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ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY PROPERTY Family Code Title IV Chapter 3 !e$eral Pro%i&io$&
'e(a)lt property re*ime (or marria*e& +ele,rated after the Family Code too- e((e+t .Art/ 012
'e(a)lt property re*ime (or marria*e& +ele,rated before the Family Code too- e((e+t
Shall +omme$+e at the pre+i&e mome$t o( the +ele,ratio$ o( the marria*e .Art/ 2
Shall +omme$+e at the pre+i&e mome$t o( the +ele,ratio$ o( the marria*e .Art/ :902
No 4ai%er o( ri*ht&5 i$tere&t&5 &hare& a$d e((e+t& o( the ACP d)ri$* the marria*e +a$ ,e made e6+ept i$ 7)di+ial &eparatio$ o( property .Art/ 82
No 4ai%er o( ri*ht& i$tere&t&5 &hare& a$d e((e+t& o( the CP! d)ri$* the marria*e +a$ ,e made e6+ept i$ 7)di+ial &eparatio$ o( property .Art/ :902
The pro%i&io$& o$ co-ownership &hall apply to the ACP ,et4ee$ the the &po)&e& i$ all matter& $ot pro%ided (or i$ thi& Chapter .Art/ 892
;hat Co$&tit)te& the ACP A$ i$%e$tory &hall ,e prepared =?> Amo)$t& ad%a$+ed ,y the CP! i$ payme$t o( per&o$al de,t& a$d o,li*atio$& o( either &po)&e &hall ,e +redited to the CP! a& a$ a&&et thereo(/ =3> Ea+h &po)&e &hall ,e reim,)r&ed (or the )&e o( hi& or her e6+l)&i%e ()$d& ,y the CP! or (or the %al)e o( hi& or her e6+l)&i%e property5 the o4$er&hip o( 4hi+h ha& ,ee$ %e&ted ,y la4 i$ the +o$7)*al part$er&hip/ =#> The de,t& a$d o,li*atio$& o( the CP! &hall ,e paid o)t o( it& a&&et&/ I$ +a&e o( i$&)((i+ie$+y5 the &po)&e& &hall ,e &olidarily lia,le 4ith their &eparate propertie&5 i$ a++orda$+e 4ith Art/ :?: =?> =1> Remai$i$* e6+l)&i%e propertie& o( the &po)&e& &hall therea(ter ,e deli%ered to ea+h o( them/ => U$le&& the o4$er had ,ee$ i$dem$i(ied (rom 4hate%er &o)r+e5 the lo&& or deterioratio$ o( mo%a,le& )&ed (or the ,e$e(it o( the (amily5 ,elo$*i$* to either &po)&e5 e%e$ d)e to (ort)ito)& e%e$t5 &hall ,e paid to &aid &po)&e (rom the +o$7)*al ()$d&5 i( a$y/ =0> The $et remai$der o( the CP! propertie& &hall +o$&tit)te the pro(it&5 4hi+h &hall ,e di%ided e@)ally ,et4ee$ h)&,a$d a$d 4i(e5 )$le&& a di((ere$t di%i&io$ 4a& a*reed )po$ i$ the marria*e &ettleme$t& or )$le&& there ha& ,ee$ a %ol)$tary 4ai%er or (or(eit)re o( &)+h &hare a& pro%ided i$ thi& Code/ => The pre&)mpti%e le*itime& o( the +ommo$ +hildre$ &hall ,e deli%ered )po$ the partitio$ i$ a++orda$+e 4ith Arti+le 1:/ =8> I$ the partitio$ o( the propertie&5 the +o$7)*al d4elli$* a$d the lot o$ 4hi+h it i& &it)ated &hall5 )$le&& other4i&e a*reed )po$ ,y the partie&5 ,e ad7)di+ated to the &po)&e 4ith 4hom the ma7ority o( the +ommo$ +hildre$ +hoo&e to remai$/ I$ +a&e there i& $o &)+h ma7ority5 the +o)rt &hall de+ide/
.Art/ :93 < :3:2 Upo$ the termi$atio$ o( the marria*e ,y death5 the ACP
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