Marketing, selling, distribution, and administrative expenses Most are independent of the volume and mix of products and cannot be traced traced through causal relationships to products
If managers only use financial performance metrics, they may take actions that improve shortterm financial performance but damage long-term customer relationships
Both financial and nonfinancial metrics are needed to manage performance with customers
he output from an 4BC customer analysis is often portrayed as a whale curve # 4 plot of cumulative profitability versus the number of customers # Customers are ranked on the hori'ontal axis from most profitable
!igh-profit customers appear in the left section of the profitability whale curve # hese customers should be protected # hey could be vulnerable to competitive inroads # Managers should be prepared to offer discounts,
incentives, and special services to retain the loyalty of these valuable customers if a competitor threatens
"ervice companies must focus on customer costs and profitability because the variation in demand for organi'ational resources is much more customer driven than in manufacturing companies
Customer behavior determines the %uantity of demands for organi'ational resources that produce and deliver the service to customers
Managers should analy'e internal operations to see where they can improve processes
8or example, if a company receives a large number of small orders, the company could5 # "trive to reduce costs of setup and order handling # ncourage customers to place orders electronically
Companies can transform unprofitable customers into profitable ones by managing customer relationships # *ersuade them to use a greater scope of products
Before giving a customer a price increase, the company should examine the many ways it has already reduced the effective price the customer actually pays
"mall concessions offered by different organi'ational units may accumulate into large revenue leaks
he critical parameters for calculating )ifetime Customer alue are5 # Initial ac%uisition cost # *rofits or losses earned each year # 4dditional costs to retain the customer # 7uration of the relationship
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