Access Consciousness to Heal Your Life With Dr. Dain Heer [Episode 47] Wired For Success TV

April 23, 2017 | Author: wiredforsuccesstv | Category: N/A
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Would you like to embrace an experience that you have always been fearful of? Start a new business, go for a new relatio...



Wired for Success TV


Mastering the 7 Areas of Life Presented by Melanie Gabriel & Beryl Thomas

[Episode 47] Access Consciousness to Heal Your Life with Dr. Dain Heer

Audio Title: Access Consciousness to Heal Your Life with Dr. Dain Heer [Episode 47] Beryl: Hello and welcome back to another episode of I am Beryl Thomas and with me is my cohost, Melanie Gabriel. Say hi, Mel. Melanie: Hello everyone. Beryl: So our mission at Wired for Success is to provide you with people who are doing the extraordinary. People who maybe just like you, have hit some roadblocks in life. And despite boosting the profits of Amazon purchase of self-help books, starting on that cause, wrapping one leg behind the other to balance your chakras and gazing adoringly at gurus, still go through life with a crippling emotional ball and chain around one leg. Today’s guest was a successful chiropractor who to the outside world, appear to have it all. However on the inside, a different story was going on. Deep unhappiness was turning to despair. Despite looking in every conceivable nook and cranny of the personal development world for help, he was on the point of giving up on trying to make his life work on this planet. However, the universe had other plans for this young man. And his final plea for help was answered. As a result, he now travels the world sharing this life-changing wisdom. Today, he’s going to share with us exactly how the shift happened and why he believes with every cell in his body that these powerful tools that he calls Access Consciousness can help each of us create a life where we no longer need to be held back by unhelpful thought patterns. We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Dain Heer. Dain: Hi. Beryl: Hi. Dain: Thank you for having me. I’m thrilled to be here all the way across the world.


Beryl: Indeed. Dain: Wonderful. Melanie: Delighted to have you. Beryl: We know you’re a busy man so we are honored that you found time for us today. Dain: Thank you. Beryl: So Dain, you have this corky little phrase that I just can’t get the hang of. It’s strategically placed in your work. Dain: Yes. Beryl: And what is it? Give us the phrase. Dain: Well, OK. Here is the phrase, “Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds.” And you hear that the first time and you go, “What the heck?” It sounds like gobbly gibberish and in foreign language even. And basically, it’s like this. It’s basically asking the energy and the consciousness of you to go back to any time you ever made a decision that you wanted to change and actually changed it. And it literally works to change it. It’s based on the idea, it’s like the walls in our room look solid but science tells us they’re not. They’re 99.999% space. Well, what if the limitations in your life were exactly the same way and you could access the space and actually allow yourself to walk through them instead of being stuck by them? Melanie: So these words already charged with meaning then. You mean anybody can use it and not even have the faintest idea of what they’re saying? Dain: Yes, yeah. And that’s part of the beauty of it. From my point of view, it’s like the universe actually wants us to have as many tools as we can have available to start changing things. And it even works if you just use the two words in the middle, POC and POD which stands for the point of


creation of wherever you planted the seed of the limitation or the point of distraction of wherever you planted the seed of the limitation and ask it to induce. So anything you want to change, you could go POC and POD all that or you can say, all that weird stuff Dain said the other day and it still works. Beryl: So, let me just get clear on this because my mind kind of gets a bit tussled with all this. So are you saying, you made up this phrase and somehow infused it with power from the universe? Is that what you’re saying? Dain: That would be awesome. I like that. Let’s say that from now on. I like your version. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Beryl: I’m going to have to copyright that very quickly. Melanie: So we can make up our own phrase and say, let it behave like Dain’s and we’d be OK. Dain: Well, a very possibly good work but – so this particular phrase though, it actually was part of Access Consciousness before I came along 13 years ago. And it was in a different form at that time. The form sort of changed as we realized, “Wow! Here is another thing that would create limitation. Let’s undo that too. And there’s another thing, let’s undo that too.” But it started by asking to go to the point of creation of the thoughts, the feelings, and the emotions immediately preceding your decision to create some limited point of view. Because what Gary Douglas, the founder of Access realized prior to my coming along, was if – what most people tried to do is they try to work backwards to their problem and it’s like you have to peel layer after layer after layer after layer after layer after layer. But if you go and you take a different tact and instead of going backwards to the problem like let’s imagine the problem of your life or whatever it is you want to change. It’s like a big oak tree standing in the middle of the road of your life that you want to go down and there’s a mountain to this side and there’s a cliff on this side and here’s this big oak tree and you can’t go around it. It’s like, wait a minute. You got to do somehow almost magical. Go back in time.


Follow a branch down back in time to where deceit started and vaporize deceit out of existence. The whole tree disappears. And Gary discovered this long before I came along and I’m so grateful because it’s part of what actually saved my life and sort of given me the tools to truly create change that lasted not that sort of change were like, “Oh my gosh! I feel so good for about two days.” You know what I mean? Beryl: We know that, Dain. Dain: Yeah. And I’m so frustrated and tired and fed up with that feeling. That’s where I got to that place 13 years ago where I was going to end it all because of that feeling because I felt like I’ve tried everything under the sun. I’ve read every freaking book I can get my hands on. I’ve gone to every seminar I can afford and then lots of them that I couldn’t and still, here I am depressed and unhappy. I needed different tools and this was one of those. Beryl: So Dain, are you saying then that this clearly is not a talking therapy? It’s not a counseling kind of therapy. It’s not like this is my story. Are you saying you don’t even need to know what the story was? You just trust that your unconscious will know when that time was before you just created that stuff? Dain: True. In using the clearing statement, yes. You do not have to know when the limitation got created because a lot of times what we see in our lives right now is actually a limitation that’s been repeated over and over and over and we don’t even know when the germinal point of it was. We don’t even know when the seed was. But the universe does. And the consciousness of you does. And the only time we ever created difficulty is when we function from unconsciousness which is unawareness or anticonsciousness which is where we’re choosing against the consciousness that we have. If you’ve ever known, don’t turn right and you turned right and it turns out just as bad as you know it would, that’s an example of unconsciousness and anti-consciousness or you knew, don’t start this relationship and you started it anyway or don’t start this business because we always know.


And so, what this does is it unlocks the choices that have been made based on going against our knowing by bringing consciousness to the situation. And literally, it’s undoing the positive and the negative so that what you’d like to choose can just be there. So it takes away the positive. It takes away the negative and allows everything to be as it is. Beryl: So it’s a very clever kind of time travel. Dain: Yeah, exactly. Melanie: I was just thinking that. Dain: That is exactly what it is. And very brilliantly put because – and what happens is, the interesting thing is it works whether the point of creation of that limitation wherever it got started was last week or hundred billion years ago. It doesn’t matter. It literally will go back wherever like you said like time travel. Melanie: So it cleared generational stuff. Dain: Yeah, it clears – that’s the other thing that it clears so dynamically is generational stuff. And if you believe in past lives, you can see that it would work on that too. And if you don’t, it will still work on it. And that’s the beauty of it is believe what you know. And one of the prime tools of Access [0:08:19] [Inaudible] is what’s true makes you feel lighter and lie makes you feel heavier. So what I say is even if I say something and it sounds weird, if it makes you feel lighter, it’s probably true for you. If it makes you feel heavier, it’s probably not. Please don’t take anything that makes you feel heavier and try to buy it whether I say it or anybody else says it. Apply it to everything everybody says. Apply it to everything you read and start realizing that truly it’s only what makes you feel lighter that’s actually true for you. And all kinds of other things can be true for other people but when you try to take that into your own life and make it true for you, you end up creating a lot of heaviness because it’s not your life you’re living anymore. Beryl: So let’s go back then Dain to your story because that just reminded me. You appeared to the outside world to have it all. And yet, on the inside, you felt the heaviness of unhappiness and despair.


Dain: Yeah. Beryl: So what do you think was really going on there? Dain: Well, here’s the thing, is I appeared to have it all – the only thing that I didn’t – that I was still struggling – everybody would tell me, “You have the perfect life. You live in Santa Barbara which is paradise and you’re a chiropractor. And you have this beautiful girlfriend and blah, blah, blah.” And I was like, well, I’m kind of struggling financially. I’m kind of struggling emotionally. I’m struggling with all these things. But basically what was going on, one of the – in addition to feeling like I tried so many things to make my life work and they were not succeeding. But the only thing I acted on with at that time was I was doing something wrong. I just wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t smart enough. I wasn’t bright enough to do these things. And a technique, if they said, “OK, well, set your goals.” I would set the goals and I would try to head towards them and then I would have one day where I missed out of 300 and judged myself so harshly that I might as well have just laid face down to eat worms. It was like – so I was in such judgment of everything that I was choosing. And here’s another tool that started getting me out of it was – is actually if you can have the awareness that 98% of your thoughts, your feelings, your inner emotions don’t actually belong to you. They actually belong to the people around you and you pick them up like a big psychic radio receiver and have your entire life. And if you’ll ask, who does this belong to, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, the judgments, the points of view, the heaviness of your life, if it lightens up at all, it’s not yours. You’re just picking it up from the world around you. Return it to sender with consciousness attached because it’s not yours and you can’t do something about something that’s not yours. So in my case, sadness was one of the biggest things that was going on, well, sadness and depression and lack of hope. And so, when I got this tool, I was in the middle of it one morning. And so what happened was I’d gone for this Access Consciousness session with something called the Bars. And the Bars are these 32 points on the head, and when you hold them, they just dissipate all the stuff that’s compressing your head and compressing your life. And it makes – it gives you the sense of kind of like


when you are when you’re out in nature. After you’ve been there for 45 minutes or an hour and it feels like the weight of the world comes off of your shoulders. Well, that’s what the bars did for me. So I had this Bars session and literally, the girl puts her hands in my head and I said, “Look, what’s the effect of this?” She said, “Well, at the worst, you feel like you had a good massage. At the best, your whole life will change.” And in the back of my head, I’m going, “Well, my whole better change or I’m killing myself. I can try this. Who cares if it’s weird?” And so literally, she puts her hands on my head and I feel this energy run through my body that was like peace and space. And it was the first sense of peace I had in almost three years. And I was giggling like a little kid for the entire hour and 15 minutes of this session. And I get up after the session and I was like, “Wow! Has the universe always looked this beautiful?” I mean I remember looking at the clouds going, “You’re so amazing.” I remember looking at the table that I had this pleather table. You know what pleather is? It’s plastic that looks like leather. Melanie: OK. Dain: I had this pleather table that I did my sessions on, my chiropractic sessions on. And I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a place where it feels like you’re doing everything wrong. But what I realized was, like in that place where I was, it was like I was in judgment of everything I had any connection to. And always, I thought, “God! This freaking ugly table and I can’t afford another table.” And I looked down after this Bars session and this really pretty blue pleather that had this green through it and I remember looking down at it going, “Oh my gosh! Has this always been this beautiful?” And so, it changed the sense of space that I had having this Bars session. And what the girl did was she said, “Look, I want to tell you this thing, 98% of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions don’t belong to you. You’re really sensitive and aware. You’ve been picking this stuff up. Here’s a tool.” And she wrote down, “Who does this belong to?” on a sticky note. Well, in emptying my pockets that night when I got home, I put all this stuff on my nightstand and left it there. In three mornings later, I wake up and one of the things that would happen for me is I would wake up in tears


crying because I didn’t know how I was going to make my life work. And so, this started again. And I looked over at my clock to see how much longer I have to wallow in pity before I have to go act like I’m a doctor who know something to try to help other people change their lives. And I look over and I see on this little yellow sticky note in her scrolled writing, “Who does this belong to?” And so, I read it and all of a sudden, it goes away, that tears. Melanie: Wait, you’re saying, just asking that question works exactly like the POD and POC statement there? Dain: Yeah. Melanie: Carry on. Dain: And it literally – and I got to say, I would not have believed it. I mean I seriously would not have believed it. If it hadn’t happened to me exactly that way, there’s no way I would have believed it because I was like, I mean really? Because when it happened, I was overjoyed and pissed off all at the same time. I was overjoyed because it was like, “Oh my gosh, this changed!” because I had never been able to change it. It took me days to get out of it when I had gone into that space in the past, if I ever got out of it at all. And then with one sentence, it changed. So I was like, OK. So I was overjoyed but I was really angry that somebody didn’t tell me this a long time ago. This should be handed out when you first get your reading, riting, and rithmetic. The three Rs we have here in the US. And most of us probably spell arithmetic without an A now. But that’s a story for another time. Beryl: So, I want to ask you here Dain, this experience that you then had with Access Consciousness and you just felt this amazingness and this contact with life like I’m going to ask you, like you’ve never had it before or was this like, “Oh, I remember this. This is how it used to be before I had this chunk of depression.” or was this something that you’d never experienced before consciously?


Dain: Both. And what I mean by that is when I was a child, my dad married a woman who was a Born Again Christian, which was very interesting to me because I wasn’t brought up around Bibles, church, or anything else. And so, we started going to this Baptist Church and I went to a child’s camp and they said, “If you want to, if this feels right for you, you can go out in the woods with your Bible and ask Jesus into your heart to forgive your sins.” And I was like, “What is that mean?” They said, “Well, He’ll forgive everything you’ve done wrong.” And I’m like, “OK, I’m in. I’m going to do it.” Because even at that age, I had a sense of happiness but I also had a sense of the wrongness. So much in my life I was like – I was always the one trying to heal everybody and try to make everything right that everybody else felt was wrong. And that’s – and so, I go out into the woods and I say, “Jesus, I don’t know if you exist because quite frankly, the people that are talking about you are some of the most judgmental people ever. And they say one thing on Sunday and do another thing on Monday. But if you actually exist and like the preacher said, this is between you and between me then I’m inviting you into my heart to wash away my sins.” And it had the same energy. So there was this sense of space and peace and it was like everything was peaceful. It was overwhelmingly so. And for me, that lasted for two years. Everything I would do, I’d say, “Give it up to Jesus.” Everything that was a problem I’d say, “Give it up to Jesus.” I didn’t know I was becoming a Born Again Christian at the time and I would definitely not consider myself that at this point. But – because I don’t have the points of view that go with it but that sense of peace was something I remembered. But what I found with Access is it actually – I think there’s something true in anything that has been around for any length of time. And so, it’s like what I found is a lot of people know that there’s something true in what they’re doing but they haven’t yet found the tools to make it work in this reality. And what I see with Access is you can believe whatever you want to believe but if you actually use it to create – use the tool and make it work easier. Make your life easier and make your life a better place. And then you also share it with other people – not share it. But by being that, you give other people the awareness that their lives can be different too. They can be more of what they really like them to be. Beryl: So tell me, do you have bad days?


Dain: Oh yeah. But here’s the thing about it is it used to be that I had bad months. And when I started doing Access, it went from bad months to bad weeks to bad days where a day was a bummer. Now, if it lasts longer than two hours, I’m like, “This is a big thing. How do I get through this?” And that’s what I’ve seen with the people that have come to Access and actually used the tools is this thing starts to happen where more of your life is lighter. The highs are in a sense, I would say, higher but it’s more like sort of the general level of your life gets raised to a sense of more ease, more space, more possibility. And the lows, you don’t go as low. And you know you can get out of them. Beryl: Exactly. That’s what I was going to ask you because it’s sounding like now, you have the tools. Once you have the tools, there’s nothing to fear in having a little bit of a dip because it’s like you are driving and you think your car is a bit dodge but you’re OK because the breakdown van is right behind you all the time. Dain: That’s right, exactly. Beryl: You can always get out of it. So that’s going to give you a much higher level of confidence, isn’t it? Dain: Yes, absolutely. And the beauty of that confidence is then you go through the world without fear. You actually go through it with a level of enthusiasm and you start embracing things that in the past, you might have tried to reject or tried to do without. And all of a sudden, you’re like, “Wow! OK. I’ll try it out. I mean how bad could it be?” Or a question I’d like to ask, how does it get any better? Melanie: So you spoke about the Bars, are the Bars a natural extension of Access Consciousness? Can you just differentiate between the two? Dain: Yes, absolutely. The Bars are in essence, the beginning of Access Consciousness, where Access Consciousness started. And that’s how Gary Douglas, the founder, sort of knew, “OK. I’m on to something different here.” And realized, “Not only am I on to something different but I’ve actually got to let other people know this is available because it will help contribute to change in their lives.”


So the Bars is this hands-on process on the head and then there’s also some energetic stuff that I do that I’ve developed actually when Gary Douglas walked into my office for a session and said, “Look, the first two levels of network that you’re doing …” I was a network chiropractor at the time. He said, “The first two levels don’t work on me. You have to go straight to the third level.” I had no idea how to do that. He said, “Look, just talk to my body. Ask it what it wants. You’ll know what to do.” It was the first time in my life anybody who had created any technique who was coming to me for anything said I would know what to do. And there was an energy that came through and at one point, his body was flapping on the table like a fish and I was standing 15 feet away not even touching him and I went – and I was looking at my hand going, “Have you always been able to do this? Shouldn’t you have told me long before now?” So there’s all kinds of aspects to it but really, I think the fundamental aspect is that it’s got the tools to change whatever it is you desired to change whether it’s taking a different perspective on something, whether you’re somebody who’s actually a healer like you have the capacity or desire to make people’s lives a better place. And so, you’re trying to take on their pain and suffering or take on their depression or take on their physical stuff. It’s looking at things from this different point of view and then also using our friend, our POC and POD that we talked at the very beginning to start changing things from a totally different perspective than most of what’s out there right now or any of what’s out there right now. Beryl: So, I mean this is fascinating, Dain. It’s absolutely fascinating. I’m wondering now, can you help people who are physically ill? Because I think we’re touching on emotional ill health now. Dain: Yeah. Beryl: Well number one, what would you say about the link between emotional and physical health or ill health? And then – so how you do then tackle physical health? Can you talk around that topic? Dain: Well, here’s the thing. The emotional – well, I’d say there’s such a link. In fact, one of the things that I’ve been explaining to people lately is – see, what happens is your point of view creates your reality. And with your point of view, you also end up creating your physical reality in your physical


body because what happens is you have energy and what it does is with your points of view, it will form itself into whatever your point of view is. In other words, the energy turns into matter based on the point of view that you take. So, when you have a point of view – like for example, Gary was working with the lady who had breast cancer and he said, “What are you dying to get out of?” And she said, “My relationship.” And he went, “OK. You’re creating breast cancer to get out of your relationship.” She said, “Yup.” He said, “OK. Would you consider changing that?” She said, “No.” He said, “Well, would you consider getting a divorce?” “No, I could never do that to my children.” Now, the lady was 70 years old. He said, “How old is your youngest child?” She went, “52.” “OK. Wait a minute, you don’t think your kids would understand you getting a divorce and they’re in their 50s?” And she said, “No.” And literally, he gave her money back and she ended up dying of breast cancer. Well, that’s a choice she made. See, we have the tools to give a different choice if somebody is willing to have it but it’s always their choice. And with things like cancer, HIV, the sort of the biggies, it’s like, what we’ve seen is about a 50% success rate in helping people change it. But it’s always their choice. We’re not the ones doing it to them. If you have to do it to them, there will be one thing and that’s not us. It’s like it’s got to be their choice because otherwise, we’re not actually creating more consciousness in the world. So basically, there’s link between emotions and physical. It’s there but it’s not always a cognitive choice. In fact, it’s very seldom a cognitive choice that someone has made to create something. Most of our choices have been non-cognitive. Most of the things that stick us have been noncognitive. And most of the things that will unlock us are actually noncognitives which is why this clearing statement works so well because if you can imagine one of those days when you wake up and you feel like the elephant is on your head and you are just buried and you are like “argh!” Well, try putting words to that. You could put thousands of words to it and still not 100% describe it. Well now, if you just go with the energy of it and go, OK. So, everything that allows this to exist POC and POD all that and literally, it can start to change. And I’m giving a simplified version. They are more in a sense, more complex verbal processes if you will that address specific energies of


things. But this is one way to get started and started realizing that you can change things just by asking for it and changing the energy of it. Beryl: I was on one of your webinars – well, I recorded it and listened to it one day. It was one in a new year. And I tweeted you about it because I felt such a shift in my torso just listening to you and do the POD and podcast thing. And I just listened to you and I felt in my chest particularly this lightness and I wasn’t conscious that I had any particular problem at that day. I wasn’t listening – I was listening because we were going to be doing this with you. Dain: Right. Beryl: So I wasn’t looking to be healed as it were and yet, this really nice feeling was going on. Actually, I can feel it again now. I’m talking about, I can feel it again now. Dain: Yeah. And pardon me, I’m grabbing a power supply. Beryl: That’s OK. Feel free. Dain: Well that – see, that’s one of the things that is exactly what happens is you have these changes in things that you weren’t even cognitively asking for because cognitively, you didn’t actually know it was there. And all of a sudden, it’s like, “Wow! I’ve got more lightness. I’ve got more space. I’ve got more ease.” And that’s one of my favorite things about this is – pardon me, here’s the view of hotel room, one of my favorite things about this. I’m working, yet again. No, I did the ironing. Yeah. I wanted to look good for our video interview. But I actually have to go to work right after this. So I did the ironing a little earlier. So yup, I’m just showing it all to you. OK. So – but it changes so many things. And for me, getting to the place 12 years ago or 13 years ago now, it is 2013, getting to the place where I was going to end it all has given me this huge freedom to demand that my life is either a joy or I don’t have to be here. And so, giving somebody a tour of my hotel room or whatever, it’s like that’s fun. I mean it’s like so many people are so uptight about everything, trying to do everything perfectly and trying to do everything right.


But you sit on a telecall like that and you hear it and you feel this sense of space. And what it does I think is – what we’re doing with Access is unlocking what doesn’t like you to be the being you know you are, the being you want to choose to be in every situation because you don’t want to be frustrated with people. You don’t want to feel separated from people. You don’t want to feel mean. You don’t want to feel unkind. But sometimes those are the choices we make because those are the energies that are driving us. What it does, it changes those energies so you can be that being, it is that lightness. And a lot of times, you feel it in your body because a lot of the impact that we place on ourselves by being in this reality and the decisions and judgments that we’ve made and taken on from others, we impact our body with. And that’s what a lot of Access will unlock whether we specifically work on the body or whether we do this verbal processing because they’re all connected. Beryl: Why am I feeling tearful now? Why is this all welling up now? Release. Dain: Well, yeah. And there are times where we get the chance for whatever reason to acknowledge what’s true for us, to acknowledge the beings that we are. And there are so little of that on this planet that we get from other people or that we get in their presence. And what if the tears like you said, are release and also an acknowledgment of you and of us and of how we can be. Melanie: So, one of the things I wanted to ask, so clearly, what these statements do or the whole Access Consciousness process does is it raises our awareness especially of the things that are going on that we tend not to realize is going on. Now, we can be so conditioned that we don’t realize there’s anything that needs to change. And I’m thinking of this because Beryl was saying she was just listening to, what was it a podcast? I don’t know. Beryl: A webinar, yeah. Melanie: A webinar. And she noticed a lightness in her. So I’m wondering whether the statements that are made, are they meant to be a kind of a provocation to bring things to the surface so they can be cleared?


Dain: Actually in a sense, what we do is we ask questions. So I would ask – and here’s the thing about asking a question is anytime you ask a question, you bring up the energy of whatever that question is that you were asking. So for example, if you ask a question, what’s it going to take to change my money situation? Well, the energy of that comes up and it’s there. You don’t necessarily can touch it but there’s an energy that comes up when you ask that question. And so, what we’re doing is – so for example, I would say, “OK. So, what invention are you using to create the upset or unhappiness you were choosing?” Because unhappiness is always an invention. It’s always something we invent and create. So you say, what invention are you using to create the unhappiness you’re choosing? And then we go right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds. Or what invention are you using to create the money problem you are choosing? And then I ask, will you destroy and uncreate it? And people sometimes especially if they’ve been in the realm of looking at doing self-help work and that sort of thing, I say, “Destroy it.” And they go, “No, I won’t destroy.” And I say, “You know what? I totally understand that. I would have been in the same point of view 13 years ago. But if you’re going to heal someone of cancer, don’t you have to destroy the unconsciousness that’s creating the cancer? If you’re going to heal yourself of your money situation, don’t you have to destroy the limited points of view that create you not having the money you desire?” So I ask, will you destroy meaning, will you take the structure away that you built? And then will you uncreate which means stop putting your creative energy into that limitation and doing both of those together, undoes the place where this thing can limit you anymore. And the way we get to the thing that’s limiting you is by asking the question which brings up the energy and then we POC and POD it and then it changes. Melanie: Actually, it’s funny. While you were talking about that and you used money an example, I suddenly was aware of “ohh” and then OK. So you then have a conversation with the person around whether they’re willing to destroy it. And they say yes. You then go ahead and POD and POC.


Dain: Exactly. And this is the thing about it that it’s always got to be their choice to let something go or to let it change because otherwise, we’re doing the same thing we’ve done for thousands of years in trying to make somebody else responsible for our lives. And it’s part of the reason we have the world we have that doesn’t work. What’s required is something different. And so, yes, it’s like if the person is willing to, even if they don’t know how that’s going to happen. They don’t have to know how the change is going to occur. They just go, “Yes, I’m willing to allow this to change.” Cool. Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds, and that gets to start it. And then there is that next thing that will come up that we can work on because what people don’t realize is a lot of people know it’s going to take a journey of a thousand steps. So they have this point of view, it will take a journey of a thousand steps to get the change they’re looking for. But their point of view is that they don’t see all thousand steps and know how to navigate every single one of those steps to the next step, to the next, and to the next, and to the next one. Of all thousand, they’re not even going to start on a journey. Well no, that’s never going to work. What you need to do is be willing to take the first step because only after you’ve taken the first step does a second step even show up. So what happens with this clearing statement is we POC and POD which shows us what’s underneath it and then we work on that and then we clear more and more and more. And all of a sudden, the thing you were working on doesn’t exist as a problem anymore. It’s just gone. It’s just different. Beryl: So I think what I’m hearing you say here, correct me if I’m wrong, Dain, is – I mean this is a massive journey, isn’t it? But it could be quite fun I think. It’s not necessarily – because we’re perhaps in personal development of kind of a classical, you’ve made my brain go a bit funny here, of a classical mode where we’re encouraged to have goals, aren’t we? And where do you want to be in a year? Where do you want to be in five years? And so forth. And Melanie and I have come to understand that that can actually be a bit limiting because you could set your goals quite a little bit too small. Perhaps, the only goal to have is like where there are no limits to where we


can go. And I think this is kind of what you’re encouraging. If you were to use this as a coaching tool with people, to just let it all unfold to not necessarily know where you’re going to go but it sounds like everything we want is on the other side of fear. We know that. That everything we want is on the other side of that fear. We don’t know what could be there because we probably haven’t been there before. Is this making sense? Is this kind of the way that you would work with people? Dain: Yes. And let me make a couple of distinctions if I may that hopefully will help people, clear a little bit for people on this particular subject. Will that be OK? Melanie: Yeah. Beryl: Yeah, do, do. Love to. Dain: OK. Cool. So here is – one of the things that sticks us dynamically is where we set a goal, we achieve it but we don’t acknowledge it which means we then take ourselves back to the beginning to try to set out achieving the same goal that we just achieved. Now, this works dynamically with money as an example because there are people who set a goal to have a certain amount of money and don’t realize they have achieved it and they achieve it in this lifetime or some other lifetime. It doesn’t matter. And then they go back to the beginning to try to achieve what they just did. And so, what I suggest is rather than setting goals, set target. Set a target because you can take aim at the target and shoot and shoot and shoot and even if you miss, you can always shoot again. And you don’t have to judge yourself for missing because it’s a target. It’s not that you didn’t make your goal which is a huge source of judgment for most people. So set targets because even if you hit a bull’s eye with a target, you can split that same arrow if that’s of desire to you or you can move a target further on. And so, it freezes up this whole area of goals. So let’s use this clearing statement to undo the sticking places that we’ve created based on goals. And one of the things I want to say about this is one of the ways Access is so different in a lot of what I had done prior to Access is we would have this conversation about targets if they had had the technology or the awareness, and then we’d have the conversation about goals, and you’d


be, “Oh cool. I’m going to do targets from now.” And then go on your way except you hadn’t cleared all those limiting beliefs and all that stuff that is still sticking you from every goal you’re judging yourself for not achieving. But with Access, we have the conversation about both and then we change the baggage. So you go forth baggage-free. So all that goals that you’ve set in any lifetime that you achieved and didn’t acknowledged which means you’ve gone back to start over and how much of your life is starting over, goals you’ve already achieved in some lifetime, will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Yes? Beryl: Yes. Melanie: Yes. Dain: Thank you. Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds. And how many judgments do you have of you for not achieving your goals, for not being good enough, for not being smart enough, for not being bright enough, and of course, it must be you that’s wrong not the fact that you said something that was just impossible for anybody to ever achieve. And so, that was going to motivate you. Yeah, motivates you right in the judgment of you. So all of those and all the judgments you thought you had to heap on you as though if you judge you then you’d get better. No, when you stop judging you, that’s when you get better. Everything that is time is a godzillion. And a godzillion is a number so big, only God knows. Will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Beryl: Yes. Melanie: Yes. Dain: Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds. Oh, that’s got a bit of energy to it. This goal thing is apparently stick – oh, my hand just moves as the energy does. I apologize. I know sometimes people are like, “What are you doing?” I’m like, “I don’t know. It’s not my fault. It just happens.” And I thought I was making an upbeat for and what would happen is I’d be working with somebody and all of a sudden, I’d looked down on my hand and it would be wriggling. I’m like,


“Well, guess I’m not making it up.” I would stop it if I could. It just moves when the energy does. So with this thing with the goals and the targets, if you can imagine no longer having to judge you for what you haven’t accomplished, for what you haven’t been, and realized that we bought this lie somewhere that judging us is somehow going to make us better. But it doesn’t. Judgment is a distractive force. Coming out of judgment, coming into creation, coming into question and choice and possibility and contribution, are creative forces. And that’s what I would suggest people do. Beryl: So now, we’re on a roll here, Dain. Can I just stop you here? Dain: Yes, please. Beryl: Because this is getting exciting. What I’ve just remembered is how I give myself a hard time for failing, for all the failures I’ve ever done. Could you do a quick thing on that? Dain: Absolutely. So let’s do this. So let me ask you a question. Did you truly fail or do you only fail at those things that you truly don’t deserve to succeed at? Beryl: Oh gosh. Dain: What’s true makes you feel lighter. Beryl: OK. Perhaps, I didn’t want them that badly. Dain: Well, and it’s not – if you look at it, like for example, I was working with a lady who had just lost her job and she said, “I’ve never been fired from a job before and I’m so scared and so depressed.” And I said, “Excuse me.” She went, “What?” I said, “Is this the same job that 12 months ago you were telling me you so wanted out of?” And I said, “Everything that does not light, leave it with total ease and your timing. Will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds.” where she answered, “Oh yeah!” And she smiled and started laughing. And I said, “Good. We’re going out for a champagne to celebrate.”


Because truly, if you look at it … Beryl: Yeah. Dain: OK? So everything you’ve done to judge that you’re a failure for making the things – for all the things that you actually didn’t want to succeed at for whatever reason whether they’re relationships, whether they’re jobs, will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Beryl: Yes. Dain: Time is a godzillion. Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD and POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. And everywhere where you bought that judgment of being a failure from anybody else, will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Beryl: Yes. Dain: Time is a godzillion, right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD and POC, shorts, boys, and beyonds. And everything you’re doing to try to validate other people’s realities with your choices, with your judgments of you as a failure, will you destroy and uncreate it, please? Beryl: Yes. Dain: Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts boys, and beyonds. Because unfortunately, one of the things we do rather dynamically is we validate other people’s realities with our lives which is kind of insane. But what we do is like let’s say, mom had the idea that money was a struggle. And I know we’re talking about money a lot but apparently somebody out there will benefit from this. Because – so let’s say, mom thought money was a struggle. Well, in order to not spit in her face and say, “Oh, your reality is wrong.” You make money a struggle even if it doesn’t have to be for you. And some people, they never get out of it. Some people, it takes them years to finally have a different choice. So how many people’s realities around money are you all listening and watching, how many people’s realities around money are you validating? Everything, that is. Time is a godzillion. Will you destroy and uncreate it, please?


Beryl: Yup. Dain: Right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds. So this is how this works. We ask a question like that and then we change it. That’s my favorite part is we don’t just talk about it and get ourselves more judgments and more confused. We change it along the way. And what that does is, it creates more space with each time you run this and then by the time you’re done with either a session or a class or something else, it’s like you have more clarity about the entire thing not less. Because what’s been keeping you from having clarity in the areas of your life are all these points of view and all these stuck places that we’ve – where we fix things in place and so that’s the way it had to be. This thing of validating other people’s realities is just one example. And if you start coming out of that then you can see, “Wait a minute. Oh, here’s another place where I do it.” And then you go, “We’ll POC and POD all that too.” And then, “Oh, here’s another place where – oh my gosh! I just did it this morning with my husband. We’ll POC and POD all that too.” And then all of a sudden, you walk around and you notice where you’re doing it and you have the tool to change it and then you find yourself one day, you’re not validating people’s realities, you’re actually creating your own and you don’t even know how you got there. Beryl: So here’s the thing then. So this is what other people talked about that we’re in too quite often. If you meet somebody, let’s say, you meet somebody who is very angry. Somebody very angry comes into your life. Is that – do you believe that is showing an aspect of you that’s got some unresolved anger? Could you just POD and podcast that? Dain: Yes, and I like the POD and podcast. That’s awesome. I like that. Beryl: That’s my own. Dain: We’re doing a new thing. That’s it. Like we’ll just have them downloadable on iTunes. POD and podcast, let’s do this thing. Let’s change the world. Download it. So it’s so funny that you brought up that particular example with that particular example because if you want to see me get angry, tell me that the universe is a freaking mirror. When people


tell me that, I just want to kick them somewhere. I’m like, “Give me some flash. Let me kick it.” Because – and why do I say that? Because it’s been so many things like that awareness that was once an awareness that’s been used as a legend against us. Just because somebody is coming into your life that’s angry doesn’t mean that all that you have anger, it means they have anger. That’s not your fault. That’s not your problem. Now, if then you go to look for, “How am I angry? Where is my suppressed anger?” What if it’s not true? So what I say always is ask a question. When somebody says this to me, if they say, “Oh well, that person came in to your life because you’re secretly angry.” And I ask, “Am I truly secretly angry? If it makes me feel lighter, I know it’s true. Even about something like that, if it makes me feel heavier, I know it’s not true. And so, I just go, “OK. Am I secretly angry or is this person just doing their own thing?” And what I found in working with people who have been invalidated by others, by others telling them the universe is a mirror. I’m like, “No, it is not.” If the universe were a mirror, things will look a lot different. There would actually be a lot more happiness for the people like you guys that are – and us guys, all of us that are actually the seekers of the world, there would be a lot more happiness in our world if the universe were a mirror because basically what we do unfortunately is we try to take on the pain and suffering of everybody else trying to make the world a better place because we haven’t seen any other options. Well now, we have some other options, POC and POD. And so, this thing about anger though is a big one and there is – so in Access, we have some totally different points of view about anger and also fear. See, fear doesn’t exist in my world anymore. And it used to run my life. I mean literally, I was starting my second chiropractic practice in Santa Barbara. I had moved out of first practice which was in Hollywood. Thank goodness. But I had – I was starting from scratch. And literally, the only thing I could think of doing was calling other people on the phone, other practitioners and creating some sort of referral system or something. And so, that’s what I did. And literally, I would pick up the phone and I would start shaking with fear because I didn’t know – all the things I didn’t know. I didn’t how I was going to make the freaking – and I


would literally start shaking and then I’d start crying. There’s a great picture of a doctor, right? But I had so much fear that this is what was going on for me at the time. And I would hang up the phone. It would take me an hour using the tools I had, this was prior to Access, take me an hour to get to the point where I could actually make the phone call. Now, I would make the freaking phone call, I got to tell you because I was not going to let that own me and I was not going to be stopped. But now, I don’t have fear at all. It does not exist in my world. So – and everybody that has come to Access that has actually used the tools that I’ve given them, it doesn’t exist in theirs either about anything from IRS audits, to car accidents, to relationships, to money, they don’t do fear. Even when the global financial crisis happened, the people who had been in Access any length of time and were using the tools, they didn’t have fear about it. In fact, most of them – some of them, their net worth went down but most of them, their income didn’t actually go down. Most of them, their income actually went up. Why? Well because they didn’t go into fear which meant they weren’t looking for how it was going to be bad and wrong. They were looking for, “Wow! What’s the possibility here that this is presenting? What’s it going to take to change this? And if I can change it, you never show me how and POD and POC everything that doesn’t allow it to happen.” So the – I want to say that about the fear thing because from my point of view, it’s so important because it runs so much of our lives. What if it didn’t have to anymore? What if instead, it’s like, you know what, enough? So I can tell you the three things about fear if you want, if you have any desire. Beryl: Sure. Melanie: Please. Beryl: Love to. Dain: OK. So one of the big ones is fear is actually excitement that you’ve misidentified and misapplied as fear. And you go, “What? What are you


talking about?” Well physiologically, fear and excitement are exactly the same. It’s our point of view that we attached to it where we go, “Oh my gosh, this is fear.” Like the lady who lost her job and called me, “I’m so afraid.” I said, “Are you afraid or are you excited?” She went, “Oh my gosh! I’m excited.” I know. You wanted to lose this job for a long time. You just didn’t have the courage to jump. They forced you to jump. And she went, “Oh my gosh! Yes, you’re right. So true.” And because she knows what’s true makes you feel lighter. I wasn’t trying to put a point of view on her. I was trying to let her know the lightness that could be there. So it’s either excitement that you’ve misidentified and misapplied as fear. And Gary tells a great story of being a 6-year-old and he was going to go on the Ferris wheel for the first time. And he’s pulling on his mommy’s skirt and he’s like jumping up and down pulling on her skirts and she looks down and goes, “No, don’t be afraid, dear.” And he was like, “Oh, this is fear.” It wasn’t until many years later that he realized it wasn’t. So fear, that’s one. The second one is it’s a case of who does this belong to. In other words, you’re actually picking it up somewhere from the world around you thinking it’s yours. So if – and here’s the way it works. When you have fear, you want to go through these three things of which I’ve given you two. First one, you ask yourself, is it fear or excitement? If it’s excitement, what will happen is it will get lighter and it won’t feel like fear anymore. If that’s what it is because what’s true makes you feel lighter and you’re actually acknowledging what’s true. And fear by the way is always a lie. So you ask, is this fear or excitement? If it changes, you’re done. If not, you ask, who does this belong to? If it lightens up and goes away, you’re done. If it doesn’t, there’s one more thing that we found that is rather interesting that we can use our friend POC and POD to change, and that is actually an implanted point of view. And I don’t know where you get the implants. I just know that they answer to implanted points of view. So fear is actually something called a distractor implant. It’s something designed to distract you from moving forward in your life so you stay running around in a circle. Now, I have no idea why. I have no idea how. I just know that it actually works. So what you do is if any of it is lingering after the first two things, you just go, “OK. So all the distractor implant is


creating this fear, POD and POC or right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys, and beyonds or all that stuff Dain said the other day and it will work.” So the three things about fear, it’s either excitement which is what it’s going to be most of the time, it’s somebody else’s, who does this belong to, or you POC and POD the distractor implants. And I know that can sound weird and I get it especially if people are watching this video, they’ve never heard of me, they’ve never done any of these processing, they’re like, “No! I’ve never done any of this.” I know it can sound weird but try it and see how it works. I mean if I could give you one gift in your life, if I could give you just one, it would be to get over fear because it’s something that runs the lives of the beautiful, amazing seekers of the world. Bye my friend. My friend is leaving. Melanie: OK. I know we’re running out of time. But quickly, in a nutshell, the Energetic Synthesis of Being, how is this different from what we’ve been talking about? I realized this is probably going to have to be another interview but … Dain: Yeah, that could be its own interview. But basically what it is, is that’s what I call that energy that came through when I first started working on Gary. And if you see some YouTube clips of people moving on the table like a dolphin, that’s the energy that is moving through. And it’s different every time for every person. But what it’s based on is there’s an acoustic wave that connects us all. Science tells us that we’re all interconnected now which I think is really interesting. If you talk – if you go to further stand of physics and explore string theory, they talk about this concept of quantum entanglements in which literally, we’re all interconnected based on these quantum entanglements if you don’t realized that it’s actually consciousness emotion, OK? Whatever it is, whatever you want to call it, consciousness, us, oneness, God, whatever works for you. But basically, it’s using that energy of the connection to all things to undo where we’ve created ourselves as separate, to undo where we’ve created solidities in our bodies, to undo where we’ve created solidities in our lives because we shouldn’t have to have those. And that’s what it does.


And part of the beauty of it is it’s like sometimes you’ll be around somebody who – have you ever – like do you have anybody in your life that sees you with absolutely no judgment? That doesn’t think you should be any different? Beryl: Melanie. Dain: Yeah, right? So you guys are that for each other. I mean, what a gift. And what’s it like just being in Melanie’s presence? It’s like the weight of the world feels like it comes off of your shoulders and finally, you know you’re not wrong. It’s not just a feeling although it is a feeling too. It’s just a knowing from your inside and your outside, it’s through your core that you’re not wrong anymore. Well, imagine being able to gift someone that energy energetically? And help undo all of their wrongnesses and all the places where they’ve just thought they’re a living wrongness and have locked it into their body and locked it into their lives and locked out possibilities. For me, that’s what this ESB energy is and it’s different every time. Melanie: So, is that what – so this is clearly different from Access Consciousness or is it the intention of it? Dain: It is. It’s actually part of Access Consciousness. Melanie: So you would probably start with that. Dain: Actually, you can – here’s the thing. Access Consciousness is kind of like a mirror. You can jump on whenever you want and jump off whenever you want. Actually, Energetic Synthesis of Being, the only class you can actually get to of that is a taster which is like a 3-hour evening class. You probably want to start with the Bars. If you’re going to start with the class, either the bars or a specialty class on a particular subject like we have classes where we unlock the issues around sex and relationship, classes where we unlock the issues around money, around body. Either – so I suggest, you either start with the Bars or one of the specialty classes to unlock that or – and then from Bars, there’s foundation, there’s level one, there’s level two, level three. And after level three, you can actually come to an ESB class.


Melanie: OK. Dain: Because – but there’s – oh, I forgot. One of the biggest classes that I teach is called Being You, Changing the World. Melanie: OK. Dain: Yeah. Beryl: Yeah. Tell us about that. You’re coming to London in March 2013, which is a few weeks away. Dain: Yeah. Melanie: We will come to see you. Dain: Yeah, come and see me. Beryl: We’re coming. We’re going to – we are coming. Dain: Awesome. I am thrilled and I am very looking forward to meeting you in person. That’s great. OK. You just excited me. So let me tell you – I’ll tell you. Beryl: Yeah, tell us about it. Tell us what we’re going to get there. Dain: OK. So that particular class is an intro evening. It will be two to three hours. I will have a table up there. I’ll be pulling a few people out of the audience and working on them to share this acoustic wave with everyone. And when I’m working on the person on the table, it’s amazing how often people in the audience feel it in their bodies or feel a shift in their bodies as this person’s body shifts. And what it is, is it’s part of the gift that we are and can be for each other that we know somewhere but we haven’t seen a way of actually being here. And so what happens is I use my awareness and my awareness of the beauty and the possibility of that person is to actually share that, “Yeah, I don’t have to destroy me anymore. I don’t have to hide me anymore. And I can actually truly be who I know I am and haven’t yet been willing to be.”


And also, when you realized that there are people in the world that won’t judge you. There are people in the world that see the greatness of you and honor and acknowledge that greatness and are grateful for that showing up. And you start to realize, “Wow! Maybe I’m not in wrongness anymore.” And your whole life can change. Melanie: So that’s the intro you’ll be doing in London. Does this mean that you’ll be coming back to do something fuller? Dain: Boy, I hope so. I’m doing the intro in London. And I’m actually – the Being You, Changing the World class is – there’s a three and a half day class that I deliver as the Being You, Changing the World class which actually includes the Access Bars class. But I’m doing one day classes throughout Europe, both in March and April and also again, in May or June. And one day classes on particular topics, money, relationship, future, bodies. And so, I’m doing one day classes on particular topics. The closest one to you will actually be in Ireland and I have no idea when that is. But there are several of them throughout Europe. Melanie: Well, we’ll find out and post that beneath the video. Dain: Thank you. Melanie: But we certainly need to make sure you start doing something here. Dain: I like that idea. Melanie: OK. We’ll talk later. Beryl: Yeah. Dain: OK. It’s a deal. Beryl: And I think we’ve extracted a promise or promises from you to come back and talk about more of these topics with us. Melanie: I mean you will do that, won’t you?


Dain: It would be greatest pleasure. Melanie: In the next month? Dain: I would love to. Beryl: Yeah. Melanie: OK. We’ll set that up. OK. We realized … Beryl: We better let you go. OK. So we just need to do a little outro. Melanie: OK. So – oh, your website. Can you just tell the public where they can find out more about you, websites, et cetera? Dain: Absolutely. You can go to And there are two free video series that I’ve created. One is called the Tour of Consciousness. And it’s just a tool that I share with you every couple of weeks from my tour around the world, if you will, from my travels around the world. And it’s part of my way of paying back what I’ve gotten from the universe that had made life so much fun to live. And it’s amazing how many times somebody will send me an email and go, “Oh my gosh! This was just what I was going through. How did you know? I’m like, “I know. It’s great. And we’re all interconnected, right? So there is that free videos series and then there’s one called Being You. It’s a Being You video series and it’s got some of the basic Access tools. In fact, in the order that I use them to change my life 13 years ago and how I did it and some story in my own conversation about that. And then – so you will get one tool and I’ll be back in your inbox a few days letter with another one and another one. And it’s designed to get you – to give you a running start to change the things you want to change in your life. And so, those are two free things that are there that are my contribution to you because these tools have changed so much in my life. And for the people that used them, they truly do make things a lot easier. So please, it’s Go there and check it out. You can also connect with me on Facebook, And also, you can go to – on Twitter, it’s dr_dainheer. So please, connect. I would love to connect with


you. Let’s change the world together. Let’s have a good time doing it. Let’s play more. Let people know it’s possible. Melanie: And we’ll certainly hold you to being back here next month. Beryl: Yes. Dain: Yes, I love it. Absolutely. I’m looking forward to it. Melanie: OK. Just to wrap up … Dain: You’re both wonderful. Melanie: Excellent. Beryl: Sorry, Dain. Dain: I would just like to say thank you to you both. You truly are wonderful. And your sense of humor also is a wonderful thing, may I say. Beryl: It’s pretty essential. Melanie: We enjoyed it. OK. So just to wrap up, thank you all for tuning in to today’s episode of I’d like to just make a comment. If you are watching this episode on our site, then please comment in the box below, somewhere below my finger and leave any comments and thoughts and I’m sure Dain will be willing to answer any questions you might have. If you are watching this on YouTube, then please be sure to press the subscribe button. It’s somewhere up here. And please subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you are listening to this on iTunes, please subscribe to our podcast channel and please do leave a review. If you are watching this on social media, please share this with your friends. You’ll find us at

31 Lastly, wherever you’re listening to this episode from, if you haven’t done so already, please just shoot over to our main site and join our newsletter for updates and content by adding your name and email. So, thank you all for tuning in. Remember to come back for our next episode of Wired for Success where we’ll be mastering the seven areas of life. So from myself, Melanie Gabriel and my wonderful co-host, Beryl Thomas, and the wonderful Dain Heer, we wish you farewell. And say bye everyone. Beryl: Goodbye and thank you. Dain: Bye everyone. Thank you. Beryl: POD and podcast to everything.


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