stu studie diess and other maers that will lead me to being independent. I also feel in this stage that I am now more conc more concer erne ned d wi with th ot othe herr people peopl e than myself. myself. Espec Especiall ially y giving importance with God and my family. This stage will build myselff in giving mysel giving solu soluons ons with my problem independently.
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