Academic Writing Ahnadbook For International Students Third Edition... Answer Key

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Decide if the following ideas about time management are true or false: (a) Essay deadlines are often several months after the course starts. (T/F) (b) The best way to plan an assignment is to use some kind of wall chart. (T/F) (c) Reading and note-making often take longer than writing. (T/F) (d) The best time to study is after midnight. (T/F) (e) Its a good idea to make time every day to relax with friends. (T/F) Part 1 The writing process This follows the process of writing from the reading stage through to proof-read ing. Part 2 Elements of writing The key writing skills, organised alphabetically from argument to working in gro ups. Part 3 Accuracy in writing This section revises and practises areas of grammar and vocabulary, again arrang ed alphabetically, from abbreviations to verb tenses. Part 4 Writing models Gives examples of letters and emails, CVs, reports, case studies and longer essa ys. In fact, all of these are true except for (d): its better to study during the day and then get a good nights sleep. The key point is to schedule the work for each task week by week, so that you allocate time for drafting, re-writing and proof-reading. By doing this you will avoid the last-minute panic that leads to poor marks and having to re-take courses. Using the book The book can be used either with a teacher or for self-study and reference. Each unit contains practice exercises that can be checked using the answer key on the website. For ease of use it is divided into the following sections: To help you get the most out of this course, note the following points:

 Instructions are printed in a display type, for example:   List  List your ideas below  Links to relevant units are shown like this:   See  See Unit 4.5 Writing longer essays

These links help you to find extra information, but do not have to be read in order to complete the exercises.  Extra practice in some areas is provided on the Academic Writing website ( ( This is shown by: @ Referencing>  Answers are provided for most exercises on the website. If no definite answer can be given, an example answer is usually offered.  The index can be used to locate specific information. The glossary explains academic terms that you may not be familiar with.  WARNING! Every semester many students lose vital written work because of lost or broken laptops. Make a habit of backing up your files onto a memory stick at least once a day. Thousands of students have already found that Academic Writing helps them to write more clearly and effectively. This new edition has been developed using their feedback and ideas, and I would be very glad to receive comments and suggestions on any aspect of the book to help develop further editions. Stephen Bailey 1EEE 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 9 10 1 2 EEE3 4 5 62222 7 82 9 20 1 2 3 4 5EEE 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 36222 xvii Introduction for students

  How  How much do you know about academic writing? Find out by doing this fun quiz. 1 The main difference between academic writing and normal writing is that academic writing: (a) uses longer words (b) tries to be precise and unbiased (c) is harder to understand 2 The difference between a project and an essay is: (a) essays are longer (b) projects are longer (c) students choose projects topics 3 Teachers complain most about students: (a) not answering the question given (b) not writing enough (c) not referencing properly 4 The best time

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